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The designing, collecting, analyzing, and reporting of psychological studies entail many choices that are often arbitrary. The opportunistic use of these so-called researcher degrees of freedom aimed at obtaining statistically significant results is problematic because it enhances the chances of false positive results and may inflate effect size estimates. In this review article, we present an extensive list of 34 degrees of freedom that researchers have in formulating hypotheses, and in designing, running, analyzing, and reporting of psychological research. The list can be used in research methods education, and as a checklist to assess the quality of preregistrations and to determine the potential for bias due to (arbitrary) choices in unregistered studies.
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fpsyg-07-01832 November 23, 2016 Time: 19:47 # 1
published: 25 November 2016
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01832
Edited by:
Fiona Fidler,
University of Melbourne, Australia
Reviewed by:
Rink Hoekstra,
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Geoff Cumming,
La Trobe University, Australia
Jelte M. Wicherts
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Quantitative Psychology
and Measurement,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 30 July 2016
Accepted: 04 November 2016
Published: 25 November 2016
Wicherts JM, Veldkamp CLS,
Augusteijn HEM, Bakker M,
van Aert RCM and van Assen MALM
(2016) Degrees of Freedom
in Planning, Running, Analyzing,
and Reporting Psychological Studies:
A Checklist to Avoid p-Hacking.
Front. Psychol. 7:1832.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01832
Degrees of Freedom in Planning,
Running, Analyzing, and Reporting
Psychological Studies: A Checklist to
Avoid p-Hacking
Jelte M. Wicherts*, Coosje L. S. Veldkamp, Hilde E. M. Augusteijn, Marjan Bakker,
Robbie C. M. van Aert and Marcel A. L. M. van Assen
Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands
The designing, collecting, analyzing, and reporting of psychological studies entail many
choices that are often arbitrary. The opportunistic use of these so-called researcher
degrees of freedom aimed at obtaining statistically significant results is problematic
because it enhances the chances of false positive results and may inflate effect size
estimates. In this review article, we present an extensive list of 34 degrees of freedom
that researchers have in formulating hypotheses, and in designing, running, analyzing,
and reporting of psychological research. The list can be used in research methods
education, and as a checklist to assess the quality of preregistrations and to determine
the potential for bias due to (arbitrary) choices in unregistered studies.
Keywords: questionable research practices, experimental design, significance testing, p-hacking, bias,
significance chasing, research methods education
From the inception of the first study idea to the final publication, psychological studies involve
numerous choices that are often arbitrary from a substantive or methodological point of view.
These choices could affect the outcome of significance tests applied to the data, and hence the
conclusions drawn from the research. These choices are also called researcher degrees freedom
(Simmons et al., 2011) in formulating hypotheses, and designing, running, analyzing, and reporting
of psychological studies, and they have received considerable recent interest for two main reasons.
First, researchers’ opportunistic use of them greatly increases the chances of finding a false positive
result (Ioannidis, 2005;Simmons et al., 2011;DeCoster et al., 2015), or a Type I error in the
language of Neyman–Pearson’s variant of null hypothesis testing (NHST). Second, their strategic
use in research may inflate effect sizes (Ioannidis, 2008;Bakker et al., 2012;Simonsohn et al., 2014;
van Aert et al., 2016). Hence, researcher degrees of freedom play a central role in the creation of
(published) research findings that are both hard to reproduce in a reanalysis of the same data and
difficult to replicate in independent samples (Asendorpf et al., 2013).
Among many potential solutions to counter inflated effects and elevated chances of finding false
positive results caused by researcher degrees of freedom, one solution has received most attention:
preregistration (de Groot, 1956/2014;Wagenmakers et al., 2012;Chambers, 2013). Preregistration
requires the researcher to stipulate in advance the research hypothesis, data collection plan, specific
analyses, and what will be reported in the paper. Although “planned research more accurately
describes this preregistered research, we will employ the commonly used term “confirmatory
research to describe it. An increasing number of journals now support preregistration for
confirmatory research (e.g., Eich, 2014). In addition, over two dozen journals now use a format of
registered reports (Chambers, 2013) in which the registrations themselves are subject to peer review
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and revisions before the data collection starts, and the report
is accepted for publication regardless of the direction, strength,
or statistical significance of the final results. For instance, this
format is now used in the journals Cortex,Comprehensive Results
in Social Psychology, and Perspectives on Psychological Science (for
Registered Replication Reports).
To disallow researchers to still use researcher degrees of
freedom, it is crucial that preregistrations provide a specific,
precise, and exhaustive plan of the study. That is, the ideal
preregistration should provide a detailed description of all steps
that will be taken from hypothesis to the final report (it should
be specific). Moreover, each described step should allow only one
interpretation or implementation (it should be precise). Finally, a
preregistration should exclude the possibility that other steps may
also be taken (it should be exhaustive). Hence, a preregistration
specifies the project in such a way that all potential contingencies
in formulating hypotheses, and designing, running, analyzing,
and reporting are covered. For instance, the syntax for the
statistical analyses should preferably be created in advance to
be run (once) on the collected data to yield the final statistical
results. Our own experiences with preregistration taught us
that this specification is no easy task and that maneuverability
remains if preregistrations are not sufficiently specific, precise, or
exhaustive. For instance, just indicating one’s use of a certain scale
as the main outcome measure in an experiment typically does not
preclude the researcher to attempt many different ways in how
to score the items of the scale in his or her pursuit for statistical
significance. A preregistration should also be exhaustive because
the stipulation that one will test Hypothesis A in a certain way
does not preclude the possibility that one can also test Hypothesis
B in the study. Therefore, for confirmatory aspects of the study,
the word “only” is key (e.g., “we will test only Hypothesis A in the
following unique manner”).
The goal of this paper is to present a list of researcher degrees
of freedom that can be used in research methods education,
as a checklist to assess the quality of preregistrations, and to
determine the potential for bias due to (arbitrary) choices in
unregistered studies. By pointing out many different researcher
degrees of freedom, we hope to raise awareness of the risk of bias
implicit in a lot of research designs in psychology and beyond.
The list enables a charting of what Gelman and Loken (2014)
dubbed the garden of forking paths in the analysis of data; i.e., the
many different analytic decisions that could be or could have been
made with a given data set. In what follows, we use the singular
term researcher DF (degree of freedom) to mean a particular
choice during the study, and the plural term researcher DFs when
referring to multiple researcher degrees of freedom (or different
types of choices).
Because NHST is by far the most used statistical framework
used in psychology and related fields, we created the list of
researcher DFs with NHST in mind. Other possible statistical
frameworks are based on confidence intervals (Cumming, 2012),
precision of effect size estimation (Maxwell et al., 2015), or
Bayesian statistics (e.g., Kruschke, 2015). We note that most
researcher DFs are relevant for all statistical frameworks.
However, some researcher DFs need to be replaced or omitted
(e.g., power analysis [D6], which is defined in the NHST
framework) or added (e.g., selection of the prior, which is only
used in Bayesian statistics) in approaches other than NHST. At
this point, we therefore recommend using our list primarily for
research using NHST.
We created the list in a qualitative manner; we as a group of
methodologists studying researcher DFs, publication bias, meta-
analysis, misreporting of results, and reporting biases, came up
with a large list of researcher DFs, discussed these, and created
a manageable list in several rounds of revision. We are aware
that our list may not be exhaustive, but believe the list is a good
starting point for a checklist that serves the purpose to assess
the degree to which preregistrations truly protect against the
biasing effects of researcher DFs. Most of the researcher DFs have
been described in previous publications (Kriegeskorte et al., 2009;
Nieuwenhuis et al., 2011;Simmons et al., 2011;Wagenmakers
et al., 2011;Bakker et al., 2012;John et al., 2012;Chambers, 2013;
Francis, 2013;Bakker and Wicherts, 2014;Simonsohn et al., 2014;
Steegen et al., 2016;van Aert et al., 2016). The researcher DFs
on our list are invariably inspired by actual research we have
encountered as researchers, replicators, re-analyzers, and critical
readers of published and unpublished works. Although we have
actual examples of the use of each of the researcher DFs we
discuss below, we choose not to identify the researchers, projects,
or papers involved; the issues are general and it would not help to
focus on individual cases.
We discuss the different researcher DFs categorized under
headers that refer to different phases in a study from its early
theoretical underpinnings to its final publication (hypothesizing,
designing, data collection, analyzing, and reporting), and indicate
links between different researcher DFs at the different phases.
Each researcher DF will be coded according to its phase. All
researcher DFs are listed in Table 1. We focus on experiments
as the most basic design used to study the (causal) effect(s)
of independent variable(s) on the dependent variable(s). This
design is the most widely used in psychology and entails a good
archetype to discuss the many researcher DFs in a multitude
of research designs, including quasi-experimental studies and
correlational studies aimed to explain dependent variables on the
basis of one or more predictor variable(s).
The degree to which the researcher can find relevant statistically
significant results in the data is already partly determined by
the specificity of theoretical predictions that the study aims to
address. A confirmatory study requires a clearly stated hypothesis
to be tested, while more exploratory studies aimed at finding
interesting (typically statistically significant) patterns in the
data often lack a priori theorizing on (causal) relations. Such
exploratory studies are virtually guaranteed to yield support
for something interesting (Wagenmakers et al., 2011). Since
most results in psychology are presented in the realm of the
hypothetico-deductive model (Hubbard, 2015), it is tempting
to present exploratory findings incorrectly as having been
hypothesized in advance. This practice, to which we return
when discussing the reporting phase, is also called Hypothesizing
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TABLE 1 | Checklist for different types of researcher degrees of freedom in the planning, executing, analyzing, and reporting of psychological studies.
Code Related Type of degrees of freedom
T1 R6 Conducting explorative research without any hypothesis
T2 Studying a vague hypothesis that fails to specify the direction of the effect
D1 A8 Creating multiple manipulated independent variables and conditions
D2 A10 Measuring additional variables that can later be selected as covariates, independent variables, mediators, or moderators
D3 A5 Measuring the same dependent variable in several alternative ways
D4 A7 Measuring additional constructs that could potentially act as primary outcomes
D5 A12 Measuring additional variables that enable later exclusion of participants from the analyses (e.g., awareness or manipulation checks)
D6 Failing to conduct a well-founded power analysis
D7 C4 Failing to specify the sampling plan and allowing for running (multiple) small studies
C1 Failing to randomly assign participants to conditions
C2 Insufficient blinding of participants and/or experimenters
C3 Correcting, coding, or discarding data during data collection in a non-blinded manner
C4 D7 Determining the data collection stopping rule on the basis of desired results or intermediate significance testing
A1 Choosing between different options of dealing with incomplete or missing data on ad hoc grounds
A2 Specifying pre-processing of data (e.g., cleaning, normalization, smoothing, motion correction) in an ad hoc manner
A3 Deciding how to deal with violations of statistical assumptions in an ad hoc manner
A4 Deciding on how to deal with outliers in an ad hoc manner
A5 D3 Selecting the dependent variable out of several alternative measures of the same construct
A6 Trying out different ways to score the chosen primary dependent variable
A7 D4 Selecting another construct as the primary outcome
A8 D1 Selecting independent variables out of a set of manipulated independent variables
A9 D1 Operationalizing manipulated independent variables in different ways (e.g., by discarding or combining levels of factors)
A10 D2 Choosing to include different measured variables as covariates, independent variables, mediators, or moderators
A11 Operationalizing non-manipulated independent variables in different ways
A12 D5 Using alternative inclusion and exclusion criteria got selecting participants in analyses
A13 Choosing between different statistical models
A14 Choosing the estimation method, software package, and computation of SEs
A15 Choosing inference criteria (e.g., Bayes factors, alpha level, sidedness of the test, corrections for multiple testing)
R1 Failing to assure reproducibility (verifying the data collection and data analysis)
R2 Failing to enable replication (re-running of the study)
R3 Failing to mention, misrepresenting, or misidentifying the study preregistration
R4 Failing to report so-called “failed studies” that were originally deemed relevant to the research question
R5 Misreporting results and p-values
R6 T1 Presenting exploratory analyses as confirmatory (HARKing)
After Results are Known or HARKing (Kerr, 1998). The
relevant researcher DF during the theorizing phase, namely T1:
Conducting explorative research pervades many of the researcher
DFs that we describe below in the later phases of the study.
HARKing yields statistical evidence for found patterns that is
often much weaker than it appears to be. The reason is that
the evidence should be seen in the context of the size and
breadth of the explorations, allowing for appropriate corrections
for multiple testing. Unfortunately, data explorations are often
presented without such necessary corrections. T1 could be dealt
with by specifying the independent variable and the dependent
variable of interest before running the study, preferably in a
preregistration of the study (Wagenmakers et al., 2012). Note
that even a preregistered (confirmatory) study can include some
exploratory analyses, which is unproblematic as long as these
explorations are clearly distinguished from the confirmatory
However, even if there is a vague prior notion about the
relation between the independent and dependent variables,
hypotheses that fail to indicate the direction of an effect (or
relation) enable later flexibility in the analysis and interpretation
of results (Schaller, 2016). If the hypothesis is merely “X is related
to Y” or “X affects Y, the researcher can later analyze the data
in two alternative ways; one way to obtain a positive effect and
another way to obtain a negative effect of X on Y, which entails a
strategy that is a special case of HARKing. The researcher DF is
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T2: Studying a vague hypothesis that fails to specify the direction of
the effect. Note that specifying the direction of the hypothesized
effect is relevant for the decision to use a one- or two-tailed test.
One-tailed tests can only be used to reject the null hypothesis
when the a priori hypothesis was directional and the result was
in the predicted direction. Testing hypotheses requires specificity
and precision regardless of whether one uses one- or two-tailed
tests. Consequently, a preregistered hypothesis needs to specify
the direction of the effect or relation. Because of the need for
proper power analyses (discussed below under D6), it is also
important to have a prior sense of the size of the effect or strength
of the relation.
Although most researcher DFs discussed in the literature pertain
to the analysis of the data, both the theoretical predictions and
the design of an experiment (or other types of studies) already
allow the researcher to create options for flexible analyses in later
phases of the study. A psychological experiment can be set up to
have a certain degree of redundancy in the design that creates
maneuverability in the collection of data, analysis of data, and
reporting of results. This redundancy applies to both independent
variables and dependent variables.
Independent Variable(s)
We distinguish here between manipulated and non-manipulated
independent variables. Manipulated independent variables are
those manipulated in the design of the experiment, and
typically involve randomization. In contrast, non-manipulated
independent variables are based on measures of behavior or
individual differences that (could) pertain to the research
question. These independent variables are the main focus in
correlational studies, but are also widely used in studying
(moderation of) experimental effects. Moreover, additional
measures taken after the manipulation or in correlational studies
could later be used as mediators in explaining variance in the
dependent variable, but an underspecified preregistration enables
researchers to use these variables as primary dependent variable
as well (see our Discussion of D4).
Experiments can involve multiple manipulated independent
variables (i.e., experimental factors), that are often crossed and
that researchers can select or discard in later analyses based
on particular (preferred) outcomes. Dropping of experimental
conditions has been found to be quite common in a survey
among psychological researchers (John et al., 2012) and in a study
that considered psychological studies from a register (Franco
et al., 2016). Specifically, a researcher can discard a factor in
a multifactorial experiment by pooling the data over the levels
of that factor, or the researcher can select certain levels of a
discarded factor. For instance, in a two-by-two factorial design
studying the effects of both ostracism (including vs. excluding
someone socially) and group composition (being in- or excluded
by either a social in-group or a social out-group) on participants’
mood, the researcher could ignore group composition either by
pooling in- and outgroup levels, or by selecting one of the levels
of group composition (say, the in-group) in the later analyses.
Moreover, a given experimental factor involving more than two
levels can later be analyzed in different ways. For instance, if an
experimental factor has three conditions (say, 0, 1, and 2), the
researcher can focus on all three levels, but also select two out
of the three in the later analyses. Or the researcher can combine
conditions 0 and 1 to compare it with condition 2, etc. In this
way, this simple three level factor already yields seven different
operationalizations for the analysis, from which the researcher
can later choose one(s) that yielded the “best” result. So the
design of manipulated independent variables offers the following
researcher DF: D1 creating multiple manipulated independent
variables and conditions. Like all researcher DFs, this researcher
DF becomes more relevant as the number of scoring options
increases, like with complex mixed designs involving multiple
between-subject and within-subject factors featuring multiple
levels. Consequently, preregistrations of such studies should
specifically and precisely delineate how independent variables are
later used in testing the focal hypotheses.
Non-manipulated independent variables based on the
observed characteristics of participants, are also measured in
most research designs. These non-manipulated independent
variables such as personality characteristics, IQ, age, gender,
ethnicity, political preference, etc. offer great flexibility in the
later analyses of the data; one can use them as main predictor,
but also as moderators to study potential interactions with
manipulated factors, or as control variables (covariates) as in
ANCOVA. For instance, measured age can assume any of these
roles in later analyses: e.g., for studying age differences, for
testing whether age moderates the effects of any of the other
independent variable(s), or as a control variable to explain some
of the within-condition variation in the dependent variable.
Moreover, measures taken after the manipulations can be used
in later mediation analyses to explain variance in the dependent
variable. This entails D2: Measuring additional variables that can
be selected later as covariates, independent variables, mediators,
or moderators. Obviously, adding more measures offers multiple
ways to find interesting patterns in later stages of the study. Just as
manipulated independent variables can often be operationalized
in different ways, many non-manipulated independent variables,
once selected, offer flexibility in how they will be used in the
analyses. Participants can be assigned to different levels of those
independent variables on the basis of flexible thresholds or
category assignments (Steegen et al., 2016). For instance, age
can be used to create two age groups (young and old), or three
age groups (young, middle-aged, and old) on the basis of many
different age-based category assignments. However, age can
also be used as a continuous factor, covariate or moderator in
later analyses. Similar flexibility applies to designs that involve
demographic variables (e.g., income, SES, educational level,
ethnicity, mother tongue, relationship status) or psychological
individual differences (e.g., IQ, extraversion, diagnostic criteria,
etc.) and is discussed below in the context of the analyses.
In sum, a research design that is littered with research DFs
related to independent variables is complex and offers room for
selecting and operationalizing these variables in multiple ways.
An ideal preregistration, then, specifically and precisely specifies
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which manipulated independent variables and non-manipulated
independent variables will be used in the analyses and also
indicates how both types of variables are to be operationalized,
and that no other variables are to be used in the confirmatory
analyses. We again emphasize that these specifications are only
necessary for the confirmatory analyses; a potential exploratory
analyses section of a paper is not at all problematic, as long as the
preregistration and the paper clearly distinguish between these
very different types of analyses.
Dependent Variable(s)
The measurement of human behavior is often complex and is
seldom done in a single predefined manner. A design prone to
bias due to researcher DFs offers multiple dependent measures of
the same construct. This enables the researcher to choose among
different outcome measures the one(s) that offer(s) statistical
significance. The relevant researcher DF in the design phase is
D3: Measuring the same dependent variable in several alternative
ways. For instance, anxiety can be measured with various self-
report scales, or with physiological measures (e.g., galvanic skin
response, heart rate variability).
Another particularly flexible design allows the researcher
to choose among several dependent variables that concern
different constructs in cases where the originally targeted primary
outcome failed to show statistically significant effects. Among
the research practices studied by John et al. (2012) this practice
of not reporting all dependent measures showed quite high
prevalence estimates. Additionally, direct evidence indicates that
psychological researchers often choose among different outcome
measures (LeBel et al., 2013;Franco et al., 2016). In the medical
literature on randomized clinical trials, this researcher DF is
often called outcome switching and the bias it introduces is
called outcome reporting bias (Chan et al., 2004;Kirkham et al.,
2010;Weston et al., 2016). For instance, outcomes that were
initially designated as secondary outcome variables appeared as
primary outcome variables in the published article. Or a variable
that was originally viewed as a potential mediator of an effect
might replace the original main outcome variable if the latter
failed to show an effect. Here we denote this researcher DF by
D4: Measuring additional constructs that could potentially act as
primary outcomes.
Thus in the design of studies, the researcher can already
create many researcher DFs that allow for opportunistic use in
later phases of the research process, relating to using multiple
measures of the same construct (D3), and creating opportunities
to find additional effects by adding measures of additional
constructs besides the one(s) that were the original focus of
interest (D4). D4 allows HARKing (Kerr, 1998), whereas D3 is
aimed at the same targeted construct and related to how the
primary outcome will be used in later analyses. It is clear that the
ideal preregistration should specify which dependent variable(s)
will be used in testing particular hypotheses. However, as we
discuss below, even specifying the measure (say, the Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale) that is to be used as primary outcome is not
specific and precise enough to avoid p-hacking during analyses,
because often the scores on such measures can be computed in
different ad hoc ways.
Excluding Participants
Adding numerous measures besides the main independent and
dependent variables to the design offers yet another researcher
DF: background variables (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity) or other
individual differences can be used to later discard participants in
an ad hoc manner from the analysis. For instance, a researcher
might decide to exclude older-aged participants for some reason
that might actually not be independent of the effect of the
exclusion on the final analysis. Such exclusion of cases on
the basis of measured variables often comes across as ad hoc
because if that decision rule had been a priori, these older-aged
participants should not have completed the study in the first
Other types of measures that can be used to discard
participants include awareness checks, as often used in priming
research (e.g., the funnel debriefing; Bargh and Chartrand,
2000), checks for alertness in responding like the blue dot task
(Oppenheimer et al., 2009), or even the simple question like
“did you participate seriously in this study?”. Decision rules in
how to deal with these questions need to be pre-specified to
avoid them becoming a researcher DF. Similarly, manipulation
checks (i.e., measures of the independent variable) can also
be implemented in the design, offering a way not only to
assess the strength of the manipulation, but also to discard
particular participants from the analyses for not showing any
desired response to the manipulation. These decisions in the
data selection offer great flexibility in choosing whom to include
in the analysis. D5: Measuring additional variables that enable
later exclusion of participants from the analyses (e.g., awareness
and manipulation checks). Therefore, an ideal preregistration
specifically and precisely describes which types of participants
will be excluded from the analyses, and also explicates that the
stated rules of exclusion will be the only ones that will be used to
discard participants (it should be exhaustive). The reason is that
only stating a particular exclusion rule in the preregistration does
not preclude the possibility to also exclude participants on other
ad hoc grounds.
Power and Sampling Plan
Despite the core importance of statistical power in NHST, most
studies using NHST fail to report a formal power analysis
(Sedlmeier and Gigerenzer, 1989;Cohen, 1990;Bakker et al.,
2012). This is problematic because researchers’ intuitions about
power are typically overly optimistic (Bakker et al., 2016) and
studies in psychology are often underpowered. More importantly,
underpowered studies are themselves more susceptible to bias
(Bakker et al., 2012), particularly in combination with the
use of many of the other researcher DFs that we describe
here. The reason is that the sampling variability is larger
and many decisions made in analyzing the data will have
proportionately larger effects when sample sizes are smaller.
In other words, using researcher DFs to obtain statistically
significant results is typically more effective with smaller samples.
Low power can create bias and hence D6: Failing to conduct
a well-founded power analysis is a researcher DF in designing
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A rigorous preregistration not only provides a good rationale
for the sample size in the form of a power analysis, but also
should describe the complete sampling plan, i.e., the targeted
sample size, when the data collection starts and ends, and how
the participants are to be sampled. The sampling plan should
specify the population from which is sampled, the procedure of
sampling, and the end point of data collection. The sampling
plan should also specify when additional participants are to be
sampled in cases where the targeted sample size is not met
(e.g., due to drop-out or data exclusions). The sampling plan
should be specific and precise to disallow researchers to conduct
intermediate tests during data collection. If not, a researcher can
decide to collect more data after witnessing a non-significant
result or to cease data collection earlier than planned if the
result is already significant (see also C4), both of which affect
the Type I error rate. The sampling plan should also preclude
the researcher to conduct a particular study multiple times,
and only present the “best” study (i.e., the one with the most
desirable results). The use of multiple small studies instead
of a larger one is an effective (yet problematic) strategy to
find at least one statistically significant result (Bakker et al.,
2012) and small underpowered studies can also be pooled by
means of a meta-analysis in an ad hoc manner to obtain
a statistically significant result (Ueno et al., 2016). Hence,
we call the following researcher DF, D7: Failing to specify
the sampling plan and allowing for running (multiple) small
During the collection of experimental data, it is possible to act in
certain ways that enhance the probability of finding a statistically
significant result. Most of the issues are methodological, although
some are statistical and bear on issues of multiple testing and
sequential analyses. In our discussion, we assume that the design
itself is internally valid and that the measures are construct valid,
in the sense that the experiment does not involve any confounds
or artifacts and uses appropriate measures. This, of course, does
not always mean that the actual study does not suffer from threats
to internal validity or construct validity.
Non-random Assignment
Although methodological textbooks are clear on the benefits
of random assignment, the randomization techniques used to
assign participants to conditions are often not specified in
research articles. Using non-random assignment could greatly
affect differences between conditions in personal characteristics
or other factors that could affect the outcome. For instance,
an experimenter might (purposively or not) only run treatment
participants in the evening, thereby creating a potential
confound, or the assignment could be based on observable
personal characteristics that might bear on the outcome measure
(e.g., a particularly slow moving participant is assigned to
the condition that aligns with slowness). In other words, the
randomization technique should be specifically and precisely
stipulated in advance and followed throughout the experiment,
thereby avoiding C1: The failure to randomly assign participants
to conditions.
Incomplete Blinding
It is widely recommended to employ double-blinding techniques
to avoid demand characteristics and placebo effects on part of
participants as well as experimenter expectancy effects during
data collection (Rosenthal, 1966). Participants are blinded if the
design prevents them from knowing to which condition they
have been assigned or from knowing the research hypotheses.
Experimenters are blinded if they do not know to which
condition a participant is allocated at any time. There are several
ways in which both types of blinding can be unsuccessful,
potentially leading experimenters to treat participants
(unwillingly) differently across conditions, or participants
to act in ways that yield invalid support for the research
hypothesis. Hence, C2: Insufficient blinding of experimenters
and/or participants could potentially introduce bias. For
instance, experimenters could use non-naïve participants (e.g.,
a fellow student) or (in)avertedly convey information about
what is expected from participants in a given condition. The
preregistration study should specifically and precisely describe
the procedure of how participants and experimenter(s) are
blinded, if applicable.
Discarding, Correcting and Coding Data
If experimenters are involved in coding or other ways of data
handling, incomplete blinding concerning condition assignment
or hypotheses could introduce bias. Working with participants is
a social process in which experimenters has information about
participants or their behavior that might enable them to predict
scores on the dependent variable for individual participants. For
instance, an experimenter may witness a slowly working student
in a condition that is expected to yield quick responses and
might decide to discard that participant for not participating
seriously even though there is no clear experimental protocol
that dictates such a decision. This creates biases during the
data collection, and such biases are particularly problematic
in experiments involving coding of behavior in a non-blinded
manner. Similarly, missing values or incorrectly filled out answers
on a questionnaire or test could also be corrected or filled out
during data collection by someone who is not blind to condition
(or the hypotheses) and hence might make biased decisions. For
instance, the experimenter could decide to correct or fill in the
answer of a participant who indicated the incorrect gender or no
gender on a questionnaire. Although making such corrections
or imputations deliberately might go beyond questionable and
so might entail falsification (a violation of research integrity),
doing this without awareness in a poorly structured research
setting might nonetheless cause considerable bias. A specific,
precise, and exhaustive research protocol can help avoid this
researcher DF. C3: Correcting, coding, or discarding data during
data collection in a non-blinded manner.
Intermediate Significance Testing
The decision whether or not to continue with data collection
could be dependent on intermediate analyses of the data. This
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is reflected by the common practice to continue data collection
after witnessing a statistically non-significant result or by quitting
data collection earlier than planned after witnessing a statistically
significant result (John et al., 2012). It is well known that this type
of sequential testing is problematic without any formal correction
for multiple testing (Wagenmakers, 2007) and increase Type 1
error rates. C4: Determining the data collection stopping rule on
the basis of desired results or intermediate significance testing.
A specific and precise a priori sampling plan could ameliorate
this, and so this researcher DF is related to D7 described
In the analysis phase, the researcher directly witnesses the effects
of choices on the statistical outcome. It is surprising that blinding
to conditions and hypotheses of experimenters, coders, and
observers is considered to be crucial during data collection, while
in practice, the analyses are typically conducted by a person who
is not only aware of the hypotheses, but also benefits directly
from corroborating them (commonly by means of a significance
test). Together with the many researcher DFs during the analyses,
these factors do not entail the most optimal mix for objective and
unbiased results.
Data Cleaning and Processing
Before running the focal analyses, experimental data often need
to be cleaned and prepared for analysis. Data cleaning involves
many choices related to missingness, outliers, or violations
of the distributional assumptions. Because of potential drop-
out, data collection problems, or a lack of full responses for
other reasons (e.g., participants’ inattention or refusal to answer
some questions), some data might be missing entirely for
participants or for some or many of the variables of interest.
Missing data can be dealt with by listwise deletion, pairwise
deletion, multiple imputation, full information methods, and
other methods (Schafer and Graham, 2002). This choice creates
a researcher DF, namely A1: Choosing between different options of
dealing with incomplete or missing data on ad hoc grounds.
Neuroimaging techniques (e.g., signals from fMRI, EEG,
MEG) and other data-intense measurement procedures
require extensive pre-processing steps that entail considerable
maneuverability in the analysis of the data (Kriegeskorte
et al., 2009, 2010;Poldrack et al., 2016). For instance, with
neuroimaging data, decisions related to regions of interest,
dealing with head motions, corrections for slice timing, spatial
smoothing, and spatial normalization can create a large number
of different ways to analyze the data (Poldrack et al., 2016).
The processing of such data can be done based on whether
they provide preferred results, which offers A2: Specifying
pre-processing of data (e.g., cleaning, normalization, smoothing,
motion correction) in an ad hoc manner.
Tests have assumptions related to how the data are distributed.
The typical assumption in the F-family of parametric tests
is that the data are independently normally distributed and
that variances of different groups are homogenous. There are
various ways to deal with violated assumptions of such statistical
tests: one could use non-parametric analyses, transform the
data in various ways to approach normality or simply ignore
the violations. Moreover, violations of variance homogeneity
in ANOVAs or t-tests, non-normality, non-linearity in linear
models, or heteroscedasticity in regression could be dealt with
in several alternative ways (Wilcox, 2012). When done in
a data-driven manner, this creates: A3: Deciding on how to
deal with violations of statistical assumptions in an ad hoc
Dealing with outliers is a particularly vexing issue that
warrants specifically, precisely, and exhaustively described
protocols in a preregistration. Outliers can be operationalized and
detected in various ways (Barnett and Lewis, 1994;Wilcox, 2012;
Bakker and Wicherts, 2014) and they can be deleted or kept on
the basis of many alternative criteria that could be chosen based
on whether they lead to significance. Alternatively, the researcher
can choose to conduct analyses that are less sensitive to outliers,
like non-parametric or robust analyses. This creates A4: Deciding
on how to deal with outliers in an ad hoc manner.
Dependent Variable(s)
Statistical analyses of experimental data boil down to predicting
scores on the outcome measure chosen in the analysis on
the basis of predictors (typically factors, but also covariates,
mediators, and/or interaction terms). While running the analysis,
the researcher can choose between different measures or
operationalizations of the same construct implemented in the
design of the study in an effort to find the measure that
shows the preferred or best results. This practice, which
is paired with the use of various measures in the design
(D3), concerns the following researcher DF: A5 selecting the
dependent variable out of several alternative measures of the same
The dependent variable, once selected, can often be scored
or operationalized in various ways. There also exist degrees of
freedom even if there is only one overall measure or scale.
Discarding, weighting, selecting, or redefining scoring rules of
individual items can offer flexibility in analyses even if the
items are based on a commonly used scale. For example, items
of a scale that are originally measured on a five-point Likert
scale can be dichotomized, or some items might be discarded
from the scale score for showing low or negative item-rest
correlations. Moreover, the scale score can be based on an
unweighted sum of item scores or on weighting of items based on
an item response model, or by running a principal components
analysis and choosing among alternative ways to estimate the
factor scores. So even for existing scales, flexibility exists in
operationalizing the scores in the analyses. The use of response
time data involving responses to many stimuli also involves
many choices in dealing with slow response times, and how to
summarize the major outcome variable. The researcher DF is A6:
Trying out different ways to score the chosen primary dependent
Finally, researchers can choose to measure additional
constructs next to the one(s) originally targeted as the main
dependent variable (or primary outcome) in the design (see D4).
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During the analyses this creates A7: Selecting another construct as
the primary outcome.
Independent Variables
If we consider the ANOVA as a regression model, the use
of independent variables means selecting among numerous
predictors and/or interaction terms to predict the outcome,
and hence different regression models. Without specific
preregistration, a researcher often has numerous options to
choose between different regression models. The researcher
can also typically operationalize the non-manipulated
and manipulated in various ways, particularly in flexible
designs. During the analysis, the researcher can employ
A8: Select independent variables out of a set of manipulated
independent variables (paired with D1). Similarly, even for a
given manipulated variable, the researcher can often choose
to discard or combine different levels of factors, which creates
A9: Operationalizing the manipulated independent variables in
different ways (e.g., by discarding or combining levels of factors;
paired with D1).
Furthermore, during the analyses, the researcher can make
opportunistic use of a host of additional non-manipulated
measures (D2), as well as possible mediator variables measured
during the study, thereby creating A10: Choosing to include
different measured variables as covariates, independent variables,
mediators, or moderators in the analysis. The number of
different analytic options considered for finding some statistically
significant result (mediation, moderation, main effect) on
the basis of measured variables can be quite large. For
instance, adding big five personality measures to a simple one-
way experimental design enables the researcher to seek for
the moderation of effects by all of these personality traits.
However, these big five traits can also be used as covariates,
or simply as independent variables to help explain variance
in the outcome measure(s). More degrees of freedom are
added if the researcher does not specifically and precisely
describe in advance how these measured variables are to
be used and scored in the analysis (Steegen et al., 2016).
For example, a measure of extraversion could be used as
a linear predictor based on unweighted sum of individual
item scores or some estimate of the factor score reflecting
the underlying construct. However, the researcher can also
compare participants with some (arbitrarily chosen) high
or low score on the scale used to measure extraversion
(and even there, the researcher could discard some items
because they showed low item-rest correlations). This creates
A11: Operationalizing non-manipulated independent variables in
different ways.
An exceptionally flexible analysis involves many different
regression models based on a host of different combinations
of predictors (main effects, interactions, control variables
or covariates), and alternative ways to operationalize these
predictors, leading to a very large number of regressions (Sala-
I-Martin, 1997) in some designs. For instance, a researcher might
add age as a moderator during the analysis and check whether
different ways to categorize age groups yields some interesting
results. Running so many regressions creates a massive multiple
testing problems that can be solved in statistical ways or with a
sufficiently detailed preregistration.
Selection Criteria
One can also change the analysis by altering the sample size
on the basis of different criteria to (de)select participants. This
yields A12: Use of alternative inclusion and exclusion criteria in
selecting participants for use in the analysis. This researcher DF is
paired with D5, i.e., the design choice to include many additional
variables related to manipulation checks or awareness checks or
any other personal characteristics that can be used as selection
criteria. There are many bases to select or deselect participants
for the analysis, including performance (e.g., many alternative
levels of the percentage of items answered correctly on some task
that measures the manipulation), awareness questions, or any
personal characteristics. A specific, precise, and exhaustive plan
to not include particular participants in the final data analyses not
only avoids this researcher DF, but could also spare resources by
simply not collecting any (additional) data for participants who
fail to meet the inclusion criteria. For instance, if a linguistics
researcher is not interested in participants who are not native
speakers of the language of interest, he or she would be better
off not running these participants at all, instead of excluding their
data only at the analysis phase.
Statistical Model, Estimation, and
Even for relatively straightforward experiments, many different
statistical models can be used to analyze experimental data,
including linear regression, ANOVA, MANOVA, or robust or
non-parametric analyses. Hence, an obvious researcher DF is
A13: Choice of the statistical model. However, choosing the
statistical model (say, a regression with three predetermined
predictors), often does not preclude additional statistical choices.
Specifically, statistical models need to be estimated and this
can frequently be done in several ways. Even with a given
estimation method, the researcher can choose between different
corrections to the standard errors (SEs) of parameters. For
instance, one could choose for robust SEs instead of the standard
SEs. Moreover, different statistical software packages (e.g., SPSS,
R, SAS) often implement the same estimation techniques and
correction methods in slightly different ways, leading to diverging
results. These alternative estimation methods, software packages,
and correction methods might lead to different outcomes and
hence entail a researcher DF: A14: The choice for estimation
method, software package, and computation of SEs. To wit, even
a standard ANOVA requires a choice between different types of
sum of squares, three of which are available in SPSS (this choice
is typically not described in articles). This problem is particularly
vexing for more advanced analyses, that can be estimated with
Maximum Likelihood, Ordinary Least Squares, Weighted Least
Squares, Mean and Variance Adjusted Weighted Least Squares,
Partial Least Squares, or Restricted ML, with or without robust
SEs (to name just a few options).
Finally, without a specific and precise registration, a researcher
can choose inference criteria (e.g., Bayes factors, alpha level,
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sidedness of the test, and corrections for multiple testing) in
different ways, and on the basis of analytic outcomes. Thus
A15: Choosing inference criteria (e.g., Bayes factors, alpha level,
sidedness of the test, and corrections for multiple testing) is another
researcher DF. For instance, a researcher can choose to use a one-
sided test if this is the only way to obtain significance, or employ
more lenient corrections for multiple testing if the need arises.
Preregistrations should explicate these criteria.
In the reporting of results, the researcher is faced with
the freedom to report details of the a priori hypotheses,
design, data collection, and analysis of the study. Here, the
potential exploitations of the many researcher DFs discussed
above can or cannot be reported, which renders the reporting
of such details crucial (Wigboldus and Dotsch, 2016). For
instance, the researcher could report only a subset of many
analyses that showed the researcher’s most desirable results.
The comprehensive reporting of the study design and results
is necessary for both reproducibility (reanalyzing the study
using the same data) and replicability (rerunning the study as
similar as possible in a new sample) (Asendorpf et al., 2013).
It is obvious that the many researcher DFs can be hidden
for readers (or critical reviewers) by failing to reporting some
independent variables, some dependent variables, missing data,
data exclusions, or other relevant choices made during the
analyses. Reproducibility requires a verification of the steps taken
from the data collection to the final report, including choices
made during the collection and analysis of the data, such as
pre-processing of the data, the statistical model, the estimation
technique, software package, and computational details, data
exclusions, dealings with missing or incomplete data, violated
distributional assumptions, and outliers. This offers the following
researcher DF in the reporting phase: R1: Failing to assure
reproducibility (verifying the data collection and data analysis).
The preferred way to assure reproducibility is to share data and
analytic details (computer syntaxes/code) in or alongside the
paper (Nosek et al., 2015).
The exploitation of researcher DFs creates bias, which might
lower replicability of earlier results in novel samples (Open
Science Collaboration, 2015). To allow later (direct) replications
of a study, it is crucial that the report (or its supplements) includes
sufficient details on the data collection, including procedures
and all materials used (stimuli, instructions, manipulations, and
measures). Nowadays, such information can be shared via online
repositories or platforms such as the Open Science Framework.
Failing to do this impedes replications, and so we consider this
another researcher DF during the reporting of studies, namely R2:
Failing to enable replication (re-running of the study). Although
both reproducibility and enabling replication are considered
matters of reporting here, a preregistration of the study could
already specifically and precisely indicate what information is
going to shared and in what manner.
Furthermore, for preregistered studies, there exists an
additional researcher DF related to reporting of results.
Specifically, the researcher(s) could R3: Fail to mention,
misrepresent, or misidentify the study preregistration. Studies
of preregistrations of randomized clinical trials highlight that
preregistrations in the medical literature are often not followed
in the final report (Chan et al., 2004). This problem can be
avoided by having reviewers compare the preregistration to the
(submitted) research article.
Moreover, researchers could fail to present relevant
unpublished work in their final publication. This creates
R4: Failing to report so-called “failed studies” that were originally
deemed relevant to the research question. Note that failed studies
are often those that showed no statistically significant results,
which is a main reason for authors for not publishing the results
(Cooper et al., 1997). However, if the study was seen in advance
as valid and methodologically rigorous, the study cannot be
considered “failed” and should be considered as adding relevant
evidence. This is the idea underlying the article format of
registered reports, in which the rationale and methods of a study
are reviewed and the final study is accepted for publication
regardless of the (statistical significance of the) final result (de
Groot, 1956/2014;Chambers, 2013;Simons et al., 2014).
There are two more researcher DFs in the reporting of
studies that bear on the results or the rationale for the study,
respectively. First, researcher(s) could R5: Misreport results and
p-values (Bakker and Wicherts, 2011), for instance by presenting
a statistically non-significant result as being significant. This
practice and similar practices of misreporting of results (e.g.,
incorrectly stating a lack of moderation by demographic
variables) are quite common (John et al., 2012;Nuijten et al.,
2015). Second, researchers can choose to R6: Hypothesize after
the results are known (HARKing). They can falsely present results
of data explorations as though they were confirmatory tests of
hypotheses that were stipulated in advance (Wagenmakers et al.,
2011), which is related to lack of clear hypotheses (T1) and
appears to be quite commonly practiced by psychologists (John
et al., 2012). Both types of misreporting lower trust in reported
findings and potentially also the replicability of results in later
We created a list of 34 researcher DFs, but our list is in no
way exhaustive for the many choices that need be made during
the different phases of a psychological experiment. Some of the
researcher DFs are clearly related to others, but we nonetheless
considered it valuable to list them separately according to the
phase of the study. One can envision many other ways to
create bias in studies, including poorly designed experiments
with confounding factors, biased samples, invalid measurements,
erroneous analyses, inappropriate scales, data dependencies that
inflate significance levels, etc. Moreover, some of the researcher
DFs on our list do not apply to other statistical frameworks
and our list does not include the specific DF associated with
those frameworks (e.g., specifying priors in Bayesian analyses).
Here we focused on the researcher DFs that are often relevant
even for well-designed and rigorously conducted experiments
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and other types of psychological studies that use NHST to test
their hypotheses of interest.
We sympathize with Gelman and Loken’s (2014) argument
that the term questionable research practices in relation to
researcher’s use of researcher DFs is not always necessary, because
the majority of the researcher DFs we describe involve choices
that are arbitrary; researchers just need to decide between these
different options and could but not necessarily will use these
researcher DFs in an opportunistic manner. What matters is that
the data could be collected and analyzed in different ways and
that the final analyses reported in the research article could have
been chosen differently if the results (based on these different
choices and bearing on statistical significance) had come out
differently. The issue, then, is not that all researchers try to
obtain desirable results by exploiting researcher DFs but rather
that the researcher DFs have strong potential to create bias.
Such potential for bias is particularly severe for experiments
that study subtle effects with relatively small samples. Hence,
we need an appropriate way to deal with researcher DFs. One
way to assess the relevance of choices is to report all potentially
relevant analyses either as traditional sensitivity analyses or as
a multiverse analysis (Steegen et al., 2016). Another solution
is that the data are available for independent reanalysis after
publication, although this is not always possible due to low
sharing rates (Wicherts et al., 2011). However, preventing bias is
better than treating it after it has occurred. Thus, the preferred
way to counter bias due to researcher DFs is to preregister
the study in a way that no longer allows researchers to exploit
The ideal preregistration of a study provides a specific,
precise, and exhaustive story of the planned research, that is, it
describes all steps, with only one interpretation, and excludes
other possible steps. Our list can be used in research methods
education, as a checklist to assess the quality of preregistrations,
and to determine the potential for bias due to (arbitrary)
choices in unregistered studies. Presently, we are conducting
a study focusing on the quality of a random sample of actual
preregistrations on the Open Science Framework in which we use
a scoring protocol based on our checklist to assess the degree to
which these preregistrations avoid any potential p-hacking. The
protocol assesses the preregistration’s specificity, precision, and
completeness at the level of each researcher DF; a score of 0 is
assigned if the DF is not limited, whereas 1 and 2 are assigned if
the description is partly or fully specific and precise, respectively.
A score 3 is assigned if it is also exhaustive, i.e., if it excludes other
steps. By applying the protocol, authors can also score their own
preregistration, enabling them to improve their preregistration,
and reviewers of registered reports and registered studies can use
the protocol as well. Both authors and reviewers can thus use the
protocol to limit potential p-hacking in planned studies.
We suggest a few avenues for future research. First, while
most of the researcher DFs in our list are relevant to other
statistical frameworks as well, the list should be adapted for
studies planning to use confidence intervals and certain precision
of effect size estimates (Cumming, 2012, 2014;Maxwell et al.,
2015), or Bayesian analyses (Kruschke, 2015). Second, where
we focused on preregistrations and assessing their quality, it is
likewise urgent to develop and assess protocols for using ‘open
materials, ‘open data, and ‘open workflows’ (Nosek et al., 2012).
These transparent practices have many benefits and are currently
gaining traction (e.g., Eich, 2014;Kidwell et al., 2016), but are
often insufficiently detailed, documented or structured to allow
other researchers to reproduce and replicate results (e.g., reuse of
open data requires solid documentation and meta-data; Wicherts,
2017). While we believe all these open practices strengthen
research, a lot can still be gained by creating protocols that
provide specific, precise, and exhaustive descriptions of materials,
data, and workflow.
JW, MB, CV, MvA conceived of the study idea. JW, MB, CV, MvA,
HA, RvA wrote sections of the paper and made revisions. JW, MB,
CV, MvA, HA, RvA approved final version of the paper.
The preparation of this article was supported by Grants 406-
13-050, 406-15-198, and 452-11-004 from the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright © 2016 Wicherts, Veldkamp, Augusteijn, Bakker, van Aert and van Assen.
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Frontiers in Psychology | 12 November 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1832
... niewłaściwych praktyk badawczych (questionable research practices [QRP]; Bakker i in., 2021;Ellis, 2022), odnoszących się do działań, które, choć nie zawsze jawnie nieetyczne, mogą poważnie zniekształcać wyniki przeprowadzanych analiz. Te praktyki obejmują szeroki zakres działań, przy czym samo wymienienie zestawu takich praktyk zajęłoby zbyt wiele miejsca, jako że w literaturze przywołuje się kilkadziesiąt ich typów (Wicherts i in., 2016). W tym miejscu warto wskazać kilka najbardziej typowych, począwszy od "subtelnych", jak p-hacking (czyli manipulowanie analizą danych w celu osiągnięcia istotnie statystycznych wyników), poprzez bardziej bezpośrednie formy manipulacji jak HARKing (czyli stawianie hipotez po poznaniu wyników; Kerr, 1998), po jednoznacznie nieetyczne praktyki jak fałszowanie danych i wyników. ...
... Relatywnie często w badaniach napotyka się problem braku danych. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu może być albo usunięcie danych respondentów z brakującymi danymi, co obniża wielkość badanej próby i dalej moc testów, albo uzupełnia dane poprzez imputację (Wicherts i in., 2016). Ta polega na zastępowaniu brakujących danych estymowanymi wartościami. ...
... W literaturze naukowej, zarówno tej poświęconej wykrywaniu nieuważnych respondentów, jak i tej związanej z kryzysem replikacyjności, nie wspomina się o możliwości negatywnego wpływu metod wykrywania nieuważnych respondentów na replikacyjność badań. Wskazuje się na bardziej ogólny efekt, jakim jest manipulowanie zbiorem danych (Wicherts i in., 2016). Nie ulega więc wątpliwości, że wpływ taki zachodzi, co więcej, może ujawniać się w wielu miejscach. ...
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Znaczna część badań naukowych jest trudna lub nawet niemożliwa do replikowania lub odtworzenia, co określane jest mianem kryzysu replikacji. Jednym z czynników przyczyniających się do tego kryzysu jest niska jakość danych wykorzystywanych w badaniach. Często można to przypisać nieuważnym lub nietypowym respondentom. Eliminacja danych z tych grup może poprawić jakość danych badawczych i potencjalnie zwiększyć prawdopodobieństwo udanej replikacji. Eliminacja takich danych może czasami mieć skutek odwrotny. Metody wykrywania i usuwania nieuważnych i nietypowych respondentów różnią się znacznie, dlatego też dają różne wyniki i mogą być stosowane na wiele sposobów, dodając kolejny poziom złożoności w kontekście replikacji. Głównym celem artykułu jest wskazanie na zagrożenie tkwiące w posługiwaniu się różnymi metodami wykrywania nieuważnych i nietypowych odpowiedzi dla możliwości odtworzenia wyników badania. Artykuł podzielony jest na dwie części. W pierwszej omówiono zagadnienia związane ze źródłami kryzysu replikacji w naukach społecznych i potencjalnego wpływu metod wykrywania nieuważnych odpowiedzi respondentów na możliwości replikowania badań. W drugiej części, na podstawie analizy przypadku jednego z badań zamieszczonych w systemie Open Science Framework (OSF), pokazano, jak subtelny, a zarazem znaczący może być wpływ zastosowanych metod wykrywania i usuwania nieuważnych i nietypowych respondentów na powodzenie replikacji badań. W końcowej części artykułu wskazano na kroki mające na celu ograniczenie problemu z replikacją związaną z wykorzystaniem metod wykrywania nieuważnych i nietypowych respondentów.
... While looking at Adam-Troian and Bélanger's (2023) article, data, analyses, and results, we were struck by the large number of "researcher degrees of freedom" (Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn 2011) that were present. We are concerned that these opportunities for analytical flexibility, or wandering around the "garden of forking paths" (Gelman and Loken 2013), could lead to the discovery of false positive results (Wicherts et al. 2016). ...
... Is there anything you don't or can't do because of them?" We cannot be completely sure which of these two questionnaires was used to generate the OCD score that went into the final analyses 2 for each of the four groups, but it seems plausible that the results on these two measures would not be identical across participants, offering yet more analytical flexibility to the authors (researcher degree of freedom #1 according to Wicherts et al. 2016). ...
... When combined with the large number of researcher degrees of freedom that were available to the authors (with numerous unreported scales, speculative use of a second measure of OCD, and undisclosed elimination of numerous variables and data points, and inclusion of unreliable data points), and an apparent coding failure for their principal dependent variable, we believe that this study offers only very weak evidence for a link between OCD and radicalization, with no practical importance at this stage for researchers, practitioners, or policymakers-certainly in the absence of a large, well-powered, pre-registered replication study. We urge researchers interested in studying radicalization to systematically pre-register their hypotheses, data collection strategies, termination rules, and analytical plans to lower their researcher degrees of freedom by making "riskier predictions" (Meehl 1978;Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn 2011;Wicherts et al. 2016); and to ensure that the scales that they use are valid, robust, and correctly assess the constructs they want to measure. ...
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Consumed by Creed” is a research article that suggests a link between obsessive‐compulsive symptoms and support for political violence. Analyzing the article and the data set provided by the authors, we found errors in their methodology and procedures, accompanied by a high degree of researcher freedom that could have led to the finding of false‐positive results. Given the important political and psychological implications of the claimed findings and the weakness of the evidence presented, we recommend substantial caution in interpreting the results reported in the article, and we urge researchers to drastically improve current research practices in the field of radicalization to ensure that policy decisions are based on valid and reliable evidence.
... Designing a study with many measures with the intention to include multiple secondary hypotheses and subsequent papers can foster an environment of questionable research practices (Wicherts et al., 2016). Questionable research practices reflect a collection of practices that could lead to reporting false or misleading findings, either intentionally or unintentionally. ...
This chapter presents practical examples and makes recommendations about studying emerging adulthood using crowd-sourced research approaches. Examples are drawn from three studies (one ongoing) to assess the Emerging Adulthood Measured at Multiple Institutions project. Spanning 20 years, it is one of the earliest crowd-sourcing research projects in psychology; these studies offer lessons based on findings and the trials and errors in managing them. In addition to reviewing each study and its implications, this chapter discusses the management of crowd-sourcing projects, including administration and project management. Ideally, readers will gain an understanding of the most realistic way to study emerging adulthood with a crowd.
... 184). Today's methodological standards recognize data exclusions as a "researcher degree-of-freedom" that can bias results towards favorable conclusions (Wicherts et al., 2016); one cannot rule out that something like this practice occurred here. ...
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A fundamental question in the psychological sciences is the degree to which culture shapes core cognitive processes — perhaps none more foundational than how we perceive the world around us. A dramatic and oft-cited “case study” of culture’s power in this regard is the Müller-Lyer illusion, which depicts two lines of equal length but with arrowheads pointing either inward or outward, creating the illusion that one line is longer than the other. According to a line of research stretching back over a century, depending on the society you were raised in (and how much carpentry you were exposed to), you may not see the illusion at all — an ambitious and influential research program motivating claims that seemingly basic aspects of visual processing may actually be “culturally evolved byproducts”. This Cultural Byproduct Hypothesis bears on foundational issues in the science, philosophy, and sociology of psychology, and remains popular today. Yet, here we argue that it is almost certainly false. We synthesize evidence from diverse fields which demonstrate that: (1) the illusion is not limited to humans, appearing in non-human animals from diverse ecologies; (2) the statistics of natural scenes are sufficient to capture the illusion; (3) the illusion does not require straight lines typical of carpentry (nor even any lines at all); (4) the illusion arises in sense modalities other than vision; and (5) the illusion arises even in congenitally blind subjects. Moreover, by reexamining historical data and ethnographic descriptions from the original case studies, we show that the evidence for cultural variation and its correlation with key cultural variables is in fact highly inconsistent, beset by questionable research practices, and misreported by later discussions. Together, these considerations undermine the most popular and dramatic example of cultural influence on perception. We further extend our case beyond this phenomenon, showing that many of these considerations apply to other visual illusions as well, including similarly implicated visual phenomena such as the Ebbinghaus, Ponzo, Poggendorf, and Horizontal-Vertical illusions. We conclude by outlining future approaches to cross-cultural research on perception, and we also point to other potential sources of cultural variation in visual processing.
... Given that replication studies often employ larger sample sizes than the original studies to enhance statistical power, it is highly plausible that a high rate of false positive results in the original literature constitutes the primary reason for why replication attempts are often unsuccessful (Ioannidis, 2005;Szucs & Ioannidis, 2017). Although the false positive rate in psychological literature should be approximately equal to the α-level used in individual studies to make significance-based decisions (usually 5%), authors have argued that it is considerably higher due to the frequent use of questionable research practices (Simmons et al., 2011;Wicherts et al., 2016). ...
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Performing hypothesis tests with adequate statistical power is indispensable for psychological research. In response to several large-scale replication projects following the replication crisis, concerns about the root causes of this crisis – such as questionable research practices (QRPs) – have grown. While initial efforts primarily addressed the inflation of the type I error rate of research due to QRPs, recent attention has shifted to the adverse consequences of low statistical power. In this paper we first argue how underpowered studies, in combination with publication bias, contribute to a literature rife with false positive results and overestimated effect sizes. We then examine whether the prevalence of power analyses in psychological research has effectively increased over time in response to the increased awareness regarding these phenomena. To address this, we conducted a systematic review of 903 published empirical articles across four APA-disciplines, comparing 453 papers published in 2015–2016, with 450 papers from 2020–2021. Although the prevalence of power analysis across different domains in psychology has increased over time (from 9.5% to 30%), it remains insufficient overall. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings and elaborating on some alternative methods to a priori power analysis that can help ensure sufficient statistical power.
... Such manipulation often involves multiple, unreported analyses, research designs with low statistical power, or the tweaking of study parameters, such as selectively excluding outliers, choosing specific covariates, or stopping data collection at convenient times to achieve a desired result (Chambers, 2017;Head et al., 2015;Ioannidis, 2005;Munafò et al., 2017;Simmons et al., 2011;Wicherts et al., 2016). Although these practices may not be overtly fraudulent and often occur with good intentions or out of ignorance, they nonetheless create a distorted scientific literature filled with unreliable findings (Chambers, 2017). ...
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This article aims to reconceptualize the replication crisis as not merely a problem of flawed methods, lack of scientific rigor, or questionable researcher conduct, but as a fundamentally epistemological and philosophical issue. While improved methodologies and scientific practices are necessary, they must be considered through the lens of the underlying epistemologies. Toward this end, a new paradigm for psychological research and practice, grounded in second-order cybernetics and transactional causality, is proposed as instrumental. Second-order cybernetics, as introduced by Heinz von Foerster, challenges traditional scientific methodologies that assume a strict separation between the observer and the observed. The core idea is that the observer, through the very act of observing, inevitably becomes part of the system they study, leading to a shift from linear to transactional causality. This epistemological shift has profound implications for the research practice and the responsibility of the psychology practitioner. Foerster’s ethical imperative –act always so as to increase the number of choices– combined with the aesthetic imperative –If you desire to see, learn how to act– illuminates an alternative methodological landscape for the clinical practice. The replication crisis in psychology is examined in light of these theoretical shifts, allowing for a new constructive vision which integrates basic research with applied psychological practice. Second-order cybernetics encourages a participatory approach to research, emphasizing the catalyzing role of the observing practitioner. The article concludes by advocating for an epistemological superposition, where psychologists navigate multiple perspectives to enhance the integrity and applicability of their findings in the real world.
Researchers should be motivated to adequately power statistical tests because tests with low power have a low probability of detecting true effects. However, it is also often claimed that significant results obtained by underpowered tests are less likely to reflect a true effect. Here, we critically discuss this “low-power/low-credibility” (LPLC) critique from both frequentist and Bayesian perspectives. Although the LPLC critique is first and foremost a critique of frequentist tests, it is itself not consistent with frequentist theory. In particular, it demands that researchers have some information on the probability that a hypothesis is true before they test it. However, such prior probabilities are dismissed as meaningless in frequentist inference, and we demonstrate that they cannot be meaningfully introduced into frequentist thinking. Even when adopting a Bayesian perspective, however, significant results from tests with low power can provide a nonnegligible amount of support for the tested hypothesis. We conclude that even though low power reduces the chances to obtain significant findings, there is little justification to dismiss already obtained significant findings on the basis of low power alone. However, concerns about low power might often reflect suspicions that findings were produced by questionable research practices. If this is the case, we suggest that communicating these issues transparently rather than using low power as a proxy concern will be more appropriate. We conclude by providing suggestions on how results from tests with low power can be critiqued for the correct reasons and in a constructive manner.
Examining test statistics from articles in six leading accounting journals, we detect discontinuities in their distributions around conventional significance thresholds ( p‐ values of 0.05 and 0.01) and find an unusual abundance of test statistics that are just significant. Further analysis reveals that these discontinuities are more prominent in studies with smaller samples and are more salient in experimental than in archival studies. The discontinuity discrepancy between experimental and archival studies relates to several proxies for researcher degrees of freedom. Nevertheless, this evidence does not imply that experimental research is more prone to questionable research practices than archival studies. Overall, our findings speak to the concern of whether accounting researchers could exercise undisclosed discretion to obtain and report statistically significant results. Based on our results, a healthy skepticism of some just‐significant test statistics is warranted.
Previous research on the link between temperature and prosociality has produced mixed findings. A recent meta‐analysis focusing on laboratory‐based research concluded that the effect was null, a conclusion that was subject to low ecological validity. This paper complements the discussion by investigating the link between ambient temperature and three indicators of real‐life prosociality in 164 regions over 14 years. The between‐regional comparison probes the relationship over a wide range of thermal conditions, whereas the within‐regional temporal comparison draws this literature to the real‐life problem of global warming. Bayesian analysis indicates that temperature is linked to helping strangers, but not volunteerism or charity donation. Hotter regions have more helping respondents than colder regions, and as a region warms, it also records more helping respondents. The positive link between temperature and helping is in line with social thermoregulation theory, but it is also subject to alternative explanations from a cultural perspective and sociological perspective. We conclude that it is unrealistic to expect temperature to have the same effect on all prosocial acts without considering contextual factors and the underlying mechanisms. Our findings call for a nuanced view concerning the effect of temperature on prosociality, which awaits verification by rigorous research designs.
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Functional neuroimaging techniques have transformed our ability to probe the neurobiological basis of behaviour and are increasingly being applied by the wider neuroscience community. However, concerns have recently been raised that the conclusions that are drawn from some human neuroimaging studies are either spurious or not generalizable. Problems such as low statistical power, flexibility in data analysis, software errors and a lack of direct replication apply to many fields, but perhaps particularly to functional MRI. Here, we discuss these problems, outline current and suggested best practices, and describe how we think the field should evolve to produce the most meaningful and reliable answers to neuroscientific questions.
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Research data need to be kept after publication for at least five years and should be shared with scientific peers for verification purposes • Data can also be shared openly (via data repositories or data papers) or with other researchers for secondary use • Despite common reluctance to share data, sharing is associated with many benefits for science and the sharing researcher • Benefits of data sharing include abiding by the scientific norms of openness and communality and increased credits and citations • Keeping and sharing data requires solid data management, including safe storage of raw and processed data, meta-data, and syntaxes used in analyses
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Because of overwhelming evidence of publication bias in psychology, techniques to correct meta-analytic estimates for such bias are greatly needed. The methodology on which the p-uniform and p-curve methods are based has great promise for providing accurate meta-analytic estimates in the presence of publication bias. However, in this article, we show that in some situations, p-curve behaves erratically, whereas p-uniform may yield implausible estimates of negative effect size. Moreover, we show that (and explain why) p-curve and p-uniform result in overestimation of effect size under moderate-to-large heterogeneity and may yield unpredictable bias when researchers employ p-hacking. We offer hands-on recommendations on applying and interpreting results of meta-analyses in general and p-uniform and p-curve in particular. Both methods as well as traditional methods are applied to a meta-analysis on the effect of weight on judgments of importance. We offer guidance for applying p-uniform or p-curve using R and a user-friendly web application for applying p-uniform.
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Empirical research inevitably includes constructing a data set by processing raw data into a form ready for statistical analysis. Data processing often involves choices among several reasonable options for excluding, transforming, and coding data. We suggest that instead of performing only one analysis, researchers could perform a multiverse analysis, which involves performing all analyses across the whole set of alternatively processed data sets corresponding to a large set of reasonable scenarios. Using an example focusing on the effect of fertility on religiosity and political attitudes, we show that analyzing a single data set can be misleading and propose a multiverse analysis as an alternative practice. A multiverse analysis offers an idea of how much the conclusions change because of arbitrary choices in data construction and gives pointers as to which choices are most consequential in the fragility of the result.
Journals tend to publish only statistically significant evidence, creating a scientific record that markedly overstates the size of effects. We provide a new tool that corrects for this bias without requiring access to nonsignificant results. It capitalizes on the fact that the distribution of significant p values, p-curve, is a function of the true underlying effect. Researchers armed only with sample sizes and test results of the published findings can correct for publication bias. We validate the technique with simulations and by reanalyzing data from the Many-Labs Replication project. We demonstrate that p-curve can arrive at conclusions opposite that of existing tools by reanalyzing the meta-analysis of the “choice overload” literature.