
Frequency and severity of depression in mothers of cerebral palsy children

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Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a term used for non-progressive brain malformation during the development of brain, affects body movement and motor function. The global prevalence of CP is roughly ranging 1.4 to 4 per 1000 live births. It is observed that parents of CP child especially mothers has elevated levels of stress and depression than a mother of normal children. OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency and severity of depression in mothers of children with cerebral palsy attending tertiary care hospital. MATERIAL & METHODS: This is descriptive Cross Sectional study conducted at department of Neurology Civil Hospital Karachi/Dow University of Health Sciences from 01st March 2013 to 31st August 2013. Data was collected from Neurology OPD, Civil Hospital Karachi and Rehabilitation Centre DUHS Karachi. Urdu version of Siddiqui-Shah Depression Scale (SSDS) questionnaire used as a tool to identify depression among mothers’ of CP child. RESULTS: A total of 81 mothers, the primary caregiver of the CP children with history of cerebral palsy of at least 6 months duration, were evaluated. Out of those 40(49.38%) mothers of children with cerebral palsy had depression. Among them 30% (12/40) had mild depression, 60% (24/40) moderate and 10% (4/40) had severe depression. CONCLUSION: Depression is very much prevalent among mothers of CP children. This finding demands development of some effective guidelines, for the management of entire family particularly mother of a CP child. © 2016, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences. All rights reserved.

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... Há uma dissertação de mestrado (Alves, 2015), enquanto os demais trabalhos tratam de publicações em periódicos científicos. Dos 19 artigos em periódicos, 17 são pesquisas experimentais de forma geral (Al-Gamal & Long, 2013;Basaran, Karadavut, Uneri, Balbaloglu, & Atasoy, 2013;Ben Thabet et al., 2013;Guillamon et al., 2013;Tekinarslan, 2013;Marrón, Redolar-Ripoll, Boixadós, Nieto, Guillamón, Hernández, & Gómez, 2013;Pereira & Kohlsdorf, 2014;Bemister, Brooks, Dyck, & Kirton, 2014;Pedrón-Giner, Calderón, Martínez-Costa, Borraz Gracia, & Gómez-López, 2014;Bemister, Brooks, Dyck, & Kirton, 2015;Hakobyan, Sabahgoulian, & Manvelyan, 2015;Krstic, L. Mihic, & I. Mihic, 2015;Malm-Buatsi et al., 2015;Türkoğlu, Bılgıç, Türkoğlu, & Yilmaz, 2016;Yoo, 2016;Kumar, Lakhiar, & Lakhair, 2016;Barfoot, Meredith, Ziviani, & Whittingham, 2017). ...
... Recuperando o trabalho de Pereira e Kohlsdorf (2014) discutido, é citada uma limitação do estudo acerca do tempo decorrido da notícia do diagnóstico até o momento da coleta. Corroborando com esta observação dos autores, foram encontrados dois trabalhos (Krstic et al., 2015;Kumar et al., 2016) que tiveram o cuidado metodológico de selecionar famílias que haviam recebido o diagnóstico há no máximo seis meses. Tal detalhamento parece ir além de uma questão metodológica. ...
... Para além das suposições dos artigos encontrados, algumas evidências apontam para este modelo. Krstic et al. (2015) e Kumar et al. (2016), controlando o fator tempo da notícia do diagnóstico, encontraram respectivamente depressão severa e muito severa em um quarto da amostra e sintomas de depressão em 49,38% da amostra, distribuída em 30% leve, 60% moderada e 10% severa. Em Guillamon et al. (2013), 40% dos pais apresentaram sintomas de depressão leve a severa e os níveis de ansiedade foram semelhantes aos da população geral. ...
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Baby's early years are sensitive periods when parent’s availability is necessary for the children development. Studies indicate that the physical disability detection in a child increases the parent risk for depression. Thus, highlighting its causes and consequences for the parents and for the quality of the bond with their children is fundamental to provide the necessary care for these families. This research reviews and discusses the literature on depression in parents of children with physical disabilities in the last five years. The terms “disability”, “depression”, “parents” and “physical disability” were used at the PsycNET, Scopus, Web of Science, BVS and PEP-Web. 20 publications were selected. The results revealed that quantitative and cross-sectional studies predominate, as well as the study of variations due to the severity of the disability. When the depression is detected, it is predominantly scored as moderate, and singular aspects, as guilt and remorse, controlling its probability of occurrence. Few studies have shown how parental distress can increase the degree of motor disability. In conclusion, the time elapsed after the disability disclosure seems a remarkable factor, to which other variables are associated, such as the reactions to the diagnosis, and elaboration modes. Further longitudinal research is needed to support it.
... The occurrence of CP ranges from 1.4 to 4 per 1000 live births. Mother, as the primary caregiver of CP child, is afflicted with more depression and stress as compared to other mothers of normal children [7][8][9]. ...
... The data was collected from 81 mothers of the CP children. Out of 40 primary caregiver (mothers) with depression, 30% got mild depression, 60% moderate, and 10% severe depression [7]. ...
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The disability which occurs frequently in children is known as cerebral palsy (CP). Its prevalence in Pakistan is much higher and about 2 to 3 out of every 1000 children are diagnosed with CP, which affectstheirfunctional status of life to a greater extent. The objective of the current study was to determine the association of CP child's behavior with caregiver's stress level. The current study was based on a cross sectional design and itcomprised 159 caregivers of CP child. Among them 100 were males and 59 were females. The study was conducted within the time period from December 2016 to May 2017. A convenience sampling technique was used and subjects were selected from different hospitals and rehabilitation centers of Lahore, Pakistan on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria after taking informed consent. The two standardized “parental stress scale” and “strength difficulty questionnaire” helped to determine the level of stress and caregiver' burden. The data was analyzed using SPSS v20. The frequency was calculated to obtain mean values of caregiver stress and behavior of CP child using PSS and SDQ. P value ≤ .05 was considered statistically significant. The Pearson correlation (r) between PSS and SDQ data was r₌ 0.63, which showed a strong positive linear correlation between the two variables, that is, CP child behavior & caregiver stress level. It indicated that both variables increased or decreased together. The behavior of CP child affects the quality of life of parents and caregivers. The study concluded that there is a strong relationship between the CP child's behavior with the caregiver’s stress level.
... Data was collected using Consecutive Sampling. A total of 196 mothers were estimated using 95% confidence level with 7% margin of error and taking an expected percentage of depression as 49.3% in mother's cerebral palsy children 11 . Inclusion Criteria  Primary caregiver mothers aged between 25-55 years  Known diagnosis of CP for their children for at least last 6 months (as per operational definition)  ...
... Depressive symptoms were seen in 49.3% of moms of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. 30% had mild depression, 60% had moderate depression, and 10% had severe depression 11 . We also found higher frequency of depression among these mothers. ...
Background: Mothers of children with various degrees of impairment may bear a high amount of stress. Children with chronic medical disorders lead their moms to experience sadness, mental distress, and behavior problems. Aim: To determine the frequency of depression in mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in OPD of Neurology and Development Department, Children's Hospital Lahore in six months after the approval of synopsis August 20, 2020 till Feb 20, 2020. After taking written informed consent, 196 CP children's mothers were enrolled. Demographic information (including name, age) was also recorded. After admission to hospital detailed history and thorough clinical examinations were carried out to reach the provisional diagnosis. Results: The mean age of children was 6.65±2.23 years with age range of 3 and 10 years. There were 109(55.6%) male and 87(44.4%) female cases with higher male to female ratio. The mean age of mothers was 37.92±7.69 years with age range of 25 and 50 years. There were 115(58.7%) mothers who had depression and 81(41.3%) mothers did not have depression. There were 81(41.3%) mothers who had normal, 33(16.8%) had mild mood disturbance, 24(12.2%) mothers had borderline clinical depression, 23(11.7%) mothers had moderate depression and 35(17.9%) mother had severe depression. Practical implication: This study identifies a greater risk of depression in mothers of CP children, so by the help of this study we can identify such mothers at follow up of CP children and can give them psychiatric attention which can decrease mental health issues in them and would be beneficial for both the mother and their CP children. Conclusion: Depression among mothers of CP child was higher in this study, so these mothers must be given attention through psychiatric education and mental health programs to reduce their depression at the time of their CP children follow up. Keywords: Depression, care taker, disability, cerebral palsy, mental health
... Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common chronic neuromotor disorder and a leading cause of functional impairment during childhood (Fernández-Alcántara et al., 2015). The disabilities observed in children with CP are complex owing to various secondary concomitant disorders that are often longterm and severe (Bax et al., 2005;Michelsen et al., 2006) and which negatively affect the quality of life and daily life of children and their parents (Kumar et al., 2016). Moreover, levels of depression, anxiety, and stress are higher in mothers of children with CP than those in mothers of children without CP (Manuel et al., 2003;Mirza & Jenkins, 2004). ...
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Social support and depression levels for mothers of children with cerebral palsy may change over time. Due to difficulties in data collection, studies that longitudinally investigate changes in social support and depression for mothers of children with cerebral palsy are insufficient. This longitudinal study aimed to investigate changes in social support and depression among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. This study included 215 mothers of children with cerebral palsy in South Korea. Their levels of social support and depression were measured, and the collected data were analyzed using latent growth modeling. Examining the model fit for social support and depression revealed that the second-year change model was suitable for social support and the third-year change model was suitable for depression. The relation between social support and the change trajectory of depression was identified through a multivariate latent growth model. High social support was significantly associated with low initial depression, and the ongoing increase in social support continued to reduce depression. Continuous reinforcement of social support is necessary to reduce depression in mothers of children with cerebral palsy.
... Children with CP experience frequent hospitalization throughout their lives. Childhood illness and hospitalization is a crisis and can cause anxiety for parents and children (6)(7)(8). Parents of these children face numerous difficulties while taking care of their children, which would have a great impact on their health (1,9). One of the main causes of parents' anxiety that affects their mental health is inadequate parental knowledge of how to care for a hospitalized child. ...
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Background: Cerebral palsy is a leading cause of disability among children, and most of these children depend on their care provider or parents all the time. Mothers of these children spend a great amount of time taking care of them, which could have adverse effects on their mental health. Objectives: The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of the continuous care model (CCM) on the mental health of mothers with children suffering from cerebral palsy. Methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed among 80 mothers of hospitalized children with cerebral palsy. Subjects were randomly divided into the two groups of intervention and control. In the intervention group, the CCM was administered to the mothers up to eight weeks after discharge, and for the control group, only routine nursing education was provided to the mothers at hospital discharge. Before and one and eight weeks after the intervention, in both groups, the mothers' mental health was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 through descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The mean age of the mothers was 33.2 ± 2.1 years and 34.3 ± 2.2 years in the intervention and control groups, respectively. In the intervention group, the CCM had a positive effect on the mental health of mothers one and two months after discharge from hospital compared to before the intervention (P = 0.04, P = 0.02, respectively); however, in the control group, the mean score of mothers' mental health was decreased over time. No significant relationship was found between mental health and the demographic characteristics of the mothers (i.e., age, education, participation in any child caring programs, having anxiety, having any other children with cerebral palsy, and experiencing depression due to having a child with cerebral palsy) (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The CCM had a positive effect on the mental health of mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Thus, this intervention might be useful, but further studies are needed about the cost effectiveness of this intervention and its long-term impact on a larger sample.
... The stress and strain are increased manifolds as they are neither recognized nor apprecia-ted properly 6 . There have been studies 11,12 , to look for the frequency and severity of depression among children with CP and learning disabilities. However, more needs to be explored especially in relation to disability characteristics of the affected child. ...
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Objective: To evaluate the severity of depression and anxiety among caregivers of children having cerebral palsy and correlate severity with the type of cerebral palsy and functional capability of the child. Study Design: A cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Psychiatry and Rehabilitation Medicine, Combined Military Hospital, Gujranwala, from Oct 2015 to Aug 2018. Methodology: Through consecutive sampling, 186 caregivers diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression based on the diagnostic criteria of International Classification of Diseases version 10, and their cerebral palsy children were recruited. Symptom severity was assessed using Beck Depressive Inventory for depression and Beck Anxiety Inventory for anxiety. The functional capabilities of the children were assessed through gross motor function classification system (GMFCS). For correlation, Pearson’s chi square test was used using SPSS version 20. Results: The mean age was 30 ± 3.3 years. Fourteen (7.5%) were fathers of cerebral palsy children and 172 (92.5%) were mothers of cerebral palsy children. Majority of the cerebral palsy children 74 (39.8%) had spastic diplegia and the functional level I of gross motor function classification system 53 (28.5%). Most of the caregivers had mild anxiety and minimal depression (33.9% and 38.7% respectively). Significant correlation existed among the gross motor functional capability and the level of anxiety but not with depression (p
... Обоснование Рождение ребенка с отклонениями в развитииколоссальная психологическая травма для всей семьи и в первую очередь для матерей, которые чувствуют себя ответственными за проблемы ребенка больше, чем другие члены семьи, что влечет за собой деформацию как внутрисемейных отношений, так и при взаимодействии семьи с окружающим социумом [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Психологические расстройства матерей различны по интенсивности: от острого проявления до хронического непсихотического расстройства, при этом большинство матерей вынуждены полностью менять свою жизнь, пренебрегать собственными социальными потребностями [9,10]. Данные литературы по оценке психологического статуса матерей, воспитывающих детей с детским церебральным параличом (ДЦП), указывают на высокий уровень тревоги и депрессии у них в сравнении с матерями здоровых детей [11]. ...
Background: Child disability, especially as a result of nervous system diseases, affects all aspects of family life, causing extreme emotional and physical exhaustion in parents. However, today there is not enough scientific evidence on the features of development of nonpsychotic mental disorders in parents raising children with cerebral palsy and on the possibilities of using modern physiotherapy methods to correct these conditions and comorbidities. Considering that sanatorium-resort rehabilitation in children with cerebral palsy is accompanied by their parents, it is urgent to optimize clinical and functional approaches to treating mothers with borderline mental disorders with the simultaneous rehabilitation of children in sanatorium-resort conditions. Aim: To study the efficiency of sanatorium-resort treatment aimed at the psychological correction of mothers accompanying children with cerebral palsy to a sanatorium. Material and methods: The study enrolled 151 mothers who had borderline mental disorders and raised children with cerebral palsy. A study group included 103 women aged 33.2±0.6 years; a comparison group consisted of 48 mothers aged 31.8±0.5 years. The examination was conducted before sanatorium-resort treatment and after a therapy cycle. The mothers underwent clinical and psychodiagnostic examinations via the standardized Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (a short form) MMPI-mini (adapted by L.N. Sobchik, 2000); emotional and motivational sphere study the WAM (well-being, activity, mood) questionnaire, the Spielberger-Khanin Inventory, and the Depression Rating Scale (adapted by T.I. Balashova). The patients of both groups received combination treatment: the comparison group (n=48) had a general sanatorium-resort therapeutic complex and group psychotherapy; the study group (n=103) additionally took valerian-bromine baths based on sodium chloride water with a mineralization of 20 g/dm3), and a transcranial magnetic therapy cycle. Results: The general sanatorium-and-resort complex with psychotherapy predominantly affected the quality of night sleep (p<0.01) and reduced personality disorders according to the hypochondria scale (from 74.60±7.52 to 52.91±4.04 scores, p<0.01). The additional use of transcranial magnetic therapy and valerian-bromine baths based on sodium chloride water in the mothers had a psychocorrecting effect recorded according to basic (hysteria, psychopathy, psychasthenia) scales. Reduced depression was noted in 36.4% of the mothers (7% in the comparison group). Conclusion: Transcranial magnetic therapy used in combination with valerian-bromine baths based on sodium chloride water and with psychotherapy in mothers with borderline mental disorders, by taking into account psychological dysregulation, contributed to increases in the body's clinical and functional reserves within 6-8 months and to the preservation of psychological adaptation in 54.7% of cases. Incorporation of a maternal psychocorrective complex into the sanatorium-resort treatment of a child with cerebral palsy is a promising method for improving the quality of treatment outcomes in a sanatorium.
... [28] In the same time, this figure is higher than that reported in other studies. [1,10,14,[29][30][31] One of these studies was a study done in Iran where 44.2% of CP children mothers had depression. [10] On the other hand, the reported prevalence of depression in the present work is lower than that observed in other studies. ...
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Objective: To assess the relationship between maternal anxiety and depression and parent-reported quality of life (QOL) of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on 232 mothers of CP children aged 5–18 years. Children QOL and mothers' depression and anxiety were assessed using the Pediatric Inventory Parent Version (PedsQL-P), Beck Anxiety Scale (BAS), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), respectively. Results: Different degrees of depression in 55.5% of mothers were noted, and 47.4% and 21.6% had moderate and severe anxiety. The mean value of PedsQL-P scores was 69.35 ± 18.18. A significant negative correlation was found between PedsQL-P and both BAS and BDI scores. Conclusion: CP children's mothers had high prevalence of depression and anxiety that had a negative impact on children QOL. The study calls for interventions to improve the mothers' psychiatric status.
... Moreover, the high family needs and low family adaptability in addition to the child's condition further exacerbate the stress of these mothers (Glenn, Cunningham, Poole, Reeves, & Weindling, 2009). Hence, it is reasonable for the descriptive study by Kumar, Lakhiar and Lakhair (2016) to find a high percentage of mothers having depression, regardless of its severity. Similarly, Sajedi et al. (2010) also supported the finding where the study found that having a CP child increased the risk of mothers developing depression by 2.26 times. ...
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Caring for individuals with disabilities can be a heavy responsibility that may evoke stress among caregivers. Hence, the main purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between maternal appraisal, social support and parenting stress among mothers of children with cerebral palsy in Selangor, Malaysia. The data were collected through self-administered questionnaire with the participation of a total of 42 mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Family Impact of Child Disability Scale (Trute, Hiebert-Murphy, Benzies, & Levine, 2009) was used to determine maternal appraisal, while perceived social support among the respondents was measured with Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Zimet et al., 1988). Maternal parenting stress was determined using Parental Stress Scale (Berry & Jones, 1995). The findings of this study demonstrated the significant relationships between maternal appraisal and parenting stress, whereby negative appraisal and parenting stress were positively correlated, while mothers’ positive appraisal correlated negatively with parenting stress. Similar negative correlation was also identified between perceived social support and parenting stress. Apparently, the findings imply that maternal appraisal plays a significant role in determining parenting stress among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. In specific, negative appraisal was found to be the strongest predictor of maternal parenting stress. Findings of this study suggest of the importance of boosting positive appraisal and preventing negative appraisal as measures in reducing the maternal parenting stress among these mothers. It is recommended for future research to take into account the caregiving role of fathers for children with cerebral palsy in attempt to better understand the parenting well-being of such parents.
b>Purpose: Cerebral palsy (CP), being a neurological condition, is characterized by abnormalities in either the muscle tone, coordination, and/or motor functions caused by damage to the developing brain. Dysarthria commonly exists as an independent entity in approximately half of the patients with CP, or sometimes with a combination of both impairments. Due to the high variability (type and motor distribution) in the severity of the impairment in CP, a comprehensive speech impairment profile is warranted for deriving a highly customized interventional plan for them. Objectives: Therefore, the current study aims to develop one such assessment protocol and utilize the same to estimate the speech impairments in children with CP. The objectives of the study were to develop a speech assessment protocol, to administer the same on the patients with CP, and to estimate their speech impairments. Method: The study followed a cross-sectional design with a non-random convenience sampling method. A total of 51 patients between 3 and 12 years of age diagnosed with CP (any type, severity, motor tone, or motor distribution) were included in the study. The study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 included the development of the speech assessment protocol, while phase 2 included the administration and profiling of the retrieved data. Descriptive statistics were used to profile the data based on the frequency and percentage of occurrences. Results: The results have been organized based on the general and oral profile, and subsystems of speech (respiration, phonation, resonance, prosody, articulation, and overall intelligibility) of patients with spastic, flaccid, and ataxic CP. Conclusion: The developed protocol is comprised of multiple crucial domains that requires to be assessed during a formal speech assessment. The protocol helps tap upon the relevant family, natal, and other medical histories which becomes crucial during the counselling process.
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During the child development period, the relationships established may favour or hinder the acquisition of motor, cognitive and affective functions depending on the availability of the parents to do so. There is strong evidence about parental distress and complications in the parent-child relationship when a baby's physical disability is disclosed. This research assessed the parenting of babies after the diagnosis of physical disability was disclosed. The study included 20 dyads composed of primary caregiver and baby, 10 dyads whose children had physical disabilities (case group) and 10 dyads without diagnosis (control group) paired by sociodemographic criteria and by age range. Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories, Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, Ages and Stages Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used. Using mixed methods, qualitative analyzes were conducted and its results were discussed with descriptive statistics outcomes. No extreme differences were found between the groups regarding parental suffering with cognitive-affective symptoms being the most present. The average levels of parenting also did not differ between the groups. In general, the sample indicated satisfactory results, except for the high level of constriction presented by the caregivers of the case group. Associated with parental functions were parental suffering and the time elapsed after the disabilitys detection. It mightsuggest that parenting is more favorable when organized before the disabilitys disclosure. Observing the babies, the motor impairments did not impact their intersubjective engagement. Disability can make it difficult to give meaning to the baby's expressions due to anatomical and functional particularities, leading to responses that are out of affect attunement. It is concluded that the disability disclosure is not determinant for losses in parenting. If it causes caregivers to suffer, it is possible that they have found resources to offer the same quality of parenting as caregivers in the control group. New research in Psychology could highlight the processes of engagement and maintenance of parenting in these cases.
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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and metacognitive therapy on psychological well-being, mental agility and resilience of mothers of children with cerebral palsy. The statistical population of this study included all mothers of children with cerebral palsy in North Khorasan Province in 2017 and 2018.Iran. Methods: Samples were selected by simple random sampling method (39 people)then, they were randomly divided into two experimental groups (13 in the mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy group and 13 in the metacognitive therapy group) and one in the control group (13 people).The pre-test was used from Reef Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire, Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale, Ryan's and Friedrich's mental regression scales. In the next step, the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Metacognition Therapy in 8 sessions and once a week For two hours was performed on examination Group and control group didn’t received any intervention. Then, the post-test was completed for all three groups. Eventually, after two months, all three groups were evaluated And the necessary data were collected And analyzed by repeated measures of variance analysis. Results: The results showed a significant difference between the two groups of meta- cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy whit control group on the Variables of subjective well-being and Mental vitality. However, this difference was not significant in the resilient variable. Also, comparing Between the two treatments of mindfulness and metacognition on the present research variables, showed no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: According to the findings, in order to increase the level of psychological well-being and mental vitality of mothers of children with cerebral palsy, meta-cognitive and mindfulness training should be paid more attention.
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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships of positive psychological functions using structural equations modeling. The statistical population of this study included all mothers of children with cerebral palsy in North Khorasan Province in 2017 and 2018. Methods: The samples were selected by sampling method [105 persons]. Data were collected using eight questionnaires of life expectancy test, psychological well-being, mental well-being, life satisfaction, self-efficacy, spirituality, resilience, forgiveness And through partial least squares approach have been analyzed. Results: The results of the model showed that spirituality first entered the model in order to explain forgiveness, mental vitality and life expectancy. Then, the variables of mental vitality, life expectancy and forgiveness as mediators and predictors of life satisfaction, resilience, self-efficacy and psychological well-being were entered into the model. So it is clear that the variables mental vitality, life expectancy and forgiveness can adjust the relationship between spirituality and life satisfaction, resilience, self-efficacy and psychological well-being. In the meantime, the variable path of psychological well-being with self-efficacy was directly and with life satisfaction through self-efficacy mediation. Conclusions: According to the findings, in order to increase the level of life satisfaction, resilience, self-efficacy and psychological well-being of mothers of cerebral palsy, attention should be paid to spirituality, mental vitality, life expectancy and forgiveness.
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Objective Mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) are susceptible to emotional problems like stress, anxiety, and depression which can lead to emotional schemas like rumination, not expressing emotions, lack of values, and feeling guilty. These negative beliefs about emotions cause ineffective thoughts and inappropriate behavior patterns that affect the mental health of the mothers. In this case, interventions such as mindfulness education can be effective in reducing their maladaptive emotional schemas by adjusting attention, developing metacognitive awareness, decentralizing, and accepting their mental contents. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of mindfulness training in decreasing emotional schemas (rumination, not expressing emotions, lack of values and feeling guilty) in mothers with children with CP. Materials & Methods The present study is quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population consists of all the mothers with CP children referring to the rehabilitation center of Mashhad City. The study sample consisted of 20 volunteers who were selected based on the results of their pretest and study criteria. They were selected and randomly put into control and experimental groups. The inclusion criteria included having at least a guidance education level to do better teaching assignments and having a child with CP whose severity of disorder was moderate or severe on the basis of a doctor's diagnosis. The study instrument was Leahy Emotional Schema Scale (LESS) which was answered by mothers in the control and experimental groups before the intervention. The participants in the experimental group received “Mindfulness Awareness” group intervention in eight 90-minute sessions for two months and the control group didn’t receive any treatment. Results The data were analyzed through Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test. The findings indicate that mindfulness training for mothers in the experimental group leads to a decrease in schemas like rumination (t=2.57; P
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