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Density and population structure of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in a protected area of Los Llanos, Venezuela, from 1 year of camera trap monitoring



Density is crucial for understanding large carnivore ecology and conservation, but estimating it has proven methodologically difficult. We conducted 1 year of camera trapping to estimate jaguar (Panthera onca) density and population structure in the Los Llanos region of Venezuela on the Hato Piñero ranch, where hunting is prohibited and livestock are excluded from half of ranch lands. We identified 42 different jaguars and determined their sex, age class, and reproductive status. We estimated adult jaguar densities with spatial capture-recapture models, using sex/reproductive state and session as covariates. Models without temporal variation received more support than models that allowed variation between sessions. Males, reproductive females, and nonreproductive females differed in their density, baseline detectability, and movement. The best estimate of total adult jaguar population density was 4.44 individuals/100 km². Based on reproductive female density and mean number of offspring per female, we estimated cub density at 3.23 individuals/100 km² and an overall density of 7.67 jaguars/100 km². Estimated jaguar population structure was 21% males, 11% nonreproductive females, 26% reproductive females, and 42% cubs. We conclude that extending the sampling period to 1 year increases the detectability of females and cubs and makes density estimates more robust as compared to the more common short studies. Our results demonstrate that the Venezuelan Llanos represent important jaguar habitat, and further, they emphasize the importance of protected areas and hunting restrictions for carnivore conservation.
Density and population structure of the jaguar (Panthera onca)
in a protected area of Los Llanos, Venezuela, from 1 year
of camera trap monitoring
Włodzimierz Jędrzejewski
&Maria F. Puerto
&Joshua F. Goldberg
Mark Hebblewhite
&María Abarca
&Gertrudis Gamarra
&Luis E. Calderón
José F. Romero
&Ángel L. Viloria
&Rafael Carreño
&Hugh S. Robinson
Margarita Lampo
&Ernesto O. Boede
&Alejandro Biganzoli
&Izabela Stachowicz
Grisel Velásquez
&Krzysztof Schmidt
Received: 8 November 2016 / Accepted: 10 November 2016
#The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Density is crucial for understanding large carnivore
ecology and conservation, but estimating it has proven meth-
odologically difficult. We conducted 1 year of camera trap-
ping to estimate jaguar (Panthera onca)densityandpopula-
tion structure in the Los Llanos region of Venezuela on the
Hato Piñero ranch, where hunting is prohibited and livestock
are excluded from half of ranch lands. We identified 42 dif-
ferent jaguars and determined their sex, age class, and repro-
ductive status. We estimated adult jaguar densities with spatial
capture-recapture models, using sex/reproductive state and
session as covariates. Models without temporal variation re-
ceived more support than models that allowed variation be-
tween sessions. Males, reproductive females, and nonrepro-
ductive females differed in their density, baseline detectability,
and movement. The best estimate of total adult jaguar popu-
lation density was 4.44 individuals/100 km
. Based on
reproductive female density and mean number of offspring
per female, we estimated cub density at 3.23 individuals/
100 km
and an overall density of 7.67 jaguars/100 km
Estimated jaguar population structure was 21% males, 11%
nonreproductive females, 26% reproductive females, and 42%
cubs. We conclude that extending the sampling period to
1 year increases the detectability of females and cubs and
makes density estimates more robust as compared to the more
common short studies. Our results demonstrate that the
Venezuelan Llanos represent important jaguar habitat, and
further, they emphasize the importance of protected areas
and hunting restrictions for carnivore conservation.
Keywords Carnivore conservation .Felid ecology .Hato
Piñero .Jaguar breeding .Populationdensity estimate .Spatial
Communicated by: Karol Zub
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s13364-016-0300-2) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
*Krzysztof Schmidt
Centro de Ecología, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones
Científicas (IVIC), Carretera Panamericana km 11, Caracas 1020-A,
Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology Program, University of
California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA
Wildlife Biology Program, Department of Ecosystem and
Conservation Sciences, University of Montana,
Missoula, MT 59812, USA
Hato PiñeroUPSAT Piñero, El Baúl, Cojedes 2213, Venezuela
Panthera, New York, NY 10018, USA
College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana,
Missoula, MT 59812, USA
Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias, Físicas, Matemáticas y
NaturalesFUDECI, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Los
Andes ULA, Mérida 5101, Venezuela
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,
17-230 Białowieża, Poland
Mamm Res
DOI 10.1007/s13364-016-0300-2
Population density is central to understanding the ecology, spatial
distribution, and abundance of all organisms (Krebs 2001), yet
estimating density reliably remains a challenging problem in
applied ecology. This issue remains especially persistent for eco-
logically important large carnivores. Carnivore population den-
sity is one of the major components that determines the impacts
of predation on prey populations (Holling 1959; Messier 1994;
Jędrzejewska and Jędrzejewski 1998). Accurate density esti-
mates are also critical to evaluate population size and trends of
large carnivores, an increasingly important aim given worldwide
declines of many of these species (Gros et al. 1996; Treves and
Karanth 2003; Ripple et al. 2014).
For large carnivores, like other threatened and endangered
species, the knowledge of population structure and demogra-
phy can help predict population trends and long-term persis-
tence (Shaffer 1981; Coulson et al. 2001;Cooleyetal.2009).
Demographic parameters may depend upon species biology
but also reflect the breeding performance of a population. A
high proportion of breeding females and cubs suggests a high
reproduction rate and potentially a growing population.
Conversely, carnivore populations with few breeding individ-
uals may have a higher extinction risk. Thus, integrating
methods to estimate large carnivore population breeding struc-
ture with density could improve population trend predictions
and promote effective conservation (Woodroffe 2011;
Rosenblatt et al. 2014).
As the top predator in the Neotropics, the jaguar
(Panthera onca) may have large impacts on prey popula-
tions, and an important role in trophic cascades and eco-
system regulation (Terborgh et al. 2001; Cavalcanti and
Gese 2010; Estes et al. 2011). Like many large carnivores,
the jaguar has experienced a rapid contraction of its nat-
ural range due to anthropogenic influences, especially
habitat alteration and fragmentation (Quigley and
Crawshaw 1992; Nowell and Jackson 1996;Sanderson
et al. 2002a;Zeller2007). Moreover, the reported densi-
ties of the jaguar vary substantially across its present dis-
tribution, but the factors that shape this variation are poor-
ly understood (see Maffei et al. 2011 and Tobler and
Powell 2013 for review).
A variety of field and statistical methods have been
used to estimate large carnivore population densities
(e.g., Gros et al. 1996; Karanth and Nichols 1998;
Stander 1998; Wilson and Delahay 2001). Initial attempts
at estimating jaguar density were based on radio-tracking
(Schaller and Crawshaw 1980;C
et al. 2002). In the last decade, camera trapping combined
with capture-recapture statistical methods has become
common (Maffei et al. 2011). The recent development of
spatially explicit capture-recapture (SCR) methods has
further improved the quality of density estimates
(Borchers and Efford 2008;Nossetal.2012;Royle
et al. 2014). However, application of these methods may
still present unresolved issues, such as the large differ-
ences among estimates from consecutive seasons within
the same study area (e.g., de la Torre and Medellin 2011;
Foster and Harmsen 2012;Tobleretal.2013). This vari-
ation among estimates may result not only from study
areas of insufficient size but also from low detectability,
especially of females and juveniles. The low number of
detections may be partially attributable to short study pe-
riods (13 months), which are commonly used to address
the assumption of population closure in capture-recapture
models (Karanth and Nichols 1998;Silveretal.2004;
Maffei et al. 2011). In theory, prolonged study periods
may allow for immigration, emigration, births, and deaths
in the study area and lead to overestimates or underesti-
mates of abundance by the closed population models ap-
plied in SCR packages (White et al. 1982; Kendall et al.
However, extending study duration may bring important
benefits, such as an increased number of detections. For
example, better detectability of all sex/age groups would
allow estimating population breeding structure and would
broaden the applicability of camera trapping to an array of
other ecological and conservation questions (du Preez
et al. 2014). While the open population models are still
less established and have been rarely applied to density
estimates (e.g., Gardner et al. 2010; Whittington and
Sawaya 2015), it would be practical to find solutions for
applying the commonly used SCR methods based on
closed population models to long-term camera trapping
Here, we study a jaguar population in Los Llanos, a region
of vast plains interspersed with numerous rivers, marshes,
open grasslands, and forests, extending through large parts
of Venezuela and Colombia. This unique region constitutes
an important habitat for jaguar in northern South America
(Hoogesteijn and Mondolfi 1992; Sanderson et al. 2002b;
Rabinowitz and Zeller 2010); however, human-jaguar con-
flicts related to frequent jaguar attacks on cattle threaten pop-
ulations of this carnivore in the area (Hoogesteijn et al. 1993).
Conservation measures implemented on cattle ranches can
improve the prospects of jaguar persistence in this region
(Hoogesteijn and Chapman 1997).
In this work, we assessed the impact of study design on the
estimates of jaguar density and population structure in the
partially protected Hato Piñero ranch in the Venezuelan Los
Llanos. First, we examined the impact of sampling period on
population density estimates with SCR methods. To fulfill the
assumptions of the closed population model, we divided our
long study to shorter sessions and used these sessions as a
covariate in our SCR models. We tested whether increased
study duration leads to increased detectability, especially of
Mamm Res
females and cubs, and if it improves robustness of the density
estimates. We further estimated basic reproductive parameters
and structure of the jaguar population to assess the status of
this species in our study area and the efficacy of the protection
measures applied in Hato Piñero. Based upon our findings, we
made recommendations for conservation and future studies of
jaguars and other large carnivores.
Study area
Hato Piñero ranch encompasses a total area of 800 km
in the
south-eastern part of Cojedes state of Venezuela. It includes
the hills of Macizo de El Baúl and vast plains between the
rivers Cojedes, Portuguesa, Chirgua, and Pao. We conducted
the study in the north-central portion of Hato Piñero, between
68.0334° W, 8.9827° N and 68.2148° W, 8.8562° N (Fig. A1).
The landscape is dominated by a mosaic of open lowland
savanna, partially converted to pastures, open marshes, decid-
uous and dry forests, and chaparral on the hillsides (Huber
et al. 2006). Precipitation drives the seasonal climate with
most rain occurring between June and November. Average
annual rainfall is approximately 1400 mm (Polisar et al.
2003); however, there is profound variation between years
(data of the meteorological station of El Baúl). The main rivers
are located on the borders of the ranch, but a network of small
streams, channels, and artificial ponds and lakes is well devel-
oped inside these borders. Between July and October, large
parts of the ranch are normally flooded, and in the driest peri-
odbetween February and Mayonly the largest rivers and
a small number of artificial ponds retain water.
Until 2009, Hato Piñero was a private cattle ranch with ap-
proximately 50% of its area maintained as a nature reserve that
strived to preserve the jaguar and its prey communities. Hunting
was prohibited within ranch boundaries. In 2010, the Venezuelan
government expropriated Hato Piñero as a state farm but retained
the conservation protections of the ranch. However, after expro-
priation, the number of cattle increased from about 11,000 in
2009 to approximately 13,000 in 2014. In recent years, the num-
ber of domestic buffalo has also increased, reaching approxi-
mately 2000 in 2014. In addition to livestock, common prey
species include peccaries (Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari),
capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), white-tailed deer
(Odocoileus virginianus), tapir (Tapir us t erre str is ), caimans
(Crocodilus crocodilus), and giant anteater (Myrmecophaga
tridactyla)(Polisaretal.2003; Scognamillo et al. 2003;
Jędrzejewskietal.2014). Sympatric carnivores include puma
(Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), jaguarundi
(Puma yagouaroundi), and crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous).
Camera trapping
From July 2013 to July 2014 (376 days), we conducted a con-
tinuous camera trapping effort in the study area (Table 1,
Fig. A1). We used 2756 camera-traps at any given time, mostly
HC 500 (Reconyx Inc., Holmen, WI, USA) and TrophyCam HD
Max (Bushnell, Overland Park, MI, USA). We aimed to distrib-
ute the cameras in a regular grid of 2 km by 2 km; however, we
adjusted camera positions in response to local topography, site
accessibility, and the presence of jaguar trails indicated by track
records (Fig. A1). Normally, we placed cameras along small dirt
roads, animal trails, and water-bodies, one camera per site. The
total area of the polygon encompassing all camera stations was
168.1 km
. To improve the quality of imagery for individual
identification, we placed a small piece of carpet (10 cm × 10 cm)
soaked with a beaver castoreum/catnip oil lure in front of the
cameras (usually at a distance of 34m)(Schmidtand
Kowalczyk 2006;Schlexer2008). Placing lures does not bias
density estimates but may improve individual identifications or
detectability (Gerber et al. 2012; du Preez et al. 2014).
Table 1 Summary of camera-
trapping effort for jaguar
(Panthera onca) study conducted
in Hato Piñero, Venezuela, over
six sessions during July 2013
July 2014
Session N
N adult jaguars
Captures Recaptures
1 47 48 142.7 252 20 215 195
2 40 56 135.3 175 22 152 130
3 65 27 114.5 171 20 138 118
4 69 42 157.4 315 23 264 241
5 57 32 146.1 168 21 148 127
6 98 31 113.7 288 23 230 207
mean 62.7 39.3 134.9 228.2 21.5 191 170
Total 376 194 168.1 1369 28 1147 1018
The following parameters are presented: the numbers of trapping days, camera trap sites, and all photos with
identifiable individuals (taken with at least 10-min difference), numbers of jaguar captures and recaptures, and
minimum convex polygon of all cameras during each session. The number of captures and recaptures per session
has been defined using one capture per occasion (day)
Mamm Res
We divided our sampling period into six sessions that
corresponded with camera maintenance and data download.
Mean session duration was 63 days (range 4799 days,
Tab le 1). During each site visit, we inspected the cameras to
adjust camera settings and, if required, the spatial location of
cameras due to landscape changes (i.e., flooding, droughts,
fires, etc.), observation of jaguar tracks, or technical problems.
We also refreshed the lure when servicing each camera.
We identified individual jaguars based on unique spot patterns
(Silver et al. 2004). We distinguished four sex/age groups: males,
nonreproductive females, reproductive females, and cubs. Cubs
included obviously young and immature individuals recorded
with adult females. Sex of adult individuals was determined by
the presence/absence of testicles or nipples and other reproduc-
tive signs. We classified females as reproductive if they were
recorded with cubs at any point during the study year, and as
nonreproductive, if they were never recorded with cubs. We
treated presence of cubs as an objective criterion for evidence
of breeding. Classification of breeding or non was held constant
for the entire study period. Although simplified, we believe this
classification justified by the long reproductive cycle of female
jaguars (i.e., 3 months gestation and 17 months care of cubs) and
long (34 years) time to first reproduction (Crawshaw and
Quigley 1991; De Paula et al. 2013). We make the assumption
that reproductive females maintain their territories for long pe-
riods (i.e., years) and any short-term event (i.e., losing cubs)
would not change their territory size. Furthermore, we generally
recorded older cubs (>3 months old), which would have survived
the presumed very early peak in juvenile mortality documented
in other large carnivores (Jędrzejewska et al. 1996; Palomares
et al. 2005). The identification process was performed by two
authors independently (MFP and MA) and verified by a third
(WJ). Unidentifiable captures were excluded from subsequent
analyses. For capture-recapture models, we defined daily sam-
pling occasions such that we considered only one capture per day
per trap, i.e., binomial detection histories (Royle et al. 2009;
Goldberg et al. 2015).
Population density estimation for adult jaguars
We applied maximum likelihood SCR models within the secr
2.10.3 R package (Efford et al. 2004,2009; Borchers and
Efford 2008;Efford2016) to estimate jaguar densities. These
hierarchical models define (1) a spatial model of the distribution
of animal activity centers and (2) a spatial observation model
relating the probability of detecting an individual at a particular
trap to the distance from the animals activity center (Efford
2004). For the observation model, we used a hazard half-
normal detection function:
λdðÞ¼1exp λ0exp d2
 ð1Þ
where λ
represents the baseline detection probability at an
individuals activity center, σdefines the shape of the decline
in detection away from the activity center and can be interpreted
in terms of the animal movement distribution, and dspecifies
the distance between a detector (camera trap) and the activity
center (Efford et al. 2009;Efford2016). This detection model
implies a Binomial distribution of detections of an individual at
a particular detector (Efford and Fewster 2013; Royle et al.
2014). We used a 15-km buffer around the study area to include
the activity centers of any individuals that may have been ex-
posed to sampling. We checked the adequacy of the buffer size
by examining likelihoods and estimates from models with larg-
er buffers. We applied full likelihood models with three sex/
reproductive status groups (adult males, adult reproductive fe-
males, and adult nonreproductive females) and six shorter ses-
sions as covariates (Borchers and Efford 2008). By doing this,
we also fulfilled the assumptions of the closed population mod-
el in analyzing our long dataset. We fit models with all possible
additive combinations of sex/reproductive status groups and
sessions as covariates on density (D), λ
,andσ. For density,
we always used sex/female reproductive state as a covariate to
provide an estimate of population structure and did not consider
intercept-only models. We assessed how D,λ
across sessions and sex/reproductive status groups and how this
variation influenced the overall density estimate. We evaluated
models with AICc (corrected Akaike information criterion) and
AICc weights (Hurvich and Tsai 1989; Wagenmakers and
Farrell 2004). To test the effect of study duration on estimates
of all parameters, we compared models that included session
covariates in the parameters D,λ
,andσ(corresponding to the
situation when model parameters were estimated based on sep-
arate sessions, as in short-term studies) with the best model that
did not include any session covariates.
The spatial scale parameter, σ, implies an estimate of indi-
vidual space use and the scale of movement about an activity
center. These estimates provide another means of addressing
the reliability of our model results through comparison to
telemetry-derived home range sizes. We transformed the σ
values for each sex/reproductive state into the radius of an in-
dividual activity range, encompassing 95% of animal locations
during the observation period. We made this conversion using
the hra function in the R package SCRbook (Royle et al. 2013;
package), since an analytical solution with the hazard half-
normal detection function is not readily available. The hra func-
tion approximates the 95% activity range of an individual, giv-
en parameter values, using a discrete meshwork of points about
the activity center. We calculated 95% activity range size for our
best model and compared them to home range size estimates
from radio-tracking.
To allow comparisons with earlier studies, we also applied
nonspatial capture-recapture methods to estimate adult jaguar
density (see Appendix Bfor methods and results).
Mamm Res
Estimating cub density and population structure
We estimated densities separately for males, reproductive fe-
males, and nonreproductive females. We attempted to fit
models directly to observations of cubs, but their sparse cap-
ture histories did not provide sufficient data for a maximum
likelihood analysis. To estimate cub density, we multiplied the
reproductive female density from our best model by mean
number of cubs per reproductive female. These estimates
allowed calculation of total jaguar density and population
structure for males, nonreproductive females, reproductive fe-
males, and cubs.
Camera trapping and detection numbers for sex/age
Our total sampling effort was 12,302 camera trap-nights. We
obtained 1465 captures, including 1369 with identifiable indi-
viduals (Table 1). In total, we identified 42 jaguars, including
14 adult males, 14 adult females, and 14 cubs. Of the 14
photographed adult females, 7 were actively reproducing
and photographed with cubs (Photos D1,D2). Although we
registered equal numbers of males, females, and cubs in the
study area, the capture frequency of each group differed: 58%
of identified photos were those of males (798 captures), 33%
of identifiable captures were those of females (452), and only
9% were those of cubs (119). On average, males were cap-
tured 56 times each, females 32 times, and cubs only 9 times.
Reproductive females had slightly higher total number of cap-
tures than nonreproductive females (257 versus 195, respec-
tively) and higher average number of captures per individual
(38 versus 28). Reproductive females were more frequently
captured alone (109 times) than accompanied by cubs (69
captures) during the period of known offspring dependency.
Conversely, cubs were recorded more frequently with their
mothers (83 individual captures) than alone (36 captures).
Density estimates of adult jaguars
Of the 32 models analyzed with the secr package with sex/
reproductive status and sessions as covariates, those which
did not allow density to vary across sessions obtained the
lowest AICc values. In contrast, models assuming density
variation across sessions received less support (Tables 2,
C1). The top secr model for adult jaguars included an
effect of sex/female reproductive status on D,λ
and between session variation in λ
. All three parameters
differed significantly between sex/reproductive status
groups (Table 3). Baseline detection probability was low-
est for reproductive females (0.04 on average), whereas
nonreproductive females had the greatest baseline detect-
ability (0.13 on average) and males intermediate (0.08 on
average) to the two female reproductive classes. Males had
the largest values of estimated movement distribution
(σ= 2.97 ± 0.09 km), while reproductive and nonrepro-
ductive females obtained smaller σvalues (2.04 ± 0.11 and
2.32 ± 0.19 km, respectively). Estimated densities were
higher for reproductive females and males (1.97 ± 0.33
and 1.62 ± 0.22 individuals/ 100 km
, respectively) than
for nonreproductive females (0.85 ± 0.19 individuals/
100 km
). In total, the best model estimated 4.44 ± 1.16
adult jaguars/100 km
(Table 3).
Cub density and jaguar population structure
From observations of the seven reproductive females with
offspring during the study period, we estimated 1.64 cubs
per reproductive female on average. Additionally, one cub
was recorded alone on a single occasion and had an un-
known mother. We excluded this lone observation from
further analysis. On the basis of reproductive female den-
sity from the top model, we estimated 3.23 cubs/100 km
in the study area. Thus, we estimated a total density of
7.67 jaguars/100 km
. Jaguar population structure was
21% adult males, 11% nonreproductive females, 26% re-
productive females, and 42% cubs (Table 3).
Table 2 Model selection results
for selected models analyzed in
secr 2.10.3, with six sessions and
three sex/reproductive state
groups as covariates
Model AIC
Dsexg λ
sexg + session σsexg 11,485.0 0.0 0.68
Dsexg λ
sexg σsexg 11,487.8 2.8 0.17
Dsexg λ
sexg σsession + sexg 11,489.1 4.0 0.09
Dsexg λ
sexg + session σsexg + session 11,490.0 5.0 0.06
Dsexg + session λ
sexg + session σsexg + session 11,502.2 17.2 0.00
Selection parameters for all 32 analyzed models are presented in Table C1 (Supplementary materials)
Ddensity, λ
baseline detection probability, σmovement distribution parameter, sexg sex/reproductive state group
Mamm Res
Estimates of home range sizes
Based on the detection and movement parameter values, we
estimated 95% home range sizes. Males had the largest ranges
(167 km
), while nonreproductive females and reproductive
females moved in smaller ranges (103 and 79 km
ly, Table 3).
Study duration and density estimates
The best secr model included seasonal variation in the base-
line detection probability, but not in density or the movement
distribution parameter. The top model that excluded seasonal
variation in all parameters had the second overall rank order in
our model set (ΔAIC
=0.17,Table2) and produced
similar overall density estimates (D
= 4.47 ± 1.06 jaguars/
100 km
). In contrast, the model assuming between session
variation in all three parameters gave highly variable results:
from 3.65 to 5.62 jaguars/100 km
in different sessions
(Fig. 1, Table C2). This model received no support from our
model selection criterion (ΔAIC
Our study provides a robust estimate of jaguar density from a
large, long-term photographic capture-recapture dataset. This
scope allowed us to address the concerns of many previous
jaguar studies, including small sample sizes, low detectability
of females and cubs, and limited spatial and temporal extent to
provide a more complete description of the jaguar population
in our study area. We estimate breeding and nonbreeding fe-
male density as well as cub density and total population struc-
ture for jaguars in Hato Piñero. We record high jaguar densi-
ties in the Venezuelan Llanos, providing evidence of the im-
portance of this habitat for conservation. Moreover, our ap-
proach to spatial and temporal study design may offer useful
guidance for future capture-recapture studies of jaguars and
other large carnivores.
Jaguar population density in Hato Piñero
and implications for conservation
Our estimates of jaguar density in Hato Piñero of 4.4 adults/
100 km
and 7.6 total jaguars/100 km
(including cubs) are
among the highest documented in South and Central America.
Comparable density estimates have been reported only in the
tropical forests of Peru, Belize, and Guatemala (Moreira et al.
2008; Harmsen et al. 2010; Tobler et al. 2013; Kelly and Rowe
2014) and in the wetlands of the Brazilian Pantanal (Soisalo and
Cavalcanti 2006). This high jaguar density most likely results
from high prey availability and productivity in our study area.
Karanth et al. (2004) demonstrated a similar relationship for ti-
gers in India. Polisar et al. (2003) estimated that the biomass of
potential jaguar prey in Hato Piñero was about 750 kg/km
wild prey and about 7700 kg/km
of livestock. These estimates
place Hato Piñero in a class of biomass availability and produc-
tivity with Manu National Park, Peru (270 kg/km
of wild prey),
Table 3 Parameter estimates from the top model of jaguar density
Model/parameter Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Mean
Dsexg λ
sexg + session σsexg (ΔAICc = 0)
males (SE) 0.09 (0.01) 0.06 0.01 0.10 (0.02) 0.09 (0.01) 0.06 (0.01) 0.10 (0.01) 0.08
reproductive females (SE) 0.04 (0.01) 0.03 (0.00) 0.04 (0.01) 0.04 (0.01) 0.02 (0.00) 0.04 (0.01) 0.04
nonreproductive females (SE) 0.14 (0.03) 0.10 (0.02) 0.16 (0.05) 0.14 (0.02) 0.09 (0.02) 0.16 (0.04) 0.13
σmales (SE) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97 (0.09) 2.97
σreproductive females (SE) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04 (0.11) 2.04
σnonreproductive females (SE) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32 (0.21) 2.32
Dmales (SE) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62 (0.22) 1.62
Dreproductive females (SE) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97 (0.33) 1.97
Dnonreproductive females (SE) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85 (0.19) 0.85
Dadult jaguars total (SE) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44 (1.16) 4.44
Dcubs 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.23
95% home range males (km
) 167 167 168 167 167 168 167
95% home range reproductive females (km
)797979797979 79
95% home range nonreproductive females (km
) 103 102 103 103 102 103 103
For each sex/reproductive state group, values of λ
,σ,andDfor the top models are presented. Cub density was calculated by multiplying reproductive
female density by mean number of cubs/per female. Home range sizes were estimated from σand λ
values (see BMethods^)
Ddensity (individuals/100 km
), λ
baseline detection probability, σmovement distribution parameter, sexg sex/reproductive state group, SE standard
Mamm Res
and the Pantanal, Brazil (380 kg/km
), two famous jaguar
hotspots (Schaller 1983;Emmons1987).
The wet parts of Los Llanos, with mosaics of seasonally
flooded savannahs, marshes, dry or wet forests, and numerous
rivers and streams, may provide exceptionally good condi-
tions for jaguars. However, cattle breeding, human-jaguar
conflicts, and hunting likely limit jaguar population growth
outside the few protected areas in Los Llanos (Hoogesteijn
et al. 1993; González Fernández 1995; Hoogesteijn and
Hoogesteijn 2008). Boron et al. (2016) conducted camera-
trapping study in an unprotected part of the Colombian Los
Llanos and documented much lower adult jaguar density (2.2
jaguars/100 km
) than in Hato Piñero, despite the similarities
in primary productivity, forest cover, and human population
density between the two study areas. However, in the
Colombian study site, hunting of jaguars and its prey is com-
mon, as well as retaliatory killing of jaguars due to their at-
tacks on cattle (Boron et al. 2016). This contrast strongly
supports the efficacy of the jaguar conservation measures
adopted in Hato Piñero, including prohibition of hunting,
50% land excluded from cattle grazing, and development of
eco-tourism. Similar protections have benefitted jaguar con-
servation in the Pantanal of Brazil (Zimmermann et al. 2005b;
Greve 2014; Hoogesteijn et al. 2016).
Protected areas and other refuges play a crucial role for
maintaining other large carnivore populations in landscapes
with large human impacts (Mills 1991; Thapar 1999;
Naughton-Treves et al. 2005; Carroll and Miquelle 2006).
Our data confirm the importance of protected areas for jaguar
conservation. We show that large protected areas, like Hato
Piñero, can maintain robust jaguar populations at high density
and high reproductive output. As such, they may be a source
of dispersing individuals, supporting the persistence of jaguar
populations in the surrounding areas.
Differences between sex/reproductive groups
Consistent with previous studies accounting for sex dif-
ferences, we found higher detection and movement pa-
rameter estimates for males than females (Sollmann
et al. 2011;Tobleretal.2013). Our decision to discrim-
inate between reproductive and nonreproductive females
further refined the differences among females, based upon
whether we observed them caring for cubs. The low de-
tection probability of reproductive females may result
from protective maternal behavior. Females with cubs
may select the safest areas and reduce use of exposed
movement corridors, such as roads and trails, to avoid
male jaguars and pumas that may threaten young.
Infanticide by unrelated males is common in other felids
(e.g., Packer and Pusey 1983; Balme et al. 2013). The
higher detectability, larger movement ranges, and lower
Fig. 1 Comparison of jaguar total densities in Hato Piñero, Venezuela,
during July 2013July 2014 estimated with three different models: (1) the
top model selected with AICc, (2) the model with all parameters constant
across sessions (corresponding to a long-term study), and (3) for the
model with all parameters free to vary between sessions (corresponding
to short-term studies). Error bars denote ±1 SE
Mamm Res
density of nonreproducing females may result from young
individuals using transient territories and moving large
distances in search of a territory (Beier 1995;Schmidt
Length of study duration
The capture-recapture literature frequently emphasizes the im-
portance of the closed population (no birth, immigration,
death, or emigration) assumption of capture-recapture models
(White et al. 1982; Kendall et al. 1997). To address this con-
cern, most researchers have adopted the recommendation that
study periods should not exceed 3 months (Karanth and
Nichols 1998; Silver et al. 2004). Although the closed popu-
lation assumption is important, meeting this requirement does
not require such stringent limits on study period. In the anal-
ysis of our long-term data, we introduced sessions as a covar-
iate to act as a surrogate for the shorter time frames typically
employed by camera trapping studies. The best model allowed
for seasonal variation in one of the parameters (baseline de-
tection probability), but not in the other two (density and
movement distribution). Furthermore, the model that ignored
seasonal variation provided similar parameter estimates and
received some statistical support. In contrast, the model as-
suming variation between sessions in all parameters (corre-
sponding to short-term studies) received no statistical support
and produced much less precise density estimates.
Seasonal fluctuations in activity and density estimates have
been shown in other jaguar studies (de la Torre and Medellin
2011; Harmsen et al. 2011; Kelly and Rowe 2014; Tobler et al.
2013). This variation may be attributable to poor camera site
selection, camera failures, stolen cameras, local fires, or due to
seasonal changes in jaguar spatial activity patterns. Changes
in jaguar distribution may depend upon the availability of
water sources. During the dry season, only a few artificial
ponds, lakes, and streams persisted in our study area.
Alternatively, the spatial distribution of jaguars may depend
upon jaguar reproductive cycles. Scognamillo et al. (2002)
reported that the two jaguar females they radio-tracked in
Hato Piñero drastically reduced their activity ranges for about
2 months after giving birth to cubs. Comparable patterns of
seasonal activity changes related to reproductive cycles have
been demonstrated for other felids, e.g., for lynx in Białowieża
Primeval Forest (Schmidt 1998). Thus, seasonal changes in
activity patterns and territory use may have some impact on
detection probability and population assessments, as shown
by our results. Density estimates from data with a limited
temporal extent may have a greater stochastic component
and be less precise than those obtained in long-term studies.
The increased sampling duration in our study did not lead
to any obvious overestimates of population density and pro-
duced several key benefits. Most importantly, the long-term
monitoring increased detection numbers and led to better
parameter estimates for the most elusive groups within the
jaguar population. We could estimate densities separately for
each sex, age, and reproductive group to provide a more com-
plete description of jaguar population structure. Our estimate
of population structure with reproductive females and cubs
comprising 26 and 42%, respectively, of all individuals indi-
cates a healthy, productive jaguar population. Similar high
share of reproducing females and cubs has been observed in
radio-tracking studies of other large felid populations, e.g.,
lynx in partially protected Białowieża Forest in Poland
(Jędrzejewski et al. 1996).
In sum, the advantages of long-term studies suggest that
extended camera trap monitoring in combination with spatial
capture-recapture models may offer significant insights into
the population biology of target species.
Home range size estimates
Our estimates of year-round home range sizes (79 km
reproducing females, 103 km
for nonreproducing females,
and 167 km
for males) show, in general, a similar pattern to
estimates obtained with telemetry studies and further corrob-
orate our density estimates. Previous radio-telemetry research,
conducted on two male and two female jaguars in Hato Piñero
during 19961998, estimated average seasonal home range
sizes of 65 km
for females and 100 km
for males (Polisar
et al. 2003; Scognamillo et al. 2002,2003). In a GPS telemetry
study of jaguars conducted by Cavalcanti and Gese (2009)in
Pantanal, Brazil, a habitat similar to Hato Piñero, seasonal
female home ranges varied from 34 to 101 km
63 km
) and seasonal male home ranges varied from 58 to
263 km
(average: 156 km
). Slightly higher average esti-
mates obtained with SCR methods may result from the fact
that this technique assumes circular home ranges, while telem-
etry captures actual space use, which is rarely circular (e.g.,
Cavalcanti and Gese 2009). However, the higher estimates of
home range sizes of nonreproductive females can result from
their transient character which can cause a bias in movement
estimates (Royle et al. 2016).
Our study demonstrates that protected areas in Los Llanos are
potentially important jaguar habitat and that jaguar popula-
tions in this region may reach some of the highest densities
recorded for South America. Jaguar conservation plans and
actions should pay more attention to this region and promote
increasing the number of protected areas in Los Llanos.
Although today, Hato Piñero is an unquestionable jaguar
hotspot in northern South America, it needs more international
concern to maintain its good state of conservation, especially
in the context of the political instability, growing environmen-
tal risks, and uncertain future of this region.
Mamm Res
Our study also suggests new perspectives on future re-
search. Spatial capture-recapture studies of jaguars and similar
species, with camera traps, may benefit from extended moni-
toring not limited to 3 months. Based upon our experience, we
recommend large study areas with dense trap stations to max-
imize the number of individuals captured and number of de-
tections. Although we did not quantify the effect of lures, we
found them to increase picture quality and thus detectability.
Long-term camera trapping can provide additional insights
into carnivore population biology.
Acknowledgements Collecting data for this article was possible due to
financial support from the budgets of Instituto Venezolano de
Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) and Mammal Research Institute of
the Polish Academy of Sciences and grants from Polish Ministry of
Science and Higher Education (grant NN304336339) and Panthera
Corporation (2010 Research and Conservation Grant and the Liz
Claiborne Art Ortenberg Jaguar Research Grants 2011, 2012, 2014).
We are grateful to all the personnel of Hato Piñero who made our work
possible. We are grateful to the IVIC Transportation Center, and especial-
ly to Argenis Hurtado and all IVIC drivers who participated in our expe-
ditions to Hato Piñero, also to Dinora Sánchez and Giovanni Colmenares
from Biodiven IVIC for making their car available for us. Special thanks
we direct to coordinators of Ecology Center of IVIC: Dr. Marta Francisco,
Dr. Astolfo Mata, Dr. Ascanio Rincón, and administration workers
Yugdalia García, Robert Vargas, and all staff of the Ecology Center for
their kind support to our work. Dr. Fernando Ruette and Miguel
Fernández (IVIC) shared their computers to assist with the analysis.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
crea tiveco mmons. org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... The high Andes are usually covered by treeless páramo, which is not jaguar habitat, but the lower parts of the Andes, especially the Andean foothills, are covered with highly productive tropical forests with many rivers and streams and are known to bear high prey biomass and high jaguar population densities (Emmons 1987, Tobler et al. 2013. The Llanos is composed of open and partially open seasonally flooded savannas, dry forests, and gallery forests along numerous rivers, which altogether constitute important jaguar habitat with abundant prey and many jaguars , Jędrzejewski et al. 2017a, 2017b. However, large areas of NW South America have been transformed for cattle pastures or agriculture, including plantations of soybeans, rice, corn, sugar cane, oil palms, and other crops (Eva et al. 2004, Grasser et al. 2018. ...
... So far, there have been only six studies that aimed at estimating jaguar home range size in NW South America. In the Venezuelan Llanos mean female home ranges were es timated at 65 and 79 km² and mean male home ranges at 100 and 167 km², respec tively by two independent studies that used VHF radio-tracking and spa tial capture recapture models based on cam era trapping data (Scognamillo et al. 2002, Jędrzejewski et al. 2017b. Four other studies conducted in NW South America used GPS collars and 95% kernel or auto corre lated kernel to esti mate home range size. ...
... In contrast to home range size estimates, there have been numerous studies estimating jaguar population densities based on camera trapping and spatial capture-recapture models. In Venezuela, high population den sities (4.4 adult jaguars/100 km²) were found in a protected area in the seasonally flooded habitats of the Venezuelan Llanos (Jędrzejewski et al. 2017b). Similar high densities were documented for the very humid and productive habitats of southern Maracaibo Lake (Puerto 2012 In the Colombian Llanos, rather low densities (1.9 and 3.2 jaguars/100 km²) were found in cattle production areas along tributaries of the Orinoco and Magdalena rivers, where jaguars are often persecuted by ranchers (Boron et al. 2016). ...
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We analysed the current conservation status of the jaguar Panthera onca in north- western South America (7.14 million km2 in total). The area is composed of habitats belonging to three eco-regions: the Andes, the Llanos, and the Amazon. Based on a large set of jaguar presence-absence data and a species distribution model, we estimated the current jaguar range at 4.98 million km2, which represents 78.6% of the historical jaguar range in this region. The countries where jaguar range has shrunk most are north-western Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia. Across the region, protected areas cover 27% of the jaguar range and indigenous territories 25%, with Ecuador having the highest and north-west Venezuela the lowest percentage of jaguar range under protection. Jaguar densities vary across the region, from 0.3 jaguars/100 km2 in the driest or most degraded parts to 4.0–7.3 jaguars/100 km2 in humid, productive, and best- preserved habitats of the Amazon Basin and Venezuelan Llanos. Based on combined density and updated distribution models we estimate a total jaguar population at 105,000 jaguars (95% CRI: 81,200–128,800) for the region, with mean density of 2.1 jaguars/100 km2. Jaguar diet varies by habitat, from arboreal mammals and aquatic reptiles (mainly caimans) in the ‘varzea’ floodplain forests of Central Amazon, to large and medium- sized mammals in upland tropical forests and in the Llanos, with peccaries, capybaras, and occasionally livestock being the most important prey species. The main threats for jaguars in the region are deforestation and fragmentation of habitats, human-jaguar conflict, poaching (increasing due to the growing demand for jaguar parts from the Asian market), infrastructure expansion, and mining. The most important conservation goals are to halt deforestation, reduce the killing of jaguars for retaliation and trade, increase the number of protected areas, protect ecological connectivity, improve law enforcement, and implement a better system of environmental education.
... Under these conditions, jaguar populations in the Llanos reach high density. In Hato Piñero, where there is no hunting, the jaguar density is estimated at 4.4 adults and 3.2 cubs per 100 km 2 (Jędrzejewski et al. 2017c), which is among the highest throughout the jaguar range. However, in less Fig. 9.1 The main land cover categories found on the Llanos today (2020), according to Land Cover CCI data; .14 ...
... Nevertheless, our data indicate that conflicts occurred mainly in areas characterized by medium values of forest cover and moderate values of cattle density, and their frequency distributions were statistically different from the percentage distributions of forest cover and cattle density within the jaguar's current range (Tables 9.4 and 9.5). Jaguar population densities were directly estimated with camera traps and spatial capture-recapture models only in two studies in the Llanos: in Hato Aurora, Casanare, Colombia (Boron et al. 2016) and in Hato Piñero, Cojedes, Venezuela (Jędrzejewski et al. 2017c). Potential and corrected densities (range and mean of values predicted by models for each 1 km 2 raster cell) as in Fig. 9.23. ...
... Jaguar densities and home range sizes are strongly shaped by environmental productivity factors, and this relationship allows modeling and predicting the potential jaguar population density at a large geographic scale (Jędrzejewski et al. 2018;Thompson et al. 2021). In the Llanos, jaguar populations may reach quite high densities (over 4 adult jaguars/ 100 km 2 ) compared to other ecoregions (Jędrzejewski et al. 2017c). However, various human impacts, especially human-caused mortality, leave some jaguar territories uninhabited, lowering the effective population size and density (Boron et al. 2016). ...
The Llanos of Colombia and Venezuela are an ecoregion composed of savannas, forests, and wetlands, with a high biodiversity and once home to a high-density jaguar (Panthera onca) population. We used published and new jaguar presence–absence data from 2001 to 2020 and combined logistic regression with kriging interpolation to model jaguar occurrence and estimate its current range in the Llanos. Water abundance, forest cover, and primary productivity had positive effects, while road density had a negative effect in the model. The jaguar’s estimated current range covers 49% of the total area of the Llanos. This estimate is 45% and 16% lower than the 2000 and 2015 IUCN Red List assessments, respectively. We combined a previously published density model with our occurrence model to estimate the variation in jaguar population density and its population size. In most of the Llanos area, projected densities ranged from 1 to 3 jaguars per 100 km2, and we estimated the total population at 3413 jaguars (CRI: 2525–4272), two-thirds in Venezuela and one-third in Colombia. Human–jaguar conflict records, mostly jaguar attacks on livestock, were widespread on the Llanos but tend to occur at moderate cattle density and higher forest cover. In 49% of the conflict records, jaguars were killed in retaliation; however, 25% of the nonconflict records also reported killing jaguars during subsistence hunts. Protected areas and indigenous territories cover only 10% and 4% of jaguar’s estimated current range, respectively, indicating an urgent need to increase the number and extent of protected areas in the Llanos.
... The park is located in one of the most productive agricultural areas in Brazil and its surrounding landscape is dominated by perennial (sugarcane) and annual (soybean and corn) crops (IBGE 2017). The list of potential prey for jaguars in ENP is diverse (Issa 2017;Giozza et al. 2017 ...
The jaguar (Panthera onca) is endangered throughout its geographical distribution, yet assessments of jaguar population dynamics are scarce. This study uses camera trap data from 4 surveys spanning 8 years to gain knowledge on jaguar population dynamics in Emas National Park (ENP), one of the largest protected areas in the Brazilian Cerrado biome, surrounded by large scale agriculture. We used spatially explicit capture-recapture models (SCR) to estimate jaguar density and population trends, and Cormack-Jolly Seber models (CJS) to estimate apparent survival. We derived estimates of recruitment into the independent population (adult and subadult) from population trends and survival estimates. Baseline detection rates were negatively affected by distance to river, higher for males than females, and on-road than off-road. The movement parameter σ was higher for males than females. Sex-ratio was slightly skewed towards females, and survey specific density estimates ranged from 0.14 (95% CI = 0.07 – 0.30) to 0.25 (95% CI = 0.13 – 0.46) ind./100km2, leading to an average annual population growth rate of 0.94 (95% CI = 0.82 – 1.06), i.e., a largely stable population. Survival was high (0.77; 95% CI = 0.57 – 0.89), and some individuals remained in the population for over 10 years, pointing towards a healthy population with low turn-over rates. However, recruitment into the independent population was low (0.19; 95% CI = 0.02 – 0.40), suggesting a somewhat isolated and saturated population. Our results highlight the importance of further conservation strategies to prevent population decline from anthropogenic pressures and stochastic factors.
... Existen múltiples estudios de la utilización del método de fototrampeo para el monitoreo del jaguar y sus presas (Polisar 2002;Weckel et al. 2006;Faller-Menéndez et al. 2007; De la Torre y Medellín 2011; Ceballos et al. 2012;Chávez et al. 2013;Ávila-Nájera et al. 2015;Jędrzejewski et al. 2017), debido a que este método permite obtener distintos datos certeros y durante periodos prolongados sin presencia del observador, por lo que el comportamiento animal no se ve alterado significativamente. Con esta técnica se pueden registrar distintas especies presentes en una zona de estudio, la hora y fecha de registro, la temperatura y la fase lunar (Díaz-Pulido y Payán Garrido 2012; Chávez et al. ...
El jaguar (Panthera onca) es una especie carismática catalogada internacionalmente como casi amenazada y en México como en peligro de extinción, por lo que se han hecho diversos estudios centrados en este felino. Sin embargo, existe un vacío de información sobre las condiciones actuales de la población presente en el estado de Nuevo León, que es parte del área limítrofe norte de su distribución mundial, en donde se ubica el municipio de Montemorelos, sitio en el cual se han obtenido registros recientes de la presencia de individuos en los últimos cinco años por pobladores locales. El objetivo del presente proyecto fue llevar a cabo un monitoreo de la especie por fototrampeo, buscando obtener respuesta a las características del hábitat natural o recursos derivados de la actividad humana que influyen en la ocupación del hábitat y patrones de actividad temporal en la zona de estudio. Se encontró la presencia de cuatro individuos diferentes en los meses de junio, agosto, septiembre, noviembre del 2021 y enero 2022 en los tres sitios distintos de muestreo, de los cuales fue posible determinar el sexo de dos individuos, un macho y una hembra. También se obtuvo que la probabilidad de ocupación del jaguar es de 0.000014 y está influenciada por la variable cobertura vegetal del dosel. Aunado a esto, la probabilidad de detección se vio influenciada por la variable de localización de la cámara con una relación positiva de la ubicación en arroyos. Además, los resultados sugieren que la actividad principal del jaguar es nocturna, existe un mayor traslape de su actividad con el armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), un bajo traslape de actividad con su competidor y principales animales domésticos registrados y el menor traslape de actividad con el humano. Lo anterior nos refleja la existencia de una población estable en el municipio, además de la importancia de conservar la vegetación y los cuerpos de agua en el hábitat del jaguar, ya que dan refugio, protección y sustento al jaguar y a la fauna silvestre en general. Finalmente, cabe resaltar que los armadillos posiblemente son el recurso principal de alimentación del jaguar y que probablemente existe una buena disponibilidad de presas silvestres.
... In the Brazilian Pantanal, Devlin et al. 4 estimated 4.08 ± 0.73 jaguars/100 km 2 on multi-use (ranching, conservation, and tourism) landscapes. On a state-run cattle ranch in the Venezuelan Llanos with a long history of conservation, Jędrzejewski et al. 37 estimated a density of 7.67 jaguars/100 km 2 . The ecological similarity of the Venezuelan Llanos with Hato La Aurora suggests that the Colombian Llanos could host a higher density of jaguars if threats are sufficiently reduced. ...
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Understanding large carnivore demography on human-dominated lands is a priority to inform conservation strategies, yet few studies examine long-term trends. Jaguars (Panthera onca) are one such species whose population trends and survival rates remain unknown across working lands. We integrated nine years of camera trap data and tourist photos to estimate jaguar density, survival, abundance, and probability of tourist sightings on a working ranch and tourism destination in Colombia. We found that abundance increased from five individuals in 2014 to 28 in 2022, and density increased from 1.88 ± 0.87 per 100 km 2 in 2014 to 3.80 ± 1.08 jaguars per 100 km 2 in 2022. The probability of a tourist viewing a jaguar increased from 0% in 2014 to 40% in 2020 before the Covid-19 pandemic. Our results are the first robust estimates of jaguar survival and abundance on working lands. Our findings highlight the importance of productive lands for jaguar conservation and suggest that a tourism destination and working ranch can host an abundant population of jaguars when accompanied by conservation agreements and conflict interventions. Our analytical model that combines conventional data collection with tourist sightings can be applied to other species that are observed during tourism activities. Entender los patrones demográficos de los grandes carnívoros al interior de paisajes antrópicos es fundamental para el diseño de estrategias de conservación efectivas. En el Neotrópico, el jaguar (Panthera onca) es una de estas especies cuyas tendencias poblacionales y tasas de supervivencia en paisajes productivos son desconocidas. Para entender mejor estas dinámicas, integramos nueve años de fototrampeo junto a fotos de turistas para estimar la densidad, supervivencia, abundancia y probabilidad de avistamiento de esta especie en una finca ganadera y destino turístico en Colombia. Entre 2014 y 2022 encontramos que la abundancia incrementó de cinco a 28 individuos y la densidad de 1.88 ± 0.87 jaguares/ 100 km 2 a 3.80 ± 1.08 jaguares/ 100 km 2. La probabilidad de avistamiento por turistas aumentó de 0% en 2014 a 40% en 2020 antes de la pandemia del Covid-19. Nuestros resultados presentan las primeras estimaciones robustas de abundancia y supervivencia de este felino en paisajes antrópicos dónde el manejo de sistemas productivos combinados con turismo e intervenciones para la mitigación del conflicto puede albergar poblaciones abundantes de jaguares, demostrando su importancia para la conservación de esta especie. Nuestro modelo, al combinar datos convencionales con avistamientos, podría ser aplicado a otras especies observadas durante actividades turísticas.
... The sampling period was from February to August 2020, totaling 160 days and a sampling effort of 3,298 camera trap days. Although this is longer than that recommended to ensure a closed population, it produces robust and accurate density estimates as it increases the likelihood of capturing and recapturing individuals (Harmsen et al. 2020;Jędrzejewski et al. 2017). The sampling period was divided into one-day occasions to maximize the number of recaptures . ...
Population parameters provide essential information for conservation efforts aimed at target species. We used the spatially explicit capture-recapture method to estimate the jaguar density and population size in the Gurupi Jaguar Conservation Unit (JCU), located in the most threatened ecoregion of the Amazon. The estimated density of 2.62 individuals/100 km2 in a continuous forest of over 10,000 km2 implies a small effective population size, underscoring the threat to the long-term viability of the Gurupi JCU’s jaguar population. We recommend urgent forest restoration actions to reduce fragmentation and improve connectivity between Gurupi JCU and other forest fragments to facilitate jaguar gene flow.
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The increasing frequency and severity of human‐caused fires likely have deleterious effects on species distribution and persistence. In 2020, megafires in the Brazilian Pantanal burned 43% of the biome's unburned area and resulted in mass mortality of wildlife. We investigated changes in habitat use or occupancy for an assemblage of eight mammal species in Serra do Amolar, Brazil, following the 2020 fires using a pre‐ and post‐fire camera trap dataset. Additionally, we estimated the density for two naturally marked species, jaguars Panthera onca and ocelots Leopardus pardalis . Of the eight species, six (ocelots, collared peccaries Dicotyles tajacu , giant armadillos Priodontes maximus , Azara's agouti Dasyprocta azarae , red brocket deer Mazama americana, and tapirs Tapirus terrestris ) had declining occupancy following fires, and one had stable habitat use (pumas Puma concolor ). Giant armadillo experienced the most precipitous decline in occupancy from 0.431 ± 0.171 to 0.077 ± 0.044 after the fires. Jaguars were the only species with increasing habitat use, from 0.393 ± 0.127 to 0.753 ± 0.085. Jaguar density remained stable across years (2.8 ± 1.3, 3.7 ± 1.3, 2.6 ± 0.85/100 km ² ), while ocelot density increased from 13.9 ± 3.2 to 16.1 ± 5.2/100 km ² . However, the low number of both jaguars and ocelots recaptured after the fire period suggests that immigration may have sustained the population. Our results indicate that the megafires will have significant consequences for species occupancy and fitness in fire‐affected areas. The scale of megafires may inhibit successful recolonization, thus wider studies are needed to investigate population trends.
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The research aimed to contribute towards a better understanding of the historical and current distribution and movement patterns of LH in the Limpopo National Park (LNP), thereby creating a basis and providing evidence for the management and further development of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP). I combined historical and current LH occurrence data (1500-2021) based on a systematic literature search, census reports, online databases, dung count transects, and camera trap surveys to reconstruct the historical distribution and movement patterns of LH species using ArcGIS 10.8.1 in five different periods: (i) prehistoric period (around 1500), (ii) peak of the colonial period (1800-1975), (iii) post-colonial/civil war period (1976-2001), (iv) post-proclamation of GLTP (2002-2018), and (v) current period (2019-2021). I assessed the distribution patterns and the relative abundance of reintroduced LH (2019-2021) through camera traps in five habitat types and the wildlife reintroduced and not-reintroduced areas. I used aerial censuses (2001-2018), camera trap surveys, and dung count transects (2019-2021) to assess how ecological and anthropogenic factors influence the distribution of LH in 5 km x 5 km grid cells through a generalized linear model (GLM). found a dramatic collapse of LH populations between the peak of the colonial and the post-colonial periods (1800-2001), followed by a slight recovery from the post-proclamation of GLTP to the current period (2002-2021). Elephants, buffalos, and zebra appear to recover better than giraffes, eland, blue wildebeest, and white rhinos. There were LH movements in the past, which ceased in the Civil War period. Currently, there is evidence of the re-establishment of wildlife movements in the LNP. The distribution and abundance of LH were associated with habitat types rather than distance to the reintroduction site. Habitat types and rainfall were the most influential factors, while cattle grazing areas were the worst factors associated with the prevalence of LH. Some species tended to avoid human settlements, while others seemed attracted to human settlements. Overall, the LH distribution and movement patterns decreased over time, and currently, the restoration is in an early and vulnerable state. These findings suggest connectivity between different habitats within the LNP despite intense human presence in the core area and buffer zone. Therefore, further xiii efforts are necessary to strengthen the slow recovery of LH in the LNP. The findings highlight the need for further research on connectivity in the larger GLTP through GPS tracking of LH species. It would also allow investigating/quantifying the potential risk of human-wildlife conflict at finer spatial scales to improve future management in the LNP and GLTP.
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The jaguar ( Panthera onca ) is endangered along all its geographical distribution, including Brazil. Assessments of jaguar population dynamics are scarce despite their relevance to efficiently design conservation measures and acknowledge the demographic health of jaguar populations. This study uses camera trap data from 4 surveys spanning 8 years to gain knowledge on jaguar population dynamics in Emas National Park (ENP), one of the largest Conservation Units in the Brazilian Cerrado biome. ENP is located within a major grain cropland area and provides refuge for species that occur in its interior and surroundings. We used spatially explicit capture-recapture models (SCR) to estimate jaguar population density and population trends, and Cormack-Jolly Seber models (CJS) to estimate survival. We derived recruitment into the adult population from estimates of population trends and survival. Across all surveys, we identified 26 individuals, 9 female (F), 13 male (M), and 4 with unidentified sex (NI). The estimated sex ratio was not statistically different from even. Distance to river positively affected jaguar detection rates; baseline detection rates were higher for males than females and on-road than off-road. The movement parameter σ was higher for males than females. Survey specific density estimates ranged from 1.87 to 2.42 ind./100km², leading to an average annual population growth rate of 0.99, i.e., a stable population. Survival was high (0.87), and some individuals remained in the population for over 10 years, pointing towards a healthy population with low turn-over rates. But recruitment into the adult population was low (0.16), possibly suggesting a somewhat isolated and saturated population. Such population stability supports the role of ENP in local-scale jaguar conservation. Therefore, population management strategies should be adopted to prevent population decline from anthropogenic pressures and stochastic factors.
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are vital for humanity. We explain what these terms encompass and show examples of their relevance for our well-being. However, we are currently losing species at unprecedented rates due to a variety of human pressures, such as habitat loss, pollution, or climate change. This makes it very important to be able to quantify biodiversity and, more importantly, quantify impacts on biodiversity. We introduce several examples of indicators to quantify biodiversity as such and explain how to obtain the underlying species richness and abundance information. Afterward we highlight different methods and indexes that are used for quantifying impacts on biodiversity in sustainability assessments tools. Once we understand the magnitude and distribution of impacts, we can take steps to transform production processes and activities to improve and encourage better biodiversity protection. Here, we take a Life Cycle Assessment example to showcase that careful selection of future hydropower reservoirs has a large potential to limit biodiversity impacts.
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Predation, one of the most dramatic interactions in animals' lives, has long fascinated ecologists. This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of interrelationships, and shows them against the background of their biotic and abiotic settings. It is based on long-term research conducted in the best preserved woodland of Europe's temperate zone. The role of predation, whether limiting or regulating prey (ungulate, rodent, shrew, bird, and amphibian) populations, is quantified and compared to parts played by other factors: climate, food resources for prey, and availability of other potential resources for predators.
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Capture-recapture studies are frequently used to monitor the status and trends of wildlife populations. Detection histories from individual animals are used to estimate probability of detection and abundance or density. The accuracy of abundance and density estimates depends on the ability to model factors affecting detection probability. Non-spatial capture-recapture models have recently evolved into spatial capture-recapture models that directly include the effect of distances between an animal's home range centre and trap locations on detection probability. Most studies comparing non-spatial and spatial capture-recapture biases focussed on single year models and no studies have compared the accuracy of demographic parameter estimates from open population models. We applied open population non-spatial and spatial capture-recapture models to three years of grizzly bear DNA-based data from Banff National Park and simulated data sets. The two models produced similar estimates of grizzly bear apparent survival, per capita recruitment, and population growth rates but the spatial capture-recapture models had better fit. Simulations showed that spatial capture-recapture models produced more accurate parameter estimates with better credible interval coverage than non-spatial capture-recapture models. Non-spatial capture-recapture models produced negatively biased estimates of apparent survival and positively biased estimates of per capita recruitment. The spatial capture-recapture grizzly bear population growth rates and 95% highest posterior density averaged across the three years were 0.925 (0.786-1.071) for females, 0.844 (0.703-0.975) for males, and 0.882 (0.779-0.981) for females and males combined. The non-spatial capture-recapture population growth rates were 0.894 (0.758-1.024) for females, 0.825 (0.700-0.948) for males, and 0.863 (0.771-0.957) for both sexes. The combination of low densities, low reproductive rates, and predominantly negative population growth rates suggest that Banff National Park's population of grizzly bears requires continued conservation-oriented management actions.
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Large carnivores such as jaguars (Panthera onca) are species of conservation concern because they are suffering population declines and are keystone species in their ecosystems. Their large area requirements imply that unprotected and ever-increasing agricultural regions can be important habitats as they allow connectivity and dispersal among core protected areas. Yet information on jaguar densities across unprotected landscapes it is still scarce and crucially needed to assist management and range-wide conservation strategies. Our study provides the first jaguar density estimates of Colombia in agricultural regions which included cattle ranching, the main land use in the country, and oil palm cultivation, an increasing land use across the Neotropics. We used camera trapping across two agricultural landscapes located in the Magdalena River valley and in the Colombian llanos (47–53 stations respectively; >2000 trap nights at both sites) and classic and spatially explicit capture-recapture models with the sex of individuals as a covariate. Density estimates were 2.52±0.46–3.15±1.08 adults/100 km2 in the Magdalena valley, whereas 1.12±0.13–2.19±0.99 adults/100 km2 in the Colombian llanos, depending on analysis used. We suggest that jaguars are able to live across unprotected human-use areas and co-exist with agricultural landscapes including oil-palm plantations if natural areas and riparian habitats persist in the landscape and hunting of both jaguar and prey is limited. In the face of an expanding agriculture across the tropics we recommend land-use planning, adequate incentives, regulations, and good agricultural practices for range-wide jaguar connectivity and survival.
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is an endangered, large felid whose demographic status is poorly known across its distributional range in Asia. Previously applied methods for estimating tiger abundance, using total counts based on tracks, have proved unreliable. Lack of reliable data on tiger densities not only has constrained our ability to understand the ecological factors shaping communities of large, solitary felids, but also has undermined the effective conservation of these animals. In this paper, we describe the use of a field method proposed by Karanth (1995), which combines camera-trap photography, to identify individual tigers, with theoretically well-founded capture–recapture models. We developed a sampling design for camera-trapping and used the approach to estimate tiger population size and density in four representative tiger habitats in different parts of India. The field method worked well and provided data suitable for analysis using closed capture–recapture models. The results suggest the potential for applying this methodology to rigorously estimate abundances, survival rates, and other population parameters for tigers and other low-density, secretive animal species in which individuals can be identified based on natural markings. Estimated probabilities of photo-capturing tigers present in the study sites ranged from 0.75 to 1.00. Estimated densities of tigers >1 yr old ranged from 4.1 ± 1.31 to 16.8 ± 2.96 tigers/100 km2 (mean ± 1 se). Simultaneously, we used line-transect sampling to determine that mean densities of principal tiger prey at these sites ranged from 56.1 to 63.8 ungulates/km2. Tiger densities appear to be positively associated with prey densities, except at one site influenced by tiger poaching. Our results generally support the prediction that relative abundances of large felid species may be governed primarily by the abundance and structure of their prey communities.
Spatial Capture-Recapture provides a comprehensive how-to manual with detailed examples of spatial capture-recapture models based on current technology and knowledge. Spatial Capture-Recapture provides you with an extensive step-by-step analysis of many data sets using different software implementations. The authors approach is practical - it embraces Bayesian and classical inference strategies to give the reader different options to get the job done. In addition, Spatial Capture-Recapture provides data sets, sample code and computing scripts in an R package.