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Abstract and Figures

Some coral reefs are threatened around the world due to the effects of coastal development, over-fishing and multiple factors associated with global climate change. In 2013, a monitoring programme was implemented in Western Samoa to document changes in reef communities and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Underwater visual surveys reported the first data on coral cover on the north coast of Western Samoa. Between 2013 and 2015, all living coral genera (Acropora, Leptoria, Montipora, Platygyra, Pocillopora) dropped from 42 % to 0 %. The interaction of crown-of-thorns startfish outbreak in 2010-2014 and unusually high temperature in 2015 could have acted as a deathly combination for the coral reefs in Western Samoa.
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Coral reef ecosystems are among the most biologi-
cally diverse and complex marine ecosystems worldwide.
In addition to their biological and ecological impor-
tance, coral reefs support major economic and physical
functions (e.g. food production, tourism, biotechnology
development and coast protection) that are essential for
many countries (Costanza et al. 1997). This is particularly
true in the Pacific Ocean where coral reefs sustain local
economy of several Pacific Islands and Territories (Chin
et al. 2011). Unfortunately, the frequency and severity of
natural (e.g. cyclone, outbreaks of predators, particularly
the starfish Acanthaster planci – COTS: crown-of-thorns
startfish) and anthropogenic perturbations (e.g. pesticide
pollution, rising sea-water temperature, overfishing) on
coral reefs greatly increased worldwide over the last three
decades. For example, coral reefs currently have to face
one of the strongest El Nino, with 93 % of the Great Bar-
rier Reef in Australia that bleached under the effect of
high temperatures lasting several months in 2016 (http:// As a consequence of those per-
turbations, coral reefs suffered unprecedented changes
of community assemblages, relocation, decline and ulti-
mately mortality (e.g. Salvat 1980, Wilkinson & Salvat
2012, Lecchini et al. 2012, 2013, Galzin et al. 2016).
Thus, today 20 % of coral reefs are already dead, 25 %
are in great immediate threat, and another 25 % will be
threatened by 2050 due to the effects of coastal develop-
ment, over-fishing and multiple factors associated with
global climate change (Chin et al. 2011). In this context
of increasing degradation of coral reefs, ecological sur-
veys are needed to document changes in reef communi-
ties (i.e. “long term monitoring” – Adjeroud et al. 2005,
Wilkinson & Salvat 2012).
In the South Pacific region, the “Polynesia Mana”
monitoring network was set up in 1992 by the Criobe
research centre ( with the
goal to assess the effects of natural and/or anthropogenic
perturbations on coral assemblages on the reef slopes at
both local scale (between sites around an island separated
from few meters to kilometres e.g. different sites around
Moorea Island) and regional scale (between islands and
archipelagos, separated by up to hundreds of kilometres
e.g. between Tahiti, Tonga, Niue) (e.g. Adjeroud et al.
2005, Galzin et al. 2016). In 2013, Polynesia Mana was
implemented in Western Samoa. Despite some stud-
ies have been performed in American Samoa (e.g. Craig
2001, Wilson 2012), almost nothing was known on the
current state of Western Samoa coral reefs (Tiitii 2015).
The present study aimed to provide the first data on
the evolution of the coral cover on the Western Samoa
in order to appraise how coral reefs might be impacted
across time by some anthropogenic and/or natural distur-
Some underwater visual surveys were conducted in May 2013
and May 2015, on the outer slope of the reef on the North coast
of Upolu island, Western Samoa (13°48’354 S; 172°01’915 W),
between 10 m and 13 m depth using the photo quadrat method.
This site is one of the most diversity at Upolu Island and it is
monitored by Fisheries & Environment departments at Samoa
(Tiitii 2015). Two stainless stakes were permanently driven into
the substrate and separated by 20 m. During the surveys, a stain-
VIE ET MILIEU - LIFE AND ENVIRONMENT, 2016, 66 (2): 155-157
1 USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, CRIOBE, Paris Sciences Lettres, 98729 Moorea, French Polynesia
2 Laboratoire d’Excellence “”CORAIL” 98729 Moorea, French Polynesia
3 IRCP, Institute for Pacific Coral Reef, 98729 Moorea, French Polynesia
* Corresponding author:
ABSTRACT.Some coral reefs are threatened around the world due to the effects of coastal
development, over-fishing and multiple factors associated with global climate change. In 2013,
a monitoring programme was implemented in Western Samoa to document changes in reef com-
munities and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Underwater visual surveys
reported the first data on coral cover on the north coast of Western Samoa. Between 2013 and
2015, all living coral genera (Acropora, Leptoria, Montipora, Platygyra, Pocillopora) dropped
from 42 % to 0 %. The interaction of crown-of-thorns startfish outbreak in 2010-2014 and
unusually high temperature in 2015 could have acted as a deathly combination for the coral
reefs in Western Samoa.
Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)
less cable was stretched between the two stakes, and 20 metal
markers were used to indicate where a quadrat would be posi-
tioned. The quadrat consisted of a 1 m² metallic frame subdivid-
ed into 81 squares with strings. A photograph of the quadrat was
taken at each position, i.e. 20 positions, with a Nikonos camera
(V Body camera equipped with a Nikon D300s/14 mm Nikkor
lens, flashes; Fig. 1). Living coral colonies were distinguished
at the genus level (Acropora, Leptoria, Montipora, Platygyra,
Pocillopora) and coral cover values were obtained as the ratio
of the number of points (string crosses) under which a living
colony was identified to the total number of points (81) of the
quadrat. Thus, living coral covers were compared between the
two years.
The living coral cover percentage on the outer slope
of the reef on the North coast of Upolu island, Western
Samoa was of 42 ± 6.7 % (mean ± SD) in May 2013
(Fig. 2). Among the five main coral genera, the covers of
Acropora and Montipora were, respectively, 36 ± 5.1 %
and 5 ± 1.3 %, while the three other coral genus (Leptoria,
Pocillopora, Platygera) displayed a cover lower than 1 %
in 2013. All coral genera dropped to 0 % in 2015 (Fig. 2).
Our study reported an unusual coral loss. Within two
years, all living corals died, dropping from 42 % to 0 % of
living coral cover (Fig. 2). Kayal et al. (2012) reported a
coral loss on Moorea reefs (French Polynesia) from 40 %
in 2005 to 5 % in 2010 due to COTS and tropical cyclone
Oli. Alevison & Porter (2014) underlined a loss of 76 %
of stony corals in the Caribbean reefs in 26 years. The
dramatic coral loss observed in the present work is likely
due to the A. planci outbreak that occurred from 2010 to
2014 in Western Samoa (Tiitii 2015). A. planci consumes
all coral genera, but shows preferences for Acropora
species (Pratchett 2007), which was the main genus on
Fig 1. – Example of a photo-
quadrat (1 m²) of coral reefs in
Western Samoa outer reefs in
2013 and 2015.
Fig. 2. – Monitoring of living
coral cover (total coral cover and
five coral genus: Acropora, Lep-
toria, Montipora, Platygera,
Pocillopora) in May 2013 and
May 2015 at Western Samoa.
Values are mean ± SD percentage
of the total living coral cover and
of the five coral genera, comput-
ed on the 20 photo-quadrats.
Vie Milieu, 2016, 66 (2)
Western Samoa reefs (Fig. 2). Causes of A. planci out-
break still remain uncertain, but abundance of resources
(i.e. living corals) could be one explanation in those reefs
(Kayal et al. 2012). However, other stressors may have
acted simultaneously with COTS to worsen coral decline.
The January-May 2015 period was reported as an unusual
warm period worldwide and bleaching events have been
reported in Western Samoa (Tiitii 2015). High sea tem-
perature is known to make corals expel their symbiotic
zooxanthellae and thus bleached (Lesser 2011). The tem-
perature has to drop quickly so that algae can recolonize
corals before they die. During mass bleaching events, the
rate of coral mortality is highly variable depending on the
geographic areas and on the period the sea temperature
stays high. For example, the 1997-1998 bleaching event
led to a coral mortality varying from 5 % in the Indo-West
Pacific (Wilkinson et al. 1999), to 95 % in the Atlantic
Ocean (Wilkinson & Hodgson 1999).
Overall, given that the combination of natural and/or
human stressors is a developing scenario for the XXI cen-
tury (Chin et al. 2011), we hypothesized that the interac-
tion of COTS outbreak in 2010-2014 (observed by Tiitii,
2015 at Samoa) and unusually high temperature in 2015
(observed in the world) could act as a killer combina-
tion, destroying all alive corals in Western Samoa (Fig.
2). Other stressors could, nevertheless, also explain a part
of this coral decline such as overfishing of herbivorous
fish or a pesticide pollution. Thus, some future surveys
at Samoa and elsewhere in the South Pacific Islands
are necessary to validate our observations locally and
regionally. The present study provided the first monitor-
ing data on coral cover of Western Samoa and will help
scientists, conservationists and reef managers to have
access to robust and long-term datasets which today are
uncommon for most regions of the world (Bruno & Selig
2007, Wilkinson & Souter 2008, Chin et al. 2011). Such
long-term monitoring on several South Pacific Islands
will allow to better ensure the persistence of coral reefs
through time.
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on a Caribbean coral reef: 1974-2000. Environ Biol Fish 98:
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Indo-Pacific: timing, extent, and subregional comparisons
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E, Burke L, Wilkinson C 2011. Status of Coral Reefs of the
Pacific and Outlook: 2011. Global Coral Reef Monitoring
Network P. 1-260.
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Received on March 18, 2016
Accepted on May 5, 2016
Associate editor: A Chenuil
... Local pressures specifically affecting Pacific island nations coral reefs include overfishing (Hughes et al., 2007;Jackson et al., 2001;Rasher et al., 2012), land-based pollution (nutrients from untreated domestic and industrial sewage and increased sediment runoff due to land clearing, mining, forestry and poor agricultural practices) (Dadhich and Nadaoka, 2012;Haywood et al., 2016;Johnson et al., 2017;Sheridan et al., 2014;Varea et al., 2020;Wiedenmann et al., 2013), shoreline modification (Bell et al., 2011), and increases in Crown-of-Thorns (COTS) outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016;Hughes et al., 2017a;Uthicke et al., 2015). Recreational and tourism-related activities have also caused localized negative ecological impacts on coral reefs in the Pacific (Engelhardt, 2005:176;Movono et al., 2018). ...
... N reduces calcification and increases photosynthetic rates, while P alone can increase calcification with little effect on photosynthetic rates. Increased nutrients have been linked to COTS outbreaks by providing enhanced survival of larval COTS resulting from increased phytoplankton (Berthe et al., 2016;De'ath et al., 2012;Vanhatalo et al., 2017). In Fiji, poor agriculture practices have increased nutrient levels resulting in seagrass and macroalgae expansion in poorly flushed, leeward reefs (Zann, 1994). ...
... Local stressors are damaging coral reefs all over the world (Halpern et al., 2008;Rasher et al., 2012). Increased land-based pollution (sediments, nutrients, chemicals) is a key driver of coral degradation in the Pacific (Lal, 2016), along with overfishing (Jackson et al., 2001) and increases in the incidence of COTS outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016). In addition to causing the decline of coral reef communities, these local pressures also limit the recovery capacity of coral reefs (Aronson and Precht, 2016;Jackson et al., 2001). ...
Coral reefs in the tropical Pacific region are exposed to a range of anthropogenic local pressures. Climate change is exacerbating local impacts, causing unprecedented declines in coral reef habitats and bringing negative socio-economic consequences to Pacific communities who depend heavily on coral reefs for food, income and livelihoods. Continued increases in greenhouse gas emissions will drive future climate change, which will accelerate coral reef degradation. Traditional systems of resource governance in Pacific island nations provide a foundation to address local pressures and build reef resilience to climate change. Management and adaptation options should build on the regional diversity of governance systems and traditional knowledge to support community-based initiatives and cross-sectoral cooperation to address local pressures and minimize climate change impacts. Such an inclusive approach will offer enhanced opportunities to develop and implement transformative adaptation solutions, particularly in remote and regional areas where centralized management does not extend.
... The distribution of corals is limited by physical and biological factors. Physical factors include water temperature, pH, light, turbidity/sedimentation, salinity, and water depth (Aronson and Precht, 2016), while biological factors include predation (e.g. the Crown-of-Thorns-Starfish (COTS) and Drupella spp.; both wellknown coralivores (Berthe et al., 2016;Bruckner et al., 2017)), intra and inter-specific competition (e.g. competition between corals and algae, and between different coral species for space), reproductive and regenerative capacity, and the ability to cope with pollutants, nutrients and sediments (Guinotte et al., 2003;Kleypas et al., 1999;Rogers, 1990). ...
... The most important non-climatic drivers affecting Pacific corals include overfishing (Hughes et al., 2007;Jackson et al., 2001;Rasher et al., 2012), humaninduced pollution, shore modification ), nutrification (Wiedenmann et al., 2013, increase in sedimentation and turbidity (Dadhich and Nadaoka, 2012;De'ath and Fabricius, 2010;Haywood et al., 2016;Sheridan et al., 2014), and increase in the incidence of COTS outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016;Hughes et al., 2017a;. Other impacts include recreational and tourism-related impacts, such as the construction of resorts, water catchment dams, roads, and even man-made islands, along with trampling, tourism handling, and anchor damage, which have brought substantial ecological shifts in coral communities over time, but also unprecedented social, economic and cultural changes within Pacific communities (Ayala, 2005;Engelhardt, 2005:176;Morris et al., 2008;Movono et al., 2018;Sykes and Morris, 2009). ...
... The effects of nutrients on coral communities depend on taxa, enrichment source and nutrient identity (Shantz and Burkepile, 2014). Poor water quality is also related to COTS outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016;De'ath et al., 2012;Vanhatalo et al., 2017). In Fiji, increased erosion associated with land clearing, and poor agriculture practice has led to increased nutrient levels resulting in seagrass and macroalgae expansion in less flushed, leeward reefs (Zann, 1994). ...
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In the Pacific Island region, anthropogenic-induced ocean warming is impacting coral reefs through thermal coral bleaching (Adjeroud et al., 2009; Cumming et al., 2000; Davies et al., 1997; Kleypas et al., 2015; Lovell et al., 2004; Mangubhai, 2016; Obura and Mangubhai, 2011; Rotmann, 2001) and by reducing coral calcification rates (high confidence) (De'ath et al., 2009; Nurse et al., 2014). Ocean acidification is also affecting calcification rates (low confidence) (Barros and Field, 2014; IPCC, 2014; Johnson et al., 2016b), while tropical cyclones (TC) are becoming more intense (low confidence) (Elsner et al., 2008; Nott and Walsh, 2015), causing widespread coral damage (Johnson et al., 2016a; Mangubhai, 2016). Accelerating climate change is currently the strongest driver affecting coral dynamics (Aronson and Precht, 2016) exacerbating other non-climate pressures, such as pollution from land-based activities and coastal development, eutrophication, overfishing, crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks, direct physical impacts (e.g. tourism-related impacts, trampling and anchor damage), and coral diseases, which together are causing changes in coral communities not previously recorded (high confidence) (Brown et al., 2017a; Hoffmann, 2002; Johnson, 2017; Maata and Singh, 2008; Maynard et al., 2015b; Mayor, 1924; Morris et al., 2008; Morrison, 1999; Movono et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2009; Sykes and Morris, 2009; Zann, 1994). Predicted increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations will continue to increase ocean temperatures and acidity (high confidence) (Gattuso et al., 2015; Newman et al., 2018) as well as increase the intensity of TC (low confidence) (Elsner et al., 2008). Climate pressures will exacerbate non-climate pressures (high confidence) (Aronson and Precht, 2016; Sheridan et al., 2014; Wild et al., 2011), thus increasing the frequency and severity of coral bleaching, disease incidence, and mortality (high confidence) (IPCC, 2014; Langlais et al., 2017; Reisinger et al., 2014; Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2012; Sheridan et al., 2014). Declines in coral reef habitat will cause negative social-economic and ecological effects (high confidence) (IPCC, 2014; Morrison, 1999). Traditional systems of resource governance in the Pacific are often associated with healthy reefs (Hoffmann, 2002) and coastal communities depend heavily on coral reefs for food, income and livelihoods. Therefore, management and adaptation options must consider and build on the regional diversity of governance systems to enable community-based initiatives and cross-sectoral cooperation, taking into account traditional knowledge that can inform sustainable solutions to problems (Aswani et al., 2017; Morrison, 1999; Remling and Veitayaki, 2016; Veitayaki, 2014) and allow the involvement of a broader section of the community. Such an inclusive approach will offer enhanced opportunities to develop and implement measures to reduce non-climate pressures and develop early warning systems, to identify potential refuges for coral reef communities (Karnauskas and Cohen, 2012) and also to test coral farming, assisted colonisation and shading or other climate mitigation techniques (Barros and Field, 2014; Coelho et al., 2017).
... The distribution of corals is limited by physical and biological factors. Physical factors include water temperature, pH, light, turbidity/sedimentation, salinity, and water depth (Aronson and Precht, 2016), while biological factors include predation (e.g. the Crown-of-Thorns-Starfish (COTS) and Drupella spp.; both wellknown coralivores (Berthe et al., 2016;Bruckner et al., 2017)), intra and inter-specific competition (e.g. competition between corals and algae, and between different coral species for space), reproductive and regenerative capacity, and the ability to cope with pollutants, nutrients and sediments (Guinotte et al., 2003;Kleypas et al., 1999;Rogers, 1990). ...
... The most important non-climatic drivers affecting Pacific corals include overfishing (Hughes et al., 2007;Jackson et al., 2001;Rasher et al., 2012), humaninduced pollution, shore modification ), nutrification (Wiedenmann et al., 2013, increase in sedimentation and turbidity (Dadhich and Nadaoka, 2012;De'ath and Fabricius, 2010;Haywood et al., 2016;Sheridan et al., 2014), and increase in the incidence of COTS outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016;Hughes et al., 2017a;. Other impacts include recreational and tourism-related impacts, such as the construction of resorts, water catchment dams, roads, and even man-made islands, along with trampling, tourism handling, and anchor damage, which have brought substantial ecological shifts in coral communities over time, but also unprecedented social, economic and cultural changes within Pacific communities (Ayala, 2005;Engelhardt, 2005:176;Morris et al., 2008;Movono et al., 2018;Sykes and Morris, 2009). ...
... The effects of nutrients on coral communities depend on taxa, enrichment source and nutrient identity (Shantz and Burkepile, 2014). Poor water quality is also related to COTS outbreaks (Berthe et al., 2016;De'ath et al., 2012;Vanhatalo et al., 2017). In Fiji, increased erosion associated with land clearing, and poor agriculture practice has led to increased nutrient levels resulting in seagrass and macroalgae expansion in less flushed, leeward reefs (Zann, 1994). ...
... Coral bleaching, tropical storms, cyclones, and flooding have led to recent loss of live coral across reefs in Samoa (MNRE, 2010(MNRE, , 2013Ziegler et al., 2018). Indeed, many reefs are currently dominated by algal-covered dead coral, indicating relatively recent coral mortality, some of which may be related to mass bleaching events between 2014 and 2017 (Berthe et al., 2016;Ziegler et al., 2018). While coral cover in Samoa was moderately high in the early 2000s (Samuelu and Sapatu, 2009;MNRE, 2010) cover has now declined to <1% on some reefs (Berthe et al., 2016;Ziegler et al., 2018). ...
... Indeed, many reefs are currently dominated by algal-covered dead coral, indicating relatively recent coral mortality, some of which may be related to mass bleaching events between 2014 and 2017 (Berthe et al., 2016;Ziegler et al., 2018). While coral cover in Samoa was moderately high in the early 2000s (Samuelu and Sapatu, 2009;MNRE, 2010) cover has now declined to <1% on some reefs (Berthe et al., 2016;Ziegler et al., 2018). ...
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The tegulid gastropod, Rochia nilotica is harvested in small-scale fisheries throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, many of which were created from inter-country translocations. This species is found on structurally complex shallow reefs, but its specific habitat requirements have not yet been quantified in order to maximize the success of future translocations and help future-proof the fishery in changing ocean conditions. At 28 sites around Samoa, where the species was introduced in the early 2000s, we measured a suite of habitat variables along transects in which R. nilotica were counted and the shell sizes measured in a parallel study. Boosted regression tree analyses revealed that R. nilotica were most abundant at reef locations that were shallow, with fairly consistent depth, had high coverage of branching coral, low cover of erect macroalgae, low wave exposure and high surface complexity. Smaller individuals were associated with wide reef flats and high cover of branching coral, whereas larger animals occurred in deeper water with high surface complexity. Multivariate analyses showed this species to be a habitat generalist, sharing much of its niche with an endemic herbivorous gastropod, Tectus pyramis. Future stocking programs should focus on sites with habitats optimal for both adults and juveniles. R. nilotica populations are likely to be especially affected by broadscale stressors that result in declines in live coral cover and substratum complexity and increasing coverage of macroalgae on coral reefs.
... These included surveys conducted at several sites on Upolu in 2005 (Iakopo et al., 2005) and Savai'i in 2015 (Satoa et al., 2016) that found bleaching levels at some sites as high as 22% and 90% respectively. A study on the outer slope of a reef on the north coast of Upolu island in 2015 found 100% mortality in live coral (Berthe et al., 2016), which coincided with an unusually high temperature trend during January-May 2015 (evident in Fig. 6d). Surveys conducted in 2016 at 124 sites on coral reefs over 83 km of coastline at the island of Upolu found extremely low (<1%) coral cover at approximately half of the sites and < 10% coral cover at 78% of sites (Ziegler et al., 2018). ...
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Marine heatwaves can have devastating impacts on marine species and habitats, often with flow-on effects to human communities and livelihoods. This is of particular importance to Pacific Island countries that rely heavily on coastal and ocean resources, and for which projected increases in future marine heatwave (MHW) frequency, intensity, and duration could be detrimental across the Pacific Island region. In this study, we investigate MHWs in the tropical western and central Pacific Ocean region, focusing on observed MHWs, their associated impacts, and future projections using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) simulations under a low (SSP1–2.6) and a high (SSP5–8.5) greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Documented impacts from “Moderate” mean intensity MHW events in Fiji, Samoa, and Palau, that were categorised as “Strong” at their peak, included fish and invertebrate mortality and coral bleaching. Based on CMIP6 multi-model mean estimates, and relative to current baselines, “Moderate” intensity MHWs are projected to increase from recent historical (1995–2014) values of 10–50 days per year (dpy) across the region to the equivalent of >100 dpy by the year 2050 under the low emissions scenario, and > 200 dpy nearer the equator. Under the high emissions scenario, 200 dpy of Moderate MHW intensities are projected across most of the region by 2050, with >300 dpy nearer the equator. For the most intense “Extreme” category of MHW, estimates range from <1 dpy under the current climate to >50 dpy projected under the high emissions scenario by 2050. In contrast, “Extreme” MHWs are projected to increase to <5 dpy by 2050 under the low emissions scenario, highlighting the importance for Pacific Island nations that global emissions more closely follow the low emissions scenario trajectory.
... This coral bleaching event was the worst experienced by the GBR on record, with only 9% of the reefs escaping bleaching, compared to 42-45% in 199842-45% in and 200242-45% in (Hughes et al. 2017). In the Hawaiian archipelago, the GCBE3 caused approximately 75% of the colonies at A'alapapa Reef to show signs of bleaching (Minton et al. 2015), whereas the coral death toll at a reef in Western Samoa was 100% in mid-2015 (Berthe et al. 2016) due to a combination of abnormally high temperatures and outbreaks of the seastar Acanthaster planci. In the central equatorial Pacific, the GCBE3 had catastrophic impacts on certain coral reefs, such as a decline of coral cover from 17.8 (pre-bleaching) to 0.3% (post-bleaching) at Jarvis island, which experienced heat stress of 35.8°C weeks (Brainard et al. 2018). ...
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In 2016, many tropical corals worldwide were exposed to anomalously high temperatures due to one of the strongest El Niño events ever recorded. Bleaching impacts were reported on 23 islands within three archipelagos of French Polynesia (Tuamotu, Society and Marquesas archipelagos). A detailed study on the effects of elevated temperatures on corals was performed on five islands (Mo’orea, Makemo, Hikueru, Marutea and Katiu) and revealed contrasting patterns of coral bleaching responses between Mo’orea (Society Archipelago) and the four islands of the Tuamotu Archipelago. While some reefs from the Tuamotu lost more than half of their coral cover, in Mo’orea, less than 1% mortality was recorded 6 months after bleaching. During the 2016 bleaching event, certain reefs at 12 m depth in the outer reef habitats were not exposed to sufficiently long high-temperature periods (heat stress not exceeding 1.1 °C weeks in Mo’orea) to cause large-scale bleaching-related coral mortality. In contrast, other reefs in the Tuamotu Archipelago had DHW reaching up to 9.2 °C weeks and experienced severe mortality (up to 71%). Our study showed how differential heat stress exposure across reefs of French Polynesia led to different impacts on corals. Until now, Mo’orea reefs have been spared abnormally high temperatures leading to mortality and should be considered an important source of larvae to help maintain reefs on the surrounding islands.
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Coral-eating crown-of-thorns seastars (CoTS, Acanthaster spp.) are major contributors to the coral reef crises across the Indo-Pacific region. Until recently, CoTS throughout the Indo-Pacific were regarded to be a single species, Acanthaster planci. However, genetic and morphological analyses demonstrated that there are at least four distinct species: Acanthaster benziei in the Red Sea, Acanthaster mauritiensis and A. planci in the Indian Ocean, and Acanthaster cf. solaris in the western Pacific. Acanthaster cf. ellisii in the eastern Pacific needs more taxonomic attention. Here, we review the biological knowledge for each species adapting a pragmatic geographical species definition and using a systematic literature review complemented with more focused searches for individual species. The vast majority of CoTS research (88%) was conducted on A. cf. solaris, with much of this research undertaken on the Great Barrier Reef or in Japan. Many studies of A. cf. solaris are focused on monitoring or documenting incidences of outbreaks, though there is a solid base of knowledge on larval, juvenile and adult ecology derived from field and laboratory experiments. By contrast, most of the published studies on the four remaining species simply document cases of population outbreaks. The major taxonomic bias in CoTS research constitutes a significant limitation for understanding and managing these species for two reasons. First, even for A. cf. solaris, which is the most studied species, limited fundamental knowledge of their biology and ecology constrains understanding of the drivers of outbreaks and hinders corresponding management actions for prevention and control of these events. Second, understanding and management of other species are predicated on the assumption that all CoTS species have similar biology and behaviour, an unsatisfying assumption for ecosystem management.
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From mid-1997 to late 1998, hard and soft corals in widely separate parts of the world were affected by significant bleaching. Much of this bleaching coincided with a large El Nino event, immediately switching over to a strong La Nina. Scientists and other observers responding to calls for reports from the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, and survey teams participating in Reef Check, reported unprecedented bleaching in places as widespread as (from west to east) the Middle East, East Africa, the Indian Ocean, South, Southeast and East Asia, far west and far east Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean. A wide spectrum of situations has been reported, ranging from catastrophic bleaching with massive mortality (often near 95% of shallow corals) through to insignificant or no bleaching over large areas of the world's corals. The consensus is that this was probably the most severe bleaching event ever observed. More problematic is whether the observed bleaching will result in death or recovery of the corals, and whether there is potential for the damaged reefs to bounce back and recover from this event. But the most important question is whether this is just a severe, one-off event, as it now appears, or whether events like this will occur more frequently as the world's atmosphere and waters warm up.
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Les récifs coralliens sont des systèmes dynamiques et diversifiés régulièrement soumis à des perturbationsnaturelles et anthropiques, sources d’hétérogénéité spatiale et temporelle dans la structure et la dynamique deces communautés d’organismes que sont, entre autres, les poissons et les coraux. Récemment, il a été démontréque les activités humaines pouvaient modifier les régimes naturels de perturbations des récifs coralliens en transformantles événements ponctuels en perturbations persistantes ou en stress chronique, soit en introduisant denouveaux types de perturbations, soit en ajoutant ou altérant certaines perturbations naturelles nécessaires au bonmaintien de la dynamique inhérente aux récifs. Dans cette étude, nous présentons la base de données qui nouspermettra d’analyser les tendances à long-terme des assemblages de poissons et de coraux de l’île de Moorea(Polynésie française) entre 1983 et 2014 sur une période de 32 ans, comprenant deux proliférations d’Acanthasterplanci (1987 et 2006) et plusieurs cyclones (1982, 1983, 1991 et 2010), sur trois sites de suivi permanents(quadrats de 50 × 2 m2) sur les récifs barrière et frangeant ainsi que sur la pente externe. La couverture corallienneprésente de fortes oscillations, en particulier sur la pente externe où elle a répondu fortement à la proliférationd’A. planci et des cyclones. Les abondances des poissons totaux et des poissons commercialisés montrent destendances contrastées sur les trois habitats, avec, plus particulièrement, une augmentation sur le récif barrière etune diminution sur la pente externe après 2000. Ces tendances se retrouvent chez les poissons herbivores dansces deux habitats. La richesse spécifique des poissons totaux, commerciaux et herbivores, augmente de façoncontinue au cours de la période d’étude dans les trois habitats. Des groupes particuliers d’espèces répondentdifféremment aux perturbations de la pente externe au cours du suivi : alors que certaines espèces ont tendanceà disparaître pendant quelques années avant de réapparaître, d’autres présentent un pic en terme d’abondanceen milieu de suivi ; d’autres espèces ont des abondances qui augmentent ou diminuent de façon continue, etd’autres encore montrent des abondances stables. Ceci indique que les récifs coralliens sont des systèmes trèsdynamiques dans lesquels les perturbations naturelles peuvent affecter les espèces de façon différente. Alors quele régime de perturbations naturelles semble être important pour la dynamique de la couverture corallienne danscertains habitats, cela se retrouve beaucoup moins pour les poissons. Cette atténuation des fluctuations spatialeset temporelles peut être due aux aptitudes de dispersion de nombreuses espèces de poissons, capables de chercherun autre habitat favorable en cas de perturbation de l’habitat corallien d’origine.
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The year 1998, was the warmest year since the start of temperature recordings some 150 years ago. Similarly, the 1990s have been the warmest decade recorded. In addition, 1998 saw the strongest El Nino ever recorded. As a consequence of this, very high water temperatures were observed in many parts of the oceans, particularly in the tropical Indian Ocean, often with temperatures of 3°to 5°C above normal. Many corals in this region bleached and subsequently died, probably due to the high water temperatures in combination with meteorological and climatic factors. Massive mortality occurred on the reefs of Sri Lanka, Maldives, India, Kenya, Tanzania, and Seychelles with mortalities of up to 90% in many shallow areas. Reefs in other parts of the Indian Ocean, or in waters below 20 m, coral mortality was typically 50%. Hence, coral death during 1998 was unprecedented in severity. The secondary socioeconomic effects of coral bleaching for coastal communities of the Indian Ocean are likely to be long lasting and severe. In addition to potential decreases in fish stocks and negative effects on tourism, erosion may become an acute problem, particularly in the Maldives and Seychelles. If the observed global trends in temperature rises continue, there will be an increased probability of a recurrence of the phenomenon observed in 1998 on the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, as well as in other parts of the tropical oceans in coming years. Coral reefs of the Indian Ocean may prove to be an important signal of the potential effects of global climate change, and we should heed that warning.
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Many marine reef fishes have pelagic larval stages that develop in offshore waters. These larvae face the great challenge of relocating to patchily distributed reef environments in a vast oceanic matrix. We explored how chemical cues emitted from coral versus algal reefs attract fish larvae at Rangiroa Atoll (French Polynesia). Experiments with 2-channel choice chambers showed that during the recruitment stage, 7 of the 10 fish species studied preferred water from reefs dominated by coral compared to reefs dominated by algae (e.g. Aulostomus chinensis, Chromis viridis, Ptereleotris microlepis, and Sargocentron spiniferum). Only Zebrasoma veliferum preferred water from reefs dominated by algae. Overall, olfactory cues could play an important role in directing pelagic larval stage fishes to a suitable reef on which they can settle.
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The present study describes ontogenetic shifts in habitat use for 15 species of coral reef fish at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. The distribution of fish in different habitats at three ontogenetic stages (new settler, juvenile, and adult) was investigated in coral-dominated and algal-dominated sites at two reefs (fringing reef and inner reef of motu). Three main ontogenetic patterns in habitat use were identified: (1) species that did not change habitats between new settler and juvenile life stages (60% of species) or between juvenile and adult stages (55% of species no ontogenetic shift); (2) species that changed habitats at different ontogenetic stages (for the transition "new settler to juvenile stage": 15% of species; for the transition "juvenile to adult stage": 20% of species); and (3) species that increased the number of habitats they used over ontogeny (for the transition "new settler to juvenile stage": 25% of species; for the transition "juvenile to adult stage": 25% of species). Moreover, the majority of studied species (53%) showed a spatial variability in their ontogenetic pattern of habitat use according to alternate reef states (coral reef vs algal reef), suggesting that reef state can influence the dynamics of habitat associations in coral reef fish.
Feeding preferences of the crown-of-thorns sea star, Acanthaster planci (L.), were studied in a series of laboratory-based feeding trials wherein sea stars were provided with equal availability of six different coral species. The order in which corals were consumed was then used to ascertain feeding preferences. Crown-of-thorns sea stars exhibited strong and consistent feeding preferences across replicate feeding trials. The most readily eaten coral species was Acropora hyacinthus, followed by A. gemmifera, A. nasuta, A. formosa, Stylophora pistillata, Montipora undata, and Pocillopora damicornis. Crown-of-thorns sea stars also consumed Goniopora lobata, Fungia fungites, Goniastrea retiformes, and Pavona cactus but only after all Acropora and Montipora (Family Acroporidae) as well as Pocillopora and Stylophora (Family Pocilloporidae) were eaten. The least-preferred corals were Favites abidita, Porites lobata, Symphyllia recta, Echinopora horrida, and Porites cylindrica. Of these, P. cylindrica was never eaten in any of the feeding trials in which it was offered. Observed feeding preferences substantiate findings from previous studies, where corals from the families Acroporidae and Pocilloporidae were preferred over all other corals. Further research is required to assess the underlying basis of feeding preferences of A. planci, but this study confirms that these starfish readily distinguish between different corals and have innate preferences for certain species. Still, most corals were eventually consumed, showing that when food is limited (during population outbreaks) A. planci is likely to consume virtually all different coral species, causing extreme devastation to coral reef ecosystems.
Data on reef substrate composition and fish guild structure was extracted from filmed underwater surveys conducted in 1974 and 2000 at a coral reef in the Florida Keys. During the course of this 26-year interval the reef underwent a dramatic (>75 %) loss of stony coral cover, particularly acroporids, accompanied by significant increases in turf algae, crustose-coralline algae, octocorals, and macroalgae. At the same time, marked changes occurred in the structure of a guild of large herbivorous reef fishes. Total abundance declined, and the relative abundance of constituent species and functional groups changed as well. In contrast, we recorded no change in any measure of structural stability in either of two carnivorous fish guilds (lutjanids, haemulids) that feed by night in off-reef habitats. These results are generally consistent with the hypothesis that coral loss differentially impacts functionally dissimilar groups of fishes, according to dependency on reef substrates for food and/or shelter. The persistence of sizeable herbivore populations along with the relatively low (