... Examples of AHU-level faults from the literature are the return and supply air temperature sensor biases, fouling, leaking or stuck heating and cooling coils, stuck economizer dampers, efficiency degradations in fans, broken or fouling filters, inappropriate airflow and temperature setpoints, and coil valve control loop-tuning issues (Li & Wen, 2014;Trojanová, Vass, Macek, Rojiček, & Stluka, 2009;Wang, 2012;Yang, Cho, Tae, & Zaheeruddin, 2008). Common examples for plant-level faults are chiller condenser fouling, hot and chilled water circulating pumps' flow rate, chiller refrigerant over-or undercharge, leaking or stuck valves, and fouling in boiler tubes, and various sensor biases (Beghi, Cecchinato, Peterle, Rampazzo, & Simmini, 2016;Zhao, Wang, & Xiao, 2013a, 2013bZhao, Xiao, & Wang, 2013). As reported in two recent literature surveys (Kim & Katipamula, 2017;Yang et al., 2017), about 90% of the recent AFDD literature has been focused on these HVAC systems and components. ...