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Endoscopic ear surgery – a complement to microscopic ear surgery


Abstract and Figures

Wullstein, the founder of modern microscopic ear surgery, already used an oto-endoscope intraoperatively. However, it is only after the recent development of modern video-endoscopy with high-definition, 4K, and 3‑dimensional imaging that endoscopically guided surgery of the middle ear is gaining some importance. Key ventilation routes like the isthmus tympani and the epitympanic diaphragm can be visualized far better using an endoscope than with a microscope. Going through the external meatus, surgery of middle ear pathologies is possible without external incision. This type of primary endoscopic ear surgery has to be distinguished from secondary endoscopic ear surgery, where standard microscopic ear surgery is supplemented by endoscopic surgery. Having to hold the endoscope in one hand, surgery has to be performed single-handedly, which is awkward. In cases of extensive bone removal or excessive bleeding, the view through the endoscope lens is obscured; therefore; the endoscope cannot fully substitute the microscope. It is, however, an interesting adjunct to microscopic ear surgery.
Content may be subject to copyright.
DOI 10.1007/s00106-016-0268-x
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is availableat
SpringerLink with Open Access.
S. Preyer
Ohrenschwerpunkt Karlsruhe am Diakonissenkrankenhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany
Endoscopic ear surgery –
a complement to microscopic ear
Microscopic surgery is the gold
standard for surgeries of the middle
ear, mastoid and lateral skull
base. In Germany, microscopic ear
surgery is performed at a very high
level, with very good results with
respect to control of pathologies
and hearing function. Endoscopic
ear surgery is gaining increasing
importance internationally as
an adjunct to microsurgery and
a further development of traditional
microscopic ear surgery. However, in
Germany, endoscopic ear surgery has
not yet gained general acceptance as
a routine procedure.
Although endoscopic ear surgery is still
in its infancy, it is gaining increasing
attention internationally. e first rea-
son for this increasing interest is the pa-
tients’ wish for minimal invasive surgery
to avoid an external incision.
»The quality of endoscopic
images is at least equal to
microscopic visualization
Secondly, endoscopic visualization has
improved significantly during the past
decades due to high-definition (HD)
video imaging and wide-field endoscopy,
such that today, the quality of endoscopic
images is equal or in some aspects maybe
The German versionof this article can be found
even superior to microscopic visualiza-
Modern ear surgery is based on use of
the operating microscope to v isualize the
delicate middle ear structures. Our con-
cepts of ear surgery and classification of
tympanoplasty were developedin the 20th
century. ese concepts still determine
surgical procedures today [23].
Ohnsorge at the Würzburg ENT clinic
was the first to describe intraoperative
use of an endoscope [14]. Aer pro-
tic purposes [3,13], Wullstein used an
“ototympanoscope” from the company
Storz with a diameter of 2.7 mm intra-
operatively in 1984. However, the de-
vice had to be held in both hands and
could therefore only be used for a control
look around the corner [30]. Nine years
later, omassin and McKennan inde-
pendently proposed a minimal invasive
approach and use of the endoscope for
second-look surgery aer cholesteatoma
surgery [10,31]. Both surgeons intro-
duced the endoscope into the mastoid
via a small incision within the course of
the retroauricular scar. omassin de-
scribed use of 30 and 70° endoscopes
to reduce residual cholesteatoma in the
tympanic sinus and the retrotympanum
[30]. Inthesameyear,Poeusedtheendo-
scopicapproachto inspectthe round win-
dow for perilymphatic fistulas [19]and,
in 2000, described endoscopic stapedio-
plasty for the first time [18]. Tarabichi
developed endoscopic ear surgery fur-
ther and published two case series with
38 and 165 patients in 1997 and 1999,
respectively, in whom he performed en-
doscopic surgery for cholesteatoma and
perforations of the tympanic membrane
without a microscope [24,25].
Subsequent publications describe two
types of endoscopic ear surgery: a sec-
ondary endoscopic approach, i.e. us-
ing the endoscope for an additional vi-
sual control in microscopic middle ear
surgery [20,31], and primary endos copic
ear surgery, i. e. all steps of surgery are
performed endoscopically [4,6,11,24,
For endoscopic ear surgery, rigid endo-
scopes with angles ranging from 0 to 70°
and diameters of 2.7 to 4 mm are used.
Initial concerns that the heat at the tip of
the endoscope mightcause tissuedamage
have since been dispersed. It has been
shown that the temperature at the tip of
the endoscope is not as great as initially
estimated, simply because the endoscope
has to be removed from the ear at regular
intervals for cleaning purposes. Clean-
ing the endoscope and applying anti-fog
solution allow time to cool down [20].
During endoscopic ear surgery the
surgeon holds the endoscop e in one hand
while working in the ear with the other
(.Fig. 1). To allow this kind of single-
handed surgery, different surgical instru-
ment companies have developed special
surgical instruments with suction. Since
it is possible to look around corners with
the endoscope, curved ear instruments
have been developed that enable the sur-
geon to also work around corners. To
avoid time delays in special situations,
e. g. heavy bleeding during endoscopic
Fig. 1 8Setup for endoscopic ea r surgery. aTheready-to-usemicroscopecanbeseenintheupper
left corner. bThe left hand holds the endoscope, while the right hand performs the surgery
Fig. 2 9Endo-
scopic middle ea r
anatomy. ST sinus
tympani,STS sub-
RW round window,
star posterior sinus.
from [12] with
permission from
ear surgery, the operating microscope
should always be ready for use in the
operating room. is allows the surgeon
to change to the microscope at any stage
of the surgery if necessary.
Secondary endoscopic ear surgery
Historically, secondary endoscopic ear
surgery is the older technique and was
developed beforeprimary endoscopic ear
surgery with the intention of improving
the outcome of cholesteatoma surgery
[30]. For viewing around the corner,
30, 45 and 70° endoscopes are used as
an adjunct to the microscope to clear
cholesteatoma from blind spots, i. e. the
epitympanum, retrotympanum, hypo-
tympanum and Eustachian tube orifice
[20,31]. For access to the middle ear or
mastoid, a traditional retroauricular or
endaural approach is used. Pathologies
are removed under the microscope and
the posterior wall of the external meatus
is either preserved or removed [30].
Use of the en dos cop e improves visua l
control around c orners and thus re sults in
reduction of the amount of healthy bone
to be removed and improved preserva-
tion of temporal bone anatomy [1,11,
like the sinus tympani and hypotympa-
num, which are hard to reach micro-
scopically even aer extensive bone re-
moval [28,29]. Systematic endoscopic
anatomic studies have shown that mas-
toid cells which extend posterior to the fa-
cial nerve and below the jugular bulb can-
not be visualized under the microscope
and, therefore, residual cholesteatoma is
oen le behind in these areas [5,12,21,
Primary endoscopic ear surgery
In primary endoscopic ear surgery, the
middle ear is approached via the exter-
nal meatus [25]withoutanexternalskin
incision [1,11,19,24]. is reduces
perioperative so tissue damage.
»The curvature of the
external meatus plays no role in
to the natural curvature of the external
meatus, the view of the middle ear is
much better than when using the mi-
croscope. A short tympanomeatal flap
is elevated in the osseous portion of the
external meatus to access the middle ear
[20]. Later, a small incision may be nec-
essary to harvest gra material, such as
tragal cartilage or muscle fascia. During
surgery, the endoscope remains lateral
to the annulus most of the time, as this
reduces the risk of damaging the delicate
structures in the middle ear. In cases of
large tympanic membrane perforations,
the anatomy and function of the ossic-
ular chain can be judged through the
perforation prior to opening the mid-
dle ear. Aer elevation of the tympa-
nomeatal flap, the oval window can usu-
ally be se en without bone removal, whic h
reduces the risk of damage to the chorda
tympani. Curved instrumentsare needed
for surgical manipulation of the stapes or
the region of the istmus tympani. ese
instruments are different from the typ-
ical straight instruments used for mi-
croscopic surgery [18]. Cholesteatoma
is removed starting in the middle ear
and proceeding into the mastoid, healthy
bone only being removed when needed
for accessibility. Due to the wide field
of vision, less healthy bone needs to be
scopic surgery. Reconstruction of the
ossicular chain and tympanic membrane
is performed by traditional techniques;
however, this requires some practice, be-
cause handling the gra materials with
only one hand is more difficult.
Endoscopic ear anatomy
e endoscopic transmeatal approach
to the middle ear allows the surgeon
to see middle ear structures which, in
the past, were hidden from view using
the microscope. An adequate surgical
anatomy had to be developed to describe
endoscopic surgical steps in the middle
ear. It is possible that the changed view
of middle ear anatomy will improve
cholesteatoma surgery, as cholesteatoma
growth normally follows given anatomic
routes and precise knowledge of os-
seous anatomy should therefore improve
its removal. Since 2009, Daniele Mar-
chioni and coworkers have published
several papers on endoscopic middle
ear anatomy and suggest a nomencla-
ture and new classification of structures
according to practical aspects ([4,79;
.Fig. 2). ese authors define an upper
and lower retrotympanum, which are
separated from the hypotympanum by
the finiculus (earlier name: sustentacu-
lum promontorii) [5,9]. If the finiculus
is bridge shaped, cholesteatoma can
grow from the round window niche
along infracochlear cells towards the
petrous apex [9]. Of the middle ears
examined in a clinical study of children
undergoing middle ear surgery, 90%
were found to have a bridge-shaped
finiculus, whereas this was the case in
only 60% of adult ears [9]. e upper
and lower retrotympanum are divided
by the subiculum. Marchioni describes
recurrent cholesteatoma as originating
most oen from the subtympanic sinus
between the subiculum and finiculus [5],
particularly when it extends far poste-
rior to the mastoid segment of the facial
nerve or even posterior to it.
Endoscopically, the anterior epitym-
panum and the supratubal recess can al-
ways be visualized and, therefore, the
tensor fold can be accessed for surgical
manipulations [4,8,17]. In 1946, Chatel-
lier and Lemoine described and named
the epitympanic diaphragm, consisting
of the anterior and lateral malleolar liga-
ments, as well as the posterior and lateral
incudal ligaments which separate the epi-
and mesotympanum ([2,17]; .Fig. 3).
Under normal conditions, the epitympa-
num is aerated exclusively via the tym-
panic isthmus [15,21], which is limited
by the tensor tympani tendon anteriorly
and the medial part of the posterior in-
cudal ligament posteriorly. Endoscopi-
of the tympanic isthmus and to remove
mucosal folds or granulation tissue ob-
structing it. Prussak’s space is ventilated
via the pocket of von Tröltsch posteriorly
and is independent of the epitympanic
space—both anatomically and with re-
spect to ventilation [16].
Epitympanic cholesteatoma
Pathophysiology from an
endoscopic point of view
Based on endoscopic observations of
middle ear ventilation routes, it has
been hypothesized that selective dysven-
tilation of the epitympanum may be
a mechanism for development of epi-
tympanic cholesteatoma [21]: the typical
and not rare finding of an epitympanic
cholesteatoma with a normal tympanic
membrane and positive Valsalva ma-
noeuvre is oen associated with a re-
tracted malleus and a reduced distance
between the handle of the malleus and
the long process of the incus, or with
a blocked tympanic isthmus due to
congenital or acquired mucosal folds or
granulationtissue ([6]; .Fig. 3). Accord-
ing to this new hypothesis, retraction
of the pars tensa of the tympanic mem-
brane and atelectasis of Prussak’s space
are two distinct independent phenomena
leading to cholesteatoma [16].
New therapy possibilities
Performing endoscopic surgery for
epitympanic cholesteatoma allows the
surgeon to check the epitympanic di-
aphragm and the tensor fold. A new
ventilation pathway via the supratubal
recess can be created by dissecting a com-
plete diaphragm and tensor fold ([4,6];
.Fig. 3).
HNO DOI 10.1007/s00106-016-0268-x
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is
available at SpringerLink with Open Access.
S. Preyer
Endoscopic ear surgery –
a complement to microscopic
ear surgery
Wullstein, the founder of modern
microscopic ear surgery, already used an
oto-endoscope i ntraoperatively. However,
it is only after the recent development
of modern video-endoscopy with high-
definition, 4K, and 3-dimensional imaging
that endoscopically guided surgery of the
middle ear is gaining some importance.
Key ventilation routes like the isthmus
tympani and the epit ympanicdiaphragm
can be visualized far better using an
endoscope than with a microscope. Going
through the external meatus, surgery
of middle ear pathologies is possible
without external incision. This type of
primary endoscopic ear surgery has to be
distinguished from secondary endoscopic
ear surgery, where standard microscopic
ear surgery is supplemented by endoscopic
surgery. Having to hold the endoscope in
one hand, surgery has to be performed
single-handedly, which is awkward. In cases
of extensive bone removal or excessive
bleeding, the view through the endoscope
lens is obscured; therefore; the endoscope
cannot fully substitute the microscope.
It is, however, an interesting adjunct to
microscopic ear surgery.
Middle ear surgery · Endoscopic surgical
procedures · Middle ear · Cholesteatoma ·
Tympanoplasty · Video-assisted surgery
It has been proposed that this surgical
manoeuvre might improve ventilation of
the epitympanic space and help in pre-
venting recurrent cholesteatoma. Fur-
thermore, ventilation of the epitympanic
space may be improved by the removal
of mucosal folds and granulation tissue
from the tympanic isthmus [4]. ese
surgical manoeuvres around the corner
can only be performed endoscopically.
us, endoscopicear surgeryopens a new
avenue of functional surgery, with the
goal of also improving ventilation [8].
Extensive bone removal is necessary
deep in the hypotympanum or far pos-
Fig. 3 9Endoscopic mid-
dle ear surgery in a patient
with epitympanic dysven-
tilation. aEpitympanic
cholesteatoma with an oth-
erwise normal tympanic
membrane. bMucosal
folds obstructing the isth-
mus tympani. cComplete
epitympanic diaphragm.
dDissection of the an-
terior malleolar foldto
open up the epit ympanic
space for ventilationvia
the supratubal recess.
SPT stapedius tendon,
SH stapes head, ED epi-
tympanic diaphragm,
PE pyramidal eminence
terior in a deep sinus tympani extend-
ing far beyond the facial nerve. By con-
trast, more healthy bone can be preserved
endoscopically and cholesteatoma is re-
moved under good visual control [5,9].
»Improved ventilation of the
epitympanic space can prevent
recurrent cholesteatoma
In 2013, Marchioni et al. proposed
a transmeatal, transtympanal endo-
scopic approach to the internal auditory
meatus as an alternative route to the
traditional translabyrinthine approach
[7]. In their anatomic studies, the inter-
nal auditory meatus and the complete
course of the facial nerve could be ex-
posed transmeatally without an external
skin incision.
e basic principles of endoscopic ear
surgery are similar to those of micro-
scopic ear surgery, but the combination
of both extends surgical possibilities.
with 37 endoscopicear surgeries—27 pri-
mary and 10 secondary cases—the au-
thor believes that use of the endoscope
improves preservation of the ossicular
chain. e risk for damage of the chorda
tympani is reduced because the oval and
round windows can be visualized endo-
scopically without removal of the scu-
tum. In cases of second-look surgery,
it was possible to look around the cor-
ner and preserve previous reconstruc-
tions of the ossicular chain or cartilage
gras. Removal of cholesteatoma in the
retrotympanum was more reliable with
endoscopic visualization and in one case
with recurrent cholesteatoma in the ex-
tensive hypotympanum, with exposed in-
ternal carotid artery and avery deep pos-
terior retrotympanum, removal was only
possible endoscopically.
e author’s team has performed
transmeatal endoscopic surgery in four
children aged 4–7 years with congeni-
tal cholesteatoma. e ossicular chains
could be preserved in four cases; in one
case, the stapes and incus had already
been destroyed by the cholesteatoma.
Heavy bleeding and extension of disease
posterior to the semicircular canal into
the mastoid limit use of the endoscope,
such that the microscope was used in
these cases. Training of young surgeons
is easier in endoscopic ear surgery be-
cause trainer and trainee have the same
view of the surgical field. It was also
found that the whole team working in
the operating room was more involved
in cases where surgery was performed
endoscopically, as everybody can follow
all surgical steps on the screen “through
the surgeon’s eyes”.
»Endoscopic surgery of
cholesteatoma improves
preservation of the ossicular
In spite of these advantages, endoscopic
ear surgery is spreading only slowly in
Germany. Presumably this is because
new surgical concepts have to be devel-
oped in conjunction witha new approach
to the middle ear and also due tothe lim-
itations of one-handed surgery. Since the
new concepts are sc arce and there are only
Table 1 Clinical studies on endoscopic ear surgery
Publications in
Number of cases Aim of study Results Type of stu dy
McKennan K.X.
1993 [10]
12 patients Recurrent cholesteatoma
Endoscopic second-look ear
surgery: retroauricular incision
after microscopic canal wall up
No postope rative loss of sensiti vity
Less morbidity
No complications
Case series
Thomassin J.M. et al.
1993 [31]
80 patients Cholesteatoma
Comparison of A:
44 microscopic canal wall up pro-
cedures with B:
36 combined microendoscopic
canal wall up procedures
Recurrent cholesteatoma at second-look
after 12–18 months:
Group A: 47.7%
Group B: 5.5%
Retrospective study
on two consecuti ve
case series
Tarab ichi M.
1997 [24]
36 patients Cholesteatoma Clinical follow-up:
1 year postoperatively: 29/30 patients no
2 years postoperatively 10/13 patients no
Second-look after 2 years: 4/6 patients no
Case series
Tarab ichi M.
1999 [25]
165 patients 96 tympanoplasties
13 stapesplasties
56 cholesteatomas
88% tympanic membrane perforation
“Results comparable to literature and
own historical group of patients”
Retrospective study
Poe D.S.
2000 [18]
34 patients Laser-assisted stapedioplasty:
11 stapes mobilisation
17 endoscopi c stapedotomy
6 microscopic stapedotomy
Hearing at 0.5,1,2,3 kHz afte r 6 months as
in historical group of patients
No complications
Improved visualization of anterior crus
and anterior third of footplate with endo-
Prospective study
Tarab ichi M.
2000 [26]
69 ears Cholesteatoma In 3 cases, changeover to mi croscope
with retroauricular incision
Mean follow-up 41 months
6 recurrent cholesteatoma
Retrospective study
Tarab ichi M.
2004 [27]
73 ears Epitympanic cholesteatom a Mean follow-up 43 months:
5 recurrent cholesteatoma
8 recurrent perforations or chain defects
No bone conduction l oss or facial nerve
Case series
Migirov L. et al.
2011 [11]
20 patients Cholesteatoma Clinical follow-up after 1 year:
18 patients no cholesteatoma
12 patients not yet re-examined
Retrospective study
Sarkar S. et al.
2013 [22]
32 patients Stapedotomy:
30 endoscopic
2 microscopic due to gusher
Preoperative41.5 + 5.2 dB
3 months postoperatively 10.1 + 3.6 dB
Bone conduction change 0.1 + 0.7 dB
Case series
a limited number of valid clinical stud-
ies showing the benefit of endoscopic ear
surgery (.Table 1), most experiencedear
technique into clinical routine at present.
Intraoperative use of endoscopes in
middle ear surgery has already opened
up new perspectives in ear surgery, in
spite of the slow spread of the method.
In the future, endoscopic ear surgery will
become an indispensable adjunct to mi-
croscopic ear surgery.
4Transmeatal endoscopic ear surgery
is a promising new technique.
4The transmeatal approach reduces
perioperative soft tissue damage.
4Wide-field 0 and 30 or 70° endo-
scopes allow visualization of hidden
anatomic spaces and working around
corners, i. e. epitympanum, hypo-
tympanum and retrotympanum, for
safe removal of cholesteatoma.
4Visual control of ventilation path-
tympani, allow surgical manipula-
tions improving air passage to the
epitympanic space.
4Endoscopic anatomic studies indicate
that selective dysventilation of the
epitympanum may be a mechanism
inducing epitympanic cholesteatoma
in patients with normal Eustachian
tube function.
4In the future, the new endoscopic
approach to middle ear pathologies
will also change the microscopic
approach to the ear.
Corresponding address
Prof. Dr. S. Preyer
Ohrenschwerpunkt Karlsruhe
am Diakonissenkrankenhaus
Diakonissenstr. 28,
76199 Karlsruhe, Germany
Compliance with ethical
Conflict of interest. S. Preyer is supported in or-
ganizing a workshop on endoscopic ear surgery by
Spiggle & Theiss.
This article does not deal with studies of animals or
The supplement containingthis ar ticle is not spon-
sored by industry.
Open Access.This articleisdistributed under the terms
of the CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 International
License (
4.0/), which permitsunrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the
source,provide a link to theCreative Commons license,
and indicate if changes were made.
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... The quality of endoscopic photos has greatly increased in recent decades thanks to highdefinition (HD) video imaging and wide-field endoscopy. As a result, endoscopic vision is now comparable to, and in some ways even better than, microscopic visibility [5]. Another significant advantage is that training juniors is facilitated, as both the trainer and trainee have an identical perspective of the surgical field. ...
... Another significant advantage is that training juniors is facilitated, as both the trainer and trainee have an identical perspective of the surgical field. Additionally, the entire crew of the operation was more engaged when doing endoscopic surgery, as they were able to observe all surgical procedures on a screen, providing a visual perspective from the surgeon's eye [5,6]. One important advantage to remember, particularly for patients, is that endoscopic techniques are less invasive without the need for postauricular or endaural incisions [7]. ...
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Background Endoscopic ear surgery has numerous benefits, such as the capacity to obtain high-resolution pictures and visualize normally inaccessible locations such as the retrotympanum, sinus tympani, and facial recess. These areas are generally difficult to access with traditional microscopic techniques. Endoscopic ear surgery reduces operating time when performed by skilled surgeons, without the need for a postauricular incision wound. An essential aspect to consider when evaluating the effects of any procedure on individual satisfaction is the assessment of health-associated quality of life. It is a tool used for subjective assessment, which is regarded as a reliable measure of the satisfaction perceived—whether physically or mentally—resulting from a certain procedure. The goal of this study was to identify the benefits of middle ear surgery when done endoscopically compared to postauricular microscopic techniques in middle ear surgery. This was achieved by evaluating and comparing the level of satisfaction among patients who underwent either microscopic or endoscopic ear surgery. Methods The Chronic Ear Surgery Survey (CESS), a 13-point Likert scale survey designed specifically for assessing outcomes of surgery for chronic middle ear disease, was implemented to measure patient satisfaction. The survey comprises three subscales. We performed a retrospective study at the Otorhinolaryngology Department, Cairo University, Egypt. The study encompassed individuals who underwent surgery on the middle ear between March 2018 and September 2021. The patients were scheduled into two categories according to the technique of surgery (whether endoscopic or microscopic) in order to assess postoperative satisfaction using the Chronic Ear Surgery Survey (CESS). Results Our research findings demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the two categories in terms of the overall scores and all subscale scores of the Chronic Ear Surgery Survey (CESS), with patients who had middle ear surgery endoscopically (EES) showing better outcomes. Conclusions Identifying the elements that are strongly associated with subjective outcomes can assist surgeons in identifying patients who are more likely to have poorer satisfaction. This knowledge can be valuable in preoperative counseling. Endoscopic ear surgery (EES) seems to have a higher level of cosmetic acceptability, especially in terms of enhancing the socially related aspects of a patient's pleasure. This work thus supports the ongoing integration of endoscope utilization in otological surgical procedures.
... Der im Vergleich zur verbreiteten mikroskopischen Technik mögliche minimal-invasivere Zugangsweg geht einher mit reduzierter Liegedauer, weniger Wundschmerzen und somit erhöhtem Patientenkomfort [11]. Dies trifft den aktuel-len Zeitgeist, findet sich der behandelnde Arzt/die behandelnde Ärztin -nicht nur im universitären Setting -zwischen knappen zeitlichen Ressourcen bei gleichzeitig hohem Kostendruck und dem Anspruch nach minimal-invasiver Behandlung wieder [16]. ...
... Dieser Aspekt findet sich in der internationalen Literatur, teils aus subjektivem Eindruck der Operateure, teils aus quantifizierter Analyse wieder [5,13,19]. Ein weiterer Vorteil liegt gemäß Preyer [16] darin, dass im Kontext der operativen Ausbildung künftiger OhrchirurgInnen sowohl OperateurIn als auch AssistentInnen oder fortgeschrittenere ChirurgInnen denselben Blick auf den Operationssitus haben. Anatomische Kenntnisse können so einfacher vermittelt und auch einem größeren Publikum gleichermaßen zugänglich gemacht werden. ...
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Background: The aim of this article is to report on the integration of endoscopic ear surgery (EES) into daily clinical practice. Material and methods: In a monocentric prospective study, the endoscopy unit was set up during even weeks over a period of 10 months and the procedure was primarily started endoscopically via a transmeatal approach. In odd weeks, the endoscopy was omitted. A total of 60 procedures in 59 patients were evaluated. Points of comparison were intraoperative vision, incision-suture time, postoperative hearing outcome, and postoperative otoscopic findings. Results: With the exception of the facial nerve (p = 0.15 Mann-Whitney U‑test), the EES showed significantly improved visualization of all areas in the middle ear. The incision-suture times were similar in both methods. If bimanual placement of an ossicular prosthesis was necessary, the incision-suture time increased disproportionately (MES: 57.18 ± 9.7 min, EES: 76.83 ± 24.99 min; p = 0.019, *). There were no statistically significant changes related to hearing outcomes when comparing EES with the microscopic technique. There were no postoperative complications in the EES surgery group. Conclusion: Integration of EES proved to be successful and advantageous in a real patient collective at this location.
... Allein in den letzten 12 Monaten sind 466 Artikel zur EES publiziert worden, was den aktuellen Stellenwert im internationalen Vergleich widerspiegelt. In Deutschland wurden die Indikationen und Vorteile dieser Technik von Preyer [26] ausführlich beschrieben und anhand der aktuellen nationalen und internationalen Literatur analysiert. Zum damaligen Zeitpunkt wurde festgestellt, dass sich die EES-Technik in Deutschland noch nicht als Routineverfahren etablieren konnte und in den Kinderschuhen stecke. ...
... Endoskopische Ohrchirurgie wurde im deutschsprachigen Raum zuletzt und einzig von Preyer 2016 detailliert beschrieben [26]. Trotz der hohen internationalen Präsenz dieses Themas ist für Deutschland 5 Jahre später nicht klar, welchen Stellenwert diese Technik in der mikroskopisch geprägten Ohrchirurgie tatsächlich spielt. ...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund International hat sich die endoskopische Ohrchirurgie („endoscopic ear surgery“, EES) fest etabliert. In Deutschland wird sie kontrovers diskutiert und unterschiedlich angewendet. Daher erfolgte eine Umfrage zu Angebot, Indikationen, Kontraindikationen und zum zukünftigen Stellenwert der EES. Methodik An 141 deutsche Universitäts- und Hauptabteilungen für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie wurde ein Fragebogen mit 20 Fragen versendet. Die Ergebnisse wurden anhand aktueller Literatur gemäß Suche in PubMed und Google Scholar erörtert. Ergebnisse Der Umfragerücklauf betrug 32 % (45 Kliniken). Die EES meist flankierend durchzuführen, gaben 27 Kliniken (60 % der Antwortenden) an. Nur eine Klinik führte alle Ohreingriffe ausschließlich endoskopisch durch. Bei Auftreten intraoperativer Blutungen, Bohrarbeiten am Mastoid oder bei Notwendigkeit bimanuellen Arbeitens wurde zur mikroskopischen Technik („microscopic ear surgery“, MES) gewechselt. Als häufigste Indikationen für die EES wurden Tympanoskopie, Cholesteatom, Retraktionstasche, Eingriffe am Trommelfell und am Gehörgang angegeben. Der Aufwand bei der EES wurde in rund 50 % aller Antworten höher als in der MES eingeschätzt. Bei den EES-Kliniken dominierte mit 78 % der Tragusknorpel als rekonstruktives Transplantat. Nur 4 von 45 antwortenden Kliniken schätzten den zukünftigen Stellenwert der EES in Deutschland als hoch ein. Schlussfolgerung Die EES wird in Deutschland zwar eingesetzt, jedoch nur in wenigen HNO-Kliniken in größerem Umfang angewendet. Als problematisch gelten das einhändige Arbeiten, die Durchführung von Bohrarbeiten, Beherrschung von Blutungen und der insgesamt als höher eingeschätzte Aufwand. Häufig wird deshalb die EES flankierend am Ohr angewendet und zwischen EES und MES gewechselt.
... McKennan, in 1993, introduced endoscopy for second-look ear surgery [9]. Thomassin et al. cleared residual cholesteatoma 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in sinus tympani and retro tympanum using 30-and 70-degree endoscopes [10]. In this retrospective analysis, we compared the preoperative audiometry results and symptoms with postoperative graft uptake and improvement in hearing in patients who underwent endoscopic vs. microscopic tympanoplasty for CSOM between 2023 and 2024. ...
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Introduction Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) involves tympanic membrane perforation and is traditionally treated with microscopic tympanoplasty. Recent advancements in endoscopic techniques offer enhanced visibility and outcomes. This retrospective study compares endoscopic and microscopic tympanoplasty outcomes in CSOM patients between 2023 and 2024. Aim This study aims to evaluate outcomes of endoscopic vs. microscopic tympanoplasty in patients suffering from CSOM who are presenting at our tertiary care center. Methodology A retrospective study of 100 patients of CSOM undergoing tympanoplasty. Sixty patients underwent microscopic tympanoplasty and 40 endoscopic tympanoplasty. Postoperative successful uptake of graft and resultant hearing were compared between the two groups. Results Ninety-seven out of 100 patients had a successful graft uptake at three months. Fifty-eight patients in the microscopic tympanoplasty group (96.67%) and 39 in the endoscopic group (97.5%) had healed the tympanic membrane at three months of follow-up (p = 0.864). At postoperative three months, no statistically significant difference was found in the improvements in air conduction levels of the two groups (p = 0.995). No significant difference in the air-bone gap between the two groups (p = 0.095). The average air-bone gap at three months postoperative was 7.95 ± 4.20 decibel (dB) in the microscopic tympanoplasty group and 7.80 ± 4.10 dB in the endoscopic tympanoplasty group (p = 0.680). The incidence of postoperative wound area pain, numbness, and ear discharge was significantly higher in patients undergoing microscopic tympanoplasty (p < 0.05). Conclusion The two methods did not significantly differ in terms of the outcome of the hearing test or the rate of graft uptake. However, a better result was noted in endoscopic tympanoplasty compared to the microscopic tympanoplasty group. Postoperative complications encountered were less in the endoscopic tympanoplasty group.
... Various assessment technologies have been applied to support clinical diagnosis, including image-based and acousticbased approaches. Telescopy with video cameras, an imagebased approach, is the most common assistive method in clinical environments [11][12][13][14]. It can enhance the diagnostic accuracy [15], but it still requires professional interpretation [16], and the high-cost video system is not affordable for all primary clinics. ...
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The diagnostic accuracy of otitis media with effusion (OME) depends on a clinician’s experience and evaluation tools. Various assessment technologies have been applied to support clinical diagnosis, such as digital otoscopy and tympanometry. However, several challenges and issues limit the capabilities and usability of these assessment technologies, including high costs and needing to rely on specialists’ interpretations. In this work, we designed and validated OME detection using a machine learning model and in-ear microphones. Two off-the-shelf microphones were placed in the bilateral ear canals to record the voice when participants pronounced five 3-second sustained vowel sounds. Various signal processing and machine learning techniques were applied to the recordings, and the magnitude spectrograms of the vowel sound recording from in-ear microphones can distinguish ears with OME from healthy ears according to the differences in high-frequency response. Our results using in-ear microphones and ML algorithms had an accuracy of 80.65% in detecting OME, similar to that of typical OME detection approaches. This work demonstrates the potential to provide healthcare practitioners with a simple, safe, and more reliable expert-level diagnostic tool.
Background With the development of otoendoscopic surgery technology and the update of equipment, more and more otoendoscopic tympanoplasty are carried out. Objectives To investigate application of otoendoscopic tympanoplasty. Methods Seventy-six patients with tympanic membrane perforation were randomly enrolled into otoendoscopic group (OP, n = 38) and microscope group (MP, n = 38). We compared two-group patients using operative time, intraoperative blood loss, healing of postoperative perforations, and degree of postoperative hearing improvement. Results Average operation time was statistically significant shorter in the OP than the MP (p < .05); the intraoperative blood loss in the OP was significant less than MP (p < .05); after postoperative follow-up, the healing rate of tympanic membrane perforation was 92.11% in the OP compared to 89.47% in the MP. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the two groups (p > .05). There were no statistically significant differences between the preoperative and postoperative air and bone conduction thresholds in the two groups (p > .05). Conclusions Otoendoscopic tympanoplasty is a minimally invasive operation but with similar effects as compared to microscopic one. But the operation time and intraoperative blood loss in the OP were significantly better than those in the MP, thus it is a safe, effective and easy to be operated in clinical practice.
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Facial nerve palsy is an uncommon yet significant complication of chronic otitis media (COM) which can lead to a permanent cosmetic defect. It is common in cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media. Treatment options include antibiotics, steroids, and surgery. Facial nerve decompression is chiefly performed using a microscope via a postaural approach. It requires mastoidectomy and atticotomy to gain access to the anterior epitympanum and anterior end of the tympanic facial nerve. Here, we present a case of a 40-year-old woman with bilateral chronic otitis media presented with sudden onset of Grade V left facial nerve palsy. On examination, the left ear had cholesteatomatous like debris, granulation, and discharge. Total endoscopic transcanal type III tympanoplasty and facial nerve decompression were done. She had full recovery post-surgery. The endoscope avoided the postaural incision, decreased morbidity, and provided faster recovery.
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The round window region is a critical area of the middle ear; the aim of this paper is to describe its anatomy from an endoscopic perspective, emphasizing some structures, the knowledge of which could have important implications during surgery, as well as to evaluate what involvement cholesteatoma may have with these structures. Retrospective review of video recordings of endoscopic ear surgeries and retrospective database review were conducted in Tertiary university referral center. Videos from endoscopic middle ear procedures carried out between June 2010 and September 2012 and stored in a shared database were reviewed retrospectively. Surgeries in which an endoscopic magnification of the round window region and the inferior retrotympanum area was performed intraoperatively were included in the study. Involvement by cholesteatoma of those regions was also documented based on information obtained from the surgical database. Conformation of the tegmen of the round window niche may influence the surgical view of round window membrane. A structure connecting the round window area to the petrous apex, named the subcochlear canaliculus, is described. Cholesteatoma can invade the round window areas in some patients. Endoscopic approaches can guarantee a very detailed view and allow the exploration of the round window region. Exact anatomical knowledge of this region can have important advantages during surgery, since some pathology can invade inside cavities or tunnels otherwise not seen by instrumentation that produces a straight-line view (e.g. microscope).
A side- or oblique-viewing needle otoscope is helpful in locating lesions and in diagnosing middle ear diseases. Photographs can be taken by connecting the needle otoscope with a special camera equipped with an automatic exposure system and a self-winding system.
A new endoscopic unit is introduced giving you a general view over meso- and hypotympanum with only smallest surgical interventions by taking the transmeatal approach. Angles of the middle ear which intraoperatively are not able to be examined by microscope, are visible by this endoscope. Procedure and foto documentation as well as modes of application are shown.
The otolaryngologist will find in this article a direct and frank discussion and useful advice for how to get started performing solely endoscopic ear surgery for abnormalities of the middle ear. The author provides discussion and photos based on his experience with this procedure. Presented herein are selection of the endoscope, how to approach the first fully endoscopic procedure, patient selection, preoperative planning, setting up the operating room, pitfalls typically encountered, and how to gain skills to perform this procedure successfully.
This article presents the endoscopic anatomy of the retrotympanum and its relationship to other important anatomic landmarks in the middle ear to provide understanding of its importance and relevance during surgeries. A well-detailed tour of the retrotympanum, its associated structures, variability of anatomic structures, and surgical relevance is presented.
The use of an endoscope with varied angulations has allowed the surgeon to explore areas that were often not visualized using standard microscopic procedures. The endoscope has improved knowledge of the complex anatomy of mucosal fold and improved functional interventions in middle ear inflammatory disorders during middle ear surgery; intraoperative evaluation of middle ear anatomy during endoscopic surgery for inflammatory disorders helps surgeon visualize anatomic blockages of the middle ear ventilation trajectories. This article discusses the anatomy of the epitympanum and the ventilation patterns and pathophysiology of epitympanic retraction.