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A User-centered Approach for Optimizing Information Visualizations


Abstract and Figures

The optimization of information visualizations is time consuming and expensive. To reduce this we propose an improvement of existing optimization approaches based on user-centered design, focusing on readability, compre-hensibility, and user satisfaction as optimization goals. The changes comprise (1) a separate optimization of user interface and representation, (2) a fully automated evaluation of the representation, and (3) qualitative user studies for simultaneously creating and evaluating interface variants. On the basis of these results we are able to find a local optimum of an information visualization in an efficient way.
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A User-centered Approach for Optimizing Information
David Baum, Pascal Kovacs, Ulrich Eisenecker and Richard Müller
Leipzig University
Grimmaische Strasse 12
04109 Leipzig, Germany
[baum, kovacs, eisenecker, rmueller]
The optimization of information visualizations is time consuming and expensive. To reduce this we propose an
improvement of existing optimization approaches based on user-centered design, focusing on readability, compre-
hensibility, and user satisfaction as optimization goals. The changes comprise (1) a separate optimization of user
interface and representation, (2) a fully automated evaluation of the representation, and (3) qualitative user studies
for simultaneously creating and evaluating interface variants. On the basis of these results we are able to find a
local optimum of an information visualization in an efficient way.
Evaluation, Information Visualization, Optimization, Usability, User-centered design
Over the last years, a considerable number of visualiza-
tions has been presented [CZ11, LBAAL09, LCWL14,
TC08, vLKS+11, ZSAvL14]. The benefit of a spe-
cific visualization depends on many factors, such as
addressed stakeholder (e.g. project manager, analyst,
scientist, or developer), the chosen methods of rep-
resentation and interaction, and the supported tasks
[LCWL14, vLKS+11]. Because of the number of fac-
tors and their connections evaluating visualizations is a
big challenge. Nevertheless, in most cases more time is
spent on developing entirely new visualizations than to
evaluate them and some of them have not been evalu-
ated at all [WLR11, TC08].
Empirical quantitative studies are an established type
of evaluation and can prove that one visualization is
superior over another one. However, planning, con-
ducting and analyzing such a quantitative study is diffi-
cult, time-consuming and causes a huge effort [And06,
CC00, KSFN08, LBIP14, Pla04]. Especially, recruiting
a sufficient number of participants is hard if they have
to meet certain criteria such as specific profession (e.g.
software developer with industrial experience). Tasks
are another critical aspect in such studies, because sim-
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ple tasks are easier to create but are not representing a
real world scenario, which is a thread to the external
validity[vLKS+11]. Complex tasks on the other side
are more difficult to create, because of the higher risk of
misinterpretation by the participants. Despite of these
difficulties, a quantitative study may lead to significant
results, but often gives not enough insight into the de-
tails, why a visualization is superior [LBIP14]. Further-
more, the choice which visualizations or visualization
variants should be investigated is a critical part of what
the results are useful for, but in most cases it is not ex-
actly reasoned.
These obstacles apply to evaluation of visualizations in
general and even more to their optimization, because to
achieve a satisfying visualization several improvements
and therefore evaluations have to be done. Thus, not
only a single visualization has to be evaluated but also
several variants differing in representation details and
interaction options. Due to the complexity of most visu-
alizations the amount of possible variants is far too high
for evaluating every variant. Therefore, it is necessary
to apply reasonable strategies to reduce the number of
variants to be evaluated down to a manageable number.
In this paper we present our approach for the optimiza-
tion of visualizations regarding readability, comprehen-
sibility, and user satisfaction, derived on our experi-
ence of evaluating software visualizations. We com-
bine computational, qualitative and quantitative meth-
ods into a well-structured and repeatable process, based
on existing processes for user-centered design (UCD)
and considering the specific characteristics of infor-
mation visualizations. By adopting this process a re-
searcher can reduce time and effort finding a local opti-
mum in an efficient heuristic way to improve any visu-
User-centered approaches are usually based on at least
four iterative steps [PvES06]:
1. identify need for UCD
2. produce design solutions
3. evaluate designs against requirements
4. final design
Compared to existing approaches we alter steps 2 and
3 by optimizing user interface (UI) and representation
separately. Thereby, for each part of the optimization
the most efficient and suitable method can be chosen.
We propose an aesthetics-based approach for represen-
tation optimization (section 3) and user studies for UI
optimization (section 4) as shown in figure 1. Like ex-
isting UCD approaches, the whole process is repeated
until a certain criterion is reached [WKD09]. Depend-
ing on the motivation of the optimization this can be,
e.g., a targeted deadline or the detection of merely non-
significant improvements.
Munzner [Mun09] introduced a four-layered model
for visualization design and validation. Accord-
ing to this model, our approach refers to the layer
encoding/interaction technique design.
Aesthetics are visual properties of a representation that
are observable for human readers as well as measur-
able in an automated way [Bau15]. Some of them af-
fect the readability and comprehensibility significantly,
either in a positive or in a negative way [Pur97]. The
effects on user performance can be measured in a quan-
titative study using the time a user needs to solve a task
and the number of errors he makes [Hua14]. Based on
aesthetics, representations that are optimized for read-
ability and comprehensibility can be designed.
As aesthetics emerge from the properties of the
depicted elements, such as color, shape, size, and
positioning, they are specific for every representation
[BRSG07, PAC02]. For some basic representations like
node-link diagrams aesthetics and their influence on
readability and comprehensibility are well-understood
[BRSG07]. In this case the process of optimization
becomes easier, since some part of the work is already
done. The gathered knowledge about aesthetics can be
reused in further iterations. Hence, the effort is reduced
with every iteration and quantitative studies might even
become obsolete.
3.1 Produce Representation Variants
The previous work of Baum [Bau15] describes how the
repertory grid technique can be used to identify rele-
vant aesthetics for any representation in a structured
and reproducible way. The resulting list of aesthetics
is narrowed down by two requirements that have to be
fulfilled. First, no information may be lost; second,
there must be a significant effect on user performance.
A solely aesthetics-based optimization of readability is
not meaningful if the changes imply an adulteration of
the visualized content. For example, a layout algorithm
might convey information via the order of the depicted
elements. If this order is changed, e.g., to reduce space
consumption, the result may be more readable but some
information is tampered. Further, it is unlikely that all
identified aesthetics have a significant effect on user
performance, based on the experiences with node-link
diagrams [WPCM02]. To reveal the relations between
aesthetics and user performance quantitative studies are
still required. Every examined visualized data set is
based on the same visualization but holds different val-
ues for one or multiple aesthetics. Measuring the time
needed by a user to solve a task and the number of er-
rors made while doing so yields two important findings.
First, the aesthetics that have a significant effect on user
performance; second, the weighting of those aesthetics
since they differ in their impact.
Eventually, one or more variants of the original repre-
sentation can be created with respect to the most influ-
ential aesthetics, e.g., by applying another layout algo-
rithm. Except during the first iteration the results of
the user studies can be used as additional source of in-
formation. Producing variants still requires the creativ-
ity of the researcher since aesthetics only determine the
goal of the optimization but not how it can be achieved.
For example, our approach does not help to develop
completely new layout algorithms, but aesthetics pro-
vide assessment criteria for automatic evaluation.
3.2 Evaluate Representation Variants
Aesthetics allow a fully automatized evaluation
[Pur97]. For every created variant its effect on read-
ability and comprehensibility can be automatically
calculated by making use of the gathered information.
Hence, the evaluation is very efficient and even a large
amount of variants can be evaluated without difficulty.
The outcome of the evaluation is a representation
variant that will be further optimized.
The interaction between the user and a visualization
is realized through the UI, which is a complex com-
bination of interaction techniques (ITEC). Yi et al.
[YaKSJ07] define ITECs in information visualization
as "[...] the features that provide users with the
Figure 1: Optimization process for information visualizations
ability to directly or indirectly manipulate and interpret
representations". To categorize ITECs they propose a
taxonomy of seven categories: select, explore, recon-
figure, encode, abstract/elaborate, filter, and connect.
Hence, evaluating the interaction with a UI via ITECs
could be done in four different levels of detail, from
low to high, by
comparing full UIs against each other,
integrating ITECs in the UI,
pairwise comparisons of ITECs of one category, and
scrutinizing details of a single ITEC.
With the target of optimizing the interaction as a whole,
a quantitative evaluation in one of these levels is not
suitable, because either the reasons why one UI is supe-
rior over another UI can not be identified or the context
of the target domain is lost when evaluating only the de-
tails of one ITEC. A quantitative evaluation of all four
levels is also not feasible, because of the huge effort and
the difficulties, even when comparing only two variants
per level[LM08]. Furthermore, the space of possible
variants is huge, thus choosing the variants for further
evaluation and improvement is a critical part.
Therefore, we propose iterative qualitative user studies
in a within-subject design as a heuristic to find a lo-
cal optimum in the huge space of possible UI variants.
One iteration consists of a couple of runs, where every
participant solves a set of randomized tasks using an
optimized representation variant and more than one UI
variant. Each UI variant differs in at least one detail of
ITECs, e.g., one variant has zoom by mouse wheel to
the position of the cursor, the other one zooms by dou-
ble click on an element, and a third one zooms twice
as fast as the second one using an addition button. The
first iteration starts with some UI variants chosen by
the researcher, which are derived from his own ideas
or by other visualizations or guidelines. Further itera-
tions may contain subsequent UI variants triggered by
analyzing the feedback of participants. Additionally,
tasks may be altered, bugs in the visualization can be
fixed, and ideas for representational variants could be
identified, which will be used during representation op-
timization. If the optimization process is terminated a
final UI is derived from the evaluation of the investi-
gated UI variants.
To get as much detail about the interaction as possible,
qualitative data is collected about each UI variant and
also about the tasks and their descriptions. Therefore,
the feedback and questions during and after each task
execution as well as the instructions and observations
of the experimenter are gathered. The user actions in-
cluding their timestamps and the time- and error-rate
for the solved task are recorded too. However, with re-
spect to the bias of giving feedback during the task, the
possible misinterpretation of the task description and
the variance in user skills coupled with a low number
of participants, the time- and error-rate have to be inter-
preted with caution. After solving the full task set, the
participant eventually has to rank all UI variants from
best to worst. The ranking of all participants of one it-
eration shows which UI variants support the set of tasks
better than others. Furthermore, it may give hint to fac-
tors explaining the improvements.
Beside changing UI variants, tasks and their descrip-
tions can be changed or improved between iterations
as well, because designing tasks is not straightforward.
Too simple tasks, e.g., identify the largest element, are
not suitable as a real world task for visualization analy-
sis. On the other hand, a complex task is more difficult
to explain, may be misinterpreted by the participant, or
needs too much time to be solved [Nor06]. Thus, creat-
ing and describing a perfect set of complex tasks from
scratch is nearly impossible. To overcome this problem
a pilot study is an established way to find weaknesses
in tasks and their descriptions. However, the possible
task modifications found this way are only a subset and
every modification can lead to new weaknesses. Hence,
an iterative improvement is a better solution to optimize
the tasks. By analyzing the instructions and observa-
tions of the experimenter as well as the questions and
feedback of the participants the researcher draws sev-
eral conclusions about the comprehensibility and feasi-
bility. As a result, the complexity of the tasks can be
reduced, the descriptions can be remastered, or entire
tasks can be replaced.
4.1 Produce Interface Variants
To produce new variants the within-subject design is
chosen to encourage the participants to think about the
differences between the variants. Therefore, the par-
ticipants feedback and questions are collected during
the whole process and associated to the following cate-
advantages of variants
disadvantages of variants
improvements for variants
ideas for new variants
By summarizing and interpreting the categorized state-
ments and their rate the researcher draws several con-
clusions about possible changes. This interpretation
process is not of straightforward structure because the
researcher and his or her freedom to design the UI is
also part of it. For example, the number of gathered
disadvantages for one variant may lead the researcher
to an idea how to improve this variant to overcome this
disadvantages. So the freedom in designing the UI us-
ing the qualitative data is the crucial part to find a local
optimum in the huge space of possible variants. Never-
theless, the researcher should pay attention to explicitly
record his or her decision with respect to further plan-
ning of the optimization process. The result of this anal-
ysis is an overview following possible changes for the
next iteration, weighted by the potential contribution to
the effectiveness of the UI:
adding a complete new variant
adding an altered existing variant
adding a combination of existing variants
Attention should be paid to the differences between the
variants in one iteration. If they differ in every possible
detail of the UI or the ITECs the participants may be-
come confused and the comparison of the variants may
not lead to relevant feedback. This would also lead to
very long instruction-phases with broad tutorials to ex-
plain each variant in detail. Hence, the changes should
at least be focused on one category of ITECs, e.g., ex-
plore or connect. However, the level of detail in the dif-
ferences should be taken into account too. The details
of the ITECs and their integration into the UI should be
investigated after evaluating if and under which condi-
tions a certain ITEC is superior.
Depending on the amount of existing variants and the
size of the task set one or more variants can be added
for the next iteration. To consider a bigger amount of
variants new tasks could be added too, but with respect
to the overall length for solving all tasks of the set. On
the other side, old variants can be removed if they are
ranked low by the participants or have many disadvan-
4.2 Evaluate Interface Variants
The evaluation of the variants is mainly driven by the
user satisfaction, recorded as the ranking from best to
worst for all variants after solving the complete task set.
To get a ranking for the whole iteration the medians for
each variant are computed. An aggregated ranking for
all investigated variants in all iterations is built by com-
puting the medians of this iteration rankings, so new
variants will not be outnumbered by older ones. This
way less effective UI variants are identified and can be
excluded from the next iteration. If the process of op-
timization comes to an end a final variant out of the
remaining variants has to be derived. Beside the rank-
ing the circumstances why and when a variant is more
effective than another one are also part of this final de-
cision. Therefore, at least all the best ranked variants
are investigated further as final candidates by analyzing
the advantages and disadvantages as well as comparing
the quantitative data of time- and error-rate or the user
actions. This may lead to the following four cases:
1. Interpreting the advantages and disadvantages can
lead to the conclusion that a final candidate is only
superior for a specific type of task. In this case either
a new variant should be built upon this insight or, if
not possible, all these remaining candidates should
be integrated in the final UI with respect to aesthetics
of the graphical elements of the UI [ZV14]. Thus the
user can decide which variant to use for a task.
2. Computing the relevant statistical parameters of
time- and error-rates identifies one final candidate
as noticeably superior over the others.
3. One of the candidates has a noticeably lower rate in
user actions to solve the tasks than the others. In a
long term usage this candidate should have a higher
acceptance by the users.
4. The differences between the candidates are only on
a low level of detail, so they could be integrated in
the final UI by a configuration option.
If the result of analyzing the final candidates can not be
classified as one of these cases either a further investi-
gation by conducting a quantitative study could be done
or the researcher eventually has to choose the final UI.
In this paper we propose some relevant changes to ex-
isting UCD processes to reduce the effort for optimiz-
ing visualizations. Although we were able to apply the
process successfully an evaluation against other evalu-
ation approaches is outstanding due to the required ef-
fort. Especially the implementation of the variants is
still time-consuming. Since we consider interaction as
a crucial factor of success of a visualization we decided
against paper prototyping and similar methods. To fur-
ther increase the efficiency, and thereby being able to
evaluate more variants, it is essential to at least partially
automate the evaluation of UI variants. However, the
current understanding of UI aesthetics is not yet deep
enough [ZV14].
Among others, we use quantitative studies to optimize
the representation. Even though their number is re-
duced over time, the first iterations might be even more
extensive than existing approaches. However, experi-
ence shows that usually many iterations are required
and in that case our approach becomes less extensive.
The described approach finds only a local optimum,
since it is unfeasible to evaluate all possible variants.
This limitation is common to all optimization processes
in the area of information visualization. However, our
approach comes with a highly efficient evaluation. User
studies are used simultaneously for creating and evalu-
ating UI variants in smaller iterations, by analyzing the
qualitative data and user ranking. Then the evaluation
of the representation is fully automated. Thus, we can
investigate a much bigger space to find the local opti-
mum. In turn, the evaluation results are less reliable
compared to quantitative studies. Therefore, we pro-
pose to finish the optimization process with a controlled
experiment to make sure it was successful.
Several papers address the methodology of evaluating
information visualizations [Car08, HWT06, LBIP14,
MDF12, MTW+12, SBCS14, TM05]. But they only fo-
cus on single evaluations, not on an iterative process as
described in this paper. However, iterative optimization
is an essential part of UCD. Some authors described
such user-centered approaches for information visual-
ization [FZH13, LD11, WKD09]. As we, they try to re-
duce the resulting effort, e.g., by combining controlled
experiments and qualitative methods. Unfortunately,
this is achieved at the expense of a drastically reduced
interaction evaluation. In contrast, we stress the impor-
tance of the interaction but still achieve a reduced effort.
In this paper, we proposed an improved process for op-
timizing information visualization regarding readabil-
ity, comprehensibility, and user satisfaction. Among a
heuristic process of finding a local optimum in the huge
space of UI variants, we introduced a fully automated
evaluation of the representation variants. Although we
were able to apply the process successfully an evalu-
ation against other evaluation approaches is outstand-
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Conference Paper
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In software visualization, but also in information visualization in general, there is a great need for evaluation of visualization metaphors. To reduce the amount of empirical studies a computational approach has been applied successfully, e.g., to graph visualization. It is based on measurable aesthetic heuristics that are used to estimate the human perception and the processing of visualizations. This paper lays a foundation for adopting this approach to any field of information visualization by providing a method, the repertory grid technique, to identify aesthetics that are measurable, metaphor-specific, and relevant to the user in a structured and repeatable way. We identified 25 unique aesthetics and revealed that the visual appearance of the investigated visualizations is mainly influenced by the package structure whereby methods are underrepresented. These findings were used to improve existing visualizations.
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The graphical user interface (GUI) of an interactive system is nowadays the most frequently used interaction modality. While the contents are of high importance, the Look and Feel is an equally essential factor determining the GUI quality that is impacted by several determinants such as but not limited to aesthetics, pleasurability, fun, etc. Therefore, GUIs aesthetics is a potential element to focus on in order to facilitate communication between device and user. On that basis, one question that comes up is: "Is it possible to evaluate the quality of a GUI by estimating its aesthetics through a series of measurable geometric metrics?". This paper suggests possible directions to address the previous question by, first, introducing a simplifying model of GUIs aesthetics that captures aesthetics aspects and regions-related metrics. In a second phase, a methodology for the evaluation of GUIs aesthetics is defined based on the underlying model. The paper finally puts forwards a model-based implementation of the aforementioned methodology in the form of a web service tool for metrics-based evaluation of GUIs and discuss the results of a survey on users aesthetics perceptions.
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People have difficulty understanding statistical information and are unaware of their wrong judgments, particularly in Bayesian reasoning. Psychology studies suggest that the way Bayesian problems are represented can impact comprehension, but few visual designs have been evaluated and only populations with a specific background have been involved. In this study, a textual and six visual representations for three classic problems were compared using a diverse subject pool through crowdsourcing. Visualizations included area-proportional Euler diagrams, glyph representations, and hybrid diagrams combining both. Our study failed to replicate previous findings in that subjects' accuracy was remarkably lower and visualizations exhibited no measurable benefit. A second experiment confirmed that simply adding a visualization to a textual Bayesian problem is of little help, even when the text refers to the visualization, but suggests that visualizations are more effective when the text is given without numerical values. We discuss our findings and the need for more such experiments to be carried out on heterogeneous populations of non-experts.
This unique, multi-disciplinary volume provides an insight into an active and vital area of research – Interactive Visualization. Interactive Visualization enables the development of new scientific techniques to view data, and to use interaction capabilities to interrogate and navigate through datasets and better communicate the results. A wide range of topics are covered in this important new book, representing the state of the art in this research area and providing a special emphasis on: • Advanced data representation; • Integration of visualization and modelling techniques; • Novel user interfaces for data exploration and analysis; • Virtual environments and collaborative visualization; • Design and evaluation of interactive visualization tools and systems. Students and researchers in scientific and information visualization, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, interface and interaction design, computer graphics and multimedia will find the book an excellent survey of this exciting field.
Visualization is one of the popular methods that are used to explore and communicate complex non-visual data. However, representing non-visual data in a visual form does not automatically make the process of exploration and communication effective. The same data can be visualized in many different ways and different visualizations affect the process differently. Therefore, it is important to have the resultant visualizations evaluated so that their quality in conveying the embedded information to the end users can be understood. In designing an evaluation study, at least three issues need to be addressed: What kind of quality is to be evaluated? What methods are to be used? And what measures are to be used? A range of methods and measurements have been used to evaluate visualizations in the literature. Overall quality is often considered as a multidimensional construct and the elements of the construct have limitations in evaluating overall quality. In this chapter, we introduce two one-dimensional measures. The first one is an indirect measure called visualization efficiency that is based on task performance and mental effort measures, while the second is a direct measure that is based on aesthetic criteria. These new measures take into consideration the elements of its corresponding multidimensional construct and combine them into a single value. We review related work, explain how these measures work and discuss user studies that were conducted to validate them. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
Software visualization as a research field focuses on the visualization of the structure, behavior, and evolution of software. It studies techniques and methods for graphically representing these different aspects of software. Interest in software visualization has grown in recent years, producing rapid advances in the diversity of research and in the scope of proposed techniques, and aiding the application experts who use these techniques to advance their own research. Despite the importance of evaluating software visualization research, there is little work studying validation methods. As a consequence, it is usually difficult producing compelling evidence about the effectiveness of software visualization contributions. The goal of this paper is to study the validation techniques performed in the software visualization literature. We conducted a systematic mapping study of validation methods in software visualization. We consider 752 articles from multiple sources, published between 2000 and 2012, and study the validation techniques of the software visualization articles. The main outcome of this study is the lack in rigor when validating software visualization tool and techniques. Although software visualization has grown in interest in the last decade, it still lacks the necessary maturity to be properly and thoroughly evaluating its claims. Most article evaluations studied in this paper are qualitative case studies, including discussions about the benefits of the proposed visualizations. The results help understand the needs in software visualization validation techniques. They identify the type of evaluations that should be performed to address this deficiency. The specific analysis of SOFTVIS series articles shows that the specialized conference suffers from the same shortage.
This paper reports on a between-subject, comparative online study of three information visualization demonstrators that each displayed the same dataset by way of an identical scatterplot technique, yet were different in style in terms of visual and interactive embellishment. We validated stylistic adherence and integrity through a separate experiment in which a small cohort of participants assigned our three demonstrators to predefined groups of stylistic examples, after which they described the styles with their own words. From the online study, we discovered significant differences in how participants execute specific interaction operations, and the types of insights that followed from them. However, in spite of significant differences in apparent usability, enjoyability and usefulness between the style demonstrators, no variation was found on the self-reported depth, expert-rated depth, confidence or difficulty of the resulting insights. Three different methods of insight analysis have been applied, revealing how style impacts the creation of insights, ranging from higher-level pattern seeking to a more reflective and interpretative engagement with content, which is what underlies the patterns. As this study only forms the first step in determining how the impact of style in information visualization could be best evaluated, we propose several guidelines and tips on how to gather, compare and categorize insights through an online evaluation study, particularly in terms of analyzing the concise, yet wide variety of insights and observations in a trustworthy and reproducable manner.
Information visualization (InfoVis), the study of transforming data, information, and knowledge into interactive visual representations, is very important to users because it provides mental models of information. The boom in big data analytics has triggered broad use of InfoVis in a variety of domains, ranging from finance to sports to politics. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey and key insights into this fast-rising area. The research on InfoVis is organized into a taxonomy that contains four main categories, namely empirical methodologies, user interactions, visualization frameworks, and applications, which are each described in terms of their major goals, fundamental principles, recent trends, and state-of-the-art approaches. At the conclusion of this survey, we identify existing technical challenges and propose directions for future research.
This book is the outcome of the Dagstuhl Seminar on "Information Visualization -- Human-Centered Issues in Visual Representation, Interaction, and Evaluation" held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, from May 28 to June 1, 2007. Information Visualization (InfoVis) is a relatively new research area, which focuses on the use of visualization techniques to help people understand and analyze data. This book documents and extends the findings and discussions of the various sessions in detail. The seven contributions cover the most important topics: There are general reflections on the value of information visualization; evaluating information visualizations; theoretical foundations of information visualization; teaching information visualization. And specific aspects on creation and collaboration: engaging new audiences for information visualization; process and pitfalls in writing information visualization research papers; and visual analytics: definition, process, and challenges.