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Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Lisa Legault
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA
Intrinsic motivation interest, enjoyment, inher-
ent satisfaction
Extrinsic motivation instrumental motivation,
noninherent motivation
Intrinsic motivation (IM) refers to engagement in
behavior that is inherently satisfying or enjoyable.
IM is noninstrumental in nature, that is, intrinsi-
cally motivated action is not contingent upon any
outcome separable from the behavior itself.
Rather, the means and end are one and the same.
For example, a child may play outdoors running,
skipping, jumping for no other reason than
because it is fun and innately satisfying.
Conversely, Extrinsic motivation (EM) refers
to performance of behavior that is fundamentally
contingent upon the attainment of an outcome that
is separable from the action itself. In other words,
EM is instrumental in nature. It is performed in
order to attain some other outcome. For instance,
a teenager might wash dishes at home in order to
receive an allowance. Similarly, a student may
study for a test in order to receive an
A. Extrinsic motivation is multidimensional and
varies from completely external (e.g., washing
dishes to get an allowance) to completely internal
(e.g., engaging in recycling because one perceives
oneself to be an environmentally responsible
Introduction: The Intrinsic-Extrinsic
Early research on intrinsic motivation (IM) began
with the investigation into how extrinsic rewards
affected intrinsic motivation for an interesting
task. Initial studies found that if an individual
engaged freely in an activity (out of interest) and
was subsequently offered an external reward such
as money (Deci 1971) or points (Lepper
et al. 1973) for engaging in that activity, then
intrinsic motivation toward the activity declined.
Although these initial ndings were controversial
because they challenged operant theories of
behavioral reinforcement, a subsequent meta-
analysis afrmed that when extrinsic rewards are
expected and tangible, they indeed undermine
intrinsic motivation for an activity (Deci
et al. 1999). The main reason for this undermining
effect is because extrinsic rewards tend to shift the
individuals reasons for performing the behavior
from internal (e.g., interest, fun) to external (e.g.,
to receive the reward), thus changing the source of
the motivation and locus of causality for action.
#Springer International Publishing AG 2016
V. Zeigler-Hill, T.K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1139-1
Although intrinsic motivation is considered the
most optimal form of motivation and is associated
with various benets including enjoyment, per-
sistence, and psychological well-being (Deci and
Ryan 2008), extrinsic motivators are sometimes
thought to be helpful to promote action for behav-
iors that are not intrinsically interesting (e.g.,
recycling, doing homework, obeying trafc
laws). In other words, the desire to entice or com-
pel people to comply with standards of socially
desirable behavior is sometimes at odds with the
preservation and promotion of individual auton-
omy and intrinsic motivation. Mounting evidence
suggests, however, that despite the initial ease and
allure of extrinsic motivators, they carry a sub-
stantive cost to learning and the development of
autonomous self-sustaining behavior (Kohn
1999). After all, the use of incentives and rewards
to motivate people decreases the likelihood that
genuine interest and self-generated motivation
will develop and persist.
Influences on Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Intrinsic motivation is a natural human
tendency in other words, people will actively
strive toward doing the things they nd interesting
or enjoyable. However, in order for intrinsic moti-
vation to ourish, the social environment must
nurture it. Social contexts exert an inuence on
the experience of intrinsic motivation by affecting
perceived autonomy and competence.
In general, when the social environment sup-
ports autonomy by increasing an internal per-
ceived locus of causality (i.e., the behavior stems
from personal choice and internal causation rather
than external pressure), then intrinsic motivation
is enhanced. In contrast, when the social environ-
ment neglects or thwarts autonomy by increasing
an external perceived locus of causality (e.g., by
offering extrinsic rewards or making demands),
then intrinsic motivation is undermined. Thus, to
the extent that the social environment uses con-
trolling behavioral strategies and external con-
straints, reinforcers, and punishers, then
motivation will become less intrinsic and more
extrinsic because personal autonomy is
compromised. For instance, it has been found
that threats of punishment (Deci and Cascio
1972), deadlines (Amabile et al. 1976), and sur-
veillance (Plant and Ryan 1985) all work to
diminish intrinsic motivation and increase extrin-
sic motivation.
Perceived competence also affects intrinsic
motivation. When the social environment under-
mines perceived competence, intrinsic motivation
decreases; in contrast, when the social environ-
ment increases perceived competence in an activ-
ity, then intrinsic motivation rises. For instance,
positive feedback (e.g., verbal praise) tends to fuel
perceptions of personal effectance and bolster
intrinsic motivation. Interestingly, however, this
strengthening effect of positive feedback on
intrinsic motivation requires that the individual
also experience autonomy in performing the
action, in addition to feeling competent.
Different Forms of Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation characterizes behaviors that
are fun, interesting, and optimally challenging.
When activities are void of these qualities, there
will be little motivation to engage in them unless
incentives are available or external/social contin-
gencies are made salient, that is, unless there
exists extrinsic motivation. Not all extrinsic moti-
vation is the same, however, and some forms of
extrinsic motivation feel more self-endorsed and
self-concordant than others. Rather than being a
one-dimensional construct, extrinsic motivation is
a broad class of motivations that range in the
extent to which they are autonomous, that is, the
extent to which they stem from an internal per-
ceived locus of causality and sense of personal
volition. Therefore, even if an activity is not fun or
enjoyable (and thus not intrinsically motivated), it
may nonetheless be internally regulated as
opposed to externally controlled.
Self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan
1985) proposes a continuum of extrinsic motiva-
tion that ranges in terms of the level of
internalization that is, the degree to which
behavior is self-determined (see Fig. 1). The
2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
most external form external regulation refers
to behavior that is controlled mainly through
external factors (e.g., deadlines, rewards, direc-
tives, punishers). This type of behavior serves
mostly to satisfy external demands, and so the
source of motivation and causality for behavior
is external rather than internal. Introjected regu-
lation refers to behavior wherein external pres-
sures have been partially deected inward, but
not truly adopted or internalized. This type of
motivation feels quite controlling, but more from
a sense of internal rather than external pressure.
Identied regulation is a more autonomous form
of extrinsic motivation and denotes the point at
which behavior becomes internally governed and
self-endorsed. This type of regulation occurs
when the individual values or identies with the
outcome of the activity. Although identications
feel autonomously chosen, they may nonetheless
be separate from the individuals other values and
beliefs and thus may not reect the persons core
self or overarching value system. Finally, the most
autonomous form of extrinsic motivation, inte-
grated regulation, refers to behavior that is fully
internalized. At this point, identications have
been merged with other deeply held beliefs,
values, and needs. Integrated motivation feels
consonant with the self; such behavior serves
almost a means of self-expression and identity.
Because of this, integrated behavior is associated
with feelings of self-integration and psychological
well-being (Weinstein et al. 2011). Despite being
highly internalized, integrated regulation is none-
theless extrinsic because it serves the expression
of something other than pure enjoyment or inter-
est (i.e., deeply held values or beliefs, core
Whereas intrinsic motivation denotes the perfor-
mance of an action out of interest or enjoyment,
extrinsic motivation arises from an externally or
socially created reason to perform an action.
Extrinsic motivators such as money or other
rewards can produce extrinsic motivation due to
the fact that they generate desire for the conse-
quence of the activity; they do not produce desire
to engage in the activity for its own sake. When
people engage in activities for extrinsic rewards,
their motivation is entrenched in the environment
rather than within themselves. Conversely, intrin-
sic motivation exists within the individual and can
be harnessed and enhanced by environments that
support the individuals autonomy and compe-
tence. Intrinsic motivation underlies peoples nat-
ural inclinations to seek out novelty and
Type of Extrinsic
Nature of External
Underlying Reason for
External Regulation
Introjected Regulation Feelings of internal
pressure; to avoid guilt
or to boost the ego
Because it “should” be
“I avoid acting in a
prejudiced manner
because I would feel
bad about myself if I
Identified Regulation Because it is important
Integrated Regulation Expression of self and
identity; congruence
with self and other
Because it reflects core
values and self/identity
“I avoid being
prejudiced because I
see myself as a
nonprejudiced person”
“I avoid being
prejudiced because it is
an important goal”
“I avoid making
prejudiced comments
so that other people
will think I’m
To receive or avoid a
consequence; to fulfill
an external
incentives, compliance
Personal valuing of a
behavior, sense of
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Fig. 1 Types of extrinsic motivation applied to the example of motivation to
regulate racial prejudice (Adapted from Legault et al. 2007)
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation 3
challenge, as well as to learn, develop, and grow.
Unlike extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation
is associated creativity and vitality (Deci and
Ryan 2008).
Self-Determination Theory
The Need for Autonomy
The Need for Competence
Amabile, T. M., DeJong, W., & Lepper, M. R. (1976).
Effects of externally imposed deadlines on subsequent
intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 34(1), 92.
Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards
on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 18, 105115.
Deci, E. L., & Cascio, W. F. (1972). Changes in intrinsic
motivation as a function of negative feedback and
threats, paper presented at Eastern Boston, April 1972
Psychological Association meeting.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination
theory: A macrotheory on human motivation, develop-
ment, and health. Canadian Psychology, 49, 182185.
Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-
analytic review of experiments examining the effects of
extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychologi-
cal Bulletin, 125(6), 627.
Kohn, A. (1999). Punished by rewards: The trouble with
gold stars, incentive plans, As, praise, and other
bribes. Boston: Houghton Mifin Harcourt.
Legault, L., Green-Demers, I., Grant, P., & Chung,
J. (2007). On the self-regulation of implicit and explicit
prejudice: A self-determination theory perspective.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(5),
Lepper, M. R., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. E. (1973).
Undermining childrens intrinsic interest with extrinsic
reward: A test of the overjusticationhypothesis.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28(1),
Plant, R. W., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation
and the effects of self-consciousness, self-awareness,
and ego-involvement: An investigation of internally
controlling styles. Journal of Personality, 53(3),
Weinstein, N., Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2011). Motiva-
tional determinants of integrating positive and negative
past identities. Journal of Personality and Social Psy-
chology, 100(3), 527544.
4 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
... When a person is motivated to do an action by variables other than the task itself, we say that they are motivated extrinsically. According to (Legault, 2016), the term "extrinsic motivation" describes the impetus behind behaviors whose success is contingent on factors outside of the behavior itself. Topalov (2011) states that a person is extrinsically motivated when they do an action not because they like it but because they will be rewarded for doing so. ...
... Intrinsic motivation is a universal human characteristic, as stated by (Legault, 2016). In other words, individuals go to great lengths to ensure they are entertaining to others. ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine whether and how students' engagement in creative writing activities affects their motivation to write in English as a second language. Learning to write creatively, relies heavily on motivation. It has the potential to impede successful writing. Motivation and creativity in writing are predictive of academic achievement, cognitive capacity, and innate motivation. The investigation was conducted using a correlational methodology. The population of this research was collected from the fourth semester students of Animal Husbandry Department, while this study utilized 30 students as the sample. The Academic Writing Motivation Questionnaire (Payne, 2012) was used in this study with official IELTS and essay score criteria. The correlation between motivation and creativity has been quantitatively examined. A weakly negative link between the two variables is shown by the correlation coefficient value of r=-0.022. The p-value for this correlation coefficient is 0.906%, indicating its statistical significance. It suggests that the link between motivation and creativity is not strong. The results of this study show that further research is needed to fully understand the factors that inspire Pakistani ESL students to write creatively in English.
... Enjoyment is often associated with intrinsic motivation, although there is a difference between the two. Intrinsic motivation "refers to engagement in behavior that is inherently satisfying or enjoyable" (Legault, 2016). When an individual is intrinsically motivated, an activity is conducted because of its internal attraction (Ryan & Deci, 2020). ...
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This study focuses on university students’ perceptions of enjoyment in participating in carefully orchestrated, constructive controversy activities in EFL classrooms. Analysis of student feedback indicated that 81% of participants appreciated the experience. Students valued constructive controversy for its ability to enhance English proficiency, broaden global competence, and increase their language skills. However, challenges arose when students felt their language abilities might lead to misunderstandings or superficial discussions, detracting from their enjoyment. Teacher intervention was crucial in mitigating these concerns, suggesting that supportive guidance could enhance the effectiveness of constructive controversy. The findings underscored the role of teachers in fostering a conducive environment by selecting appropriate discussion topics, establishing frameworks for participation, and considering students’ varying language competencies within heterogeneous groups. This study highlighted the potential of constructive controversy as a pedagogical tool and emphasized the educator’s role in optimizing its benefits in EFL education.
... Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are the two categories into which Legault [13] divides motivation. Engaging in innately fulfilling or joyful conduct is referred to as intrinsic motivation. ...
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This research study investigated the influence of interest and motivation on mathematics achievement among junior secondary school students in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria. The study methodology was a descriptive survey, and the sample size of 350 junior secondary school students in Ijebu Ode from five public schools was chosen using a simple random sampling procedure. The Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and the Interest and Motivation towards Learning Mathematics Scale (IMLMS), with reliability coefficients of 0.77 and 0.81, respectively, were used in the study. Multiple regression analysis, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data gathered. The results showed that motivation and interest positively impact student achievement in school. They further demonstrated the independent factors' combined influence on the dependent variables. Based on the results, it is determined that junior secondary school students in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria, have high academic achievements in mathematics and that both motivation and interest jointly predict academic achievement. To improve students' mathematics achievement, it is advised that schools actively support these factors during the teaching and learning processes. The Ministry of Education needs to require all schools to implement student-motivating policies.
... In gamification, focusing on intrinsic goals such as community building, self-improvement, and personal growth can lead to more sustainable motivation than extrinsic rewards alone. Fifthly, relationship motivation theory (RMT) highlights the importance of relatedness and warm, secure relationships (Koole et al., 2019;Legault, 2016). For drivers, gamification can encourage positive interactions, enhancing connection and belonging. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate, investigate and assess the impact of gamification on the performance of online transportation drivers via social values, motivation and participatory engagement.Design/methodology/approach: This quantitative study is based on primary data from 110 online transportation drivers in five cities in the Central Java Province region: Semarang, Pekalongan, Kudus, Purwokerto and Solo. Partial least squares (PLS) method is used to analyse and evaluate data.Findings/results: The research results show that job gamification positively and significantly influences driver performance through social value, motivation and participatory engagement.Practical implications: The findings can be applied to increase employee performance in a business or organisation that supports a sustainable, friendly company. They also offer practical basics to make decisions in increased employee engagement, enhanced productivity, improved learning and skill development, social value and collaboration.Originality/value: While the study establishes a positive relationship between gamification and driver performance through the mediating factors of social value, motivation and participatory engagement, future research could delve deeper into understanding the specific gamification techniques. Those design elements are also the most effective in the context of online transportation. Additionally, exploring potential moderating factors, such as the demographics of drivers or market conditions, could provide a more nuanced understanding of the gamification-performance relationship. This in-depth exploration could help transportation companies tailor their gamification strategies for maximum impact and address potential limitations in current research.
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I’rab merupakan salah satu subtopik Nahu Bahasa Arab untuk mengetahui baris akhir bagi suatu perkataan Bahasa Arab. Tujuan kajian rintis ini dijalankan adalah untuk menguji kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen soal selidik terhadap faktor-faktor yang boleh mempengaruhi penguasaan I’rab Al-Asma’ dalam kalangan pelajar Bahasa Arab di UiTM. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik untuk menguji kebolehpercayaan menerusi SPSS 29.0. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar Bahasa Arab UiTM daripada semester enam. Pemilihan sampel kajian dibuat menggunakan teknik pensampelan bertujuan. Bagi tujuan kesahan instrumen kajian, pengkaji memilih pakar Bahasa Arab yang berpengalaman lebih dari lima (5) tahun dalam bidang Bahasa Arab daripada Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (IPT). Seterusnya, pengkaji menggunakan Cronbach Alpha bagi menjelaskan kebolehpercayaan semua item kajian bagi setiap faktor yang dikaji. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa darjah kebolehpercayaan Cronbach Alpha bagi faktor motivasi adalah 0.891, faktor minat bersamaan dengan 0.958, faktor sikap adalah 0.921 dan faktor persepsi bersamaan dengan 0.884. Manakala bagi nilai Cronbach Alpha secara keseluruhan kajian ini adalah 0.976. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan bahawa instrumen soal selidik dalam kajian ini adalah sah dan nilai dapatan realibiliti dan validitinya boleh digunakan dan dipanjangkan untuk kajian sebenar. Manakala item dalam instrumen ini juga boleh dipakai oleh pengkaji lain sebagai alat instrumen kajian yang valid dan sah.
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This study examined the relationship between intrinsic reward systems and employees' commitment of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. Cross-sectional survey design was used for the study. The study had a population of 315 respondents' that cut across 10 selected deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The study sample was 176 employees of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt derived from the use of systematic sampling technique. The data collected was subjected to analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS)-Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with the aid of Smart PLS 3.3.3. The result of the study showed a positive and significant relationship between intrinsic rewards and the measures of employees' commitment (affective, continuance and normative commitment). The study concluded that rewards system is a driver of employees' commitment in the Nigerian banking sector as confirmed by the result of the study. Arising from the findings and conclusion of the study, the study recommended that management of deposit money banks should ensure that adequate reward system is put in place to ensure that employees are better committed to their jobs.
This qualitative study studied how public sector faculty members perceive and affect student motivation, as well as the impact of classroom atmosphere and practices. Data was gathered through classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with lecturers, and focus group interviews with students from batches I and II of four different departments of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University (SBBU), Nawabshah. Thematic analysis revealed that instructors were demotivated owing to limited professional development possibilities, poor social standing, and lack of decision-making power. The instructors were extrinsically motivated by salary, job stability, and reduced working hours. However, classroom observations revealed a lack of spirit and enthusiasm in their activities. Students' focus group interviews expressed unhappiness with professors' instructional approach and lack of motivation. Recommendations drawn from findings include elevating public sector university teachers' prestige in society, encouraging teacher engagement in decision-making, and providing professional development opportunities. Teachers should use several ways to motivate students and improve learning outcomes.
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The present study examines the microethics (Komesaroff, 2008) of fansub communities in Mainland China, with a focus on Chinese fansubbers’ everyday ethical practices. Despite the strong moral dynamics centred around fansubbing, scarce studies have been dedicated to exploring its ethics. Moreover, although previous research touched on various ethical dimensions of Mainland China’s fansubbing networks, there still lacks empirically-based, in-depth research illuminating Chinese fansubbers’ everyday ethical problem-solving. In an attempt to fill these lacunae, this study employs case studies of Chinese fansub groups to explore the everyday ethical situations Chinese fansubbers encounter, their reflective resolution of the situations and their utilisation of contextual ethical resources during the process. Taking Chinese fansubbers’ situated analytical ethical decision-making (EDM) as the entry point into their microethical practices, I combine an online questionnaire and a semi-structured interview to elicit research data, which respectively surveys the fansubbers’ general experiences of analytical EDM and solicits vignettes of their historical analytical EDM. Interview data were analysed using the thematic analysis method (Braun & Clarke, 2006) in light of a novel theoretical framework integrating analytical EDM models theorised by John Dewey (1922, 1946) and Margaret Urban Walker (2007). Research findings indicate that fansubbing in Mainland China is an ethics-laden activity connecting diverse, morally demanding relationships. During their analytical EDM for tackling fansubbing-related “ethically important moments” (Guillemin & Gillam, 2004), Chinese fansubbers are influenced by a range of micro-, meso- and macro- moral considerations, indicating the situatedness of their EDM. When establishing contextual moral ends, they are largely guided by the communitarian ethos. While selecting moral actions, they seem to be guided by relationship-particular principles, although they occasionally act against the principles. In addition, they utilise various contextual ethical resources to facilitate their analytical EDM. Overall, the fansubbers demonstrate context-sensitivity, reflective agency, moral creativity and pragmatic spirit in fansubbing-related microethical problem-solving. Moreover, their situated moral cognition has embedded, extended, distributed and affective dimensions.
One of the most popular activities in the world is hiking. Hiking has gained popularity due to its advantage as a type of exercise and relaxation. However, little attention has been paid to the motivation for participating in outdoor activities in Perlis community the Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS-28) was used with a total sample size of 200 from the Perlis community. The results indicate that a significant difference in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to participate in hiking activities was found between the genders in the Perlis community (p<0.001). The results revealed that the female (m=6.55) has higher mean compared to male (m=6.31) for both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Furthermore, this study can provide insights into the desires and expectations of respondents regarding participation in hiking activities. In conclusion, this study can provide the State Government of Perlis with valuable information about the motivational factors that influence the population’s influencing community participation in hiking activities and contribute to improving public health. 6.31male 6.33 female.
Purpose The extraction of relevant knowledge from data is called knowledge discovery (KD). The KD process requires a large amount of data and it must be reliable before mining. Complexity is not only in deriving knowledge from data but also in improving system performance with a psycho-cognitive approach. KD demands a high level of human cognition and mental activity to generate and retrieve knowledge. Therefore, this study aims to explain how psychological knowledge is involved in KD. Design/methodology/approach By understanding the cognitive processes that lead to knowledge production, KD can be improved through interventions that target psychological processes, such as attention, learning and memory. In addition, psycho-cognitive approaches can help us to better grasp the process of KD and the factors that influence its effectiveness. The study attempted to correlate interdependence by interpreting cognitive approaches to KD from a psychological perspective. The authors of this paper draw on both primary and secondary literary warrants to empirically prove psychological bending in KD. Findings Understanding the psychological aspects of data and KD can identify the development of tools, process and environments that support individual and teams in making sense of data and extracting valuable knowledge. The study also finds that interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together expertise in psychology, data science and domain specific knowledge fosters effective KD processes. Originality/value The KD system cannot function well and will not be able to achieve its full potential without psycho-cognitive foundation. It was found that KD in the KD system is influenced by human cognition. The authors made a contribution to KD by fusing psycho-cognitive approaches with data-driven technology and machine learning.
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Conducted a field experiment with 3-5 yr old nursery school children to test the "overjustification" hypothesis suggested by self-perception theory (i.e., intrinsic interest in an activity may be decreased by inducing him to engage in that activity as an explicit means to some extrinsic goal). 51 Ss who showed intrinsic interest in a target activity during baseline observations were exposed to 1 of 3 conditions: in the expected-award condition, Ss agreed to engage in the target activity in order to obtain an extrinsic reward; in the unexpected-award condition, Ss had no knowledge of the reward until after they had finished with the activity; and in the no-award condition, Ss neither expected nor received the reward. Results support the prediction that Ss in the expected-award condition would show less subsequent intrinsic interest in the target activity than Ss in the other 2 conditions. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Recent studies have demonstrated that external rewards can affect intrinsic motivation to perform an activity. Money tends to decrease intrinsic motivation, whereas positive verbal reinforcements tend to increase intrinsic motivation. This paper presents evidence that negative feedback and threats of punishment also decrease intrinsic motivation. Subjects solved puzzles during the first part of the experimental session, after which observations relevant to their intrinsic motivation were made. Subjects in the negative feedback condition were given more difficult puzzles to solve than were the controls so that they railed more frequently than the control subjects. Those in the high failure condition showed less intrinsic motivation following their puzzle-solving session than did control subjects. Subjects in the threat condition received an aversive buzzer each time they were unable to solve a puzzle, while the control subjects did not. Those subjects threatened with the buzzer showed less intrinsic motivation than control subjects. (Author/BW)
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Studied the effects of externally imposed deadlines on individuals' task performance and their subsequent interest in the task. In 1 deadline condition, 20 male undergraduates were given an explicit time limit for solving a series of initially interesting word games. In 2 conditions, the importance of finishing was stated explicitly; in the 2nd condition, the deadline was left implicit. In 2 control conditions, 20 other Ss worked on the puzzles without any explicit time limit. In one condition, Ss were asked to work at their own pace; in the other, they were asked to solve the puzzles as fast as possible. Virtually all Ss finished in the allotted time. Unobtrusive measures of subsequent interest indicated that in the absence of external constraints, Ss in the deadline condition were less interested in the game than Ss in the nondeadline conditions. Implications for the overjustification hypothesis are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Conducted 2 laboratory and 1 field experiment with 24, 24, and 8 undergraduates to investigate the effects of external rewards on intrinsic motivation to perform an activity. In each experiment, Ss performed an activity during 3 different periods, and observations relevant to their motivation were made. External rewards were given to the experimental Ss during the 2nd period only, while the control Ss received no rewards. Results indicate that (a) when money was used as an external reward, intrinsic motivation tended to decrease; whereas (b) when verbal reinforcement and positive feedback were used, intrinsic motivation tended to increase. Discrepant findings in the literature are reconciled using a new theoretical framework which employs a cognitive approach and concentrates on the nature of the external reward. (26 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Self-determination theory (SDT) is an empirically based theory of human motivation, development, and wellness. The theory focuses on types, rather than just amount, of motivation, paying particular attention to autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation as predictors of performance, relational, and well-being outcomes. It also addresses the social conditions that enhance versus diminish these types of motivation, proposing and finding that the degrees to which basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are supported versus thwarted affect both the type and strength of motivation. SDT also examines people's life goals or aspirations, showing differential relations of intrinsic versus extrinsic life goals to performance and psychological health. In this introduction we also briefly discuss recent developments within SDT concerning mindfulness and vitality, and highlight the applicability of SDT within applied domains, including work, relationships, parenting, education, virtual environments, sport, sustainability, health care, and psychotherapy.
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Five studies examined whether quality of motivation (as individual differences and primed) facilitates or thwarts integration of positive and negative past identities. Specifically, more autonomously motivated participants felt closer to, and were more accepting of, both negative and positive past characteristics and central life events, whereas more control-motivated participants were closer to and more accepting of positive, but not negative, past characteristics and events. Notably, controlled motivation hindered participants' acceptance of their own negative identities but not of others' negative identities, suggesting that control-motivated individuals' rejection of negative past identities was an attempt to distance from undesirable parts of themselves. Defensive processes, reflected in nonpersonal pronouns and escape motives, mediated interaction effects, indicating that lower defense allowed fuller integration. Integration of both positive and negative past identities predicted indicators of well-being, namely, vitality, meaning, and relatedness satisfaction.
[The author] shows that while manipulating people with incentives seems to work in the short run, it is a strategy that ultimately fails and even does lasting harm. Our workplaces and classrooms will continue to decline, he argues, until we begin to question our reliance on a theory of motivation derived from laboratory animals. Drawing from hundreds of studies, Kohn demonstrates that people actually do inferior work when they are enticed with money, grades, or other incentives. What is needed, Kohn explains, is an alternative to both ways of controlling people. The final chapters offer a set of practical strategies for parents, teachers, and managers that move beyond the use of carrots or sticks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This study explored the relationships among dispositional self-consciousness, situationally induced-states of self-awareness, ego-involvement, and intrinsic motivation Cognitive evaluation theory, as applied to both the interpersonal and intrapersonal spheres, was used as the basis for making predictions about the effects of various types of self-focus Public self-consciousness, social anxiety, video surveillance and mirror manipulations of self-awareness, and induced ego-involvement were predicted and found to have negative effects on intrinsic motivation since all were hypothesized to involve controlling forms of regulation In contrast, dispositional private self-consciousness and a no-self-focus condition were both found to be unrelated to intrinsic motivation The relationship among these constructs and manipulations was discussed in the context of both Carver and Scheier's (1981) control theory and Deci and Ryan's (1985) motivation theory