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Short Communication
African development corridors intersect key
protected areas
Sean Sloan
*, Bastian Bertzky
William F. Laurance
Center for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science,
College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook
University, Cairns, Qld 4870, Australia,
Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for
Environment and Sustainability (IES), Via Enrico Fermi
2749, 21027 Ispra, VA, Italy and
International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Heritage Programme,
Rue Mauverney 28, 1196 Gland, Switzerland
Unprecedented growth of mining and agriculture in Africa
is encroaching on remaining habitats. Mining in Africa
frequently occurs in proximity to protected areas (PAs),
more than in other world regions (Dur
an, Rauch & Gaston,
2013), and at least 23 African PAs have been degazetted
or downgraded as a result (Edwards et al., 2014). Even
natural World Heritage Sites, the global pinnacle of
conservation, suffer mining and oil/gas exploration and
exploitation across 31 sites and 18 African countries
(WWF, 2015), again more than other world regions
(WWF, 2016). The anticipated expansion of transport
‘development corridors’ related to infrastructure and
resource development could impact the ecological integrity
of many other PAs as roads and rails link producers with
refineries and ports over vast distances (Weng et al.,
Recent analysis highlights frequent intersections
between 33 African development corridors and PAs
(Laurance et al., 2015b). Only five existing or proposed
corridors were considered ‘advisable’ given their potential
environmental costs and agricultural benefits (another 22
were ‘marginal’ and six ‘inadvisable’). However, while
insightful, the aggregate analysis of Laurance et al.
(2015b) overlooked important differences between the
conservation objectives of intersected PAs. Protected-area
significance and management objectives vary along a
spectrum from global importance and/or strict protection
to local importance and nominally regulated exploitation.
Only half of the 15% of African PAs with reported IUCN
management categories had stricter protection levels
(Categories I-IV) indicative of greater levels of natural
integrity a low figure by global standards (Deguignet
et al., 2014, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2015). It remains
unclear which pole of this ‘PA spectrum’ is most threat-
ened by corridors and to which degree. This uncertainty is
compounded by the fact that most of the 33 corridors are
in some stage of planning, so that it is also unclear
whether the greatest impacts are pending or already
realized. The ongoing expansion of Africa’s development
corridors and mining sector urges the resolution of these
uncertainties to inform regional environmental planning
(Edwards et al., 2014; Laurance et al., 2014).
Here, we detail actual and potential intersections
between African development corridors and a range of
PA designations, focusing on designations of the greatest
conservation significance, to clarify corridors’ potential
effects on conservation objectives. We further detail
variations in corridors’ intersections with PAs according
to their development status in order to differentiate
between current and potential future ecological impacts.
The actual effect of intersections on ecological integrity is
inevitably site specific and, in special circumstances, might
entail benefits; yet, the weight of historical experience
suggests that intersections by transportation infrastructure
often pose challenges to ecological integrity insofar as they
facilitate deforestation, logging or resource extraction,
poaching, fragmentation of ecological communities, or
hydrological and climatic changes in PAs (Forman &
Alexander, 1998; Wilkie et al., 2000; Walsh et al., 2003;
Blake et al., 2007, 2008; Laurance, Goosem & Laurance,
2009; Freitas, Hawbaker & Metzger, 2010; Maisels et al.,
2013; Barber et al., 2014; Perz, 2014; Hopcraft et al.,
2015a). Our analysis shows that corridors, and particu-
larly proposed corridors, disproportionately intersect, and
thus by extension may challenge the ecological integrity of
the most important PAs in Africa.
*Correspondence: E-mail:
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol. 1
Materials and methods
PA boundaries for this analysis come from the World
Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) (IUCN and UNEP-
WCMC, 2015). We focused on four PA designations
generally reserved for areas of special conservation value:
World Heritage Sites (WHS), Ramsar Sites, UNESCO Man-
and-Biosphere (MAB) Reserves and National Parks. These
designations are hereafter termed ‘key PAs’. The first three
are international conservation designations, and the latter
is the most important national designation for tourism
(Dudley, 2008). These designations are applied relatively
consistently across countries, facilitating continental-scale
analysis. We also considered national-level PA designa-
tions beyond National Parks but grouped these themati-
cally (Table 1; Table S1) because they are not standardized
amongst countries. It was not possible to similarly analyse
IUCN management categories because 85% of African PAs
lack this information in the WDPA. PAs here are defined as
unique WDPA records distinguishing distinct spatio-
administrative entities, each with distinct designations,
conservation objectives and management regimes.
On some occasions, the WDPA enumerates part or all of
a given area twice with each entry assigned a distinct PA
designation. For example, a communal forest reserve may
partially overlap a national park, or a portion of a national
park may also be a WHS. While such entities constitute
two PAs both in the WDPA and administratively in
practice, this classification scheme slightly exaggerates
estimates of the number of PAs intersected by corridors as
well as of the total length/area of PAcorridor intersections
relative to scenarios overlooking PA overlap
(Appendix S1). We controlled for this in two ways to
ensure robust and meaningful generalizations. First, we
compared PA-designation frequencies between intersected
PAs and all African PAs. Any exaggeration in the
frequencies of intersected PA designations should be
proportional to that of the set of all African PAs if
corridors intersect PA designations without bias. Thus,
any significant difference in PA-designation frequencies
between these two sets of PAs would signal corridors’ bias
in intersecting PAs of particular designations. Comparisons
considered the four key PA designations individually but
collapsed groups of national-level PA designations
(Table 1) into one group because their individual frequen-
cies could not be determined in the very large set of all
African PAs (n =6,546). Second, to complement the
estimates of the total length/area of PAcorridor
intersections for all PA designations, we also present
estimates of total length/area overlooking PA overlaps
(Table 1). The latter ‘aggregate’ estimates treat coincident
but distinct PAs as a single generalized area and thus
overlook differences amongst coincident PAs
(Appendix S1).
We distinguished corridors as active (n =10), planned
(n =14) or undergoing upgrades (n =9) and assessed
them at two scales: core road and/or rail infrastructure,
and a broader zone of influence defined by a 50-km-wide
swath centred on each corridor. The swaths indicate the
potential general extent of secondary effects on African
PAs on the basis of pan-tropical observations of environ-
mental change nearby roadways, including agricultural
conversion in Amazonia (~10 km distant) (Barber et al.,
2014), illegal logging in Southeast Asia (~2030 km)
(Linkie et al., 2014) and poaching in Africa (~80 km)
(Wilkie et al., 2000; Blake et al., 2008). Rough dirt roads
or dilapidated colonial highways may occasionally exist
where planned or upgrade corridors are proposed, so that
their potential impacts would reflect enhanced traffic flows
and land-use change rather than ‘forest penetration’ per
se. Planned corridors are not certain to be developed but
are considered here in order to indicate the implications of
their development.
We estimated the conservation importance of intersected
PAs by their ‘irreplaceability scores’ for all mammal, bird
and amphibian species combined and for the threatened
species of these taxa (Le Saout et al., 2013). Scores reflect
both the number of species in a given PA and the degree to
which these species depend on the PA. They are based on
the percentage overlap between species’ global distribu-
tions and PAs. Higher irreplaceability scores are assigned
to PAs hosting larger numbers of species with larger
percentages of their distribution within the PA. For simple
guidance, a score of 1.0 is equivalent to one species being
entirely confined to a given PA, but can also be obtained if
multiple species have smaller fractions of their ranges
within the PA. Thus, a PA’s score is heavily influenced by
the extent to which it hosts species with relatively confined
distributions. Scores are nondenominational so to aid
interpretation, the scores reported here are also expressed
as proportions of the corresponding 90th percentile score
for all African PAs. The 90th percentile value was selected
as the upper value for rescaling because the maximum
irreplaceability scores for Africa are many orders of
magnitude greater and thus arguably outliers. Irreplace-
ability scores were available for 4,671 African PAs and
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol.
2Sean Sloan et al.
Table 1 Intersections between protected areas and african development corridors, by protected-area designation and corridor status
Protected Area Designation
Intersections by development corridors Intersections by development corridor zones
All African PAsAll corridors
Planned and upgrade
corridors All corridor zones
Planned and upgrade corridor
PA count % PAs Km PA count % PAs Km PA count % PAs Km
PA count % PAs Km
PA count % PAs
Key designations 69 20.0 2,239 58 24.6 1,709 129 8.0 117,683 110 9.7 94,780 526 8.0
World heritage site 9 2.6 355 7 3.0 224 13 0.8 18,645 10 0.9 12,627 46 0.7
Ramsar site 9 2.6 527 9 3.8 422 19 1.2 22,893 17 1.5 20,489 108 1.6
UNESCO-MAB reserve 6 1.7 182 6 2.5 182 7 0.4 10,465 7 0.6 10,968 25 0.4
National park 45 13.0 1,175 36 15.3 881 90 5.6 65,680 76 6.7 50,696 347 5.3
National-grouped designations 276 80.0 5,102 178 75.4 3,138 1488 92.0 236,121 1022 90.3 162,411 6,020 92.0
Forest, nature and state
184 53.3 2,320 119 50.4 1,438 1247 77.1 102,020 855 75.5 70,863
Other protected areas and
22 6.4 338 19 8.1 295 70 4.3 17,049 61 5.4 15,666
Game reserves, hunting,
and wildlife management
40 11.6 1,630 23 9.7 1,048 99 6.1 82,605 60 5.3 60,260
Community and communal
20 5.8 645 16 6.8 345 42 2.6 28,270 34 3.0 14,925
Marine national reserves,
parks and protected areas
1 0.3 11 1 0.4 11 7 0.4 965 6 0.5 646
Recreation and Safari 6 1.7 118 0 0.0 0 11 0.7 5,201 1 0.1 52
Not reported 3 0.9 41 0 0.0 0 12 0.7 12 5 0.4 0 79 1.2
345 100 7,340 236 100 4,847 1,617 100 353,804 1,132 100 257,192 6,546 100
Total (aggregate)
6,115 3,948 294,536 205,983
See Table S1 for disaggregated data for national PA designations.
Total lengths, areas and counts of intersection are sums of intersections for the individual PA designations listed in the table. Occasional spatial overlaps between PAs of distinct
designations and a corridor/corridor zone means that these totals include partial redundancies reflecting PAs occupying the same space (Appendix S1).
Aggregate total lengths and areas of PAcorridor intersections overlook overlap amongst distinct PAs by ‘dissolving’ their boundaries into generalized protected areas
(Appendix S1).
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol.
Development corridors and protected areas 3
unavailable for 62 PAs intersected by existing or planned
Development corridors that are planned or undergoing
upgrades have particularly frequent intersections with key
African PAs. Overall, the 33 corridors intersect 69 key
PAs, but the large majority of these (58) intersect with the
23 corridors that are planned or being upgraded (Table 1).
The number of key PAs intersected by planned or upgrade
corridors is significantly greater than expected given the
number of individual corridors of each status (G
P=0.0056; G-test for goodness of fit with Williams’
correction for sample size; Appendix S1). The three
international PA designations (WHS, Ramsar, UNESCO-
MAB) account for 40% of the key PA intersections with
corridors that are planned or undergoing upgrades
(Table 1).
The potential PA intersection length of planned corri-
dors is also considerably greater than that of upgrade or
active corridors. Planned corridors would intersect
3,612 km of PAs and have greater total, mean and
median intersection lengths of any corridor status
(Table 2). Further, of the total length of planned corridors
(19,943 km), the proportion intersecting PAs (18%) is
greater than for active (12%) or upgrade (9%) corridors
(Table 2). The lengths of PA intersections by the corridors
of each status differed significantly from expected lengths
scaled according to the total length of each corridor status
=515, P<0.001). Similar post hoc comparisons of
observed and expected lengths confirmed the significant
extensiveness of planned-corridor intersections specifically
=418, P<0.001; Appendix S1), again highlighting
their relative prominence.
Development corridors, and particularly those that are
planned or undergoing upgrades, disproportionately inter-
sect key PAs (Figure 1). Key PAs are intersected signifi-
cantly more often than expected given their frequency of
occurrence across Africa (G
=54.2, P<0.0001 for all
corridors; G
=63.2, P<0.0001 for planned and upgrade
corridors). Key PAs account for 20% of PAs intersected by
all corridors and 25% of PAs intersected by planned or
upgrade corridors, compared to just 8.1% for all African
PAs (Table 1). In contrast, key PAs are intersected at the
expected rate (8%) by the broader corridor zones (Table 1).
The greater than expected intersections of key PAs by
corridors rather than by the broader, more disperse
Table 2 Intersections between Protected Areas and African Development Corridors, for each Corridor Status
Corridors Status
Length (km)
Intersections with corridors Intersections with corridor zones
PA count Km Mean Km Median Km PA count Km
Mean Km
Median Km
Planned 19,943 154 3,612 23.5 11.9 609 182,252 299.3 28.7
Upgrade 13,629 82 1,235 15.1 8.2 523 75,069 144.5 8.7
Active 19,654 127 2,493 19.6 7.8 681 128,765 189.1 16.8
Total 53,226 363
7,340 20.2 9.7 1813
386,086 212.9 16.6
Total (aggregate)
––6,115 28.8 7.4 294,536 216.4 8.1
Counts above pertain to intersections between a PA and corridors of a given status. Where two or more corridors of different statuses intersect a single PA, that PA is counted
once for each status. This occurs rarely for corridors but regularly for broader corridor zones. Table 1 provides true counts of intersected PAs.
Aggregate total lengths and areas of PAcorridor intersections overlook overlap amongst distinct PAs by ‘dissolving’ their boundaries into generalized protected areas
(Appendix S1).
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol.
4Sean Sloan et al.
corridor zones underscores the fact that core corridor road
and rail infrastructure constitutes the epicentres of poten-
tial impact on key PAs. Two regional epicentres of
intersection between key PAs and planned or upgrade
corridors are apparent: the Western Central Congo Basin,
particularly along the iron belt of southern Cameroon and
northern Gabon and The Congo, which is driven largely by
mineral resource development (Figure 1b), and the Great
Lakes Region extending into the Eastern Savannahs
(Figure 1c), where infrastructure and mineral develop-
ment are both driving forces.
Planned and upgrade corridors also intersect PAs of
relatively high conservation value. PA-irreplaceability
scores significantly differ amongst planned, upgrade and
active corridors (ANOVA; all species F
P<0.05; threatened species F
=6.5, P<0.05).
Planned and upgrade corridors each have twice the
median score (~0.022; 30% of 90th percentile) of active
corridors for all species, and planned corridors alone have
twice the median score (0.001; 17% of 90th percentile) of
other corridors for threatened species.
The scale and distribution of PAcorridor intersections
highlight apparent challenges to maintaining the
Fig 1 Protected Areas Intersected by
Development Corridors in sub-Saharan
Africa, by Protected-Area Designation
and Corridor Status. Note: Apparently
homogenous PAs of a single colour may
in fact be composed of multiple contiguous
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol.
Development corridors and protected areas 5
ecological integrity of key PAs. Planned corridors and
corridors undergoing upgrade to a lesser degree would
intersect key PAs of relatively high conservation value
with significantly disproportionate frequency and exten-
siveness (Table 1, Table 2). While potential impacts might
be reduced by re-routing corridors, effective conservation
will occasionally demand more substantial revisions (Lau-
rance et al., 2015a). For instance, 30% of all PA intersec-
tions are <4.2 km a length amenable to re-routing
although this rises to a less amenable 9.0 km for key PAs.
Further, many detours would have to be greater to buffer
PAs from any ‘halo effects’ around corridors, such as
poaching (Wilkie et al., 2000; Walsh et al., 2003; Barber
et al., 2014). Notably extensive intersections by planned
corridors include the Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsar wet-
lands (314 km intersected), Dja WHS (74 km), Sangha
Tri-National WHS (41 km), Niokolo-Koba WHS (40 km)
and Mole National Park (86 km).
Economic development, such as that encouraged by
development corridors, is sorely needed in Africa and is
held by some as a means of lessening human pressures
on ecologically intact hinterlands (Masters et al., 2013).
Improved spatial planning is essential to balance eco-
nomic and environmental imperatives (Wilkie et al.,
2000; Laurance et al., 2014). For example, a road
circumnavigating Tanzania’s Serengeti WHS could inte-
grate a greater human population with economic oppor-
tunities and services than a proposed ‘paved commercial
route’ that would bisect the Serengeti (Hopcraft et al.,
2015a). Nonetheless, the Tanzanian government remains
committed to the latter, imperilling one of the world’s
greatest animal migrations (Dobson et al., 2010, Africa
Geographic, 2014). In certain circumstances, careful
planning around a corridor could also enhance PA
protection, as where PA surveillance is highly irregular.
For economic development or improved surveillance to
translate into enhanced conservation depends critically on
many dynamics beyond access, however. Foremost
amongst these are whether corridors actually enhance
the economic prospects of pastoralists, farmers and others
who (over)exploit PAs’ resources (Fyumagwa et al.,
2013), whether corridors would even diminish such
exploitation, and whether concomitant increases in other
deleterious activities such as poaching or land conversion
would undo related conservation gains, with such factors
weighing more or less depending on whether one’s
perspective is short term or long term. Opinion is divided,
and there are few large-scale precedents to indicate the
likely outcome (Fyumagwa et al., 2013; Hopcraft et al.,
2015b). The status quo of African PA conservation is
wanting, and its deficiencies require resolution for
enhanced access to generally enhance PA conservation
more than it challenges it. Growing pressures on WHSs
and other flagship PAs (Osipova et al., 2014, WWF,
2015, 2016) underscore the urgency of improved spatial
planning and enhanced efforts to honour existing con-
servation commitments.
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(Manuscript accepted 5 September 2016)
doi: 10.1111/aje.12377
Supporting information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Table S1 Disaggregated Data on Intersections between
Protected Areas and Development Corridors, by Protected-
Area Designation, Corridor Type, and Corridor Status.
Appendix S1 Supplementary Text.
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol.
Development corridors and protected areas 7
... Addressing and mitigating the conflicts between humans and wildlife in nature reserves is important to maintain a landscape where both can coexist. One of the main conflicts in nature reserves is around transportation infrastructure as reserves tend to expand into areas that contain existing transportation infrastructure, or new transportation infrastructure is developed through the nature reserve (Sloan et al. 2017, Jones et al. 2018. Given the conservation value of nature reserves, the negative ecological impacts of railways may be more pronounced in these protected landscapes compared to other areas (Huijser et al. 2012, Dorsey et al. 2015, Sloan et al. 2017, Jones et al. 2018. ...
... One of the main conflicts in nature reserves is around transportation infrastructure as reserves tend to expand into areas that contain existing transportation infrastructure, or new transportation infrastructure is developed through the nature reserve (Sloan et al. 2017, Jones et al. 2018. Given the conservation value of nature reserves, the negative ecological impacts of railways may be more pronounced in these protected landscapes compared to other areas (Huijser et al. 2012, Dorsey et al. 2015, Sloan et al. 2017, Jones et al. 2018. However, in most cases, these impacts go largely understudied and thus unmitigated (Popp and Boyle 2017). ...
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The global dependency on railways as an economical and environmentally‐friendly option for transportation is steadily increasing. Despite their numerous benefits, railways and train traffic can have negative impacts on wildlife, particularly through the risk of mortality due to collisions with trains, entrapment in rails, or electrocution at overhead powerlines. In most cases, these impacts are under‐investigated, thus remain unmitigated. In this study, we describe patterns of rail‐mortality of the local fauna in Balule Nature Reserve, South Africa. In addition to exploring which species are most vulnerable to rail‐mortality, we explore the role that seasonal variation, the daily activity patterns of the species, and the surrounding habitat type have on the occurrence of wildlife‐rail‐mortality. From 25 May 2020–29 March 2021, we conducted carcass surveys over three 5 km railway segments, corresponding to the three dominant habitat types in the nature reserve: open grassland, open woodland and mixed shrubland. Each 5 km segment of railway was surveyed during the wet season (November–March) and the dry season (May–September) to account for seasonal variation. We recorded 99 rail‐kills, of which 29% were mammals, 26% were birds, 26% were reptiles, and 18% were amphibians. Mammal carcasses were found most frequently in the dry season, while amphibians were only detected in the wet season. Amphibian carcasses were all nocturnal species, while diurnal species dominated the bird carcasses found. Finally, most rail‐kill carcasses were found in mixed shrublands, while open woodlands had the lowest frequency of rail‐kill. The detrimental impacts of railway‐mortality on wildlife may be more pronounced in areas of high conservation value, such as nature reserves, and it is essential to study and mitigate these impacts, in order to foster successful co‐existence of wildlife and humans in the landscape.
... Within protected areas, vehicles are typically expected to give way to wildlife and vehicle speed is often regulated to reduce wildlife roadkills (Collinson et al., 2019). However, conservation efforts in protected areas are challenged by recent developments such as the expansion of road networks, increased traffic volume and average speed (Caro et al., 2014;Drews, 1995;Jones, 2000;Laurance et al., 2015;Mkanda and Chansa, 2011;Sloan et al., 2017), increased human population in regions surrounding protected areas (Estes et al., 2012;Wittemyer et al., 2008) and the development of wildlife tourism (Eagles and Wade, 2006;Larsen et al., 2020). Knowledge of the spatiotemporal patterns of roadkills can help identify sections within road networks where wild animals are particularly vulnerable to vehicle collisions and where mitigation strategies should be implemented (Rendall et al., 2021;Seiler, 2005;Steiner et al., 2014;Valerio et al., 2021). ...
... (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) developments and increases in wildlife tourism in recent decades (Larsen et al., 2020;Laurance et al., 2015;Sloan et al., 2017). Although several studies have reported roadkills of large carnivores in protected areas in Africa (e.g. ...
... Offtake levels are likely increasing due to increased hunting associated with significant human population growth and habitat degradation. Hunting has increased due to heightened demand for bushmeat, increasingly fragmented and smaller forest blocks, and improved access to forest interiors through logging (Laurance et al. 2015, Sloan et al. 2016. Indeed, the human population has increased by more than 100% in the seven range countries since 1990 (Worldometer 2020). ...
... In a recent crop of literature, various researchers have shifted from prospective studies of AGCs to empirical investigations as policy implementation reaches full force (Araghi 2009, Bakker et al. 2014, Chichava et al. 2013, Gonçalves 2019, Sloan et al. 2016, Stein 2011, West and Haug 2017. This chapter reflects upon a core problem they encounter while attempting to trace megaproject imaginaries to the people, places, practices and ecologies potentially affected by these schemes. ...
... Corridor-based development has been criticized for fostering capitalist expansionism and corresponding extractivist and financialized modes of accumulation by opening-up 'frontier economies' to foreign interests (Hartmann et al., 2021;Lesutis, 2020;Mosley & Watson, 2016;Tups & Dannenberg, 2021) as well as for reinstating colonial patterns of uneven development and spatial inequalities (Aalders, 2021;Enns & Bersaglio, 2020;Kimari & Ernstson, 2020;Zajontz, 2022a). Others have drawn attention to ecologically damaging effects of corridors that cut across protected areas (Sloan et al., 2017). Contrary to apolitical conceptions that prevail in much of the grey literature and represent corridors as ideal-typical spaces of flow that herald inclusive growth, corridors are spaces of contestation. ...
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Corridors are central to contemporary processes of spatial reordering. On the African continent, they feature prominently in development planning at national, regional and continental scales. This article sheds light on the regional politics and supranational governance of cross-border corridors, aspects that have remained underrepresented in the burgeoning literature on corridors. Combining theoretical insights from the New Regionalism Approach and critical political geography and focusing on the ‘corridor agenda’ pursued by the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the article deconstructs dominant conceptions of corridors as archetypal spaces of flow and advances the argument that the spatial production and governance of cross-border corridors are contingent upon the compatibility of scalar and territorial articulations of state space. In the case of the Walvis Bay–Ndola–Lubumbashi Development Corridor, the incompatibility of Namibia’s decidedly regional ‘gateway strategy’ and Zambia’s (sub)national ‘pothole politics’ has yielded a connectivity patchwork. Efforts to institutionalize supranational corridor governance have been obstructed by state territoriality aimed at retaining political control over corridor space at the national scale. While commonly represented as spatial panaceas for attaining neoliberal meta-goals of global connectivity and seamless territorial integration, (trans)regional corridors are politically contested spaces that engender dialectical processes of de- and reterritorialization at various scales.
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Roads are expanding at the fastest pace in human history. This is the case especially in biodiversity-rich tropical nations, where roads can result in forest loss and fragmentation, wildfires, illicit land invasions and negative societal effects1–5. Many roads are being constructed illegally or informally and do not appear on any existing road map6–10; the toll of such ‘ghost roads’ on ecosystems is poorly understood. Here we use around 7,000 h of effort by trained volunteers to map ghost roads across the tropical Asia-Pacific region, sampling 1.42 million plots, each 1 km² in area. Our intensive sampling revealed a total of 1.37 million km of roads in our plots—from 3.0 to 6.6 times more roads than were found in leading datasets of roads globally. Across our study area, road building almost always preceded local forest loss, and road density was by far the strongest correlate¹¹ of deforestation out of 38 potential biophysical and socioeconomic covariates. The relationship between road density and forest loss was nonlinear, with deforestation peaking soon after roads penetrate a landscape and then declining as roads multiply and remaining accessible forests largely disappear. Notably, after controlling for lower road density inside protected areas, we found that protected areas had only modest additional effects on preventing forest loss, implying that their most vital conservation function is limiting roads and road-related environmental disruption. Collectively, our findings suggest that burgeoning, poorly studied ghost roads are among the gravest of all direct threats to tropical forests.
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The Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides a comprehensive assessment of the scientific literature relevant to climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. The report recognizes the interactions of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies, and integrates across the natural, ecological, social and economic sciences. It emphasizes how efforts in adaptation and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions can come together in a process called climate resilient development, which enables a liveable future for biodiversity and humankind. The IPCC is the leading body for assessing climate change science. IPCC reports are produced in comprehensive, objective and transparent ways, ensuring they reflect the full range of views in the scientific literature. Novel elements include focused topical assessments, and an atlas presenting observed climate change impacts and future risks from global to regional scales. Available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
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China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), designed to build critical infrastructure and coordinate economic growth, is the most significant development initiative in modern history. The BRI has a documented vision for sustainability, including environmental impact assessments and responsibility tenets. Despite this, a growing body of literature has found adverse effects of BRI projects on protected land and species. To understand corporate responsibility and regulations for companies participating in the BRI, we gathered information on 260 BRI companies using the Refinitiv Eikon BRI Connect database and the China Global Investment Tracker. The results revealed a significant gap in corporate responsibility reporting for biodiversity impacts, environmental restoration, environmental project financing and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 14 ‘Life below Water’ and 15 ‘Life on Land’. The modest fraction of companies that we found to report biodiversity accountability highlights the need to restructure and incentivize the reporting of environmental and biodiversity risks. The current evidence of limited adherence to responsibility measures highlights a clear opportunity to align BRI development with the BRI’s vision for sustainability, and to strengthen links for policy engagement within Chinese regulatory frameworks and international obligations at the United Nations within its SDG framework.
Understanding interactive effects between anthropogenic disturbance and abiotic factors on species turnover can help to identify and prioritize conservation of potentially vulnerable tropical bird communities. We investigated the potential factors influencing avian understory community composition along with a recently constructed road across three elevations (300, 800, and 1200 m), each with two sampling sites (road edge vs. interior forest), over a four‐year period on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Insectivorous species were the most abundant guild‐sampled accounting for 55% of total species diversity within the dataset followed by frequent mixed‐flock followers (48%). Habitat associated with elevation was the most significant factor influencing the composition of avian communities. Additionally, we identified species with clear statistical associations for each elevation: the yellow‐lored bristlebill ( Bleda notatus ), olive sunbird ( Cyanomitra obscura ), and white‐tailed warbler ( Poliolias lopezi ). We found evidence for significant community differences between the disturbance edge and interior forest transects at 300 m only. Likewise, understory insectivores were found at higher numbers within the interior forest transect at this elevation. Based on the data presented here, we suggest low elevation avian understory insectivores should be considered focal species for future assessment studies in this area. Furthermore, since many traditional protected areas focus on upland habitat containing high species endemism, our findings emphasize the importance of equally conserving lowland elevations as they may house commonly overlooked, yet important and diverse segments of the bird community. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.
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In sub-Saharan Africa, dozens of major "development corridors" have been proposed or are being created to increase agricultural production [1-4], mineral exports [5-7], and economic integration. The corridors involve large-scale expansion of infrastructure such as roads, railroads, pipelines, and port facilities and will open up extensive areas of land to new environmental pressures [1, 4, 8]. We assessed the potential environmental impacts of 33 planned or existing corridors that, if completed, would total over 53,000 km in length and crisscross much of the African continent. We mapped each corridor and estimated human occupancy (using the distribution of persistent night-lights) and environmental values (endangered and endemic vertebrates, plant diversity, critical habitats, carbon storage, and climate-regulation services) inside a 50-km-wide band overlaid onto each corridor. We also assessed the potential for each corridor to facilitate increases in agricultural production. The corridors varied considerably in their environmental values, and many were only sparsely populated. Because of marginal soils or climates, some corridors appear to have only modest agricultural potential. Collectively, the corridors would bisect over 400 existing protected areas and could degrade a further ∼1,800 by promoting habitat disruption near or inside the reserves. We conclude that many of the development corridors will promote serious and largely irreversible environmental changes and should proceed only if rigorous mitigation and protection measures can be employed. Some planned corridors with high environmental values and limited agricultural benefits should possibly be cancelled altogether. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
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Developing countries often have rich natural resources but poor infrastructure to capitalize on them, which leads to significant challenges in terms of balancing poverty alleviation with conservation. The underlying premise in development strategies is to increase the socio-economic welfare of the people while simultaneously ensuring environmental sustainability, however these objectives are often in direct conflict. National progress is dependent on developing infrastructure such as effective transportation networks, however roads can be ecologically catastrophic in terms of disrupting habitat connectivity and facilitating illegal activity. How can national development and conservation be balanced? The proposed Serengeti road epitomizes the conflict between poverty alleviation on one hand, and the conservation of a critical ecosystem on the other. We use the Serengeti as an exemplar case-study in which the relative economic and social benefits of a road can be assessed against the ecological impacts. Specifically, we compare three possible transportation routes and ask which route maximizes the socio-economic returns for the people while minimizing the ecological costs. The findings suggest that one route in particular that circumnavigates the Serengeti links the greatest number of small and medium sized entrepreneurial businesses to the largest labour force in the region. Furthermore, this route connects the most children to schools, provisions the greatest access to hospitals, and opens the most fertile crop and livestock production areas, and does not compromise the ecology and tourism revenue of the Serengeti. This route would improve Tanzania's food security and self-reliance and would facilitate future infrastructure development which would not be possible if the road were to pass through the Serengeti. This case study provides a compelling example of how a detailed spatial analysis can balance the national objectives of poverty alleviation while maintaining ecological integrity.
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The number and extent of roads will expand dramatically this century. Globally, at least 25 million kilometres of new roads are anticipated by 2050; a 60% increase in the total length of roads over that in 2010. Nine-tenths of all road construction is expected to occur in developing nations, including many regions that sustain exceptional biodiversity and vital ecosystem services. Roads penetrating into wilderness or frontier areas are a major proximate driver of habitat loss and fragmentation, wildfires, overhunting and other environmental degradation, often with irreversible impacts on ecosystems. Unfortunately, much road proliferation is chaotic or poorly planned, and the rate of expansion is so great that it often overwhelms the capacity of environmental planners and managers. Here we present a global scheme for prioritizing road building. This large-scale zoning plan seeks to limit the environmental costs of road expansion while maximizing its benefits for human development, by helping to increase agricultural production, which is an urgent priority given that global food demand could double by mid-century. Our analysis identifies areas with high environmental values where future road building should be avoided if possible, areas where strategic road improvements could promote agricultural development with relatively modest environmental costs, and 'conflict areas' where road building could have sizeable benefits for agriculture but with serious environmental damage. Our plan provides a template for proactively zoning and prioritizing roads during the most explosive era of road expansion in human history.
Road density is closely linked to market accessibility, economic growth, natural resource exploitation, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, and the disappearance of wildlands and wildlife. Research in the Republic of Congo shows that roads established and maintained by logging concessions intensify bushmeat hunting by providing hunters greater access to relatively unexploited populations of forest wildlife and by lowering hunters' costs to transport bushmeat to market. Reconciling the contrary effects of roads on economic development and biodiversity conservation is one of the key challenges to wildlife managers in all nations. As the Democratic Republic of Congo prepares to reconstruct its almost completely collapsed road system, the government, donors, and conservation organizations have a unique opportunity to strategically prioritize investment in segments of the network that would maximize local and national economic benefits while minimizing adverse effects on forest wildlife.
Abstract A huge road network with vehicles ramifies across the land, representing a surprising frontier of ecology. Species-rich roadsides are conduits for few species. Roadkills are a premier mortality source, yet except for local spots, rates rarely limit population size. Road avoidance, especially due to traffic noise, has a greater ecological impact. The still-more-important barrier effect subdivides populations, with demographic and probably genetic consequences. Road networks crossing landscapes cause local hydrologic and erosion effects, whereas stream networks and distant valleys receive major peak-flow and sediment impacts. Chemical effects mainly occur near roads. Road networks interrupt horizontal ecological flows, alter landscape spatial pattern, and therefore inhibit important interior species. Thus, road density and network structure are informative landscape ecology assays. Australia has huge road-reserve networks of native vegetation, whereas the Dutch have tunnels and overpasses perforating road barriers to enhance ecological flows. Based on road-effect zones, an estimated 15–20% of the United States is ecologically impacted by roads.
Infrastructures, such as roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams, are proliferating explosively. Often, this has serious direct and indirect environmental impacts. We highlight nine issues that should be considered by project proponents to better evaluate and limit the environmental risks of such developments. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.