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A novel quantitative microarray antibody capture (Q-MAC) assay identifies an extremely high HDV prevalence amongst HBV infected Mongolians


Abstract and Figures

Conclusions: The Q-MAC assay's unique performance characteristics make it ideal for population screening. Its application to the Mongolian HBsAg+ population reveals an apparent ∼60% prevalence of HDV co-infection amongst these HBV-infected Mongolian subjects, which may help explain the extraordinarily high rate of HCC in Mongolia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Volume 66 !Number 6 December 2017
Hepatology Highlights
1709 Clara Tow, Robert S. Brown Jr.,
Zaid Husni Tafesh, Robert E. Schwartz,
Russell Rosenblatt, Shawn L. Shah,
Nicole T. Shen, Aleksey Novikov,
Shirley Cohen-Mekelburg, Nicholas Russo,
and Vikas Gupta
1713 Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Hepatic
Encephalopathy: Ready for Prime Time?
Puneeta Tandon, Karen Madsen, and Dina Kao
(See Article on Page 1727)
1716 Delta Hepatitis: Toward Improved Diagnostics
Saleem Kamili, Jan Drobeniuc,
Tonya Mixson-Hayden, and Maja Kodani
(See Article on Page 1739)
1719 Polo-Like-Kinase 1: A Key Cellular Target for
Anti-HBV Therapy?
Michael M.C. Lai and Wen-Chi Su
(See Article on Page 1750)
1722 Redefining Successful Treatment of Severe
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Michael Ronan Lucey
(See Article on Page 1842)
1724 Beyond Farnesoid X Receptor to Target New
Therapies for NAFLD
Xiaoying Liu and Richard M. Green
(See Article on Page 1854)
Rapid Communication
1727 *Fecal Microbiota Transplant From a
Rational Stool Donor Improves Hepatic
Encephalopathy: A Randomized
Clinical Trial
Jasmohan S. Bajaj, Zain Kassam, Andrew Fagan,
Edith A. Gavis, Eric Liu, I. Jane Cox,
Raffi Kheradman, Douglas Heuman,
Jessica Wang, Thomas Gurry, Roger Williams,
Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Michael Fuchs, Eric Alm,
Binu John, Leroy R. Thacker, Antonio Riva,
Mark Smith, Simon D. Taylor-Robinson,
and Patrick M Gillevet
(See Editorial on Page 1713)
Original Articles
1739 *A Novel Quantitative Microarray Antibody
Capture Assay Identifies an Extremely High
Hepatitis Delta Virus Prevalence Among
Hepatitis B Virus–Infected Mongolians
Xiaohua Chen, Odgerel Oidovsambuu, Ping Liu,
Rosslyn Grosely, Menashe Elazar,
Virginia D. Winn, Benjamin Fram, Zhang Boa,
Hongjie Dai, Bekhbold Dashtseren,
Dahgwahdorj Yagaanbuyant, Zulkhuu Genden,
Naranbaatar Dashdorj, Andreas Bungert,
Naranjargal Dashdorj, and Jeffrey S. Glenn
(See Editorial on Page 1716)
*Human Study
>Cover Figure: Novel
Quantitative Micro Array
Capture (Q-MAC) assay reveals
extremely high prevalence rate of
hepatitis delta virus (HDV) in
Mongolia, contributing to the
world’s highest hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) rate. See
article on page 1739.
Delta Hepatitis: Toward Improved
Hepatitis D virus (HDV), the etiologic agent
of hepatitis D or delta hepatitis, is a unique
human virus that requires the hepatitis B
surface antigen (HBsAg) of hepatitis B virus (HBV)
for its replication and to establish infection. HDV, the
only member of its own separate genus, Deltavirus, is
the smallest known infectious viral agent of humans.
The HDV virion, which measures 35-37 nm in diame-
ter, contains a single-stranded circular !1,700-nucleo-
tide RNA genome of negative polarity, which encloses
only a single functional open reading frame encoding
the sole viral protein, the hepatitis delta antigen
(HDAg). The HDAg is associated with the genomic
RNA to form a ribonucleoprotein complex which is
encapsulated by a lipid envelope containing the small,
middle, and large HBsAg proteins.
HDV exhibits a
high degree of genetic heterogeneity, with estimated
mutation rates between 3 310
and 3 310
substitutions per genomic site per year.
The virus has
a wide geographic distribution with eight distinct
genotypes. HDV genotype 1 is the most common
genotype, being prevalent in North America, Europe,
the Middle East, and North Africa; genotypes 2 and
4 are found predominantly in East Asia; genotype 3 is
found exclusively in the Amazon basin in South Amer-
ica; and genotypes 5-8, also known as African geno-
types, are predominantly found in West and central
HDV is a highly pathogenic virus, and clinical pre-
sentation of hepatitis D ranges from fulminant hepati-
tis, exacerbation of the course of underlying HBV
infection, and acceleration of progression to cirrhosis,
leading to early decompensation of liver function and
hepatocellular carcinoma in the majority of patients.
However, a benign course of HDV infection has also
been observed in Greece, Samoa, and the Far East;
whether this is related to various viral characteristics
such as the infecting genotype or host genetics remains
to be determined.
Outbreaks of severe and fulminant
hepatitis D have been reported from Brazil, Russia,
Greenland, and Mongolia.
The laboratory diagnosis
of coinfection or superinfection with HDV is based on
simultaneous detection of various serologic markers of
HBV and HDV infection. The markers of acute HDV
infection include, along with the markers of HBV
infection, HDAg, HDV RNA, and immunoglobulins
M and G (IgM and IgG, respectively) antibodies to
HDV (anti-HDV). These markers of HDV infection
are present only transiently and disappear during early
convalescence; IgM anti-HDV and even IgG anti-
HDV also disappear with time in acute resolving
HDV infection.
Superinfection of HBsAg carriers,
which almost always leads to chronic hepatitis D, is
marked by absence of IgM antibody to hepatitis B core
antigen and presence of all the other markers of HBV
and HDV infections (Fig. 1). However, markers of
HBV replication, especially HBV DNA, may be sup-
pressed during the acute phase of HDV infection and
remain undetectable.
Chronicity of HDV infection
is associated with persistence of HDAg, HDV RNA,
and IgM and IgG anti-HDV. HDV RNA is the gold
standard for diagnosis of current HDV infection
because assays for detection of HDAg are fraught with
sensitivity and specificity issues. Quantitative assays of
HDV RNA are useful for monitoring response to anti-
viral therapy, and the recent availability of a World
Abbreviations: anti-HDV, antibody to HDV; HBsAg, hepatitis B
surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HDAg, hepatitis delta anti-
gen; HDV, hepatitis D virus; IgG/IgM, immunoglobulins G/M;
Q-MAC, quantitative microarray antibody capture.
Received July 31, 2017; accepted September 27, 2017.
Published 2017. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in
the public domain in the USA.
View this article online at
DOI 10.1002/hep.29564
Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
Saleem Kamili, Ph.D.
Division of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329-4027
HEPATOLOGY, VOL. 66, NO. 6, 2017
Health Organization standard has further helped in
optimizing assays across various centers and laborato-
ries. Sequencing of HDV RNA–positive samples is a
reliable way to determine the HDV genotype.
The prevalence of HDV is a measure of anti-HDV
positivity among HBsAg positive carriers. It is esti-
mated that 10 million to 20 million individuals (!5%
of chronic HBV patients) worldwide are coinfected
with HDV.
Vaccination against hepatitis B, which is
also the default vaccination against HDV, resulted in a
decrease of HDV prevalence in industrialized countries
with the implementation of routine hepatitis B immu-
nization of children and other populations.
ever, in several European countries (e.g., Germany,
Italy, and England), which have large and increasing
numbers of migrants from HDV-endemic areas (e.g.,
eastern Europe and Turkey), HDV prevalence rates
have remained unchanged.
High-risk populations
like injection drug users continue to get impacted by
superinfection with HDV, as has been observed in
Europe and recently in the United States.
Based on
cross-sectional studies, high rates of HDV infection,
ranging from 10% to 70%, in HBsAg carriers have
been reported from Nigeria, Gabon, India, Pakistan,
Iran, the western Brazilian Amazon, Tajikistan, and
A number of developing countries have
reported a high endemicity of HDV, and prevalence
rates of >20% have been reported; these include cen-
tral Africa, mountainous regions of Venezuela and
Colombia, Romania, Pakistan, Iran, the Amazon basin
in South America, and Mongolia. However, reliable
data on the accurate prevalence of HDV are not avail-
able from all regions due to either lack of testing of
HBsAg carriers for HDV infection or lack of availabil-
ity of anti-HDV antibody assays with proven perfor-
mance characteristics. In this context, the article by
Chen et al. published in this issue of HEPATOLOGY
of major significance. The authors found a substantially
higher prevalence (!60%) of HDV infections among
HBV-infected individuals identified in a national survey
sampling of the Mongolian population. Of a total of
1,158 individuals chosen based on a three-stage cluster
sampling method to reflect the gender, age, and
geographical origin representative of the entire country,
123 tested positive for HBsAg, of whom 75 (60%)
tested anti-HDV-positive by a newly developed high-
throughput quantitative microarray antibody capture
(Q-MAC) assay that the authors describe.
diagnostic approaches, such as protein microarray–based
Q-MAC assays, allow for improvement in the sensitivi-
ties of various diagnostic assays. Protein microarrays
have become an important tool in studies of protein–
protein interactions, protein detection, and other appli-
cations in quantitative and functional proteomics and
beyond. Protein microarrays are arrays of protein targets,
frequently antibodies and/or antigens, immobilized on a
solid support such as a glass slide. Plasmonic substrates,
such as nanostructured plasmonic gold film, have been
FIG. 1. Serologic course of acute resolving (A) and chronic (B) HDV infection. Abbreviations: anti-HBc, antibody to hepatitis B
core antigen; anti-HBs, antibody to HBsAg.
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 66, No. 6, 2017 KAMILI ET AL.
developed to improve the sensitivity and dynamic range
of protein detection on microarrays and have been
shown to detect cancer biomarkers and integrated
human antibodies and antigens down to femtomolar
Chen et al. have used this protein microarray
technology to develop a Q-MAC assay for sensitive
quantitative fluorescent detection of anti-HDV IgG
from patient sera. The authors not only convincingly
demonstrated the excellent performance characteristics
of their Q-MAC assay but also established quantitative
thresholds of captured HDV antibody predictive of
HDV RNA positivity. However, as the authors have
righty stated, despite a good correlation between fluo-
rescence intensity of the Q-MAC assay and HDV
RNA levels, determination of HDV RNA remains the
gold standard for monitoring of treatment against hepa-
titis D. The Q-MAC assay is rapid, requires a small
volume of patient serum, and can easily be scaled to
high-throughput screening of large cohorts of HBsAg
carriers for HDV infection.
A true seroepidemiologic gauge of the prevalence of
hepatitis D is to test HBsAg carriers only and estimate
the prevalence rates using the HBsAg positives as the
denominator. With this approach, Chen et al.
an alarming proportion of their HBsAg-positive popu-
lation in Mongolia superinfected with HDV. Com-
pared to other HBsAg carriers, persons superinfected
with HDV are at the highest risk for hepatocellular
carcinoma, and HDV superinfection undoubtedly con-
tributes to Mongolia’s high rate of hepatocellular carci-
noma. Assessments of HDV as a cause of excess
morbidity and mortality among persons with HBV
infection globally are limited by the lack of serologic
studies. The data from Chen et al.
highlight the
importance of conducting such seroprevalence studies
among HBsAg carriers in HDV-endemic countries
and high-risk populations in developed countries.
Given that an estimated 248 million are chronically
infected with HBV worldwide and thus susceptible to
superinfection with HDV, concerted efforts, like the
one undertaken by the Hepatitis Delta International
Network (, are needed for
the determination of accurate estimates of hepatitis D
disease burden, evidence-based policies for HDV
testing, and research to understand the biological
mechanisms of HDV infection and find efficacious
therapies for treatment of hepatitis D.
Acknowledgment: We thank Dr. John Ward, Division
of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, for a critical review of the manuscript.
Saleem Kamili, Ph.D.
Jan Drobeniuc, M.D., Ph.D.
Tonya Mixson-Hayden, Ph.D.
Maja Kodani, Ph.D.
Division of Viral Hepatitis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA
1) Taylor JM, Purcell RH, Farci P. Hepatitis D (delta) virus. In:
Knipe DW, Howley PM, eds. Fields Virology, Vol 2, 6th ed.
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2) Lempp FA, Ni Y, Urban S. Hepatitis delta virus: insights into a
peculiar pathogen and novel treatment options. Nat Rev Gastro-
enterol Hepatol 2016;13:580-589.
3) Rizzetto M. Hepatitis D virus: introduction and epidemiology.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a021576.
4) Sureau C, Negro F. The hepatitis delta virus: replication and
pathogenesis. J Hepatol 2016;64:S102-S116.
5) Kodani M, Martin A, Mixson-Hayden T, Drobeniuc J, Gish
RR, Kamili S. One-step real-time PCR assay for detection and
quantitation of hepatitis D virus RNA. J Virol Methods 2013;
6) Hughes SA, Wedemeyer H, Harrison PM. Hepatitis delta virus.
Lancet 2011;378:73-85.
7) Holmberg SD, Ward JW. Hepatitis delta: seek and ye shall find.
J Infect Dis 2010;202:822-824.
8) Ahn J, Gish RG. Hepatitis D virus: a call to screening. Gastro-
enterol Hepatol (NY) 2014;10:647-686.
9) Chen X, Oidovsambuu O, Liu P, Grosely R, Elazar M, Winn
VD, et al. A novel quantitative microarray antibody capture
(Q-MAC) assay identifies an extremely high HDV prevalence
amongst HBV infected Mongolians. HEPATOLOGY 2017;66:
10) Tabakman SM, Lau L, Robinson JT, Price J, Sherlock SP,
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microarrays with femtomolar sensitivity and broad dynamic
range. Nat Commun 2011;2:466.
A Novel Quantitative Microarray
Antibody Capture Assay Identifies an
Extremely High Hepatitis Delta Virus
Prevalence Among Hepatitis B
Virus–Infected Mongolians
Xiaohua Chen,
Odgerel Oidovsambuu,
Ping Liu,
Rosslyn Grosely,
Menashe Elazar,
Virginia D. Winn,
Benjamin Fram,
Zhang Boa,
Hongjie Dai,
Bekhbold Dashtseren,
Dahgwahdorj Yagaanbuyant,
Zulkhuu Genden,
Naranbaatar Dashdorj,
Andreas Bungert,
Naranjargal Dashdorj,
and Jeffrey S. Glenn
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) causes the most severe form of human viral hepatitis. HDV requires a hepatitis B virus (HBV)
coinfection to provide HDV with HBV surface antigen envelope proteins. The net effect of HDV is to make the underlying
HBV disease worse, including higher rates of hepatocellular carcinoma. Accurate assessments of current HDV prevalence
have been hampered by the lack of readily available and reliable quantitative assays, combined with the absence of a Food and
Drug Administration–approved therapy. We sought to develop a convenient assay for accurately screening populations and to
use this assay to determine HDV prevalence in a population with abnormally high rates of hepatocellular carcinoma. We
developed a high-throughput quantitative microarray antibody capture assay for anti-HDV immunoglobulin G wherein
recombinant HDV delta antigen is printed by microarray on slides coated with a noncontinuous, nanostructured plasmonic
gold film, enabling quantitative fluorescent detection of anti-HDV antibody in small aliquots of patient serum. This assay was
then used to screen all HBV-infected patients identified in a large randomly selected cohort designed to represent the Mongo-
lian population. We identified two quantitative thresholds of captured antibody that were 100% predictive of the sample either
being positive on standard western blot or harboring HDV RNA detectable by real-time quantitative PCR. Subsequent
screening of the HBV
cohort revealed that a remarkable 57% were RNA
and an additional 4% were positive on western
blot alone. Conclusion: The quantitative microarray antibody capture assay’s unique performance characteristics make it ideal
for population screening; its application to the Mongolian HBV surface antigen–positive population reveals an apparent
!60% prevalence of HDV coinfection among these HBV-infected Mongolian subjects, which may help explain the extraordi-
narily high rate of hepatocellular carcinoma in Mongolia. (HEPATOLOGY 2017;66:1739-1749).
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) causes the most
rapidly progressive human viral hepatitis,
leading to accelerated rates of cirrhosis and
hepatocellular carcinoma.
HDV has a unique 1.7-
kB single-stranded circular RNA genome that encodes
for one protein, the viral coat–like protein hepatitis
delta antigen (HDAg). Together, these are encapsi-
dated by a lipid envelope containing hepatitis B virus
(HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) envelope proteins
Abbreviations: anti-HDV, antibody to HDV; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FBS, fetal bovine serum; HBsAg, HBV surface antigen;
HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDAg, hepatitis delta antigen; HDV, HDV, hepatitis delta virus; IgG, immunoglobulin G;
pGOLD, plasmonic gold; Q-MAC, quantitative microarray antibody capture; S-HDAg, small hepatitis delta antigen.
Received June 27, 2016; accepted November 22, 2016.
Additional Supporting Information may be found at
X. Chen’s present address is: Department of Infectious Disease, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health (RUL1RR025780 and R01HD060723, to V.D.W.). X.C. was supported by a Visiting Research Scientist
that HDV acquires from HBV and that replicates in
the hepatocytes simultaneously with HDV.
requirement for HBV envelope proteins is the only
helper function provided by HBV but explains why
HDV can only infect subjects with a coexisting HBV
infection due either to the simultaneous transmission
of the two viruses or to superinfection in an established
HBV carrier.
Approximately 5% of the global HBV-
infected population, or 15 million to 20 million people
worldwide, are infected with HDV, although HDV
prevalence rates are not uniform, with higher rates of
HDV coinfection reported in the Mediterranean basin,
parts of Africa, the Middle East, and South Ameri-
In a study of 249 apparently healthy individuals
living in and around the capital city of Mongolia, 10%
were HBsAg
, with 83% of those having detectable
prompting calls for a larger nationwide
The usual first step in the diagnosis of HDV infec-
tion is testing HBsAg
individuals for antibody to
HDV (anti-HDV). Anti-HDV is not protective; it is
present in all immunocompetent patients with HDV
Total antibodies to HDV can be detected
with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA). In anti-HDV
patients, the ideal next step
is testing for HDV RNA in serum to confirm the pres-
ence of active HDV infection. With the advent of RT-
PCR techniques, HDV RNA has been measured with
qualitative or semiquantitative RT-PCR assays.
sitivity has markedly improved, with current detection
limits of 1,000 genome/mL for simple PCR and 10
genome/mL for nested PCR.
Unfortunately, the
results from different laboratories are often not compa-
rable due to the diverse sensitivity of the assays; vari-
ance is caused by the use of different primer sets and
by the variability of the RNA region amplified.
World Health Organization international RNA stan-
dard is now available, enabling the reporting of results
in international units, although no quantitative HDV
RNA assay is commercially available in the United
Here, we present a new quantitative microarray anti-
body capture (Q-MAC) assay for detecting anti-HDV
in human sera. This platform is constructed on noncon-
tinuous, nanostructured plasmonic gold (pGOLD)
films with enhanced near-infrared fluorescence detec-
tion that we hypothesized would have high sensitivity
and would be ideal for high-throughput antibody cap-
ture screening. Indeed, similar technology was previous-
ly demonstrated to have vastly improved sensitivity over
peptide arrays on glass, with the limit of detection down
to the 10 femtomolar (picograms per milliliter)
For the anti-HDV Q-MAC assay, recom-
binant full-length HDV small delta antigen (S-HDAg)
was arrayed on a pGOLD substrate for sensitive profil-
ing of antibodies in the sera of HDV patients. We first
determined the performance characteristics of this new
assay format using reference HDV RNA–positive and
negative control sera. We then used the assay to deter-
mine the prevalence of HDV coinfection among HBV-
infected individuals identified in a national survey sam-
pling the population of Mongolia.
Copyright V
C2016 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
View this article online at
DOI 10.1002/hep.28957
Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
From the
Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto,
Liver Center and
Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia;
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and
Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA;
Onom Foundation and
Mongolian National University of Health
Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia;
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA;
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA.
Jeffrey S. Glenn, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University
CCSR 3115A, 269 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5171
Tel: 11-650-725-3373
Materials and Methods
Deidentified unique serum samples from the follow-
ing collections were used for this study: 82 historical
patient sera, 30 samples from HBV-
monoinfected patients, 30 samples from hepatitis C
virus (HCV)–monoinfected patients, 10 samples from
pregnant women and 10 samples from healthy control
patients, and 123 HBsAg
samples from a national
survey study recently conducted in Mongolia. Briefly,
for the latter, study subjects were chosen based on a
three-stage cluster sampling method to reflect the gen-
der, age, and geographical origin of the Mongolian
population. Participants were randomly selected from
the adult general population in 16 different locations,
representative of the country.
A total of 1,158 subjects were enrolled in the study,
and 123 of them tested positive for HBsAg, using a
commercial ELISA kit (DiaSorin, srl., Saluggia, Italy).
An internal standard of purified anti-HDV immu-
noglobulin G (IgG) was prepared from an HDV
sample with high-titer anti-HDV using a protein G
column. The concentration of purified IgG was deter-
mined using an Easy-Titer IgG Assay kit according to
the manufacturer’s instructions.
S-HDAg was expressed in and purified from Escher-
ichia coli and stored in single-use aliquots of >90%
purity until use, as described in the Supporting
pGOLD slides were purchased from Nirmidas Bio-
tech, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA), containing a functionalized
coating of polyethylene glycol and terminal activated
carboxylic acid groups for amine coupling of proteins.
pGOLD slides were loaded into a microarray printing
robot (Bio-Rad) where S-HDAg (100 lM) was
printed using solid pins (Arrayit) at 25"C and 60%
humidity, resulting in microarray feature diameters of
!2 mm. The microarray layout was designed using the
microarray printer software. The antigen was printed
into 16 areas with six replicate spots each (Fig. 1A).
FIG. 1. Schematic of anti-HDV Q-MAC assay and lower limit of detection using delta antigen printed on pGOLD microarray
slide. (A) S-HDAg was printed on a pGOLD microarray slide by a microarray printing robot such that six identical spots of !2 mm
diameter are contained within each partitioned area of the slide. (B) Microarray imaging results of serial dilutions of purified anti-
HDV IgG incubated on a pGOLD microarray slide, as detected by fluorescence intensity. Blank 5FBS. (C) Calibration curve for
captured anti-HDV quantification. Mean fluorescence intensity of IRDye800-labeled antihuman secondary antibody emission from
the six replicate microarray spots at each antibody concentration on the pGOLD microarray slides. Error bars represent the standard
deviation of the mean over the six replicate assay features within each partition of the slide.
The slides were dried in a desiccator, vacuum-sealed in
a bag, and stored at 4"C.
The microarray printed slides were blocked with
fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 1 hour, followed by wash-
ing three times with phosphate-buffered saline con-
taining 0.5% Tween-20. Up to 13 individual serum
samples were analyzed per slide. One microliter of
each human serum sample was diluted to a total of 50
lL with FBS and applied to one well of the array for 1
hour. On each slide, the following controls were each
applied to separate wells: blank control (FBS), negative
control (HCV patient sera), and internal standard pos-
itive control (purified IgG antibody from HDV patient
sera). Slides were washed three times with phosphate-
buffered saline containing 0.5% Tween-20 and
IRDye800-labeled donkey antihuman IgG (Rockland
Immunochemicals, Inc.) diluted 1:1,000 in FBS solu-
tion and applied to each array set for 1 hour in the
dark. Slides were then washed three times with
phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.5% Tween-20
and once with deionized water and dried in the dark.
Slides were scanned using a Licor Odyssey scanner
with the 800-nm channel. Image Studio Lite, version
4.0, was used to automatically identify features above a
composite pixel intensity of 5. A fluorescence intensity
of 100 ng/mL internal standard purified anti-HDV
IgG was defined as 1 U and used to normalize the
intensity of tested samples with the following formula:
Value of fluorescence intensity (unit) 5(mean sample
exact intensity value – mean blank intensity value)/
(internal standard intensity value – mean blank intensi-
ty value).
Anti-HDV IgG testing was performed using a com-
mercial HDV IgG ELISA kit (GenWay Biotech,
Inc.) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fif-
ty microliters of patient serum was diluted 1:1 for the
ELISAs. Optical density 450 values were ascertained
using photometry (Tecan Group Ltd., Switzerland).
Purified recombinant protein (S-HDAg) was sub-
jected to 12% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis, transferred onto a polyvinylidene
fluoride membrane (Millipore), probed with 10 lL of
patient serum diluted 1:100, followed by detection
with IRDye800-labeled goat antihuman IgG (diluted
1:20,000) and visualization using a Licor Odyssey
scanner, as described in the Supporting Information.
HDV RNA was extracted from 140 lL of plasma
using a QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden,
Germany). In vitro transcription of full-length HDV
RNA from plasmid pT7GM that contains 1,679 bp of
the HDV genome was used as HDV RNA reference
standard for the quantification of HDV RNA by real-
time PCR,
as described in the Supporting
In order to enable detection of all eight known gen-
otypes, the highly conserved ribozyme region of the
HDV genome was selected for design of the primers
and probes
and subsequent PCR assays, as
described in the Supporting Information. Standards
for the calibration curve were prepared using a 10-fold
dilution series of full-length HDV RNA to cover the
range 1.6 310
to 1.6 310
IU/mL. A normal
human serum negative control and an HDV
positive control (1 310
RNA IU/mL) were included
in each assay. The World Health Organization HDV
RNA international standard was used to normalize the
results to international units of HDV RNA.
The linearity of the PCR ranged from 1.6 310
1.6 310
Statistical analyses were performed using the Stu-
dent ttest. Receiver operating characteristic curve anal-
ysis was used to assess assay sensitivity/specificity.
Linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the cor-
relation between fluorescence intensity and HDV
RNA level. All data are reported as means 6standard
deviation. P<0.05 was considered significant.
Full-length S-HDAg was expressed in BL
21(DE3) bacteria cells and purified to yield a source
of recombinant delta antigen for use in anti-HDV
detection (Supporting Fig. S1A). The recombinant
antigen was subjected to western blot analysis and
probed with serial dilutions of an anti-HDV purified
IgG internal reference standard in order to determine
the limit of detection (Supporting Fig. S1B). The
lowest detected concentration was 10 ng/mL purified
anti-HDV IgG.
Recombinant S-HDAg protein was printed on
pGOLD microarray slides by a microarray printing
robot such that six replicate spots were printed per
future assay area (see Fig. 1A). Following placement of
the slide’s partitions so as to create individual assay
wells, serial dilutions of anti-HDV reference IgG were
added to separate wells for 1 hour. Wells were then
washed, bound anti-HDV was detected with
IRDye800-labeled antihuman IgG, and the fluores-
cence intensity associated with each spot of printed S-
HDAg was measured (Fig. 1B). The linear range of
fluorescence intensity detection extended down to 1
ng/mL anti-HDV IgG, and the lower limit of detec-
tion was 10 pg/mL for this Q-MAC assay (Fig. 1C).
A fluorescence intensity of 100 ng/mL internal stan-
dard purified anti-HDV IgG was defined as 1 U and
used to normalize fluorescence intensity determina-
tions as detailed in Materials and Methods.
To determine the reproducibility of the new assay,
the normalized fluorescence intensities of sera from 5
negative controls (healthy humans) and 5 HDV
patients were screened on microarray slides in
six replicate spots in three independent experiments
(Table 1). The mean intensity of each HDV RNA
sample ranged from 1.742 to 8.135 U, and the coeffi-
cient of variation ranged from 6.7% to 11.1%. The
mean intensity of each negative control ranged from
0.011 to 0.029 U, and the coefficient of variation
ranged from 9.1% to 28.6%.
TABLE 1. Reproducibility of the Q-MAC Assay (Mean Microarray Fluorescence Intensity Units)
Experiment Mean
Positive 1 5.369
4.798 0.533 11.1%
Positive 2 6.227
7.186 0.780 10.9%
Positive 3 8.199
8.135 0.603 7.4%
Positive 4 1.646
1.742 0.116 6.7%
Positive 5 7.751
7.303 0.585 8.0%
Negative 1 0.009
0.011 0.001 9.1%
Negative 2 0.009
0.011 0.001 9.1%
Negative 3 0.029
0.029 0.003 10.3%
Negative 4 0.034
0.029 0.007 24.1%
Negative 5 0.027
0.021 0.006 28.6%
Q-MAC assay fluorescence intensity units determined in three independent assays performed on separate days on five HDV
(Positive 1-5) and five HDV
samples (Negative 1-5) are displayed, along with the corresponding mean and standard deviation values.
Each value in the first three columns represents the mean fluorescence intensity of six replicate spots, with the intra-run variability (%
coefficient of variation) between each of the six spots indicated in parentheses (as indicated in Fig. 1).
The performance characteristics of the microarray
assay were determined using sera from 80 negative
controls (30 HBV monoinfected, 30 HCV monoin-
fected, and 10 each from pregnant women and healthy
human subjects) and 82 historical HDV RNA
patients on pGOLD microarray slides printed with S-
HDAg. All negative control intensities were below
0.090 U, and this was set as the microarray cutoff value
(Fig. 2A). The intensities of HDV RNA
were all above this cutoff value (Fig. 2A). The mean
intensity was 6.221 U. The median intensity was 5.683
U, with a range from 0.166 to 16.91 U.
To correlate the performance of Q-MAC at detect-
ing anti-HDVs with western blot assay results, all 162
samples were subjected to standard western blot analy-
sis. Anti-HDV in the sera of the 82 HDV RNA
patients was detectable on westerns, while no such sig-
nal appeared for the 80 negative controls. For this sam-
ple set, a fluorescence intensity above 0.164 units
correlated with a positive western blot assay (Fig. 2B).
This intensity value could be set as the western blot
cutoff value.
The high sensitivity, broad dynamic range, and easy
adaptability of pGOLD microarray slides provide a
new assay format with which to screen anti-HDV IgG
accurately. To compare Q-MAC’s sensitivity to other
assays for detecting anti-HDV, we tested aliquots of
serially diluted anti-HDV reference IgG in Q-MAC,
a commercial ELISA, and western blot assays. As can
be seen from their respective limits of detection, the
Q-MAC assay’s sensitivity was 10
-fold and 10
FIG. 2. Anti-HDV IgG detection in the
sera of 162 HDV RNA
and negative
control patients using Q-MAC and west-
ern blot assays. (A) Normalized fluores-
cence intensities of HDV
(normal, HCV, and HBV controls) are
below the Q-MAC cutoff value (0.090
U). All of HDV RNA
samples are
above this cutoff value. (B) Sensitivity and
specificity of antibody detection by Q-
MAC were confirmed by western blot.
The fluorescence intensity of 0.164 corre-
sponds to a cutoff at and above which all
samples are positive by western blot.
higher than the commercial anti-HDV IgG ELISA
kit and western blot analysis, respectively (Table 2).
We next used the HDV antibody capture assay to
determine the prevalence of HDV infection among the
123 samples identified to be HBsAg
in a recently col-
lected cohort of 1,158 samples from a national surveil-
lance study conducted in Mongolia to determine
prevalence rates of hepatitis virus infections.
samples were also analyzed independently
by anti-HDV western blot, a commercial anti-HDV
ELISA kit (DiaSorin), and quantitative RT-PCR
HDV RNA assays (see Table 3; Supporting Table S1).
Thirty-nine samples were below the 0.09 U Q-MAC
cutoff. All of these were negative by both western blot
and HDV RNA assays; 21% (8/39) of these samples
tested by ELISA were positive, which were interpreted
as false positives. 61% (75/123) of the samples were
above the previously defined threshold in the Q-MAC
assay for predicting western blot positivity (0.164 U)
(Fig. 3A). All of these samples were confirmed to be
positive on western blot. Thus, using the Q-MAC
threshold of 0.164 U had 100% sensitivity and 100%
specificity for predicting positivity on anti-HDV west-
ern blot. Although originally designed to accurately
substitute for the more laborious western blot assay,
the Q-MAC assay also performed quite well for pre-
dicting HDV RNA positivity.
Indeed, most of the samples with Q-MAC values of
0.164 U and above—93% (70/75)—were also found to
, representing 57% (70/123) of the
subjects. While all of the RNA
samples in
this cohort were scored as HDV
by Q-MAC assay,
7.1% (5/70) of the RNA
subjects had a false-negative
result by ELISA (Supporting Table S1).
Receiver operating characteristic analysis identified a
Q-MAC threshold of 1.659 U as having 100%
sensitivity for predicting HDV RNA positivity, with a
specificity of 94.3% (area under the curve 50.9978, P
<0.0001) (Fig. 3B). Sixty-six subjects had Q-MAC
values above 1.659, and all were confirmed to be HDV
. Four subjects with fluorescence intensities
above 0.164 but slightly below 1.659 were also found
to be HDV RNA
. The overall distribution of Q-
MAC values is graphically presented in Fig. 3C and
tabulated in Supporting Table S1.
Of note, 5 of the HDV RNA
patients met the Q-
MAC threshold for western blot positivity (fluores-
cence intensity $0.164 U), and all were confirmed to
be positive by western blot. Finally, nine samples were
above the 0.09 U Q-MAC cutoff value but below the
0.164 U threshold for western blot positivity.
We describe here a new methodology, Q-MAC, for
detecting infection with HDV that is sensitive, is rap-
id, requires very small volumes of serum, and is high-
throughput in nature. Its quantitative nature and
empiric relationship to the results of standard western
blot and HDV RNA analyses enable prediction of
clinically meaningful virologic status. The results
allowed us to define a quantitative threshold of cap-
tured anti-HDV above which 100% of the samples are
positive for HDV RNA. Together, these attributes
make it ideal for analyzing patient cohorts. Indeed, we
have used this assay to determine the prevalence of
HDV among HBV-infected subjects in the largest and
most comprehensive sampling to date of the Mongo-
lian population. Most striking was the finding that
!60% of Mongolian patients with chronic hepatitis B
have evidence of HDV coinfection that is provocatively
related to the extremely high rate of hepatocellular car-
cinoma in Mongolia.
Peptide antigens have been recently described for
detection of anti-HDV.
These were limited, how-
ever, in their ability to detect all of the various
TABLE 2. Comparisons of the Lower Limit of Detection Associated With Different Methods Used to
Detect Purified Anti-HDV IgG
Positive Control Concentration
Method 100 lg/mL 10 lg/mL 1 lg/mL 100 ng/mL 10 ng/mL 1 ng/mL 10 pg/mL 1 pg/mL
Q-MAC 1111111
Western blot 11111–––
ELISA 11–– –
1and – indicate a value above or below, respectively, each assay’s negative control cutoff.
genotypes that have been described for HDV.
of full-length recombinant HDAg, as described here,
appears to not suffer from this limitation. Instead,
using full-length recombinant HDAg provides a
genotype-independent assay. Indeed, we have success-
fully used this assay in populations with diverse HDV
genotypes. Moreover, this assay has allowed the detec-
tion of samples that had falsely been deemed negative
by a genotype 1–specific HDV RNA assay (manuscript
in preparation).
Peptide microarrays on pGOLD substrate coating
on glass afford hundreds of fold near-infrared fluores-
cence enhancement when compared with commercial
streptavidin-coated glass.
Our Q-MAC assay is
based on the above pGOLD platform and exhibits a
detection capability down to 10 pg/mL anti-HDV
IgG concentrations. Moreover, the Q-MAC assay’s
sensitivity was 10
-fold and 10
-fold higher than a
commercial anti-HDV IgG ELISA kit and western
blot analysis, respectively.
Comparing the results of the Q-MAC assay to stan-
dard HDV western blot and quantitative RNA assays
enabled the assignment of very practical empiric quan-
titative thresholds when using the Q-MAC assay that
can be quite useful when analyzing new patient
cohorts, such as the one described here from Mongo-
lia. For example, the 0.164 U threshold for predicting
positivity on western blot was confirmed to be accurate
in this cohort. Indeed, 75/75 (100%) patients with
fluorescence intensity determinations at or above this
value were positive on western blot, and 48/48 (100%)
patients with fluorescence intensity determinations
below this value were negative on western blot. More-
over, most, but not all, of the patients with fluores-
cence intensity above 0.164 U were HDV RNA
One patient in the Mongolian cohort had an inten-
sity of 0.163. This sample was negative by both
western blot (and HDV RNA) assays, suggesting that
indeed the 0.164 intensity is empirically close to a cut-
off value for predicting positivity on standard western
blots. Of note, we have recently screened two large
cohorts from the United States and Africa containing
over 500 samples combined—all also analyzed by stan-
dard western blot—and this cutoff continues to indi-
cate the threshold for predicting positivity on western
blot (manuscripts in preparation).
This Mongolian cohort of HBsAg
patients was also
screened by a commercial anti-HDV ELISA kit. Some-
what alarmingly, 7.1% of patients screened by ELISA
were false negative using the HDV RNA assay as the
gold standard. All of these patients were predicted to be
based on the results of the Q-MAC assay.
Interestingly, one can define a fluorescence intensity
cutoff—1.659 U—that is predictive for 100% of
patients being HDV RNA
. Thus, the simple, rela-
tively high-throughput Q-MAC assay could prove
useful for prospectively identifying patients who have
active HDV replication or who could benefit from sub-
sequent reflex testing for HDV RNA.
Although there is a correlation between fluorescence
intensity of the Q-MAC assay and HDV RNA level
(Supporting Fig. S2), determination of HDV RNA
remains the assay of choice for monitoring response to
Five patients in the Mongolian cohort were HDV
but clearly antibody-positive, as indicated by
both Q-MAC and standard western blot assays. Such
RNA-negative/antibody-positive patients have been
described before and may represent false-negative
RNA determination (due to RNA degradation during
storage, assay inaccuracy) or patients who have lost
active RNA replication but have residual antibody
Finally, due to the increased sensitivity of the Q-
MAC, there is another category of patients whose
fluorescence intensity unit values are above the negative
control threshold (0.090 U) but below the cutoff asso-
ciated with western blot positivity. The clinical signifi-
cance of these low but detectable levels of anti-HDV
antibodies, which might reflect distant infection, is at
present uncertain.
In addition to its small sample volume requirement,
ease of use, and relatively high-throughput nature, the
Q-MAC assay offers several convenient and practical
quantitative readouts. If a patient is below the Q-
MAC assay 0.09 U cutoff, one can say with certainty
that the patient has no evidence of (current or past)
HDV infection. If the patient is at or above the 0.164
TABLE 3. Summary of HDV Markers Among the
Mongolian Cohort of 123 HBsAg
Number Percent
Samples positive for anti-HDV
(above Q-MAC western blot
positivity threshold of 0.164 U)
75 61%
Samples positive for HDV RNA
(by quantitative RT-PCR)
70 57%
Of the total 1,158 Mongolian cohort samples, 123 were positive
for HBsAg. The HBsAg
samples were tested for anti-HDV
and HDV RNA by Q-MAC and quantitative RT-PCR assays,
respectively. The total number and percent of the 123 samples
that were positive for anti-HDV antibody and HDV RNA are
indicated. See Supporting Table S1 and text for additional
U western cutoff, the patient definitely has been
infected with HDV. If above the RNA cutoff of 1.659
U, there is a 100% chance of being RNA
Various prior studies in selected Mongolian popula-
tions have indicated a range of HDV prevalences, with
the latter being consistently higher than is typical of
Western populations, although this may be limited by
suboptimal assays or sampling bias. For example, a
study on 249 apparently healthy individuals in and
around Ulaanbaatar (age 48.4 613.9 years) detected
FIG. 3. Analysis of anti-HDV IgG and
HDV RNA in the sera of 123 HBsAg
samples from Mongolia by Q-MAC,
western blot, and qRT-PCR assays. (A)
Q-MAC assay of samples categorized by
western blot status. Note all samples
below the Q-MAC 0.164 U predictive
cutoff value for western blot positivity
were negative on western blot, and all
samples above this cutoff were positive on
western blot. (B) Receiver operating char-
acteristic analysis of Q-MAC assay fluo-
rescence intensity for predicting HDV
RNA positivity in sera of HBsAg
patients from Mongolia. The fluorescence
intensity value of 1.659 U was identified
as the optimal cutoff value. (C) Q-MAC
assay of samples categorized by HDV
RNA status. Fluorescence intensity cutoff
values above which 100% of samples are
predicted to be positive on western blot
or quantitative RT-PCR for HDV RNA,
respectively, are indicated, along with the
Q-MAC assay’s negative control cutoff.
Abbreviation: AUC, area under the curve.
HDV RNA in 8.0% (20/249) of the participants and
in 83% (20/24) of the HBsAg
the details of how these subjects were chosen are not
clear. Among 289 first-time blood donors at a single
center in Ulaanbaatar (age 28.9 69.6 years), HDV
RNA was detected in 26 (9%) of the total donors and
in 87% of the HBsAg
In a study of 207
patients with known liver disease, 144 were HBsAg
including 117 (81% of those HBsAg
) with detectable
Among 655 apparently healthy chil-
dren (0.3-15 years), 64 (9.8%) were infected with
HBV and, of these, 13 (20.3%) were HDV RNA
Focusing on apparently healthy children 7-12 years old
born after 1991 (when universal vaccination against
HBV was introduced into the country), 59 of 1,182
(5%) children were found to be HBsAg
, and
8 (13.6%) of these were HDV RNA
An apparent
beneficial effect of vaccination is encouraging, yet its
successful implementation appears to be incomplete.
Equally concerning are the above studies pointing to a
very high prevalence of chronic HDV infection among
the HBsAg
adult population and the question of
whether it extends beyond the capital city’s environs.
The present study sought to address this by deter-
mining the prevalence of HDV infection within the
largest cohort to date of a prospectively randomly sam-
pled population throughout Mongolia. As such, the
results likely represent the most accurate representation
of the true prevalence rates for the assessed important
human viral pathogens. While the full description of
the HCV and HBV prevalence rates in this cohort is
described elsewhere,
we report here on the preva-
lence of HDV in Mongolia, which is astonishing.
Indeed, while the average global HDV coinfection rate
among HBV-infected subjects is estimated at 5%,
approximately 60% of HBV-infected patients are coin-
fected with HDV. Extrapolation to the general popu-
lation results in an estimated prevalence among all
Mongolian adults of 6.4 60.7% anti-HDV positivity
and 6.1 60.7% with detectable HDV RNA (Support-
ing Table S2). Reasons for this much higher preva-
lence may include the relative isolation of this
population combined with inadequate control of hori-
zontal transmission associated with dental/medical
procedures and sexual activity.
In any case, these
results have important implications for both public
health and the agencies and institutions concerned
with crafting and implementing appropriate responses.
In summary, we developed a quantitative microarray
anti-HDV capture (Q-MAC) assay. Defining in the
new assay quantitative thresholds of captured anti-
HDV above which 100% of the samples are positive
for anti-HDV or HDV RNA allowed for prospective
prediction of both western blot positivity and HDV
RNA positivity, respectively. This assay allowed con-
firmation of a strikingly high !60% prevalence of
HDV coinfection among HBsAg
subjects and a gen-
eral HDV prevalence of 6.4% among all adults in
Mongolia. The extremely high prevalence rate for this
hepatitis virus associated with increased cancer risk
may contribute to the alarming incidence of hepatocel-
lular carcinoma in Mongolia, which ranks among the
highest in the world.
This serves to underscore the
urgent need for improved therapies for HDV.
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Author names in bold designate shared co-first
Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found at
... In Taiwan, patients infected with genotype 1 tend to have more adverse outcomes compared to those infected with genotype 2 [19]. Recent studies estimate that approximately 12 million people worldwide have been infected with HDV [20], but the prevalence of HDV does not necessarily correlate directly with that of HBV [21,22]. The prevalence of HDV is a dynamic process that may be influenced by various factors such as HBV vaccination programs, public health infrastructure, and improvements in sanitation and hygiene [20][21][22]. ...
... Recent studies estimate that approximately 12 million people worldwide have been infected with HDV [20], but the prevalence of HDV does not necessarily correlate directly with that of HBV [21,22]. The prevalence of HDV is a dynamic process that may be influenced by various factors such as HBV vaccination programs, public health infrastructure, and improvements in sanitation and hygiene [20][21][22]. ...
Full-text available
The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a unique pathogen with significant global health implications, affecting individuals who are coinfected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HDV infection has profound clinical consequences, manifesting either as coinfection with HBV, resulting in acute hepatitis and potential liver failure, or as superinfection in chronic HBV cases, substantially increasing the risk of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Given the complex dynamics of HDV infection and the urgent need for advanced research tools, this article introduces vHDvDB 2.0, a comprehensive HDV full-length sequence database. This innovative platform integrates data preprocessing, secondary structure prediction, and epidemiological research tools. The primary goal of vHDvDB 2.0 is to consolidate HDV sequence data into a user-friendly repository, thereby facilitating access for researchers and enhancing the broader scientific understanding of HDV. The significance of this database lies in its potential to streamline HDV research by providing a centralized resource for analyzing viral sequences and exploring genotype-specific characteristics. It will also enable more in-depth research within the HDV sequence domains.
... [31] There are also improved methods for diagnosis and opportunities for the deployment of rapid test kits for HDV screening. [32][33][34] Thus, leveraging already existing studies with sample pools on different HBV-positive cohorts will be useful in providing rapid data on HDV in Nigeria. ...
Full-text available
Background The near total absence of routine Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) screening in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is a major challenge to understanding the burden of HDV in the region. Aim To evaluate Hepatitis Delta Virus screening practices and associated factors among clinicians in Nigeria. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in June–July 2022, in which a self-administered questionnaire that inquired about HDV awareness, screening practices, and treatment options was shared electronically with consenting clinicians practicing in Nigeria. At the end of the survey, data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results At the end of the survey, 210 of the 213 responses retrieved from respondents were analyzed. The respondent’s mean age was 38.60 ± 7.27 years with a male-to-female ratio of 1:2.5. They comprised 13.8% gastroenterologists and 86.2% respondents in other areas of clinical medicine. The study showed that 89.5% of the respondents knew that HDV infection occurs only in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected individuals. Most (91.4%) respondents do not screen for HDV in chronic HBV patients, mainly due to the non-availability of screening tools and lack of awareness of any screening test for HDV. Research interest was reported as the reason for screening among clinicians who had ever screened for HDV. Pegylated interferon was the main regimen used for treatment by 87.5% of respondents. About 2% did not know treatment options for HDV. A significant association between knowledge of HDV infection and area of specialty, as well as the nature of medical practice was noted ( P = 0.008 and 0.013, respectively). Conclusion The study showed a high level of awareness of HDV dependency on HBV, for natural infection to occur. However, it documented very minimal HDV screening in clinical settings and factors affecting screening among clinicians.
... Despite this, RIA remains widely used in commercial kits for diagnosing various hepatitis viruses 8 . QMAC and Western Blot tests performance in our study aligns with previous literature, demonstrating excellent ability of QMAC to detect high HDV prevalence in a Mongolian cohort and successfully identify HDV in a PWID population 25 . In that same report, Western Blot served as the gold standard to evaluate a novel test and showed similar performance as PCR. ...
Full-text available
Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV), a satellite virus of Hepatitis B virus, exacerbates liver damage in affected individuals. Screening for HDV antibodies in HBsAg positive patients is recommended, but the diagnostic accuracy of serological tests remains uncertain. This review aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of serological tests for HDV. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Scopus etc. for relevant studies. Studies measuring the sensitivity and specificity of serological HDV tests against PCR as a reference standard were included. Pooled sensitivity and specificity for each test method and sero-marker were calculated. The review included six studies with 11 study arms, evaluating ARCHITECT immunoassay, EIA, ELISA, QMAC, RIA, and Western Blot test methods targeting Anti-HDV IgG, Total anti-HDV and Anti-HDV IgM. Sensitivities for Anti-HDV IgG, Total Anti-HDV and Anti-HDV IgM, tests were 97.4%, 51.9%, and 62.0%, respectively, with specificities of 95.3%, 80.0%, and 85.0%. Our findings, with its limited number of studies, suggest that HDV serological tests, particularly those identifying Anti IgG exhibit high accuracy and can serve as effective screening tools for HDV.
... Consequently, HDV plays a role as a contributing factor in the chronic liver disease development. Statistical projections by most experts indicate that approximately 5% of those affected by HBV also experience co-infection with HDV [34,35]. It's worth highlighting that immunization against HBV also confers protection against HDV infection [8]. ...
Full-text available
Book series on Medical Science gives the opportunity to students and doctors from all over the world to publish their research work in a set of Preclinical sciences, Internal medicine, Surgery and Public Health. This book series aim to inspire innovation and promote academic quality through outstanding publications of scientists and doctors. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Medical Science. It also provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and doctors communities to address new challenges and share solutions and discuss future research directions in the below field but not limited to the content of the book
... The prevalence of HDV infection in the Mongolian population is estimated to be 8.03% (5.26-12.08), meaning that a large proportion of the Mongolian population is infected with HDV, or 239 (157-360) thousand people are infected with HDV [10][11][12]. The WHO aims to eliminate viral hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, and sexually transmitted infections by 2030 [13]. ...
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Mongolia has an extremely high prevalence of hepatitis D virus (HDV), which leads to increased morbidity and mortality from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HDV is the most severe form of chronic viral hepatitis (CVH). A recent study estimated that the prevalence of anti-HDV was 67.5% among hepatitis B surface antigen-positive cases in Mongolia. HDV infection is particularly prevalent in sexually active young people. The virus may be transmitted through sexual intercourse, and it is crucial to confirm this by detecting HDV RNA in semen and cervical swabs of patients with chronic hepatitis delta. This pilot study was conducted with 16 participants, including eight males and eight females. Viral RNA was isolated from the blood, male seminal fluid, and female cervical swab samples of all participants in the study. HDV RNA was quantified using RT-PCR in samples from blood, seminal fluid, and cervical swabs. This study found that the detection rate of HDV RNA differed between male and female samples, with 62.5% of seminal fluid samples in the male cohort being positive compared with 87.5% in the female cohort. The data shows a statistically significant difference between genders for the presence of HDVRNA in seminal fluid and cervical swabs (OR 0.238, 95% CI= 0.02-3.01). A significant correlation was found between blood HDV RNA quantity and HDV RNA presence status in seminal fluid and cervical swab samples, indicating a potential risk of sexual HDV transmission. The R2 values for semen and cervical swab samples were 0.1095 and 0.9755, respectively.
... For individuals who test positive for the HBsAg, the prevalence of HDV infection shows significant variation. In some Western countries, it is less than 2%, whereas in HBsAg-positive patients from certain low-and middle-income countries, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa, India, Mongolia, and Brazil, where HBV is endemic, the prevalence ranges from 3% to 80% [1,5,9,10,[52][53][54][55]. ...
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The hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a compact, enveloped, circular RNA virus that relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV) envelope proteins to initiate a primary infection in hepatocytes, assemble, and secrete new virions. Globally, HDV infection affects an estimated 12 million to 72 million people, carrying a significantly elevated risk of developing cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared to an HBV mono-infection. Furthermore, HDV-associated HCC often manifests at a younger age and exhibits more aggressive characteristics. The intricate mechanisms driving the synergistic carcinogenicity of the HDV and HBV are not fully elucidated but are believed to involve chronic inflammation, immune dysregulation, and the direct oncogenic effects of the HDV. Indeed, recent data highlight that the molecular profile of HCC associated with HDV is unique and distinct from that of HBV-induced HCC. However, the question of whether the HDV is an oncogenic virus remains unanswered. In this review, we comprehensively examined several crucial aspects of the HDV, encompassing its epidemiology, molecular biology, immunology, and the associated risks of liver disease progression and HCC development.
... 17,[21][22][23] The seroprevalence rate of HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Mongolia were 10% and 15%, respectively, and the majority (75%-100%) of the HBV-infected subjects were also coinfected with HDV. 16,24,25 In contrast to HBV and HCV infection, for which potent antiviral therapy are available, only bulevirtide has been conditionally approved for the treatment of patients with compensated chronic hepatitis D in Europe as of 2020. 26,27 Elucidating the transmission routes of HDV infection and taking effective preventive strategies are key to reducing HDV infection in Mongolia. ...
Background Hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection is highly prevalent in Mongolia. We aimed to identify the risk factors associated with HDV infection, propose preventive strategies, and evaluate the outcomes of a three-year collaborative project between Taiwan and Mongolia. Methods In 2016 and 2018, we conducted onsite visits to Mongolia. Mongolian investigators collected questionnaires focusing on risk factors, demographic characteristics, and serum samples for acute HDV infections. Furthermore, 19 Mongolian seed teachers participated in a one-week workshop on infection control in Taiwan. Subsequently, these seed teachers trained more than 400 medical personnel in Mongolia. To assess secular changes in acute HDV infection, we reviewed the registration data from the National Center for Communicable Disease (NCCD) in Mongolia between 2011 and 2021. Results Among the 194 Mongolian patients, 108 had dual infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HDV, while 86 had acute hepatitis B (AHB). Patients with HBV/HDV dual infections were older (28.6 years vs. 25.5 years, p=0.030) and had lower rates of positive hepatitis B e antigen in their sera, lower rates of serum HBV DNA exceeding 2000 IU/mL, and higher rates of having received dental treatment (59.4% vs. 40.5%, p=0.014) and injection therapy (64.2% vs. 44.0%, p=0.009) compared to those with AHB. Analysis of NCCD data revealed that new HDV infection cases were more prevalent between 2011 and 2015 (111.20 ± 29.79 cases/year) and decreased to 54.67 ± 27.34 cases/year between 2016 and 2021 (p=0.010). Conclusion Dental treatment and injections were associated with a higher risk of acute HDV infections in Mongolia. Through collaborative efforts, the incidence rate of HDV infection has declined in recent years.
... However, there is substantial uncertainty, as in many countries, HBV-infected patients are not tested for HDV infection. In addition, in selected countries, such as Mongolia, up to 60% of HBV-infected persons may also have HDV infection (11). Prevention of HBV infection through vaccination also prevents HDV infection. ...
Technical Report
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Status of viral hepatitis in the world, 2015
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Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a satellite of hepatitis B virus (HBV) for transmission and propagation and infects nearly 20 million people worldwide. The HDV genome is a compact circular single-stranded RNA genome with extensive intramolecular complementarity. Despite its different epidemiological and pathological patterns, the variability and geographical distribution of HDV are limited to three genotypes and two subtypes that have been characterized to date. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on the delta antigen gene and full-length genome sequence data show an extensive and probably ancient radiation of African lineages, suggesting that the genetic variability of HDV is much more complex than was previously thought, with evidence of additional clades. These results relate the geographic distribution of HDV more closely to the genetic variability of its helper HBV.
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In this study a representative group of Mongolian adults was tested for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Screening was conducted at 17 different locations on a randomly sampled group, representative of the Mongolian adult population. A total of 1158 adults, 500 (43.1%) men and 659 (56.9%) women were included. The prevalence estimates of HBV and HCV among the general Mongolian adult population were found to be 11.1%± 1% (SE) and 8.5% ± 0.7% or 207,418 and 160,228 cases, respectively. For HCV the majority of cases are concentrated in older age groups with a prevalence of 25.8% among those aged 50 years and above, while the prevalence of HBV does not vary significantly among age groups. For both, HBV and HCV, the data indicates a higher risk of infection and a higher mortality due to hepatitis among men than among women. This study is the first nationwide estimate of the prevalence of HBV in Mongolia and the first for HCV since 2005 and confirm the position of Mongolia as one of the hotspots of chronic hepatitis infection in the world with about 19.4% of the adult population being infected with either HBV or HCV. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Chronic hepatitis D is the most severe form of viral hepatitis, affecting ∼20 million HBV-infected people worldwide. The causative agent, hepatitis delta virus (HDV), is a unique human pathogen: it is the smallest known virus; it depends on HBV to disseminate its viroid-like RNA; it encodes only one protein (HDAg), which has both structural and regulatory functions; and it replicates using predominantly host proteins. The failure of HBV-specific nucleoside analogues to suppress the HBV helper function, and the limitations of experimental systems to study the HDV life cycle, have impeded the development of HDV-specific drugs. Thus, the only clinical regimen for HDV is IFNα, which shows some efficacy but long-term virological responses are rare. Insights into the receptor-mediated entry of HDV, and the observation that HDV assembly requires farnesyltransferase, have enabled novel therapeutic strategies to be developed. Interference with entry, for example through blockade of the HBV-HDV-specific receptor sodium/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide NTCP by Myrcludex B, and inhibition of assembly by blockade of farnesyltransferase using lonafarnib or nucleic acid polymers such as REP 2139-Ca, have shown promising results in phase II studies. In this Review, we summarize our knowledge of HDV epidemiology, pathogenesis and molecular biology, with a particular emphasis on possible future developments.
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Low hepatitis delta prevalence estimates in the United States are likely biased due to low testing rates. The objectives of this study were to quantify the prevalence of testing and identify factors associated with hepatitis D positive status among chronic hepatitis B patients in the Veterans Health Administration. We performed a nationwide retrospective study of all veterans who tested positive for HBsAg from October 1999 to December 2013. Hepatitis D antibody testing results were used to stratify patients into 3 groups: HDV-positive, HDV-negative and HDV-not tested. Demographics, comorbidities, additional laboratory data and clinical outcomes were compared across these groups of patients using standard statistical approaches. Among 25,603 patients with a positive hepatitis B surface antigen, 2,175 (8.5%) were tested for HDV; 73 (3.4%) patients tested positive. Receiving HDV testing was associated with receipt of testing for HBV, HIV, and HCV. Predictors of positive HDV results included substance abuse and cirrhosis. Fitting a predefined high-risk profile (abnormal ALT with suppressed HBV DNA titers) was strongly associated with testing positive for HDV (OR 4.2, 95%CI 1.9-9.3). Most (59%) of HDV-positive patients were HCV co-infected. HDV-positive subjects had higher risks of all-cause mortality. Incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma were 2.9 fold higher in HDV-positive relative to HDV-negative individuals (p=0.002). In adjusted analyses, HDV was independently associated with HCC (OR 2.1, 95%CI 1.1-3.9). Testing rates for hepatitis delta in chronic hepatitis B patients in the United States are inappropriately low. Approaches to increase testing for HDV particularly in high-risk subsets should be explored. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a satellite virus of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection that aggravates acute and chronic liver disease. While HBV seroprevalence is very high across sub-Saharan Africa, much less is known about HDV in the region. In this study almost 2300 serum samples from Burkina Faso (n=1131), Nigeria (n=974), Chad (n=50) and the Central African Republic (n=118) were screened for HBV and HDV. Among 743 HBsAg positive sera 74 were positive for HDV-antibodies and/or HDV-RNA, with considerable differences in prevalence, ranging from <2% (pregnant women from Burkina Faso) to 50% (liver patients from Central African Republic). HDV seems to be a lot more frequent in chronic liver disease patients in CAR than in the similar cohorts in Nigeria. In a large nested mother-child cohort in Burkina Faso the prevalence of HDV antibodies was ten times higher in the children than in the mother, despite similar HBsAg prevalences, excluding vertical transmission as an important route of infection.
Infection by the hepatitis delta virus (HDV), a satellite of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), increases viral liver disease severity. Its diagnosis is thus vital for HBV-infected patients. HDV-RNA load (HDVL) should be assessed and monitored in plasma using real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assays. Taking advantage of the recently-developed World Health Organization (WHO) HDV international standard (WHO-HDV-IS), the first international external quality control for HDVL quantification was performed. Two panels of samples were sent to 28 laboratories in 17 countries worldwide. Panel A comprised 20 clinical samples of various genotypes (1, 2, and 5-8) and viral loads, including two negative controls. Panel B, composed of dilutions of the WHO-HDV-IS, allowed the conversion of results from copies/mL into IU/mL for HDVL standardization and interlaboratory comparisons. Comprehensive analysis revealed a very high heterogeneity of assay characteristics, including their technical steps and technologies. Thirteen labs (46.3%) properly quantified all 18 positive samples; 16 (57.1%) failed to detect one to up to 10 samples, and several others underestimated (>3 log IU/mL) HDVL of African genotype strains (1 and 5-8). Discrepancies were mainly attributed to either primers or probe mismatches related to the high genetic variability of HDV and, possibly, to the complex secondary structure of the target genomic RNA. The labs were grouped in four clusters by the statistical analysis of their performances. The best clusters comprised the 17 labs that obtained the expected HDVL values, including five that otherwise failed to quantify one or two samples. Conclusion: The results of this international quality-control study underline the urgent need to improve methods used to monitor HDV viremia and will be instrumental in achieving that goal. (Hepatology 2016;64:1483-1494).
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective virus and a satellite of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Its RNA genome is unique among animal viruses, but it shares common features with some plant viroids, including a replication mechanism that uses a host RNA polymerase. In infected cells, HDV genome replication and formation of a nucleocapsid-like ribonucleoprotein (RNP) are independent of HBV. But the RNP cannot exit, and therefore propagate, in the absence of HBV, as the latter supplies the propagation mechanism, from coating the HDV RNP with the HBV envelope proteins for cell egress to delivery of the HDV virions to the human hepatocyte target. HDV is therefore an obligate satellite of HBV; it infects humans either concomitantly with HBV or after HBV infection. HDV affects an estimated 15 to 20million individuals worldwide, and the clinical significance of HDV infection is more severe forms of viral hepatitis - acute or chronic -, and a higher risk of developing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in comparison to HBV monoinfection. This review covers molecular aspects of HDV replication cycle, including its interaction with the helper HBV and the pathogenesis of infection in humans.
Hepatitis D virus causes an aggressive viral hepatitis with a virulent course of progression to cirrhosis and hepatic decompensation. It relies on hepatitis B coinfection for its pathogenesis and propagation. Hepatitis D virus had become the forgotten virus, with reduced public awareness, medical interest, and research support. Recently, there has been a resurgence of awareness and interest in hepatitis D, with improvements in diagnostic testing and establishment of international collaborative efforts to improve therapy. This article provides a framework to understand the impetus for increased screening as well as to identify key issues toward which collaborative efforts can be directed.
Hepatitis D is caused by the hepatitis D virus (HDV), a unique RNA pathogen that requires the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to infect. Hepatitis D is transmitted by the parenteral route. The main susceptible group is patients with chronic HBsAg infection who become superinfected with the virus. Hepatitis D occurs throughout the globe, but control of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the last two decades has consistently diminished the circulation of HDV in industrialized countries. However, hepatitis D remains a medical issue for injecting drug users (IDUs), as well as immigrants from endemic HDV areas, who are reintroducing the infection in Europe. Copyright © 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.
The emergence of hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection in the era of widespread HBV vaccination has not been described before. We aimed to investigate the changing epidemiology of HDV infection among high and low risk populations after an outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among injection drug users (IDU) in Taiwan. A prospective, multicenter, cohort study of 2562 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive individuals was conducted to determine the prevalence, genotype, and risk factors of HDV infection from 2001 through 2012. The prevalence rates of HDV infection were 74.9%, 43.9%, 11.4%, 11.1%, and 4.4% among HIV-infected IDU, HIV-uninfected IDU, HIV-infected men who have sex with men, HIV-infected heterosexuals and the general population of HBsAg-positive subjects, respectively. A significant increase in the trend of HDV prevalence from 38.5% to 89.8% was observed in HIV-infected IDU (OR=3.06, 95% CI: 1.68-5.56; p=0.0002). In multivariate analysis, injection drug use, hepatitis C virus infection, HIV infection, serum HBsAg level ≧250 IU/mL, duration of drug use, and older age were significant factors associated with HDV infection. HDV genotype IV (72.2%) was the prevalent genotype circulating among IDU, whereas, genotype II was predominant in the non-IDU populations (73.3%). In the HIV cohort born after 1987 who were HBsAg-negative, over half (52.9%) had anti-HBs Ab levels of <10 mIU/mL and there was a significantly higher HBsAg seroprevalence in the HIV cohort compared to the control group (8.1% vs. 0.0%, p=0.02). Conclusion: In the era of HBV vaccination, IDU and HIV-infected individuals have emerged as high risk groups and a reservoir for HDV infection. Effective strategies are needed to curb the re-emerging epidemic of HDV infection in these high risk groups. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. © 2015 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.