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1188 CVJ / VOL 57 / NOVEMBER 2016
Veterinary Wellness Bien-être vétérinaire
Wellness at work: Building healthy workplaces
Debbie L. Stoewen
Wellness is “the active process of becoming aware of and
making choices toward a successful existence, both as
individuals within society and within the work environment”
(1). Wellness enhances physical, mental, and social well-being,
and in one word, “health.” In recent years, wellness has moved
into the workplace as enterprises — meaning both for-profit
and not-for-profit companies, businesses, firms, institutions and
organizations designed to provide goods and/or services — have
recognized the role that the workplace can play in supporting
worker health. While enterprises have the responsibility to
provide safe and hazard-free work environments, they also have
the opportunity to promote worker health and foster healthy
workplaces (2). The average person spends more time working
than any other daily activity of life (3), and, over a lifetime, an
average of 90 000 hours on the job (4). The workplace, there-
fore, is an important setting, not only for health protection — to
prevent occupational injury — but also health promotion
to improve overall health and well-being (2,5).
The concept of the healthy workplace is not new, but it
has indeed changed, evolving from a nearly exclusive focus on
occupational health and safety (managing the physical, chemical,
biological, and ergonomic hazards of the workplace) to include
work organization, workplace culture, lifestyle, and the com-
munity, all of which can profoundly influence worker health (6).
Today’s healthy workplace includes both health protection and
promotion (6). In short, it includes wellness.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has captured these
elements in its definition of the healthy workplace. Based on
a systematic literature and expert review, WHO proposes the
following definition (5,6):
A healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers
collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect
and promote the health, safety and well-being of all workers
and the sustainability of the workplace by considering the
following, based on identified needs:
Health and safety concerns in the physical work environment;
Health, safety and well-being concerns in the psychosocial
work environment, including organization of work and
workplace culture;
Personal health resources in the workplace; and
Ways of participating in the community to improve the
health of workers, their families and other members of
the community.
Based on this definition, healthy workplace initiatives can be
cultivated in four spheres of influence (6, Figure 1).
Physical work environment
Psychosocial work environment
Personal health resources
Enterprise community involvement
Physical work environment
Many kinds of physical hazards can threaten the health and
safety of workers. Examples of such hazards include electrical
dangers; ergonomic-related risks (e.g., repetitive motion, awk-
ward posture, or excessive force); radiation exposure, machine-
related injuries; and the risk of a work-related motor vehicle
crash. These hazards need to be recognized, assessed, minimized,
eliminated, or controlled (6,7).
Psychosocial work environment
“Psychosocial hazards” can also threaten the health and safety of
workers. These are better known as work stressors and are related
to the psychological and social conditions of the workplace,
including the organizational culture and the attitudes, values,
beliefs and daily practices, as opposed to the physical conditions
of the workplace (6). They can be harmful to the mental and
physical health of workers, with evidence of 2 to 3 times greater
risk of mental illness, injuries, back pain, and workplace conflict
and violence (6).
As derived directly from the WHO Healthy Workplace
Framework and Model (6):
Examples of psychosocial hazards include but are not
limited to:
Poor work organization (problems with work demands,
time pressure, decision latitude, reward and recognition,
support from supervisors, job clarity, job design, poor
Organizational culture (lack of policies and practice
related to dignity or respect for all workers, harassment
and bullying, gender discrimination, intolerance for
Dr. Debbie Stoewen is the Care & Empathy Officer and
Director of Veterinary Services for Pets Plus Us, Oakville,
Ontario. She is a licensed veterinarian and registered social
worker with a special interest in “the social side” of veterinary
Use of this article is limited to a single copy for personal study.
Anyone interested in obtaining reprints should contact the
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CVJ / VOL 57 / NOVEMB ER 2016 1189
ethnic or religious diversity, lack of support for healthy
Command and control management style (lack of
consultation, negotiation, two-way communication,
constructive feedback, and respectful performance
Lack of support for work/life balance
Examples of ways to influence the psychosocial work
Eliminate or modify at the source:
– Reallocate work to reduce workload, remove supervi-
sors or retrain them in communication and leadership
skills, enforce zero tolerance for workplace harass-
ment and discrimination
Lessen impact on workers:
– Allow flexibility to deal with work/life conflict situ-
ations; provide supervisory and co-worker support
(resources and emotional support); allow flexibility in
the location and timing of work; and provide timely,
open, and honest communication
Protect workers by raising awareness and providing
training to workers, for example regarding conflict
prevention or harassment situations
Personal health resources
The provision of personal health resources in the workplace
can support or motivate worker efforts to improve or maintain
their personal health practices or lifestyle, as well as monitor and
support their physical and mental health (6,7). Such resources
include health services, information, opportunities, and flex-
ibility. Although work can get in the way of making healthy
lifestyle choices, motivated and innovative employers do what
they can to remove the barriers and support the personal health
goals of their employees.
As derived directly from the WHO Healthy Workplace
Framework and Model (6):
Examples of personal health resource issues in the workplace:
Employment conditions or lack of knowledge may make it
difficult for workers to adopt healthy lifestyles or remain
healthy. For example:
Physical inactivity may result from long work hours,
cost of fitness facilities or equipment, and lack of flex-
ibility in when and how long breaks can be taken
Poor diet may result from lack of access to healthy
snacks or meals at work, lack of time to take breaks for
meals, lack of refrigeration to store healthy foods, or
lack of knowledge
Examples of ways to enhance workplace personal health
These may include medical services, information, train-
ing, financial support, facilities, policy support, flexibil-
ity, and promotional programs to enable and encourage
workers to develop healthy lifestyle practices. Some
examples are:
Provide fitness facilities for workers or a financial
subsidy for fitness classes or equipment
Encourage walking and cycling in the course of work
functions by adapting workload and processes
Provide and subsidize healthy food choices in cafete-
rias and vending machines
Allow flexibility in timing and length of work breaks
to allow for exercise
Enterprise involvement in the community
Community involvement refers to the ways in which a work-
place goes above and beyond to involve itself within the com-
munity in which it operates, offering expertise and resources
(beyond its day-to-day offerings) to support the social and
physical wellbeing of the community (6). Activities that posi-
tively influence the physical and mental health, safety, and
well-being of workers and their families offer the greatest advan-
tage. Examples include spearheading a community project and
volunteering in community initiatives to benefit those in need.
Ultimately, as stated in the WHO Healthy Workplace
Framework and Model (Burton, 2010):
A healthy workplace aims to:
Create a healthy, supportive, and safe work environment
Ensure that health protection and health promotion
become an integral part of management practices
Foster work styles and lifestyles conducive to health
Ensure total organizational participation
• Extend positive impacts to the local and surrounding
community and environment
Those in veterinary medicine might ask, “But how does all of
this apply to me in the veterinary workplace? Why would I want to
Figure 1. Spheres of infl uence for a healthy workplace.
work environment
Personal health
Physical work
1190 CVJ / VOL 57 / NOVEMBER 2016
think beyond the necessities of occupational health and safety when
there’s already more than enough to think about — and do — with
running a practice?” These are valid questions, and the answers
are just as important as the questions.
First, it is the right thing to do. Ensuring employee health and
safety follows one of the most basic of universally accepted ethi-
cal principles, “do no harm” (6). There is a moral imperative to
create healthy veterinary workplaces that do not harm the men-
tal or physical health, safety, or well-being of its employees (6).
Second, it is the smart thing to do. Worker health, safety and
well-being not only benefit workers and their families but also
have substantial implications for the productivity, competitive-
ness and sustainability of enterprises (5). There is a wealth of
data demonstrating that in the long term, businesses that protect
and promote employee health tend to be the most successful (6).
They have the most physically and mentally healthy and satis-
fied employees; less sick leave, disability, and turnover; and
higher productivity and quality of products and services (6,7).
As recognized by the WHO, “The wealth of business depends on
the health of workers” (6). Accordingly, to support workers is
to support the enterprise. The two are inextricably entwined.
Businesses that do not protect and promote employee health
incur significant costs on multiple levels.
And third, it is the legal thing to do (sort of!). A safe and
healthy work environment is considered a fundamental human
right (8). The legislation varies tremendously across geographies,
but at minimum, there is always legislation requiring employers
to protect workers from hazards in the workplace that could
cause injury or illness.
Accreditation Canada, an independent, not-for-profit organi-
zation that accredits health care and social services organizations
across Canada, addresses the need for health care organizations
to create a culture that supports a safe and healthy work envi-
ronment (9). A safe and healthy work environment is classified
as “a strategic and high priority.” The situation is the same in
the United States. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, an independent, not-for-profit orga-
nization that accredits and certifies nearly 21 000 health care
organizations and programs in the US (10), mandates that hos-
pitals have processes to promote physician wellness (11). To this
author’s knowledge, the veterinary accreditation bodies of North
America do not refer to the necessity of including processes to
promote veterinary wellness or create organizational cultures
that support a safe and healthy work environment. This does not
mean, however, that we can be complacent. On the contrary, we
have the opportunity to follow the lead in medicine — and even
take the lead with the ability to customize, from the ground up,
the most personal, creative, meaningful, and sustainable well-
ness initiatives that best meet employees’ needs and interests.
To clarify, it’s not that work is generally regarded as bad for
physical and mental health and well-being. On the contrary,
when compared to worklessness or unemployment, work is
good for physical and mental health and well-being (12). Work
is usually the main source of income to make a living and fully
participate in society, and it is strongly connected to individual
identity and social status (12). However, it can have harmful as
well as beneficial effects on health and well-being depending on
the workplace. There are costs in all directions — for workers,
the workplace, the community, and beyond — if worker health
and wellness and the imperative to create healthy workplaces
are disregarded.
Increasingly, enterprises large and small and from all sectors
are bringing wellness into the workplace (13). It’s time we take
a critical view of what we, in the veterinary profession, are doing
to promote health and well-being in the workplace, and ask
ourselves what else we can be doing. Along with the responsi-
bility to provide safe and hazard-free workplaces, we have the
opportunity to promote health and well-being and foster healthy
workplaces. We can encompass the opportunities if we expand
our circles of responsibility. In so doing, we meet the moral
imperative to create workplaces that do not harm the mental
or physical health, safety, or well-being of our employees; we
gainfully increase the productivity, competitiveness, and sustain-
ability of our practices; and we take the lead in our profession.
1. American Veterinary Medical Association: Guiding Principles for State
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principles.aspx Last accessed September 20, 2016.
2. Workplace Health Model. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Workplace Health Promotion. Available from:
workplacehealthpromotion/model/ Last accessed September 20, 2016.
3. Bureau of Labour Statistics: American Time Use Survey. United States
Department of Labour, Available from:
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4. Pryce-Jones J. Happiness at work: Maximizing your psychological capital
for success. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
5. Healthy workplaces: A model for action. World Health Organization.
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8. Seoul declaration on safety and health at work. XVIII World Congress
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9. Accreditation Canada. Available from:
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12. Waddell G, Burton AK. Is work good for your health and well-
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... In companies, security provided by a healthy work environment implies a reduction in risks at work and suffering professional injuries or illnesses, so, can generate the perception of job satisfaction, physical and mental well-being in employees [5]. Although currently, the Secretary of Labour and Social Prevention in Mexico contemplates regulations and norms in this regard [6], in practice, work environments must ensure safety using different methods and techniques that allow evaluating prevailing conditions at present [7]. Awareness-building strategies are required for some textile companies' owners or managers in Hidalgo-México about importance of employee's safety & health and job satisfaction related to their work position in the company. ...
In the Mexican textile industries, State of Hidalgo’s especially, conditions as high temperatures, the handling of chemical substances, high noise and vibration levels, humidity, dust and others, continuously exposes workers to associated risks. Diagnosing and proposing improvements by working conditions assessments are not easy to perform, especially if this is not an essential item in the culture of those responsible for carrying them out neither have honest opinions of employees about problems or risks during work hours, without posing a threat to their current labour status. This study aims to assess 420 worker’s job post, using an occupational satisfaction instrument finding the lowest rankings in ironing area.
... Employment is considered to play a major role in a person's health and wellbeing. It leads to integration in society, ensures a sense of autonomy, and enhances physical, mental, and social wellbeing (Stoewen, 2016). Therefore, the workplace represents an important setting that improves overall health and welfare, as well as all socioeconomic domains (Luciano & Meara, 2014). ...
... Employment is considered to play a major role in a person's health and wellbeing. It leads to integration in society, ensures a sense of autonomy, and enhances physical, mental, and social wellbeing (Stoewen, 2016). Therefore, the workplace represents an important setting that improves overall health and welfare, as well as all socioeconomic domains (Luciano & Meara, 2014). ...
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Objective Research and study the Lebanese employers’ attitudes, toward recruiting candidates with a mental illness and toward their employees who suffer chronic mental illnesses (A CMI) and the factors that may play a role in affecting it. Methods A combined cross sectional and retrospective study. Interviews conducted with a mix of 63 human resource managers and high executive employees to assess the integration of people with A CMI at the workplace, and the attitudes toward them. Results Primarily, the engagement of an occupational physician or a social worker in the process, was associated with a reduction in stigma surrounding the subject matter. Moreover, hiring a candidate with A CMI was perceived as a social image improvement of the hiring company. However, A CMI employees were perceived as having lower efficiency and self-esteem, as well as a greater vulnerability to dismissal. Conclusion The presence and engagement of an occupational physician, and/or a social worker, has been found to be the main positive stigma modulator against mental illness, in a corporate setting.
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Background The workplace and the context in which oncology nurses work are unique due to the complex and dynamic nature of cancer care. Nurses who care for cancer patients are exposed to varying degrees of psychological pressure. The present study was conducted to explore oncology nurses’ perceptions regarding mental health in the workplace. Materials and Methods This study was conducted in 2018–2019. The participants were recruited through purposive sampling from eight educational specialty cancer treatment centers in Iran. Data were collected through individual semistructured interviews and analyzed using the conventional qualitative content analysis method. The Consolidated criteria for Reporting Qualitative research (COREQ) checklist was used to document the report of the study. Results The extracted concepts were classified into three main categories and 17 subcategories. The main categories included attention to nurses’ occupational stress-provoking factors, attention to emotional/psychological responses in the workplace, and healthy mental atmosphere in the workplace. Conclusions The findings indicate that oncology nurses need to be supported to enhance their mental health in the workplace. The findings of this study could help policymakers and nurse managers to understand the importance of improving the mental health of nurses in cancer care. In this regard, it is essential to make the necessary plans and scientific decisions to design and provide strategies to alleviate workplace problems and improve nurses’ mental health.
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Considering that a sizable segment of the population spends significant amount of time at work, workplaces have been identified as practical platforms for health educational programs. Although employee wellness programs in high-income countries have shown measurable benefits in productivity and physical and mental health, evidence-based programs in low- and middle-income countries, such as Lebanon, are unavailable. The aim is to develop and implement a pilot workplace wellness program focusing on health-related areas to improve health knowledge and behavior among working men and women of reproductive age. In collaboration with March of Dimes, the National Collaborative Perinatal Neonatal Network developed a culturally sensitive health education program focusing on lifestyle, infection, nutrition and family planning. Sessions were delivered by a multidisciplinary team of specialists at a local bank in Lebanon. To assess the impact of the program, participants completed Knowledge and Behavior Assessment Questionnaire (KBAQ) before and after implementation. KBAQ was conducted 6 months after implementation to measure retention and continuing impact. Forty-seven participants completed the program, of whom 44.7% are male, 98% have university degree and 56.5% are married. Total knowledge score improved significantly from 64.2 to 74.3 and remained significant at 6 months post-implementation with a score of 71.7 (p < 0.001). At 6-month follow-up, emotional score improved (p = 0.028), while smoking decreased (p = 0.008). Also, employees’ health knowledge and behavior showed sustained and significant improvement. We plan to implement our program at other sites and among employees from different backgrounds to understand the impact of the wellness program on employees’ knowledge and behaviors at a larger scale.
BACKGROUND: Human Resource Management (HRM) has emerged as a crucial facet of organizational success, particularly in balancing profitability and environmental sustainability. The growing environmental concerns are reshaping HRM, giving rise to Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices. However, there is a critical need to understand the evolution and impact of GHRM. OBJECTIVE: This literature review explores the role of GHRM in fostering sustainable practices, employee well-being, and engagement within organizations. It aims to provide the groundwork for future research. METHODS: This study examined 204 selected journal articles from Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar following PRISMA guidelines. The article underwent rigorous screening, data extraction, and analysis using NVivo 14 software. RESULTS: The literature review explored the theoretical underpinnings of GHRM practices. Scoping review provided insights into the depth of available literature, mapping revealed research gaps and thematic clusters. However, systematic review highlights GHRM’s role in organisational sustainability and employee well-being. CONCLUSIONS: GHRM emerges as a crucial factor in fostering environmental capabilities and steering the transition from traditional HR practices to eco-friendly approaches, paving the way for new paradigms. Moreover, practitioners must extend their considerations beyond routine organizational HR practices to enhance sustainable HR practices and employees’ well-being.
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Ergoecology in sustainable healthcare refers to incorporating the aspects of ergonomics, which emphasises tailoring the healthy workplace to the abilities and constraints of healthcare employees, and ecological considerations, which consider the overall environmental impact of healthcare activities. The purpose of this study is to identify ergoecology factors influencing healthy and sustainable workplaces in the context of healthcare organisations and to develop a conceptual model. Literature review and opinions of healthcare experts have opted to identify the factors influencing ergoecology in healthcare organisations. The identified factors were face-validated by the healthcare experts. Scheduled interviews and closed-ended questionnaires were employed to collect data for this research. This research employed total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) and matrix multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) analysis. TISM methodology is utilised to better comprehend how the components interact with one another, and why. MICMAC analysis is employed to prioritise factors and categorise these factors into four categories: driving factors, autonomous factors, dependent factors, and linkage factors. It is observed that analysis of surroundings and the adoption of ecological and ergonomic measures have strong driving power, but weak dependence. These factors are key factors and are termed as independent factors of ergoecology in healthcare for a healthy and sustainable workplace. The structural model and methodological approach are employed in a healthcare organisation; this approach can be extended to different industries in the future. This study helps to understand the concept of ergoecology and the influencing factors for ergoecology in the context of healthcare organisations. Ergoecology concept not only benefits the environment and the health of healthcare employees but also boosts productivity within the healthcare industry. In this study, the total interpretive structural modelling and matrix multiplication applied to classification analysis for healthcare is proposed as an innovative approach to address the ergo-ecology concept in the context of healthcare for a healthy and sustainable workplace to improve productivity within the healthcare industry.
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Well-being at work is one of the factors determining healthy work conditions and is perceived by workers as a positive psychological state. In this study, the concept of well-being at work was used together with occupational functionality (i.e., current health state, current work environment, and barriers/facilitators to implementing well-being at work), occupational risk perception, and proactivity/negotiations held by workers to improve working conditions. In this context, the objectives were to identify the socio-demographic and occupational characteristics independently associated with levels of well-being at work of the multidisciplinary PHC health team; detect barriers or facilitators resulting from the attitudes of colleagues, community members, and managers that influence the well-being at work of the multidisciplinary health team; and identify with whom and what reasons led health workers to become proactive and negotiate improved working conditions. This cross-sectional study addressed 338 health workers from the multidisciplinary teams of PHC outpatient services in the extreme south of Brazil. Multivariate linear regression models were adopted to analyze data. The results show various independent associations with levels of well-being at work. Nursing workers (technicians and nurses) more frequently expressed job commitment and job satisfaction. Difficulties in solving problems and performing work routines, and co-workers’ attitudes directly influence the well-being of the PHC team members. Risk perception (physical and chemical) also influences well-being. Negotiations in which PHC managers engaged to improve working conditions appeared as a significant predictor of job commitment, job satisfaction, and job involvement. The results reveal that well-being at work is an important indicator of the potential of workers’ proactivity in negotiating improved working conditions.
Workplace wellness programs are increasingly popular. Employers expect them to improve employee health and well-being, lower medical costs, increase productivity, and reduce absenteeism. To test whether such expectations are warranted, we evaluated the cost impact of the lifestyle and disease management components of PepsiCo's wellness program, Healthy Living. We found that seven years of continuous participation in one or both components was associated with an average reduction of 30inhealthcarecostpermemberpermonth.Whenwelookedateachcomponentindividually,wefoundthatthediseasemanagementcomponentwasassociatedwithlowercostsandthatthelifestylemanagementcomponentwasnot.Weestimatediseasemanagementtoreducehealthcarecostsby30 in health care cost per member per month. When we looked at each component individually, we found that the disease management component was associated with lower costs and that the lifestyle management component was not. We estimate disease management to reduce health care costs by 136 per member per month, driven by a 29 percent reduction in hospital admissions. Workplace wellness programs may reduce health risks, delay or avoid the onset of chronic diseases, and lower health care costs for employees with manifest chronic disease. But employers and policy makers should not take for granted that the lifestyle management component of such programs can reduce health care costs or even lead to net savings.
WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Background and Supporting Literature and Practices Available from: framework.pdf Last
  • J Burton
Burton J. WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Background and Supporting Literature and Practices. 2010. Available from: framework.pdf Last accessed September 20, 2016.
Is work good for your health and wellbeing? Department of Work and Pensions Available from: ment_data/file/214326/hwwb-is-work-good-for-you.pdf Last
  • G Waddell
  • Ak Burton
Waddell G, Burton AK. Is work good for your health and wellbeing? Department of Work and Pensions, UK. 2006. Available from: ment_data/file/214326/hwwb-is-work-good-for-you.pdf Last accessed September 20, 2016.
WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Background and Supporting Literature and Practices
  • J Burton
Burton J. WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Background and Supporting Literature and Practices. 2010. Available from: framework.pdf Last accessed September 20, 2016.
Is work good for your health and wellbeing? Department of Work and Pensions
  • G Waddell
  • A K Burton
Waddell G, Burton AK. Is work good for your health and wellbeing? Department of Work and Pensions, UK. 2006. Available from: ment_data/file/214326/hwwb-is-work-good-for-you.pdf Last accessed September 20, 2016.