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ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level

Springer Nature
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment


PurposeLife cycle impact assessment (LCIA) translates emissions and resource extractions into a limited number of environmental impact scores by means of so-called characterisation factors. There are two mainstream ways to derive characterisation factors, i.e. at midpoint level and at endpoint level. To further progress LCIA method development, we updated the ReCiPe2008 method to its version of 2016. This paper provides an overview of the key elements of the ReCiPe2016 method. Methods We implemented human health, ecosystem quality and resource scarcity as three areas of protection. Endpoint characterisation factors, directly related to the areas of protection, were derived from midpoint characterisation factors with a constant mid-to-endpoint factor per impact category. We included 17 midpoint impact categories. Results and discussionThe update of ReCiPe provides characterisation factors that are representative for the global scale instead of the European scale, while maintaining the possibility for a number of impact categories to implement characterisation factors at a country and continental scale. We also expanded the number of environmental interventions and added impacts of water use on human health, impacts of water use and climate change on freshwater ecosystems and impacts of water use and tropospheric ozone formation on terrestrial ecosystems as novel damage pathways. Although significant effort has been put into the update of ReCiPe, there is still major improvement potential in the way impact pathways are modelled. Further improvements relate to a regionalisation of more impact categories, moving from local to global species extinction and adding more impact pathways. Conclusions Life cycle impact assessment is a fast evolving field of research. ReCiPe2016 provides a state-of-the-art method to convert life cycle inventories to a limited number of life cycle impact scores on midpoint and endpoint level.
ReCiPe2016: a harmonised life cycle impact assessment method
at midpoint and endpoint level
Mark A. J. Huijbregts
&Zoran J. N. Steinmann
&Pieter M. F. Elshout
&Gea Stam
Francesca Verones
&Marisa Vieira
&Michiel Zijp
&Anne Hollander
Rosalie van Zelm
Received: 29 November 2016 /Accepted: 29 November 2016
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Purpose Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) translates
emissions and resource extractions into a limited number of
environmental impact scores by means of so-called character-
isation factors. There are two mainstream ways to derive char-
acterisation factors, i.e. at midpoint level and at endpoint level.
To further progress LCIA method development, we updated
the ReCiPe2008 method to its version of 2016. This paper
provides an overview of the key elements of the
ReCiPe2016 method.
Methods We implemented human health, ecosystem quality
and resource scarcity as three areas of protection. Endpoint
characterisation factors, directly related to the areas of protec-
tion, were derived from midpoint characterisation factors with
a constant mid-to-endpoint factor per impact category. We
included 17 midpoint impact categories.
Results and discussion The update of ReCiPe provides char-
acterisation factors that are representative for the global scale
instead of the European scale, while maintaining the possibil-
ity for a number of impact categories to implement character-
isation factors at a country and continental scale. We also
expanded the number of environmental interventions and
added impacts of water use on human health, impacts of water
use and climate change on freshwater ecosystems and impacts
of water use and tropospheric ozone formation on terrestrial
ecosystems as novel damage pathways. Although significant
effort has been put into the update of ReCiPe, there is still
major improvement potential in the way impact pathways
are modelled. Further improvements relate to a regionalisation
of more impact categories, moving from local to global spe-
cies extinction and adding more impact pathways.
Conclusions Life cycle impact assessment is a fast evolving
field of research. ReCiPe2016 provides a state-of-the-art
method to convert life cycle inventories to a limited number
of life cycle impact scores on midpoint and endpoint level.
Keywords Characterisation factors .Ecosystem quality .
Endpoint indicator .Human health .Midpoint indicator .
Resource scarcity
1 Introduction
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) supports interpretation
of LCA studies by translating emissions and resource extrac-
tions into a limited number of environmental impact scores
(Hauschild and Huijbregts 2015). This is done by means of so-
called characterisation factors, which indicate the environ-
mental impact per unit of stressor (e.g. per kg of resource
Responsible editor: Mary Ann Curran
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s11367-016-1246-y) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
*Mark A. J. Huijbregts
Department of Environmental Science, Institute for Water and
Wetland Research, Faculty of Science, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), The
Hague, The Netherlands
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Centre of
Sustainability, Environment and Health (DMG),
Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Industrial Ecology Programme, Department for Energy and Process
Engineering, Norwegian University and Science (NTNU),
Tron dheim, Norw ay
PRé Consultants, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Int J Life Cycle Assess
DOI 10.1007/s11367-016-1246-y
extracted or emission released). There are two mainstream
ways to derive characterisation factors, i.e. at midpoint level
and at endpoint level. Characterisation factors at the midpoint
level are located somewhere along the cause-impact pathway,
typically at the point after which the environmental mecha-
nism is identical for each environmental flow assigned to that
impact category (Goedkoop et al. 2009). Characterisation fac-
tors at endpoint level typically reflect damage at one of three
areas of protection which are human health, ecosystem quality
and resource scarcity. The two approaches are complementary
in that the midpoint characterisation has a stronger relation to
the environmental flows and comes in general with lower
parameter uncertainty, while the endpoint characterisation is
easier to interpret in terms of relevance of the environmental
flows (Hauschild and Huijbregts 2015).
Recently, Hauschild et al. (2013)reviewedalargenumber
of LCIA methods in order to provide recommended practice
for both midpoint and endpoint characterisation factors. This
consensus work had a significant influence on the establish-
ment of LCIA in the environmental policy arena in Europe,
e.g. via its testing in the Product and Organisational
Environmental Footprint initiative (EC 2013). The review,
however, also provided insight into a number of shortcomings
of the models used to derive characterisation factors recom-
mended by Hauschild et al. (2013). First of all, most models
have a continental focus, particularly focussing on Europe.
Moreover, for many impact categories at the endpoint level,
the best among existing characterisation models was still not
considered sufficiently mature for recommendation.
To further progress LCIA methods beyond the current con-
sensus state of the art, we updated the ReCiPe2008 method to
its version of 2016. ReCiPe provides a harmonised implemen-
tation of cause-effect pathways for the calculation of both
midpoint and endpoint characterisation factors (Goedkoop
et al. 2009). In order to make a step forward in overcoming
the shortcomings mentioned above, the update of ReCiPe fo-
cused on (1) providing characterisation factors that are repre-
sentative for the global scale, while maintaining the possibility
for a number of impact categories to implement characterisa-
tion factors at a country and continental scale and (2) improv-
ing the methods applied to model midpoint-to-endpoint fac-
tors. Compared to ReCiPe2008, we added the following extra
damage pathways in ReCiPe2016:
Impacts of water use on human health, freshwater ecosys-
tems and terrestrial ecosystems
Impacts of climate change on freshwater ecosystems
Impacts of tropospheric ozone formation on terrestrial
For a number of impact categories, we also provide mid-
point and endpoint characterisation factors on a country level,
i.e. for photochemical ozone formation, particulate matter
formation, terrestrial acidification, freshwater eutrophication
and water use. This paper provides an overview of the key
elements of the ReCiPe2016 method.
2 Methods
2.1 Framework
We followed the model framework proposed in ReCiPe2008
with human health, ecosystem quality and resource scarcity as
areas of protection. The unit for human heath damage, DALYs
(disability adjusted life years), represents the years thatare lost
or that a person is disabled due to a disease or accident. The
unit for ecosystem quality is local relative species loss in ter-
restrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, respectively, inte-
grated over space and time (potentially disappeared fraction of
year or potentially disappeared fraction of
· year). To aggregate the impacts of terrestrial,
freshwater and marine ecosystems into one single unit
(species.year), we included species densities for these three
types of ecosystems in the same way as proposed by
Goedkoop et al. (2009). The unit for resource scarcity is dol-
lars ($), which represents the extra costs involved for future
mineral and fossil resource extraction. Endpoint characterisa-
tion factors (CFe) are derived from midpoint characterisation
factors (CFm) with a constant mid-to-endpoint factor per im-
pact category:
Where adenotes the area of protection, i.e. human health,
(terrestrial, freshwater and marine) ecosystems or resource
scarcity, xdenotes the stressor of concern and F
is the
midpoint-to-endpoint conversion factor for area of protection
a. These mid-to-endpoint factors are constant per impact cat-
egory, because environmental mechanisms are considered to
be identical for each stressor after the midpoint impact loca-
tion on the cause-effect pathway.
Figure 1shows the link between the environmental mech-
anisms, i.e. the 17 midpoint impact categories, and the three
areas of protection, i.e. the endpoints, as included in
2.2 Model selection criteria
The selection criteria for the environmental models in
ReCiPe2016 were
The models should refer to the global scale.
The models should reflect the current state of the
art in science.
Int J Life Cycle Assess
The models should maintain consistency between the
modelling of different impact categories, particularly rel-
evant for toxicity.
In case of multiple suitable global models, we prefer models
that can be run in-house by the ReCiPe consortium.
We performed a review of the existing literature within and
outside the field of LCIA to select a preferred combination of
environmental models and databases per midpoint impact cat-
egory. We also selected models that were able to quantify
damage pathways relevant for the mid-to-endpoint factors.
For a number of impact categories, notably fine particulate
matter formation, photochemical ozone formation, land use
and water use, there is a fast increasing number of global
models published in the literature. Here, we pragmatically
selected the models that we were able to run within the con-
sortium without claiming that ReCiPe2016 is necessarily su-
perior compared to other global models out there.
2.3 Scenario analysis
Different sources of uncertainty and different methodological
choices were grouped into three scenarios. This means that
ReCiPe2016 does not provide one set, but three sets of midpoint
and endpoint characterisation factors and users are encouraged to
use all three of them for a sensitivity check of their LCA results.
One prominent choice is the time horizon for long living
pollutants. We included a 20-year, 100-years and 1000-year-
infinite time horizon in each scenario, respectively. The time
horizon for the third scenario was not always infinite, as not all
the environmental models provided sufficient information to
model steady-state conditions. Another important value choice
included was the level of evidence available for the environmen-
tal effects considered for the impacts related to ozone depletion,
ionising radiation, toxicity, fine particulate matter formation and
water use. We coupled effects with only a very high level of
evidence to a 20-year time horizon and all reported effects to a
1000-infinite time horizon to construct two extreme scenarios.
The third scenario refers to a middle ground with a 100-year time
horizon consistently included and effects with a level of evidence
that is considered acceptable by international bodies, such as the
World Health Organisation. More details on the scenario build-
ing can be found in Huijbregts et al. (2016).
3.1 Midpoint indicators
Impact categories and their indicators at the midpoint level are
summarised in Table 1and briefly explained below. The full
list of midpoint characterisation factors is available in spread-
sheet format (see Electronic Supplementary Material).
3.1.1 Climate change
The midpoint characterisation factor selected for climate
change is the widely used global warming potential (GWP),
which quantifies the integrated infrared radiative forcing in-
crease of a greenhouse gas (GHG), expressed in kg CO
(IPCC 2013;Joosetal.2013).
3.1.2 Stratospheric ozone depletion
The ozone depleting potential (ODP), expressed in kg CFC-11
equivalents, was used as characterisation factor on the midpoint
level. ODPs refer to a time-integrated decrease in stratospheric
ozone concentration over an infinite time horizon (WMO 2011).
3.1.3 Ionising radiation
The collective dose resulting from the emission of a radionuclide
is the point where the characterisation factor at midpoint level
was derived. The midpoint characterisation factor, called ionis-
ing radiation potential (IRP), is reported in Cobalt-60 eq to air.
3.1.4 Fine particulate matter formation
For the midpoint characterisation factors of fine particulate
matter formation, the human population intake of PM
Fig. 1 Overview of the impact categories that are covered in the
ReCiPe2016 method and their relation to the areas of protection. The
dotted line means there is no constant mid-to-endpoint factor for fossil
Int J Life Cycle Assess
considered. Particulate matter formation potentials (PMFP)
are expressed in kg primary PM
-equivalents. The change
in ambient concentration of PM
after the emission of a
precursor, i.e. NH
and primary PM
, was pre-
dicted with the emissionconcentration sensitivities matrices
for emitted precursors from the global source-receptor model
TM5-FASST (Van Zelm et al. 2016).
3.1.5 Photochemical ozone formation
For the midpoint characterisation factors of photochemical
ozone formation related to human exposure, the human pop-
ulation intake of ozone was considered. Human health ozone
formation potential (HOFP) is expressed in kg NO
-eq. The
change in ambient concentration of ozone after the emission
of a precursor (nitrogen oxides (NO
) or non-methane volatile
organic compounds (NMVOC)) was predicted with the emis-
sionconcentration sensitivities matrices for emitted precur-
sors from the global source-receptor model TM5-FASST (Van
Zelm et al. 2016). The ecosystem ozone formation potential
(EOFP), also expressed in kg NO
eq, relates to the sum of the
differences between the hourly mean ozone concentration and
40 ppb during daylight hours over the relevant growing season
in ppmh(AOT40;VanZelmetal.2016).
3.1.6 Terrestrial acidification
For the midpoint characterisation factors of acidifying emis-
sions, the fate of a pollutant in the atmosphere and the soil as
calculated by Roy et al. (2014) were taken. Acidification
Table 1 Overview of the midpoint impact categories and related indicators
Midpoint impact
Indicator CF
Unit Key references
Climate change Infrared radiative forcing
Global warming potential
kg CO
-eq to air IPCC 2013; Joos
et al. 2013
Ozone depletion Stratospheric ozone decrease Ozone depletionpotential (ODP) kg CFC-11-eq to air WMO 2011
Ionising radiation Absorbed dose increase Ionising radiation potential (IRP) kBq Co-60-eq to air Frischknecht
et al. 2000
Fine particulate matter
PM2.5 population intake
Particulate matter formation
potential (PMFP)
kg PM2.5-eq to air Van Zelm et al. 2016
Photochemical oxidant
formation: terrestrial
Tropospheric ozone increase Photochemical oxidant
formation potential:
ecosystems (EOFP)
kg NOx-eq to air Van Zelm et al. 2016
Photochemical oxidant
formation: human
Tropospheric ozone
population intake increase
Photochemical oxidant
formation potential: humans
kg NOx-eq to air Van Zelm et al. 2016
Terrestrial acidification Proton increase in natural soils Terrestrial acidification potential
kg SO
-eqtoair Royetal.2014
Phosphorus increase in
Freshwater eutrophication
potential (FEP)
kg P-eq to freshwater Helmes et al. 2012
Human toxicity: cancer Risk increase of cancer disease
Human toxicity potential (HTPc) kg 1,4-DCB-eq to urban air Van Zelm et al. 2009
Human toxicity:
Risk increase of non-cancer
disease incidence
Human toxicity potential
kg 1,4-DCB-eq to urban air Van Zelm et al. 2009
Terrestrial ecotoxicity Hazard-weighted increase in
natural soils
Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential
kg 1,4-DCB-eq to industrial
Van Ze lm et a l. 2009
Freshwater ecotoxicity Hazard-weighted increase in
Freshwater ecotoxicity potential
kg 1,4-DCB-eq to freshwater Van Zelm et al. 2009
Marine ecotoxicity Hazard-weighted increase in
marine water
Marine ecotoxicity potential
kg 1,4-DCB-eq to
marine water
Van Ze lm et a l. 2009
Land use Occupation and time-integrated
land transformation
Agricultural land occupation
potential (LOP)
× yr annual cropland-eq De Baan et al. 2013;
Curran et al. 2014
Water use Increase of water consumed Water consumption
potential (WCP)
water-eq consumed Döll and Siebert
Hoekstra and
Mekonnen 2012
Mineral resource
Increase of ore extracted Surplus ore potential (SOP) kg Cu-eq Vieira et al. 2016a
Fossil resource
Upper heating value Fossil fuel potential (FFP) kg oil-eq Jungbluth and
Frischknecht 2010
Int J Life Cycle Assess
potentials (AP) are expressed in kg SO
-equivalents. Changes
in acid deposition, following changes in air emission of NO
and SO
, were calculated with the GEOS-Chem model
(Roy et al. 2012a). Subsequently, the change in acidity in the
soil due to a change in acid deposition was derived with the
geochemical steady-state model PROFILE (Roy et al. 2012b).
3.1.7 Freshwater eutrophication
The fate of phosphorus forms the basis of the midpoint char-
acterisation factors for freshwater eutrophication. Freshwater
eutrophication potentials (FEP) are expressed in kg P to fresh-
water-equivalents. Global fate factors for phosphorus emis-
sions to freshwater were taken from Helmes et al. (2012).
For emissions to agricultural soils, it was assumed that typi-
cally 10% of all P is transported from agricultural soil to sur-
face waters (Bouwman et al. 2009).
3.1.8 Toxicity
The fate and effects of chemical emissions expressed in kg
1,4-dichlorobenzene-equivalents (1,4DCB-eq) was used as
characterisation factor at the midpoint level for human toxic-
ity, freshwater ecotoxicity, marine ecotoxicity and terrestrial
ecotoxicity. We used the global multimedia fate, exposure and
effects model USES-LCA 2.0, the Uniform System for the
Evaluation of Substances adapted for LCA (Van Zelm et al.
2009), as a basis for our calculations, updated to deal with
dissociating chemicals (Van Zelm et al. 2013) and using the
chemical data from the USEtox database (Rosenbaum et al.
2008). The ecotoxicological effect factor represents the
change in PDF of species due to a change in the environmental
concentration of a chemical. The human-toxicological effect
factors were derived for carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic
effects separately, reflecting the change in lifetime disease
incidence due to a change in intake of the substance. Note that
we did not select USEtox model (Rosenbaum et al. 2008)for
implementation in ReCiPe2016, as USEtox does not provide
characterisation factors for terrestrial and marine toxicity.
Another practical reason for preferring USES-LCA compared
to USEtox is that USEtox does not easily provide the possi-
bility to assess the influence of value choices on the charac-
terisation factors, such as the option to derive time horizon
dependent characterisation factors.
3.1.9 Water use
The characterisation factor at midpoint level is m
of water
consumed per m
of water extracted. For agriculture, the con-
sumptive part of the withdrawal was estimated with water
requirement ratios based on Döll and Siebert (2002). For in-
dustry and domestic water use, assumptions were made based
on Hoekstra and Mekonnen (2012).
3.1.10 Land use
The midpoint characterisation factors (in m
·yr annual crop
equivalents) refer to the relative species loss caused by a spe-
cific land use type (annual crops, permanent crops, mosaic
agriculture, forestry, urban land, pasture). Relative species loss
was determined by comparing field data on local species rich-
ness in specific types of natural and human-made land covers
(De Baan et al. 2013; Elshout et al. 2014). For land conver-
sion, passive recovery towards a (semi-)natural, old growth
habitat was assumed, based on average recovery times from
Curran et al. (2014).
3.1.11 Mineral resource scarcity
The midpoint characterisation factor for mineral resource scar-
city is Surplus Ore Potential (SOP), expressed as kg Cu-eq.
The primary extraction of a mineral resource will lead to an
overall decrease in ore grade, meaning the concentration of
that resource in ores worldwide, which in turn will increase
the amount of ore produced per kilogramme of mineral re-
source extracted. The SOP expresses the average extra amount
of ore produced in the future caused by the extraction of a
mineral resource considering all future production of that min-
eral resource (Vieira et al. 2016a).
3.1.12 Fossil resource scarcity
The midpoint indicator for fossil resource use, determined as
the Fossil Fuel Potential (FFP in kg oil-eq), is defined as the
ratio between the higher heating value of a fossil resource and
the energy content of crude oil (Jungbluth and Frischknecht
3.2 Mid-to-endpoint factors
The damage pathways considered to go from the midpoint to
the endpoint level in ReCiPe2016, sorted per environmental
problem, are summarised in Table 2and briefly explained
below. The midpoint-to-endpoint factors are available in
spreadsheet format (see Electronic Supplementary Material).
3.2.1 Climate change
The first step in the midpoint-to-endpoint model quantifies the
link between time-integrated radiative forcing and time-
integrated temperature increase for CO
(Joos et al. 2013).
Concerning human health damage, De Schryver et al. (2009)
was used to quantify the increase in risk of diseases (malnu-
trition, malaria, and diarrhoea) and increased flood risk. For
terrestrial ecosystems, the increase in potentially disappeared
fraction of species (PDF) due to an increase in global temper-
ature was derived from the review by Urban (2015). Finally,
Int J Life Cycle Assess
the influence of global temperature increase on river discharge
and subsequent expected changes in fish species occurrences
was taken from Hanafiah et al. (2011).
3.2.2 Stratospheric ozone depletion
The human health effect of a decrease in stratospheric ozone
concentration, as modelled in the mid-to-endpoint calculation,
was derived in two consecutive steps, following Hayashi et al.
(2006). The first step relates a change in ozone depletion to an
increase in UVB radiation and the second step couples this
increase in UVB radiation to an increase in burden of disease.
To calculate the damage to human health, the increased inci-
dence and related loss of DALYs of three types of skin cancers
(malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous
cell carcinoma) and cataract due to UVB exposure were
3.2.3 Ionising radiation
In the mid-to-endpoint calculations, the human health effect of
the collective dose on the incidence of different cancer types
was assessed by first taking the fatal and non-fatal cancer
incidence per cancer type from Frischknecht et al. (2000).
Table 2 Damage pathways in ReCipe2016
Environmental problem Area of protection Damage pathways References
Climate change Human health Years of life lost and disabled related to increased
malaria, diarrhoea, malnutrition and natural disasters
due to increased global mean temperature
IPCC 2013;Joosetal.2013;
De Schryver et al. 2009
Ecosystems (terrestrial) Species loss related to changing biome distributions
due to increased global temperature
IPCC 2013;Joosetal.2013;
Urban 2015
Fish species loss due to decrease river discharge Hanafiah et al. 2011
Stratospheric ozone depletion Human health Years of life lost and disabled related to increased
skin cancer and cataract due to UV-exposure
WMO 2011; Hayashi et al.
Ionising radiation Human health Years of life lost and disabled related to an increase in
cancer and hereditary diseases due to exposure to
Frischknecht et al. 2000;
De Schryver et al. 2011
Particulate matter formation Human health Years of life lost related to an increase in
cardiopulmonary and lung cancer caused by exposure
to primary and secondary aerosols
Van Ze lm et a l . 2016
Photochemical ozone
Human health Years of life lost related to an increase in respiratory
diseases caused by exposure to ozone
Van Ze lm et a l . 2016
Ecosystems (terrestrial) Loss of plant species due to increase in ozone exposure Van Zelm et al. 2016
Terrestrial acidification Ecosystems (terrestrial) Loss of plant species due to decrease in soil pH Roy et al. 2014
Freshwater eutrophication Ecosystems (aquatic) Loss of aquatic species due to increased phosphorus
Helmes et al. 2012;
Azevedo et al. 2013a,b
Toxicity Human health Years of life lost and disabled due to cancer and
non-cancer effects due to ingestion and inhalation
of toxic substances
Van Ze lm et a l . 2009
Ecosystems (marine) Species loss due to chemical exposure in marine waters Van Zelm et al. 2009
Ecosystems (terrestrial) Species loss due to chemical exposure in soils Van Zelm et al. 2009
Species loss due to chemical exposure in freshwater Van Zelm et al. 2009
Water consumption Human health Malnutrition caused by water shortage Pfister et al. 2009
Ecosystems (terrestrial) Decrease in Net Primary Productivity because of water
shortage as proxy for total species loss
Pfister et al. 2009
Ecosystems (aquatic) Fish species loss due to decreased river discharge Hanafiah et al. 2011
Land use Ecosystems (terrestrial) Species loss due to different types of land use
(agriculture, forestry, built up). Species loss caused
by transformation of natural land to used land,
including the time it takes to back-transform to natural
De Baan et al. 2013; Curran
et al. 2014
Mineral resource scarcity Resource scarcity Cost increase due to mineral extraction increase Vieira et al. 2016b
Fossil resource scarcity Resource scarcity Cost increase due to fossil extraction increase Vieira et al. 2016c
Int J Life Cycle Assess
This information was combined with the disability weight per
cancer type (Frischknecht et al. 2000;DeSchryveretal.
3.2.4 Fine particulate matter formation
Starting from the intake fraction, human effect and damage
due to cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality of fine
particulate matter were determined by Van Zelm et al. (2016).
3.2.5 Photochemical ozone formation
Starting from the intake fraction, effect and damage factors of
respiratory mortality due to ozone exposure were determined
by Van Zelm et al. (2016). For damage to terrestrial ecosys-
tems, the effect factor describes the change in PDF of forest
and grassland species due to the change in ground level ozone
exposure over forest and grassland area (Van Goethem et al.
3.2.6 Terrestrial acidification
An effect factor was added to the endpoint calculations, de-
scribing the absence of species due to acidity of soils (Roy
et al. 2014). The effect factor quantifies the change in the PDF
of vascular plant species due to a change in the H
tion and was derived for specific biomes, such as temperate
broadleaf mixed forest, tundra and (sub)tropical moist broad-
leaf forest (Azevedo et al. 2013a).
3.2.7 Freshwater eutrophication
The effect factor, added to the midpoint calculations, describes
the absence of species due to phosphorus concentrations in
freshwater (Azevedo et al. 2013b,c). It reflects the change
in PDF of species due to a change in total P concentration
and depends on the freshwater type (rivers or lakes), species
group (heterotrophs and autotrophs) and climate type (warm,
temperate, xeric or cold).
3.2.8 Toxicity
Ecotoxicological damage factors, added to the midpoint cal-
culations, were considered to equal one, as the effects estimat-
ed with acute toxicity data may approximate toxic effects in
field conditions (Posthuma and De Zwart 2006). For human
health, damage factors for carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic
effects were included (Huijbregts et al. 2005).
3.2.9 Water use
Impacts of water consumption on human health refer to
DALYs due to malnutrition, as caused by water shortage in
low development countries (Pfister et al. 2009). Impacts of
water consumption on terrestrial ecosystems were taken from
Pfister et al. (2009), who quantifiedthem based on the damage
for vascular plant species using net primary productivity
(NPP) as a proxy. Impacts of water consumption on freshwa-
ter ecosystems were taken from Hanafiah et al. (2011), who
quantified them as the change in fish species lost associated
with a decrease in discharge.
3.2.10 Land use
The mid-to-endpoint modelling for land use does not add
further steps to the cause-impact pathway, as the midpoint
characterisation factors already refer to local species loss.
3.2.11 Mineral resource scarcity
The mid-to-endpoint factor for mineral resource scarcity refers
to the conversion from surplus ore to surplus costs.
Cumulative tonnage relationships for surplus costs of 12
metals, as developed by Vieira et al. (2016b), were used as
input in the calculations.
3.2.12 Fossil resource scarcity
Endpoint characterisation factors for the extraction of crude
oil, natural gas and hard coal, expressed as Surplus Cost
Potential (SCP), were based on cumulative cost-tonnage rela-
tionships for these three fossil resources (Vieira et al. 2016c).
Note that we were not able to arrive at a constant mid-to-
endpoint factor for fossil resources due to lack of understand-
ing about the full cause-effect pathway.
Although significant effort has been put into the development
of ReCiPe2016, there is still major improvement potential in
the way impact pathways are modelled. A number of improve-
ment options are discussed below.
4.1 Scenario analysis
Due to lack of data, the influence of time horizon and level of
evidence was not considered in the calculation of characteri-
sation factors for photochemical ozone formation, terrestrial
acidification, freshwater eutrophication, land use and fossil
resource scarcity. This needs to be improved in future updates
of ReCiPe, if more information on value choices becomes
available in the underlying models employed.
Int J Life Cycle Assess
4.2 Regionalisation
Country- or region-specific characterisation factors for mid-
points and endpoints were included for a number of impact
categories, including fine particulate matter formation, photo-
chemical ozone formation, acidification, freshwater eutrophi-
cation and water use. Country-specific characterisation factors
for midpoints and endpoints were included for a number of
impact categories, including fine particulate matter formation,
photochemical ozone formation, acidification, freshwater eu-
trophication and water use. Particularly for the global models
related to fine particulate matter formation and photochemical
ozone formation, a higher spatial resolution at the global scale
and with a closer spatial connection between fate, exposure
and effects can further improve the reliability of LCIA (see,
e.g. Apte et al. 2015;Braueretal.2016). For other impact
categories, spatial differentiation has not been considered at all
in ReCiPe2016 and major improvements are possible on this
point. Most prominent impact categories for providing
regionalised results are land use (Chaudhary et al. 2015)and
toxicity (Kounina et al. 2014). For toxicity, spatial differenti-
ation can be considered particularly relevant for the modelling
of ecological impacts of metals, if speciation is taken into
account in fate, exposure and effect calculations (see, e.g.
Dong et al. 2016).
4.3 Global species extinction
Damage to ecosystem quality in ReCiPe2016 refers to the
aggregated local loss of species over space and time. Global
species extinction risk may, however, also be considered as an
indicator for ecosystem quality in addition to local species
loss. For both water use and land use, there are already possi-
bilities to account for global species decline in life cycle im-
pact assessment (see Chaudhary et al. 2015; Verones et al.
2015). Further research is needed to expand this also to other
impact categories.
4.4 Missing pathways
With ReCiPe2016, we firstly focused on advancing the impact
modelling of categories that were classified as interim by
Hauschild et al. (2013). Not all exposure and damage path-
ways could, however, be modelled in ReCiPe2016. First, hu-
man exposure pathways related to indoor emissions to
chemicals and fine particulate matter (Rosenbaum et al.
2015; Hodas et al. 2016) and direct application of pesticides
to food items (Fantke and Jolliet 2015) were not included and
should be considered in future updates of ReCiPe. There are
also missing pathways in the endpoint modelling of existing
impact categories due to lack of global information, such as
the change in incidence of infectious diseases due to climate
change (see, e.g. Fan et al. 2015). For fossil resource scarcity,
we were not able to establish a mid-to-endpoint factor which
requires further improvement. Finally, additional impact cate-
gories should be considered, particularly related to the marine
environment, such as marine eutrophication, invasive species
and plastic debris (Woods et al. 2016). For human health,
noise is a potentially relevant impact category to be considered
in a future update (see, e.g. Cucurachi and Heijungs 2014).
Impacts from emerging activities and substances, such as im-
pacts from nanoparticles, are also potentially relevant for fur-
ther expansion (Pini et al. 2016).
Life cycle impact assessment is a fast evolving field of re-
search. ReCiPe2016 provides a state-of-the-art method to con-
vert life cycle inventories to a limited number of life cycle
impact scores on midpoint and endpoint level. Three endpoint
categories (human health, ecosystem quality and resource
scarcity) and 17 midpoint categories were included with a
focus on providing characterisation factors that are represen-
tative on the global scale in line with the global nature of many
product life cycles.
Acknowledgements The research was supported by the Dutch
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM-project
S/607020, Measurably Sustainable within the spearhead Healthy and
Sustainable Living Environment, commissioned by the Director-
General of RIVM and run under the auspices of RIVMs Science
Advisory Board.
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Int J Life Cycle Assess
... ReCiPe 2016 is an LCIA method offering an advanced approach to translate life cycle inventories into a select set of impact scores at both midpoint and end point levels. 45 These characterization models generate characterization factors (CF), which serve as weighting metrics to consolidate life cycle emissions into comprehensive scores for assessing impacts on human health and ecosystem well-being. 23,24,39 The distinction between the two levels is that end point uses indicators for assessing AoPs while midpoint lies in between the emission and end point. ...
... Another study estimated the environmental impacts of coffee processing using LCA, where two methods, AWARE and ReCiPe, 45 were compared for water consumption. The AWARE model supplemented the results from RECIPE for a broader evaluation of WF. 142 A study by Usva et al. 143 assessed the water use impact of a classic Finnish milk production system, including both midpoint and endpoint level, where the former was evaluated for water scarcity using the water stress index and stress-weighted water footprint index by Pfister 13,26,27,124 and AWARE, while the latter was evaluated for damage assessment using the eco-indicator 99 framework. ...
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Freshwater, an essential resource for survival, is becoming scarce because of overuse. A reliable and precise assessment approach is necessary to establish a sustainable water system for use in proper decision-making. This paper explores the range of approaches and methods developed over time to evaluate water consumption, considering factors related to scarcity, quality, and volume. These methods are primarily based on volumetric footprint, impact-oriented assessment, or a combination of both. The water footprinting standard defines water footprint as impact-oriented, where volumetric approach serves as an inventory in life cycle assessment (LCA), which is a widely used tool for evaluating the environmental impact of a product or a system throughout its lifetime. The work provides a thorough overview of more than forty different approaches, tools, databases, and water indices related to water use, water footprint and its environmental impact using life cycle assessment tool and compiled from more than sixty reviewed articles. Many approaches focus on availability and shortage while water quality is generally considered separately, with LCA employing specific indicators. To calculate the impact of scarce freshwater supply on the environment, methodologies are being developed to create a connection between water availability, use and impacts. This is accomplished by employing various characterization models that use environmental mechanisms to convert volumetric input flows into impacts. Some models use cause-and-effect chain relationships to evaluate the effects of water scarcity on ecosystems, human health, and natural resources. Water indices, usually focusing on scarcity or quantity, are used as characterization factors in some models. The paper also presents the most recent approaches to water use assessment that emerged from a consensus between the LCA and water scientific groups. Despite substantial progress, challenges are still present within the sector. Continuous improvement is essential for improving current methods. Enhancing environmental mechanisms, measuring uncertainty, resolving temporal and spatial disparities, undertaking regional evaluations, and improving primary or local data are some of the challenges. This study directs future research toward more efficient and comprehensive water use impact assessment techniques by outlining important areas for improvement.
... The LCIA method selected in this analysis is ReCiPe 2016 [70], which includes 18 environmental midpoint impact categories in the evaluation, namely particulate matter formation potential (PMFP), global warming potential (GWP), stratospheric ozone depletion potential (ODP), ionizing radiation potential (IRP), tropospheric ozone formation potential (OFP), tropospheric ozone formation potential (ecosystem, OFP), terrestrial acidification potential (TAP), freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP), marine eutrophication potential (MEP), freshwater ecotoxicity potential (FETP), marine ecotoxicity potential (METP), human toxicity (cancer, HTPc), human toxicity (non-cancer, HTPnc), land occupation potential (LOP), mineral resources depletion potential (SOP), fossil resources scarcity potential (FFP), and water consumption potential (WCP). In accordance with the ReCiPe 2016 methodology, the single score is then calculated by summing the three endpoint categories, human health, ecosystem, and resources, once normalized to the unit of measurement (pts), in relation to the hierarchical perspective. ...
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The 17th Century Casa a Ponente of Palazzo Rocca Costaguta's wall provided an opportunity for an evaluation based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach of conservation treatments aiming at removing biological colonization from built heritage surfaces. The investigated surfaces were historic plasters partially covered by a patchy green patina due to biofilm recolonization soon after a previous biocidal treatment. Areas of the biocolonized wall were treated by conservation professionals according to both conventional and "green" (i.e., exploiting natural active principles) biocidal products, including Preventol RI 50 (active substance benzalkonium chloride), Essenzio (active substance essential oregano oil), and hydrogen peroxide. Upon treatment, LCA analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental impact of the different solutions, including a no-treatment option. LCA analysis was based on on-site investigations of the untreated wall surface with and without biofilm and following the biocidal treatment. The conservation treatment's impact on the mineral substrate was based on digital microscopy, colorimetry, and water contact angle measurements via an innovative portable method. The results highlighted the impacts of the different biocidal treatments, which, in some cases, have not completely removed the biofilm and, in some cases, have altered the surface properties of the plaster. This pointed out the opportunity to rethink conservation strategy, including LCA analysis as a complementary tool to assess the environmental impact of the different conservation treatments and procedures.
The current paper explores the performance, microstructure and environmental consequences of low-calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete compared to OPC-based concrete. The performance of the concrete is assessed based on strength, permeability, sulfate resistance, and acid attack. Two geopolymer mixes were designed by adjusting the binder dosage. The geopolymer concrete mixes achieved 11–16% higher strength than OPC-based concrete. However, increasing the binder dosage from 30 to 40% led to 5% reduction in strength at later ages. Geopolymer concrete demonstrated superior resistance to sulfate and acid attacks, as well as lower penetration depth and permeability coefficient compared to OPC-based concrete. Microstructural analysis was conducted using XRD and SEM techniques, identifying sodium aluminosilicate gel as the product formed during the polymerization process. The environmental impact was evaluated through a life cycle assessment using a cradle-to-gate approach. Geopolymer concrete requires 25–33% less energy and emits 14–28% less kg-CO2 eq. than OPC-based concrete. The production of OPC-based concrete had the greatest negative environmental impact, except in the categories of metal depletion (MDP) and ionizing radiation (IRP_HE). In geopolymer concrete, the use of alkaline activators accounted for higher energy consumption and accounted for 73–75% kg-CO2 eq. emissions. Overall, fly ash-based geopolymer concrete showed higher strength and excellent resistance to acid and sulfate attacks, along with a lower carbon footprint and energy consumption.
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The responses of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other climate variables to an emission pulse of CO2 into the atmosphere are often used to compute the Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Global Temperature change Potential (GTP), to characterize the response timescales of Earth System models, and to build reduced-form models. In this carbon cycle-climate model intercomparison project, which spans the full model hierarchy, we quantify responses to emission pulses of different magnitudes injected under different conditions. The CO2 response shows the known rapid decline in the first few decades followed by a millennium-scale tail. For a 100 Gt-C emission pulse added to a constant CO2 concentration of 389 ppm, 25 ± 9% is still found in the atmosphere after 1000 yr; the ocean has absorbed 59 ± 12% and the land the remainder (16 ± 14%). The response in global mean surface air temperature is an increase by 0.20 ± 0.12 °C within the first twenty years; thereafter and until year 1000, temperature decreases only slightly, whereas ocean heat content and sea level continue to rise. Our best estimate for the Absolute Global Warming Potential, given by the time-integrated response in CO2 at year 100 multiplied by its radiative efficiency, is 92.5 × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. This value very likely (5 to 95% confidence) lies within the range of (68 to 117) × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. Estimates for time-integrated response in CO2 published in the IPCC First, Second, and Fourth Assessment and our multi-model best estimate all agree within 15% during the first 100 yr. The integrated CO2 response, normalized by the pulse size, is lower for pre-industrial conditions, compared to present day, and lower for smaller pulses than larger pulses. In contrast, the response in temperature, sea level and ocean heat content is less sensitive to these choices. Although, choices in pulse size, background concentration, and model lead to uncertainties, the most important and subjective choice to determine AGWP of CO2 and GWP is the time horizon.
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This chapter serves as an introduction to the presentation of the many aspects of life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) in this volume of the book series ‘LCA Compendium’. It starts with a brief historical overview of the development of life cycle impact assessment driven by numerous national LCIA methodology projects and presents the international scientific discussions and methodological consensus attempts in consecutive working groups under the auspices of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) as well as the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, and the (almost) parallel standardisation activities under the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). A brief introduction is given on the purpose and structure of LCIA. As a common background for the 11 chapters dealing with the characterisation modelling of the most common impact categories, the chapter concludes with an introduction of the general principles and features of characterisation.
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Purpose The increasing use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in industrial applications and consumer products is leading to an inevitable release of these materials into the environment. This makes it necessary to assess the potential risks that these new materials pose to human health and the environment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology has been recognized as a key tool for assessing the environmental performance of nanoproducts. Until now, the impacts of ENMs could not be included in LCA studies due to a lack of characterization factors (CFs). This paper provides a methodological framework for identifying human health CFs for ENMs. Methods The USEtox™ model was used to identify CFs for assessing the potential carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects on human health caused by ENM emissions in both indoor (occupational settings) and outdoor environments. Nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) was selected for defining the CFs in this study, as it is one of the most commonly used ENMs. For the carcinogenic effect assessment, a conservative approach was adopted; indeed, a critical dose estimate for pulmonary inflammation was assumed. Results and discussion We propose CFs for nano-TiO2 from 5.5E−09 to 1.43E−02 cases/kgemitted for both indoor and outdoor environments and for carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects. Conclusions These human health CFs for nano-TiO2 are an important step toward the comprehensive application of LCA methodology in the field of nanomaterial technology.
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In the evaluation of product life cycles, methods to assess the increase in scarcity of resources are still under development. Indicators that can express the importance of an increase in scarcity of metals extracted include surplus ore produced, surplus energy required, and surplus costs in the mining and the milling stage. Particularly the quantification of surplus costs per unit of metal extracted as an indicator is still in an early stage of development. Here, we developed a method that quantifies the surplus cost potential of mining and milling activities per unit of metal extracted, fully accounting for mine-specific differences in costs. The surplus cost potential indicator is calculated as the average cost increase resulting from all future metal extractions, as quantified via cumulative cost-tonnage relationships. We tested the calculation procedure with 12 metals and platinum-group metals as a separate group. We found that the surplus costs range six orders of magnitude between the metals included, i.e., between 0.01–0.02 (iron) and 13,533–17,098 (rhodium) USD (year 2013) per kilogram of metal extracted. The choice of the reserve estimate (reserves vs. ultimate recoverable resource) influenced the surplus costs only to a limited extent, i.e., between a factor of 0.7 and 3.2 for the metals included. Our results provide a good basis to regularly include surplus cost estimates as resource scarcity indicator in life cycle assessment.
This book offers a detailed presentation of the principles and practice of life cycle impact assessment. As a volume of the LCA compendium, the book is structured according to the LCIA framework developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)passing through the phases of definition or selection of impact categories, category indicators and characterisation models (Classification): calculation of category indicator results (Characterisation); calculating the magnitude of category indicator results relative to reference information (Normalisation); and converting indicator results of different impact categories by using numerical factors based on value-choices (Weighting). Chapter one offers a historical overview of the development of life cycle impact assessment and presents the boundary conditions and the general principles and constraints of characterisation modelling in LCA. The second chapter outlines the considerations underlying the selection of impact categories and the classification or assignment of inventory flows into these categories. Chapters three through thirteen exploreall the impact categories that are commonly included in LCIA, discussing the characteristics of each followed by a review of midpoint and endpoint characterisation methods, metrics, uncertainties and new developments, and a discussion of research needs. Chapter-length treatment is accorded to Climate Change; Stratospheric Ozone Depletion; Human Toxicity; Particulate Matter Formation; Photochemical Ozone Formation; Ecotoxicity; Acidification; Eutrophication; Land Use; Water Use; and Abiotic Resource Use. The final two chapters map out the optional LCIA steps of Normalisation and Weighting.
The importance of increase in the scarcity of resources can be assessed using different approaches. Here, we propose a method that is based on the amount of extra ore mined to assess the importance of the extraction of resources. The surplus ore potential (SOP) indicator quantifies the extra amount of ore mined per additional unit of resource extracted by applying log-logistic cumulative grade-tonnage relationships and reserve estimates. We derived SOPs for 18 resources (17 metals including uranium and phosphorus) with 5 orders of magnitude difference (between 4.1 × 10−1 kilograms [kg] of extra ore per kg of manganese extracted and 5.5 × 104 kg of extra ore per kg of gold extracted). The sensitivity of the SOP values to the choice of reserve estimates (reserves vs. ultimate recoverable resource) are within a factor of 3 of each other. Combining the SOP values with the 2012 global extraction rates of these 18 resources resulted in a 236 to 372 kg ore/capita surplus ore extracted. Iron, phosphorus, copper, gold, and aluminium were the largest contributors. The large variation in SOP values we observed between resources emphasizes the potential relevance of including resource-specific SOP values to assess the contribution to resource scarcity by specific products and technologies.
We developed regionalized characterization factors (CFs) for human health damage from particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone, and for damage to vegetation from ozone, at the global scale. These factors can be used in the impact assessment phase of an environmental life cycle assessment. CFs express the overall damage of a certain pollutant per unit of emission of a precursor, i.e. primary PM2.5, nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). The global chemical transport model TM5 was used to calculate intake fractions of PM2.5 and ozone for 56 world regions covering the whole globe. Furthermore, region-specific effect and damage factors were derived, using mortality rates, background concentrations and years of life lost. The emission-weighted world average CF for primary PM2.5 emissions is 629 yr kton−1, varying up to 3 orders of magnitude over the regions. Larger CFs were obtained for emissions in central Asia and Europe, and smaller factors in Australia and South America. The world average CFs for PM2.5 from secondary aerosols, i.e. NOx, NH3, and SO2, is 67.2 to 183.4 yr kton−1. We found that the CFs for ozone human health damage are 2–4 orders of magnitude lower compared to the CFs for damage due to primary PM2.5 and PM2.5 precursor emissions. Human health damage due to the priority air pollutants considered in this study was 1.7·10−2 yr capita−1 worldwide in year 2010, with primary PM2.5 emissions as the main contributor (62%). The emission-weighted world average CF for ecosystem damage due to ozone was 2.5 km2 yr kton−1 for NMVOCs and 8.7 m2 yr kg−1 for NOx emissions, varying 2–3 orders of magnitude over the regions. Ecosystem damage due to the priority air pollutants considered in this study was 1.6·10−4 km2 capita−1 worldwide in 2010, with NOx as the main contributor (72%). The spatial range in CFs stresses the importance of including spatial variation in life cycle impact assessment of priority air pollutants.
Human demands on marine resources and space are currently unprecedented and concerns are rising over observed declines in marine biodiversity. A quantitative understanding of the impact of industrial activities on the marine environment is thus essential. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a widely applied method for quantifying the environmental impact of products and processes. LCA was originally developed to assess the impacts of land-based industries on mainly terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. As such, impact indicators for major drivers of marine biodiversity loss are currently lacking. We review quantitative approaches for cause–effect assessment of seven major drivers of marine biodiversity loss: climate change, ocean acidification, eutrophication-induced hypoxia, seabed damage, overexploitation of biotic resources, invasive species and marine plastic debris. Our review shows that impact indicators can be developed for all identified drivers, albeit at different levels of coverage of cause–effect pathways and variable levels of uncertainty and spatial coverage. Modeling approaches to predict the spatial distribution and intensity of human-driven interventions in the marine environment are relatively well-established and can be employed to develop spatially-explicit LCA fate factors. Modeling approaches to quantify the effects of these interventions on marine biodiversity are less well-developed. We highlight specific research challenges to facilitate a coherent incorporation of marine biodiversity loss in LCA, thereby making LCA a more comprehensive and robust environmental impact assessment tool. Research challenges of particular importance include i) incorporation of the non-linear behavior of global circulation models (GCMs) within an LCA framework and ii) improving spatial differentiation, especially the representation of coastal regions in GCMs and ocean-carbon cycle models.
This study is a first attempt to develop globally applicable and spatially differentiated marine Comparative Toxicity Potentials (CTPs) or ecotoxicity characterization factors for metals in coastal seawater for use in Life Cycle Assessment. The toxicity potentials are based exclusively on marine ecotoxicity data and take account of metal speciation and bioavailability. CTPs were developed for nine cationic metals (Cd, Cr(III), Co, Cu(II), Fe(III), Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in 64 Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) covering all coastal waters in the world. The results showed that the CTP of a specific metal varies 3-4 orders of magnitude across LMEs, largely due to different seawater residence time. Therefore the highest toxicity potential for metals was found in the LMEs with the longest seawater residence times. Across metals, the highest CTPs were observed for Cd, Pb and Zn. At the concentration levels occurring in coastal seawaters, Fe acts not as a toxic agent but an essential nutrient and thus has CTPs of zero.