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The medical basis of autism spectrum disorder: Clues for treatment and improving the lives of the entire family

Review Article
Volume 1(5): 116-119Pediatr Dimensions, 2016 doi: 10.15761/PD.1000127
Pediatric Dimensions
e medical basis of autism spectrum disorder: Clues for
treatment and improving the lives of the entire family
Richard E. Frye*
Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, Little Rock, AR, USA
Correspondence to: Dr. Richard E. Frye, Slot 512-41B, Room R4041, 13
Children’s Way, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA; Tel: 501-364-4662; Fax: 501-364-
1648; E-mail:
Received: August 03, 2016; Accepted: August 20, 2016; Published: August 25,
e incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has risen at an
alarming rate over the last several decades, seeming to have stabilized
at a prevalence of almost 2% of children [1,2]. Although the reason
for the dramatic rise continues to be debated, [3] the fact remains
that a signicant number of children suer from ASD and that the
disability associated with ASD spills over onto the family [4]. Recently,
the combined medical, non-medical, and productivity costs has been
estimated to be around $268 billion annually, exceeding the costs of
stroke and hypertension [5].
Despite the fact that decade of research has investigated the basis
of ASD, the fact remains that the etiology of ASD remains poorly
understood [6]. We previously pointed out that genetic-based research
has long dominated the eld of ASD research and the number of papers
published on the genetics of ASD far outnumbers research papers on
other topics [6]. is has been driven in some part by the fact that ASD
appears to be highly heritable [7]. However, clinical genetic research
has not supported the notion of ASD being caused by Mendelian
inherited genetic defects. For example, the 2013 American College
of Medical Genetic guidelines estimate that known genetic defects
account for a little more than 30% of cases [8]. Most surprisingly
was a recent study that demonstrated a yield of a genetic diagnosis
for ASD of just 15.8% using both chromosomal microarray analysis
and whole-exome sequencing [9]. Perhaps more surprising is the fact
that a whole-genome sequencing study revealed that the majority of
siblings with ASD demonstrate dierent genetic mutations, thereby
suggesting that apparent familial forms of ASD are not driven by
simple Mendelian inherited mutations [10]. is is consistent with
studies that demonstrate a high rate of de novo mutations, which, for
the large part, are not absolutely deleterious by themselves, but involve
that mutations in genes connected through interactions of the proteins
they produce [11]. is raises the question as to whether genetic
mutations have arisen secondary to errors in deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) maintenance and/or the result of DNA damage due to exposure
to extrinsic and/or intrinsic stressors.
A relative large study of twins in California estimated that the
environment contributes a greater percent of the risk of developing
autistic disorder (58%) as compared to genetic factors (37%) [12].
A more recent study from Sweden that included twins, siblings and
cousins found a slightly higher genetic contribution (~50%) and
suggested that the etiology of ASD was most consistent with additive
genetic and non-shared environmental eects [7s]. ese studies
point to the fact that an important piece of the etiology of ASD, the
environment, must be included when considering the etiology of ASD.
Although environmental research focusing on ASD has been increasing
in recent years, [6] a recent review has pointed to the limitations in
previous studies and the need for further high-quality studies [13].
Most interestingly, the review pointed to the emerging evidence of the
potential interaction between genes associated with ASD and specic
environmental toxicants [13]. Of course one exciting consequence of
considering the environment in the etiology of ASD is the fact that
the environment is a potentially modiable risk factor that can be
manipulated to reduce the incidence of ASD.
Understanding the biological mechanisms of how the environment
may cause ASD is important. Several potential physiological mechanisms
could translate environmental exposure to adverse biological outcomes
including disruption in redox and mitochondrial metabolism as well
as dysregulation of the immune system.6 For examine glutathione, the
body’s major intrinsic antioxidant, has been shown to be abnormal in
cytosol and mitochondria from cell lines, [14-16] peripheral immune
cells, [17] blood [18] and brain tissue [19] derived from children with
ASD. Many toxicants biologically cause physiological damage through
oxidative stress and these abnormalities in redox metabolism can not
only cause damage to proteins, lipids and DNA, but can also cause
mitochondrial dysfunction and inammation [19,20] as well as result
in alterations in the transmethylation pathway and DNA methylation
[21]. As DNA methylation is essential for epigenetic control of genes,
this is a pathway which can silence the gene expression without causing
genetic mutations.
Best known for their essential role in the production of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation, the
mitochondria are also intimately involved in other essential cellular
functions such as calcium buering, redox regulation, apoptosis
and inammation. ATP produced by the mitochondria is essential
for a large number of cellular systems. In general, mitochondria sit
at the convergence of many of the cell’s metabolic pathways where
they are thought of as central to the majority of cellular metabolic
functions. us, abnormal mitochondrial function can aect a
large number of cellular systems. Abnormalities in mitochondrial
function is being recognized as one of the most prevalent metabolic
disorders aecting ASD [22] and many children with ASD manifest
symptoms, [23] biomarkers, [22] neuroimaging ndings [22] and
electron transport chain defects [25] consistent with mitochondrial
disease. Interestingly, only about 25% of those children with ASD and
mitochondrial disease have identied genetic abnormalities to account
for their mitochondrial disease, [22] suggesting that mitochondrial
Frye RE (2016) e medical basis of autism spectrum disorder: Clues for treatment and improving the lives of the entire family
Volume 1(5): 116-119Pediatr Dimensions, 2016 doi: 10.15761/PD.1000127
dysfunction could be secondary to other unknown cellular metabolic
defects or due to damage from environmental agents. Indeed many of
the same environmental agents that have been linked to autism, such
as heavy metal, [13] pesticides [22] and iatrogenic medications such
as acetaminophen, [26-29] have also been linked to mitochondrial
Still, we can think of environmental inuences in a boarder sense.
One of the most inuential environments a child experiences is the
intrauterine environment during gestation. More and more evidence
is accumulating that the maternal environment is important in the
development of childhood diseases, particularly ASD. One of the most
compelling ndings is maternal antibodies to fetal brain proteins.
Mothers with particular combinations of these antibodies have
ospring with ASD that may have a severe phenotype [30] and more
extreme brain enlargement [30] as compared to others with ASD. Still
others have provided data that points to the critical role of folate during
gestation and around the time of conception in protecting from the
development of ASD [32-34] and a recent rodent study suggests that
folate receptor alpha autoantibodies, autoantibodies that have been
found in both children with ASD and their parents, [35] may have a role
disrupting folate metabolism during pregnancy [36]. Other research has
pointed to the fact that a genetic polymorphism in the reduced folate
carrier in mothers increases the risk of ASD in the ospring [37]. Any
disruption in folate metabolism can alter methylation at a critical time
during the pre-implantation stages of embryo development, resulting
in devastating change to the embryo [38]. ese provide examples of
the importance of the maternal environment in the development of
ASD and provide other examples of pathways toward interventions
that may prevent the development of ASD.
Another important environmental factor is the microbiome,
the trillions of microorganisms that live on our bodies. ese
microorganisms can have inuence our immune system and inuence
metabolism. ere is growing evidence that children with ASD
have imbalances in the enteric microbiome [39]. e microbiome is
being increasing recognized as involved in the development of many
childhood diseases including ASD, allergic disease and obesity [40].
Interestingly, once thought as sterile, it is being revealed that the
prenatal environment has its own microbiome [41,42] suggesting
that the maternal microbiome during pregnancy can aect childhood
health [42]. e microbiome is established within the rst two years of
life [43] and preliminary data suggests that probiotics are most useful
in preventing childhood disease when given during gestation or early
in life [44]. As there is some evidence that microbiome disturbances
could be linked to metabolic abnormalities associated with ASD,
[45,46] manipulation of the microbiome could be an promising focus
of ASD treatment [39].
A better understanding of the etiology of ASD can lead to the
developed of treatments that target underlying pathophysiology
associated with ASD as well as core and associated ASD symptoms. We
recently reviewed some of the evidence for pathophysiology associated
with ASD and the evidence for potential treatments [47]. It is important
to recognize that considering the underlying pathophysiology of ASD
is critical to developing better treatments. Failure to appreciate this
fact had led to the misdirection in drug development. For example,
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors showed promising results
on adults with ASD in initial studies but they could not be shown to
have ecacy in the target childhood ASD population [48] his reects
dierences in the pathophysiological processes believed to underlying
well studied psychiatric diseases and the unique nature of ASD.
Developing treatments that target underlying pathophysiology
can also steer research to developing disease modifying treatments
rather than symptomatic treatments. For example, the only Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) approved treatments for ASD are
atypical antipsychotic medications which are indicated associated, not
core, ASD symptoms. ese medications do not appear to be disease
modifying but rather are associated with adverse cardiometabolic eect
within a short time period (i.e., < 3 months) [49] and increase the risk
for developing Type II Diabetes in children [50]. Subjecting children to
the development of such adverse health risk factors can certain result in
complicated medical management as they grow older into adulthood.
us, there is an urgent need for drug development for children with
ASD, as there currently are no FDA approved medical treatments for
ASD that targets the core symptoms of ASD or corrects underlying
physiological abnormalities.
Treatments that target underlying pathophysiological processes
might not only alleviate ASD symptoms but may improve the lives of
individuals with ASD by improving or preventing the development
of comorbid disease. An interesting recent study from Sweden
demonstrated substantially higher mortality rates (2.6 times higher)
in individuals with ASD as compared to matched controls with lower
functioning individuals with ASD having higher mortality rates than
higher functioning individuals with ASD [51]. Although this was
recently veried in a Danish study, [52] the Danish study primarily
found evidence for neurologic and psychiatric comorbidities as a cause
for higher mortality. As others have pointed out, there is a high rate of
mortality associated with epilepsy in ASD, [53] providing an example of
how comorbid conditions substantially impact the lives of individuals
with ASD. Although the study from Sweden did indeed conrm
previous studies demonstrating the substantial higher mortality
rate from neurologic and psychiatric disease in ASD, especially in
lower functioning individuals, it did demonstrate higher mortality
rates due to other diseases including neoplasm, endocrine disease,
cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems and
congenital malformations [51]. Most importantly the recent study
from Sweden showed the excess mortality due to suicide in higher
functioning individuals with ASD, thereby highlighting potentially
poorly controlled or undertreated or poorly recognized psychiatric
problems in these individuals.
us, ASD is a complicated disorder with morbidity that spreads
beyond the core behavioral symptoms which dene it. Examining ASD
from a biological perspective may give us insights into the treatments
and prevention strategies. It is most important to consider that
individuals with ASD have complicated biology that can manifest in
many disease processes beyond neurologic and psychiatric disease that
can cause distress and reduce quality of life and increase morbidity.
Gastrointestinal [54,55] and sleep [4] disorders are two for the most
obvious but other disorders such as immune, atopic and nutritional
disorders can also substantially eect children with ASD [47]. is
strongly argues for a multispecialty approach to evaluate and treat
children with ASD in order to improve quality of life and decrease
morbidity and mortality.
It is also important to appreciate that ASD is not a disease that is
isolated to an individuals. Children with ASD need substantial support
from their family as well as the educational and medical system. e
fact that full-time behavioral therapy is recommended as the standard
of care for children with ASD, demonstrates the load on the education
and health systems. However, we must factor in the fact that many
times at least one parent in consumed with coordinating, advocating
Frye RE (2016) e medical basis of autism spectrum disorder: Clues for treatment and improving the lives of the entire family
Volume 1(5): 116-119Pediatr Dimensions, 2016 doi: 10.15761/PD.1000127
and caring for a child with ASD. In this sense ASD no longer aects
1 in 68 children, but 3 or more times that many individuals. We
recently demonstrated the spillover eect in terms of comorbidities
in sleep disturbances [4]. Improving sleep onset with melatonin [56]
and behavioral modication can improve the quality of life of both
the parent and the child. So, even simply interventions can have a
substantial impact of the whole family.
us, it is time to take a more integrated approach to managing
complex childhood diseases like ASD. Innovation is needed to integrate
care for complex children and their families. Understanding the
pathophysiology of ASD will lead to the development of more eective
treatments and potentially even prevention strategies. Complete care to
treat and prevent ASD will require the cooperation and coordination
of multiple pediatric specialties as well as obstetricians and internal
medicine specialists, potentially rivalling the current model of medical
Conict of interest
e author has no conicts of interests to declare.
is work was supported in part by the Arkansas Biosciences
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Full-text available
Background: Acetaminophen is extensively used during pregnancy. But there is a lack of population-representative cohort studies evaluating its effects on a range of neuropsychological and behavioural endpoints. We aimed to assess whether prenatal exposure to acetaminophen is adversely associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 1 and 5 years of age. Methods: This Spanish birth cohort study included 2644 mother-child pairs recruited during pregnancy. The proportion of liveborn participants evaluated at 1 and 5 years was 88.8% and 79.9%, respectively. Use of acetaminophen was evaluated prospectively in two structured interviews. Ever/never use and frequency of use (never, sporadic, persistent) were measured. Main neurodevelopment outcomes were assessed using Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST), Conner's Kiddie Continuous Performance Test (K-CPT) and ADHD-DSM-IV form list. Regression models were adjusted for social determinants and co-morbidities. Results: Over 40% of mothers reported using acetaminophen. Ever-exposed offspring had higher risks of presenting more hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms [incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.98), K-CPT commission errors (IRR = 1.10, 1.03-1.17), and lower detectability scores (coefficient β = -0.75, -0.13--0.02). CAST scores were increased in ever-exposed males (β = 0.63, 0.09-1.18). Increased effect sizes of risks by frequency of use were observed for hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms (IRR = 2.01, 0.95-4.24) in all children, K-CPT commission errors (IRR = 1.32, 1.05-1.66) and detectability (β = -0.18, -0.36-0.00) in females, and CAST scores in males (β = 1.91, 0.44-3.38). Conclusions: Prenatal acetaminophen exposure was associated with a greater number of autism spectrum symptoms in males and showed adverse effects on attention-related outcomes for both genders. These associations seem to be dependent on the frequency of exposure.
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Despite the fact that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to rise, no effective medical treatments have become standard of care. In this paper we review some of the pathophysiological abnormalities associated with ASD and their potential associated treatments. Overall, there is evidence for some children with ASD being affected by seizure and epilepsy, neurotransmitter dysfunction, sleep disorders, metabolic abnormalities, including abnormalities in folate, cobalamin, tetrahydrobiopterin, carnitine, redox and mitochondrial metabolism, and immune and gastrointestinal disorders. Although evidence for an association between these pathophysiological abnormalities and ASD exists, the exact relationship to the etiology of ASD and its associated symptoms remains to be further defined in many cases. Despite these limitations, treatments targeting some of these pathophysiological abnormalities have been studied in some cases with high-quality studies, whereas treatments for other pathophysiological abnormalities have not been well studied in many cases. There are some areas of more promising treatments specific for ASD including neurotransmitter abnormalities, particularly imbalances in glutamate and acetylcholine, sleep onset disorder (with behavioral therapy and melatonin), and metabolic abnormalities in folate, cobalamin, tetrahydrobiopterin, carnitine, and redox pathways. There is some evidence for treatments of epilepsy and seizures, mitochondrial and immune disorders, and gastrointestinal abnormalities, particularly imbalances in the enteric microbiome, but further clinical studies are needed in these areas to better define treatments specific to children with ASD. Clearly, there are some promising areas of ASD research that could lead to novel treatments that could become standard of care in the future, but more research is needed to better define subgroups of children with ASD who are affected by specific pathophysiological abnormalities and the optimal treatments for these abnormalities.
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The central nervous system continues to develop during gestation and after birth, and folate is an essential nutrient in this process. Folate deficiency and folate receptor alpha autoantibodies (FRα-AuAb) have been associated with pregnancy-related complications and neurodevelopmental disorders. In this pilot study, we investigated the effect of exposure to FRα antibodies (Ab) during gestation (GST), the pre-weaning (PRW), and the post weaning (POW) periods on learning and behavior in adulthood in a rat model. In the open field test and novel object recognition task, which examine locomotor activity and anxiety-like behavior, deficits in rats exposed to Ab during gestation and pre-weaning (GST+PRW) included more time spent in the periphery or corner areas, less time in the central area, frequent self-grooming akin to stereotypy, and longer time to explore a novel object compared to a control group; these are all indicative of increased levels of anxiety. In the place avoidance tasks that assess learning and spatial memory formation, only 30% of GST+PRW rats were able to learn the passive place avoidance task. None of these rats learned the active place avoidance task indicating severe learning deficits and cognitive impairment. Similar but less severe deficits were observed in rats exposed to Ab during GST alone or only during the PRW period, suggesting the extreme sensitivity of the fetal as well as the neonatal rat brain to the deleterious effects of exposure to Ab during this period. Behavioral deficits were not seen in rats exposed to antibody post weaning. These observations have implications in the pathology of FRα-AuAb associated with neural tube defect pregnancy, preterm birth and neurodevelopmental disorders including autism.
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Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is available over the counter in most countries and is widely considered to be safe for use during pregnancy; studies report gestational exposures to acetaminophen that lie in the 46%-65% range. Acetaminophen influences inflammatory and immunologic mechanisms and may predispose to oxidative stress; these and other effects are hypothesized to have the potential to compromise neurodevelopment in the fetal and infant brain. Two ecological studies suggested that population-level trends in the use of acetaminophen were associated with trends in the incidence/prevalence of autism; one of these studies specifically examined acetaminophen use during pregnancy. One large prospective observational cohort study found that gestational exposure to acetaminophen (especially when the duration of exposure was 28 days or more) was associated with motor milestone delay, gross and fine motor impairments, communication impairment, impairments in internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and hyperactivity, all at age 3 years; however, social and emotional developmental behaviors were mostly unaffected. A very recent large cohort study with a 12.7-year follow-up found that gestational exposure to acetaminophen was associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder, but only when a hyperkinetic disorder was also present. In the light of existing data associating acetaminophen use during pregnancy and subsequent risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, this new finding suggests that the predisposition, if any, is toward the hyperkinetic syndrome rather than to autism. In summary, the empirical data are very limited, but whatever empirical data exist do not support the suggestion that the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy increases the risk of autism in the offspring.
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Many childhood diseases such as autism spectrum disorders, allergic disease, and obesity are on the increase. Although environmental factors are thought to play a role in this increase. The mechanisms at play are unclear but increasing evidence points to an interaction with the gastrointestinal microbiota as being potentially important. Recently this community of bacteria and perturbation of its colonization in early life has been linked to a number of diseases. Many factors are capable of influencing this colonization and ultimately leading to an altered gut microbiota which is known to affect key systems within the body. The impact of the microbial composition of our gastrointestinal tract on systems outside the gut is also becoming apparent. Here we highlight the factors that are capable of impacting on microbiota colonization in early-life and the developing systems that are affected and finally how this may be involved in the manifestation of childhood diseases. Birth Defects Research (Part C), 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Importance Antipsychotics are used increasingly in youth for nonpsychotic and off-label indications, but cardiometabolic adverse effects and (especially) type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk have raised additional concern.Objective To assess T2DM risk associated with antipsychotic treatment in youth.Data Sources Systematic literature search of PubMed and PsycINFO without language restrictions from database inception until May 4, 2015. Data analyses were performed in July 2015, and additional analyses were added in November 2015.Study Selection Longitudinal studies reporting on T2DM incidence in youth 2 to 24 years old exposed to antipsychotics for at least 3 months.Data Extraction and Synthesis Two independent investigators extracted study-level data for a random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression of T2DM risk.Main Outcomes and Measures The coprimary outcomes were study-defined T2DM, expressed as cumulative T2DM risk or as T2DM incidence rate per patient-years. Secondary outcomes included the comparison of the coprimary outcomes in antipsychotic-treated youth with psychiatric controls not receiving antipsychotics or with healthy controlsResults Thirteen studies were included in the meta-analysis, including 185 105 youth exposed to antipsychotics and 310 438 patient-years. The mean (SD) age of patients was 14.1 (2.1) years, and 59.5% were male. The mean (SD) follow-up was 1.7 (2.3) years. Among them, 7 studies included psychiatric controls (1 342 121 patients and 2 071 135 patient-years), and 8 studies included healthy controls (298 803 patients and 463 084 patient-years). Antipsychotic-exposed youth had a cumulative T2DM risk of 5.72 (95% CI, 3.45-9.48; P < .001) per 1000 patients. The incidence rate was 3.09 (95% CI, 2.35-3.82; P < .001) cases per 1000 patient-years. Compared with healthy controls, cumulative T2DM risk (odds ratio [OR], 2.58; 95% CI, 1.56-4.24; P < .0001) and incidence rate ratio (IRR) (IRR, 3.02; 95% CI, 1.71-5.35; P < .0001) were significantly greater in antipsychotic-exposed youth. Similarly, compared with psychiatric controls, antipsychotic-exposed youth had significantly higher cumulative T2DM risk (OR, 2.09; 95% CI, 1.50-5 2.90; P < .0001) and IRR (IRR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.31-2.44; P < .0001). In multivariable meta-regression analyses of 10 studies, greater cumulative T2DM risk was associated with longer follow-up (P < .001), olanzapine prescription (P < .001), and male sex (P = .002) (r2 = 1.00, P < .001). Greater T2DM incidence was associated with second-generation antipsychotic prescription (P ≤ .050) and less autism spectrum disorder diagnosis (P = .048) (r2 = 0.21, P = .044).Conclusions and Relevance Although T2DM seems rare in antipsychotic-exposed youth, cumulative risk and exposure-adjusted incidences and IRRs were significantly higher than in healthy controls and psychiatric controls. Olanzapine treatment and antipsychotic exposure time were the main modifiable risk factors for T2DM development in antipsychotic-exposed youth. Antipsychotics should be used judiciously and for the shortest necessary duration, and their efficacy and safety should be monitored proactively.
Importance Increased mortality has been reported among persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially among those who also have the comorbid condition of epilepsy or intellectual disability. The effects of psychiatric and neurologic comorbidity on mortality among persons with ASD have not been rigorously examined in large, population-based studies.Objective To investigate the mortality patterns among persons with ASD overall and to assess the associations of comorbid mental, behavioral, and neurologic disorders with mortality among persons with ASD.Design, Setting, and Participants Longitudinal cohort study of children born in Denmark during the period from 1980 to 2010 who were alive at 1.5 years of age and followed up through 2013. This population-based sample of children (N = 1 912 904) was identified via linkage between the Danish Civil Registration Service and the Danish Medical Birth Register using a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to all live births and new residents in Denmark. Children were followed up for diagnoses of ASD (International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision [ICD-8] codes 299.00, 299.01, 299.02, and 299.03 and ICD-10 codes F84.0, F84.1, F84.5, F84.8, and F84.9) and other mental/behavioral disorders (ICD-8 codes 290-315 and ICD-10 codes F00-F99) in the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register and for diagnoses of neurologic disorders (ICD-8 codes 320-359 and ICD-10 codes G00-G99) in the Danish National Patient Register. Data analysis was performed in December 2014.Main Outcomes and Measures Deaths and causes of death among cohort members were identified via the Danish Civil Registration Service and the Danish Cause of Death Register, respectively. Regressions analyses were performed using Cox regression.Results Of the 1 912 904 persons included in our study, 20 492 (1.1%) had ASD (15 901 [77.6%] were male). Of the 20 492 persons with ASD, 68 died (0.3%) (57 of 68 [83.8%] had comorbid mental/behavioral or neurologic disorders). The adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) for overall mortality was 2.0 (95% CI, 1.5-2.8) for ASD. The aHRs for ASD-associated mortality among cohort members who did not have neurologic (2.0 [95% CI, 1.4-3.0]) or other mental/behavioral disorders (1.7 [95% CI, 1.0-3.1]) were similar. The co-occurrence of ASD added no additional mortality risk for persons with neurologic (aHR, 0.7 [95% CI, 0.4-1.3]) or mental/behavioral disorders (aHR, 0.8 [95% CI, 0.5-1.2]) compared with persons with these disorders and no ASD.Conclusions and Relevance The mortality risk was 2-fold higher through young adulthood for persons with ASD than for persons without ASD, although mortality affected only 0.3% of persons with ASD. The mechanisms underlying ASD-associated mortality may be mediated through or shared with neurologic or mental/behavioral disorders, thereby providing insights into their potential neurobiological links. Health care professionals and family members should recognize the importance of these disorders with regard to the mortality risk for persons with ASD.