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Malfunction Rates of Bird Flight Diverters on Powerlines in the Mongolian Gobi


Abstract and Figures

The Oyu Tolgoi (OT) project, one of the world’s largest copper and gold mines, is located in Gobi Desert of Mongolia. To help meet its target of Net Positive Impact on key biodiversity features such as the Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) the OT installed bird fl ight diverters (BFDs include spiral and fl apper devices) to its power transmission lines to reduce the risk of birds hitting the wires. Despite the many studies demonstrating that BFDs reduce collision rates, we could fi nd no published information on malfunction rates of BFDs. In January 2013, we surveyed the physical function of 1,200 BFDs (e.g. 600 fl appers and 600 spirals) in three sample areas on each of four lines of varying voltage and structure. Of the 600 fl appers examined, 123 had malfunctioned within nine months of installation, while the malfunction rate of the 600 spirals studied was zero. Using a Generalized Linear Mixed Model, we found that the rate of fl apper malfunction increased with decreasing fl apper size and power line diameter. Further, the fl apper malfunction rate increased as the distance between poles increased. The cost of replacing malfunctioning BFDs is very high as there are serious health and safety constraints related to working with live wires. Factors aff ecting diverter malfunctioning need to be considered for future powerline projects and our information can serve as basis for developing national standards or regulations for powerline mitigation in Mongolia.
Content may be subject to copyright.
© 2016 Journal compilation
Volume 14(1-2), 2016
Mongolian Journal of Biological
ISSN 1684-3908 (print edition)
ISSN 2225-4994 (online edition)
Original Ar• cle
Key words: Bird
! ight diverter, Gobi,
malfunction, mitigation,
Article information:
Received: 26 Feb. 2016
Accepted: 04 Nov. 2016
Published online:
14 Nov. 2016
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Malfunction Rates of Bird Flight Diverters on
Powerlines in the Mongolian Gobi
Batsuuri Dashnyam1*, Tsolmonjav Purevsuren1, Saruul Amarsaikhan1, Dandarmaa
Bataa1, Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar2 and Guy Dutson3,4
1Health, Safety and Environment Department, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Chingis Avenue 15,
Ulaanbaatar 14240, Mongolia
2Mongolia Program, Wildlife Conservation Society, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
3The Biodiversity Consultancy, 3E King’s Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, United Kingdom
4School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Vic 3216, Australia
The Oyu Tolgoi (OT) project, one of the world’s largest copper and gold mines, is
located in Gobi Desert of Mongolia. To help meet its target of Net Positive Impact
on key biodiversity features such as the Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata)
the OT installed bird ! ight diverters (BFDs include spiral and ! apper devices) to
its power transmission lines to reduce the risk of birds hitting the wires. Despite
the many studies demonstrating that BFDs reduce collision rates, we could " nd
no published information on malfunction rates of BFDs. In January 2013, we
surveyed the physical function of 1,200 BFDs (e.g. 600 ! appers and 600 spirals)
in three sample areas on each of four lines of varying voltage and structure. Of the
600 ! appers examined, 123 had malfunctioned within nine months of installation,
while the malfunction rate of the 600 spirals studied was zero. Using a Generalized
Linear Mixed Model, we found that the rate of ! apper malfunction increased with
decreasing ! apper size and power line diameter. Further, the ! apper malfunction
rate increased as the distance between poles increased. The cost of replacing
malfunctioning BFDs is very high as there are serious health and safety constraints
related to working with live wires. Factors a# ecting diverter malfunctioning need
to be considered for future powerline projects and our information can serve as
basis for developing national standards or regulations for powerline mitigation in
Dashnyam, B., Purevsuren, Ts., Amarsaikhan, S., Bataa, D., Buuveibaatar, B., and
Dutson, G. 2016. Malfunction rates of bird ! ight diverters on powerlines in the
Mongolian gobi. Mong. J. Biol. Sci., 14(1-2): 13-20.
The Oyu Tolgoi (OT) project, one of the
world’s largest copper and gold mines, is located
in Khanbogd soum in Umnugobi province of
Mongolia. In 2012, OT constructed a 96 km
220 kV power transmission line between the OT
mine site and the Gashuun Sukhait (GS) check
point at the Mongolia-China border. OT has
also constructed a 35.5 km 35 kV transmission
line from the mine site to Khanbogd town, a 68
km 35 kV line to the bore" eld at Gunii Hooloi
(GH), shorter 35 kV lines within the mine site
(LA), and 6.3 kV distribution lines to individual
production bores (PB) (Figure 1).
OT has a speci" c aim to achieve a Net
Positive Impact on key biodiversity features
in the Southern Gobi region, notably the
Dashnyam et al. Malfunction of bird ! ight diverters.
Asiatic wild ass (khulan in Mongolian; Equus
hemionus), Goitered gazelle (or Black-tailed
gazelle; Gazella subgutturosa) and Houbara
bustard (Chlamydotis undulata) (TBC & FFI,
2012). Some of the OT powelines cross the
Galba Gobi Important Bird Area that supports
a globally important population of Houbara
bustard (Batbayar & Natsagdorj, 2009; Batbayar
et al., 2011). The OT Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment predicted that collisions with
project power lines would signi" cantly impact
some bird species including the Houbara bustard,
as they are particularly susceptible to colliding
with power lines (Martin & Shaw, 2010).
Powerlines are estimated to kill 12-64
million birds each year in the USA (Loss et al.,
2014) and 2-26 million in Canada (Rioux et
al., 2013). Marking power lines with bird ! ight
diverters (BFDs) to increase the visibility of
these lines to ! ying birds has been shown to
reduce mortalities by 55–94% (Barrientos et al.,
2011). Common BFDs include spiral and ! apper
devices: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) spirals, alone,
have been shown to reduce bird collisions by up
to 81% (Janss & Ferrer, 1998), while ! appers on
their own have been shown to reduce collisions
by 60-63% (Brown & Drewien, 1995; Yee,
2008), and ! appers added to spirals have been
shown to reduce collisions by an additional 52%
(Anderson, 2002).
During 2013, there were 118 recorded
incidents of birds colliding with the OT-GS
power transmission line, despite the installation
of BFDs. However, a signi" cant proportion of
! appers appeared to malfunction soon after the
installation. There is no published information
available on malfunction of BFDs. This study
aimed to identify causes of BFD malfunction,
and to recommend improved operating
Study area
The OT study area is located in Khanbogd
soum in Umnugobi province, approximately
80 km north of the Mongolia-China border and
550 km south of Ulaanbaatar (Figure 1). The
climate is strongly continental with daily means
reaching 40oC in summer and dropping to -35oC
in winter. The long-term average (1976–2014)
wind speed around OT is 4.2 m.sec-1, with the
strongest wind recorded being 49.9 m.sec-1 in
June 2007 (Oyu Tolgoi General Site Conditions
report, 2015). Elevations in the study area range
from 600-1350 m. Vegetation is sparse and
in large parts dominated by drought adapted
central Asian desert species, particularly Stipa
gobica, Allium mongolicum, Iljina regelii, and
Anabasis brevifolia (von Wehrden et al., 2009).
To date, 225 species of birds have been recorded
in and around the OT mine site. Several globally
and regionally threatened species found at the
site include endangered Dalmatian pelican
Figure 1. Study area in the southern Gobi, Mongolia, showing the location of power lines and study sites.
Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2016 Vol. 14 (1-2)
(Pelecanus crispus), Relict gull (Larus relictus)
and Great bustard (Otis tarda) and, in addition
to these species, Saker falcon (Falco cherrug),
Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata),
Short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) and
Amur falcon (Falco amurensis) do also occur
(Purevsuren et al., 2013).
Materials and Methods
To mitigate the impacts of power lines, BFDs
were installed in April and May 2012 at 10 m
intervals along the OT-GS power transmission
line, alternating between BirdMark™, hereafter
called ‘! appers’ (Clydesdale Ltd, Kempston,
Bedford, United Kingdom), and Swan-Flight
Diverter™, hereafter called ‘spirals’ (Ampirical
Solution LLC, Mandeville, Louisiana State,
USA) (Figure 2A). Two sizes of ! apper were
installed – small ! appers were designed to " t
wires of 6-16 mm diameter and large ! appers
to " t wires of 16-70 mm diameter. This is the
" rst time that BFDs have been installed in
Mongolia. Flappers were designed to rotate,
! ap, and whistle in response to wind and wire
movement, to re! ect light, and to glow for up to
10 hours after the sun has set (Figure 2B). Spirals
were designed to be highly visible but immobile
Figure 2. Schematic of the installation pattern of Bird Flight Diverters (A) and photos of a ! apper (B) and a
spiral (C) installed on power line in Southern Gobi, Mongolia.
Dashnyam et al. Malfunction of bird ! ight diverters.
(Figure 2C). Both types of BFDs were installed
on the highest wire because the majority of
collisions are with these earth wires, which are
higher, thinner, and in a single row (e.g. APLIC,
In January 2013, we surveyed the physical
function of 600 ! appers and 600 spirals in three
sample areas, each containing 100 BFDs (e.g. 50
! appers and 50 spirals), on each of four lines:
the OT – GS 220 kV transmission power line
(GS), OT – GH 35 kV transmission power line
(GH), 35 kV power lines inside the OT site area
(LA) and 6.3 kV power distribution lines (PB)
(Figure 1). Each sample area was spaced 1 km
apart on the GS and GH lines, but the samples
were continuous on the shorter LA and PB lines.
We walked along the sample areas, and observed
each ! apper with 10x42 binoculars to determine
whether it was properly working (e.g., rotating
and ! apping), and photographed it with a Canon
7D camera and 100-400 mm lens. We considered
! appers to have malfunctioned when stuck in the
up position and immobile, or when fallen. We
also considered spirals to have malfunctioned
when fallen. To explore potential causes of
malfunction, we measured the distance between
adjacent pylons or poles, the distance from each
BFD to the nearest pylon or pole, and the height
of each BFD from the ground using a Swarovski
10 x 30 laser range" nder. We also recorded the
elevation (above sea level) of each BFD using a
Global Positioning System.
We used General Linear Mixed Models
(GLMMs) to model the combined e# ects of the
six variables on physical function of ! appers:
the distance between adjacent poles (Pole-pole),
the distance from each BFD to the nearest pole
(Flap-pole), the height of each BFD from the
ground (Height), elevation (Elevation), ! apper
size (Size), and the wire diameter (Diameter).
We " tted GLMMs with a binomial error
distribution to the data using the ‘lme4’ library
in R (R Development Core Team, 2008). We
excluded Height from the model because it was
positively correlated with Flap-pole (rho = 0.93)
and Elevation (rho = 0.72). We scaled each
continuous predictor variables using ‘z-score’
standardization to have a mean of 0 and a
standard deviation of 1. We incorporated site
(e.g. GS, GH, LA, and PB) as a random factor in
the analysis to account for potential di# erences
in topography. We ran all possible model subsets
of the " ve variables and ranked them using
the Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) for
small sample sizes. The " nal set of models was
the most parsimonious based on $AICc < 4
(Anderson, 2008). Models with a 2 AICc unit
diff erence were considered equivalent (Burnham
& Anderson, 2002). To quantify the infl uence
of each covariate on diverter function, we used
model-averaging techniques to obtain parameter
estimates, unconditional standard errors and the
relative support of each variable (Burnham &
Anderson, 2002) within the ‘MuMIn’ library in
Site GS GH LA PB Total
Voltage (kV) 220 35 35 6.3
Diameter (mm) 16 10.5 10.5 18.9
No. spirals
150 150 150 150 600
No. fl appers
(large: small)
600 (224:376)
No. fl appers
(large: small)
% large fl appers
% small fl appers
Table 1. Number of fl appers and spirals studied and percent of those that malfunctioned on four power transmission
lines (GS = Gashuun Sukhait, GH = Gunii Hooloi, LA = OT mine site, and PB = Production bores) of varying
voltage and diameter in the Southern Gobi, Mongolia. * The malfunction rate of the spirals studied was zero.
Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2016 Vol. 14 (1-2)
R (Barton, 2012). In addition, we calculated the
model AICc weights to measure the likelihood
of a candidate model being the best among the
set of tted models. We acknowledge that these
modelling approaches are post-hoc analyses and
no manipulations or fi eld experiments was made.
We surveyed a total of 600 appers (376
small and 224 large) in four sites, of which 123
had malfunctioned (97 small and 26 large; Table
1). Whereas, the malfunction rate of 600 spirals
examined in the four power transmission lines
of varying voltage and diameter was zero. The
parameter estimates of full model indicated
strong infl uence of covariates such as Size,
Diameter, and Pole-pole on the malfunction
rate of appers (Table 2). The probability of the
apper malfunction increased as the size of the
device (β = -1.134, SE = 0.304) and the diameter
of the wire decreased = -0.727, SE = 0.270),
while the apper malfunction rate increased as
the distance between poles increased = 0.482,
SE = 0.233; Table 2). However, Elevation and
Flap-pole appeared as weak predictors given
that the estimated coeffi cients of these covariates
overlapped zero (Table 2). The estimated
variance of the random eff ect (e.g. site) was
nearly zero, suggesting site-specifi c diff erences
Coeffi cients Estimate SE Z value P value Variable
Intercept -1.103 0.141 -7.847 <0.001
Size -1.134 0.304 -3.730 <0.001 1.00
Diameter -0.727 0.270 -2.694 <0.005 1.00
Pole-pole 0.482 0.233 2.066 <0.05 0.81
Elevation -0.402 0.357 -1.124 NS 0.39
Flap-pole -0.033 0.131 -0.250 NS 0.28
Table 2. Model averaged-parameter estimates of the full model for determining physical function of bird
ight diverters installed on powerlines in Southern Gobi, Mongolia. All variables were scaled using ‘z-score’
standardization. Coeffi cient estimates, standard errors and relative importance of variables were obtained based on
the Akaike Information Criterion for small samples sizes (AICc) statistic following Burnham & Anderson (2002)
model averaging procedures. NS – not signifi cant.
Table 3. Model selection results for estimation of factors aff ecting malfunction rate of bird fl ight diverters installed
on powerlines in the Southern Gobi, Mongolia. We present results of the top 7 ranked models that have AICc
weight > 0.05.
Rank Model structure LogLik AICc ΔAICc Weights
1Size + Pole-pole + Diameter -283.980 578.1 0.00 0.345
2Size + Pole-pole + Diameter + Elevation -283.304 578.8 0.60 0.244
3Size + Pole-pole + Diameter + Flap-pole -283.961 580.1 2.00 0.127
4 Size + Pole-pole + Diameter + Elevation + Flap-
pole -283.273 580.7 2.67 0.091
5Size + Diameter -286.457 581.0 2.92 0.080
6Size + Diameter + Flap-pole -285.675 581.5 3.39 0.063
7Size + Diameter + Elevation -285.905 581.9 3.85 0.050
LogLik = log likelihood; AICc = corrected Akaike information criterion; ΔAICc = diff erence between model
AICc and the minimum AICc; weights = model AICc weight.
Dashnyam et al. Malfunction of bird ! ight diverters.
in malfunction rate of the ! appers was negligible.
When running all possible subset models, the
model of ! apper malfunction rates that best " t
our data (minimum AICc) contained covariates
of Size, Diameter, and Pole-pole (Table 3). The
inclusion of the Elevation into the best model
produced the second ranked competitive model
(AICc weight 24%). These parameters accounted
for 59% of the AICc weight among the seven
models (Table 3). We found slight changes in
the parameter estimates from the top ranked two
competitive models, relative to the parameter
estimates from the full model (Table 2 and 4).
Based on the hierarchical partitioning approach,
the relative importance of Diameter, Size, and
Pole-pole were greater than those of Elevation
and Flap-pole for explaining physical function of
! apper performance (Table 2).
This is the " rst e# ort to examine factors
in! uencing performance of BFDs in Mongolia,
and the " rst published study we could " nd to
evaluate BFD malfunction rates. We found that
123 of 600 ! appers had malfunctioned within
nine months of installation. During subsequent
monitoring we found that the malfunction rate
increased with time. In contrast, none of 600
spirals studied along the four power transmission
lines of varying voltage and diameter was
malfunctioned. This is probably due to the spirals
were designed and installed to be immobile.
When modelled, we found physical function
of ! apper failed as the size of the device and
the diameter of the wire decreased, while the
! apper malfunction rate increased as the distance
between poles increased. However, elevation
and the distance from each ! apper to the nearest
pole appeared as weak predictors in! uencing
malfunction of ! appers.
The causes of these malfunctions of the
! appers are not known but likely related to the
design of the grounder that connects the ! apper
to the wire and/or to the wire ring that allows
the ! appers to rotate and ! ap with wind and
wire movement. Some small ! appers (designed
for 35 kV lines) might have been incorrectly
installed on unsuitably large 220 kV lines. High
wind speeds might have caused swinging and
twisting of wires which locked ! appers into " xed
positions, and/or wore through the wire rings,
and/or dislodged or damaged the grounders.
Additionally, sub-zero temperatures and
encrusted ice might have damaged the wire rings,
grounders or other parts of the ! appers.
The cost of replacing malfunctioning BFDs
is now very high because of health and safety
constraints related to working with live wires.
There are two ‘lessons learned’ arising from
this research as the " rst e# ort to mitigate the
impacts on birds of power lines in Mongolia.
First, this study acts as a cautionary warning to
the “national power transmission grid” state
owned company, other mining companies, and
power line installers about the high rate of BFD
malfunction (e.g. ! appers), possibly related
to the weather conditions of the South Gobi.
Secondly, our experience with the installation
of BFDs should be incorporated into national
standards, speci" cally MNS 2919: 2003, MNS
5350: 2003 (Mongolian National Standard,
2004 and 2016), and power construction and
regulations for the mitigation of powerline
impacts on birds (Ministry of Infrastructure of
Mongolia, 2004).
Electric power supply networks in Mongolia
are responsible for causing bird mortality,
especially raptors, through electrocution and
collision (Amartuvshin & Gombobaatar 2012).
We recommend that future power lines installed
in Mongolia in areas of high risk to threatened
birds, such as bustards, include spirals as BFDs
because their malfunction rate was zero. Flappers
Table 4. Model-averaged estimates and standard errors (β ± SE) of the top ranked 2 competitive models (e.g.
'AICc value is within 2 AICc) for determining physical function of bird ! ight diverters installed on powerlines in
Southern Gobi, Mongolia. Signi" cance code: ‘***’ 0.001; ‘**’ 0.01; ‘*’ 0.05; ‘.’ 0.1.
Rank Intercept Size Pole-pole Diameter Elevation
1 -1.160 ± 0.133*** -0.962 ± 0.264*** 0.266 ± 0.120* -0.462 ± 0.122***
2 -1.103 ± 0.140*** -1.133 ± 0.304*** 0.456 ± 0.209* -0.726 ± 0.269** -0.397 ± 0.356.
Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2016 Vol. 14 (1-2)
should be installed on an experimental basis to
investigate their durability and their effi cacy
as BFDs. More importantly, where possible,
projects and developers should design-out the
need for power lines, or minimise their length
and locate them along routes of minimum
risk to threatened birds. Lower-risk designs of
pylons, poles and wire arrays should always be
chosen to permanently reduce the risk to both
threatened birds and the installer’s reputation.
This is particularly topical in the South Gobi, as
new powerlines are being constructed in areas
supporting Houbara bustards and other species of
conservation concern.
Oyu Tolgoi LLC provided support for this
study. We thank Dennis Hosack, Jez Bird,
John Pilgrim, David Wilson, and Oyun-Erdene
Tseesuren for their advice, comments, and
assistance on the survey.
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... For those reasons, aviation balls have mostly been replaced by spirals, which are less problematic in these regards (Bevanger et al., 2014). The recent shift toward flappers reduces ice loading but can be problematic because flappers are less durable, falling more easily from the wire (Dashnyam et al., 2016;Sporer et al., 2013). High wind also can twist flappers locking them into fixed positions, reducing their effectiveness (Dashnyam et al., 2016). ...
... The recent shift toward flappers reduces ice loading but can be problematic because flappers are less durable, falling more easily from the wire (Dashnyam et al., 2016;Sporer et al., 2013). High wind also can twist flappers locking them into fixed positions, reducing their effectiveness (Dashnyam et al., 2016). However, recent modifications by line marker manufacturers are intended to address these concerns. ...
... Sporer et al., 2013;Yee, 2008), as well on device durability and technical limitations (e.g. Dashnyam et al., 2016;Hurst, 2004). Optimal spacing is another priority area for research, with Sporer et al. (2013) hypothesising that there is a threshold density above which adding more line markers should provide little additional benefit. ...
... The effectiveness of line markers has been studied globally, producing equivocal results (Alonso et al. 1994, Cooper and Day 1998, Anderson 2002, Yee 2008, De La Zerda 2012, Raab et al. 2012, Sporer et al. 2013, Dashnyam et al. 2016, Ferrer et al. 2020, Travers et al. 2021. Barrientos et al. (2011) estimated a 78% reduction in collision rates, whereas Bernardino et al. (2019) who included additional peer-reviewed and grey literature, only reported an overall effectiveness of 50%. ...
... Furthermore, Bernardino et al. (2019) reported that the risk of publication bias could not be entirely excluded and may be still overestimating the true overall effectiveness of wire markers. In addition to often limited effectiveness and durability (Sporer et al. 2013, Dashnyam et al. 2016, line markers create technical and logistical challenges. For example, line markers typically cannot be installed on the conductor wires of transmission lines because they result in noise emissions, radio interference, and reductions in power transmission efficiency caused by corona discharges (Hurst 2004). ...
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Collisions with anthropogenic structures by long-distance migrants and threatened and endangered species are a growing global conservation concern. Increasing the visibility of these structures may reduce collisions but may only be accepted by local residents if it does not create a visual disturbance. Recent research has shown the potential for ultraviolet (UV) light, which is nearly imperceptible to humans, to mitigate avian collisions with anthropogenic structures. We tested the effectiveness of two UV (390–400 nm) Avian Collision Avoidance Systems (ACASs) at reducing collisions at two 260-m spans of marked power lines at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary, an important migratory bird stopover location in Nebraska. We used a randomized design and a tiered model selection approach employing generalized linear models and the Akaike Information Criterion to assess the effectiveness of ACASs considering environmental (e.g., precipitation) and detection probability (e.g., migration chronology) variables. We found focal (assessed power line) and distal (neighboring power line) ACAS status and environmental variables were important predictors of avian collisions. Our top model suggests that the focal ACAS illumination reduced collisions by 88%, collisions were more likely at moderate (10–16 km/h) compared to lower or higher wind speeds, and collision frequency decreased with precipitation occurrence. Our top model also indicates that the distal ACAS illumination reduced collisions by 39.4% at the focal power line when that ACAS was off, suggesting a positive “neighbor effect” of power line illumination. Although future applications of ACASs would benefit from additional study to check for potential negative effects (for example, collisions involving nocturnal foragers such as bats or caprimulgiform birds drawn to insects), we suggest that illuminating power lines, guy wires, towers, wind turbines, and other anthropogenic structures with UV illumination will likely lower collision risks for birds while increasing human acceptance of mitigation measures in urban areas.
... Unfortunately, high malfunction rates have been observed for one of the flight diverter types (flappers; Batsuuri et al. 2016). ...
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Action Plan for Great Bustard (Otis tarda) populations in Asia, adopted at CMS COP14
... For example, replacing bird flight divertors can be costly, sometimes requiring shutting down of the line (Avian Power Line Interaction Committee 2012). In Mongolia, 123 out of 600 bird flight divertors of one type (i.e., "flappers") malfunctioned after nine months, while 600 spiral designed divertors installed at the same time had no failures (Batsuuri et al. 2016). Other interventions, such as changes to pylon design, are likely to incur lower maintenance costs. ...
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Biodiversity conservation is currently facing extraordinary challenges but remains severely limited by funding. Thus, the importance of cost-effective conservation is being increasingly realised – requiring information on both the effects and costs of actions taken to conserve biodiversity. Yet, despite progress in collating and using evidence on the effectiveness of conservation in decision-making, the recording and use of cost data has received far less attention. This PhD aims to help bridge this gap by investigating the collection and use of economic data for conservation decision making, as part of wider research into evidence-based conservation. The research presented is structured into several stages: i) investigate the current state of cost reporting and the use of evidence (including costs) in conservation decision making, ii) develop frameworks and approaches to help improve the reporting of the economic costs and benefits of conservation actions, and the use of evidence in decision-making around biodiversity impact mitigation. Lastly, I then apply this thinking to two detailed case studies where I assess the costs and cost-effectiveness of different conservation interventions. Reviewing the published literature on conservation interventions, I identified low rates of detailed cost reporting. Reported costs often lacked important contextual detail necessary to interpret the data and apply it in different contexts. Where detailed costs were provided, they showed considerable variation, with differences in how costs were reported likely to explain much of this variance. I then conducted an interview-based study investigating the use of evidence in business-biodiversity decision making. This revealed a wide range of themes including the high reliance of professionals on experts, policy and guidance as a stamp of cost-effective, evidence-based practice. Several challenges to integrating biodiversity in the private sector were also noted, including the need for better understanding the economic costs and benefits of mitigation action. Building on these studies, I then developed i) a step-by-step framework for the standardised reporting of economic costs and benefits of conservation action, and ii) a set of principles for the use of evidence (including data on costs) to guide actions that businesses and consultants can take to minimize and compensate for their impacts on biodiversity. To demonstrate the complexities and importance of using cost data in decision-making, I then provide two case studies. The first of these studies assesses the costs and cost-effectiveness of actions to avoid and minimize the impacts of power lines on at-risk bird species in Spain. The study identified large variations in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different actions to prevent collisions with at-risk bird species. Changing how cost is measured, by including the costs associated with negative impacts, can improve the apparent cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures, particularly those more effective measures which avoid impact at the outset. In the second case study, I used a dataset of field-level costs of commonly applied agri-environment interventions in the UK to investigate actions to protect and restore biodiversity in farmland. I identified a high variation in costs both between and within different conservation actions. Costs and cost-effectiveness varied depending on the inclusion of several inputs (e.g., fertilizer, pesticide) during implementation, field size, as well as the types of cost and benefit included. Understanding the variability in costs within actions, and how costs and cost-effectiveness are calculated, are critical considerations when assessing the feasibility of different actions to protect and restore biodiversity.
... This assumption may perhaps be mistaken in the case of bustards, as visual field studies suggest that they have poor forward vision in flight (Martin and Shaw 2010). Moreover, dynamic BFDs (particularly those with rotating features) may exhibit high malfunction rates (Sporer et al. 2013, Dashnyam et al. 2016), although ...
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Bustards comprise a highly threatened family of birds and, being relatively fast, heavy fliers with very limited frontal visual fields, are particularly susceptible to mortality at powerlines. These infrastructures can also displace them from immediately adjacent habitat and act as barriers, fragmenting their ranges. With geographically ever wider energy transmission and distribution grids, the powerline threat to bustards is constantly growing. Reviewing the published and unpublished literature up to January 2021, we found 2,774 records of bustard collision with powerlines, involving 14 species. Some studies associate powerline collisions with population declines. To avoid mortalities, the most effective solution is to bury the lines; otherwise they should be either routed away from bustard-frequented areas, or made redundant by local energy generation. When possible, new lines should run parallel to existing structures and wires should preferably be as low and thick as possible, with minimal conductor obstruction of vertical airspace, although it should be noted that these measures require additional testing. A review of studies finds limited evidence that 'bird flight diverters' (BFDs; devices fitted to wires to induce evasive action) achieve significant reductions in mortality for some bustard species. Nevertheless , dynamic BFDs are preferable to static ones as they are thought to perform more effectively. Rigorous evaluation of powerline mortalities, and effectiveness of mitigation measures, need systematic carcass surveys and bias corrections. Whenever feasible, assessments of displacement and barrier effects should be undertaken. Following best practice guidelines proposed with this review paper to monitor impacts and mitigation could help build a reliable body of evidence on best ways to prevent bustard mortality at powerlines. Research should focus on validating mitigation measures and quantifying, particularly for threatened bustards, the population effects of powerline grids at the national scale, to account for cumulative impacts on bustards and establish an equitable basis for compensation measures.
... These devices are the most widespread measure to reduce bird collisions with these infrastructures and therefore mitigate their impact on wildlife. Thus, most of the available studies reporting on these diverters are devoted to either confirming their effectiveness in the reduction of avian mortality at power lines, as in [26,27], or even in night collisions as in [28], or analyzing the impact of malfunctioning, as power line companies do not replace them often due to high cost, as in [29]. ...
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This work presents the application of an aerial manipulation robot for the semi-autonomous installation of clip-type bird flight diverters on overhead power line cables. A custom-made prototype is designed, developed, and experimentally validated. The proposed solution aims to reduce the cost and risk of current procedures carried out by human operators deployed on suspended carts, lifts, or manned helicopters. The system consists of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a custom-made tool. This tool allows the high force required for the diverter installation to be generated; however, it is isolated from the aerial robot through a passive joint. Thus, the aerial robot stability is not compromised during the installation. This paper thoroughly describes the designed prototype and the control system for semi-autonomous operation. Flight experiments conducted in an illustrative scenario validate the performance of the system; the tests were carried out in an indoor testbed using a power line cable mock-up.
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План действий для большой дрофы в рамках Боннской конвенции, принят к конвенции в 2023 на CMS COP14
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There is an increasing expectation for companies to revise their activities to minimize impacts on biodiversity, as well as undertake compensatory and proactive actions to restore biodiversity. To contribute towards global biodiversity goals, such actions need to be both ambitious and effective. Yet, implementation of mitigation actions to avoid impact is often poor or omitted, and actions to minimize and restore can be of varying effectiveness. The financial costs of actions are often seen as a barrier. Here we argue that mitigation costs, both costs incurred or avoided, are often overlooked or over-simplified when designing mitigation strategies. This includes limited quantification of management costs, the costs of potential impacts, assumed counterfactuals (i.e., what would happen without mitigation?), the distribution of costs between stakeholders, and the value gained by enhancing biodiversity. A more detailed and nuanced understanding of the economic costs and benefits of mitigation actions can both help prioritize resources more efficiently and reveal the true cost-effectiveness of mitigation at the project and portfolio levels, particularly for actions that avoid damage to biodiversity. This could improve the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy, as project developers or decision makers have a better understanding of the actual costs and benefits of different potential mitigation strategies. We exemplify this thinking with a detailed case study that determines the costs and effectiveness of a range of actions to reduce bird collisions on power lines.
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Line markers are widely used to mitigate bird collisions with power lines, but few studies have robustly tested their efficacy. Power line collisions are an escalating problem for several threatened bird species endemic to southern Africa, so it is critical to know whether or not marking works to adequately manage this problem. Over 8 yr, a large-scale experiment was set up on 72 of 117 km of monitored transmission power lines in the eastern Karoo, South Africa, to assess whether line markers reduce bird collision mortality, particularly for Blue Cranes (Grus paradisea) and Ludwig’s Bustards (Neotis ludwigii). We tested the 2 marking devices commonly used in South Africa: bird flappers and static bird flight diverters. Using a before-after-control-impact design, we show that line marking reduced collision rates for Blue Cranes by 92% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 77–97%) and all large birds by 51% (95% CI: 23–68%), but had no effect on bustards. Both marker types appeared similarly effective. Given that monitoring at this site also confirmed high levels of mortality of a range of species of conservation concern, we recommend that marking be widely installed on new power lines. However, other options need to be explored urgently to reduce collision mortality of bustards. Five bustard species were in the top 10 list of most frequently found carcasses, and high collision rates of Ludwig’s Bustards (0.68 birds km–1 yr–1 uncorrected for survey biases) add to wider concerns about population-level effects for this range-restricted and Endangered species.
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Bird diverter devices were developed to improve power line visibility for birds and reduce their risk of collision. However, differences in efficacy between types of devices, and in some cases conflicting results, place in question the ability of these devices to reduce collision risk to birds. Here, we investigated the efficacy of three types of flight diverters in reducing avian collision with power lines: yellow spiral, orange spiral, and flapper, additionally we used unmarked spans as a control. We recorded bird collisions and estimated removal rates of bird casualties by scavengers in three different 400 kV transmission lines comprising 133 spans in southern Spain. A total of 131 dead birds from 32 species were found. The power line and the type of marker significantly affected avian mortality. The flapper flight diverter was responsible for a 70.2% lower mean avian mortality rate (95% Confidence Interval: 50-90%), followed by the orange spiral (mean = 43.7%, CI = 15.8-71.6%) and the yellow spiral (mean = 40.4%, CI = 2.8-78%), compared to control spans. Flappers were the only marker that showed greatest reduction in relation to non-marked spans. The flapper flight diverter showed the highest reduction in mortality and the narrowest confidence interval when tested in different environmental conditions, and thus may serve as a better alternative to the more commonly used spiral flight diverters.
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Oyu Tolgoi (OT) is a large copper and gold mine in Khanbogd soum, Umnugobi province, approximately 80 kilometres north of the Mongolia-China border and 550 kilometres south of capital, Ulaanbaatar. Baseline bird surveys in the vicinity of the mine lease area recorded 65 bird species in the summer months of 2002 and 2003 (Eco Trade 2006). We have conducted further bird surveys and observations since 2010 in and around the mine lease to comply with national and international requirements. Moreover, OT is committed to have a net positive impact on biodiversity in the region by mine closure. Our goal in undertaking bird surveys is thus not only to comply with commitments, but also to identify conservation actions to mitigate negative impacts caused by mining activities.
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The number of birds killed (per km) by collision with power lines in west-central Spain did not differ between one transmission line and two distribution lines. For all three power lines, we tested the ability of different markers to reduce bird collision by comparing marked spans to unmarked spans along the same power line. A spiral (30 cm × 100 cm) reduced collisions (static wire marking). Black crossed bands (35 cm × 5 cm) were also effective, but not for the vulnerable Great Bustard (Otis tarda) (conductor marking). The third marker, consisting of thin black stripes (70 cm × 0.8 cm), did not reduce mortality (conductor marking). The highest mortality from power-line collision was recorded for the Great and Little Bustard (Otis tarda and Otis tetrax).
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Collisions and electrocutions at power lines are thought to kill large numbers of birds in the United States annually. However, existing estimates of mortality are either speculative (for electrocution) or based on extrapolation of results from one study to all U.S. power lines (for collision). Because national-scale estimates of mortality and comparisons among threats are likely to be used for prioritizing policy and management strategies and for identifying major research needs, these estimates should be based on systematic and transparent assessment of rigorously collected data. We conducted a quantitative review that incorporated data from 14 studies meeting our inclusion criteria to estimate that between 12 and 64 million birds are killed each year at U.S. power lines, with between 8 and 57 million birds killed by collision and between 0.9 and 11.6 million birds killed by electrocution. Sensitivity analyses indicate that the majority of uncertainty in our estimates arises from variation in mortality rates across studies; this variation is due in part to the small sample of rigorously conducted studies that can be used to estimate mortality. Little information is available to quantify species-specific vulnerability to mortality at power lines; the available literature over-represents particular bird groups and habitats, and most studies only sample and present data for one or a few species. Furthermore, additional research is needed to clarify whether, to what degree, and in what regions populations of different bird species are affected by power line-related mortality. Nonetheless, our data-driven analysis suggests that the amount of bird mortality at U.S. power lines is substantial and that conservation management and policy is necessary to reduce this mortality.
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Birds are vulnerable to collisions with human-made fixed structures. Despite ongoing development and increases in infrastructure, we have few estimates of the magnitude of collision mortality. We reviewed the existing literature on avian mortality associated with transmission lines and derived an initial estimate for Canada. Estimating mortality from collisions with power lines is challenging due to the lack of studies, especially from sites within Canada, and due to uncertainty about the magnitude of detection biases. Detection of bird collisions with transmission lines varies due to habitat type, species size, and scavenging rates. In addition, birds can be crippled by the impact and subsequently die, although crippling rates are poorly known and rarely incorporated into estimates. We used existing data to derive a range of estimates of avian mortality associated with collisions with transmission lines in Canada by incorporating detection, scavenging, and crippling biases. There are 231,966 km of transmission lines across Canada, mostly in the boreal forest. Mortality estimates ranged from 1 million to 229.5 million birds per year, depending on the bias corrections applied. We consider our most realistic estimate, taking into account variation in risk across Canada, to range from 2.5 million to 25.6 million birds killed per year. Data from multiple studies across Canada and the northern U.S. indicate that the most vulnerable bird groups are (1) waterfowl, (2) grebes, (3) shorebirds, and (4) cranes, which is consistent with other studies. Populations of several groups that are vulnerable to collisions are increasing across Canada (e.g., waterfowl, raptors), which suggests that collision mortality, at current levels, is not limiting population growth. However, there may be impacts on other declining species, such as shorebirds and some species at risk, including Alberta’s Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) and western Canada’s endangered Whooping Cranes (Grus americana). Collisions may be more common during migration, which underscores the need to understand impacts across the annual cycle. We emphasize that these estimates are preliminary, especially considering the absence of Canadian studies.
Collisions with power lines are a source of mortality to cranes (Grus americana and Grus canadensis), waterfowl, and other birds. Two power line markers were assessed in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Collision mortality rates at 8 segments of power lines marked with either yellow spiral vibration dampers or yellow fiberglass swinging plates were compared with 8 adjoining unmarked segments. During 3 spring and 3 fall migration periods (1988-1991), estimated mortality on study segments was 706, including ≥35 species. Waterfowl and cranes constituted >80% of mortality. Both marker types reduced mortality. Factors affecting collisions or marker effectiveness included wind, nocturnal flights and disturbance, and age of sandhill cranes. -from Authors
Science is about discovering new things, about better understanding processes and systems, and generally furthering our knowledge. Deep in science philosophy is the notion of hypotheses and mathematical models to represent these hypotheses. It is partially the quantification of hypotheses that provides the illusive concept of rigor in science. Science is partially an adversarial process; hypotheses battle for primacy aided by observations, data, and models. Science is one of the few human endeavors that is truly progressive. Progress in science is defined as approaching an increased understanding of truth – science evolves in a sense.
The present study provides an updated inventory and classification of the plant communities of the Gobi region in southern Mongolia based on a set of 1418 sample plots. The vast Gobi landscape is characterised by a dry climate with mean annual precipitation in the semi-deserts of between 50 and 150 mm, while the highest mountain peaks may receive up to 200 mm/a. The wetter montane regions are composed of extrazonal communities including woodlands and comparatively dense mountain steppes. The surrounding lowlands are characterised by sparse and more diffuse vegetation comprising dry grass steppes and, more commonly, shrub formations. Water surplus sites host various salt-adapted vegetation types which contrast sharply with the surrounding semi-deserts in terms of their high vegetation cover and species richness. In total, 28 associations/communities plus 18 sub-associations/sub-communities or variants are listed. Nine of these are newly described, and the syntaxonomical status of several other units known from literature has been clarified. The distribution of the plant communities is exemplified by six vegetation profiles.