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Abstract and Figures

Uterine receptivity for implantation of an embryo is regulated by ovarian hormone estrogen. When function of the hormone is disrupted, for example by anti-estrogenic substances, the implantation process may also be disrupted. Some types of plants, including nut grass, have been known to contain anti-estrogenic compounds. The research aimed to determine the anti-estrogenic effect of tuber extract of Cyperus rotundus on the endometrial thickness of mice (Mus musculus L). By using a completely randomized design, 18 of healthy female mice, aged 3-4 months, weighing 30-40 g were grouped into three each consisted of six mice. Group-1 is mice that are given distilled water as a control. Group-2 is mice treated with anti-estrogenic drug tamoxifen of 0.16 mg/40g body weight. Group-3 is mice given tuber extract of nut garss at a dose of 135mg/40g body weight. The treatment were given once daily for 14 days. On the day 15 all mice were sacrificed, the womb was dissected to be made histological slides of uterus. The result is either tamoxifen 0.16mg/40g body weight as well as tuber extract of nut grass 135 mg/40g body weight are significantly reduce the thickness of endometrium compared with that of
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Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
Hendri Busman1, Yanwirasti2, Jamsari3, Djong Hon Tjong4, Mohammad Kanedi1*
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
Lampung, Indonesia.
2Department of Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas,
3Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Andalas, Indonesia.
4Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
Andalas, Indonesia.
Article Received on 02/11/2016 Article Revised on 23/11/2016 Article Accepted on 13/12/2016
Uterine receptivity for implantation of an embryo is regulated by
ovarian hormone estrogen. When function of the hormone is disrupted,
for example by anti-estrogenic substances, the implantation process
may also be disrupted. Some types of plants, including nut grass, have
been known to contain anti-estrogenic compounds. The research aimed
to determine the anti-estrogenic effect of tuber extract of Cyperus
rotundus on the endometrial thickness of mice (Mus musculus L). By using a completely
randomized design, 18 of healthy female mice, aged 3-4 months, weighing 30-40 g were
grouped into three each consisted of six mice. Group-1 is mice that are given distilled water
as a control. Group-2 is mice treated with anti-estrogenic drug tamoxifen of 0.16 mg/40g
body weight. Group-3 is mice given tuber extract of nut garss at a dose of 135mg/40g body
weight. The treatment were given once daily for 14 days. On the day 15 all mice were
sacrificed, the womb was dissected to be made histological slides of uterus. The result is
either tamoxifen 0.16mg/40g body weight as well as tuber extract of nut grass 135 mg/40g
body weight are significantly reduce the thickness of endometrium compared with that of
wjpls, 2016, Vol. 2, Issue 6, 341-347.
Research Article
ISSN 2454-2229
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
SJIF Impact Factor: 3.347
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Mohammad Kanedi
Department of Biology,
Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences,
University of Lampung,
Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
control. Thus it can be concluded that the tuber extract of C. rotundus has anti-estrogenic
effects on the endometrial thickness of mice.
KEYWORDS: Cyperus rotundus, nut grass, tamoxifen, antiestrogenic effect, endometrial
Implantation involves interaction between the blastocyst and the uterine endometrium that
goes through a series of unique stages[1] on a right time and place.[2] The end stages of the
implantation is the invasion of blastocyst into the maternal tissues, from which the embryo
obtain nutrients essential to life and development.[3] Uterine receptivity for implantation of an
embryo is regulated by ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone. Several cytokines and
growth factors also play an important role in embryo implantation under the influence of
ovarian hormones. As some of the molecules involved in the interaction between the embryo
and maternal tissue during the implantation process takes place. It has also been known that,
if the function of these molecules during implantation failure, the implantation is also
impaired, and even lead to infertility.[4] Biochemical and molecular aspects of the
endometrium is strongly associated with the ability of embryo implantation. In an
endometrial biopsy there was molecules known to be associated with the endometrial
response. A number of factors could cause interference with the implantation, low receptivity
of endometrium will lead implantation failure.[5,6] One of the causes of the implantation
failure is biochemical and molecular disruption in endometrium.[7] In addition,
malfunctioning of the endometrium can be caused by antiestrogenic compounds that known
to be contained in the nut grass Cyperus rotundus.[8] Antiestrogenic drugs often used in the
treatment of breast cancer, because physiologically estrogen stimulate normal breast growth.
Antiestrogen acted by modifying or antagonize the action of estrogen and among the
antiestrogenic drugs is tamoxifen.[9] A study to compare the effect of estrogen with
antiestrogen reported by Papaconstantinou et al.[10] showed that the estrogen compounds
causing increases the weight of uterus, on the contrary anti-estrogen made the uterine weight
decreased. Antiestrogen is substances that fight or lessen the effects of estrogen and able to
eliminate a part or the whole action of estrogen.
To ascertain the antiestrogenic effects of crude extract of nut grass plant (Cyperus rotundus)
on the uterine wall thickness, methanolic tuber extract of the plant has been applied to female
mice for 14 days.
Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
Plant Samples and Extraction
The samples of nut grass plant (Cyperus rotundus L.) were collected from suburbs Bandar
Lampung. To prepare simplicia, fresh tubers of the grass which has been previously washed
were sun dried. Once dry, the tubers were ground to be a powder form. Then, by using
Soxhlet apparatus the simplicia was extracted using methanol solvent at the temperature of
35oC and the rotation of 60 rpm for 60 minutes.
Experimental Mice and Treatment
Female Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus L.) aged 3-4 moths, weighing 30-40 grams were
used for the study. The animals and the food pellets were obtained from Lampung Veterinary
Center, Indonesia. Mice were housed in a room at the temperature of 25°C and 12:12-hour
light-dark cycle with free access to water and pellets ad libitum. All animal care and
treatment procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Lampung, Indonesia.
By using a completely randomized design, the animals grouped into three consisted of six
rats each. Group-1 is mice that are given distilled water as a control. Group-2 is mice treated
with anti-estrogenic drug tamoxifen of 0.16 mg/40g body weight. Group-3 is mice given
tuber extract of nut grass at a dose of 135mg/40g body weight. The treatment were given
once daily for 14 days. By the day 15, after being deeply anesthetized using chloroform, all
mice were sacrificed, the womb was dissected to be made histological slides of uterus.
Study Parameters and Data Analysis
Study parameters assessed in this study is the thickness of endometrial layers of the uterine
wall. The data are presented as Mean ± SD and analyzed statistically using a one-way
ANOVA. Least Significance Difference (LSD) test was used as the post hoc test. All of the
statistics that were applied are programmed in SPSS version 21.
The descriptive data of the effects of tamoxifen and tuber extract of C. rotundus on thickness
of endometrial layers of mice uterine wall are presenterd in Table 1. The results of analysis of
variance (ANOVA) of the data in the Table 1 are tabulated in Table 2.
Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
Table 1: The descriptive data of the effects of tamoxifen and tuber extract of C.
rotundus on thickness of endometrial layers of mice uterine wall.
Table 2: The results of Analysis of Variance.
Adj SS
Adj MS
As the F-value of the ANOVA (=34.5) and the P-value <0.01 it can be suggested that the
difference between groups of treatment is highly significant. By using Least Significant
Difference (LSD) against the above descriptive data resulted in the lower bound of
LSD=16.046 and the upper bound=22.191. The notation of the difference of mean values
between the treatments are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: The difference of mean thickenss of endometrium between treatment group of
Notes: ** mean highly significant different at P<0.01
‘ns’ mean not significant different at P>0.05
Based on the results of statistical test above, it can be affirmed that both tamoxifen and tuber
extract of nut grass effectively reduce the thickness of the endometrial layers of uterine wall
of mice.
The endometrial surface consists of mucosal epithelial cells, which its main function to
facilitate implantation of an embryo.[11] The endometrial receptivity determined by the
molecular and genetic markers in the form of cytokines, growth factors, transcription factors
Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
and ovarium hormones, such progesterone, the most essential for implantation and pregnancy
of all mammals, as well as the specific estrogen hormones.[12, 4] In this study, tuber extract of
C. rotundus showed antiestrogenic effect on reducing thickness of the endometrial lining and
caused no proliferation on endometrial epithelial cells. It was allegedly due to the absence of
estrogen influence on the endometrium which imply that tuber extract of C.rotundus possess
an anti estrogenic activity. Estrogen is required for the proliferation of uterine epithelial cells
and enhance the action of progesterone through the induction of progesterone receptor genes.
The progesterone plays a role in controlling proliferation, differentiation, maintenance of
endometrial stroma, glandular and myometrial cells.[12]
The syntesis of progesterone by corpus luteum will stimulate proliferation and diffentiation of
stroma cells. Furthermore, implantation of an embryo the will promote secretion of estradiol-
17β that in turn stimulate proliferation and differentiation of the uterine epithelial cells.[13]
It was also suggested that the endometrium may undergo histological changes, such as
vascularization of the endometrium, development of endocrine glands and pinopod to be
luminal surface of the epithelium.[14] These changes are known as morphological changes
due to the influence of the endometrial estrogen and progesterone.[15] A series action of
estrogen and progesterone of endometrium will result in secretion of epithelial gland and a
series of decidual transformation in the stroma cells.[16] Estrogen and progesterone are
important for regulating the uterine receptivity to embryo development and the success of
pregnancy. The differentiation of stromal cells into decidual cells is responded by the
progesterone hormone during the decidualization process, which is characterized by
morphological changes and prolactin secretion.[17] Finally endometrium undergo
morphological and functional changes, including growth, differentiation and desquamation.
Finally endometrium undergo morphological and functional changes, including growth,
differentiation and desquamation. Simultaneously physiological changes initiated in
preparation for endometrial receptivity and control the invasion of cells tropoblas in the mid-
secretory phase of implantation process.[18]
Either tamoxifen as well as tuber extract of nut grass equally give effect in reducing
endometrial thickness of mice. Thus it can be concluded that tuber methanolic extract of C
rotundus allegedly possess antiestrogenic activities and potentially as an antiimplatation drug.
Kanedi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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... In addition to the above, studies have also uncovered the anti-allergic (Jin et al. 2011), antidiabetic ( Raut and Gaikwad 2006;Lemaure et al. 2007;Singh et al. 2015;Majeed et al. 2022), antihemolytic (Kilani et al. 2005a), antimalarial (Weenen et al. 1990a(Weenen et al. , 1990bThebtaranonth et al. 1995), antimutagenic (Kilani et al. 2005a), apoptotic (Kilani et al. 2008a(Kilani et al. , 2008bSoumaya et al. 2014), estrogenic (Hendri et al. 2016;Park et al. 2019), repellent against mosquito (Singh et al. 2009;Al-Massarani et al. 2016), lactogenic (Badgujar and Bandivdekar 2015), against urinary tract infection (Sharma et al. 2014) and diuretic effects (Sripanidkulchai et al. 2001) of C. rotundus. ...
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Cyperus rotundus L. has been widely used in the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases in traditional systems of medicine around the world, such as nervous, gastrointestinal systems diseases and inflammation. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), its rhizomes are frequently used to treat liver disease, stomach pain, breast tenderness, dysmenorrheal and menstrual irregularities. The review is conducted to summarize comprehensively the plant’s vernacular names, distribution, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and analytical methods, along with the data mining for TCM prescriptions containing C. rotundus. Herein, 552 compounds isolated or identified from C. rotundus were systematically collated and classified, concerning monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, phenolics and phenolic glycosides, triterpenoids and steroids, diterpenoids, quinonoids, alkaloids, saccharides and others. Their pharmacological effects on the digestive system, nervous system, gynecological diseases, and other bioactivities like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, insect repellent, anti-microbial activity, etc. were summarized accordingly. Moreover, except for the data mining on the compatibility of C. rotundus in TCM, the separation, identification and analytical methods of C. rotundus compositions were also systematically summarized, and constituents of the essential oils from different regions were re-analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis. In addition, the toxicological study progresses on C. rotundus revealed the safety property of this herb. This review is designed to serve as a scientific basis and theoretical reference for further exploration into the clinical use and scientific research of C. rotundus. Graphical Abstract
... Tuber extract of C. rotundus showed antiestrogenic effect on reducing thickness of the endometrial lining and caused no proliferation on endometrial epithelial cells (18 (21). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of constituent drugs helps in sroto shodhana and garbhasaya shodhana, thereby reducing inflammation and uterine congestion. ...
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Menstruation plays an important role in women’s life to get a healthy progeny. The first menstruation (menarche) occurs between 11 and 15 years with a mean of 13 years. The normal duration of menstruation is 4-5 days with at intervals of 21-35 days. Any deviation from this, causes a great impact on the quality of a woman’s physical, emotional, social and reproductive life. The word Asrigdhara is characterised by excessive, prolonged, menstrual or inter-menstrual bleeding in ayurvedic classics. According to sign & symptoms, Asrigdhara can be closely correlated with dysfunctional uterine bleeding (D.U.B). DUB is reported to occur in 9 to 14 % women between menarche and menopause. It is mostly found in extremes of the age i.e in adolescents and peri-menopausal age group due to dysfunction of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian axis but can also be found in reproductive age also. In India, the reported prevalence of AUB is around 17.9% (1). The incidence of DUB varies according to age and parity. For the present study “Pradarahara Kasaya” (2) which is a combination of 10 drugs namely Khadira, Chandan, Bala, Asana, Sariva, Vasa, Japa, Musta, Shalmali and Amalaki were taken in the form of granules which are easy palatable. Diagnosis is confirmed by the complaints described by the patients. Assessment has been done before and after treatment. In present study, it is observed that Pradarahara kasaya has provided significant relief in all the symptoms of Asrigdhara.
... This phytochemical is an agonist and antagonist in the estrogen receptor (antiestrogenic). Therefore, if the fetus is exposed to antiestrogenic compounds from the grass extract, there will be bone retardation and weight loss [31,32]. ...
... The infusion of this herb is also commonly used in relieving pain, fever, diarrhea, dysentery, and other intestinal problems. [3,4] Biomedical test of this plant tuber extracts showed that tuber extract of C. rotundus has antiestrogenic effects on endometrial thickness [5] and proven to cause fetal skeleton retardation in mice. [6] The chemical composition of the volatile oils of this plant has been extensively studied and four chemotypes (H-, K-, M-O-types) of the essential oils distilled from C. rotundus grown in different parts of Asia have been reported. ...
... The infusion of this herb is also commonly used in relieving pain, fever, diarrhea, dysentery, and other intestinal problems. [3,4] Biomedical test of this plant tuber extracts showed that tuber extract of C. rotundus has antiestrogenic effects on endometrial thickness [5] and proven to cause fetal skeleton retardation in mice. [6] The chemical composition of the volatile oils of this plant has been extensively studied and four chemotypes (H-, K-, M-O-types) of the essential oils distilled from C. rotundus grown in different parts of Asia have been reported. ...
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The success rate of several advanced basic and clinical techniques in the field of mammalian biotechnology, including cloning, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, and assisted reproductive techniques (ART) depends mainly on the success rate of pregnancy following in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). The techniques used in ART have advanced considerably since the first in vitro fertilization birth in 1978. However, despite these advances, pregnancy rates are still relatively low and have not increased significantly in the last decade. Based on the facts that embryo implantation is considered as the last barrier in ART and that inadequate endometrial receptivity is responsible for approximately two-thirds of implantation failures, intensive research work has been performed to understand the physiology, regulation, and the clinical assessments of the endometrial receptivity to improve the success rate of IVF-ET. This and the ongoing reviews tend to cover the different aspects of the endometrial receptivity mainly in human model. The present part of this series primarily concerns with biochemical and molecular events in the endometrium coordinated within its receptivity period termed as the window of implantation. Successive sections will deal with its ultrastructural changes, biomarkers, clinical assessments and regulators of endometrium within the window of implantation.
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The in vitro antioxidant activity of the roots and rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus L. has been investigated by estimating degree of non-enzymatic haemoglobin glycosylation, measured colorimetrically at 520 nm. The ethanol extract of the roots and rhizomes of C. rotundus showed higher activity, than other extracts of it. The antioxidant activity of the extracts are close and identical in magnitude, and comparable to that of standard antioxidant compounds used.
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Successful implantation is an absolute requirement for the reproduction of species, including humans. The process by which a foreign blastocyst is accepted by the maternal endometrium is complex and requires interplay of many systems. Implantation occurs during the putative implantation window, in which the maternal endometrium is ready to accept the blastocyst, which on the other hand, also plays a specific role. It produces cytokines and chemokines and expresses adhesion molecules and certain classes of MHC molecules. We review the most important players in implantation. Concerning the cytokines, the establishment of controlled aggression is key; an excess of pro- or anti-inflammation is detrimental to pregnancy outcome. Chemokines control the orientation of the embryo. The adhesion molecules are necessary to establish the required physical interaction between mother and blastocyst. Finally, immune cells and in particular, uterine NK and regulatory T cells are pivotal in inducing tolerance to the blastocyst. The aim of this review is to discuss mechanisms at play and their relative importance to the establishment of pregnancy.
. Tamoxifen, toremifene, DHEA, and vorozole inhibit tumor growth in rodent mammary carcinoma models and are promising chemotherapeutic agents for use against breast cancer development. In the present study, the effect of these agents on uterine histomorphology following oral administration to mature ovary-intact rats (n = 380) was examined. Animals received diet only (control), tamoxifen (0.4 and 1 mg/kg of diet; 10 mg/kg BW by daily gavage), toremifene (3–30 mg/kg of diet), DHEA (24–2000 mg/kg of diet), or vorozole (0.08–1.25 mg/kg BW by daily gavage) for 28 days and were either sacrificed or returned to a basal diet and then sacrificed 21 days later. Treatment with toremifene (all doses) or tamoxifen (1 and 10 mg/kg) for 28 days produced a decrease (P < 0.05) in overall uterine size and myometrial thickness; however, uterine luminal and glandular epithelia cell height increased (P < 0.05) compared with control. These compartmentalized uterotrophic and antiestrogenic effects of toremifene and tamoxifen were still apparent after 21 days post-treatment. Administration of DHEA (2000 mg/kg of diet) for 28 days had dramatic uterotrophic effects, increasing (P < 0.05) overall uterine size and stimulating all three uterine compartments (epithelia, stroma, and myometrium). The other doses of DHEA, however, were not uterotrophic. Interestingly, after removal of DHEA from the diet, uterine weight and myometrial thickness decreased (P < 0.05). Vorozole (1.25 mg/kg) administration for 28 days had differential, compartmentalized uterine effects, producing an increase (P < 0.05) in epithelial cell height, a decrease (P < 0.05) in stromal size, but no change in myometrial thickness. After 21 days postadministration of vorozole, luminal epithelial cell height was increased (P < 0.05) compared with control. The data suggest that oral administration of tamoxifen, toremifene, DHEA, and vorozole results in differential, compartmentalized effects in the uterus that are highly dependent on treatment dose. The data may have implications for risk assessment of these agents prior to administration to healthy, cancer-free women.
Modern reproductive biology encompasses every level of biological study from genomics to ecology, encompassing cell biology, biochemistry, endocrinology and general physiology. All of these disciplines require basic knowledge, both as a tool and as an essential aid to a fundamental understanding of the principles of life in health and disease. Overall, molecular biology is central to scientific studies in all living matter, impacting disciplines such as medicine, related health sciences, veterinary, agriculture and environmental sciences. In Reproductive Endocrinology: A Molecular Approach, the basic biochemistry of nucleic acids and proteins are reviewed. Methodologies used to study signaling and gene regulation in the endocrine/reproductive system are also discussed. Topics include mechanisms of hormone action and several endocrine disorders affecting the reproductive system. Professionals in the medical, veterinary and animal sciences fields will find exciting and stimulating material enhancing the breadth and quality of their research. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009. All rights reserved.
Changes in human endometrium are essential to allow the establishment of pregnancy. These changes are induced in vivo by progesterone, and include appearance within the tissue of a specific uterine natural killer cell, characterized by an abundant expression of CD56. Changes also occur in the stromal cells, which undergo a characteristic decidualization reaction. Decidualized stromal cells are derived from the fibroblast-like cells within the endometrium, which maintain their progesterone receptors in the presence of progesterone. Prolonged exposure to progesterone induces a rounded cell characterized by release of prolactin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), and expression of tissue factor. Additional changes include the secretion of interleukin (IL)-15, vascular endothelial growth factor, and surface expression of zinc dependent metalloproteinases such as CD10 and CD13. In vitro, elevated intracellular cAMP as well as progesterone is necessary for decidualization. In vivo, these conditions may be provided by progesterone from the corpus luteum, by prostaglandin E, a stimulator of adenyl cyclase, and relaxin, which has recently been shown to be a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Given the co-distribution of uterine natural killer cells and decidualized stromal cells, a mutual interaction might provide the correct regulatory environment for successful implantation, and penetration of the maternal blood vessels by trophoblastic cells.
The endometrium undergoes morphological and functional changes during the menstrual cycle which are essential for uterine receptivity. These changes are driven by estrogen and progesterone and involve the fine control of many different genes-several of which have been identified as being epigenetically regulated. Epigenetic modification may therefore influence the functional changes in the endometrium required for successful implantation. There is, however, only limited information on epigenetic regulation in endometrium. We review the potential role of epigenetic regulation of key processes during the menstrual cycle and present our own findings following a preliminary study into global acetylation levels in the human endometrium. A changing epigenetic state is associated with the differentiation of stem cells into different lineages and thus may be involved in endometrial regeneration. Histone acetylation is implicated in the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway during angiogenesis, and studies using histone deacetylase inhibitors suggest an involvement in endometrial proliferation and differentiation. The processes of decidualization and implantation are also associated with epigenetic change and epigenetic modulators show variable expression across the menstrual cycle. Our own studies found that endometrial global histone acetylation, as determined by western blotting, changed throughout the menstrual cycle and correlated well with expected transcription activity during the different phases. This suggests that epigenetics may be involved in the regulation of endometrial gene expression during the menstrual cycle and that abnormal epigenetic modifications may therefore be associated with implantation failure and early pregnancy loss as well as with other endometrial pathologies.
Ultrastructural changes in the plasma membrane of uterine epithelial cells in the pseudopregnant rat were examined to determine if these changes resemble those found during normal pregnancy and also to examine if the well-known membrane alterations of early pregnancy are intrinsic to uterine epithelial cells. Changes in the surface contours of uterine epithelial cells from the afternoon of day 6 to the morning of day 9 of pseudopregnancy were similar to those present after attachment in normal pregnancy although somewhat delayed. The presence of short, irregular microvilli was seen from as early as day 7 of pseudopregnancy, with regular microvilli returning to the epithelial surface by days 8-9 of pseudopregnancy but to a slightly lesser extent as compared to normal pregnancy. Furthermore, observations made on the afternoon of day 6 to the morning of day 7 of pseudopregnancy showed that the uterine lumen was closed down and that complete membrane flattening between opposing uterine epithelial cells was seen all along the uterus in the absence of a blastocyst. These observations establish that the "plasma membrane transformation" does not depend on blastocyst implantation.
The most profound changes in the relationship of the trophoblast to endometrial tissues occur in the first 5 days after the initiation of implantation. Not only have the earliest stages--adhesion and epithelial penetration--never been seen in the human, but also the trophoblastic plate and lacunar stages that follow are not available for modern investigative methods. Studies of appropriately timed endometrium and of trophoblast- and endometrium-derived cell lines have important implications for aspects of implantation. Use of nonhuman primates and other animal models for appropriate stages in implantation could further our understanding of direct trophoblast-uterine interactions. The mechanisms involved in epithelial penetration by infiltration of the syncytial trophoblast into the uterine luminal epithelium could be studied profitably using the marmoset or the ferret. Drawing of the blastocyst into an interstitial location might be investigated in the guinea pig. Formation of trophoblastic lacunae can be investigated in the cynomolgus monkey. By using such animal models of events of implantation in situ, implications concerning the molecules involved in adhesion, penetration of junctional complexes, and uterine vessel invasion that have been derived from in vitro or murine studies may be placed in context.