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Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an infectious, eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae (genus Capripox), which is sometimes also termed as Neethling virus. LSD does not have a high fatality rate, usually less than 10%. LSD has an economical importance because of permanent damage to hides, the prolonged debilitating effect especially in severely affected animals with consequent losses resulting from reduced weight gain, temporary or permanent cessation of milk production as a result of mastitis, temporary or permanent infertility or even sterility in bulls as a consequence of orchitis, and abortion in approximately 10% of infected pregnant cows.
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Lumpy Skin Disease
Hawsar Yasin Abdulqa1, Heshu Sulaiman Rahman1,2,3*, Hiewa Othman Dyary1 and Hemn Hasan
1Department of Clinic and Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sulaimani, Street 11, Zone 217, Kurdistan Region,
Sulaimani New, Northern Iraq
2Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
3Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Komar University of Science and Technology, ChaqChaq-Qularasisy,
Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq
*Corresponding author: Heshu Sulaiman Rahman, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Putra
Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, Tel: +964 772 615 9598; +964751 146 5757; E-mail:
Received date: September 03, 2016; Accepted date: November 10, 2016; Published date: November 14, 2016
Citaon: Abdulqa HY, Rahman HS, Dyary HO, Othman HH (2016) Lumpy Skin Disease. Reproducve Immunol Open Acc 1:25.
Copyright: © 2016 Abdulqa HY, et al. This is an open-access arcle distributed under the terms of the Creave Commons Aribuon License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribuon, and reproducon in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an infecous, erupve,
occasionally fatal disease of cale caused by a virus of the
family Poxviridae (genus Capripox), which is somemes also
termed as Neethling virus. LSD does not have a high fatality
rate, usually less than 10%. LSD has an economical
importance because of permanent damage to hides, the
prolonged debilitang eect especially in severely aected
animals with consequent losses resulng from reduced
weight gain, temporary or permanent cessaon of milk
producon as a result of mass, temporary or permanent
inferlity or even sterility in bulls as a consequence of
orchis, and aboron in approximately 10% of infected
pregnant cows.
Keywords: Lumpy skin; Viral infecon; Incidence
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an exhausted viral disease that
characterised by high economic losses due to chronic debility in
aected animals, reduced milk producon, poor growth,
inferlity, aboron, and somemes death. Moreover, severe and
permanent damage can occur to hides, decreasing their
commercial value. The more suscepble breeds to LSD infecon
are related to ne-skinned breeds such as Holstein Friesian (HF)
and Jersey breeds [1,2]. In addion, the disease disrupts the
trade in cale and their products from LSD endemic countries
[3]. LSD was inially restricted to countries in sub-Saharan
Africa, although, there were unconrmed reports of the disease
in cale in Oman and Kuwait [4,5]. Since 2000, LSD outbreaks
have been reported across the Middle East and it is highly likely
the disease will become endemic at least in parts of the Region.
Incursion of LSD was reported for the rst me in Turkey and
Iraq in 2013, indicang that the disease has a potenal for
further spread to the European Union and Caucasus Region, as
well as to Asia [6].
Currently, it is widely accepted that LSD is transmied
mechanically by blood-feeding insects such as mosquitoes and
stable flies [7]. This is supported by earlier observaons that
associated most outbreaks with high abundance of bing flies
such as in areas along water courses and during wet seasons [8].
The clinical syndrome of LSD was rst described in Zambia in
1929. Inially, it was considered to be the result of either
poisoning or a hypersensivity to insect bites. More cases also
occur between 1943 and 1945 in Botswana (Bechuanaland),
Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) and the Republic of South
Africa. A panzooc infecon in South Africa aected
approximately 8 million cale ll 1949 and consequently
incurred enormous economic losses [8-10].
LSD was rst found and diagnosed in East Africa (Kenya) in
1957, Sudan in 1972, and in West Africa in 1974. Tanzania,
Kenya, Zimbabwe, Somalia and the Cameroon, also reported an
outbreaks of epizooc LSD between 1981 and 1986 with
mortality rates of 20% in aected cale [11]. The disease was
restricted to some countries in sub-Saharan Africa between
1929 to 1986 [12].
The LSD also reported in Asian countries such as Kuwait in
1986 [13]. Later on, other countries such as United Arab
Emirates, Arab Republic of Yemen, and Democrac People’s
Republic of Yemen also conrmed or suspected some cases of
LSD [14].
Similarly, in the 1989 Israel outbreak of capripox is thought to
have been the result of infected Stomoxys calcitrans being
carried on the wind from Ismailiya in Egypt [15]. LSD virus
infecon in cale was also found in 1992 in Saudi Arabia [16].
Moreover, LSD infecon reported in Egypt in 2006, as a result of
imporng infected cale from the African Horn countries [17]
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and the disease spreads surprisingly swily throughout the
whole country in spite of an extensive vaccinaon program. In
the same year, LSD was again reported in Israel, and the Israel
authories speculated that the LSD virus may have already been
circulang in other Middle Eastern countries [18]. LSD outbreaks
have been reported in the Middle Eastern region since 1990.
According to the World Organizaon from Animal Health (OIE),
LSD has been found in Kuwait (1991), Lebanon (1993), Yemen
(1995), United Arab Emirates (2000), Bahrain (2003), Israel
(2006) and Oman (2010) [19].
Mature capripoxvirions have a more oval prole and larger
lateral bodies than orthopoxvirions [20]. Their average size is 320
x 260 nm [21].
The LSD virus grows and propagated to a high level in a wide
variety of cell cultures such as lamb and calf kidneys, adrenal
and thyroid glands, muscle and testes. Sheep embryonic kidneys
and lungs, rabbit fetal kidneys and skin, chicken embryo
broblasts, adult vervet monkey and baby hamster kidneys and
primary cell cultures of bovine dermis and equine lungs are also
used for that purpose [22].
The development of cytopathic eects may take up to 11 days
during primary isolaon [23]. There is only one serotype of LSD
virus which is very closely related serologically to the virus of
sheep and goat pox (SGP), in which it cannot be disnguished
easily by roune virus neutralizaon tests [24].
It has been found that LSD virus strains are essenally
idencal with each other and with a Kenyan strain (O 240/KS
sheep and goat pox virus (SGPV) using restricon endonuclease
studies of capripox virus. Other strains of SGPV from Kenya were
dierent from the O 240/KSGP strain but similar to each other
and resemble strains of SGPV from the Arabian Peninsula. The
Kenyan group of SGPV strain showed dierences when
compared with strains from India, Iraq, and Nigeria [25]. The LSD
virus is very resistant and well tolerated to most of physical and
chemical agents. The virus can remain in necroc skin for more
than 1 month, while remains viable in lesions in air-dried hides
for more than 2 weeks at ambient temperature [26].
Epidemiology and Transmission
Most of LSD virus infecons are thought to be transmied
through insects [8,26,27]. Pox viruses are highly resistant and
can remain viable in infected ssue for more than 120 days or
probably longer me. The virus is also found in blood, nasal
discharge, lacrimal secreon, semen and saliva, which
considered as main sources for LSD transmission [28].
The virus transmission is likely to be mechanical, although
there is no enough data demonstrang a parcular insect
species as a vector of LSD virus transmission. However, the virus
has been isolated from Stomoxys, Biomyia fasciata, Tabanidae,
Glossina and Culicoides species [28]. The role of all these insects
in the transmission of LSD remains to be evaluated in the
laboratory and under eld condions [29].
Cross-protecon between LSD virus and sheep or goat pox
viruses has been exploited by the use of sheep pox virus for the
immunizaon of cale against LSD in Kenya and in the Middle
East. LSD virus is remarkably stable that can be recovered from
necroc skin nodules kept at -80°C for 10 years and from
infected ssue culture stored at 4°C for 6 months.
Imported Bostaurus breeds such as Friesian cale with
necroc skin nodules usually show more severe signs of the
disease than thick-skinned indigenous breeds such as Afrikaner
and Afrikaner cross-breeds. Although, all age-groups are
suscepble, but cows in the peak of lactaon as well as young
animals show more severe clinical disease [30].
Incubaon Period
The incubaon period is ranged between 2 to 5 weeks in the
eld, while aer experimental infecon by intradermal
inoculaon, a skin lesion containing virus more probably
develops at the injecon area within 1-3 weeks [31].
Host suscepbility
Host suscepbility, dose and route of virus inoculaon aect
the severity of disease. Both male and female, all age groups
and various species and breeds of cale are considered to be at
risk and can get LSD infecon, which may followed by severe
and serious complicaons. Among more famous breeds,
Bostaurus breeds of cale are more suscepble for the disease
than Bosindicus breeds, although younger animals oen
aecng and show more severe disease than adult ones [32].
The disease is started with the onset of fever almost 1 week
aer entering the virus. It has been found that infecon with
LSD virus is not leading to the characteriscs in cale [26,33].
Intradermal or subcutaneous inoculaon of cale with LSD
virus results in the swelling at the site of injecon aer about 1
week and enlargement of the regional lymph nodes, while
generalized erupon of skin nodules usually occurs 7-19 days
aer injecon. Following intradermal inoculaon of cale with
LSDV, about 40-50% of animals will only develop a localized
lesion at the site of inoculaon or no clinical signs at all, whereas
those that have been inoculated intravenously are more inclined
to develop generalized lesions and more severe disease [2].
LSD virus in experimentally infected cale was demonstrated
in saliva 11 days aer the development of fever, in semen aer
22 days, and in skin nodules aer 33 days, while the virus not
found in urine or faeces. Viremia occurred aer the inial febrile
reacon and persisted for at least 4 days [34].
Various types of cells such as Pericytes, broblasts, epithelial
and endothelial cells can be infected by the virus. Viral
replicaon in pericytes, endothelial cells and probably some
cells in blood vessel and lymph vessel walls results in severe
vasculis and lymphangis in aected areas. In severe cases
infarcon may also result [35,36].
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Viral concentraons at the skin nodules, lymph nodes, liver,
kidneys, skeletal muscle, saliva and semen of infected animals
however, have not been determined [37,38].
Immunity aer recovery from a natural infecon is life-long in
most survivor cale; calves from immunized dam acquire
maternal anbody and are resistant to clinical disease for about
6 months [35].
Clinical signs and pathological observaons
Skin nodules about 0.5-5 cm in diameter in whole skin or
subcutaneous ssue and swollen supercial lymph nodes
especially subscapular and precrural lymph nodes are the main
symptoms of LSD infecon in most animals [39]. These nodules
can also aect the nasal, oral, ocular, and genital mucosa. Their
number may range from a few to several hundreds. Cutaneous
lesions may resolve rapidly or may indurate and persist as hard
lumps, or become sequestrated to leave deep ulcers partly lled
with granulaon ssue, which oen suppurates [40].
Papules most easily seen in hairless areas of perineum, udder,
inner ear, muzzle and eyelids [41], which leads to the
development of ulcerave lesions with excessive salivaon,
lacrimaon and nasal discharge that may contain LSD virus [42].
Some of the infected cale may develop oedematous swelling
of one or more legs and show lameness. This virus infecon is
more severe in cows at the peak of lactaon and causes a sharp
drop in milk producon due to high fever (40-41°C) and
secondary bacterial mass [39].
If extensive necrosis occurs in the upper respiratory tract,
secondary infected necroc ssue may be inhaled, resulng in
pneumonia. Stenosis of the trachea following healing of lesions
with scar ssue formaon few weeks or even months aer
infecon has been described [43].
Pathological lesions
Extensive post mortem lesions are appearing of deep nodules
in the skin that penetrate into the subcutaneous ssues and
adjacent muscles that results in vacuies, necrosis, oedema,
congeson with haemorrhage. The mucous membranes of the
oral and nasal cavies, pharynx, epiglos, tongue, nasal cavity,
trachea, lungs, tescles and urinary bladder may also contain
lesions. Enlargement of the supercial lymph nodes with
bronchopneumonia are more pronounced in infected cale
(Figures 1 and 2) [44].
Severe cases of infected cale with LSD are characterised by
edema and areas of focal lobular atelectasis in lungs; pleuris
with enlargement of the mediasnal lymph nodes. Synovis and
tendosynovis with brin in the synovial uid may also see [45].
Figure 1: Nodules in lungs (A), Lesions in the m/m throughout
the GIT (B) (CFSPH, 2011).
Figure 2: loss in income because of lower producon (deaths,
milk and meat, aborons, lowered breeding potenal, and
damage to valuable hides), and the costs of drugs to treat sick
At present me, no commercial diagnosc test kits for LSD
virus detecon are available yet [19]. Thus, the tentave
diagnosis of LSD is usually based on the characterisc clinical
signs, dierenal diagnosis, and the clinical diagnosis which is
conrmed by laboratory tests using convenonal polymerase
chain reacon (PCR) techniques [46].
LSD should be suspected clinically when there are
characterisc skin nodules, fever and enlargement of supercial
lymph nodes [44]. The lumps on the skin follows within 2 days
which may appear anywhere on the body from the nose to the
tail. Same characterisc lesions appear in the mucosa of the
mouth, vagina and conjuncva. A purulent nasal and ocular
discharge are not rare [34].
Laboratory conrmaon of LSD virus can be done very rapidly
using a PCR method specic for Capri poxviruses or by the
demonstraon of typical Capri pox virions in biopsy material or
desiccated crusts using the transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) [12]. Roune diagnosc techniques are described in the
OIE Manual of Diagnosc Tests and Vaccines [44,47,48].
Capri poxvirus is disnguished from Para poxvirus, which
causes bovine popular stomas and pseudo cowpox, but
Reproductive Immunology: Open Access
Vol.1 No.4:25
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cannot be disnguished morphologically from cowpox and
vaccine virus infecons of bovine [32].
Conrmaon of LSD in a new area requires virus isolaon and
idencaon [19]. LSD virus can propagate in bovine, caprine or
ovine cell cultures; especially lamb tess cells [51]. The
cytopathic eect and the intra-cytoplasmic locaon of inclusion
bodies can be used to disnguish LSD virus from the herpes
virus, the causave agent of pseudo lumpy skin disease.
Recently, direct immunouorescence, virus neutralizaon test,
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immune
blong (Western blong) can be used for the idencaon of
LSD virus angens in infected animals. However, the immunity to
LSD infecon is predominantly cell mediated, thus the virus
neutralizaon test is not suciently sensive to idenfy animals
with LSD virus due to low level of neutralizing anbody
Genome detecon using Capri pox virus-specic primers for
the aachment protein and fusion protein a gene has been
reported, and several convenonal and real-me PCR methods
have been established to be used on blood, ssue and semen
specimens [32].
Cross-reacons occur with bovine papular stomas and
pseudo cowpox virus when agar gel immune diusion test is
used [44].
Indirect Fluorescent Anbody Test (IFAT) demonstrated to be
suitable for use in retrospecve serological surveys in a study
carried out in Ethiopia, and it was evaluated test for accuracy
[49]. The IFAT is a serological test for Capri pox Virus. It was used
to detect serum anbody against Capri pox virus and
dierenate serological posive and negave animals.
Dierenal diagnosis
Misdiagnosis of skin lumps and misreporng of infecon have
probably been common over the years due to veterinarians not
having previous experience of the disease [51].
Although severe LSD is highly characterisc, but milder forms
can be confused and misdiagnosed with numerous diseases and
infecons such as pseudo lumpy skin disease (Bovine Herpes
virus), bovine papular stomas (Para poxvirus), pseudo cowpox
(Para poxvirus), Vaccinia virus and Cowpox virus
(Orthopoxviruses) infecons, dermatophilosis, insect or ck
bites, besnoiosis, rinderpest, demodicosis, Hypoderma bovis
infecon, photosensisaon, urcaria, cutaneous tuberculosis
and onchocercosis [52].
Economic importance of the disease
Lumpy skin disease is considered as an economically
important disease of cale; serious economic losses can follow
outbreaks that have a high morbidity and can produce a chronic
debility in infected cale [50]. The economic losses due to this
disease is due to reduced milk producon, in appete and
weight loss, poor growth, aboron, inferlity, skin damage and
pneumonia especially in animals with l mouth and respiratory
tract lesions [32].
Even though, the morbidity and mortality rates of LSD are
usually low, it is an economically important disease of cale in
Africa because of the prolonged loss of producvity of dairy and
beef cale, use of the animals for tracon, decrease in body
weight, mass, severe orchis, which may result in temporary
inferlity and somemes permanent sterility. Furthermore, LSD
induced economic losses due to reducon of wool and meat
qualies [53].
Currently, there is one project in Ethiopia (NAHDIC with
integraon of NVI and MoA) on improvement of the ecacy of
LSD vaccines. Capri pox viruses are classied as potenal agents
for agro terrorism and listed as noable diseases, since they
cause serious economic losses [54].
Till this moment, no specic anviral treatment for LSD
infecon has been found. Sick animals should be removed from
the herd and follow supporve treatment such as anbiocs,
an-inammatory drugs, and vitamin injecons. These therapies
are usually the chances for the development of secondary
bacterial infecons, inammaon and fever, and thus improving
the appete of the animal [55].
Generally, animals infected with LSD will recover as mortality
is usually less than 3%. If secondary bacterial infecon
developed, complete recovery may takes more than 6 months or
longer [26].
Control and prevenon
The bing ies and certain ck species are probably the most
important method of transmission of the disease, control by
quaranne and movement control is generally not very
eecve. In endemic areas, control is therefore essenally
conned to immunoprophylaxis [30].
Two approaches to immunizaon against LSD have been
followed. In South Africa, the Neethling strain of LSD was
aenuated by 20 passages on the chorio-allantoic membranes
of hens' eggs, but the vaccine virus is now propagated in cell
culture [56].
In Kenya, the vaccine produced from sheep or goat pox
viruses produces a solid immunity in cale to LSD. This vaccine
has the disadvantage that it can only be used in countries where
sheep pox or goat pox is endemic as the vaccine could otherwise
provide a source of infecon for the suscepble sheep and goat
Suscepble adult cale should be vaccinated annually to
ensure adequate protecon against LSD. Approximately 50% of
cale develop swelling that is 10-20 mm in diameter at the point
of inoculaon, and this may be accompanied by a temporary
drop in milk yield in dairy cows. The swelling disappear within a
few weeks. Calves under 6 months whose dams were either
naturally infected or immunized should not be vaccinated in
order to preclude interference from maternal anbody.
However, calves born from suscepble cows are very suscepble
and should be vaccinated to prevent outbreaks [30].
Reproductive Immunology: Open Access
Vol.1 No.4:25
4This article is available from:
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Reproductive Immunology: Open Access
Vol.1 No.4:25
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... In Kenya, a vaccine derived from goat pox and sheep poxvirus is utilized to provide solid immunity against LSD in cattle. It is important to note that this vaccine can only be used in countries where sheep pox and goat poxvirus are endemic [32]. LSDV vaccines holds promise for future livestock vaccine development, and with BHK-21 cells approved for good manufacturing practices, it can be expanded to human vaccines as well [34]. ...
... Additionally, efforts should be made to help control the animal's body temperature, as LSD can cause high fever. Cooling methods and techniques can be employed to help regulate the animal's temperature and provide comfort[32] Currently, there is no specific antiviral drug available for the treatment of LSDV. Supportive treatment measures involve the administration of antibiotics, vitamin injections, and anti-inflammatory drugs. ...
... However, we used both FD and DD β values because the published work has reported differences in incidence rates associated with different transmission modes [34]. We assumed different birth rates for I females (µ bI ) from the natural birth rate, because LSD can reduce the fertility rate by 10% [51]. Also, we applied the highest fatality rate in calves (5%) and lower mortality rates to subadults (3%) and adults (1%) [48]. ...
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The wildlife and livestock interface is vital for wildlife conservation and habitat management. Infectious diseases maintained by domestic species may impact threatened species such as Asian bovids, as they share natural resources and habitats. To predict the population impact of infectious diseases with different traits, we used stochastic mathematical models to simulate the population dynamics over 100 years for 100 times in a model gaur (Bos gaurus) population with and without disease. We simulated repeated introductions from a reservoir, such as domestic cattle. We selected six bovine infectious diseases; anthrax, bovine tuberculosis, haemorrhagic septicaemia, lumpy skin disease, foot and mouth disease and brucellosis, all of which have caused outbreaks in wildlife populations. From a starting population of 300, the disease-free population increased by an average of 228% over 100 years. Brucellosis with frequency-dependent transmission showed the highest average population declines (−97%), with population extinction occurring 16% of the time. Foot and mouth disease with frequency-dependent transmission showed the lowest impact, with an average population increase of 200%. Overall, acute infections with very high or low fatality had the lowest impact, whereas chronic infections produced the greatest population decline. These results may help disease management and surveillance strategies support wildlife conservation.
Poxviridae ailesinde yer alan capripoxviruslar, lumpy skin disease (LSD) ve koyun- keçi çiçeği gibi önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan hastalıklara yol açar. Salgın kaynaklı kayıpların önüne geçebilmek için aşılama ve karantina gibi klasik profilaksi stratejileri uygulanmaktadır. Profilaksinin yanı sıra farklı yaklaşımlarla terapötik etki yaratabilecek antiviral tedaviler geliştirmek de önemli bir araştırma alanıdır. Antivirallerin yüzyıllardır insan ve hayvan sağlığı için kullanılmasına karşın; teknoloji ve bilimin gelişmesi ile, antiviral tedavilerde yeni ve inovatif yaklaşımlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Nanoteknoloji, bitki bilimi gibi farklı disiplinlerden yararlanarak, capripoxviruslara karşı etkili antiviral ajanlar geliştirmek için farklı materyallerin antiviral etkinlikleri denenmiştir ve olumlu sonuçlar alınmıştır. Bu derlemede de capripoxvirusların ülkemiz ve dünyadaki önemi ve bu viruslara karşı denenmiş farklı materyallerin antiviral etkileri derlenmiştir. Capripoxviruslara karşı şu anda dünya çapında onaylı bir antiviral bulunmamasına rağmen, bu alandaki araştırmalar hızla ilerlemektedir. Nanoteknolojinin sunduğu imkanlar ve bitkisel kaynaklı antivirallerin potansiyeli, capripoxviruslara karşı etkili tedaviler geliştirmek için büyük umut vadetmektedir.
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Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is one of the most important diseases causing great economic losses in live animals stock industry of affected countries. It is an infectious vector borne viral illness considered one of major trans-boundary animal diseases affecting cattle and Asian domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). The aim of the current review is to clarify the current status of LSD epidemiology and to throw light on the methods of LSD diagnosis, prevention, treatment and control. LSD is rarely fatal, characterised by nodules on the entire skin of the affected animals, and has a high morbidity rate. The disease has severe direct adverse effects on cattle production, milk yields and animal body condition from damage of hides, abortions, infertility and other indirect effects resulted from restriction of animal movements and trade. The first recorded outbreak was in Zambia in 1929. It is considered an endemic disease in African continent. First report of LSD in Egypt was in Suez Canal governorate in 1988. Diagnosis of LSD virus depends on the highly characteristic clinical signs in severely infected cases. In mild cases the diagnosis depends on the detection and isolation of the virus on different cell lines and on chorio-allantoic membranes of embryonated chicken eggs. Viral nucleic acid detection by molecular techniques as real time PCR is considered the test of priority because it is rapid, sensitive and quantitative. Prevention of the disease depends mainly on vaccination programmes for the entire cattle and buffalo populations, restriction of animals’ movement inside the country and through country borders, controlling insect vectors, in addition to symptomatic treatment of infected animal
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A B S T R A C T Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically significant viral disease of cattle caused by the lumpy disease virus (LSDV) which is primarily spread mechanically by blood feeding vectors such as particular species in flies, mosquitoes and ticks. Despite efforts to control its spread, LSD has been expanding geographically, posing challenges for effective control measures. This study develops a Susceptible–Exposed–Infectious–Recovered– Susceptible (SEIRS) model that incorporates cattle and vector populations to investigate LSD transmission dynamics. The model considers the waning rate of natural active immunity in recovered cattle, disease-induced mortality, and the biting rate. Using a standard dynamical system approach, we conducted a qualitative analysis of the model, defining the invariant region, establishing conditions for solution positivity, computing the basic reproduction number, and examining the stability of disease-free and endemic equilibria. We employ a nonlinear least squares method for model calibration, fitting it to a synthetic dataset. We subsequently test it with actual infectious cases data. Results from the calibration and testing phases demonstrate the model’s validity and reliability for diverse settings. Local and global sensitivity analyses were conducted to determine the model’s robustness to parameter values. The biting rate emerged as the most significant parameter, followed by the probabilities of infection from either population and the recovery rate. Additionally, the waning rate of LSD infection-induced immunity gained positive significance in LSD prevalence from the beginning of the infectious period onward. Simulation results suggest reducing the biting rate as the most effective LSD control measure, which can be achieved by applying vector repellents in cattle farms/herds, thereby mitigating the disease’s prevalence in both cattle and vector populations and reducing the chances of infection from either population. Furthermore, measures aiming to boost LSD infection-induced immunity upon recovery are recommended to preserve the immune systems of the cattle population.
Fractional order differential equations are often employed to better and accurately model several natural and physical processes with memory characteristics than the integer-order models. In this work, a proposed fractional-order model is presented to simulate one of the most dangerous viral cattle diseases. The present fractional-order Lumpy Skin Disease model considers the interactions between different compartments of cattle and virus vectors. The solution of the model is examined in terms of existence, uniqueness, positivity and boundedness. Then, the stability analysis of the different equilibrium points in the model is carried out. The basic reproduction number, 0 , has been obtained too. The dependence of stability regions on the values of key parameters is demonstrated and the sensitivity of 0 to different parameters in the system is also investigated. Finally, a proposed optimal control scheme is adopted to successfully diminish the disease spread. It is found that the stability of disease-free equilibrium point is verified at small values of the infection rate of cattle caused by infected cattle or insects. In addition, the disease-free equilibrium point maintains its stability in cases where the recovery rate of cattle or the vaccination rate of cattle are increased. Moreover, the high-efficiency vaccination program helps in stabilizing the disease-free equilibrium point. Also, the fractional-order parameter is found to provide additional degree of freedom in the model to represent different scenarios of evolution for solution orbits. The optimal control parameters of the model are examined in different scenarios to limit or suppress the spread of the disease. It is demonstrated that two control parameters are sufficient to achieve the goals of disease elimination and stabilization of an infection-free steady state. Numerical simulations are verified to confirm our theoretical findings and estimations.
In this article, we study the fractional-order SEIR mathematical model of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in the sense of Caputo. The existence, uniqueness, non-negativity and boundedness of the solutions are established using fixed point theory. Using a next-generation matrix, the reproduction number R0R_{0} is determined for the disease’s prognosis and durability. Using the fractional Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, the evolving behaviour of the equilibria is investigated. Generalized Adams–Bashforth–Moulton approach is applied to arrive at the solution of the proposed model. Furthermore, to visualise the efficiency of our theoretical conclusions and to track the impact of arbitrary-order derivative, numerical simulations of the model and their graphical presentations are carried out using MATLAB(R2021a).
The novel bovine viral infection known as lumpy skin disease is common in most African and Middle Eastern countries, with a significant likelihood of disease transfer to Asia and Europe. Recent rapid disease spread in formerly disease-free zones highlights the need of understanding disease limits and distribution mechanisms. Capripox virus, the causal agent, may also cause sheeppox and Goatpox. Even though the virus is expelled through several bodily fluids and excretions, the most common causes of infection include sperm and skin sores. Thus, vulnerable hosts are mostly infected mechanically by hematophagous arthropods such as biting flies, mosquitoes, and ticks. As a result, milk production lowers, abortions, permanent or temporary sterility, hide damage, and mortality occur, contributing to a massive financial loss for countries that raise cattle. These illnesses are economically significant because they affect international trade. The spread of Capripox viruses appears to be spreading because to a lack of effectual vaccinations and poverty in rural areas. Lumpy skin disease has reached historic levels; as a consequence, vaccination remains the only viable option to keep the illness from spreading in endemic as well as newly impacted areas. This study is intended to offer a full update on existing knowledge of the disease's pathological characteristics, mechanisms of spread, transmission, control measures, and available vaccinations.
Lumpy skin disease is a viral disease that affects cattle and is caused by the lumpy skin disease virus. This work is devoted to presenting and analyzing the nonlinear dynamics of a novel discrete fractional model for lumpy skin disease. The equilibrium points of the proposed discrete fractional model are found. The stability analysis of equilibrium points is carried out. The influences of key parameters in the model are investigated, and then the stability regions of a disease-free steady state in the space of parameters are obtained. A proposed efficient control scheme is implemented to stabilize the disease-free equilibrium point when it is unstable. The influences of fractional-order parameters on the applied control scheme are explored. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to verify the theoretical findings obtained and confirm the effectiveness of the employed control scheme.
This article examines the role of terminological analyses in animal husbandry in the Extreme North province of Cameroon, a domain in which the stakes (food security, public health, other social goals) are so high that it can rightly be considered as strategic and safety critical. Based on data from several focus group discussions, the article analyses terms for cattle diseases and descriptions of these diseases from the standpoint of a term sorting task as well as equivalence relations, synonymy. The analysis unlocks differences in the knowledge structures underpinning and probably complicating communication between veterinarians and cattle farmers. Communication comes across as taking place against the backdrop of, among others, contested synonymy and differences in the intension of terms said to be equivalent interlingually. This backdrop underscores the link between dysfunctional communication among actors in animal husbandry and such social goals as food security and public health.
This study was conducted during the period between December 2006 and May 2007, to identify the major skin diseases of ruminants from the Oromia region. A total of 584 cattle, 377 sheep and 295 goats of both sexes (811 females and 445 males) divided in young and adult animals (266 and 990 respectively) were examined. The overall prevalences for skin diseases were 15.41% (90 cases) in cattle and 25% (168 cases) in small ruminants, males or young animals being significantly more susceptible in the 3 species studied. In cattle, skin diseases were mainly due to ectoparasites (77/90 cases) which infested males and young animals in a significantly privileged way whereas ectoparasitism was responsible for only 44.6% cases in affected small ruminants and was notably low in goats (prevalence: 7.78%). The main ectoparasites identified in the Oromia area were ticks (Ambylomma, Boophilus and Hyalomma) in cattle and in sheep (respective prevalences: 6.34% and 4.77%), lice (Damalina and Linognathus) (respective prevalences: 3.94% in cattle and 6.40% in small ruminants) and Demodex at a lesser extend (1.88% in cattle and 1.19% in small ruminants). Pediculosis preferentially affected young ruminants (p < 0.05) and bovine crossbreeds (p < 0.001). Other skin diseases were scarcely observed in cattle (prevalence: 2.20%) contrary to the small ruminants (93/168 cases) in which the infection risk was increased for males and young animals (particularly young sheep). While lumpy skin disease was rare in cattle, the pox virus prevalences were relatively high in sheep (10.34%) and in goats (12.88%). Contagious ecthyma was registered in 1.79% small ruminants and the dermatophilosis prevalence remained low, ranged from 0.53% in goats to 1.20% in cattle. This study demonstrates that skin diseases are among the most important health constraints of ruminants in the Oromia region leading to important economic losses and they urgently require some control interventions.