In this paper we elaborate and extend the work of the EDUsummIT 2015 Thematic Working Group 7 (TWG7) by proposing a set of indicators on quality Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching (TEL&T). These indicators are intended as one component of a set of global indicators that could be used to monitor implementation of the Education 2030 agenda, which aims to "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all." The proposed indicators address conditions at the student, teacher, school and system levels, and are organized in a systemic framework to help foreground interactions and interdependencies within and across the different levels. This framework highlights the need for longitudinal, multilevel designs in evaluation studies of TEL & T implementations, which will also contribute to a better understanding of the links between policy, policy implementation, outputs, and outcomes. Sample indicators are presented to illustrate the framework, and suggestions are made for use of the framework in evaluation studies. Further, the proposed framework could be used to underpin the development of an open, worldwide collaborative of educational evaluation researchers, practitioners and policymakers, thereby adopting a crowdsourcing approach to systematically address the complex challenges in evaluating quality TEL & T.