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Parentally acquired differences in resource acquisition ability between brown trout from alternative life history parentage

  • Skillset Senior College
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. John's Newfoundland


Dominance hierarchies, where they exist, affect individual food acquisition ability and fitness, both of which have the potential to influence life history pathways. Juvenile salmonids exhibit clear dominance hierarchies in early life. As one of the drivers for the adoption of alternative life histories in salmonids is the relative rate of resource acquisition, there is potential for juvenile behaviour to influence the subsequent life history strategy of the individual. Lacustrine brown trout, Salmo trutta, exhibit a multitude of life histories which includes among others the piscivorous (ferox) life history where individuals grow to large size and have delayed maturity and benthivorous and pelagic life histories where individuals grow to much smaller sizes, however mature earlier. Using a number of observable characteristics of dominance, this study compared differences in behaviour between size-matched pairs of progeny, reared under common garden conditions which are derived from alternative, co-existing life history strategy parents. We found that first-generation progeny of ferox trout were more aggressive, acquired more food, had lighter skin pigmentation and held more desirable positions than the progeny of benthivorous brown trout in an experimental stream system. Ferox trout progeny were dominant over benthivorous brown trout progeny in 90% of trials in dyadic contests. Given such clear differences in dominance, this study indicates that parentally acquired dominance-related differences, passed through either, or both, of genetic and nongenetic (e.g. maternal effects) means, are likely a contributing factor to the continued maintenance of distinct life history strategies of brown trout.
Ecol Freshw Fish 2016; 1–8
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Accepted: 5 November 2016
DOI: 10.1111/e.12323
Parentally acquired dierences in resource acquision ability
between brown trout from alternave life history parentage
Marn R. Hughes1| Travis E. Van Leeuwen1| Peter D. Cunningham2| Colin E. Adams1
1Scosh Centre for Ecology and the Natural
Environment, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
2Wester Ross Fisheries Trust, Harbour Centre,
Gairloch, UK
Marn R. Hughes, Scosh Centre for Ecology
and the Natural Environment, University of
Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
Funding informaon
European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme.
Dominance hierarchies, where they exist, aect individual food acquision ability and
tness, both of which have the potenal to inuence life history pathways. Juvenile
salmonids exhibit clear dominance hierarchies in early life. As one of the drivers for the
adopon of alternave life histories in salmonids is the relave rate of resource acqui-
sion, there is potenal for juvenile behaviour to inuence the subsequent life history
strategy of the individual. Lacustrine brown trout, Salmo trua, exhibit a multude of
life histories which includes among others the piscivorous (ferox) life history where
individuals grow to large size and have delayed maturity and benthivorous and pelagic
life histories where individuals grow to much smaller sizes, however mature earlier.
Using a number of observable characteriscs of dominance, this study compared dif-
ferences in behaviour between size- matched pairs of progeny, reared under common
garden condions which are derived from alternave, co- exisng life history strategy
parents. We found that rst- generaon progeny of ferox trout were more aggressive,
acquired more food, had lighter skin pigmentaon and held more desirable posions
than the progeny of benthivorous brown trout in an experimental stream system.
Ferox trout progeny were dominant over benthivorous brown trout progeny in 90% of
trials in dyadic contests. Given such clear dierences in dominance, this study indi-
cates that parentally acquired dominance- related dierences, passed through either,
or both, of genec and nongenec (e.g. maternal eects) means, are likely a contribut-
ing factor to the connued maintenance of disnct life history strategies of brown
behaviour, dominance hierarchies, ferox trout, life history strategy, Salmo trua
Individual behaviour can determine mang and reproducve success
(Cowlishaw & Dunbar, 1991; Dewsbury, 1982), social status (Gilmour,
DiBasta, & Thomas, 2005), and the quality of resources (Nakano,
1995) and territories acquired (Fox, Rose, & Myers, 1981; Wells,
1977). Thus, an animal’s individual behaviour plays a signicant role in
successful development, longevity and overall tness. Aggression and
territoriality are commonly displayed in animals where individuals con-
test a limited resource in an ecosystem, with successful individuals fre-
quently being the most dominant (Ellis, 1995). Such contests can also
inuence the social rank of animals and frequently result in hierarchies
within a populaon. Such dominance hierarchies are found across taxa
including birds (Dingemanse & de Goede, 2004; Ens & Goss- Custard,
1984), sh (Abbo, Dunbrack, & Orr, 1985; Metcalfe, Hunngford,
Graham, & Thorpe, 1989), mammals (Creel, 2001; Seyfarth, 1976) and
invertebrates (Cole, 1981; Röseler, Röseler, Strambi, & Augier, 1984)
with more dominant individuals generally beer at acquiring resources
than subordinate individuals. In birds, dominant American redstarts,
Setophaga rucilla (L.), regularly exclude subordinates from high-
quality habitats and are therefore generally a larger size as a result of
the increased food acquision (Marra & Holmes, 2001). In mammals,
dominance rank inuences both food access and breeding success.
For example, in Red deer, Cervus elaphus (L.), higher ranking individuals
have greater reproducve success and acquire higher quality resources
than subordinates (Appleby, 1980; Cluon- Brock, Albon, & Guinness,
1986). Among sh, compeon for feeding territories in stream dwell-
ing juvenile salmonids has proven a useful model in the study of social
dominance (Adams, Hunngford, Turnbull, & Beae, 1998; Burton,
Hoogenboom, Armstrong, Groothuis, & Metcalfe, 2011; Cus, Adams,
& Campbell, 2001; Höjesjö, Armstrong, & Griths, 2005; Hunngford,
Metcalfe, Thorpe, Graham, & Adams, 1990; Metcalfe et al., 1989;
Hunngford, 2004; Preston, Taylor, Adams, & Migaud, 2014; Van
Leeuwen, Hughes, Dodd, Adams, & Metcalfe, 2015).
In juvenile Atlanc salmon, Salmo salar (L.), aggression and dom-
inance correlate posively with territory quality and food acquisi-
on, with dominant individuals more likely to achieve higher growth
and faster development. This has, in turn, been shown to inuence
the life history of the individual (Metcalfe, 1998). For example,
dominance status has been shown to inuence the age at which
juvenile Atlanc salmon undergo smolng (the physiological and
morphological preparaon for salmonids to enter sea water) and
thus migrate into marine waters, with dominant individuals migrat-
ing at a younger age than subordinates (Metcalfe, 1998; Metcalfe
et al., 1989).
Juvenile brown trout, Salmo trua (L.), display similar dominance
hierarchies to those displayed in the closely related, Atlanc salmon
(Harwood, Armstrong, Griths, & Metcalfe, 2002). They also exhibit
a multude of life history strategies with some individuals remaining
in natal streams their enre life (river residency), while others migrate
to lakes (aduvial potamodromy) or into marine waters (anadromy).
Life history strategy is partly dependent on the life history of the par-
ent (through genec and nongenec maternal eects; Van Leeuwen
et al., 2015) and the relave rates of resource acquision (see review
by Dodson, Aubin- Horth, Thériault, & Páez, 2013), which is likely
dependent on the behaviour of the individual. One understudied
life history of S. trua is the ferox life history paern. Ferox trout
manifest as lacustrine dwelling, piscivorous trout (Grey, 2001; Grey,
Thackeray, Jones, & Shine, 2002) which grow to large size (Mangel &
Abrahams, 2001), exhibit delayed maturaon (Campbell, 1971) and
increased longevity (Mangel & Abrahams, 2001). Considered one of
the many life history types adopted by the highly variable S. trua spe-
cies complex, ferox trout are associated with large, deep oligotrophic
lakes and the presence of Arcc charr Salvelinus alpinus L. (Campbell,
1979; Greer, 1995; Hughes, Dodd, Maitland, & Adams, 2016). Ferox
trout have also been described as reproducvely isolated and genet-
ically disnct from brown trout expressing other life history traits in
sympatry in some lakes in Scotland and Ireland (Duguid, Ferguson, &
Prodöhl, 2006; Ferguson & Mason, 1981; Ferguson & Taggart, 1991;
McVeigh, Hynes, & Ferguson, 1995; Prodöhl, Taggart, & Ferguson,
1992). As a result, ferox trout have been variously classied as ei-
ther one of the many adopted life history types or as a disnct spe-
cies Salmo ferox Jardine, 1835; a nomenclature recognised by the
Internaonal Union for the Conservaon of Nature (IUCN; Freyhof
& Koelat, 2008).
Given that the adopon of piscivory in sh is oen limited by an in-
dividual’s gape size (Mielbach & Persson, 1998; Persson, Andersson,
Wahlström, & Eklöv, 1996), increasing growth through food acquisi-
on to reach a crical size threshold at which they can access sh
prey would benet piscivorous species by enabling them to exploit
larger prey items (and thus sh prey) at an earlier developmental stage.
Therefore, given the advantages of dominance rank on food acquisi-
on in juvenile salmonids, we hypothesise that if the adopon of a
life history pathway is parentally derived, either genecally or through
maternal eects, then juvenile progeny of ferox trout will be more
dominant than progeny of brown trout, adopng the more common
foraging strategy of lacustrine trout exploing macrobenthic inverte-
brates (hereaer benthivores).
To test for dierences in dominance- related traits between life his-
tories, we reared progeny of sympatric ferox and benthivorous brown
trout in the laboratory under common garden condions and com-
pared commonly used indicators of dominance behaviour (aggression,
skin colour, spaal posion and food acquision) in size- matched, dy-
adic contests in an experimental stream.
2.1 | Broodstock collecon
Broodstock (three ferox trout females and three ferox trout males,
three benthivorous brown trout females and three benthivorous
brown trout males) were captured using fyke nets and electroshing
between 1 October and 12 November 2013 from two tributaries
in the Loch Maree catchment, Scotland. Reciprocal hybrid crosses
between a male ferox and female benthivorous brown trout and
a female ferox trout with a male benthivorous brown trout were
made. However, due to high mortality of hybrids during early
development, they could not be used for this experiment. For
future studies, the high mortality of hybrid crosses should be noted
and may infer a level of hybrid inviability. Due to the rarity of ferox
trout (Duguid et al., 2006), the likelihood of collecng ripe females
during spawning me is low. At capture, sh were classied as
ferox trout or benthivorous brown trout based on size: ferox trout
(40–80 cm); benthivorous brown trout (20–35 cm; Campbell, 1979)
and prior knowledge from local angling groups about spawning lo-
caons. Classicaon of the two life history types was conrmed
by subsequent stable isotope analysis of egg samples. Mature sh
were transported to holding tanks on the Coulin Estate, Kinlochewe,
Scotland, where they were held in two large, 2,000- L tanks supplied
with river water and assessed daily for ripeness. On 14 November
2013, all sh were anaesthesed, bloed dry, and their eggs or
sperm extruded by abdominal massage. Eggs were ferlised by
randomly selected males of the same life history type to create two
full sibling families of each life history.
2.2 | Egg rearing, hatching and sh husbandry
Ferlised eggs were transported to the Scosh Centre for Ecology
and the Natural Environment (SCENE), Loch Lomond, Scotland. Each
family was reared separately in mesh baskets held in clear plasc tanks
(50 × 30 × 15 cm) in a temperature controlled environment cham-
ber (temp 7.4 ± 0.1°C) using water on a paral recirculaon system.
Water was pumped directly from Loch Lomond before being chan-
nelled through a free- standing lter unit and a single in- line UV steri-
liser. Eggs were held in complete darkness unl hatching. Eggs were
examined daily, with any dead eggs carefully removed. Egg size (two-
dimensional surface area [mm2]) was measured using image soware
(ImageJ) from photographs of eggs taken 48 hours aer ferlisaon.
The ming of emergence of successive developmental stages, eye pig-
mentaon, hatch and yolk absorpon, was recorded as the number of
degree days (DD; calculated as the sum of the daily mean water tem-
perature each day) since ferlisaon. Ferox trout eggs hatched from 5
January to 8 January 2014, with eggs from benthivorous brown trout
hatching from 7 January to 11 January 2014. Following hatching,
alevins were raised under an ambient photoperiod. Aer complete
yolk absorpon, fry were fed a standard commercial salmon pellet
(Biomar, Aarhus, Denmark) at approximately 3% body wt. day−1. On 5
April 2014, sh were moved to larger 175- L radial ow circular tanks.
At this stage, families were mixed to create two groups of equal den-
sity (160 sh in each of the two tanks) for each life history.
2.3 | Stable isotope analysis
Stable isotope analysis was conducted to conrm the dierent forag-
ing strategies of the broodstock used (Jensen et al., 2012). Previous
stable isotope analysis on ferox trout in Loch Ness indicated ferox
trout would have a signicantly elevated δ15N signature compared to
benthivorous brown trout feeding on zooplankton or macroinverte-
brates (Grey et al., 2002).
Eggs (n = 4) from each family were randomly selected from each
batch during stripping (total n = 16) and dried for 96 hr at 48°C in a
drying oven. The dried ssue was ground to a ne powder using a
pestle and mortar. Approximately 50% of each sample was then lipid
extracted as follows: 15 mg of ground ssue was soaked in a 2:1
(by volume) chloroform:methanol solvent mixture. Aer 20 min, the
sample was centrifuged (3,000 rpm for 5 min), the supernatant dis-
carded and the process was repeated unl the solvent ran clear. The
lipid extracted samples were then dried for a further 96 hr at 48°C
in a drying oven. Nonlipid extracted and lipid extracted samples
(n = 32) were measured (7–9 mg) into n capsules (standard weight
5 × 3.5 mm). Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope raos
were determined by connuous ow isotope rao mass spectrome-
try (CF- IRMS), using a Costech ECS 4010 elemental analyser coupled
to a ThermoFisher Scienc Delta XP- Plus IRMS at the NERC Life
Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility.
2.4 | Behavioural trials
Experimental sh were introduced into one of een compartments
(60 × 60 × 60 cm) of an arcial ume channel at the Scosh Centre
for Ecology and the Natural Environment, Rowardennan, Scotland.
Each compartment was paroned by plasc mesh mounted to
a wooden frame. Homogeneous substrate (gravel/pebble) was
distributed throughout each compartment with a single (10 × 5 cm)
rock located in the centre of the arena. The rock was used as an
indicator of opmal habitat for the experimental sh as juvenile salmo-
nids have been shown to hold central posions in streams behind such
structures (Metcalfe, Valdimarsson, & Morgan, 2003). A 30- cm tube
terminated immediately upstream of this central posion into which
food pellets were introduced (so increasing the likelihood of compe-
on between the two sh). The observaon area, located in the centre
of the ume, allowed observers to view the sh behind glass without
interfering with the shes natural behaviour (Figure 1).
Dyad behavioural trials were conducted using one individual of ferox
origin and one of benthivorous brown trout origin. As dominance in
salmonids has been shown to be signicantly aected by body size
(Hunngford et al., 1990), sh pairs were size matched by length to
the nearest mm to reduce any size eects and potenally any residual
maternal nutrional eects. One sh from each pair was randomly
marked with alcian blue on the dorsal n to allow disncon be-
tween individuals in each compartment to be made. Thirty pairwise
trials were conducted over a three- week period. Once introduced to
the arena, the sh pair were le for 48 hr to acclimate. Food pellets
were introduced ve mes daily throughout this acclimaon period
via feeding tubes to further accentuate the opmal spaal posion
in each compartment. Following acclimaon, sh were observed four
mes daily for 6 min at 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 h over 2 days.
Four behavioural characteriscs of dominance in salmonid sh were
measured: overt aggression rate, sh colouraon, spaal posion and
food acquision (Adams, Hunngford, Turnbull, Arno, & Bell, 2000;
Adams et al., 1998; Kilsen et al., 2009; Metcalfe et al., 1989; Nicieza
& Metcalfe, 1999).
Aggressive interacons, sh colour and spaal posion were
scored during an inial 3- minute period during each observaon.
Aer this 3- minute period, a single food pellet was introduced to the
FIGURE1 Schematic diagram of the artificial stream used for
fish observations. Trial arenas (TA), feeding tubes (FT) and rocks (R)
used for indicator of prime habitat, propeller (P), water flow (WF) and
central observation area (OA)
chamber and the acquision of this food item by either sh recorded.
A second 3- minute observaon followed the introducon of the food
pellet during which aggression, sh colour and spaal posion were
recorded. Fish displaying aggressive behaviour during observaons
were scored (+1) for each aggressive display. Five common character-
isc overt aggressive behaviours were recorded during observaons:
n nips, chases, mouth gapes, n displays and sh displacements
(Adams et al., 1998, 2000; Kilsen et al., 2009; Metcalfe et al., 1989).
As body colouraon is a well- known indicator of stress in salmo-
nids (Kilsen et al., 2009), the ank colour of each sh was recorded
at the beginning and end of each observaon. As subordinates tend to
be darker in colouraon, sh with dark bodies were scored negavely
(−1), and those with lighter colouraon scored posively (+1), interme-
diate colouraon received a score of (0).
The behavioural arena was marked into three equal- sized units in
the x, y and z dimensions, using marbles on the substrate and markings
on the observer glass, to indicate paron boundaries. Thus, a total
of 27 cuboids within each chamber were dened and each allocated
a score according to their proximity to the central opmal locaon.
Cuboids immediately below the feeding tube above the substrate were
classed as “opmal” locaons and were given a posive score (+1).
Cuboids on the periphery of “opmal” locaons were neutrally scored
(0) with cuboids located in the corners of the arena being scored neg-
avely (−1). In addion to this, sh observed lying on the substrate
or mesh paron received an addional negave score of (−1). If sh
were highly acve during observaons, every visited cuboid score was
recorded and an average calculated to provide a single score for each
Food acquision following pellet introducon was scored as fol-
lows. If a sh made no aempt at acquiring the food pellet, it scored
0; if a sh aempted to acquire the food pellet but was unsuccessful,
it scored +1, a sh that was successful in acquiring the food pellet
scored +2.
2.5 | Stascal analysis
Dierences in egg size and the ming of developmental milestones
between ospring of each life history parentage were tested using
To test for dierences in mean δ13C and δ15N raos between ferox
trout and benthivorous trout eggs, a Welch’s t- test was conducted on
both lipid extracted and nonlipid extracted values.
To test whether the outcome of the number of winning contests
between ferox trout and benthivorous brown trout was equally distrib-
uted, a chi- square goodness- of- t test was conducted. Normality and
homogeneity of data were tested using the Shapiro–Wilk test and the
Anderson–Darling test respecvely. Due to a failure of normality, non-
parametric tests were used in subsequent analysis. Correlaons be-
tween the four variables (aggression, skin colour, spaal posion and
food acquision) were described using a nonparametric Spearman’s
rank correlaon test, before being summarised with a principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA). An overall dominance score was obtained by
extracng PC scores for each sh from PC1 which weighted posively
for aggression, colour, spaal posion and food acquision (Table 3).
To test univariate aggression rates, food acquision rates, colour index
and spaal scores between ferox trout and brown trout, a nonpara-
metric Mann–Whitney U- test (two- sample Wilcoxon rank sum) was
used. Dominance scores were compared using a Welch two- sample
t- test. All stascal analysis was performed using R version 3. 3. 1
stascal soware (R Core Team, 2016).
Brown trout eggs (n = 8) were signicantly more depleted in δ15N
(t = −35.4, df = 13.1, p < 0.01) than ferox trout eggs (n = 8). There was
no signicant dierence in δ13C (t = 1.4, df = 12.3 p = 0.2) between
brown trout and ferox trout eggs (Figure 2). Similarly, lipid extracted
samples from brown trout eggs (n = 8) were signicantly more depleted
in δ15N (t = −35.2, df = 13.8, p < 0.01) than ferox trout eggs (n = 8), and
there was no signicant dierence in δ13C (t = 0.2, df = 12.8, p = 0.84).
There was a signicant dierence in egg surface area (mm2) be-
tween life history types (F1,197 = 82.06, p < 0.001) with ferox trout
progeny having a greater egg surface area than brown trout progeny
(p < 0.001; Table 1).
There was no signicant dierence in development me taken
to reach successive stages (me to eyed stage [F2,3 = 1.1, p = 0.51];
TABLE1 Egg number and egg surface area (mm2 ± SE) of each
family of ospring
Family Life history Egg number
Egg area
(mm2) ± SE
1FX 122 30.67 ± 0.17
2FX 267 32.45 ± 0.18
5BT 328 30.44 ± 0.19
6BT 462 26.83 ± 0.21
FIGURE2 Mean (±SE) stable isotope ratio of carbon and nitrogen
in benthivorous trout (○) and ferox trout eggs (●) from the Loch
Maree catchment
me to hatch [F2,3 = 1.1, p = 0.51]; and me to swim- up [F2,3 = 6.5,
p = 0.13]) between ospring types (Table 2).
There was a strong, posive correlaon between all four observed
indicators of dominance (Table 3). PC1 weighted all four variables
highly and posively and summarised 58% of the variaon. Thus, high
PC1 scores characterised individuals with high levels of aggression,
lighter skin colouraon, which held beer spaal posions in the arena
and had greater rates of food acquision. Ferox trout progeny had the
higher dominance score of the pair (based on PC1) in 27 of 30 trials.
This is greater than would be expected by chance (χ2 = 41.85, df = 1,
n = 60, p < 0.01). The mean aggression rate of ferox trout progeny was
14.8 ± 2.51 (mean ± SE) compared with benthivorous brown trout
progeny 5.0 ± 1.32 (mean ± SE; Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 222.0,
p < 0.01). The mean food acquision rate of ferox trout progeny was
5.6 ± 0.82 (mean ± SE), higher than benthivorous brown trout progeny
3.2 ± 0.76 (mean ± SE; Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 294.0, p < 0.05).
The mean spaal posion score of ferox trout progeny was higher
5.3 ± 1.17 (mean ± SE), compared with −15.0 ± 2.76 (mean ± SE) for
benthivorous brown trout progeny (Mann–Whitney U- test: W = 94.5,
p < 0.01). The mean body colouraon score of ferox trout progeny
was higher 11.4 ± 1.03 (mean ± SE), compared with −3.43 ± 1.77
(mean ± SE) for benthivorous brown trout progeny (Mann–Whitney
U- test: W = 83.5, p < 0.01). The mean dominance score of ferox trout
progeny was 1.04 ± 0.10 (mean ± SE), compared with −1.04 ± 0.17
(mean ± SE) for benthivorous brown trout progeny (Welch two- sample
t- test df = 45, p < 0.01; Figure 3).
This study demonstrates a very clear dierence in dominance behav-
iour in juvenile S. trua derived from parents expressing two alter-
nave life history strategies; a piscivorous, ferox life history strategy
and a benthivorous life history strategy. Although all experimental sh
were reared at the same densies, fed the same type and quanty of
food and were size matched prior to behavioural observaons, the
progeny of ferox trout parents were more aggressive, acquired more
food and held more advantageous spaal posions in the stream than
benthivorous brown trout ospring. Thus, overall, progeny of ferox
trout exhibited considerably higher levels of dominance than the
progeny of benthivorous trout in the experiment.
Given that all individuals in this experiment were reared from eggs
under common condions, the high levels of dominance exhibited by
the progeny of ferox trout, compared with trout of benthivorous pa-
rental origin, indicate that the expression of behavioural dominance
was parentally acquired.
As the adopon of a piscivorous diet in many sh species, in-
cluding S. trua, is dependent upon gape size, it is generally thought
that individuals must achieve a minimum size threshold before they
may access sh prey (Campbell, 1979; Mielbach & Persson, 1998;
Persson et al., 1996).
The wealth of literature on salmonids shows that the dominance
rank expressed has consequences for the life history pathway ul-
mately adopted in later life (Metcalfe, 1998; Metcalfe et al., 1989).
High dominance status individuals acquire higher quality territories
and take a greater share of resources, and in parcular exhibit higher
levels of food acquision, than those of lower dominance status. Thus,
in condions of limited food availability, salmonid sh exhibing high
behavioural dominance grow faster than those of lower dominance
TABLE2 The developmental me (measured in degree days
(°C day−1) of three key developmental stages: eye pigmentaon
present in eggs, day of hatch and “swim- up” stage
Family Life history
Eyed- egg
stage Hatch Swim- up
1FX 239.1 492.9 852.2
2FX 239.1 468.9 843.2
5BT 227.5 484.8 869.4
6BT 239.1 461 861
Behavioural traits
Colour Posion Food PC1
Aggression p < 0.01 p < 0.01 p < 0.01 0.41
Colour 0.51 p < 0.01 p < 0.01 0.57
Posion 0.37 0.71 p < 0.01 0.56
Food 0.46 0.38 0.48 0.44
TABLE3 Pairwise Spearman’s
correlaon coecients and PC1
coecients from PCA, for all four
behavioural traits observed. All four traits
were signicantly correlated with one
another (p < 0.01), with the rst principal
component summarising 58% of the
FIGURE3 The mean (±SE) extracted PC1 scores (overall
dominance score) PCA of four variables (aggression, colour, spatial
position and food acquisition) of benthivorous brown trout and ferox
trout offspring
(Adams et al., 1998; Cus et al., 2001; Höjesjö et al., 2005; Metcalfe
et al., 1989; Nakano, 1995; Van Leeuwen et al., 2015; Wells, 1977).
One consequence for S. trua individuals for which the piscivorous
(ferox) life history is a possible strategy is that if foraging resources are
limited, then high dominance status is likely to result in higher growth
and the aainment of the size threshold for piscivory at an earlier
age than would be possible for individuals expressing low dominance
status. Thus, one logical conclusion is that S. trua adopng a ferox
life history strategy are more likely to be drawn from individuals with
a high dominance status, allowing them to acquire a higher share of
the foraging resources and thus reach the size threshold for piscivory
more quickly.
Whether adult S. trua adopng a ferox life history strategy have
a higher dominance status than those adopng a benthivorous life
history strategy was not tested in this study. The rst- generaon o-
spring of parents adopng a ferox life history strategy were, however,
very clearly and consistently expressing a higher dominance status
than the rst- generaon ospring of parents adopng a benthivorous
life history strategy.
The mechanism through which behavioural dominance status was
acquired from their parents was not clearly idened in this study.
There are, however, at least two alternaves that are not mutually
exclusive. First, dominance status may be genecally inherited, with
the behavioural traits that confer dominance simply passed to o-
spring from their parents. This explanaon is certainly plausible as
inheritance of foraging behaviour is well known from other species
(Ferguson & Noakes, 1982, 1983; Kamler, 2005). Supporng this ex-
planaon is evidence, for at least some populaons, that S. trua ex-
hibing a ferox life history strategy are genecally disnct from those
adopng a benthivorous life history strategy, when the two are in
sympatry (Duguid et al., 2006; Ferguson & Mason, 1981; Ferguson &
Taggart, 1991; McVeigh et al., 1995; Prodöhl et al., 1992). It may also
be noted that as well as being genecally disnct and thus reproduc-
vely isolated in sympatry, all ferox trout examined in sucient detail,
thus far, in Ireland and Scotland are derived from the same lineage
(McKeown et al., 2010, and references therein). Thus, selecon may
have occurred in an ancestral populaon and not convergently in cur-
rent ones. If this is the mechanism for cross- generaonal transmission
of behavioural traits resulng in dominance, this suggests that these
traits have been posively selected for in populaons that express
high proporons of the ferox life history strategy, and less so (or not
at all) in populaons expressing a high frequency of the benthivory life
history strategy. There are currently no populaon genec data for
S. trua expressing the two life history strategies from the Loch Maree
catchment to provide support (or not) for this possible mechanism.
Alternavely, dominance traits may be transmied across gener-
aons through maternal eects. In the experiment reported here, we
tried to control for maternal eects on dominance operang through
body size by matching individuals, as size is known to be strongly
correlated with dominance in salmonids (Hunngford et al., 1990).
Despite this, it is highly plausible that some maternal eects that we
did not control for, may be responsible for the transmission across
generaons reported here. Leblanc, Benhaïm, Hansen, Kristjánsson,
and Skúlason (2011), for example, showed that maternally derived egg
size in Arcc charr, Salvelinus alpinus, inuences juvenile behaviour,
morphology and foraging acvity. There was a dierence in egg size
between life history origins, in the experiment reported here, and it
is thus conceivable that although juveniles were size matched in the
dyad experiment, that some egg size or nutrional legacy was con-
ferred on one life history group that did accrue to the other.
This study demonstrates at least one trait driving the mainte-
nance of the ferox life history type is inherited from one generaon
to the next. Given that ferox trout are rare (Duguid et al., 2006), live
in low densies in the wild (Thorne, MacDonald, & Thorley, 2016) and
are highly sought aer by recreaonal anglers, these ndings have
implicaons for the management of this rare life history type. As most
internaonal conservaon policy is focussed at the species level, less
protecon is aorded to populaons or specic life history types, as a
component part of a larger species complex. Therefore, conservaon
strategies risk overlooking important rare phenotypes, such as ferox
trout. The inability to agree on a taxonomic classicaon for ferox
trout among anglers, sheries managers and academics as either an
adopted life history within the broader S. trua species complex or
as a disnct species S. ferox has important conservaon implicaons
(Ferguson, 2004; Freyhof & Koelat, 2008). We therefore propose
that conservaon strategies must include consideraon of the com-
plex natural processes which give rise to these rare life history types
to eecvely protect the full range of biodiversity for the future.
We thank two anonymous reviewers’ for extremely useful comments.
A special thanks to Dr Jennifer Dodd and Dr Oliver Hooker and to
Roddy Legge, Kevin McNeil, Ben Rushbrooke, Cory Jones and Kyle
McFarlane for their assistance during eld collecon. Thanks to Dr
Jason Newton and Dr Rona McGill at the NERC Life Sciences Mass
Spectrometry Facility for their help and advice on stable isotope anal-
ysis. We thank Stuart Wilson and other sta at the Scosh Centre for
Ecology and the Natural Environment, for assistance with animal hus-
bandry tasks. This work was supported by funding from the European
Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme (Project 2859 “IBIS”) managed by
the Special EU Programmes Body.
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... Although piscivorous life histories have also evolved in other salmonid species, they are typically found in very low abundances within populations compared to other sympatric life history forms [30,34,[43][44][45][46]. This rare life history, colloquially referred to as a "ferox" life history (hereafter ferox trout), manifests predominantly in the occupation of the pelagic lacustrine habitat and piscivorous trophic niche [42,[47][48][49]. As adults, ferox trout have increased body size [50,51], delayed maturation [52] and increased longevity [50,51] compared to the common benthivorous lacustrine brown trout (hereafter benthivorous brown trout). ...
... As adults, ferox trout have increased body size [50,51], delayed maturation [52] and increased longevity [50,51] compared to the common benthivorous lacustrine brown trout (hereafter benthivorous brown trout). Juvenile ferox trout also showed increased dominance and food acquisition over benthivorous brown trout in laboratory experiments [49], suggesting a faster growth as juveniles, which is important for quickly reaching the large body size and consequent gape-size necessary for a piscivorous life style [49,53,54]. In some lakes in Scotland and Ireland, ferox trout have been shown to be reproductively isolated and genetically distinct from sympatric benthivorous brown trout, but the geographic range of sites where this has been tested is very limited [40,[55][56][57][58][59]. ...
... As adults, ferox trout have increased body size [50,51], delayed maturation [52] and increased longevity [50,51] compared to the common benthivorous lacustrine brown trout (hereafter benthivorous brown trout). Juvenile ferox trout also showed increased dominance and food acquisition over benthivorous brown trout in laboratory experiments [49], suggesting a faster growth as juveniles, which is important for quickly reaching the large body size and consequent gape-size necessary for a piscivorous life style [49,53,54]. In some lakes in Scotland and Ireland, ferox trout have been shown to be reproductively isolated and genetically distinct from sympatric benthivorous brown trout, but the geographic range of sites where this has been tested is very limited [40,[55][56][57][58][59]. ...
Full-text available
Identifying the genetic basis underlying phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation is a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology. Genetic signals of adaptation and reproductive isolation are often confounded by a wide range of factors, such as variation in demographic history or genomic features. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the Loch Maree catchment, Scotland, exhibit reproductively isolated divergent life history morphs, including a rare piscivorous (ferox) life history form displaying larger body size, greater longevity and delayed maturation compared to sympatric benthivorous brown trout. Using a dataset of 16,066 SNPs, we analyzed the evolutionary history and genetic architecture underlying this divergence. We found that ferox trout and benthivorous brown trout most likely evolved after recent secondary contact of two distinct glacial lineages, and identified 33 genomic outlier windows across the genome, of which several have most likely formed through selection. We further identified twelve candidate genes and biological pathways related to growth, development and immune response potentially underpinning the observed phenotypic differences. The identification of clear genomic signals divergent between life history phenotypes and potentially linked to reproductive isolation, through size assortative mating, as well as the identification of the underlying demographic history, highlights the power of genomic studies of young species pairs for understanding the factors shaping genetic differentiation
... As well as a switch to piscivory and subsequent increased growth rate, ferox are characterised by late sexual maturity (7+ years) and longevity (up to 23 years in Britain) (Campbell, 1979;Hughes et al., 2018;Mangel & Abrahams, 2001), with a positive correlation between size and longevity (Jonsson et al., 1991). Age of sexual maturity in Eurasian trout and other salmonids is influenced by both ecological and genetic factors (Mobley et al., 2021;Palm & Ryman, 1999), and thus, indirectly at least, there is a genetic basis to piscivory, late maturation and longevity, all of which are interlinked requirements for large size. ...
... In a common garden experiment, Hughes et al. (2018) found that first generation juvenile progeny of ferox trout from Loch Maree (Scotland) showed increased behavioural dominance and food acquisition relative to the progeny of sympatric brown trout with ferox being dominant in 90% of pairwise contests. Increased exploratory behaviour has also been found in piscivorous rainbow trout (Monnet et al., 2020). ...
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Salmonid (Salmonidae) sympatric diversity is the co-occurrence, in a lake or river, of two or more reproductively isolated populations/subpopulations, or phenotypes resulting from phenotypic plasticity. Sympatric populations can arise through allopatric and/ or sympatric evolution. Subsequently, allopatric lineages can occur in sympatry due to independent colonisation and/or through anthropogenic introduction. Sympatric divergence is often driven by feeding opportunities, with populations segregating as planktivorous, benthivorous and piscivorous ecotypes ("trophic polymorphism"), and further segregation occurring by feeding depth and body size. Subpopulations evolve by natal homing where a water has two or more discrete spawning areas, often resulting in phenotypically and ecologically cryptic sympatry. Most known sympatric populations/phenotypes in trout of the genus Salmo (Eurasian trout aka brown trout) involve sympatric piscivorous (ferox) and lifetime invertivorous trout. Segregation on the benthic-limnetic axis has been poorly studied in Eurasian trout compared with other salmonids but is likely commoner than currently described. While three sympa-tric populations/species of Eurasian trout are recognised from Lake Ohrid (Albania/ North Macedonia), limited ecological information is available and there are only two lakes with three or four sympatric populations with described benthic, limnetic and piscivorous trophic segregation: Lough Melvin (Ireland) and Loch Laidon (Scotland), the latter having the only identified case of a sympatric profundal benthic feeding populations, possibly due to the absence of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in the lake. Many thousands of waters are yet to be examined. Some sympatric populations are extinct, and others are vulnerable with conservation action being urgently required. This should ideally be based on populations/conservation units, but the lack of recognition of intraspecific units in most legislations in the native Eurasian trout range necessitates a pragmatic approach, with species classification, where appropriate, based on integrative taxonomy. Some sympatric populations clearly merit species status and should be formally classified as such if a valid previous name is not available. K E Y W O R D S conservation units, ecotype, ferox, genetic markers, integrative taxonomy, Salmonidae This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
... They further commented that piscivorous ecotypes may contribute to population genetic structure and may be a valuable evolutionary resource for future management and supportive breeding. Hughes et al. (2016b) demonstrated that parentally acquired dominance-related differences driving the maintenance of the ferox life history type is inherited from one generation to the next. They commented that ferox trout are rare (Duguid et al., 2006), live in low densities in the wild (Thorne et al., 2016) and are highly sought after by recreational anglers. ...
... These findings have implications for the management of this rare life history type. Consequently, Hughes et al. (2016b) proposed that conservation strategies must include consideration of the complex natural processes which give rise to these rare life history types to effectively protect the full range of biodiversity for the future. ...
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Ferox trout are large, long‐lived, piscivorous trout normally found in deep lakes; they are highly prized by trophy anglers. Lough Corrib and Lough Mask, Western Ireland, have recorded the majority of Irish specimen ferox trout since angling records began. Little was known regarding the spawning location of ferox trout relative to sympatric brown trout, and a radio telemetry study was initiated in both catchments in 2005. Over the period 2005–2009, 79 ferox were captured by angling and radio tagged in Lough Corrib, while 55 ferox were tagged in Lough Mask. Manual and helicopter tracking were carried out on all spawning streams entering both lakes over the autumn/winter period to detect tagged fish. Overall, 37 radio‐tagged trout (46.8%) were detected in Lough Corrib streams and 21 tagged trout (38.2%) were recorded from Lough Mask streams. Results from radio tracking indicate that the majority (92%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Corrib spawned in a single spawning stream, the Cong river, while the majority (76%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Mask spawned in the Cong canal and Cong river. These results suggest that these streams are most likely the principle spawning locations of ferox trout in both lakes. The occurrence of ferox trout predominantly in single spawning rivers in both catchments highlights the vulnerability of the study ferox populations. As a result of these findings, conservation measures were introduced for ferox trout in both catchments.
... Adult sea-run trout return most years to breed sympatrically with stream-residents in their natal freshwater streams. A juvenile's decision to stay or migrate is strongly affected by individual condition (Cucherousset et al., 2005;Olsson et al., 2006;Wysujack et al., 2009) though maternal effects and genetic factors also play a role (Paez et al., 2011;Hughes et al., 2016;Van Leeuwen et al., 2016). Even within these life-history strategies there is enormous variation in habitat use and diet. ...
... We know little about the causal mechanisms driving most trait relationships, and how the many differences between the two life-history types (e.g., degree of reproductive maturity, fasting during migration, competition) independently affect trait covariation. As brown trout show genetic structuring even at micro-geographic scales (Cawdery and Ferguson, 1988;Ferguson and Taggart, 1991;McVeigh et al., 1995;Estoup et al., 1998;Carlsson et al., 1999;Hansen et al., 2002;Duguid et al., 2006) and life-history strategies have a heritable component (Hughes et al., 2016), the maintenance of genetically based traitlinked variation is possible through the use of different breeding habitats or even isolation by distance along rivers. Promising future directions include studies on the fitness effects and determining the causal direction of these trait relationships. ...
The causes and consequences of trait relationships within and among the categories of physiology, morphology, and life-history remain poorly studied. Few studies cross the boundaries of these categories, and recent reviews have pointed out not only the dearth of evidence for among-category correlations but that trait relationships may change depending on the ecological conditions a population faces. We examined changes in mean values and correlations between traits in a partially migrant population of brown trout when migrant sea-run and resident stream forms were breeding sympatrically. Within each sex and life-history strategy group, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to assess trophic level and habitat use; assessed morphology which reflects swimming and foraging ability; measured circulating cortisol as it is released in response to stressors and is involved in the transition from salt to freshwater; and determined oxidative status by measuring oxidative stress and antioxidants. We found that sea-run trout were larger and had higher values of stable isotopes, cortisol and oxidative stress compared to residents. Most groups showed some correlations between morphology and diet, indicating individual resource specialization was occurring, and we found consistent correlations between morphology and cortisol. Additionally, relationships differed between the sexes (cortisol and oxidative status were related in females but not males) and between life-history strategies (habitat use was related to oxidative status in male sea-run trout but not in either sex of residents). The differing patterns of covariation between the two life-history strategies and between the sexes suggest that the relationships among phenotypic traits are subjected to different selection pressures, illustrating the importance of integrating multiple phenotypic measures across different trait categories and contrasting life-history strategies.
... Any consideration of trout production must be grounded in an understanding of (1) the principles of habitat limitation, and (2) the factors that drive variation in abundance of their invertebrate prey. Stream-dwelling trout are predators that feed on aquatic invertebrates floating in the water column (e.g., mayflies and stoneflies), terrestrial invertebrates that fall onto the surface of streams, and the occasional fish (although some wild trout stocks are highly piscivorous, particularly as adults larger than 30 cm; Keeley and Grant 2001;Hughes et al. 2018;Monnet et al. 2020). Stream productivity-the number or biomass of fish that can be produced per unit area of stream per year (Ivlev 1966)-depends strongly on nutrient levels in the water column, which ultimately drive algal and aquatic invertebrate production, and is a function of watershed geology and hydrology ( Fig. 1). ...
Trout growth and production are controlled by (1) the area and quality of habitat for sequential life history stages, (2) the availability and production of invertebrate prey, and (3) stage-structured population dynamics, in particular, the degree of recruitment limitation associated with serial habitat bottlenecks or stochastic disturbance events like floods or droughts. These controls are influenced by stream habitat structure, water chemistry (which controls primary production), and flow regime, as modified by riparian and watershed-scale influences. Production is optimized when channel structure maximizes both the production (flux) of drifting invertebrates and the efficiency with which trout can harvest drifting prey, and when habitat heterogeneity minimizes the occurrence of limiting habitat bottlenecks for critical life history stages. While habitat structure and prey abundance set maximum potential habitat capacity, recruitment acts as a control on whether maximum production is realized; stochastic events like floods that result in egg or juvenile mortality may limit production below capacity. Range contraction and declining production are associated with a warming climate, increasing eutrophication, and habitat impacts that degrade channel complexity (loss of riparian forest, watershed development, flow regulation). Effective protection of productive capacity requires moving beyond generic policy prescriptions to implementation of controls on cumulative development impacts at watershed scale.
... They are long-lived and late maturing and thus grow to a large size and are associated with larger, deeper lakes that also contain Arctic Char or Coregonus sp. (Campbell 1979;Greer 1995;Hughes et al. 2016aHughes et al. , 2016b. In six lakes in Scotland and Ireland, which have been studied in detail, ferox are genetically and thus reproductively distinct from sympatric nonferox trout. ...
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This chapter covers Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales), Ireland (Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland), Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. Brown Trout Salmo trutta, which belongs to the Eurasian and North African species complex, is native to all regions in the North Atlantic Isles (NAI) with the exception of Greenland. Arctic Char Salvelinus alpinus is native to all regions covered. Since it is not possible to provide details of the many thousands of Brown Trout and Arctic Char populations in the NAI, general information is provided on the current status together with a number of examples dealing with specific life histories, populations of national importance, sympatric populations and regions where detailed studies have been undertaken. Current management and conservation activities are outlined. Introduced non-native species of trout and char are covered briefly. The book, either as a hard copy or pdf, and pdfs of individual chapters are available for purchase at:
... Rannoch if ≤360 mm FL and without the characteristics defining a piscivorous trout. These classification criteria have been previously validated for the identification of both piscivorous and invertebratefeeding S. trutta using stable isotope analysis in Scottish lakes (Grey, 2001;Hughes, Van Leeuwen, Cunningham, & Adams, 2016). ...
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Large and long‐lived piscivorous brown trout, Salmo trutta, colloquially known as ferox trout, have been described from a number of oligotrophic lakes in Britain and Ireland. The “ferox” life history strategy is associated with accelerated growth following an ontogenetic switch to piscivory and extended longevity (up to 23 years in the UK). Thus, ferox trout often reach much larger sizes and older ages than sympatric lacustrine invertebrate‐feeding trout. Conventional models suggest that S. trutta adopting this life history strategy grow slowly before a size threshold is reached, after which, this gape‐limited predator undergoes a diet switch to a highly nutritional prey source (fish) resulting in a measurable growth acceleration. This conventional model of ferox trout growth was tested by comparing growth trajectories and age structures of ferox trout and sympatric invertebrate‐feeding trout in multiple lake systems in Scotland. In two of the three lakes examined, fish displaying alternative life history strategies, but living in sympatry, exhibited distinctly different growth trajectories. In the third lake, a similar pattern of growth was observed between trophic groups. Piscivorous trout were significantly older than sympatric invertebrate‐feeding trout at all sites, but ultimate body size was greater in only two of three sites. This study demonstrates that there are multiple ontogenetic growth pathways to achieving piscivory in S. trutta and that the adoption of a piscivorous diet may be a factor contributing to the extension of lifespan.
... Such social learning allows fish to avoid contests and injury, thereby increasing fitness, and additional research showed that brook trout in natural streams could learn to forage on novel prey from conspecifics (White and Gowan 2014). Hughes et al. (2016) reported that two life history forms of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from a Scottish loch showed clear differences in dominance, even when matched for size and reared in a common environment, indicating that some combination of genetic makeup or maternal effects accounted for the differences. ...
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Shigeru Nakano was a Japanese ecologist whose work crossed boundaries among subdisciplines in ecology, between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, and between different languages and cultures. He published his first paper in 1985 while still an undergraduate, and is well known for his early research on the individual behavior of stream salmonids in dominance hierarchies. Shortly after completing his Master’s degree in 1987 he began collaborating with many graduate students and other scientists, including those from the US, and expanded his research to include factors controlling stream salmonid distribution and abundance across spatial scales ranging from local to landscape levels. In 1995 he moved to a research station in southwestern Hokkaido and began new collaborative research on interactions between forest and stream food webs. Nakano pioneered large-scale field experiments using greenhouses to sever the reciprocal fluxes of invertebrate prey between stream and riparian food webs. The strong direct and indirect effects of isolating these food webs from each other on organisms ranging from stream algae to fish, riparian spiders, and bats have revealed new linkages and explained phenomena that were previously unexplained. When combined with similar results from other investigators, they have created a paradigm shift in ecology. Shigeru Nakano was lost at sea in Baja California on March 27, 2000 at the age of 37, but key papers from his 15-year career set new standards for rigor, detail, and synthesis. They continue to be highly cited and inspire new research, and to foster new collaborations among Japanese and western scientists.
Trout growth and production are controlled by (1) the area and quality of habitat for sequential life history stages, (2) the availability and production of invertebrate prey, and (3) stage-structured population dynamics, in particular, the degree of recruitment limitation associated with serial habitat bottlenecks or stochastic disturbance events like floods or droughts. These controls are influenced by stream habitat structure, water chemistry (which controls primary production), and flow regime, as modified by riparian and watershed-scale influences. Production is optimized when channel structure maximizes both the production (flux) of drifting invertebrates and the efficiency with which trout can harvest drifting prey, and when habitat heterogeneity minimizes the occurrence of limiting habitat bottlenecks for critical life history stages. While habitat structure and prey abundance set maximum potential habitat capacity, recruitment acts as a control on whether maximum production is realized; stochastic events like floods that result in egg or juvenile mortality may limit production below capacity. Range contraction and declining production are associated with a warming climate, increasing eutrophication, and habitat impacts that degrade channel complexity (loss of riparian forest, watershed development, flow regulation). Effective protection of productive capacity requires moving beyond generic policy prescriptions to implementation of controls on cumulative development impacts at watershed scale.
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Background Ferox Trout are large, long-lived piscivorous Brown Trout ( Salmo trutta ). Due to their exceptionally large size, Ferox Trout are highly sought after by anglers while their life-history strategy, which includes delayed maturation, multiphasic growth and extended longevity, is of interest to ecological and evolutionary modelers. However, despite their recreational and theoretical importance, little is known about the typical abundance of Ferox Trout. Methods To rectify this situation a 16 year angling-based mark-recapture study was conducted on Loch Rannoch, which at 19 km ² is one of the largest lakes in the United Kingdom. Results A hierarchical Bayesian Jolly-Seber analysis of the data suggest that if individual differences in catchability are negligible the population of Ferox Trout in Loch Rannoch in 2009 was approximately 71 fish. The results also suggest that a single, often unaccompanied, highly-experienced angler was able to catch roughly 8% of the available fish on an annual basis. Discussion It is recommended that anglers adopt a precautionary approach and release all trout with a fork length ≥400 mm caught by trolling in Loch Rannoch. There is an urgent need to assess the status of Ferox Trout in other lakes.
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This study examined the abiotic and biotic characteristics of ecosystems that allow expression of a life history called ferox trout, the colloquial name given to brown trout Salmo trutta adopting a piscivorous life history strategy, an apex predator in post-glacial lakes in northern Europe. One hundred and ninety-two lakes in Scotland show evidence of currently, or historically, supporting ferox S. trutta; their presence was predicted in logistic models by larger and deeper lakes with a large catchment that also support populations of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus.
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A weight advantage of 5% is sufficient to assure dominant status for the larger fish. In pairs of initially equal sized trout, established dominance relationships could not be reversed by providing subordinates with more food than dominants. Risk of injury and the low probability of increases in the relative body size or fighting ability of subordinates favour the use of experience by subordinates to settle contests. -from Authors
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Partial migration, in which some individuals of a population migrate and others remain sedentary, is a phenomenon that occurs across a wide range of taxa, but the factors that predispose particular individuals to one or the other strategy are usually unknown. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) initially compete for feeding territories in freshwater streams, but while some individuals remain resident in fresh water throughout their lives, others undertake an anadromous migration. Because one of the drivers for migration is the relative rates of resource acquisition in different habitats, we compared the ability of juvenile offspring from freshwater-resident and anadromous parents to compete for feeding territories; we also tested how this depended on the quality of the environment previously experienced. Brown trout derived from freshwater-resident or anadromous parents were reared for ~7 months under high-, mid-, or low-food regimes and were then induced to compete for feeding territories in a seminatural stream channel. We found that the parental type had a significant effect on dominance status in territorial interactions, with offspring of anadromous fish being dominant over size-matched offspring of freshwater residents, but only when both had been raised under intermediate levels of food availability. The results suggest that the migration strategy of the parents interacts with the environmental conditions experienced by the offspring to potentially influence its motivation to compete for feeding territories and hence its probability of migration.
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This paper updates and extends Dewsbury's (1982) review of the literature on dominance and reproductive success (RS). The findings from approximately 700 studies are included, over two thirds of which were unavailable to Dewsbury. In order to give a highly condensed and yet meaningful overview, the main findings are represented in four tables, one for male nonprimates, one for female nonprimates, one for male primates, and one for female primates. In the tables for males, findings are analyzed in terms of six different indicators of RS, and in the tables for females, in terms of eight RS indicators.Outside the primate order, evidence largely supported the hypothesis that high-ranking males enjoy greater RS than do subordinate males. For females, studies are more evenly divided between those supporting the hypothesis that high rank and RS are positively correlated and those indicating no significant rank-RS relationship. This may reflect both the lower saliency of hierarchical relationships among females, as well as the lower variability in RS among females, relative to males.Among primates, a complex picture has emerged, especially in the case of males. Much of the complexity appears due to the importance of age and seniority in affecting dominance rank. Also, in some primate species, female preferences for sex partners seem to have little to do with the male's dominance rank, at least at the time mating takes place. Nevertheless, the majority of studies suggest that high- to middle-ranking males have at least a slight lifetime reproductive advantage over the lowest ranking males.
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Territorial behavior of Rana clamitans was studied in an enclosed experimental pond. Males maintained territories from June through August. Most @M @M occupied more than one site during the breeding season. Most sites were occupied for < 1 wk before changing ownership, but some were occupied by a single @M for up to 7 wk. Large @M @M remained at individual sites longer and spent more total time in territories than small @M @M. The smallest of @M @M usually acquired territories only after other @M @M had abandoned them, while larger @M @M sometimes ousted residents with aggressive behavior. Males sometimes adopted a satellite role in the territories of other @M @M and waited for sites to become available. Individual territory sites were ranked by relative quality based on the physical structure of the sites. Female choice of mates appearerd to be related to territory quality, and especially to density of vegetation in the water. Males that spent the most time in high quality territories acquired the largest number of mates. The social system of the green frog probably evolved as a result of intense @M-@M competition for mates. This in turns is probably related to its prolonged summer breeding season.
Individual differences in personality affect behavior in novel or challenging situations. Personality traits may be subject to selection because they affect the ability to dominate others. We investigated whether dominance rank at feeding tables in winter correlated with a heritable personality trait (as measured by exploratory behavior in a novel environment) in a natural population of great tits, Parus major. We provided clumped resources at feeding tables and calculated linear dominance hierarchies on the basis of observations between dyads of color-ringed individuals, and we used an experimental procedure to measure individual exploratory behavior of these birds. We show that fast-exploring territorial males had higher dominance ranks than did slow-exploring territorial males in two out of three samples, and that dominance related negatively to the distance between the site of observation and the territory. In contrast, fast-exploring nonterritorial juveniles had lower dominance ranks than did slow-exploring nonterritorial juveniles, implying that the relation between dominance and personality is context-dependent in the wild. We discuss how these patterns in dominance can explain earlier reported effects of avian personality on natal dispersal and fitness. Copyright 2004.
Conference Paper
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exhibit extreme diversity in the age of smelt migration and sexual maturation, both within and among populations. Theoretical analyses reveal the adaptive significance of such variation, but models of the underlying physiological and behavioral mechanisms are also needed. I summarize one such proximate model that suggests that smelting and maturation are only triggered if expected performance trajectories exceed threshold levels during sensitive periods. The probability of a threshold being exceeded is therefore dependent on an individual fish's ability to acquire and utilize resources efficiently, which in turn depends on a range of physiological and behavioral traits. Spatial variation in life histories is chiefly caused by differences in growth opportunity, although there is evidence of geographical variation in genetically determined expected growth trajectories. Simulations show that small changes in young fry growth rates can have pronounced effects on mean smelt age and sex ratio, by influencing the proportion of males that fail to exceed the threshold for early smelting and mature as parr (and so are less likely to survive to smelting). More sophisticated proximate models should allow powerful predictions of smelt production based on simple environmental parameters, due to their influence on growth trajectories and hence life history decisions.