
Two new species of Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae, Oncidieae) from Colombia

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Two new species of Cyrtochilum are described and illustrated based on Colombian material. Both novelties are characterized by the triangular lip with basal callus and free petal apices. Information about the habitat of the new species and their distribution maps are presented.

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This article is a presentation of taxonomic diversity of the orchid genusCyrtochilumin Northwestern South America. The morphological characteristics of over 90 speciesoccurring in northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are presentedtogether with illustrations of theirfloral segments. Information about the distributionof each taxon is provided. Ten morphologically consistent groups have beendelineated to facilitate identification ofCyrtochilumrepresentatives in the studiedarea. Keys for determination of species within each group are provided. Seven newspecies ofCyrtochilumare described and one new combination is proposed.
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Phylogenetic relationships within the orchid subtribe Oncidiinae sensu Chase were inferred using maximum likelihood analyses of single and multilocus DNA sequence data sets. Analyses included both nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer DNA and plastid regions (matK exon, trnH-psbA intergenic spacer and two portions of ycf1 exon) for 736 individuals representing approximately 590 species plus seven outgroup taxa. Based on the well resolved and highly supported results, we recognize 61 genera in Oncidiinae. Mimicry of oil-secreting Malpighiaceae and other floral syndromes evolved in parallel across the subtribe, and many clades exhibit extensive variation in pollination-related traits. Because previous classifications heavily emphasized these floral features, many genera recognized were not monophyletic. Our classification based on monophyly will facilitate focused monographs and clarifies the evolution of morphological and biochemical traits of interest within this highly diverse subtribe. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168, 117–146.
The monograph of the genus Oncidium, published by Kränzlin, in "Das Pflanzenreich IV. 50, Heft 80, 1922" has been found to be quite inaccurate and most unsatisfactory for identifications. Because accuracy is of paramount importance in taxonomy, and because this is the only available monograph of Oncidium, an attempt is made here to reappraise the whole work as well as to rearrange the species within the limits of the established sections. All existing type specimens have been studied and Kränzlin's illustrations reidentified with them. The nomenclature, whether pertaining to species or to supraspecific categories, is updated and brought in line with the requirements of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. For convenience, bibliographic references of omissions, as well as of species described since 1922, are added in the appropriate places.
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A) Dorsal sepal; (B) petal; (C) lateral sepal; (D) lip (front view); (E) gynostemium. Scale bar ¼ 5 mm
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Kraenzl. (A) Dorsal sepal; (B) petal; (C) lateral sepal; (D) lip (front view); (E) gynostemium. Scale bar ¼ 5 mm. Drawn by N. Olędrzyńska from the type.
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Odontoglossum, a Monograph and Iconograph. Brücke-Verlag Kurt Schmersow, Hildesheim
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A synopsis of the genus Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae; Oncidiinae): Taxonomic reevaluation and new combinations
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