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All content in this area was uploaded by Veselin Rangelov on Nov 23, 2016
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1(1) April 2016
Web of Scholar
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Received 23 March 2016
Accepted 09 April 2016
Published 14 April 2016
Approaches to update these territories based on a common understanding of the
global objective of sustainable development with its three main aspects: economic,
social and environmental - namely the achievement of a balanced and stable living
environment. Regarding the spaces between residential blocks means building
and managing a harmonious and healthy environment capable of operating long-
term physical and socioeconomic, with minimal negative impact on nature..
residential complex
urban planning
public works
© 2016 The Author
!"#$%& '(& )#*#+)$,- Spaces between
blocks in old residential complexes in Bulgaria.
./*$0**/'1-& The consequences of climate
change on the one hand, required to take measures to
preserve the environment by improving the energy
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on the other, to be sought resistant combinations of
architectural and vegetative volumes suitable date
species composition, which could also directly affects
the energy balance of the surrounding buildings.
Changing demographic structure and way
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housing needs of people with reduced mobility
and many other factors determine the choice
as one of the most important conditions in the
planning of the entire complex of buildings,
spaces and communications and infrastructure.
The rehabilitation of the idea of community
is a measure to combat the social problems of
neighborhoods, crime and the destruction of social
values. Ensuring continuity in the construction and
operation of spaces between blocks allows to combine
the best traditions of the past with the requirements
of the present and new ideas for the future.
Modern technologies and building materials
as well as increase the aesthetic value of the
environment and its operational duration. The use
of such technology in the renovation of blocks
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Negative results applied in the 80s, the programs
reinforce the belief that investment should stimulate
sustainable time decisions that can only be achieved
with a comprehensive approach to the problems
of residential areas. Measures for the physical
renovation and modernization of buildings and
urbanization of the environment are closely linked
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only make sense in terms of social and economic
stability, the achievement of which is subject to
no less effort and money. Taking into account the
real needs and priorities of residents and consensus
between all stakeholders allocate resources in the
right direction and make this approach effective.
Although the issues spaces between the blocks
of residential complexes built in 60-70 years, look
the same, actions to resolve them vary across a wide
spectrum. Some good potential for development
are rehabilitated, others partially restructured,
and others completely destroyed along with
the buildings surrounding them due to inability
to overcome social and economic problems.
The approaches can be grouped as follows:
1(1) April 2016 49
Web of Scholar
• preserving the character of the spaces between the
blocks, but modernization of surrounding buildings.
• partially phased restructuring of the space according
to the changed framework or needs of the residents.
• complete restructuring of the residential complex
and the formation of new spaces between the blocks
Regardless of the varying degrees of
intervention in the spaces between blocks the
approaches include the entire spectrum of measures
needed to create a sustainable urban environment.
• complete reconstruction of landscaping
and public works - new lane network with the
formation of new green areas
• construction of modern playgrounds with
combined children's facilities
• replacement of water areas and park furniture
• preservation of valuable ornamental trees,
sanitary felling and planting of new trees and shrubs
• optimization of the streets, sidewalks and
parking places, creating a continuous bicycle
network safe passage junctions
• formation of small courtyards or terraces
at the ground levels of buildings that protect the
intimacy of a private housing
• construction of social networking sites
suitable for all ages
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restricted regime of use
• complex improvement drab appearance of
the surrounding area buildings
• improve security through fencing and plant
volumes that restrict access to outsiders near homes
• improvement of security systems and CCTV
• assure small architectural forms and elements
of an accessible environment
• modernization of waste sites
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public space
• participation of residents in the design and
management of spaces between blocks
In consideration residential complexes after
maintaining basic pedestrian axis, it is possible to
allow occupants to surround their block spaces,
and even over time and to sell. In this way the
municipality will save money on maintenance and
could concentrate its efforts in the development and
intensive support "green backbone" of the territory.
Municipalities should be tasked with developing
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free areas. The formation of a separate yard around
the apartment block changes the character, spirit
and atmosphere of the environment. Practical cast
would need to locate stationary park furniture.
Increase opportunities for semi functional
use of paved areas, which in turn can reduce the
size at the expense of land occupied by vegetation.
Enclosure provides much better opportunities for
management and maintenance of lawns, trees and
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build their own wells with corresponding cost
irrigation systems. It is possible the inclusion of
small buildings - summer kitchens, bars, awnings,
and in some places and small swimming pools
and decorative pools with spectacular lighting.
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who could leave their children unattended.
In parallel, the yard provides a higher level
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As stated above, ownership of land and
housing in neighborhoods is a key factor in the
program for renovation and modernization of these
spaces. Private home ownership in Bulgaria and
the lack of ownership of land and adjacent areas is
a major obstacle to the successful implementation
of these programs. The worsening state of the
buildings will force owners to seek joint efforts
to address the problems. The creation of public-
private partnerships such as housing companies
or associations with broad representation of
owners, municipalities, government, NGOs
and other stakeholders can be an important
factor in solving the problems of spaces.
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sector has a number of advantages, it can attract
investment in locations with particular market
potential by ensuring a balance between the security
of the capital, the duration of the investment and
its return, but requires a reasonable degree of trust
and risk. Reforms that could be implemented in
this way, should start by distinguishing public
ownership of land for roads, squares, parks,
gardens and other of land for housing. Like the
newly closed residential complexes, companies
that manage them acquire possession of the land
under the buildings and adjacent green areas,
including internal spaces between the blocks,
parking, places for socializing with barbecues
outdoors, sports and playgrounds, places of storage
waste, smaller paths and internal roads serving.
1(1) April 2016
Web of Scholar
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