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Abstract and Figures

By connecting devices, people, vehicles and infrastructures everywhere in a city, governments and their partners can improve community wellbeing and other economic and financial aspects (e.g., cost and energy savings). Nonetheless, smart cities are complex ecosystems that comprise many different stakeholders (network operators, managed service providers, logistic centers...) who must work together to provide the best services and unlock the commercial potential of the IoT. This is one of the major challenges that faces today's smart city movement, and more generally the IoT as a whole. Indeed, while new smart connected objects hit the market every day, they mostly feed "vertical silos" (e.g., vertical apps, siloed apps...) that are closed to the rest of the IoT, thus hampering developers to produce new added value across multiple platforms. Within this context, the contribution of this paper is twofold: (i) present the EU vision and ongoing activities to overcome the problem of vertical silos; (ii) introduce recent IoT standards used as part of a recent Horizon 2020 IoT project to address this problem. The implementation of those standards for enhanced sporting event management in a smart city/government context (FIFA World Cup 2022) is developed, presented, and evaluated as a proof-of-concept.
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IoT-based Smart Parking System for Sporting Event
Sylvain Kubler
University of Luxembourg
Interdisciplinary Centre for
Security, Reliability & Trust
4 rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
Jérémy Robert
University of Luxembourg
Interdisciplinary Centre for
Security, Reliability & Trust
4 rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
Ahmed Hefnawy
Lyon 2 University,
21 avenue Jean Capelle,
F-69621 Villeurbanne
Chantal Cherifi
Lyon 2 University,
21 avenue Jean Capelle,
F-69621 Villeurbanne
Abdelaziz Bouras
Qatar University,
DCSE, College of
P.O. Box 2713 Doha-Qatar
Kary Främling
Aalto University,
School of Science and
Helsinki, Finland
By connecting devices, people, vehicles and infrastructures
everywhere in a city, governments and their partners can
improve community wellbeing and other economic and fi-
nancial aspects (e.g., cost and energy savings). Nonetheless,
smart cities are complex ecosystems that comprise many
different stakeholders (network operators, managed service
providers, logistic centers. . . ) who must work together to
provide the best services and unlock the commercial poten-
tial of the IoT. This is one of the major challenges that faces
today’s smart city movement, and more generally the IoT as
a whole. Indeed, while new smart connected objects hit the
market every day, they mostly feed “vertical silos” (e.g., ver-
tical apps, siloed apps...) that are closed to the rest of the
IoT, thus hampering developers to produce new added value
across multiple platforms. Within this context, the contri-
bution of this paper is twofold: (i) present the EU vision
and ongoing activities to overcome the problem of vertical
silos; (ii) introduce recent IoT standards used as part of a
recent Horizon 2020 IoT project to address this problem.
The implementation of those standards for enhanced sport-
ing event management in a smart city/government context
(FIFA World Cup 2022) is developed, presented, and evalu-
ated as a proof-of-concept.
Internet of Things; Smart city; Messaging protocols; Stan-
dardization; Interoperability; Product Lifecycle Management
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2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-2138-9.
DOI: 10.1145/1235
New Internet of Things (IoT) applications that leverage
ubiquitous connectivity, system interoperability and analyt-
ics, are enabling Smart City initiatives all over the world
[13]. These new applications introduce tremendous new ca-
pabilities such as the ability to connect, manage, and op-
timize complex sets of disparate information systems, sen-
sors, devices, people and software solutions into a System-
of-Systems (SoS) for use in smart cities.
Although the smart city paradigm paves the way for so-
cietal and economic opportunities (e.g., to reduce costs for
societies, increase the service for the citizens in a number of
areas, foster a sustainable economic growth. . . ), they also
pose architectural and structural issues that must be ad-
dressed for businesses to benefit. One of the most critical
obstacles is the vertical silos’ model that shapes today’s IoT,
which hampers developers – due to the lack of interoperabil-
ity and openness – to produce new added value across mul-
tiple platforms (data is “siloed” in a unique system, cloud,
domain, and stays there) [12]. This is all the more true in
a smart city environment, as it is a complex ecosystem that
comprises a wide range of interacting and cooperating ac-
tors such as users, software and network providers, financial
institutions, logistic centers, etc., that often result in a set
of vertical silos (e.g., per domain) difficult to interconnect.
Several organisms and standardization fora understood
this critical challenge and started to build up consortia and
IoT initiatives to address it. Let us cite, for example, the
Web of Things initiative at W3C that aims to create open
ecosystems based upon open standards, including identifi-
cation, discovery and interoperation of services across plat-
forms [15]; the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation
(AIOTI) launched by the EU with the aim of strengthening
links and building new relationships between the different
IoT players (industries, SMEs, startups) [1]; the Open Plat-
form 3.0TM at The Open Group that focus more on orga-
nization applications and practices [7]; the OneM2M global
standards initiative that involves 8 standards bodies for Ma-
chine to Machine (M2M) communications [17]; or still the
IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) initiative [8]. Although most
of those initiatives promote various types of standards and
specific technology enablers, they all share the same vision
about relying as much as possible on open and interoperable
standards to foster open ecosystems and unlock the commer-
cial potential of the IoT.
Within this context, the contribution of this paper is twofold
(i) present today’s EU vision, and particularly the on-going
and future activities carried out in AIOTI, (ii) present recent
IoT standards published by The Open Group, which are to-
day used in a recent H2020 Programme to fulfill horizontal
interoperability in smart cities. Sections 2 and 3 deal respec-
tively with these two contributions. Section 4 presents a first
proof-of-concept of the standards implementation in a smart
parking context for sporting event management; conclusion
and discussion follow.
While in the US, IoT ecosystems are created around big,
multinational players such as Apple or Google, the EU’s
strength is rather in smaller and agile companies. Several
past EU initiatives gave rise to a multitude of IoT platforms
in various domains [18], let us cite the IERC cluster in which
the IoT-A reference architecture, the OpenIoT cloud plat-
form, BUTLER, etc., were developed, or still the Future
Internet-PPP Programme that contributed to the develop-
ment of the FI-WARE cloud-based infrastructure that offers
a number of general- and specific-purpose functions in mul-
tiple sectors (farming, manufacturing, mobility, pervasive
game. . . ). Despite these efforts, it is a key challenge for the
EU to turn those initial IoT platforms into economically vi-
able entities and ecosystems. This is the current focus and
goal of ongoing and future H2020 IoT-related Programmes.
This new focus is discussed in greater detail in sections 2.1
and 2.2 respectively.
2.1 On-going & Future EU Initiatives
Previous EU projects defined in the FP7 framework and
focusing on IoT were developed between 2007-2015. Those
projects have led to research in a number of IoT areas,
along with the delivery of IoT platforms, architectures and
demonstrators. The FP7 framework constituted the igni-
tion phase of the IoT program approach, the second phase
(which started recently) consists building IoT ecosystems to
enable citizen communities, SMEs and any public-private
organization to join and contribute to the sustainability of
the overall ecosystem.
To achieve this mission, the EU has recently launched the
AIOTI alliance with the aim of assisting the European Com-
mission in the preparation of future IoT research as well as
innovation and standardisation policies in the creation of
dynamic EU IoT ecosystems. On a more concrete level, the
AIOTI alliance aims both to effectively support the transfer
of previous project outcomes to upcoming H2020 projects
this is achieved through the AIOTI Work Group WG01
(the former IERC cluster), as depicted in Figure 1 – and
to expand those activities towards innovation within and
across seven key industry sectors, as depicted in Figure 1
(see WG05 to WG11). Ultimately, AIOTI is going to play
an essential role in the designing of IoT Large Scale Pilots
that will address all the industry sectors targeted by WG05-
WG11, which will be funded by the H2020 IoT-01 Innovation
WG01: IoT European Research Cluster (IERC)
WG02: Innovation Ecosystems
WG03: IoT Standardisation
WG04: Policy Issues
WG05: Smart Living Environments for Ageing Well
WG06: Smart Framing & Food Security
WG07: Wearables
WG08: Smart Cities
WG09: Smart Mobility
WG10: Smart Environment
WG11: Smart Manufacturing
Figure 1: European/AIOTI Vision & Initiatives
Action Programme 2017-2020 (cf. Figure 1). Nonetheless,
in order to provide the necessary interoperability building
blocks to enable information to flow easily, safely and ef-
ficiently between one or more domains/platforms, another
H2020 Research and Innovation (R&I) Programme named
ICT30 has been launched (2016-2019), as emphasized in Fig-
ure 1. Several R&I projects and support actions have been
funded under the ICT30 programme, which are further de-
tailed in the next section.
2.2 R&I projects in the ICT30 Programme
The seven R&I projects developed in the ICT30 Pro-
gramme aim to improve horizontal interoperability and pro-
vide first proofs-of-concept about how existing platforms for
connected smart objects can easily, safely and reliably be in-
tegrated for a multiplicity of novel applications and services.
Ultimately, this programme is expected to support conver-
gence and interoperability of IoT standards (cf. WG02,
WG03, WG04 in Figure 1), thus opening up IoT ecosystems
to developer communities and creative practices.
The ICT-30 portfolio is composed of two support action
projects (Be-IoT and Unify-IoT) and seven R&I projects.
The two support action projects are strongly complemen-
tary, UNIFY-IoT focusing more on scientific aspects, whereas
Be-IoT on long-term impact-, community- and ecosystem-
building success. In this section, we mainly discusse the
seven R&I projects, as reported in Table 1, in which we
highlight the key topics that each project is primarily focus-
ing on, namely:
Table 1: H2020 projects developed in the ICT-30 programme (2016-2019)
Project Name
of devices
of platforms
AGILE – Adoptive gateways for diverse multiple environments
BIG IoT – Bridging the Interoperability Gap of the Internet of Things ✓✓✓
bIoTope – Building an IoT oPen innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects ✓✓✓
INTER-IoT – Interoperability of heterogenous IoT platforms ✓ ✓ ✓
symbIoTe – Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
TagItSmart – Smart Tags driven service platform for enabling ecosystems of connected objects ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
VICINITY – Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings & smart objects ✓ ✓
Integration of devices: this topic mainly refers to M2M
communications capabilities, where turn-key M2M so-
lutions and components are developed and easy to be
deployed. For example, TagItSmart will develop inno-
vative optical tags (using a new QR code ink technol-
ogy) and associated Cloud services for enhanced prod-
uct tracking throughout its life cycle; INTER-IoT and
symbiote aim to use a common M2M service layer spec-
ifications (based on the ETSI’s oneM2M standard);
AGILE proposes a gateway access point that should
integrate key IoT modules such as modularity, exten-
sibility, privacy and development toolkit management;
Creation of platforms: this topic refers to the defini-
tion, specification and extension of platforms, either
Cloud-based or local (or both), depending on the pilot
needs and requirements. For example, TagItSmart and
symbiote will develop Cloud-based services (TagItS-
mart will e.g. re-use available FIWARE components);
bIoTope and VICINITY put particular emphasis on
Edge nodes (e.g., based on Fog computing and dis-
tributed analytics), which is key to improve privacy
and data ownership in IoT;
Interoperable APIs: this topic refers to standardized
and open APIs that must cope with the IoT peculiar-
ities and requirements, e.g. to support efficient data
publication, consumption and composition of hetero-
geneous information sources from across various IoT
platforms. Those APIs must provide the necessary
messaging interfaces, along with generic content de-
scription models for IoT data representation (e.g., stan-
dardized vocabularies. . . ). Each project will investi-
gate, select (or may be develop) such open API solu-
tions, although one of the challenge to be addressed in
ICT30 is to make these APIs interoperable across the
7 R&I projects;
Autonomous reasoning: this topic refers to context-
aware and self-adaptation capabilities of the system/e-
cosystem. For example, both BIG IoT and bIoTope
will develop, validate and deploy ‘context brokers’ that
are able to discover, predict, validate and supply rel-
evant ‘Context(s)’ to applications and/or entities re-
questing it (i.e., offering Context-as-a-Service). Based
on relevant and accurate ‘context’ delivered by such
brokers, systems will be able to factly and intuitively
react to context changes [14];
The next section provides a brief introduction about the IoT
messaging (Open API) standards that lay the foundation of
the bIoTope ecosystem and associated city use case pilots.
bIoTope takes full advantage of Open API standards de-
veloped and officially published by The Open Group, no-
tably the Open Messaging Interface1(O-MI) and Open Data
Format2(O-DF) standards. Those standards emerged out
of past EU FP6 and FP7 projects (e.g., PROMISE FP6,
LinkedDesign FP7. . . ), where real-life industrial applications
required the collection and management of product instance-
level information for many domains involving heavy and per-
sonal vehicles, household equipment, phone switches, etc.
[9, 3]. Information such as sensor readings, alarms, assem-
bly, disassembly, shipping event, and other information re-
lated to the entire product life cycle needed to be exchanged
between products and systems of different organizations.
Based on the needs of those real-life applications, and as no
existing standards could be identified that would fulfil those
requirements without extensive modification or extensions,
the partner consortia started the specification of new mes-
saging interfaces [4]. Those specifications have since then
been further developed and published by the IoT WG of
The Open Group. O-MI provides a generic Open API for
any RESTful IoT information system, meaning that in the
same way that HTTP can be used for transporting payloads
in formats other than HTML, O-MI can be used for trans-
porting payloads in nearly any format. The complementary
but not compulsory – O-DF standard is a generic content
description model for Objects in the IoT, which can be ex-
tended with more specific vocabularies (e.g., using domain-
specific ontology vocabularies). In resume, O-MI and O-DF
are independent entities that reside in the OSI Application
layer, where O-MI is specified at the ‘communication’ level
and O-DF at the ‘format’ level. Both standard specifica-
tions are briefly and respectively presented in sections 3.1
and 3.2.
3.1 O-DF standard specifications
As previously stated, O-MI can be used for transporting
payloads in nearly any format (XML, JSON, CSV. . . ). The
accompanying O-DF standard partly fulfills the same role in
the IoT as HTML does for the Internet, meaning that O-DF
is a generic content description model for Things in the IoT.
O-DF is defined as a simple ontology, specified using XML
Schema – which might currently be the most common text-
based payload format due to its flexibility, thus providing
more opportunities for complex data structures [14] – that
is generic enough for representing “any” object and informa-
tion that is needed for information exchange in the IoT. It is
Table 2: Main Messaging Interfaces specified in the O-MI standard
Operations Description
1 - Write used to send information updates to O-MI nodes.
2 - Read used for immediate retrieval of information from an O-MI node.
3 - Subscription Two types of subscriptions can be performed:
subscription with callback address: the subscribed data is sent to the callback address at the requested interval.
Two types of intervals can be defined: interval-based or event-based;
subscription without callback address: the data is memorized on the subscribed O-MI node as long as the subscription
is valid. The memorized data can be retrieved (i.e., p olled) by issuing a new O-MI read request by using the
subscription ID.
4 - Cancel used to cancel a subscription b efore it expires.
Generic Object tree
Object Object Object ...
InfoItem InfoItem Object ...
MetaData Value Value ...
InfoItem InfoItem ...
Figure 2: Open Data Format: generic “Object” tree
intentionally defined in a similar manner as data structures
in object-oriented programming. O-DF is structured as a
hierarchy with an “Objects” element as its top element, as
shown in Figure 2, which can contain any number of “Ob-
ject” sub-elements. “Object” elements can have any number
of properties, referred to as InfoItems, as well as “Object”
sub-elements. The resulting Object tree can contain any
number of levels (cf. Figure 2). Every Object has a com-
pulsory sub-element called “id” that identifies the Object.
The “id” should preferably be globally unique or at least
unique for the specific application, domain, or network of
the involved organizations. The proof-of-concept developed
in section 4 will facilitate the understanding of O-DF and
associated Object’s tree/hierarchy.
3.2 O-MI standard specifications
A defining characteristic of O-MI is that nodes may act
both as “servers” and as “clients” and therefore communicate
with each other or with back-end servers in a peer-to-peer
manner. Typical examples of exchanged data are sensor
readings, lifecycle events, requests for historical data, noti-
fications, etc. One of the fundamental properties of O-MI is
that O-MI/O-DF messages are “protocol agnostic” so they
can be exchanged using HTTP, SOAP, SMTP, or similar
protocols. Four operations are supported, as summarized in
Table 3. Another important feature of O-MI is that mes-
sages are “self-contained” in the sense that all the necessary
information to enable the recipient to handle the message
is contained in the message itself (e.g., actions to be per-
formed, callback address, TTL. . . ). Other relevant inter-
faces are presented in more details in [4, 10, 11] such as the
“publication and discovery” mechanisms for data, services
and meta-data using the “RESTful” URL-based queries.
There are several IoT messaging standards comparable
with O-MI, and vice-versa (e.g., MQTT, AMQP. . . ). Nonethe-
less, each standard is designed to address specific IoT com-
munication requirements. To support this statement, let us
introduce the four IoT communication models defined, in
March 2015, by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) in
a guiding architectural document for networking of smart
objects [16]. These four models are illustrated in Figure 3
and described hereinafter:
Device-To-Device (D2D): two or more devices directly
connect and communicate between one another rather
than through an intermediary application server (cf.
Silos 1, 2 and 3 in Figure 3);
Device-To-Gateway (D2G): the IoT device connects to
a local gateway device that may either (i) be connected
to a Cloud service provider (cf. Silo 1 in Figure 3) or
(ii) store and process device-related data at the edge
(cf. Silo 2);
Device-To-Cloud (D2C): the IoT device connects di-
rectly to an Internet Cloud provider to exchange data
and services (cf. Silo 3 in Figure 3). Frequently, the
device and Cloud service are from the same vendor
(commonly referred to as “vendor lock-in”);
Back-End Data-Sharing (S2S): this model plays a key
role in improving horizontal interoperability across sec-
tors and platforms, thus breaking down traditional
data silo barriers (cf. Figure 3). More concretely, this
model shall facilitate Server-To-Server (S2S) informa-
tion exchange based on open and standardized IoT in-
terfaces (open APIs, standardized semantic vocabular-
ies. . . ), but shall also provide provisions for Analytics
services, e.g. to filter, aggregate and analyze cross-
domain and cross-platform information (cf. Figure 3).
Table 3 gives insight into well known IoT messaging stan-
dards [2], highlighting for which IoT communication model(s)
they have been initially designed for. Our study reports
CoAP (developed by IETF), MQTT (developed by IBM),
AMQP (developed by OASIS), Data Distribution Service
DDS (developed by the Object Management Group), and
XMPP (developed by Cisco). As emphasized in this table,
O-MI is primarily aiming at improve horizontal interoper-
ability across vertical silos (S2S). Although this paper is not
intended to carry out a technical and thorough comparison
between O-MI and the above-mentioned standards, a few
striking differences and cornerstones of this standard can
nonetheless be pointed out: O-MI uses text-based represen-
tations (XML, JSO N.. . ) instead of binary formats and can
use any of the ‘Communication’ and ‘Transport’ level stan-
dards as its underlying protocol; O-MI provides a “REST-
Silo 1
Silo 2
Silo 3
S2SS2S Back-End Data-Sharing Model
D2D: Device-to-Device D2C: Device-to-Cloud
D2G: Device-to-Gateway S2S: Server-to-Server
Figure 3: IoT communication model illustration
ful” URL-based query mechanism and, like DDS, is “Data-
centric” meaning that middleware can understand the data
(e.g., ob ject identity, hierarchy. . . ). This table highlights
that three messaging protocols have the necessary provisions
for S2S communications (DDS, XMPP, O-MI). Nonetheless,
It is necessary to carry out a more thoroughly comparison
analysis (i.e., looking at each standard specifications) in or-
der to identify the pros and cons of each protocol, but this
is out of scope of this study (see e.g. [?]).
Table 3: IoT standards vs. communication models
D2D ✓ ✓
D2G ✓ ✓
D2C ✓ ✓
S2S ✓ ✓
This use-case is a hypothetical scenario using an IoT-
enabled smart parking system for enhanced parking services
during the FIFA World Cup 2022 (Qatar). The Qatar gov-
ernment3expressed an interest in exploring and developing
first proofs-of-concept using the O-MI/O-DF standards [6].
In our scenario, each spectator has a unique profile that
holds personal information, payment tools, and booked sta-
dium seat numbers. Parking spots are booked in-advance
through an online booking system that optimizes the spot
allocation (e.g., to enable a car owner to be as close as possi-
ble to his/her stadium seat). Upon parking spot allocation,
users may enter their car plate number to get fast track ac-
cess to the stadium, which has several outer gates (see Fig-
ure 4). Fast track gates have sensors to read the car plate
numbers and check their eligibility to get in. Another sensor
located at each parking spot reads the car plate number to
check whether the car is or not at the right spot. If not, a
3Qatar government is closely working with Qatar University
to investigate and develop appropriate IoT solutions in view
of this sporting event
signal as a warning (e.g., light or acoustic) will be issued to
notify the user about the disturbing situation (cf. red lights
in Figure 4). In this proof-of-concept, we consider a sim-
plified parking that is composed of four parking spot areas,
respectively denoted by Areas Ato Din Figure 4. Those ar-
eas are respectively composed of 3, 6, 3 and 3 parking spots
denoted by Pi,j where iis the area index (i∈ {A..D}) and
jthe corresponding Spot index (e.g., j∈ {1..6}for i=B).
Given the parking configuration, several O-MI edge nodes,
denoted by O-MI node 1 to 4 in Figure 4, have been imple-
mented to enable the peer-to-peer publication and discovery
of parking-related information in a more or less aggregated
form. Section 4.1 gives insight into how the overall infras-
tructure and scenario is achieved based upon O-MI/O-DF,
as well as how such information can be used for developing
enhanced management services at the stadium level but also
at the city level (i.e., cross-domain services). Finally, sec-
tion 4.2 focuses on the performance evaluation of the initial
version of the O-MI/O-DF reference implementation.
4.1 Information Publication & Discovery
The O-MI node denoted by O-MI node 1 in Figure 4 is
responsible for collecting and publishing parking-related in-
formation (e.g., on-site car plate numbers, cars parked at
the right spot. . . ). From a physical infrastructure persp ec-
tive, this O-MI node can be either a centralized one (e.g., a
gateway such as a server) or a distributed one (e.g., several
gateways distributed over the four Areas). The arrows de-
noted by and in Figure 4 illustrate that any peer O-MI
node (the stadium office in that case) can discover and ac-
cess information items that are published by O-MI node 1
(according to its access rights).
A more detailed view about the network communications
between O-MI node 1 and O-MI node 2 is provided in Fig-
ure 5 (see arrows denoted by “1” and “2a”), whose associated
O-MI/O-DF subscription message (“1”) is given in Figure 6.
Rows 1 to 5 detail the message interface where the opera-
tion is set to “read” with an interval set to “-1” and a spe-
cific callback address (see row 4), meaning (according to
the standard specifications) that the subscribed data values
must be returned in an event-based manner to the stadium
office (i.e., O-MI node 2). Rows 6 to 26 detail the message
payload, or to be more exact, the part of the O-DF hier-
archy that is subscribed (the summarized hierarchy view in
Figure 6 helps to better understand how this information
hierarchy has been thought/designed for this specific use
case). In this example, the stadium office (O-MI node 2)
subscribes to Plate Number Readers information related to
Area 1 (PA,1to PA,3, Gate1. . . ). Given the message inter-
face setting, the stadium office receives a notification every
time an InfoItem value changes. This is illustrated in Fig-
ure 5 through arrow denoted by “2b”, where a car whose
plate number is 375684 arrived in front of Gate 1; a noti-
fication is then automatically pushed to the stadium office
(O-MI node 2) that decides to open (or not) the Gate. In
the scenario depicted in Figure 5, the car is authorized to
get in the parking and, to this end, an O-MI write request is
sent to O-MI node 1 (see arrow denoted by “3”in Figure 5).
The information collected by the stadium office can be
further processed (e.g., using language processing and rea-
soning algorithms) and turned into (i) new key performance
indicators (KPIs) such as the number of free parking spots,
car queue length in front of each gate. . . ; or still into (ii)
O-MI node 3
. . .
Cognitive City
Transportation data Industry data Healthcare data . . . Sports data ...
Area B
Area C
Area D
Area A
O-MI node 1
node 2
Buy Apps
Cognitive Stadium
O-MI node 4
App for
Figure 4: IoT-based Smart Parking System for Sporting Event Management using O-MI & O-DF standards
stadium free or fee-based Apps (see arrows denoted by
in Figure 4) that could potentially inform world cup specta-
tors about how busy a drink and food sale booth is. Figure 4
highlights through the O-MI communication between O-MI
node 3 (city municipality/government) and O-MI node 2
(stadium avatar) how the city can discover, access and use
the stadium KPIs for various purposes, e.g. to combine them
with KPIs from other domains (see arrows denoted by in
Figure 4) so as to generate new knowledge and services (e.g.,
to provide indicators on the city health, citizens’ well-being,
number of free parking spots and real-time traffic state in the
whole city. . . ), which may potentially benefit other sectors
such as public transportation, industry, energy, etc.
Such a cross-domain scenario considering an emergency
situation in the stadium is illustrated in Figure 5, where a
notification about the emergency is sent to the city hospital.
The hospital system then accesses the city registry that con-
tains the list of O-MI nodes available in the city to get the
URL of the corresponding stadium O-MI node (the Khalifa
International Stadium in this scenario; see arrows denoted
by and in Figure 5). From that moment on, the Hospi-
tal O-MI node can use the RESTful URL-based queries to
discover information published by that node. This is shown
in Figure 5 through arrows denoted by to (discovery
mechanism invoked using the Unix wget). The first wget
(see arrow ) is composed of the stadium O-MI node’s URL
to which “Objects” is added so as to access the first level
of the information hierarchy, which includes Parking_KPIs-
and Parking_Areas-related information. The Hospital O-
MI node refines the discovery by accessing Parking_KPIs
information (see arrow ), which gives access to the current
state of each parking Area. Given this, the Hospital sys-
tem sends an O-MI read request to receive all Areas’ state
(see arrow ). Based on the response (Area_4_State=Not
busy, while Area_1_State=Busy. . . ), the decision made by
the Hospital system is to tell the ambulance to access the
emergency location via Area 4. Figure 5 highlights (see ar-
row ) that the O-MI RESTful discovery mechanism can
further be used to go through the O-DF tree, e.g. up to the
opening of the Gate 4’s barrier).
4.2 Implementation & performance
A first version of the O-MI and O-DF reference imple-
mentation has been released4and used as foundation of our
smart parking system’s proof-of-concept. As a complement
of this reference implementation, a smart parking emulator
and monitoring tool has been developed for both emulat-
ing the sensor/actuator events occurring on the field (e.g.,
the arrival of a car at a specific parking area. . . ) and
from the client side – for visualizing the current state of the
parking. Two screenshots of the parking emulator and mon-
itoring tool are given in Figure 5. From an implementation
perspective, and according to the O-MI and O-DF reference
implementation guidelines, it is necessary to develop an in-
ternal software agent that periodically pushes the emulated
data to an internal database (internal to the reference imple-
mentation). This data is then published and made available
(depending on the access rights) for any peer O-MI node5.
Along with this emulator/monitoring tool, we propose to
5A web-interface is supported facilitating the
use of the O-MI op erations (read, write. . . ):
Emulator developed to generate events on the
the field (i.e., the sensors’ state). Here e.g. we
emulate the arrival of a car at Gate A
Actuator value (open or close the barrier)
Sensor value (car plate number)
O-MI Sub(Area 1-related InfoItems)
See message given in FIGU RE ??
O-MI Resp(Sub ID=1)
O-MI Resp(Plate GateA=375684,Sub ID=1)
O-MI Write(Gate1=Open)
Performance evaluation of the O-MI/O-DF reference implementation (se e section 4.2)
Notification that an accident
occurred at the Khalifa
International Stadium
get OMI-URL(Khalifa Stadium)
wget http://Khalifa.../Objects/ 6
<Object><id>Parking KPIs</id></Object>
<Object><id>Parking Areas</id></Object>
wget http://Khalifa.../Objects/Parking KPIs 7
<id>Parking KPIs</id>
<InfoItem name="Area 1 State"</id>
<InfoItem name="Area 2 State"</id>
<InfoItem name="Area 4 State"</id>
O-MI Read(Area 1 State, Area 2 State...,Area 4 State)8
O-MI Resp(Area 1 State=Busy,...,Area 4 State=Not Busy)Head
Gate 4
O-MI Write(Gate4=Open)9
Gate 4
Figure 5: Smart parking scenario combining a parking emulator and monitoring tool based on the O-MI/O-DF reference implementation
1<?xml v e r s i o n =” 1 . 0 ?>
2<om i : o m i E n v e l o p e x m l n s : x s = h t t p : / / www. w3 . or g /2 0 0 1 / XMLSchemain s t a n c e
3xm l n s : o m i = ” om i . xs d ” v e r s i o n = 1 . 0 ” t t l =1”>
4<o m i : r e a d ms g f or m a t = ” o d f i n t e r v a l = 1” ca l l b a c k = ” h t t p : / / k h a l i f a / >
5<om i: ms g>
6<O b j e c t s xm l ns = o d f . xs d >
7<O b j e c t>
8<i d>StadiumParking</ i d>
9<O b j e c t>
10 <i d>Area1</ i d>
11 <O b j e c t>
12 <i d>Plate_Number_Readers</ i d>
13 <O b j e c t>
14 <i d>Plate_Number_Readers_Parking</ i d>
15 <I n f o I t e m na me= ” PA1” />
16 <I n f o I t e m na me= ” PA2” />
17 <I n f o I t e m na me= ” PA3” />
18 </ O b j e c t>
19 <O b j e c t>
20 <i d>Plate_Number_Readers_Gates</ i d>
21 <I n f o I t e m na me= P l a t e N u m b e r R e a d e r G 1 />
22 </ O b j e c t>
23 </ O b j e c t>
24 </ O b j e c t>
25 </ O b j e c t>
26 </ O b j e c t s>
27 </ om i:m sg>
28 </ o m i : r e a d>
29 </ om i : o m i E n v e l o p e>
Parking Object tree
StadiumParking ...
Area1 Area2 Area3 Area4
Plate Number Readers Gates
Plate . . . Parking Plate . . . Gates Gate1
PA1 PA2 PA3 Plate Number Reader G1
valuevalue value value
Figure 6: O-MI/O-DF message and associated information hierarchy when subscribing to Area 1-related data
study the performance of both the first version of the O-
MI/O-DF reference implementation in terms of ‘efficiency’.
In this study, efficiency refers to the amount of data (re-
ferred to as ‘data load’ in the following) produced by the
reference implementation to access one or more InfoItems
and its efficiency ratio. To this end, a network analyser
(Wireshark) has been used to analyze the network traffic
considering the smart parking use case. At a more concrete
level, 1 to 23 InfoItems are read on an incremental basis, i.e.
one read request/response including 1 InfoItem (and associ-
ated Objects’ tree) is performed, then one request/response
including 2 InfotItems, and so on. This analysis is given in
Figure 7, where data load is composed of:
a constant part related to the sum of the Ethernet
protocol (26 bytes), the IP and TCP headers (respec-
tively 20 and 32 bytes) for each request/response and
their respective acknowledgment (78 bytes in the ref-
erence implementation). The transient states of the
TCP opening and closing operations have not been
considered. (encapsulation being represented in white
color in the histogram). If the O-MI/O-DF message
payload needs to be fragmented into a set of frames
(according to the Maximum Transmission Unit equals
to 1500 bytes in our implementation), the sum of the
encapsulation is multiplied by the number of frames so
as to obtain the global data load;
a variable part related to the type of request/response.
Indeed, when using the reference implementation via
a web interface (see Figure 7(a)), the application pro-
tocol HTTP is constant (462 bytes for the request and
173 bytes for the response) and the message payload
is growing depending on the O-DF information hier-
archy; the higher the number of levels, the higher the
size of the message as demonstrated in Figure 7(a).
In the performance evaluation process, O-DF is consid-
ered as payload in the reference implementation. However,
one may argue that the payload is only the ‘useful’ data for
the application, which can be either the value itself or the
semantic (O-DF) structure depending on whether the ap-
plication needs to understand the surrounding context (i.e.,
part of the O-DF tree). As a consequence, we decided to
study these two considerations that implies using, on the
one hand, the reference implementation that conveys the
whole or part of the O-DF tree depending on the request
(associated performance results are given in Figure 7(a))
and, on the other hand, the REST interface whose payload
consists only of the URL in the request6and the value in
the response (associated performance results are given in
Figure 7(b)). As can be observed in both figures, using the
REST interface needs to send as many frames as InfoItems
when reading more than one InfoItem; this is why the data
load is continuously growing in Figure 7(b), and vice-versa,
using an aggregation strategy as achieved with O-DF re-
sults in more efficient data load than sending one frame per
infoItem. Looking deeper at both histograms, this aggrega-
tion strategy is paying off when embedding more than 7-8
InfoItems in a single message (cf. Figure 7(b)).
The number of frames and their size can impact the relia-
bility and performance of the application depending, among
other things, on the environment in which the application is
being run. If the environment is noisy with a high bit/frame
error rate (e.g., wireless network or in industrial environ-
ments), then it may be more sensible to send smaller frames
(i.e., to adopt the REST interface strategy) at the expense
of the global data load (which increases when reading more
than 7-8 InfoItems in this specific case). Indeed, the higher
the packet size, the higher the probability that an error oc-
curs, which has a non negligible impact on the efficiency
performance due to erroneous frames retransmission. How-
ever, the aggregated strategy (making use of O-DF) adds a
generic semantic/vocabulary that is key to automate the rea-
soning in IoT applications (especially when addressing hor-
izontal/S2S interoperability in the IoT), whereas the REST
6Embedded in the HTTP protocol as a plain-text, which
means that the size of HTTP varies according to the URL
(i.e., the number of digit, e.g. in the string Objects/Stadi-
Data load (bytes)
Lower layers HTTP O-MI Payload (O-DF) Req – Number of frames
Rep – Number of frames
Number of frames
26% 40% 47% 47% 48% 51% 58% 59% 60% 62% 63% 64% 65% 66% 68% 70% 70% 71% 72% 74% 74% 73% 73%
(a) Data Load (bytes) and efficiency ratio of the web interface
Data load (bytes)
Lower layers HTTP Payload (value – text-plain) Req – Number of frames
Rep – Number of frames
Number of frames
9% 13% 13% 14% 14%
13% 13% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14%
14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14%
(b) Data Load (bytes) and efficiency ratio of the REST interface (HTTP GET)
Data load (bytes)
Lower layers HTTP O-MI Payload (O-DF) Req – Number of frames
Rep – Number of frames
Number of frames
60% 67% 71% 72% 74% 76% 75% 77% 77% 78% 79% 79% 80% 81% 83% 84% 81% 82% 80% 81% 82% 82% 83%
(c) Data Load (bytes) and efficiency ratio of the REST interface with O-DF payload (HTTP POST)
Figure 7: O-MI/O-DF reference implementation analysis with respect to the standard specifications
interface has the advantage of minimizing the load related
to the HTTP layer, as evidenced when comparing the first
request/response between Figures 7(a) and 7(b). These two
advantages could potentially be combined in future reference
implementation versions by sending to the REST interface
(via HTTP POST) an O-DF payload. Furthermore, since
REST-based messages are intended to be processed by ma-
chines/devices, we could even suggest to optimize the O-DF
payload by removing human-readable constraints imposed
by the web-interface of the reference implementation (i.e.,
spaces and carriage return/line feeds). Such an hybrid strat-
egy has been set up, whose performance results are given in
Figure 7(c). It can be noted that the size of the frames (and,
as a result, the number of frames) and the global data load
decrease compared with the web-version (cf. Figure 7(a)),
and the efficiency ratio increases.
In summary, even if the data load generated by the ini-
tial version of the O-MI/O-DF reference implementation is
non negligible, it remains acceptable for non real-time or
critical time applications. Nonetheless, as explained in sec-
tion 3.2 and evidenced through IoT-based smart parking
use case, O-MI/O-DF standards have not been designed for
such time-constrained applications, but rather to improve
interoperability across distinct systems and organizations.
Regarding the final smart parking infrastructure, the Qatar
government has not yet decided on the technologies to be
used/deployed on site, but we believe that our findings can
help to decide how to use or properly adapt the O-MI/O-DF
reference implementation to the final decisions and expecta-
tions. For example, if a significant proportion of automated
services (without human in the loop) must be developed, we
could propose more advanced frameworks that would take
full advantage of the REST interface (i.e., both HTTP GET
and POST - Figures 7(b)-7(c)), while taking into account
the overall environment and selected technologies (e.g., if
the network suffers from high packet loss rates, etc.). The
self-adaptation capabilities of such frameworks could even
take into consideration the final O-DF tree for deciding to
switch, when reading a certain number of InfoItems, between
the HTTP GET and POST depending on whether or not the
aggregation strategy is paying off, as previously discussed.
The IoT is playing an ever-important role in this new dig-
ital landscape, offering us ways to make our world smarter
and more interconnected than it has ever been before. Hav-
ing said that, there are still important challenges ahead that
need to be addressed to enable businesses to make the most
of the IoT. A crucial challenge is to overcome the “verti-
cal silos” that shape today’s IoT (e.g., vendor-lock in, siloed
apps), which are closed to the rest of the IoT and ham-
per developers to produce new added value across multiple
platforms. The EU has taken this challenge very seriously
by launching several and complementary IoT Programmes.
This paper offers an overview of such EU programmes, and
particularly the vision underlying these programme initia-
tives. This paper further focuses one of granted project
named “bIoTope” that makes use of recent Open API stan-
dards named Open Messaging Interface (O-MI) and Open
Data Format (O-DF) to create innovative and federated
IoT ecosystems and fulfill S2S communications in the IoT.
Within this context, the paper briefly discusses the stan-
dard specifications, and presents a smart parking proof-of-
concept (in the framework of the FIFA World Cup 2022)
for enhanced sporting event management in a smart city
context. This proof-of-concept also evaluates the implemen-
tation performance of the selected standards (O-MI/O-DF).
The experimental results and findings show that the ag-
gregation strategy (achieved using O-DF) is suitable for max-
imizing the efficiency ratio when accessing a certain number
of information items, even though the data load is non neg-
ligible for real-time applications. Furthermore, our study
showed that several implementation designs of the standards
could be achieved depending on the system environment,
adopted technologies, and O-DF structure (which is specific
to each use case). Even though this study does not pay
much attention to the O-DF payload vocabulary – which
is a challenge on its own (e.g., how a node can understand
what does an O-DF’s Object or InfoItem named Area1
or Parking KPIs” mean?) – future work should be car-
ried out on this matter (e.g., using semantic web technolo-
gies and ontologies). Such a topic is gaining traction both
in the research and industrial sectors, let us cite e.g. (i) (W3C) that defines extensive collections of con-
cepts like Thing, Person, Event or Organization; or still (ii)
Mobivoc intiative [5] that participates in the development of
the Open Mobility Vocabulary. Such vocabulary compliance
will be addressed during the bIoTope project.
The research leading to this publication is supported by the
EU’s H2020 Programme for research, technological devel-
opment and demonstration (grant 688203), as well as the
National Research Fund Luxembourg (grant 9095399).
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... After looking at these two systems, we examine the EU's ongoing efforts to connect different types of smart systems to provide new or improved services [1] in Section 5. A large sporting event at a stadium equipped with a smart parking system is used as a proof-of-concept. The example shows how an ambulance is able to respond to an accident in the smart parking system more efficiently. ...
... Kubler et al. [1] present the European Union's vision for IoT systems. Also, they present two IoT standards that have been used to overcome the issue of information silos. ...
... The current IoT vision of the European Union (EU) is to make their initial IoT systems economically viable [1]. One big reason for this vision is due to the EU's IoT systems being created by many smaller companies. ...
... • Altro filone consiste nel simulare l'integrazione di tali sistemi nel più grande ecosistema delle smart cities e considerare le varie problematiche che potrebbero sorgere [35,36]; ...
Research Proposal
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In line with the objectives of improving collective well-being and citizen-friendly Smart Cities, within the research and development activities of technological solutions, this document provides details with respect to vertical 1: Smart Cities & Services for Citizens and Businesses. This research vertical is based on three distinct research lines and on the use of some enabling technologies to operate on three specific but extremely synergic areas and with large overlapping areas with a view to developing services for smart cities, namely Smart Mobility, Green Eco-Sustainability and the Enhancement of the Cultural, Tourist and Naturalistic Heritage of the Municipality of Campobasso and the Molise Region. This paper reports the progress against the research plan formalized at M8 (September 2023), describing the design and first implementation of the various use cases included in the SmartCity Vertical1
... We initially performed a literature review and determined a list of papers about smart car parking management. We considered the papers that (i) analyse the existing park management tools for relevant innovative techniques and technologies, e.g., [8,19,22], (ii) introduce smart parking management solutions, e.g., [32][33][34], and (iii) discuss the applications of some crucial techniques and technologies, e.g., [35][36][37]. We further analysed the commercial smart car parking management technologies, e.g., Fleximodo 1 , Parkable 2 , and 4Park 3 . ...
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Finding out an available car parking space has been one of the most crucial problems for the crowded cities, which causes such issues as traffic congestions, air pollutions, and stressful drivers. To mitigate the issues here, smart car parking management system (SPMS) solutions can be used which digitalise the parking processes and maximise the drivers’ productiveness. However, the existing SPMS solutions are either domain-specific or address the applications of particular techniques and technologies. None of the solutions in the literature propose any generic approach that can be re-used for the analysis and design of any SPMSs. In this paper, we propose a reference architecture (RA) for the SPMS product family. Performing comprehensive domain analysis, we provide a feature model of the common and varying features for SPMSs. We designed 4 architectural viewpoints, which are context, module, component&connector, and allocation. Each viewpoint addresses a different concern and proposes a generic solution that can be re-used for any specific SPMSs. To validate our RA design, we used the commercial 4Park SPMS application and specified its architecture using our RA viewpoints. We strongly believe that our RA design for SPMSs can be useful for the SPMS domain who develop SPMS solutions.
... The RGC may move side-to-side as well as forward and backward. RGC systems function effectively on firm concrete surfaces and can move longitudinally and laterally through tiny guide rails put on the floor [82][83][84]. • Crane parking system: Crane-parking systems in multi-level systems carry out the vertical journey with a distinct lift component. A single mechanism can move the vehicle that needs to be parked or retrieved both horizontally and vertically at the same time. ...
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Smart parking system plays a critical role in the overall development of the cities. The capability to precisely detect an open parking space nearby is necessary for autonomous vehicle parking for smart cities. Finding parking spaces is a big issue in big cities. Many of the existing parking guidance systems use fixed IoT sensors or cameras that are unable to offer information from the perspective of the driver. Accurately locating parking spaces can be difficult since they come in a range of sizes and colors that are blocked by objects that seem different depending on the environmental lighting. There are numerous auto industry players engaged in the advanced testing of driverless cars. A vacant parking space must be found, and the car must be directed to park there in order for the operation to succeed. The machine learning-based algorithms created to locate parking spaces and techniques and methods utilizing dashcams and fish-eye cameras are reviewed in this study. In response to the increase in dashcams, neural network-based techniques are created for identifying open parking spaces in dashcam videos. The paper proposed the review of the existing parking slot types and their detection techniques. The review will highlight the importance and scope of a smart parking system for smart cities.
... Hefnawy et al. [79] present a suitable platform for information and knowledge sharing, both within the same event and with other events of a similar nature. Vertical service provisioning and horizontal integration across multiple sectors enhances secure and reliable platform integration to connected smart devices for a wide range of applications and services [80]. ...
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Smart cities can be complemented by fusing various components and incorporating recent emerging technologies. IoT communications are crucial to smart city operations, which are designed to support the concept of a “Smart City” by utilising the most cutting-edge communication technologies to enhance city administration and resident services. Smart cities have been outfitted with numerous IoT-based gadgets; the Internet of Things is a modular method to integrate various sensors with all ICT technologies. This paper provides an overview of smart cities’ concepts, characteristics, and applications. We thoroughly investigate smart city applications, challenges, and possibilities with solutions in recent technological trends and perspectives, such as machine learning and blockchain. We discuss cloud and fog IoT ecosystems in the in capacity of IoT devices, architectures, and machine learning approaches. In addition we integrate security and privacy aspects, including blockchain applications, towards more trustworthy and resilient smart cities. We also highlight the concepts, characteristics, and applications of smart cities and provide a conceptual model of the smart city mega-events framework. Finally, we outline the impact of recent emerging technologies’ implications on challenges, applications, and solutions for futuristic smart cities.
... In the smart city application, sensors and actuators are deployed around the city to monitor, control, and automate processes. This shall save resources by reducing wastes while improving the quality of services [69], [70]. The smart city use case requires automation compared to the ehealth use case where patients or/and physicians will read the measurements provided by the medical IoT devices to take the suitable medical action. ...
The growth in the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in various industries required the use of IoT platforms to manage, automate and control devices. This introduced different commercial and open source IoT platforms for developers and researchers to deploy. As a result, selecting one of these platforms for a specific application and use case became a challenge. In this study, a guideline for selecting an open source platform is presented. The process starts by identifying a list of functional requirements that would reflect the requirements of an IoT system in general. This list of requirements is used to compare between four major open source platforms: 1) OM2M (OneM2M standard), 2) IoTivity (OCF standard), LwM2M (OMA SpecWorks LwM2M standard), and 4) FIWARE (FIWARE standard). The purpose of this comparison is to indicate the capability and limitations of the different platforms and how they satisfy each requirement. Afterwards, two examples are presented to demonstrate how this guideline is used to select the most suitable platform for an e-health and a smart city use case. This includes how to define each use case and all the required information that could affect the process of selecting the most suitable platform for the development of the IoT platform.
... The European Commission support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein decisions, actions are planned" (p. 1). Thus, according to Kubler et al. (2016), IoT is playing a new role in making the world smarter and more interconnected, although is still one of the main challenges that faces today's smart city movement. ...
Purpose The main objective of this research is to unravel and analyze emergent technologies that are altering and improving the event industry. The study seeks to recognize the most vital technological advancement, uses and effects on event preparation, management and participant experience. Design/methodology/approach In this study, a narrative literature review method was used to examine emerging technologies in event management. Findings The research reveals that the emerging technologies examined in the articles affect and transform the event industry differently. Many of these technologies are currently being used in the event industry and are likely to be utilized in the coming years. Originality/value Numerous studies in the literature are related to the research field. However, as technology evolves rapidly, it is necessary to repeat studies at regular intervals. This article contributes to the literature by tracking new technological developments in the event industry.
Conference Paper
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Internet of Things " (IoT) and " Smart City " are widely recognized to address the complexity of modern city operation. Concentration of population, scarcity of resources and environmental concerns are the main challenges that face city operators, and make ordinary service provisioning less efficient. In city environment, IoT sensors can be sources of real-time data; and, IoT actuators can execute real-time actions in the physical domain. IoT systems range from domain-specific to cross-sectoral systems where valuable data/ information flow across interconnected complex systems. Yet, to integrate domain-specific IoT systems into the complete vision of Smart City, as a System of Systems (SoS), there is a need to address heterogeneity of data sources, diversity of application domains and the big number of stakeholders across different phases of lifecycle. This paper suggests Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) concepts and Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML) to analyze, plan, specify, design, build and maintain IoT-enabled Smart City Service Systems.
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This paper provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) with emphasis on enabling technologies, protocols, and application issues. The IoT is enabled by the latest developments in RFID, smart sensors, communication technologies, and Internet protocols. The basic premise is to have smart sensors collaborate directly without human involvement to deliver a new class of applications. The current revolution in Internet, mobile, and machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies can be seen as the first phase of the IoT. In the coming years, the IoT is expected to bridge diverse technologies to enable new applications by connecting physical objects together in support of intelligent decision making. This paper starts by providing a horizontal overview of the IoT. Then, we give an overview of some technical details that pertain to the IoT enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. Compared to other survey papers in the field, our objective is to provide a more thorough summary of the most relevant protocols and application issues to enable researchers and application developers to get up to speed quickly on how the different protocols fit together to deliver desired functionalities without having to go through RFCs and the standards specifications. We also provide an overview of some of the key IoT challenges presented in the recent literature and provide a summary of related research work. Moreover, we explore the relation between the IoT and other emerging technologies including big data analytics and cloud and fog computing. We also present the need for better horizontal integration among IoT services. Finally, we present detailed service use-cases to illustrate how the different protocols presented in the paper fit together to deliver desired IoT services.
Collaborative vocabulary development in the context of data integration is the process of finding consensus between experts with different backgrounds, system understanding and domain knowledge. The complexity of this process increases with the number of people involved, the variety of the systems to be integrated and the dynamics of their domain. In this paper, we advocate that the usage of a powerful version control system is one of the keys to address this problem. Driven by this idea and the success of the version control system Git in the context of software development, we investigate the applicability of Git for collaborative vocabulary development. Even though vocabulary development and software development have much more similarities than differences, there are still important challenges. These need to be considered in the development of a successful versioning and collaboration system for vocabulary development. Therefore, this paper starts by presenting the challenges we are faced with during the collaborative creation of vocabularies and discusses its distinction to software development. Drawing from these findings, we present Git4Voc which comprises guidelines on how Git can be adopted to vocabulary development. Finally, we demonstrate how Git hooks can be implemented to go beyond the plain functionality of Git by realizing vocabulary-specific features like syntactic validation and semantic diffs.
Collaborative vocabulary development in the context of data integration is the process of finding consensus between experts with different backgrounds, system understanding and domain knowledge. The complexity of this process increases with the number of people involved, the variety of the systems to be integrated and the dynamics of their domain. In this paper, we advocate that the usage of a powerful version control system is the heart of the problem. Driven by this idea and the success of the version control system Git in the context of software development, we investigate the applicability of Git for collaborative vocabulary development. Even though vocabulary development and software development have much more similarities than differences, there are still important obstacles. These need to be considered in the development of a successful versioning and collaboration system for vocabulary development. Therefore, this paper starts by presenting the challenges we are faced with during the collaborative creation of vocabularies and discusses its distinction to software development. Drawing from these findings, we present Git4Voc which comprises guidelines on how Git can be adopted to vocabulary development. Finally, we demonstrate how Git hooks can be implemented to go beyond the plain functionality of Git by realizing vocabulary-specific features like syntactic validation and semantic diffs.
Conference Paper
Collaborative vocabulary development in the context of data integration is the process of finding consensus between the experts of the different systems and domains. The complexity of this process is increased with the number of involved people, the variety of the systems to be integrated and the dynamics of their domain. In this paper we advocate that the realization of a powerful versioning control system is the heart of the problem. Driven by this idea and the success of Git in the context of software development, we investigate the applicability of Git for collaborative vocabulary development. Even though vocabulary development and software development have much more similarities than differences there are still important differences. These need to be considered within the development of a successful versioning and collaboration system for vocabulary development. Therefore, this paper starts by presenting the challenges we were faced with during the creation of vocabularies collaboratively and discusses its distinction to software development. Based on these insights we propose Git4Voc which comprises guidelines how Git can be adopted to vocabulary development. Finally, we demonstrate how Git hooks can be implemented to go beyond the plain functionality of Git by realizing vocabulary-specific features like syntactic validation and semantic diffs.
As billions of devices connect to the Internet, a new Web of Things is emerging, with virtual representations of physical or abstract realities increasingly accessible via Web technologies. Achieving a new phase of exponential growth, comparable to the earliest days of the Web, will require open markets, open standards, and the vision to imagine the potential for this expanding WoT.
Intelligent products are an undeniable asset for efficient product lifecycle management (PLM), providing ways to capture events related to physical objects at various locations and times. Today and more than ever before, PLM tools and systems must be built upon standards for enhancing interoperability among all product stakeholders and developing tools independent of specific vendors, applications, and operating systems. Based on this observation, this paper develops strategies to improve “information sustainability” in PLM environments using standardized communication interfaces defined by a recent standard proposal named quantum lifecycle management (QLM) messaging standards. More concretely, data synchronization models based upon QLM standards are developed to enable the synchronization of product-related information among various systems, networks, and organizations involved throughout the product lifecycle. Our proposals are implemented and assessed based on two distinct platforms defined in the healthcare and home automation sectors.