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Rusty-spotted cat: 12th cat species discovered in Western Terai of Nepal


Abstract and Figures

Rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is the smallest wild cat, believed to be distributed only in India and Sri Lanka. Recently it was discovered from wider areas than previously thought but never recorded from Nepal. During a camera trap survey primarily targeted for tigers Panthera tigris, rusty-spotted cat was photographed multiple times on a single camera trap station in Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve in January and February 2016. The camera trap location is in dry-deciduous Sal Shoresa robusta forest in core area of the reserve at a distance of approximately 5 km from settlements. This is the first photographic evidence of rusty-spotted cat captured in camera traps in Nepal. Similarly, a photograph of a cat species taken by a park visitor in 2012 from Bardiya National Park was confirmed as rusty-spotted cat. With this record, Nepal has 12 felid species: tiger, common leopard Panthera pardus, snow leopard Panthera uncia, clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa, Eurasian Lynx Lynx lynx, Asiatic golden cat Catopuma temminckii, fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus, jungle cat Felis chaus, leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis, marbled cat Pardofelis marmorata, Pallas's cat Otocolobus manul and rusty-spotted cat.
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CATnews 64 Autumn 2016
Rusty-spotted cat: 12th cat
species discovered in Western
Terai of Nepal.
Rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is the smallest wild cat, believed to be
distributed only in India and Sri Lanka. Recently it was discovered from wider areas
than previously thought but never recorded from Nepal. During a camera trap sur-
vey primarily targeted for tigers Panthera tigris, rusty-spotted cat was photographed
multiple times on a single camera trap station in Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve in
January and February 2016. The camera trap location is in dry-deciduous Sal Shoresa
robusta forest in core area of the reserve at a distance of approximately 5 km from
settlements. This is the first photographic evidence of rusty-spotted cat captured in
camera traps in Nepal. Similarly, a photograph of a cat species taken by a park visi-
tor in 2012 from Bardiya National Park was confirmed as rusty-spotted cat. With this
record, Nepal has 12 felid species: tiger, common leopard Panthera pardus, snow le-
opard Panthera uncia, clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa, Eurasian Lynx Lynx lynx,
Asiatic golden cat Catopuma temminckii, fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus, jungle
cat Felis chaus, leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis, marbled cat Pardofelis mar-
morata, Pallas's cat Otocolobus manul and rusty-spotted cat.
The miniature member of the feline fami-
ly, the rusty-spotted cat is one of the lesser
known small carnivore species (Sunquist &
Sunquist 2014, Vyas & Upadhyay 2014). With
an average adult weight of 1.1 kg for females
and 1.6 kg for males (Phillips 1980), respec-
tively, they are about half the weight of a typi-
cal house cat. Historically, it was believed to
be confined to central and southern India and
Sri Lanka (Pocock 1939, Phillips 1980, Khan
& Mukherjee 2008). Nowell & Jackson (1996)
reported an isolated record from Kashmir
without evidence of continuous distribution
in between. But in recent years, it has been
recorded frequently and found widely distri-
buted in India (Anwar et al. 2010, Athreya,
2010) either due to its range expansion or
more likely due to the high probability of de-
tection in the extensive coverage of camera
trap surveys across the region. The species
has recently been recorded in the Indian part
of the transboundary Terai Arc Landscape TAL
from the Pilibhit forest division (now Tiger Re-
serve) and Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary
in 2010 and 2012, respectively (Anwar et al.
2010, 2012). Similar habitat exists along the
TAL-Nepal but rusty-spotted cat has never
been recorded in Nepal before.
Rusty-spotted cat is believed to be primarily
nocturnal (Nowell & Jackson 1996). Very little
is known about their diet and habitat prefe-
rence. They might be more common in grass-
lands, scrub, drier and open forests (Phillips
1980, Prater 1980) and apparently not found
in closed forest types (Nowell & Jackson
1996). Multiple records in Sri Lanka and India
show their tolerance to modified habitat such
as denning and breeding in tea plantations
in Sri Lanka (Phillips 1980). They were also
found in attics of houses surrounded by paddy
fields and coconut trees in southern India, old
farm houses in mango plantations in Gujarat,
or on farmlands on the outskirts of Banglore
(Nowell & Jackson 1996). The cat preys on
small mammals and birds (Nowell & Jackson
1996) although we don't know details. They
sometimes also take domestic chickens (Po-
cock 1939, Phillips 1980).
Rusty-spotted cat has never been described
from Nepal but other eleven felid species
have been previously recorded. Ten felid
species (tiger, common leopard, snow leo-
pard, clouded leopard, lynx, Asian golden
cat, marbled cat, jungle cat, fishing cat, leo-
pard cat) are well documented (Baral & Shah
2008, Jnawali et al. 2011, Thapa 2014) and
a new species i.e. Pallas's cat was discove-
red in 2013 from the Nepalese Himalayas
(Shrestha et al. 2014). Here we report the
photographic evidence of the rusty-spotted
cat, the 12th cat species of Nepal, from two
protected areas of western Terai, Shukla-
phanta Wildlife Reserve SWR and Bardiya
National Park BNP in Nepal.
Materials and methods
Study area
This study was conducted in an area of
305 km2 of SWR in a single dry season (Ja-
nuary-March 2016) and in BNP. SWR & BNP
are located in the western region of the Terai
Arc Landscape TAL, Nepal, which stretches
over nearly 23,000 km2 of alluvial flood-
plains and Churia hills (Wikramanayake et
al. 2004). SWR lies in the south-western
corner of Nepal. The reserve is bordered by
Mahakali river in the west, settlements in
the north, India in the south and Syali river
in the east. It is connected to Pilibhit and
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in India through the
Laggabagga corridor in the south (India)
and the Laljhadi corridor in the east (Nepal),
respectively. An opportunistic sighting of a
rusty-spotted cat was reported from BNP
original contribution
Fig. 1. Western Teria Arc Landscape showing rusty-spotted cat captured locations
in Bardiya National Park (Nepal), Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve (Nepal), Katarniaghat
Wildlife Sanctuary (India) and Pilibhit Tiger Reserve (India) along with other protected
areas and forest corridors.
CATnews 64 Autumn 2016
(968 km2), from the Karnali River floodplain,
stretching ca. 100 km2 in the south-western
part of BNP (Wegge et al. 2009). BNP is
connected to Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanc-
tuary in India through the 'Khata' corridor
(Wikramanayake et al. 2004). Both BNP &
SWR have sub-tropical monsoonal climate
with three distinct seasons: monsoon (July-
October), cool-dry (November-February) and
hot-dry (March-June).
Camera trap survey
As a part of tiger monitoring programme
in the Western Terai Landscape, a camera
trapping survey was carried out covering the
entire SWR in two blocks between 27 Janu-
ary and 2 March 2016. Camera traps were
placed systematically by super-imposing a
grid of 2 x 2 km2 (Fig. 1) and deploying a pair
of camera traps (Reconyx 550 & Bushnell
trophy cam) in each grid cell over a standard
sampling duration of 15 days. Habitat type
and site parameters were collected at each
camera location. Camera trap locations wi-
th-in each grid cell were selected following
intensive sign surveys for tigers to maximise
the chance of photo-captures (Dhakal et al.
2014). Camera trap pairs were placed 8-10 m
apart facing each other at 45-60 cm above
the ground. As the primary target species of
the study was tiger, site selection, distance
between paired cameras and camera height
might have affected the optimum capture
of rusty-spotted cat. All the photographic
data were downloaded, photos were sor-
ted per species and individuals were iden-
tified whenever possible. Photo capture of
a species within a 30 minute interval was
termed as 'independent event'. Capture rate
(number of independent events per 100 trap
nights) was calculated as an abundance in-
dex of rusty-spotted cat (Thapa et al. 2013).
Spatial calculations were done using Arc-
GIS 10.0.
Opportunistic sighting of rusty-spotted cat
A local nature guide (Mr. Ramjan Chaudha-
ry) provided a photo of a cat species to one
of the authors (Rabin Kadariya) to check if it
was a fishing cat. The photo was taken by a
park visitor on 28 March 2012 during a jeep
safari in Karnali floodplain of BNP. In con-
sultation with small carnivore experts it was
identified as rusty-spotted cat. Later, the lo-
cation of sighting and other details were also
recorded. Similarly, a rusty spotted cat was
sighted by the first author during a jeep safari
in SWR on 20 April 2016.
Results and discussion
We recorded 22 photographs of rusty spotted
with total search effort of 1,317 trap nights
from 85 camera trap grids in SWR. The spe-
cies was identified based on body structure,
pattern on the body (black spots on pale grey
background), white belly with black lines and
dark unmarked bushy tail. Photographs were
obtained from six independent events on five
different dates. The rusty-spotted cat was
captured only in a single location with mul-
tiple recaptures (n = 6). The encounter rate
of rusty-spotted cat within the core area of
SWR was 0.46/100 trap nights. All the cap-
tures were made between 20:29 h in the eve-
ning and 04:54 h in the morning. Photographs
from two events (28 January and 3 February
20:29 h) with similar position of the animal
allowed us to confirm at least two individu-
al males (Fig. 2). For the rest of the events,
we were not able to confirm their individual
identity. The location of the rusty-spotted cat
records was in relatively open and dry Sal fo-
rest (Supporting Online Material SOM Figure
F1) in the core area of the reserve with mini-
mal human disturbance, about 4.6 km from
the nearest forest edge. We also recorded
additional eight mammal species, including
six carnivores, in the same location where
the rusty-spotted cat was captured (Table 1).
Both tiger and rusty-spotted cat were also
captured in a single trap night on 28 January
2016 (Fig. 3).
In addition to the camera trap, opportunistic
sighting of a rusty-spotted cat was also re-
corded by the first author in SWR at 20:05 h
of April 20, 2016 during ca. 50 km long jeep
drive. The cat was found walking on the
forest road, at the edge of the relatively
open dry deciduous sal forest. The location
(28°56'35.34'' N / 80°10'20.7588'' E, elevati-
on 216 m) is very close (< 100 m) to the settle-
ments and 13.8 km north-west of the camera
trapped location.
In Bardiya, a rusty-spotted cat was recorded
in the evening (ca. 18:00 h) of 28 March 2012
during a ca.15 km long opportunistic jungle
safari in the Karnali floodplain. The cat was
sitting on a log lying on the ground in a Sal
forest and was photographed by a park visitor
(Fig. 2a). Looking at its position, the cat was
probably ambushing prey. Conspicuous small
head structure, forehead stripes and pale grey
coat with rusty spots enabled a confident
identification as rusty-spotted cat. The sigh-
ting location lies within a dry deciduous Sal
forest ca. 700 m from the nearest forest edge.
All the records of rusty-spotted cat were from
a forested area. But it was recorded from
fringe (<1 km) to deep inside the core areas.
Similar observations were done along the
TAL-India (Anwar et al. 2010, 2012). In TAL-
India, all records were recent and the species
was not recorded earlier in regular camera
trapping surveys (Anwar et al. 2012, Jhala et
al. 2008). Comparable to our camera trap sur-
rusty-spotted cat in Western Terai of Nepal
Fig. 2. (a) Photograph of rusty-spotted cat taken by a tourist (Ms. A. Clifford) in Bardiya
NP during a jeep safari, (b) first camera trap picture of rusty-spotted cat captured in Ne-
pal from Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, (c) two different individuals of rusty-spotted cat
identified from their stripe pattern (inner side of left hind limb) and tail.
CATnews 64 Autumn 2016
vey findings, captures of the rusty-spotted cat
were made during the night (20:29 h-04:54 h)
across TAL. However, the direct sighting re-
cords were made during the evening 18:00 h,
19:35 h and 20:05 h (Anwar et al. 2012 and
present study).
This study presents the conclusive record
for the presence of the rusty-spotted cat in
Nepal and brings the total number of cats
in the country to 12 (SOM T1). According to
the National Red List of Nepal (Jnawali et
al. 2011), two felid species i.e. marbled cat
(whose photographic evidence has not been
found in recent years) and Asiatic golden cat
are listed in Data Deficit DD category. Two
new species (Pallas’s cat and rusty-spotted
cat) discovered after 2013 have not been
assessed in the National Red List. The dis-
covery of two new cat species in Nepal also
highlights the importance of research on sta-
tus, distribution and ecology for their conser-
vation in the country.
We are thankful to Department of National Parks
& Wildlife Conservation and Shuklaphanta Wildlife
Reserve Office for the support to conduct camera
trap surveys in SWR. We highly acknowledge
technical and financial support from National Trust
for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and WWF Nepal.
Special thanks to Mr. Ramjan Chaudhary (nature
guide from Bardiya) and Anne Clifford (park visitor)
for providing photographs. We thank Shomita Muk-
herjee, Prof. Hans de Iong and Prof. C. J. M. Mu-
sters for their support with species identification.
Many thanks to Mr. Anil Prasai, Mr. Hemanta Ku-
mar Yadav and Mr. Gopal Ghimre for their support
with this study. We thank Mr. Suman Malla, Mr.
Nithesh Singh and all the field staff of NTNC, SWR
and Nepal Army for their tireless effort to complete
the camera trap surveys and data management.
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Anwar M., Hasan D. & Vattakavan J. 2012. Rusty-
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Pokheral C. P., Thapa G. J. Oglethorpe J., Sub-
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Status of tigers and prey in Nepal. Department
of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation,
Kathmandu, Nepal. 40 pp.
Ghimirey Y. P. & Pal P. 2009. First camera trap image
of Asiatic golden cat in Nepal. Cat News 51, 19.
Jackson R. M. 1996. Home range, movements and
habitat use of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) in
Nepal. PhD dissertation. University of London.
United Kingdom. 233 pp.
Jhala Y. V., Gopal R. & Qureishi Q. 2008. Status
of the tigers, co-predators and prey in India.
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India, New Delhi and Wildlife Institute of India,
Dehradun. TR 08/001. 151 pp.
Jnawali S. R., Baral H. S., Lee S., Acharya K. P.,
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A. 2011. The Status of Nepal Mammals: The
National Red List Series. Department of Natio-
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Second Seminar on Small Mammals Conserva-
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Small Mammals Conservation and Research
Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal. pp. 11-15.
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rubiginosus. The IUCN Red List of Threa-
tened Species 2008: e.T18149A7673082.
Lamichhane B. R., Dhakal M., Subedi N. & Pok-
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Mishra R. 2012. Conservation status of Fishing Cat
in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. MSc thesis.
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Nowell K. & Jackson P. 1996. Wild cats: An action
Plan for their conservation. IUCN, Gland, Swit-
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Phillips W. W. A. 1980. Manual of the mammals of
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Taylor and Francis, London, UK. 463 pp.
Prater H. S. 1980. The Book of Indian Animals. Revi-
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Shrestha B., Ale S., Jckson R., Thapa N., Gurung
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dy of tigers, leopards and their prey in Bardiya
Lamichhane et al.
Location ID SWR 42
GPS 28.82346° N /
80.21171° E
Elevation 192 m
No. of independent
events 6
No. of photos 22
Duration of Camera
Trap Jan 28 to Feb 12, 2016
Photo Captured
dates Time (in 24 hrs)
28 Jan 2016 22:42 h
31 Jan 2016 20:31 h
02 Feb 2016 19:54 h
03 Feb 2016 04:54 h
03 Feb 2016 20:29 h
08 Feb 2016 22:31 h
Terrain flat
Camera location forest road
Habitat type sal forest
Nearest distance to
village (km) 4.6
Other mammal
species captured
in the same camera
trap station
tiger, common
palm civet, small
Indian civet, honey
badger, bengal fox,
Himalayan crestless
porcupine, chital,
muntjac, Indian hare
Table 1. Details of camera trap location
where rusty-spotted cat was captured in
Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.
CATnews 64 Autumn 2016
Fig. 3. Temporal pattern of mammal species capture in camera trap station (CT 042)
where rusty-spotted cat was captured in Shuklaphant Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.
National Park, Nepal. Biological Conservation
142, 189-202.
Wikramanayake E., McKnight M., Dinerstein E.,
Joshi A., Gurung B. & Smith D. 2004. Designing
a conservation landscape for tigers in human
dominated environments. Conservation Biolo-
gy 18, 839-844.
Supporting Online Material SOM Figure F1 and
Table T1 are available at
1 National Trust for Nature Conservation, Khumal-
tar, POB 3712, Lalitpur, Nepal
2 Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Deve-
lopment Sociology, Faculty of Social and Be-
havioral Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden,
The Netherlands
3 Evolutionary Ecology Group, Faculty of Sci-
ences, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
4 Laboratory of Wildlife Biology and Medicine,
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hok-
kaido University, Sapporo, Japan
original contribution
Stability of tigers in Chitwan
National Park, Nepal
Tiger Panthera tigris monitoring using radio-telemetry, pugmark tracking and came-
ra trapping was conducted for four decades in an area of approximately 100 km² in
the western part of Chitwan National Park, Nepal. The aim was to record the life
history, longevity and reproductive status of the resident breeding tigers. From 1985
to 2015, the data shows a density of six breeding females / 100 km² and considera-
ble disparity in reproductive success for male and female tigers. Seven long-lived
females (12-17 years) produced a mean of 5.14 litters, yielding an average litter size
of 2.89. Nearly 60 percent of the cubs survived up to the age of dispersal. Such high
reproductive success and constant number of breeding females are the contributing
factors in the stability of the Chitwan tiger population.
mestic livestock grazing was controlled. The
result was that deer numbers rose and the
tiger numbers followed suit. However, very
little was known about tiger biology, beha-
viour, reproduction, dispersal, movement/ac-
tivity pattern, and habitat requirements that
could assist the park management for better
protection. To address this lack of know-
ledge, the Smithsonian Nepal Tiger Ecology
Project began in 1973 and continued through
1980. For the first time, radio-telemetry was
used on tigers to monitor the movement and
activities of individual tigers. One of the ma-
jor findings of the project was that breeding
tigers maintain exclusive home ranges de-
fined as territories (Sunquist 1981). Females
compete for resources to establish exclusive
territories to maintain themselves and to
raise their offspring. Males compete for re-
productive females, with successful ones es-
tablishing territories that monopolise several
females (Sunquist 1981).
In 1980, McDougal was made a Smithsonian
Research Associate to conduct a long term
tiger monitoring LTTM project as a follow
up to the earlier Smithsonian Studies in the
1970s. The objective was to gain a long-term
perspective on the population dynamics, life
histories, and reproduction, including cub
survival to age of dispersal. In this paper, we
analyse the data collected during this project
to determine the life histories of the resident
Chitwan National Park CNP, a UNESCO World
Heritage Site, was established in 1973 largely
to protect two iconic endangered species, the
greater one horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros uni-
cornis and the Bengal tiger Panthera tigris ti-
gris. Prior to the park’s establishment, most of
the area was a Rhinoceros Sanctuary, which
was created in 1962. A force of armed guards,
called the Gaida Gusti (Rhino Patrol), manned
a series of guard-posts throughout the area to
prevent poaching. However, nothing was done
to curtail the overgrazing by large numbers of
domestic cattle and buffaloes. Large livestock
numbers simply compensated for decline in
deer numbers. With less natural prey availa-
ble, tiger numbers were also down.
When the park was created, one of the first
priorities was the control of illegal domestic
livestock grazing. This task was tackled en-
ergetically by Tirtha Man Maskey, the first
Chief Warden of CNP. Additionally, in 1975, a
contingent of the Nepal Army was stationed
inside the Park to protect rhinoceros and ti-
gers but also to deter illegal human activities
within the park. Livestock were rounded up
and kept in enclosures at the guard posts un-
til the owners paid a fine for their release. It
took almost three years, but eventually do-
5 Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve Office, Majhgaon,
Kanchanpur, Nepal
6 Department of National Parks and Wildlife Con-
servation, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
7 WWF Nepal, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
8 Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Sing-
hadurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal
*<>, <>
Lamichhane B. R., Kadariya R., Subedi N., Dhakal B. K., Dhakal M., Thapa K. & Acharya K. P.
2016. Rusty-spotted cat: 12th cat species discovered in Western Terai of Nepal. Cat News
64, 30-33. Supporting Online Material
SOM F1. Camera trap location where rusty-spotted cat was captured in Shuklaphanta Wildlife
Reserve. The location was at typical forest road in Sal forest (visible on the background of photo).
SOM T1. Natural history of felid species recorded in Nepal.
Scientific name
Common name
Asian Golden Cat
Ghimirey &
Pal 2009
Felis chaus
Jungle Cat
Karki 2011
Lynx lynx
Eurasian lynx
Thapa 2014
Clouded Leopard
Lamichhane et
al. 2014
pardus fusca
Thapa et al.
Panthera tigris
Bengal Tiger
Dhakal et al.
Panthera uncia
Snow Leopard
Jackson 1996
Marbled Cat
Jnawali et al.
Leopard Cat
Karki 2011
Rusty-spotted cat
This study
Fishing Cat
Mishra 2012
Pallas's cat
Shrestha et al.
... The species was initially listed as Due to the spike in interest in the species in recent years, our understanding of its range, population abundance, and threats has started to paint more light on the status of the species. With new information, the species distribution is more widespread than originally thought (Mukherjee & Koparde 2014, Sharma & Dhakad 2020) as it was previously restricted to India and Sri Lanka, but now includes Nepal (Lamichhane et al. 2016). The distribution of the rusty-spotted cat suggests that it has wide habitat requirements ranging from grassland to tropical forest and low scrubland to mountain tops (Langle 2019). ...
... Previously, the known distribution of the rusty-spotted cat was restricted to Sri Lanka and India, so more publications are seen from these two countries. But, with the recent claim of the species being recorded in western Terai (Lamichhane et al. 2016) and Shuklaphanta National Park ...
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The rusty-spotted cat ( Prionailurus rubiginosus ), the world’s smallest felid, is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Despite its Near Threatened status on the IUCN Red List, research on this elusive species remains fragmented, focusing mainly on species distribution through incidental camera-trap data. With the development of tailored, evidence-based conservation strategies requiring sufficient knowledge of the species' biology and threats, we aim to summarize critical knowledge gaps and provide recommendations for filling them. We systematically reviewed the existing literature to assess the state of research on the species, identify key research trends, and highlight areas requiring urgent attention. Additionally, we mapped 121 occurrence records and delved into 15 conservation projects to understand current monitoring and conservation efforts throughout its range. Our findings from 52 studies indicate that most studies focus on habitat preferences and distribution, with limited research on biology, genetics, disease, and threats to the species. Major threats identified include habitat loss, fragmentation, road mortality, and potential disease risks. Occurrence records are heterogeneous in terms of the methods employed but do identify potential species range expansions in India. Most conservation projects stem from India, however, efforts in Nepal and Sri Lanka have increased in recent years, reinforcing the growing conservation importance of this species. The review underscores the need for standardized monitoring protocols, long-term targeted research, and collaborative conservation efforts across the species’ range. By addressing these gaps, we envisage the development of more robust research and conservation strategies for the rusty-spotted cat in the future.
... For these reasons, the eastern Himalayas, including Nepal, are a major biodiversity hotspot (Fjeldsa, 2013;Paudel & Sipos, 2014) and Nepal alone boasts many distinct ecoregions (Pearch, 2011;Dinerstein et al., 2017). New range records are made regularly in the country (Heinen, 1990;Thapa et al., 2016;Chetri et al., 2014;Subba et al., 2014;Lama et al., 2016;Lamichhane et al. 2016), as are descriptions of new species (Khatiwada et al., 2017;Pradhan et al., 2019). The concern over global warming is pronounced for mountainous regions (Hughes, 2000;Beever et al., 2010;Telwala et al., 2013) which present opportunities to study how species respond (Inouye et al., 2000) and whether assisted colonization is effective in conserving sensitive taxa (Hunter, 2007). ...
... The diversity of felids, herpestids, viverrids and mustelids is high across Asia (Mudappa, 2013;Thapa, 2014) and many new species records have been made in Nepal (below), some of which used to be found as fur coats for sale in Kathmandu's tourist areas (Heinen & Leisure, 1993). The rusty-spotted cat, previously known from peninsular India, was documented in Sukla Phanta and Bardia National Parks (Lamichhane et al., 2016) and the Pallas's cat, previously known from the Tibetan Plateau and Central Asia, was documented in the Annapurna region (Regmi et al., 2020). Other recent findings include the first ruddy mongoose and steppe polecat (Chetri et al., 2014)) records for Nepal, as well as range extensions for crab-eating mongoose (Rayamajhi et al., 2019) and yellow-bellied weasel . ...
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Located along the boundary of two zoogeographic provinces, and with the highest peaks and deepest valleys on Earth, Nepal is a center of adaptive radiation for many taxa. Early zoological research was mostly focused on high-profile large mammals due to availability of funding and policy priorities, but knowledge gaps remain for most other vertebrate taxa. Technologies ranging from genetic mapping to GPS, GIS, digital cameras and micro-transmitters have advanced with time and greatly expanded research capacities. Here, we present our suggestions of research needs for the lesser terrestrial vertebrate fauna of Nepal and the broader Himalayan region, pointing out knowledge gaps and suggesting where to go from here. The growing numbers of Nepali researchers focusing on small mammalian and avian research is encouraging, but the status of many taxa remains unknown and much of the country remains under-surveyed for breeding and migratory populations. Major knowledge gaps persist for reptiles and amphibians and for the role of local wildlife markets in exploitation. We conclude with suggestions on priorities for research on, and conservation of, Nepal's lesser terrestrial vertebrates.
... Since, the publication of most recent and comprehensive account of the mammals of Nepal Jnawali et al. (2011), six new mammals have been recorded in Nepal, increasing the species richness for the country to 213. The six species recorded in recent years are: Pallas's cat Otocolobus manul (Shrestha et al. 2014); the rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus (Lamichhane et al. 2016); the ruddy mongoose Herpestes smithii (Subba et al. 2014); the Steppe polecat Mustela eversmanii (Chetri et al. 2014(Chetri et al. , 2019; the Kashmir musk deer Moschus cupreus (Singh et al. 2019); and the small bamboo bat Tylonycteris fulvida (Sharma et al. 2019a, b). ...
... Vulnerable species comprise the Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus(Panthi et al. 2019;Kadariya et al. 2018) and the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx(Werhahn et al. 2018a). Near Threatened species include the rusty-spotted cat(Adhikari et al. 2019;Lamichhane et al. 2016) and the marbled cat(Lama et al. 2019;Werhahn et al. 2018a). Species ranked as Least Concern include the spotted lingsang Prionodon pardicolor, the large Indian civet Viverra zibetha(Ghimirey and Acharya 2014), the Siberian weasel Mustela sibirica(Yadav et al. 2019), and the crabeating mongoose Herpestes urva(Rayamajhi et al. 2019). ...
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Nepal is a global biodiversity hotspot, supporting 213 mammal species with diverse habitats across various landscape types, from the lowland Terai to the high Himalayas. Studies of Nepal’s mammalian fauna are not evenly distributed and better understanding of past biases towards some species, research themes and locations can provide better strategic direction for future research investments. Therefore, we reviewed 575 scientific articles on mammals in Nepal, published between 2000 and 2019 and compiled these in March 2020, to examine trends, patterns and gaps, and pave future plans for mammalian research in Nepal. A positive increase in the number of publications (β = 0.27 ± 0.02SD, P < 0.00) was observed, with a more than threefold increase between 2010 and 2019 compared to 2000–2009 (t = − 6.26, df = 12.21, P < 0.000). Analysis of these documents revealed that mammalian researches favored large flagship, threatened species of carnivores inside Nepal’s protected area system. Geographically, mammalian research was not uniform in Nepal, as most studies were concentrated in Bagmati Province and in the Terai and Chure region. Baseline surveys and ecological studies were more common types of research, while studies on the impact of climate change and wildlife trade and poaching, are scant, which deserves a future look. While these studies shape current mammalogy in Nepal, studies of small, uncharismatic species, and in areas outside protected areas and other provinces except Bagmati, Lumbini and Province One are severely lacking. The research identified habitat loss, degradation and human-wildlife conflict as the major threats to the survival of mammalian species in Nepal. Therefore, redesigning and strict implementation of policies based on habitat management and human-wildlife co-existence, including other threat mitigation measures, are warranted. To address knowledge gaps, the prioritization of future research and funding should be focused on relatively unexplored research themes and under-researched provinces. This approach will help to re-align the research focus with the current need, and assist to fully understand and effectively conserve the wealth of mammalian diversity that Nepal holds.
... Cloud ed leopard has been recorded in two areas in Chitwan National Park (Lamich-hane et al. 2014), Sikles-Bhujung Landscape, in Annapurna Conservation Area (Ghimirey et al. 2018), the fish ing cat has been in several sites in Chitwan National Park (Dahal & Dahal 2011, Mishra et al. 2018), Pallas's cat has been recorded from Manang Valley of Annapurna Conservation Area , Eurasian lynx has been recorded from upper and lower mustang in Annapurna Conservation Area (Kusi et al. 2018) and Asiatic wildcat has been recorded recently from community-managed forest of the northern hill (Churia) forest of the Chitwan valley (Lamich hane et al. 2023). Therefore, Among the 13 species of wild felids (Lamichhane et al. 2016(Lamichhane et al. , 2023, ChAL is home to nine species of wild cats recorded in Nepal. ...
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This study was conducted in 12 long-term climate change monitoring plots in the Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. A rapid survey resulted in 54 mammal species, including felids. Four felid species: tiger Panthera tigris, leopard Panthera pardus, leopardcat Prionailurus bengalensis, and jungle cat Felis chaus, were recorded by camera trap survey, while snow leopard was recorded through indirect evidence. Leopard cats are the most abundant, and leopard is the most distributed cat in our study area. This paper adds information on cat occurrence and distribution patterns from the Inner-Tarai to Trans-Himalaya in Gandaki River Basin in Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, which will help to evaluate the priorities for conservation action and, where necessary, in formulating appropriate management. Monitoring plots provides a strategic advantage over long-term monitoring of the population and distribution of felids in the landscape.
... Felid species recorded in Nepal(Lamichhane et al. 2016, Ghimirey et al. 2019. Not Assessed as these were recorded after the first national Red List Assessment of Nepal in 2011. ...
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Asiatic wildcat Felis lybica ornata has never been recorded historically in Nepal except for the pelts in illegal market but its possible occurrence has been reported in recent years. Here, we present a camera trap picture resembling Asiatic wildcat phenotypically from forests connected to Chitwan National Park, Nepal obtained during the national tiger survey 2022. From a stack of 40,111 photographs of 35 mammal species obtained with an effort of 8,529 trap days in Chitwan National Park and adjoining forests, a single photograph of the cat was obtained from a location in the community-managed forest. The record of Asiatic wildcat on the camera trap opens a new avenue for wildcat conservation and research in Nepal. We presented the phenotypic evidence of the Asiatic wildcat and suggest for species confirmation through genetic methods. Conservation efforts targeting small cats should be prioritised for ensuring their long-term survival.
... Before 2018, this species was never been photographed in BNP. Regular monitoring of high-profile species like tiger provides an op-portunity to discover and record cryptic and elusive species for example camera trapped record of Himalayan Black bear in the BNP (Yadav et al 2017), rusty spotted cat in the BNP and Shuklaphanta National Park (Lamichhane et al 2016) and Ruddy mongoose in the Banke National Park (Subba et al 2014). We compared the captured photographs obtained in camera The serow was captured in four different locations with multiple recaptures (n=14) with a total search effort of 5,430 traps night within 362camera traps grids in the BNP. ...
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Himalayan Serow (Capricornis sumatraensis ssp. thar Hodgson, 1831) believed to be distributed only in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India and Nepal, it occurs across the Churia - Himalayan range and has also been detected within the Annapurna Conservation Area, Langtang and Makalu Barun National Park. Recently it was discovered from wider areas than previously thought but never recorded from Bardia National Park (BNP). During a camera trap survey primarily targeted for tigers Panthera tigris, Himalayan Serow was photographed multiple times on four camera trap stations in BNP in December 2017 and January 2018. The camera trapped location is in dry-deciduous mixed forest mainly composed of hill Sal Shoresa robusta, Saj Terminalia tomentosa forest in core area of the park at a distance of approximately 15 km from settlements. This is the first photographic evidence of Himalayan Serow captured in BNP, Nepal. Similarly, a Himalayan Serow was rescued in 2013 at Kalinara in the Babai Valley (along the Babai River) of the Park. As stated by the BNP and Buffer Zone Management Plan (2016 – 2020), a total of 56 mammal species are reported from the park and with this record adds one more mammal species in the park. The study revealed that camera trapping targeted at tigers can provide opportunity for getting important information on rare and elusive species. Himalayan Serow co-exist in Bardia with sympatric herbivores like Four Horned Antelope Tetra cerusquadri cornis, Himalayan Crestless Porcupine Hystrix brachyuran, and Sambar Rusa unicolor and other animal like Tiger Panthera tigris and Sloth bear Melursus ursinus.
... The rusty-spotted cat, one of the smallest wild cats of the world, has currently morphologically and biogeographically three subspecies recognised (Kitchener et al. 2017): P. r. rubiginosus, P. r. phillipsi and P. r. koladivius. Of the three subspecies, P. r. rubiginosus is distributed across India and Nepal (Mukherjee et al. 2016, Lamichhane et al. 2016, whereas the other two subspecies are confined to Sri Lanka, across the dry and wet zones of the Sri Lankan land mass respectively (Kitchener et al. 2017). It occurs in moist and dry deciduous forest types as well as in scrub and grassland. ...
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The rusty-spotted cat(Prionailurus rubiginosus) is a vulnerable species, endemic to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The study aims to provide an overview of the current distribution of rusty-spotted cat in Odisha state through a camera trap survey. This study presents a new camera trap record of the rusty-spotted cat in Hadgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India.
... While there have been some ongoing poaching issues (e.g., Baral & Heinen 2005;Dongol & Heinen, 2014;Paudel et al., 2020) and despite the human population more than doubling since 1973, population censuses of the most-studied large mammal species within Nepal's PAs have shown marked increases. In addition, successful translocations have taken place for rhinoceros (e.g., Dinerstein, 2004), wild buffalo Bubalus arnee and blackbuck Antilope cervicapra (Panta & Joshi, 2019); and records of species previously unknown in, or thought to be extirpated from, Nepal are regularly made (e.g., Heinen, 1990;Jackson et al., 1996;Werhahn et al., 2018;Lamichhane et al., 2016;Allendorf et al., 2020). ...
Many protected areas have different biological, ecological and environmental resources and at the same time the use of these resources is different. In order to create protected areas, the issue of area management is discussed and zoning in the management of parks and protected areas is a solution to reduce conflicts in protected area management and it provides the opportunity to take the necessary measures. Lar National Park with an area of 28037 ha is located in 70 km of northeast of Tehran. This area with the aim of protecting 28 species of mammals, 105 species of birds, 23 species of reptiles and several species of fish has been managed; while this region receives a population of nomads every year, who use the pastures of the regions for grazing in a period of one hundred days. To prepare a conservation management plan, the ecological resources of the region were mapped and overlaid to achieve management units, These units were investigated for restricted nature, protected, restoration, recreational and special zones in the area. After determination of social economic conditions of native people, a management plan was defined for the region. The planning defined public participation, staff training, ecological and socio economic impacts assessment and monitoring program in Lar National Park. Findings revealed that Lar National Park has an important role in preserving the nature and species of the region based on the evaluation. Therefore, for the protection and promotion of habitats and species, it has required conscious and active intervention and a coherent management plan for the region should be considered. Conservation of hotspot biodiversity areas ensures that other human activities do not harm these areas, and the reliability and viability of areas with higher conservation values over an indefinite period of time is ensured. The study proved that the zoning process is a decision-making issue that inherently requires the evaluation of different land features based on multiple objectives.
... Despite of the occupying only 0.1% of the global area, the country holds 3.2% of the world's known flora and 1.1% of the fauna (Government of Nepal 2014). There have been recording of 12 species of wild cats in Nepal along with four big cat species namely, Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard, Clouded Leopard and Common Leopard (Lamichhane et al. 2016). Among the three species of leopards found the studied common leopard has the most widespread distribution over the country (Jnawali et al. 2011). ...
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Common leopard (Panthera pardus), a vulnerable felid interacts with human frequently due to its high adaptability to human modified ecosystems. Understanding the relation between human and the leopard is crucial for the conservation of the species since, in the most cases, the interaction has turned out to be an antagonistic one. However, the species has received a little attention only both from the research and conservation fronts. In this study, we have attempted to use the media coverage on leopard to understand its relation with the human. We used media reports to understand the relation of leopards with human. News and reports (n = 207) from different sources (n = 51) were analyzed for this study. Media reports have portrayed leopards as synonym of conflicts in the most occasions. Baitadi, Arghakhanchi, Tanahun, Lamjung districts were found to be the hotspots of human-leopard conflicts alongside Kaski, Kathmandu and Kavreplanchowk. Leopards are found to be attacking mostly children in these areas and the leopards are being killed in retaliation. Habitat degradation, decline in prey base, and abandoned fields have been described as the plausible causes for the human-leopard conflicts. Furthermore, poaching of leopards was found to be rampant in the country indicated by the number of seizures of the pelts from different parts of the country. Law enforcement to reduce poaching and evidence-based intervention to reduce conflicts are essential to conserve the vulnerable felids.
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Evidence of the Rusty-spotted cat from the Gwalior region of Central India.
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Over the last fifteen years (1999 to 2013) we recorded 11 sightings of rusty-spotted cats Prionailurus rubiginosus in central and southern Gujarat State, India. Of these, seven sightings were within protected areas, three from reserve forests and one from open scrublands combined with agricultural fields. This habitat is composed of hilly terrain with dry deciduous forest, scrublands, large boulders and agricultural fields, with a moderate human expansion. The most important habitat and forest blocks for the species in Gujarat are the reserve forests which act as corridors between the Jambughoda Wildlife Sanctuary and the Ratanmahal Wildlife Sanctuary. The existing data and sighting records from Gujarat State show that the species distribution in the state is wide and scattered.
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A review of the literature on the mammals of Nepal revealed a series of checklists improving in accuracy over time. However, there are contradictions in these checklists and there has been no checklist published since 1975. Here, I present a checklist based on a review of the literature on the mammals of Nepal. The Mammals of Nepal comprise 192 species within 37 families in 12 orders.
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We estimated leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) abundance and density in the Bhabhar physiographic region in Parsa Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. The camera trap grid, covering sampling area of 289 km2 with 88 locations, accumulated 1,342 trap nights in 64 days in the winter season of 2008-2009 and photographed 19 individual leopards. Using models incorporating heterogeneity, we estimated 28 (±SE 6.07) and 29.58 (±SE 10.44) leopards in Programs CAPTURE and MARK. Density estimates via 1/2 MMDM methods were 5.61 (±SE 1.30) and 5.93 (±SE 2.15) leopards per 100 km2 using abundance estimates from CAPTURE and MARK, respectively. Spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR) models resulted in lower density estimates, 3.78 (±SE 0.85) and 3.48 (±SE 0.83) leopards per 100 km2, in likelihood based program DENSITY and Bayesian based program SPACECAP, respectively. The 1/2 MMDM methods have been known to provide much higher density estimates than SECR modelling techniques. However, our SECR models resulted in high leopard density comparable to areas considered better habitat in Nepal indicating a potentially dense population compared to other sites. We provide the first density estimates for leopards in the Bhabhar and a baseline for long term population monitoring of leopards in Parsa Wildlife Reserve and across the Terai Arc.
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Little is known about the northern most distribution of the rusty-spotted cat Prionail-urus rubiginosus. During camera trapping to estimate the tiger population in Pilibhit forest division, this cat was photo captured four times at three different trap stations. Camera trapping was carried out in an area of 150 km² over 30 trap stations for 40 trap days. This is the first record of rusty-spotted cat from the Indian Terai region. A species targeted study is recommended to generate information for the conservation of this vulnerable cat in its range.