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Ecol Freshw Fish 2016; 1–8
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Accepted: 5 November 2016
DOI: 10.1111/e.12323
Parentally acquired dierences in resource acquision ability
between brown trout from alternave life history parentage
Marn R. Hughes1 | Travis E. Van Leeuwen1 | Peter D. Cunningham2 | Colin E. Adams1
1Scosh Centre for Ecology and the Natural
Environment, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
2Wester Ross Fisheries Trust, Harbour Centre,
Gairloch, UK
Marn R. Hughes, Scosh Centre for Ecology
and the Natural Environment, University of
Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
Funding informaon
European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme.
Dominance hierarchies, where they exist, aect individual food acquision ability and
tness, both of which have the potenal to inuence life history pathways. Juvenile
salmonids exhibit clear dominance hierarchies in early life. As one of the drivers for the
adopon of alternave life histories in salmonids is the relave rate of resource acqui-
sion, there is potenal for juvenile behaviour to inuence the subsequent life history
strategy of the individual. Lacustrine brown trout, Salmo trua, exhibit a multude of
life histories which includes among others the piscivorous (ferox) life history where
individuals grow to large size and have delayed maturity and benthivorous and pelagic
life histories where individuals grow to much smaller sizes, however mature earlier.
Using a number of observable characteriscs of dominance, this study compared dif-
ferences in behaviour between size- matched pairs of progeny, reared under common
garden condions which are derived from alternave, co- exisng life history strategy
parents. We found that rst- generaon progeny of ferox trout were more aggressive,
acquired more food, had lighter skin pigmentaon and held more desirable posions
than the progeny of benthivorous brown trout in an experimental stream system.
Ferox trout progeny were dominant over benthivorous brown trout progeny in 90% of
trials in dyadic contests. Given such clear dierences in dominance, this study indi-
cates that parentally acquired dominance- related dierences, passed through either,
or both, of genec and nongenec (e.g. maternal eects) means, are likely a contribut-
ing factor to the connued maintenance of disnct life history strategies of brown
behaviour, dominance hierarchies, ferox trout, life history strategy, Salmo trua
Individual behaviour can determine mang and reproducve success
(Cowlishaw & Dunbar, 1991; Dewsbury, 1982), social status (Gilmour,
DiBasta, & Thomas, 2005), and the quality of resources (Nakano,
1995) and territories acquired (Fox, Rose, & Myers, 1981; Wells,
1977). Thus, an animal’s individual behaviour plays a signicant role in
successful development, longevity and overall tness. Aggression and
territoriality are commonly displayed in animals where individuals con-
test a limited resource in an ecosystem, with successful individuals fre-
quently being the most dominant (Ellis, 1995). Such contests can also
inuence the social rank of animals and frequently result in hierarchies
within a populaon. Such dominance hierarchies are found across taxa
including birds (Dingemanse & de Goede, 2004; Ens & Goss- Custard,
1984), sh (Abbo, Dunbrack, & Orr, 1985; Metcalfe, Hunngford,
Graham, & Thorpe, 1989), mammals (Creel, 2001; Seyfarth, 1976) and
invertebrates (Cole, 1981; Röseler, Röseler, Strambi, & Augier, 1984)
with more dominant individuals generally beer at acquiring resources
than subordinate individuals. In birds, dominant American redstarts,
Setophaga rucilla (L.), regularly exclude subordinates from high-
quality habitats and are therefore generally a larger size as a result of
the increased food acquision (Marra & Holmes, 2001). In mammals,
dominance rank inuences both food access and breeding success.
For example, in Red deer, Cervus elaphus (L.), higher ranking individuals
have greater reproducve success and acquire higher quality resources
than subordinates (Appleby, 1980; Cluon- Brock, Albon, & Guinness,
1986). Among sh, compeon for feeding territories in stream dwell-
ing juvenile salmonids has proven a useful model in the study of social
dominance (Adams, Hunngford, Turnbull, & Beae, 1998; Burton,
Hoogenboom, Armstrong, Groothuis, & Metcalfe, 2011; Cus, Adams,
& Campbell, 2001; Höjesjö, Armstrong, & Griths, 2005; Hunngford,
Metcalfe, Thorpe, Graham, & Adams, 1990; Metcalfe et al., 1989;
Hunngford, 2004; Preston, Taylor, Adams, & Migaud, 2014; Van
Leeuwen, Hughes, Dodd, Adams, & Metcalfe, 2015).
In juvenile Atlanc salmon, Salmo salar (L.), aggression and dom-
inance correlate posively with territory quality and food acquisi-
on, with dominant individuals more likely to achieve higher growth
and faster development. This has, in turn, been shown to inuence
the life history of the individual (Metcalfe, 1998). For example,
dominance status has been shown to inuence the age at which
juvenile Atlanc salmon undergo smolng (the physiological and
morphological preparaon for salmonids to enter sea water) and
thus migrate into marine waters, with dominant individuals migrat-
ing at a younger age than subordinates (Metcalfe, 1998; Metcalfe
et al., 1989).
Juvenile brown trout, Salmo trua (L.), display similar dominance
hierarchies to those displayed in the closely related, Atlanc salmon
(Harwood, Armstrong, Griths, & Metcalfe, 2002). They also exhibit
a multude of life history strategies with some individuals remaining
in natal streams their enre life (river residency), while others migrate
to lakes (aduvial potamodromy) or into marine waters (anadromy).
Life history strategy is partly dependent on the life history of the par-
ent (through genec and nongenec maternal eects; Van Leeuwen
et al., 2015) and the relave rates of resource acquision (see review
by Dodson, Aubin- Horth, Thériault, & Páez, 2013), which is likely
dependent on the behaviour of the individual. One understudied
life history of S. trua is the ferox life history paern. Ferox trout
manifest as lacustrine dwelling, piscivorous trout (Grey, 2001; Grey,
Thackeray, Jones, & Shine, 2002) which grow to large size (Mangel &
Abrahams, 2001), exhibit delayed maturaon (Campbell, 1971) and
increased longevity (Mangel & Abrahams, 2001). Considered one of
the many life history types adopted by the highly variable S. trua spe-
cies complex, ferox trout are associated with large, deep oligotrophic
lakes and the presence of Arcc charr Salvelinus alpinus L. (Campbell,
1979; Greer, 1995; Hughes, Dodd, Maitland, & Adams, 2016). Ferox
trout have also been described as reproducvely isolated and genet-
ically disnct from brown trout expressing other life history traits in
sympatry in some lakes in Scotland and Ireland (Duguid, Ferguson, &
Prodöhl, 2006; Ferguson & Mason, 1981; Ferguson & Taggart, 1991;
McVeigh, Hynes, & Ferguson, 1995; Prodöhl, Taggart, & Ferguson,
1992). As a result, ferox trout have been variously classied as ei-
ther one of the many adopted life history types or as a disnct spe-
cies Salmo ferox Jardine, 1835; a nomenclature recognised by the
Internaonal Union for the Conservaon of Nature (IUCN; Freyhof
& Koelat, 2008).
Given that the adopon of piscivory in sh is oen limited by an in-
dividual’s gape size (Mielbach & Persson, 1998; Persson, Andersson,
Wahlström, & Eklöv, 1996), increasing growth through food acquisi-
on to reach a crical size threshold at which they can access sh
prey would benet piscivorous species by enabling them to exploit
larger prey items (and thus sh prey) at an earlier developmental stage.
Therefore, given the advantages of dominance rank on food acquisi-
on in juvenile salmonids, we hypothesise that if the adopon of a
life history pathway is parentally derived, either genecally or through
maternal eects, then juvenile progeny of ferox trout will be more
dominant than progeny of brown trout, adopng the more common
foraging strategy of lacustrine trout exploing macrobenthic inverte-
brates (hereaer benthivores).
To test for dierences in dominance- related traits between life his-
tories, we reared progeny of sympatric ferox and benthivorous brown
trout in the laboratory under common garden condions and com-
pared commonly used indicators of dominance behaviour (aggression,
skin colour, spaal posion and food acquision) in size- matched, dy-
adic contests in an experimental stream.
2.1 | Broodstock collecon
Broodstock (three ferox trout females and three ferox trout males,
three benthivorous brown trout females and three benthivorous
brown trout males) were captured using fyke nets and electroshing
between 1 October and 12 November 2013 from two tributaries
in the Loch Maree catchment, Scotland. Reciprocal hybrid crosses
between a male ferox and female benthivorous brown trout and
a female ferox trout with a male benthivorous brown trout were
made. However, due to high mortality of hybrids during early
development, they could not be used for this experiment. For
future studies, the high mortality of hybrid crosses should be noted
and may infer a level of hybrid inviability. Due to the rarity of ferox
trout (Duguid et al., 2006), the likelihood of collecng ripe females
during spawning me is low. At capture, sh were classied as
ferox trout or benthivorous brown trout based on size: ferox trout
(40–80 cm); benthivorous brown trout (20–35 cm; Campbell, 1979)
and prior knowledge from local angling groups about spawning lo-
caons. Classicaon of the two life history types was conrmed
by subsequent stable isotope analysis of egg samples. Mature sh
were transported to holding tanks on the Coulin Estate, Kinlochewe,
Scotland, where they were held in two large, 2,000- L tanks supplied
with river water and assessed daily for ripeness. On 14 November
2013, all sh were anaesthesed, bloed dry, and their eggs or
sperm extruded by abdominal massage. Eggs were ferlised by
randomly selected males of the same life history type to create two
full sibling families of each life history.
2.2 | Egg rearing, hatching and sh husbandry
Ferlised eggs were transported to the Scosh Centre for Ecology
and the Natural Environment (SCENE), Loch Lomond, Scotland. Each
family was reared separately in mesh baskets held in clear plasc tanks
(50 × 30 × 15 cm) in a temperature controlled environment cham-
ber (temp 7.4 ± 0.1°C) using water on a paral recirculaon system.
Water was pumped directly from Loch Lomond before being chan-
nelled through a free- standing lter unit and a single in- line UV steri-
liser. Eggs were held in complete darkness unl hatching. Eggs were
examined daily, with any dead eggs carefully removed. Egg size (two-
dimensional surface area [mm2]) was measured using image soware
(ImageJ) from photographs of eggs taken 48 hours aer ferlisaon.
The ming of emergence of successive developmental stages, eye pig-
mentaon, hatch and yolk absorpon, was recorded as the number of
degree days (DD; calculated as the sum of the daily mean water tem-
perature each day) since ferlisaon. Ferox trout eggs hatched from 5
January to 8 January 2014, with eggs from benthivorous brown trout
hatching from 7 January to 11 January 2014. Following hatching,
alevins were raised under an ambient photoperiod. Aer complete
yolk absorpon, fry were fed a standard commercial salmon pellet
(Biomar, Aarhus, Denmark) at approximately 3% body wt. day−1. On 5
April 2014, sh were moved to larger 175- L radial ow circular tanks.
At this stage, families were mixed to create two groups of equal den-
sity (160 sh in each of the two tanks) for each life history.
2.3 | Stable isotope analysis
Stable isotope analysis was conducted to conrm the dierent forag-
ing strategies of the broodstock used (Jensen et al., 2012). Previous
stable isotope analysis on ferox trout in Loch Ness indicated ferox
trout would have a signicantly elevated δ15N signature compared to
benthivorous brown trout feeding on zooplankton or macroinverte-
brates (Grey et al., 2002).
Eggs (n = 4) from each family were randomly selected from each
batch during stripping (total n = 16) and dried for 96 hr at 48°C in a
drying oven. The dried ssue was ground to a ne powder using a
pestle and mortar. Approximately 50% of each sample was then lipid
extracted as follows: 15 mg of ground ssue was soaked in a 2:1
(by volume) chloroform:methanol solvent mixture. Aer 20 min, the
sample was centrifuged (3,000 rpm for 5 min), the supernatant dis-
carded and the process was repeated unl the solvent ran clear. The
lipid extracted samples were then dried for a further 96 hr at 48°C
in a drying oven. Nonlipid extracted and lipid extracted samples
(n = 32) were measured (7–9 mg) into n capsules (standard weight
5 × 3.5 mm). Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope raos
were determined by connuous ow isotope rao mass spectrome-
try (CF- IRMS), using a Costech ECS 4010 elemental analyser coupled
to a ThermoFisher Scienc Delta XP- Plus IRMS at the NERC Life
Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility.
2.4 | Behavioural trials
Experimental sh were introduced into one of een compartments
(60 × 60 × 60 cm) of an arcial ume channel at the Scosh Centre
for Ecology and the Natural Environment, Rowardennan, Scotland.
Each compartment was paroned by plasc mesh mounted to
a wooden frame. Homogeneous substrate (gravel/pebble) was
distributed throughout each compartment with a single (10 × 5 cm)
rock located in the centre of the arena. The rock was used as an
indicator of opmal habitat for the experimental sh as juvenile salmo-
nids have been shown to hold central posions in streams behind such
structures (Metcalfe, Valdimarsson, & Morgan, 2003). A 30- cm tube
terminated immediately upstream of this central posion into which
food pellets were introduced (so increasing the likelihood of compe-
on between the two sh). The observaon area, located in the centre
of the ume, allowed observers to view the sh behind glass without
interfering with the shes natural behaviour (Figure 1).
Dyad behavioural trials were conducted using one individual of ferox
origin and one of benthivorous brown trout origin. As dominance in
salmonids has been shown to be signicantly aected by body size
(Hunngford et al., 1990), sh pairs were size matched by length to
the nearest mm to reduce any size eects and potenally any residual
maternal nutrional eects. One sh from each pair was randomly
marked with alcian blue on the dorsal n to allow disncon be-
tween individuals in each compartment to be made. Thirty pairwise
trials were conducted over a three- week period. Once introduced to
the arena, the sh pair were le for 48 hr to acclimate. Food pellets
were introduced ve mes daily throughout this acclimaon period
via feeding tubes to further accentuate the opmal spaal posion
in each compartment. Following acclimaon, sh were observed four
mes daily for 6 min at 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 h over 2 days.
Four behavioural characteriscs of dominance in salmonid sh were
measured: overt aggression rate, sh colouraon, spaal posion and
food acquision (Adams, Hunngford, Turnbull, Arno, & Bell, 2000;
Adams et al., 1998; Kilsen et al., 2009; Metcalfe et al., 1989; Nicieza
& Metcalfe, 1999).
Aggressive interacons, sh colour and spaal posion were
scored during an inial 3- minute period during each observaon.
Aer this 3- minute period, a single food pellet was introduced to the
FIGURE1 Schematic diagram of the artificial stream used for
fish observations. Trial arenas (TA), feeding tubes (FT) and rocks (R)
used for indicator of prime habitat, propeller (P), water flow (WF) and
central observation area (OA)
chamber and the acquision of this food item by either sh recorded.
A second 3- minute observaon followed the introducon of the food
pellet during which aggression, sh colour and spaal posion were
recorded. Fish displaying aggressive behaviour during observaons
were scored (+1) for each aggressive display. Five common character-
isc overt aggressive behaviours were recorded during observaons:
n nips, chases, mouth gapes, n displays and sh displacements
(Adams et al., 1998, 2000; Kilsen et al., 2009; Metcalfe et al., 1989).
As body colouraon is a well- known indicator of stress in salmo-
nids (Kilsen et al., 2009), the ank colour of each sh was recorded
at the beginning and end of each observaon. As subordinates tend to
be darker in colouraon, sh with dark bodies were scored negavely
(−1), and those with lighter colouraon scored posively (+1), interme-
diate colouraon received a score of (0).
The behavioural arena was marked into three equal- sized units in
the x, y and z dimensions, using marbles on the substrate and markings
on the observer glass, to indicate paron boundaries. Thus, a total
of 27 cuboids within each chamber were dened and each allocated
a score according to their proximity to the central opmal locaon.
Cuboids immediately below the feeding tube above the substrate were
classed as “opmal” locaons and were given a posive score (+1).
Cuboids on the periphery of “opmal” locaons were neutrally scored
(0) with cuboids located in the corners of the arena being scored neg-
avely (−1). In addion to this, sh observed lying on the substrate
or mesh paron received an addional negave score of (−1). If sh
were highly acve during observaons, every visited cuboid score was
recorded and an average calculated to provide a single score for each
Food acquision following pellet introducon was scored as fol-
lows. If a sh made no aempt at acquiring the food pellet, it scored
0; if a sh aempted to acquire the food pellet but was unsuccessful,
it scored +1, a sh that was successful in acquiring the food pellet
scored +2.
2.5 | Stascal analysis
Dierences in egg size and the ming of developmental milestones
between ospring of each life history parentage were tested using
To test for dierences in mean δ13C and δ15N raos between ferox
trout and benthivorous trout eggs, a Welch’s t- test was conducted on
both lipid extracted and nonlipid extracted values.
To test whether the outcome of the number of winning contests
between ferox trout and benthivorous brown trout was equally distrib-
uted, a chi- square goodness- of- t test was conducted. Normality and
homogeneity of data were tested using the Shapiro–Wilk test and the
Anderson–Darling test respecvely. Due to a failure of normality, non-
parametric tests were used in subsequent analysis. Correlaons be-
tween the four variables (aggression, skin colour, spaal posion and
food acquision) were described using a nonparametric Spearman’s
rank correlaon test, before being summarised with a principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA). An overall dominance score was obtained by
extracng PC scores for each sh from PC1 which weighted posively
for aggression, colour, spaal posion and food acquision (Table 3).
To test univariate aggression rates, food acquision rates, colour index
and spaal scores between ferox trout and brown trout, a nonpara-
metric Mann–Whitney U- test (two- sample Wilcoxon rank sum) was
used. Dominance scores were compared using a Welch two- sample
t- test. All stascal analysis was performed using R version 3. 3. 1
stascal soware (R Core Team, 2016).
Brown trout eggs (n = 8) were signicantly more depleted in δ15N
(t = −35.4, df = 13.1, p < 0.01) than ferox trout eggs (n = 8). There was
no signicant dierence in δ13C (t = 1.4, df = 12.3 p = 0.2) between
brown trout and ferox trout eggs (Figure 2). Similarly, lipid extracted
samples from brown trout eggs (n = 8) were signicantly more depleted
in δ15N (t = −35.2, df = 13.8, p < 0.01) than ferox trout eggs (n = 8), and
there was no signicant dierence in δ13C (t = 0.2, df = 12.8, p = 0.84).
There was a signicant dierence in egg surface area (mm2) be-
tween life history types (F1,197 = 82.06, p < 0.001) with ferox trout
progeny having a greater egg surface area than brown trout progeny
(p < 0.001; Table 1).
There was no signicant dierence in development me taken
to reach successive stages (me to eyed stage [F2,3 = 1.1, p = 0.51];
TABLE1 Egg number and egg surface area (mm2 ± SE) of each
family of ospring
Family Life history Egg number
Egg area
(mm2) ± SE
1FX 122 30.67 ± 0.17
2FX 267 32.45 ± 0.18
5BT 328 30.44 ± 0.19
6BT 462 26.83 ± 0.21
FIGURE2 Mean (±SE) stable isotope ratio of carbon and nitrogen
in benthivorous trout (○) and ferox trout eggs (●) from the Loch
Maree catchment
me to hatch [F2,3 = 1.1, p = 0.51]; and me to swim- up [F2,3 = 6.5,
p = 0.13]) between ospring types (Table 2).
There was a strong, posive correlaon between all four observed
indicators of dominance (Table 3). PC1 weighted all four variables
highly and posively and summarised 58% of the variaon. Thus, high
PC1 scores characterised individuals with high levels of aggression,
lighter skin colouraon, which held beer spaal posions in the arena
and had greater rates of food acquision. Ferox trout progeny had the
higher dominance score of the pair (based on PC1) in 27 of 30 trials.
This is greater than would be expected by chance (χ2 = 41.85, df = 1,
n = 60, p < 0.01). The mean aggression rate of ferox trout progeny was
14.8 ± 2.51 (mean ± SE) compared with benthivorous brown trout
progeny 5.0 ± 1.32 (mean ± SE; Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 222.0,
p < 0.01). The mean food acquision rate of ferox trout progeny was
5.6 ± 0.82 (mean ± SE), higher than benthivorous brown trout progeny
3.2 ± 0.76 (mean ± SE; Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 294.0, p < 0.05).
The mean spaal posion score of ferox trout progeny was higher
5.3 ± 1.17 (mean ± SE), compared with −15.0 ± 2.76 (mean ± SE) for
benthivorous brown trout progeny (Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 94.5,
p < 0.01). The mean body colouraon score of ferox trout progeny
was higher 11.4 ± 1.03 (mean ± SE), compared with −3.43 ± 1.77
(mean ± SE) for benthivorous brown trout progeny (Mann–Whitney
U- test: W = 83.5, p < 0.01). The mean dominance score of ferox trout
progeny was 1.04 ± 0.10 (mean ± SE), compared with −1.04 ± 0.17
(mean ± SE) for benthivorous brown trout progeny (Welch two- sample
t- test df = 45, p < 0.01; Figure 3).
This study demonstrates a very clear dierence in dominance behav-
iour in juvenile S. trua derived from parents expressing two alter-
nave life history strategies; a piscivorous, ferox life history strategy
and a benthivorous life history strategy. Although all experimental sh
were reared at the same densies, fed the same type and quanty of
food and were size matched prior to behavioural observaons, the
progeny of ferox trout parents were more aggressive, acquired more
food and held more advantageous spaal posions in the stream than
benthivorous brown trout ospring. Thus, overall, progeny of ferox
trout exhibited considerably higher levels of dominance than the
progeny of benthivorous trout in the experiment.
Given that all individuals in this experiment were reared from eggs
under common condions, the high levels of dominance exhibited by
the progeny of ferox trout, compared with trout of benthivorous pa-
rental origin, indicate that the expression of behavioural dominance
was parentally acquired.
As the adopon of a piscivorous diet in many sh species, in-
cluding S. trua, is dependent upon gape size, it is generally thought
that individuals must achieve a minimum size threshold before they
may access sh prey (Campbell, 1979; Mielbach & Persson, 1998;
Persson et al., 1996).
The wealth of literature on salmonids shows that the dominance
rank expressed has consequences for the life history pathway ul-
mately adopted in later life (Metcalfe, 1998; Metcalfe et al., 1989).
High dominance status individuals acquire higher quality territories
and take a greater share of resources, and in parcular exhibit higher
levels of food acquision, than those of lower dominance status. Thus,
in condions of limited food availability, salmonid sh exhibing high
behavioural dominance grow faster than those of lower dominance
TABLE2 The developmental me (measured in degree days
(°C day−1) of three key developmental stages: eye pigmentaon
present in eggs, day of hatch and “swim- up” stage
Family Life history
Eyed- egg
stage Hatch Swim- up
1FX 239.1 492.9 852.2
2FX 239.1 468.9 843.2
5BT 227.5 484.8 869.4
6BT 239.1 461 861
Behavioural traits
Colour Posion Food PC1
Aggression p < 0.01 p < 0.01 p < 0.01 0.41
Colour 0.51 p < 0.01 p < 0.01 0.57
Posion 0.37 0.71 p < 0.01 0.56
Food 0.46 0.38 0.48 0.44
TABLE3 Pairwise Spearman’s
correlaon coecients and PC1
coecients from PCA, for all four
behavioural traits observed. All four traits
were signicantly correlated with one
another (p < 0.01), with the rst principal
component summarising 58% of the
FIGURE3 The mean (±SE) extracted PC1 scores (overall
dominance score) PCA of four variables (aggression, colour, spatial
position and food acquisition) of benthivorous brown trout and ferox
trout offspring
(Adams et al., 1998; Cus et al., 2001; Höjesjö et al., 2005; Metcalfe
et al., 1989; Nakano, 1995; Van Leeuwen et al., 2015; Wells, 1977).
One consequence for S. trua individuals for which the piscivorous
(ferox) life history is a possible strategy is that if foraging resources are
limited, then high dominance status is likely to result in higher growth
and the aainment of the size threshold for piscivory at an earlier
age than would be possible for individuals expressing low dominance
status. Thus, one logical conclusion is that S. trua adopng a ferox
life history strategy are more likely to be drawn from individuals with
a high dominance status, allowing them to acquire a higher share of
the foraging resources and thus reach the size threshold for piscivory
more quickly.
Whether adult S. trua adopng a ferox life history strategy have
a higher dominance status than those adopng a benthivorous life
history strategy was not tested in this study. The rst- generaon o-
spring of parents adopng a ferox life history strategy were, however,
very clearly and consistently expressing a higher dominance status
than the rst- generaon ospring of parents adopng a benthivorous
life history strategy.
The mechanism through which behavioural dominance status was
acquired from their parents was not clearly idened in this study.
There are, however, at least two alternaves that are not mutually
exclusive. First, dominance status may be genecally inherited, with
the behavioural traits that confer dominance simply passed to o-
spring from their parents. This explanaon is certainly plausible as
inheritance of foraging behaviour is well known from other species
(Ferguson & Noakes, 1982, 1983; Kamler, 2005). Supporng this ex-
planaon is evidence, for at least some populaons, that S. trua ex-
hibing a ferox life history strategy are genecally disnct from those
adopng a benthivorous life history strategy, when the two are in
sympatry (Duguid et al., 2006; Ferguson & Mason, 1981; Ferguson &
Taggart, 1991; McVeigh et al., 1995; Prodöhl et al., 1992). It may also
be noted that as well as being genecally disnct and thus reproduc-
vely isolated in sympatry, all ferox trout examined in sucient detail,
thus far, in Ireland and Scotland are derived from the same lineage
(McKeown et al., 2010, and references therein). Thus, selecon may
have occurred in an ancestral populaon and not convergently in cur-
rent ones. If this is the mechanism for cross- generaonal transmission
of behavioural traits resulng in dominance, this suggests that these
traits have been posively selected for in populaons that express
high proporons of the ferox life history strategy, and less so (or not
at all) in populaons expressing a high frequency of the benthivory life
history strategy. There are currently no populaon genec data for
S. trua expressing the two life history strategies from the Loch Maree
catchment to provide support (or not) for this possible mechanism.
Alternavely, dominance traits may be transmied across gener-
aons through maternal eects. In the experiment reported here, we
tried to control for maternal eects on dominance operang through
body size by matching individuals, as size is known to be strongly
correlated with dominance in salmonids (Hunngford et al., 1990).
Despite this, it is highly plausible that some maternal eects that we
did not control for, may be responsible for the transmission across
generaons reported here. Leblanc, Benhaïm, Hansen, Kristjánsson,
and Skúlason (2011), for example, showed that maternally derived egg
size in Arcc charr, Salvelinus alpinus, inuences juvenile behaviour,
morphology and foraging acvity. There was a dierence in egg size
between life history origins, in the experiment reported here, and it
is thus conceivable that although juveniles were size matched in the
dyad experiment, that some egg size or nutrional legacy was con-
ferred on one life history group that did accrue to the other.
This study demonstrates at least one trait driving the mainte-
nance of the ferox life history type is inherited from one generaon
to the next. Given that ferox trout are rare (Duguid et al., 2006), live
in low densies in the wild (Thorne, MacDonald, & Thorley, 2016) and
are highly sought aer by recreaonal anglers, these ndings have
implicaons for the management of this rare life history type. As most
internaonal conservaon policy is focussed at the species level, less
protecon is aorded to populaons or specic life history types, as a
component part of a larger species complex. Therefore, conservaon
strategies risk overlooking important rare phenotypes, such as ferox
trout. The inability to agree on a taxonomic classicaon for ferox
trout among anglers, sheries managers and academics as either an
adopted life history within the broader S. trua species complex or
as a disnct species S. ferox has important conservaon implicaons
(Ferguson, 2004; Freyhof & Koelat, 2008). We therefore propose
that conservaon strategies must include consideraon of the com-
plex natural processes which give rise to these rare life history types
to eecvely protect the full range of biodiversity for the future.
We thank two anonymous reviewers’ for extremely useful comments.
A special thanks to Dr Jennifer Dodd and Dr Oliver Hooker and to
Roddy Legge, Kevin McNeil, Ben Rushbrooke, Cory Jones and Kyle
McFarlane for their assistance during eld collecon. Thanks to Dr
Jason Newton and Dr Rona McGill at the NERC Life Sciences Mass
Spectrometry Facility for their help and advice on stable isotope anal-
ysis. We thank Stuart Wilson and other sta at the Scosh Centre for
Ecology and the Natural Environment, for assistance with animal hus-
bandry tasks. This work was supported by funding from the European
Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme (Project 2859 “IBIS”) managed by
the Special EU Programmes Body.
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