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Heat exchanger is an instrument used to transfer heat from medium of one fluid to another fluid. In this paper, an experimental setup for testing a chevron type brazed plate heat exchanger is utilized to investigate the thermal characteristics of the fluid. A numerical simulation as carried out a local element-by-element analysis utilizing e-NTU method as employed for simulating the heat exchanger. In this approach, Nusselt number is expressed in terms of friction factor which in turn, is given as a function of chevron angle of the heat exchanger. The experiment is performed by using various no of plates, several fluid flow rate and inlet &outlet temperature values. The experimental results are validated to numerical result of a brazed plate type heat exchanger. In a chevron type plate heat exchanger looks like compactness, so increased the overall heat transfer coefficient of fluid as compared to normal plate type heat exchanger. The main advantages of a chevron brazed type plate heat exchanger as occupy less space and cost wise reduced and then increase the heat transfer coefficient of a fluid, though with increased pressure drop.
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... The increasing the demand on the energy and the way of research on the conservation of energy and improvement on the topic of energy conservation plays a key role in the field of energy engineering [1][2][3]. Bruno [5] experimentally investigated a counter-flow indirect evaporative cooler in the commercial and residential uses for the large range of outdoor conditions. He showed that the wet-bulb effectiveness ranged from 93-106% for the commercial applications whereas is in the range of 118-129% for the residential applications. ...
... He showed that the wet-bulb effectiveness ranged from 93-106% for the commercial applications whereas is in the range of 118-129% for the residential applications. The plate type heat exchanger gives the highest heat flow over the fluids in both the counter and parallel flow directions at different flow rates starting from 100 liter per hour to the 300 liter per hour [5]. The temperature distribution over the tube type or radiator type heat exchanger with the intercooler gives the better cooling of working fluid in form of forced convection of blower flow rate at 100 CFM to 300 CFM. ...
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This paper investigates the cooling capability of the different types of heat exchangers under the variable working conditions. The usage of air conditioners and heaters in the buildings and working spaces should control the sensible heat to made comfort condition on indoor. The cooling capability is based on the refrigerant temperature after which condensation happens in the conventional mechanical vapor compressions system for air conditioner cooled below its dew point temperature and heated again by the heating coil to maintain the control conditions. Whereas in the evaporative cooling system in the condenser makes them cooled the incoming refrigerant of the condenser to make them cool in the better manner. Due to the usage of evaporative cooling the air-conditioner, power consumption reduction is achievable in this manner of cooling. Pressure drop, dry bulb and wet bulb temperature makes an important role in the design of the evaporative cooling unit. The predicted result for the implementation of the evaporative cooling system in the condenser makes them reduces the power consumption of about 50% and cooling effect will increases in the considerable manner.
... Experimental work in a growing number of nanofluids research groups worldwide has discovered that nanofluids exhibit thermal properties superior to those of base fluids or conventional solid-liquid suspensions.Peyghambarzadeh et al [2]. has described the forced convective heat transfer in a water based V. NaveenPrabhu et al., 2016/ Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences nanofluid has experimentally been compared to that of pure water in an automobile radiator. ...
... The thermo perature of nano fluids. The The effective density of nano fluid iscalculated by using of the Pak and Cho [7].correlations: nf =фρ p +(1-ф) w (2) Viscosity of the fluid is correlated with an polynomial equation depending on the temperature of the fluid and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid µ = 1.884 -0.057T + 0.2119 * 10 -4 T 2 + 0.3162 * 10 -4 T 3 (4) Cpnf is the effective specific heat of the nano fluid which can be calculated from Xuan and Roetzel [6] relation. ...
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Nanofluids are fluids containing oxides, carbides, nitrides of metal particles in nano sized or nanotubes. They enhancesthe thermal characteristics of heat exchangewhen nano fluids is used as heat transfer fluids. Most preferably Alumina (Al2O3) is used nanoparticle due to its enhanced thermal conductivity by cheaper mean. The work presented here, deals with experimental results has to be evaluated with numerical simulations performed in a tube-in-tube heat exchanger to study and compare flow characteristics and heat transfer characteristics of a tube-in-tube heat exchanger using water and Al2O3/water nanofluid. The heat exchanger is tested witha different medium of flow rates .characteristics study of nano fluid temperatures, pressure drop, heat transfer rate of the different flow rates of heat exchanger are evaluated. Results exibit that heat exchanger with nanofluid gives improved heat transfer rate when compared with water. However, the pressure drop is more, which puts a limit on the operating conditions
... Manigandan et al. [36] experimentally observed the counter and parallel flow characteristics in a brazed plate heat exchanger. Different flow rates of water in the hot and cold sections were used along with various inlet temperatures. ...
Even if we lead to the digital platform traditional chalk and board is an integral part of the education life. Blackboards and chalk pieces are used in almost every educational field in the world. Cleaning the board using a duster is essential for continuing the writing process and this involves rubbing a sponge surface against the board surface. This cleans the board but also creates a fine dispersion and particles of chalk powder around the atmosphere nearer the board, which is certain to be inhaled by the teachers, and in many cases, students who occupy seats near the blackboard suffer some inhalation problems. The work also stated that teachers were at the maximum risk of inhaling the chalk dust and may suffer from respiratory diseases. Key Words: Blackboard, chalk, duster, respiratory, diseases
Riots are these days a district of each civilized society. Disagreement for state selections, non secular intolerance, events, hateful content etc are a number of the most reasons which will simply spark riots. To handle a riot police, army should be ready to pacify/disperse the group while not harming them. To unravel this issue we tend to here style a wise anti-riot protect that permits police personnel repel/arrest rioters while not harming themselves or the rioters. The good protect makes use of non-injurious techniques alongside few alternative options for this purpose. The protect may be a one arm light-weight weight protect created of aluminum for cover against bullets and stones. so the protect provides an answer to protection from riots.
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One of the traditional ways of teaching learning process is carried out by using blackboards in classrooms. Blackboards and chalk are inseperable from classrooms. Thus the dusts from chalk can cause some health hazards when the human inhaled it over a long period of time. Hence an attempt has been made by introducing black board cleaner which is operated by six bar mechanism. Its working is similar to the wipers in automobiles. It reduces the potential work of the person who erase the board and reduces the time consumption in cleaning the blackboard. It also prevent the exposure of chalk dust to atmospheric air and helps to create a dust free classrooms.
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Mini CNC (computer numerical control) miller, may be a machining method that employs computerized controls and rotating multi-point cutting tools to more and more take away material from the piece of work to supply a customize-designed element. This machining process is used for wide selection of materials like metal, plastic, glass and wood to create a spread of difficult and customize-designed elements. Computer numerical management (CNC) is programmed code that represents directions for precise movements within the machines to hold out the operations and this code defines a way automatically to produce a virtual object into a true object. Automated machines are more accurate and more effective than human. CNC machine can be used for making components by different kinds of work actions in the machine's cutting tools.
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Objective: Nowadays, the refrigeration system is commonly used in most places viz. bakery shops, hotels and other food processing industries, where food items are refrigerated to preserve and, subsequently heated before consumption. In order to eliminate the dual energy consumption devices separately our idea is to do heating and cooling with the single refrigeration unit. Methods/Findings: The idea is to improve the recovery of the waste heat generated in the refrigeration unit. The heat is generally dumped to the atmosphere through the condenser. This heat is utilized to maintain the chamber situated at the topmost of the refrigerator unit as hot chamber. Application: The waste heat that recovered will be an energy saving smart approach and also implies reduction in the greenhouse gas emission to the environment.
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The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of using a general purpose CFD code to compute the characteristics of the flow field, and of the heat transfer augmentation in conduits with corrugated walls, encountered in commercial plate heat exchangers (PHE). The CFD code is used to simulate the performance of a PHE model comprised of stainless steel plates, following a herringbone design and assembled for single-pass countercurrent flow. The code is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental data on pressure drop and overall temperature differences acquired for the countercurrent flow of water at both sides of the model PHE. The limited data published in the literature are also in fairly good agreement with the results of the present study. It is shown that the CFD code is an effective and reliable tool for studying the effect of various geometrical configurations on the optimum design of a PHE.
A numerical investigation has been carried out in the present work to study flow characteristics and thermal performance of a chevron type brazed plate heat exchanger (PHE). A local element-by-element analysis utilizing e-NTU method is employed for simulating the heat exchanger. In this approach, Nusselt number is expressed in terms of friction factor which in turn, is given as a function of chevron angle of the heat exchanger. Water has been used as cold and hot fluid. Effect of fluid flow rate and inlet temperatures on the heat duty, overall heat transfer coefficient, fluid outlet temperatures and pressure drop have been studied. When compared with literature results of intermating plate heat exchangers, chevron type plate heat exchanger gives greater heat transfer enhancement, though with increased pressure drop.
In this study, an experimental set-up for testing chevron type gasketed plate heat exchangers is utilized to investigate the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of different plate geometries. The experiments can be performed using various number of plates and wide range of plate sizes. The experiments are carried out for different temperatures, flow rates, and number of plates so that the Reynolds numbers (300-5250) and Prandtl numbers varies for all plates that have 30 degrees of chevron angle. Correlations are derived for Nusselt number and friction factor by using the experimental results.
This paper provides a numerical and experimental analysis on precipitation and particulate fouling in corrugated plate heat exchangers with different geometric parameters which are plate height, plate spacing, and plate angle. The Realizable κ–ε model with non-equilibrium wall functions is used in the 3D numerical simulation considering the realistic geometries of the flow channel to obtained Nusselt number and wall shear stress, while Von-Karman analogy is used to obtain mass transfer coefficient. Numerical analysis is verified by experimental study. The predicted influence of fluid velocity in fouling resistance is compatible with experimental data that it can help to optimize the design of plate heat exchangers. This investigation significantly simplifies the fouling analysis of complex flow fields and can be used to assess the fouling potential of corrugated plate heat exchangers.
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the hydrodynamic and thermal fields in a two-channel chevron-type plate heat exchanger for laminar and turbulent conditions. The friction factor for a Reynolds number up to 850 and the Nusselt number for the hot channel for a Reynolds number up to 1500 are presented. The qualitative influence of the Reynolds number on these two parameters is similar to that established in other published studies. The values of both these parameters obtained in the present study are intermediate between the corresponding extremes previously reported. The observed differences are attributed to the corrugation geometry, the presence of the straight smooth passages along the sides of the channels, the port configuration and the number of plates. On the other hand, the calculated effectiveness of the plate heat exchanger is identical with that obtained from the classical analytical expression for counter-flow heat exchangers. The temperature distributions on the first and the last of the three plates for a laminar case and two turbulent cases are also presented. Distorted isotherm patterns have been observed, likely caused by the presence of the straight smooth passages located along the longitudinal edges of the plates.
In this work, the widely used chevron corrugated-plate heat exchanger was simulated, and the three-dimensional temperature, pressure, and velocity fields were obtained. From the temperature field we can see that in the first zone, the temperature gradient increases gradually and get the maximum; in the central of the flow, the temperature gradient becomes smaller again. The highest temperature appears around the upper port, while the lowest temperature appears in the cold fluid inflow around the lower port. From the pressure field, we can see that the fluid pressure is gradually reduced along the flow direction. From the flow field, no matter the fluid inflows or outflows the port, there is a marked “dead zone” departed from the corrugated side of the port, where the fluid flow rate is very low. The fluid flows along the side of the port and appears a minor's “bias” (uneven-distributed) phenomenon. Meanwhile, it can be seen that a large number of contact points are distributed in the chevron corrugated-plate heat exchanger. In addition, the simulated results are compared with the experimental values and found that trends of the outside temperature are consistent with those of pressure drop, and experimental values were similar to those of simulated values.