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A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole-school actions to reduce bullying

Taylor & Francis
The Journal of Educational Research

Abstract and Figures

Parents can significantly affect children's peer relationships, including their involvement in bullying. The authors developed and evaluated ways to enhance parents’ knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, and skills related to parent–child communication about bullying. The 3-year Friendly Schools Friendly Families whole-school intervention included a family component, which provided training and resources to support school teams to engage families in awareness-raising and skill-building activities. Over 3,200 parents of the Grade 2, 4, and 6 cohorts were recruited. For the Grade 2 and 4 cohorts at both 10 and 22 months postintervention, the family component increased parents’ self-efficacy to talk about bullying with their children and their frequency of doing so. Grade 4 parents reported more provictim attitudes at 22 months. No differences were found for the Grade 6 cohort. These data suggest a whole-school capacity-building intervention in early and middle childhood can improve the likelihood and frequency of positive parent–child communication about bullying.
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A group randomized controlled trial evaluating
parent involvement in whole-school actions to
reduce bullying
Donna Cross, Leanne Lester, Natasha Pearce, Amy Barnes & Shelley Beatty
To cite this article: Donna Cross, Leanne Lester, Natasha Pearce, Amy Barnes & Shelley
Beatty (2016): A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in
whole-school actions to reduce bullying, The Journal of Educational Research, DOI:
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Published online: 14 Nov 2016.
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A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole-school
actions to reduce bullying
Donna Cross
, Leanne Lester
, Natasha Pearce
, Amy Barnes
, and Shelley Beatty
Telethon Kids Institute, the University of Western Australia, West Perth, Australia;
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan
University, Joondalup, Australia;
Health Promotion Evaluation Unit, the University of Western Australia, West Perth, Australia
Received 31 March 2016
Revised 23 September 2016
Accepted 25 September 2016
Parents can signicantly affect childrens peer relationships, including their involvement in bullying. The
authors developed and evaluated ways to enhance parentsknowledge, self-efcacy, attitudes, and skills
related to parentchild communication about bullying. The 3-year Friendly Schools Friendly Families
whole-school intervention included a family component, which provided training and resources to
support school teams to engage families in awareness-raising and skill-building activities. Over 3,200
parents of the Grade 2, 4, and 6 cohorts were recruited. For the Grade 2 and 4 cohorts at both 10 and 22
months postintervention, the family component increased parentsself-efcacy to talk about bullying with
their children and their frequency of doing so. Grade 4 parents reported more provictim attitudes at 22
months. No differences were found for the Grade 6 cohort. These data suggest a whole-school capacity-
building intervention in early and middle childhood can improve the likelihood and frequency of positive
parentchild communication about bullying.
Bullying prevention;
longitudinal; parents;
randomized controlled trial;
whole-school interventions
School bullying is of signicant concern to children, parents,
schools and communities, with serious and potentially long-
term impacts on academic achievement, emotional well-being,
and social development. Bullying can be dened as aggressive
and repeated behaviors intended to cause harm to a target,
whodue to a real or perceived power imbalanceis often
unable to defend themselves or stop these behaviors from
occurring (Hemphill, Heerde, & Gomo, 2014). These behaviors
commonly arise in school peer groups, and can take several
forms including face-to-face verbal or physical bullying, covert
(i.e., hidden) behaviors such as spreading rumors or social
exclusion, and cyberbullying (i.e., via Internet or mobile phone;
Cross et al., 2009; Salmivalli, 2010).
In Australia, over one quarter (27%) of students 814 years
old report being bullied, and 9% report bullying others, every
few weeks or more often (Cross et al., 2009). Bullying behaviors
tend to become more prevalent as age increases, peaking
around 1011 years old and again at transition into secondary
schools (Cross et al., 2009).
Although comparisons of bullying prevalence can be unreli-
able due to methodological issues (e.g., Hemphill et al., 2014),
Australian estimates tend to be similar to or slightly higher
than international estimates. In New Zealand 13% of children
813 years old were classied as those who bullied others, while
15% reported being victimized (Raskauskas, Gregory, Harvey,
Rifshana, & Evans, 2010). European and American research
demonstrates considerable variation, with bullying victimiza-
tion ranging from 5% to 40% of children (Craig et al., 2009;
Jansen et al., 2012; Vaillancourt et al., 2010). Nonetheless, bul-
lying behaviors affect a considerable proportion of children,
including those children who are not directly involved but who
may witness and inadvertently reinforce these negative
It is not only the victims of bullying behavior who experi-
ence negative consequences. Bystanders, those who are victim-
ized, and those who target others may each experience
signicant harms as a result of school bullying. Those victim-
ized are at increased risk of experiencing negative emotional
and psychosomatic symptoms (Due et al., 2005; Gini & Pozzoli,
2013; Kowalski & Limber, 2013), as well as poorer social adjust-
ment and academic outcomes (Arseneault et al., 2006; Kowalski
& Limber, 2013). Children who target others or who witness
bullying behaviors also report increased psychosomatic symp-
toms, and internalizing or externalizing problems (Arseneault
et al., 2006; Gini & Pozzoli, 2009; Nishina & Juvonen, 2005).
Importantly, there appear to be long-term behavioral, social,
and psychological consequences for children involved in bully-
ing, whether as a target or an aggressor (Fergusson, Boden, &
Horwood, 2013; Tto, Farrington, L
osel, & Loeber, 2011;
Wolke, Copeland, Angold, & Costello, 2013).
The most effective interventions to reduce harms associated
with school bullying have typically involved multilevel strate-
gies, targeting all members of the school community including
students, their parents and families, teachers and other school
staff (Tto& Farrington, 2009; Vreeman & Carroll, 2007).
Despite widespread acknowledgement of the contribution the
school environment makes to preventing or promoting antiso-
cial student behaviors, parents can play a key role in the devel-
opment of childrens social skills, emotional regulation, and
peer relationships (for a review, see Cross & Barnes, 2014).
CONTACT Donna Cross Telethon Kids Institute, PO Box 855, West Perth, Western Australia 6782, Australia.
© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
According to family systems theory, the family is a dynamic,
interactive, interdependent system with all members contribut-
ing to the patterns of behavior that emerge within it, and there-
fore students must be considered in the context of their family
(Bavelas & Segal, 1982), particularly when studying issues relat-
ing to strategies for dealing with conict, stress, and tensions
between autonomy and connectedness (Cross & Barnes, 2014;
Fingerman & Bermann, 2000).
Several studies have demonstrated an association between
childrens aggressive behavior and problematic family function-
ing (for a review, see Duncan, 2004). For example, children and
adolescents who engage in bullying appear to be more likely to
have parents with authoritarian parenting styles (Georgiou &
Stavrinides, 2013) or ineffective disciplinary approaches
(Snyder, Cramer, Afrank, & Patterson, 2005), report conict or
poor communication with their parents (Georgiou & Stavri-
nides, 2013; Spriggs, Iannotti, Nansel, & Haynie, 2007), and
have family environments characterized by the use of aggres-
sion to solve problems (Roberts & Morotti, 2000). Conversely,
children of overly protective or permissive parents (Georgiou,
2008; Georgiou & Stavrinides, 2013) are at increased risk of vic-
timization. Such associations can be explained by theories of
social learning (Bandura, 1986), in which childrens attitudes
and behaviors are learned from or reinforced by parents, and
by the family systems theory (e.g., Bavelas & Segal, 1982; Cross
& Barnes, 2014), which emphasizes the development of shared
patterns of behavior and coping mechanisms in family environ-
ments that are then applied to other (e.g., peer) contexts.
In contrast, parental factors such as warmth, responsiveness,
support and supervision, and high-quality parentchild com-
munication appear to have a protective effect, with children
being less likely to report victimization and more likely to dem-
onstrate emotional resilience in the event of bullying experien-
ces (Bowes, Maughan, Caspi, Moftt, & Arseneault, 2010;
Georgiou, 2008; Lereya, Samara, & Wolke, 2013). Accordingly,
studies have typically recommended that bullying prevention
programs ensure the participation of parents and families (e.g.,
Healy & Sanders, 2014; Lereya et al., 2013).
Similar recommendations have emerged from reviews of the
most effective elements of school-based bullying interventions,
which characterize parents as signicant contributors to the
success of such efforts. For example, the strategies most associ-
ated with reductions in bullying in reviews by Ttoand Far-
rington (2009,2011) included training for parents or meetings
with parents, and providing information to parents, to assist
them in supporting their children to deal with bullying behav-
iors. Similarly, a meta-analysis conducted by Jim
enez Barbero
et al. (2012) concluded that bullying prevention programs were
more likely to be effective when parents as well as teachers and
students were involved.
Nevertheless, few school-based interventions have included
signicant components involving parents, and most have been
limited by nonrandomized selection of schools, by parent and
student attrition, or by the use of methodologies other than
randomized controlled trials. The Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program, which includes contact with and informational mate-
rials for parents, appears to be most successful in its point of
originBergen, Norwaywith mixed results elsewhere (Cross
et al., 2011; Smith, Schneider, Smith, & Ananiadou, 2004). The
KiVA Antibullying Program in Finland enhances parental
understanding of bullying behavior through written guides and
information nights, and has demonstrated success in reducing
bullying among children and adolescents (Salmivalli, Kaukiai-
nen, & Voeten, 2005). However, outcomes have varied by
school and even by classroom, perhaps due to differing levels of
implementation (K
a et al., 2011), and these studies utilized
time-lag comparisons, rather than randomized control trials,
which would allow direct comparison between groups of stu-
dents who did and did not receive the intervention. The extent
to which the successful outcomes of these interventions could
be generalized to Australian primary school children and their
families is also unclear.
One Australian study that focused on the role of parents in
reducing childrens experiences of bullying victimization
involved a randomized control trial utilizing a targeted
(vs. universal) cognitive-behavioral parenting program, which
also aimed to develop childrens social and emotional skills
(Healy & Sanders, 2014). This parenting program assisted
parents (nD111) of victimized children to work with schools
to support their childrens social development and interactions
with peers. The program resulted in signicant decreases in
these childrens victimization experiences, internalizing symp-
toms and aggression, with increases in their positive attitudes
to school and peers. These ndings suggest that targeted
school-based interventions with strategies to strengthen part-
nerships between parents could be effective in reducing harms
from bullying. However, the targeted study involved only chil-
dren who were chronically bullied (Healy & Sanders, 2014),
and it is unclear if a more universal approach to enhancing par-
ent capacity to help their children prevent harm from bullying
could also be effective.
Here we describe the family component of a three-year
group randomized control trial of a comprehensive whole-
school intervention called Friendly Schools, Friendly Families
(FSFF), which involved over 3,000 parents/carers (study
described in full in Cross et al., 2012; for further discussion of
the need for a family component, see Cross & Barnes, 2014).
The FSFF intervention builds on a previously tested whole-
school intervention that had a limited focus on families (Cross
et al., 2011). According to family systems theory, the dynamics
and inuences within a family unit can have a signicant
impact on childrens behavior in other settings (Christian,
2006). Negative patterns of behavior and maladaptive coping
skills, learned and reinforced at home, may extend into peer
relationships and increase the likelihood of bullying involve-
ment (for review, see Cross & Barnes, 2014).
Thus, in the present study we developed and evaluated a
family component by addressing studentsbullying behavior in
the context of attitudes, expectations, and behavioral patterns
that might be learned or reinforced at home, thereby strength-
ening schoolscapacity to engage parents in actions to reduce
bullying. In the project we aimed to determine the extent to
which a universal parent intervention could encourage parents
to engage more actively in conversations with their children
about bullying, including how to respond as a witness or a tar-
get if bullying occurred.
Using a conceptual framework (see Figure 1) developed by
earlier formative and intervention research (Cross, Pintabona,
Hall, Hamilton, & Erceg, 2004; Cross et al., 2011), we hypothe-
sized that parents/adult carers of second-, fourth-, and sixth-
grade students who received a high dose of the universal FSFF
whole-school and enhanced family intervention would have
increased bullying-related knowledge, increased self-efcacy to
help their children, more positive attitudes to bullying, and be
more able and willing to discuss bullying and help their child
respond to bullying, than would parents/carers who received
the moderate- or low-dose universal intervention (with fewer
family-level activities).
This prospective group-randomized controlled trial, conducted
in Perth, Western Australia, in 20022004, followed three
differently-aged student cohorts recruited from 20 randomly-
selected government primary schools (Cross et al., 2011;Crosset
al., 2012). In Western Australia, primary schools typically accom-
modate students 412 years old (kindergarten to Grade 6), and
within the Perth metropolitan area, there are approximately 305
government primary schools and 165 nongovernment schools.
At baseline, three cohorts of students, their teachers and
parents/carers (henceforth parents) were eligible to participate
in the study. The students were 67 years old (Grade 2 cohort),
89 years old (Grade 4 cohort), and 1011 years old (Grade 6
cohort). The parents of each of these student cohorts are the
focus of this study.
To control for the design effects of clustering and attrition,
21 schools were randomly selected from the pool of all govern-
ment primary schools in the Perth metropolitan area (nD305
schools). To increase equivalence between intervention and
Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the friendly schools friendly families project.
SES Dsocioeconomic status; Cross et al., 2012.
comparison schools prior to randomization, schools were strat-
ied by socioeconomic status (low, moderate, and high socio-
economic status groups using terciles from the Australian
Bureau of Statistics Socioeconomic Index for Areas: Scale of
Disadvantage; McLennan, 1998) and their size according to the
total number of students enrolled in the school (using a median
split with larger schools having >451 total students and
smaller schools 451 total students). Twenty schools partici-
pated in the study and were randomly assigned to one of three
treatment conditions, such that seven would receive high levels
of intervention, six would receive medium levels of interven-
tion, and the remaining seven schools acted as a comparison or
low-dose condition (i.e., using standard, government health
education curricula and bullying policy and practice).
The FSFF study recruited parents using informed passive
consent procedures, and parents were free to withdraw them-
selves or their child from the study at any time. The research
protocol and school, student and parent consent procedures
were approved by the Curtin University Human Research
Ethics Committee. Recruited schools and families were advised
they would receive an updated version of the intervention
resources at the end of the study, should these prove to be
The student, parent and staff cohorts were then exposed to
the high-, moderate- or low-dose versions of the whole-school
intervention and tracked for three years, until the three cohorts
of students were in Grades 4, 6, and 8 (approximately 9, 11,
and 13 years old), respectively (Table 1; Cross et al., 2011; Cross
et al., 2012).
This article describes the data collected from parents at base-
line and during the 10- and 22-month posttests.
To understand more fully the parentsbullying-related knowl-
edge, attitudes, self-efcacy when talking with their children,
and communication behaviors, two questionnaires were devel-
oped for each family. A long questionnaire was given to the
parent the student spoke with the most about social/bullying
issues (as identied by the student), and a shortened version
was given to another parent. In this article we describe only the
parent data from the long questionnaire.
A range of strategies was implemented to maximize parent
participation, including: recruiting parents through their childs
school, having students personalize all correspondence with
their parents, encouraging students to talk with their parents
about completing the questionnaire, providing an envelope for
parents to seal their questionnaires for return to the research
team, and providing small class-based incentives (e.g., stickers)
for returned questionnaires (completed or not completed). Stu-
dents were asked to give the long questionnaire to the parent
who talked with them the most about bullying.
To ensure the same parent completed the questionnaire at
each posttest, several questions were used to remind parents
who had completed the questionnaire in previous years. To
ensure all completed parent questionnaires were treated as con-
dential and used for research purposes only, the project
research staff collected all the parent-sealed envelopes from
each school. Hence, as parents were advised, school staff were
not given an opportunity to see individual parent responses.
Forty-ve percent (nD1,444) of the original cohort of parents
completed surveys at baseline, posttest 1, and posttest 2.
Study variables
The self-reported variables collected from parents in this
study measured their knowledge about childhood bullying
behavior, their self-efcacy to impart bullying-related
knowledge when talking with their child, their attitudes to
bullying, the time they spent communicating with their
child about bullying, their perception of their own ability in
helping their child respond to bullying, and their under-
standing of the priority their childs school placed on bully-
ing prevention (see Appendix). All questionnaire items were
reviewed for face and content validity by an expert panel of
educators, parent educators, bullying prevention researchers,
psychologists, and adult learning specialists.
Parentsknowledge about bullying
To assess parentsknowledge about the behaviors that consti-
tute physical, verbal, and relational bullying, a nine-item test
adapted from Boulton and Underwood (1992) was used. A
knowledge score was calculated by summing the number of
correct items (minimum D0, maximum D9).
Parentsself-efcacy to talk with their child about bullying
To assess parentsself-efcacy regarding talking with their
child, six items asked whether they felt they had enough
knowledge to discuss the following bullying issues with their
child: What bullying is; what to do if they are being bullied;
why they should not bully others; what to do if they see
others being bullied; who they can talk to if they are
being bullied; and how to make friends. A factor analysis
performed on the self-efcacy measure conrmed its
unidimensionality (comparative tindex(CFI)>0.9,
Table 1. Friendly Schools Friendly Families study design.
Grades 2, 4, 6
(March 2002)
Posttest 1
Grades 2, 4, 6
(November 2002)
Posttest 2
Grades 3, 5, 7
(October 2003)
School maintenance
of intervention
Grades 4, 6
(October 2004)
High O1 X1 O2 X2 O3 X6 O4
Moderate O1 X3 O2 X4 O3 X7 O4
Low O1 X5 O2 X5 O3 X1,2 O4
Note. O
Ddata collection; X
Dhigh intervention (whole-school, classroom, individual plus high intensity family and capacity building support for implementation);
Dmoderate intervention (whole-school, classroom, individual plus less intense family and capacity building support for implementation); X
Dlow intervention
(standard school program, brief whole-school intervention and no capacity building support or family component).
The baseline Grade 6 cohort had moved to second-
ary school prior to Posttest 3 and hence was not assessed.
standardized root mean square residual (SMR) <0.10). A
self-efcacy score was calculated by adding the number of
items where parents indicated they had sufcient knowledge
(minimum D0, maximum D6).
Parentsattitudes to bullying behavior
To assess parentspositive and negative attitudes toward bully-
ing behavior, a 10-item scale adapted from the Rigby and Slee
(1991) Provictim scale was used. Items included It makes me
angry when students are bullied,”“Bullying toughens students
up,and Students who are bullied usually deserve what they
get.Parents responded on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging
from 1 (strongly disagree)to5(strongly agree). A positive and
negative attitude score was calculated at each data collection
point for each parent by averaging the six positive attitude
items and the four negative attitude items. Psychometric testing
by Rigby and Slee (1991) indicates the scale has adequate reli-
ability and discriminant validity, though in this study internal
consistency for positive attitudes (CronbachsaD.56) and neg-
ative attitudes (CronbachsaD.65) was found to be low.
Frequency of parentchild communication about bullying
The number of times a parent discussed bullying with their
child was also measured using a six-item categorical index.
The items asked parents how often they have talked with
their children about: what bullying is; what to do if they are
being bullied; why they should not bully others; what to do if
they see others being bullied; who they can talk to if they are
being bullied; and how to make friends. Parents responded
on a 5-point scale with responses including 1 (cantremem-
ber how often)2(never), 3 (12times), 4 (35times), and
5(more than ve times). A score was calculated at each data
collection point for each parent by averaging the six items,
with a higher score reecting a greater frequency of discus-
sion (average aD.93).
Parentsperception of their ability to help their child respond
to bullying
A six-item categorical index was used to measure parentsper-
ception of their ability to help their child respond to bullying.
The items included: Encouraging their child to help others;
encouraging their child to report bullying to adults; discourag-
ing their child from bullying others, inuencing how their child
responds to being bullied, helping their child respond to bully-
ing so it doesnt happen again, and helping their child cope
with bullying more than school can. Parents responded on a
5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (dont know)to5
(a lot). A score was calculated at each time point for each par-
ent by averaging the six items, with a higher score reecting
greater perceptions of skills to make a difference in the reduc-
tion of bullying (average aD.73).
Parentsperception that bullying is a priority at their childs
Parents were also asked whether they believed bullying was a
priority at their childs school. Parents responded on a 4-point
Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (dont know)to4(high
As shown in Table 2, both the FSFF high- and moderate-dose
study conditions comprised four levels of intervention (whole
school, classroom, family, and individual), whereas the low-
dose study condition involved usual schoolparent contact and
whole-school level resources only (Cross et al., 2011; Cross et
al., 2012). The major difference between the moderate- and
high-dose intervention groups was the level of family interven-
tion. The high-dose intervention schools received (a) an addi-
tional 3-hr project team training in each study year to increase
their capacity to engage parents and (b) a series of targeted
awareness raising and skill building home activities for parents
and their families. No additional family activities (beyond
schoolsusual practice) were provided to low-dose study
Theories of social learning and family systems were used to
guide the development of the content and strategies that
formed the family component of the FSFF whole-school inter-
vention (for further discussion, see Bandura, 1986; Cross &
Barnes, 2014). The intervention was designed to systematically
target parenting factors, at high, moderate, and low levels, iden-
tied as being protective of bullying behavior (and other prob-
lem behaviors) including parent modeling, parenting style,
parent bullying attitudes and beliefs, normative standards about
bullying, family management techniques, connectedness and
cohesion, andparticularlyparentchild communication
about bullying.
The family-level activities therefore worked in partner-
ship with parents by building their awareness, attitudes and
self-efcacy to role model, talk with and help their children
to develop social competence and to prevent or respond to
bullying. These activities also aimed to encourage school
and parent communication, and parentsengagement with
the school to reduce student bullying. The activities
included six communication sheets containing self-help
information and activities designed to stimulate parents
discussions with their child about bullying-related issues.
The activities were linked to the classroom curriculum and,
therefore, could be set as home-based activities by the
teacher and delivered home to parents by the students.
Key FSFF messages to parents were delivered in a variety
of ways to maximize their exposure to the information. For
high-dose parents, these included conducting family events
such as a weekend family fun day at the school; school
newsletter items; engaging with the schools parentsand
friendscommittees; involving parents in developing and
disseminating the schools bullying policy; and motivating
parents to be involved through student communication
sheets, where students completed tasks at home with their
family (e.g., family interviews); and, last, via student
Data analysis
SPSS version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) and Stata version 13
(StataCorp, College Station, TX) were used to analyze the data.
Separate multilevel models, which took into account the clus-
tered nature of the data, were used to determine the level of
intervention as a predictor of parentsself-efcacy, skills, atti-
tudes, and knowledge for each grade cohort. All models took
into account parentsperceptions of their engagement with
school, their involvement in school policy development, and the
effectiveness of current school strategies to counteract and deal
with bullying behaviors. Effect sizes representing the differences
in high-, moderate-, and low-dose groups at different time points
were calculated for signicant results using Cohensd.
A total of 3,211 parents completed a survey at baseline
(Table 3). Eighty-three percent of the long questionnaire
respondents were mothers, 14% were fathers, and the remain-
der were stepparents and guardians. A signicantly higher pro-
portion of parents in the high-dose (19%) and moderate-dose
(17%) intervention groups had a university education
compared to parents in the low-dose (11%) intervention group,
(8, N= 3,103) D45.763, p<.001. Fifty-one percent of the
respondents had male children.
Baseline data were collected from 1,077 Grade 2 parents,
1094 Grade 4 parents and 1,040 Grade 6 parents. Two thirds
(nD2,152) of these parents responded at posttest 1 (10
months), and 56% (nD1,784) at posttest 2 (22 months).
Forty-ve percent (nD1,444) of the original cohort of parents
completed surveys at baseline, posttest 1 and posttest 2. No sig-
nicant difference was found between parents who completed
all surveys, and those who did not, with respect to demographic
variables (e.g., education levels and their relationship to their
child), which have previously impacted survey responses. More
low-dose and high-dose intervention parents were lost to fol-
low-up at posttest 2 than moderate-dose intervention parents
(see Table 3). Missing data were due to nonresponse and parent
movement to other schools.
All available data were included in the analyses.
Therewerenosignicant differences at baseline between the
three intervention dose groups for parent-reported self-efcacy,
knowledge, or attitudes toward bullying in Grades 2, 4, or 6 (all
Table 2. Summary of high, moderate, and low intervention components.
Intervention level High intervention Moderate intervention Low intervention
Whole-school level Project team capacity building
6 hr/year whole-school implementation
Ongoing staff support
Audit of school implementation capacity
and feedback
Whole-school implementation manual
and tools
Audit, development, implementation, and
monitoring of:
- Policy
- Ethos (social environment)
- Physical environment
- Management of bullying incidents
Project team capacity building
6 hr/year whole-school implementation
Ongoing staff support
Audit of school implementation capacity
and feedback
Whole-school implementation manual
and tools
Audit, development, implementation,
and monitoring of:
- Policy
- Ethos (social environment)
- Physical environment
- Management of bullying incidents
Whole-school manual describing
general actions schools could
take to reduce bullying
Classroom level Teacher training (2 hr/year)
Curriculumat least two 60-min activities
taught each year
Teacher training (2 hr/year)
Curriculumat least two 60 min
activities taught each year
Standard WA curriculum
(<2 hr/year)
Family level Awareness raising (25 newsletter items, 25-
page parent booklet, ve scripted
assembly items, six songs, and referral
3 hr/year project team parent
engagement training
Two-hour parent workshop
Four six-page parentchild
communication sheets (2002)
Six classroom-home activities (2003)
Awareness raising (25 newsletter items) Standard parentschool contact
Individual level Restorative techniques for management of
3 hr training for school behavior
management staff (2003)
Links encouraged with school
psychologists and other relevant
Restorative techniques for management
of bullying
3 hr training for school behavior
management staff (2003)
Links encouraged with school
psychologists and other relevant
Standard state behavior
management practice
Table 3. Number of participating parents by time point, intervention group and
childs grade.
intervention Total
Grade 2 375 313 389 1,077
Grade 4 360 324 410 1,094
Grade 6 367 279 394 1,040
Total 1,102 916 1193 3,211
Posttest 1
Grade 2 229 212 255 696
Grade 4 234 234 291 759
Grade 6 247 190 260 697
Total 710 636 806 2,152
Posttest 2
Grade 2 198 198 212 608
Grade 4 190 217 241 648
Grade 6 183 176 169 528
Total 571 591 622 1,784
p>.05). At baseline, parents of Grade 2 students in the low-
dose intervention group reported signicantly higher perceptions
of the priority of bullying within their childs school, compared
to parents in the high-dose intervention group (pD.040).
At posttest 1, high-dose intervention parents of Grade 2 stu-
dents more frequently discussed bullying with their children
than moderate-dose (p<.001, dD.36) and low-dose (p<
.001, dD.38) intervention parents, and high-dose intervention
parents of Grade 4 students more frequently discussed bullying
with their children than low-dose (pD.011, dD.21) interven-
tion parents (Table 4). At posttest 2, high-dose intervention
parents of Grade 2 students discussed bullying with their chil-
dren more frequently than low-dose (pD.004, dD.32) inter-
vention parents.
At posttest 1, high-dose intervention parents of Grade 4 stu-
dents reported greater self-efcacy discussing bullying with
their children than moderate-dose (pD.042, dD.10) interven-
tion parents, and less negative attitudes toward bullying at post-
test 2 than moderate-dose (pD.040, dD.13) and low-dose
(pD.030, dD.22) intervention parents (Table 5 and 6).
Intervention implementation
For all Grade cohorts (Grades 2, 4, and 6), a signicantly higher
proportion of parents in the high-dose (86%) and moderate-
dose (87%) intervention groups recalled seeing newsletter items
compared to parents in the low-dose intervention group, who
may have received newsletter items as part of their schoolsusual
Table 4. Level of intervention as a predictor of parent perception of skills by time, intervention group, and grade level.
Baseline Posttest 1 Posttest 2
Skills b(SE)pb(SE)pb(SE)p
Are able to help their child respond to bullying
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .05 (.05) .273 .03 (.05) .510 .01 (.05) .823
Grade 4 .07 (.04) .089 .04 (.05) .375 .03 (.05) .508
Grade 6 .01 (.04) .850 .01 (.05) .965 .07 (.05) .202
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .01 (.04) .900 .05 (.04) .240 .07 (.05) .173
Grade 4 .02 (.04) .636 .05 (.05) .260 .01 (.05) .928
Grade 6 .04 (.04) .342 .01 (.04) .826 .02 (.05) .749
Frequency of discussing bullying with child
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .02 (.09) .870 .34 (.08) <.001
.08 (.08) .352
Grade 4 .02 (.07) .805 .16 (.08) .051 .05 (.09) .601
Grade 6 .13 (.08) .102 .02 (.08) .856 .11 (.13) .371
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .08 (.09) .369 .33 (.08) <.001
.24 (.08) .004
Grade 4 .01 (.06) .950 .20 (.08) .011
.04 (.09) .665
Grade 6 .01 (.07) .996 .13 (.08) .097 .15 (.13) .241
Note. All models take into account engagement, policy involvement, and effectiveness of strategies and clustered nature of the data. Reference category is high
Table 5. Level of intervention as a predictor of bullying knowledge score and self-efcacy in talking to child by time, intervention group and grade level.
Baseline Post 1 Post 2
Knowledge b(SE)pb(SE)pb(SE)p
Bullying knowledge score
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .10 (.12) .371 .12 (.11) .263 .01 (.07) .988
Grade 4 .16 (.13) .237 .14 (.12) .236 .05 (.08) .513
Grade 6 .05 (.15) .760 .08 (.11) .497 .05 (.05) .346
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .14 (.11) .195 .09 (.10) .413 .10 (.07) .829
Grade 4 .04 (.13) .735 .22 (.11) .049 .06 (.07) .396
Grade 6 .03 (.14) .809 .02 (.10) .853 .01 (.06) .801
Self-efcacy in talking to child about bullying
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .08 (.15) .618 .33 (.17) .050 .01 (.15) .976
Grade 4 .24 (.14) .079 .33 (.16) .042
.16 (.15) .304
Grade 6 .03 (.16) .848 .09 (.17) .624 .19 (.17) .254
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .13 (.14) .376 .29 (.16) .065 .21 (.15) .164
Grade 4 .08 (.13) .525 .12 (.15) .425 .17 (.15) .267
Grade 6 .08 (.15) .597 .26 (.16) .104 .22 (.17) .187
Note. All models take into account engagement, policy involvement, and effectiveness of strategies and clustered nature of the data. Reference category is high
care (60%), x
(4, ND2,320) D210.802, p<.001. The majority
of high-dose (71%) and moderate-dose (70%) intervention
parents found the newsletter items helpful. Eighty-four percent
of parents in the high-dose intervention group recalled receiving
the home activity sheets and 78% found these sheets helpful.
The majority of the high-dose intervention parents reported
the home resources increased their knowledge, increased their
condence to talk about bullying, improved their skills to dis-
cuss bullying and improved their understanding of their childs
schools response (Table 7), whereas the majority of the moder-
ate-dose intervention parents reported only an increased
knowledge and an improved understanding of school response.
Around a quarter of high-dose intervention parents reported a
change in attitudes toward bullying or an improvement in their
own behavior.
Fifty-three percent of the high-dose intervention parents
recalled receiving at least one of the six home activity sheets
specically. Of these, 71% of parents read at least one sheet
and talked about it with their child. The majority of high-dose
intervention parents (73%) reported the home activity sheets
increased their childs awareness of how to respond to bullying
at school, while a further 14% reported their child was already
aware, 6% were unsure, and 6% reported little or no change in
The FSFF study recognized that families are central to under-
standing studentsbullying behavior patterns, particularly fam-
ily attitudes, expectations and perspectives (Cross & Barnes,
2014; Duncan, 2004; Georgiou, 2008; Georgiou & Stavrinides,
2013; Lereya et al., 2013). The project focused on the behavior
patterns that may emerge from a family, and how these could
be enhanced or modied by increasing parentsknowledge,
understandings, attitudes, skills, and behaviors in relation to
their childrens experiences of bullying as a bystander, target,
or perpetrator.
Given the research suggesting that parental discomfort when
communicating with their children about problems is associ-
ated with adolescents becoming involved in bullying (Spriggs et
al., 2007), a priority in this study was to enhance parentsself-
efcacy to communicate with their children about bullying and
also to enable them to communicate more effectively and more
often. Accordingly, an important change observed in this study
was parentsincreased self-efcacy and frequency of communi-
cation with their children about bullying, among the high-dose
intervention parents of the Grade 2 and 4 cohorts. Previous
Table 6. Level of intervention as a predictor of positive and negative attitudes toward bullying, and perception of bullying as a school priority, by time and grade level.
Baseline Post 1 Post 2
Attitude b(SE)pb(SE)pb(SE)p
Positive attitude toward bullying
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .01 (.03) .737 .03 (.04) .484 .02 (.04) .683
Grade 4 .01 (.03) .949 .03 (.04) .392 .06 (.04) .157
Grade 6 .05 (.03) .120 .04 (.04) .381 .06 (.06) .349
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .04 (.03) .273 .03 (.04) .470 .03 (.04) .448
Grade 4 .02 (.03) .506 .01 (.04) .767 .01 (.04) .844
Grade 6 .04 (.03) .254 .01 (.04) .806 .08 (.06) .187
Negative attitude toward bullying
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .06 (.06) .327 .09 (.09) .339 .06 (.10) .549
Grade 4 .06 (.05) .166 .02 (.05) .656 .10 (.05) .040
Grade 6 .01 (.04) .954 .10 (.06) .084 .04 (.06) .449
Intervention: Low
Grade 2 .09 (.06) .149 .16 (.09) .068 .11 (.10) .295
Grade 4 .02 (.04) .580 .02 (.05) .722 .12 (.05) .030
Grade 6 .03 (.04) .398 .06 (.06) .282 .06 (.06) .278
Bullying is a school priority
Intervention: moderate
Grade 2 .02 (.09) .787 .10 (.09) .262 .02 (.08) .834
Grade 4 .02 (.11) .878 .04 (.07) .563 .06 (.11) .566
Grade 6 .12 (.07) .069 .04 (.07) .628 .08 (.08) .344
Intervention: low
Grade 2 .17 (.08) .040
.08 (.09) .398 .03 (.08) .698
Grade 4 .09 (.10) .373 .01 (.07) .878 .12 (.11) .267
Grade 6 .20 (.06) .001 .03 (.07) .693 .03 (.08) .714
Note. All models take into account engagement, policy involvement, and effectiveness of strategies and clustered nature of the data. Reference category is high
Table 7. Impact of level of posttest 1 intervention on parents
Increased knowledge 71.1% 68.5%
Increased condence to talk
about bullying
54.9% 45.7%
Improved skills to discuss bullying 60.1% 47.4%
Changed attitudes toward bullying 22.7% 17.1%
Improved my behaviors 26.3% 23.7%
Improved understanding of
school response
61.5% 71.4%
Multiple responses allowed.
research found that adolescents who talked more frequently
about their actions and activities to their mother or father were
less likely to report having bullied others or having been bullied
(Georgiou & Stavrinides, 2013). Moreover, parents beginning
discussions with their children about ways to prevent and cope
with bullying from an early age, as was shown with the Grade 2
cohort in this study, may help to enhance behavioral and social
outcomes in later childhood and adolescence, and encourage
those children to seek their parentssupport and advice about
bullying incidents should they occur.
The majority of high- and medium-dose parents in this
study reported that the resources helped them increase their
childs awareness of bullying and how to respond to bullying.
Importantly, the high-dose parents also reported that the home
activity sheets helped them increase their bullying-related
knowledge, their condence to talk about bullying prevention
and management, and improve their understanding of their
childs schools response to bullying. Interestingly, the moder-
ate-dose parents also indicated the home activities they received
increased their knowledge and understanding of their schools
response to bullying, but also reported these lower-dose activi-
ties did not improve their self-efcacy skills or the frequency of
their conversations with their children.
When considering these FSFF parent ndings in conjunction
with the positive FSFF student ndings, reported elsewhere
(Cross et al., 2012), it is reasonable to suggest the high-dose fam-
ily intervention component of the FSFF whole-school program
may have contributed to the overall reduction in student victimi-
zation and perpetration rates. The 3-year FSFF student outcome
trial found signicantly lower bullying and victimization rates in
the high-dose intervention group compared to the low-dose
intervention group. Consistent with the FSFF student ndings,
the parent ndings in this study were most signicant for the
high-dose intervention Grade 4 cohort compared to the low-
dose intervention group (Cross et al., 2012). The Grade 4 cohort
of high-dose intervention parents in this study reported talking
more often with their children about bullying, higher self-efcacy
to do so, and fewer poor attitudes to bullying over time com-
pared to the low- and moderate-dose intervention groups.
Though most of the respondents to the long survey in this
study were the childrens mothers, paternal involvement has
also been found to be strongly associated with bullying behav-
ior, particularly when maternal involvement is low (Flouri &
Buchanan, 2003). Fathersinvolvement has also been found to
buffer the impact of bullying on boyswellbeing and contribute
more strongly to life satisfaction among boys who were fre-
quently bullied (Flouri & Buchanan, 2002). Additionally, the
involvement of both parents (i.e., time together, displays of
affection, and talking together) in a childs life reduces aggres-
sive behavior for boys (Harachi et al., 2006) and is signicantly
associated with less bullying victimization (Flouri & Buchanan,
2002), especially among 1319-year-old boys.
Hence, while family systems theory refers to developing
shared patterns of behavior and coping mechanisms in family
environments, it may be necessary to focus on enabling and
encouraging all individual members of this context, especially
fathers or male carers, to be more involved in conversations
about bullying prevention with their children. While the FSFF
high-dose intervention aimed to actively engage with both
parents to motivate them to talk more frequently to their chil-
dren about bullying, and also tried to collect data about the
effectiveness of this involvement from both parents via the long
and short versions of the questionnaire used in this study,
future studies may benet from encouraging the active partici-
pation of fathers in particular.
The ndings in this study suggest the resources distributed
to only the high-dose intervention groups were perceived by
parents to be memorable, readable, useful, and helpful to guide
how to talk about bullying with their children. This is an
important nding, as, according to RogersDiffusion of Inno-
vations Theory (Rogers, 2003), successful adoption of an inno-
vation (e.g., this parent intervention) is inuenced by several
features of the innovation itself. These include the benets it
offers over previous knowledge/practices, its compatibility with
the target groups values and needs, its complexity, opportuni-
ties to practice, and whether outcomes are readily observable.
To increase the likelihood of parents positively affecting
their childrens peer relationships, they must begin by develop-
ing and practicing their skills, with support and encouragement
from the school (Pearce, 2010; Rogers, 2003). While the moder-
ate-dose parents also indicated their home activities increased
their knowledge and understanding of their schoolsresponse
to bullying, their condence to discuss and frequency of discus-
sions with their child did not improve. This suggests that higher
intensity contact with parents, with a specic focus on skill-
building to enhance parentchild communication, is an impor-
tant step for schools to improve parent capacity to prevent
bullying behaviors.
The design of the FSFF study attempted to address some weak-
nesses identied in reviews of previous whole-school bullying
intervention research (Smith et al., 2004; Vreeman & Carroll,
2007). It embedded family engagement in a whole-school
approach to bullying prevention, actively engaged parents/
carers in the delivery of antibullying-related knowledge and
skills, and encouraged them to deliver this content to their chil-
dren. The study also used a longitudinal study design, random
assignment to condition, appropriate comparison conditions,
analyses that adjusted for clustering of individuals in schools,
and had adequate power to detect moderate effects.
However, this study was still affected by several methodolog-
ical limitations. First, the data reported in this article were col-
lected using parent self-report measures, which may not accord
with childrens experiences. Second, despite the random
sampling of schools, parents in the high- and moderate-dose
intervention groups reported higher levels of education at base-
line than those in the low-dose intervention group. Although
the analyses controlled for baseline differences, higher levels of
parental education have been associated with lower victimiza-
tion levels experienced by their children (see Jansen et al.,
2012). As such, the intervention effects may have been spuri-
ously inated with more educated parents being more likely to
engage with school initiatives. Alternatively, the moderate- and
high-dose parents may have been less interested in the inter-
vention because of their childrens reduced likelihood of being
bullied, compared to the low-dose parents with lower levels of
education. In this case, this studys low-dose parents may have
been more motivated in their efforts to reduce bullying with
their children, which in turn may have reduced the observed
intervention effects.
Third, the cohort attrition rate for the study was 56%, hence
the parents who remained in the study (across all intervention
groups) may have been more proactive and engaged generally
than those lost to follow-up. It is not clear why more low- and
high-dose parents were lost to follow-up. In previous interven-
tion research, we have observed that more comparison group
(low-dose) parents sometimes drop out because they have
felt less engaged and committed to the research project. Some
of the high-dose parents may have felt more fatigued by the
intervention, although this was not evident in the process data.
Finally, our study results were tempered by a contaminated
control group. According to Cohens categories, this study
found small (dD.2) to moderate (dD.5) positive effects
related to frequency of discussion of bullying, self-efcacy, and
negative attitudes toward bullying (Cohen, 1988). As identied
by Smith, Ananiadou, and Cowie (2003), we could not assume
that schools randomly assigned to the control (low-dose) con-
dition were not engaged in other anti-bullying interventions.
However, Flay, Graumlich, Segawa, Burns, and Holliday (2004)
concurred that it is necessary to compare multicomponent pro-
grams with the best school programs of known effectiveness to
estimate the contribution of the new intervention over and
above the currently used school program. This study used two
lower intensity interventions, the rst equivalent to the best
that would be used in schools adopting a new whole-school
bullying prevention program (i.e., moderate dose) and the sec-
ond (i.e., low dose) supporting schools to implement their usual
practice to reduce bullying.
Many school staff describe challenges in proactively engaging
parents or families in whole-school programs, especially those
designed to reduce bullying. Our ndings suggest that engaging
parents to determine their bullying prevention self-efcacy
needs, and then involving them where possible in the delivery of
this content to their children, increases parentchildren commu-
nication about bullying. The high-dose parent intervention may
also have increased the willingness of and opportunities for
school staff to engage with parents, or boosted parent condence
to engage with their childrens school/teachers about bullying.
It therefore appears worthwhile to actively engage parents in
the primary school environment, especially in the early years
(at 68 years old) prior to the development of patterns of bully-
ing behavior, and during the middle childhood years (9
11 years old) when bullying is beginning to peak, although this
may be of less importance when students reach adolescence
(Cross et al., 2009).
Future researchers need to investigate childrens perceptions
of the frequency, content, and quality of their discussions with
their parents; the consistency and quality of bullying preven-
tion conversations parents have with their children; the impact
of schoolfamily partnerships on staff and parentscommuni-
cation and their reliance on each other to help reduce bullying;
and the longitudinal effects of parenting style.
This study provides further evidence to enhance policy and
practice for education systems and schools, about when and what
schools can do to most effectively enable parent involvement in
whole-school approaches to reduce student bullying behavior.
The authors thank the following people for their contribution to this proj-
ect: Dr. Clare Roberts, Erin Erceg, Dr. Marg Hall, Dr. Therese Shaw, Dr.
Sharyn Burns, Dr. Stacey Waters, Coosje Grifths, Anne Valenti, Joanne
Graham-Smith, Dr. Laura Thomas, and Helen Monks. The participation
of 20 study schools and pilot schools, their staff, parents, and students is
gratefully acknowledged.
This research was supported by the Western Australian Health Promotion
Foundation (Healthway) through research grant 10574.
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These questions were included in the parent questionnaire and provided the data for this paper. The full instrument can be
obtained by contacting the authors.
Q5. How would you rate the priority your childs school places on addressing bullying?. (please circle one number only)
Q11. As a parent/caregiver, how much of a difference do you believe you can make to the reduction of bullying? (please
circle one number for each statement)
Q13. Do you think bullying is: (please circle one number for each statement)
Q14. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (please circle one number for
each statement)
a LOW priority 1
bMEDIUM priority 2
cHIGH priority 3
d Dont know 4
A lot Somewhat A little Not at all Dont know
a I can encourage my Year 4 child to help someone who is being bullied 1 2 3 4 5
b I can encourage my Year 4 child to report bullying to adults 1 2 3 4 5
c I can discourage my Year 4 child from bullying others 1 2 3 4 5
d I can inuence how my Year 4 child responds to being bullied. 1 2 3 4 5
e I can help how my Year 4 child responds to being bullied so that
it doesnt happen again.
12 34 5
f I can help my Year 4 child cope with bullying more than the school can. 1 2 3 4 5
Yes No Dont know
a Calling someone names often 1 2 3
b Hitting, kicking and pushing someone again and again 1 2 3
c Often leaving someone out 1 2 3
d Saying nasty things about someone again and again 1 2 3
e Getting into a ght with someone 1 2 3
f Hiding or breaking someones things often 1 2 3
g Forcing someone to do things they dont want to do again and again 1 2 3
h Often saying you are going to hurt someone 1 2 3
i Giving a mean look to someone again and again 1 2 3
Note. Adapted from Boulton and Underwood (1992).
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Unsure
a It makes me angry when students are bullied 1 2 3 4 5
b Bullying toughens students up 1 2 3 4 5
cIts up to parents, not teachers, to teach their children how to respond to bullying 1 2 3 4 5
d Students who bully are unlikely to change their behaviour unless they get help 1 2 3 4 5
e It is the responsibility of ALL school staff to stop bullying 1 2 3 4 5
f Students who are bullied usually deserve what they get 1 2 3 4 5
g Students who are bullied should cope with it on their own 1 2 3 4 5
h Teachers should do more to prevent bullying from happening 1 2 3 4 5
i Teachers should play more than a policing role in stopping bullying,
they should also aim to change studentsattitudes about bullying.
123 4 5
j Students who complain about bullying are usually telling tales123 4 5
Note. Adapted from the Pro-victim Scale (Rigby & Slee, 1991)
Q32. Do you feel have enough knowledge to TALK WITH your Year 4 child about the following? (please circle one number
for each statement)
Q33. How often in Term 1, did you discuss the following topics with your Year 4 child? (please circle one number for each
No Somewhat Yes Unsure
a What bullying is 1 2 3 5
b What to do if he/she is being bullied 1 2 3 5
c Why he/she should not bully others 1 2 3 5
d What to do if he/she sees other people being
e Who he/she can talk to if he/she is being bullied 1 2 3 5
f How to make friends 1 2 3 5
More than 5 times 3-5 times 1-2 times Never Cant remember how often
a What bullying is 1 2 3 4 5
b What to do if he/she is being bullied 1 2 3 4 5
c Why he/she should not bully others 1 2 3 4 5
d What to do if he/she sees other people being bullied 1 2 3 4 5
e Who he/she can talk to if he/she are being bullied 1 2 3 4 5
f How to make friends 1 2 3 4 5
... A Figura 1 apresenta o fluxograma do processo de busca e seleção dos textos. (Bonell et al., 2018;Desmet et al., 2018;Niejenhuis et al., 2019;Zagorscak et al., 2018), seguido por Ásia (Lang, 2018;Nieh & Wu, 2018;Salimi et al., 2019;Sultana et al., 2018) e Oceania (Cross et al., 2018;Farmer et al., 2017). Nenhum estudo foi realizado na América ou na África, conforme apresentado na Tabela 1. Todos os artigos foram publicados em inglês, o que pode garantir maior visibilidade internacional. ...
... Os sete artigos com abordagem whole school ou multidimensional envolveram uma combinação de diversas atividades como a criação de regras de sala, aulas sobre bullying para agressores, vítimas e pares, métodos não punitivos, informação e formação para professores e familiares, aumento de supervisão e uso de recursos tecnológicos e interativos como jogos. Referente à efetividade das intervenções, a maioria (70%) apresentou resultados significativos na redução do bullying ou cyberbullying (Salimi et al., 2019;Bonell et al., 2018;Cross et al., 2018;DeSmet et al., 2018;Zagorscak et al., 2018;Farmer et al., 2017;Sultana et al.,2018). ...
... O objetivo desta revisão foi analisar os resultados de intervenções desenvolvidas em escolas na prevenção ou redução da ocorrência de bullying e cyberbullying. Verificou-se que a maioria das intervenções apresentaram resultados significativos no que se refere à redução ou prevenção da ocorrência nas escolas (Salimi et al., 2019;Bonell et al., 2018;Cross et al., 2018;Desmet et al., 2018;Zagorscak et al., 2018;Farmer et al., 2017;Sultana et al., 2018). Porém algumas não produziram resultados significativos (Niejenhuis et al., 2019;Lang, 2018;Nieh & Wu, 2018). ...
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Existem lacunas no contexto latinoamericano no que se refere à divulgação resultados de intervenções antibullying na escola, desta forma, pretendeu-se analisar os resultados de ações para prevenção ou redução da ocorrência de bullying e cyberbullying. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. O levantamento bibliográfico ocorreu nas bases de dados LILACS, PsycINFO, SciELO, SCOPUS e Web of Science. Foram incluídos apenas ensaios clínicos randomizados no ambiente escolar. Um total de nove estudos foram incluídos na revisão, sendo avaliados como de alta qualidade metodológica. Esta revisão sintetiza conhecimentos obtidos com estudos realizados em diversos países, esclarecendo limitações e contribuições de programas experimentais voltados a estudantes, pais e equipe escolar, o que possibilita reflexões para futuras intervenções.
... In total, 65 reports on 27 studies of 22 interventions were included. Sixteen of these were process evaluations, covering 13 studies and 10 interventions [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. Of these ten interventions, one was delivered to children approximating to English primary school age [5][6][7][8][9][10]38], six to children of English secondary school age (age [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] and three to children whose ages spanned these ranges. ...
... [24] Four studies were judged as of low quality and low utility [27,28,33,34]. Three studies were rated as of high [31,32] or medium reliability, [29] but low utility ( Table 2). ...
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Background Whole-school interventions go beyond classroom health education to modify the school environment to promote health. A sub-set aim to promote student commitment to school to reduce substance use and violence (outcomes associated with low commitment). It is unclear what factors influence implementation of such interventions. Methods We conducted a systematic review including synthesis of evidence from process evaluations examining what factors affect implementation. Meta-ethnographic synthesis was informed by May’s General Theory of Implementation. Results Sixteen reports, covering 13 studies and 10 interventions were included in our synthesis. In terms of May’s concept of ‘sense-making’, we found that school staff were more likely to understand what was required in implementing an intervention when provided with good-quality materials and support. Staff could sometimes wilfully or unintentionally misinterpret interventions. In terms of May’s concept of ‘cognitive participation’, whereby staff commit to implementation, we found that lack of intervention adaptability could in particular undermine implementation of whole-school elements. Interventions providing local data were reported as helping build staff commitment. School leaders were more likely to commit to an intervention addressing an issue they already intended to tackle. Collaborative planning groups were reported as useful in ensuring staff ‘collective action’ (May’s term for working together) to enact interventions. Collective action was also promoted by the presence of sufficient time, leadership and relationships. Implementation of whole-school interventions took time to build. Considering May’s concept of ‘reflexive monitoring’ (formal or informal review of progress), this was important in assessing and enhancing implementation. ‘Quick wins’ could help maintain collective impetus to implement further intervention activities. Conclusion We identified novel factors influencing implementation of whole-school elements such as: local adaptability of interventions; providing local data to build commitment; interventions addressing an issue already on school leaders’ agenda; collaborative planning groups; and ‘reflexive monitoring’ as an explicit intervention component.
... However, there are studies that suggest parental involvement is appropriate for the developmental phase of emerging adulthood and the context of the transition to university (Lowe & Dotterer, 2018). Also, a mixed methods study conducted in Pakistan found that universitylevel students prefer to solve their problems independently without involving their parents, but there is also evidence that parent involvement in addressing misbehavior or bullying has led to positive outcomes compared to institutional efforts alone (Cross et al., 2018;Van Niejenhuis et al., 2020). A similar difference was observed in data in which university instructors rarely involved parents in addressing bullying issues (Gaffney et al., 2021;Kolbert et al., 2014). ...
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The presence of bullying and cyberbullying in Pakistani primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions has been widely studied. The detrimental effects of these forms of aggression on students’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being have been extensively documented. However, there is little literature describing how teachers in their professional institutions have addressed bullying using common approaches. In a cross-sectional survey, we collected data from 454 teachers working in various educational institutions in Pakistan. One-way ANOVAs indicate that severe punitive measures are still the most commonly used strategy by teachers in Pakistan to deal with bullying. We also found that primary school teachers are more likely to involve parents in solving the problems compared to higher educational institutions. Moreover, teachers from rural backgrounds were less likely to punish students and less likely to intervene in bullying incidents. The reasons for these behaviors are discussed in the discussion section. It is recommended that educators be trained to be able to address these issues with other effective strategies, such as empowering victims and counseling bullies more frequently.
... Parents can have a positive and profound influence on their children's behavioral development for three main reasons: Firstly, by investing in and guiding their children's education, parents pass on their ideas about the importance of education, allowing their children to internalize these values and put them into practice in daily behavior [16][17][18]. Secondly, parents can establish links with their children's teachers and peers and selectively supervise them in a relatively closed social network [19]. Thirdly, parents have the advantage of being 'insiders' and have access to a wide range of information to better inform and correct their children when a problem behavior occurs [17,18]. ...
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Adolescent behavior is closely related to academic and long-term personal development, and adolescents are vulnerable to the influences from people around them. This study aimed to analyze the factors and mechanisms that influence the behavior of adolescents. It examines the impact of family, teachers, and peers on adolescent prosocial behavior and misconduct. Data were obtained from the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) follow-up data (2014–2015 school year) and 7835 middle school student participants were used for analysis. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to explore the influence and mechanisms of family, teachers, and peers on the development of adolescent social behavior. The findings showed that parental relationships, parental discipline, teacher supervision, and positive peer behavior were positively associated with adolescent prosocial behaviors and reduced the incidence of delinquent behaviors, while frequent home–school contact was associated with misconduct (all p < 0.01). These results remained significant after controlling for gender, residence, only-child status, family financial situation, and paternal education. Significant others in an adolescent’s life play multiple essential roles in forming and developing adolescent behavior and in directly influencing them. To guide the prosocial behaviors of middle school students and reduce delinquent behavior, we should build harmonious parent—child, peer, and teacher–student relationships, teach according to their aptitudes, pay attention to particular groups and strengthen psychological health education to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Bullying was a concerning issue among pre-schoolers within kindergarten settings, though its definition remained debated. This research’s aim is to uncover the forms of bullying, its causes, and impacts on children, as well as the intervention programs implemented by early childhood education teachers. This research engaged 87 teachers in anti-violence training, collecting data via bullying worksheets and interviews with 18 preschool teachers. The results showed that in early childhood education, verbal bullying involved the use of degrading words, while physical bullying included actions that hurt the victim's body. Relational bullying impacted social exclusion, whereas emotional bullying focused on hurting the victim's feelings. Internal causes included aggressive tendencies and low social values, while external causes included negative environmental influences and upbringing. Victims experienced depression, isolation, and learning disorders. The abuser might lose empathy, have difficulty forming relationships, and show aggressive behavior in the future. Teachers communicated openly with perpetrators and victims to help understand the root causes of behavior and provide emotional support. Follow-up actions taken by early childhood education institutions included counseling, developing empathy and social skills, strengthening positive values, and creating a safe environment. Parental involvement through education and open communication was also an important factor in creating a conducive environment for positive child development and preventing bullying.
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Background Whole-school interventions modify the school environment to promote health. A subset of these interventions promotes student commitment to school to prevent substance (tobacco, alcohol, other drugs) use and/or violence. A previous review identified the theory of human functioning and school organisation as a comprehensive theory of such interventions, and found evidence that these interventions reduce substance use and/or violence. Objectives The objectives were to search for, appraise and synthesise evidence to address the following questions: (1) What whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and/or violence have been evaluated, what intervention subtypes are apparent and how closely do these align with the theory of human functioning and school organisation? (2) What factors relating to setting, population and intervention affect implementation? (3) What are the effects on student substance use, violence and educational attainment? (4) What is the cost-effectiveness of such interventions? (5) Are intervention effects mediated by student commitment to school or moderated by setting or population? Data sources A total of 56 information sources were searched (in January 2020), then an updated search of 48 of these was carried out (in May 2021). Reference lists were also searched and experts were contacted. Review methods Eligible studies were process/outcome evaluations of whole-school interventions to reduce student violence or substance use among students aged 5–18 years attending schools, via actions aligning with the theory of human functioning and school organisation: modifying teaching to increase engagement, enhancing student–staff relationships, revising school policies, encouraging volunteering or increasing parental involvement. Data extraction and quality assessments used existing tools. Theory and process reports were synthesised qualitatively. Outcome and economic data were synthesised narratively; outcome data were meta-analysed. Results Searches retrieved 63 eligible reports on 27 studies of 22 interventions. We identified four intervention subtypes focused on student participation in school-wide decisions, improving staff–student relationships, increasing engagement in learning and involving parents. The theories of change of most intervention subtypes aligned closely with the theory of human functioning and school organisation, and informed refinement of an intervention theory of change. Theories of change for interventions increasing learning engagement did not align with this theory, aiming instead to increase school commitment primarily via social skills curricula. Factors influencing the implementation included whether or not interventions were tailorable, workable and well explained. Interventions with action groups comprising staff/students, etc. and providing local data were well implemented. Implementation was also affected by whether or not schools accepted the need for change and staff had the resources for delivery. Meta-analyses suggest small, but significant, intervention effects in preventing violence victimisation and perpetration, and substance use. There was sparse and inconsistent evidence of moderation and some evidence of mediation by student commitment to school. Two economic evaluations suggested that there is the potential for the interventions to be cost-effective. Limitations The quality of the studies was variable and the economic synthesis was limited to two studies. Conclusions Whole-school interventions aiming to promote student commitment to school share similar theories of change and factors affecting implementation. They have the potential to contribute to preventing violence and substance use among young people. Future trials should aim to optimise intervention effectiveness by better theorisation, and assess implementation and effect moderators and mediators. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42019154334. Funding This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme (NIHR award ref: 17/151/05) and is published in full in Public Health Research ; Vol. 12, No. 2. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.
The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of parent training designed as a companion module to a bullying bystander intervention (STAC) for middle school students in rural communities. Parents ( N = 23) invited from three rural middle schools viewed a parent training and completed measures to assess limited efficacy through immediate program outcomes (e.g., knowledge, confidence, self-efficacy, attitudes, behavioral intentions) and program feasibility, as well as participated in focus groups to provide feedback about program acceptability, demand, practicality, and online delivery adaptation. Parents reported increases in knowledge and confidence in supporting their adolescents to intervene in bullying situations, confidence and comfort in managing bullying, bullying self-efficacy, communication self-efficacy, responsibility to actively engage in bullying prevention, and anti-bullying attitudes from pre-training to post-training. Parents also reported behavioral intentions to use strategies they learned to support their adolescents to intervene in bullying situations. Further, parents’ responses suggested high levels of program acceptability, as well as interest in an interactive, self-paced online parent training. Themes from focus groups ( n = 12) revealed a need for bullying prevention training for both students and parents in rural communities and found the training to be useful, easy to understand, and relevant and appropriate for their community. Parents identified barriers including cost, time, program flexibility, and the importance of parent buy-in. Parents also provided feedback specific to an online training, including a preference for a smartphone application and design elements to increase engagement. Implications for program development for rural communities are discussed.
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El bullying o acoso escolar es una forma de hostigamiento constante, en el cual existe la intencionalidad de causar daño a otra persona y que evidencia un desbalance de poder entre víctima y victimario; en tanto que, el cyberbullying o ciberacoso es muy similar, aunque con la particularidad de que incluye la utilización de nuevas tecnologías y redes sociales para descalificar, humillar y acosar a otros estudiantes. El presente artículo tiene como objetivos: describir las consecuencias que se derivan del bullying y cyberbullying entre adolescentes y examinar las propuestas de intervención psicoterapéutica más referidas frente a tales formas de acoso. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía de los últimos 5 años (2018-2023), empleando las bases de datos: Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed y Lilac y Google Scholar; en la selección de la información se empleó el método PRISMA obteniéndose 32 artículos con los que se desarrolló esa investigación. Se obtuvo como resultado que las consecuencias del bullying y cyberbullying son: depresión, trastorno de estrés postraumático, ideación y riesgo suicida, baja autoestima, conductas autolesivas, consumo o dependencia de alcohol y estupefacientes, quejas somáticas y bajo rendimiento académico. A su vez, se constató que son 2 los modelos psicoterapéuticos mayormente referidos: la Terapia Cognitiva Conductual y la Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual. Ambas ayudan significativamente en la reducción de la victimización física y verbal, depresión, ansiedad, ideación suicida y conductas autolesivas de los adolescentes acosados.
Objectives: Whole-school interventions that promote student commitment to school are a promising modality to reduce health inequalities through school-level change; however, evidence for the effectiveness of these interventions in improving policy-relevant health outcomes, such as substance use and violence, has not been comprehensively synthesised. Study design: This was a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: We searched 20 databases and a range of other sources to identify randomised trials meeting our intervention definition and reporting substance use and violence outcomes. Extracted effect estimates were meta-analysed using robust variance estimation with random effects, separating effects <1 year from baseline and effects at or more than 1 year from baseline. Results: We included 18 evaluations with varying risk of bias. Pooled effects suggested significant impacts on short-term (odds ratio [OR] = 0.85, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.76, 0.96) and long-term (OR = 0.79, 95% CI 0.65, 0.98) violence perpetration, short-term (OR = 0.84, 95% CI 0.72, 0.98) and long-term (OR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.73, 0.99) violence victimisation, and short-term (OR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.70, 0.97) and long-term (OR = 0.79, 95% CI 0.62, 0.998) substance use outcomes, with effects relatively stable between short-term and long-term analyses. Stratifying substance use meta-analyses by type (e.g. smoking, alcohol) did not impact results. All meta-analyses had substantial heterogeneity. Conclusion: Although diverse in content, interventions appear effective with respect to the review outcomes and as a form of universal prevention. Future research should consider contextual contingencies in intervention effectiveness, given considerable policy and practice interest in these interventions and the need to support schools in effective decision-making as to intervention choice.
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Bullying is a serious problem for schools, parents, and public-policymakers alike. Bullying creates risks of health and social problems in childhood, but it is unclear if such risks extend into adulthood. A large cohort of children was assessed for bullying involvement in childhood and then followed up in young adulthood in an assessment of health, risky or illegal behavior, wealth, and social relationships. Victims of childhood bullying, including those that bullied others (bully-victims), were at increased risk of poor health, wealth, and social-relationship outcomes in adulthood even after we controlled for family hardship and childhood psychiatric disorders. In contrast, pure bullies were not at increased risk of poor outcomes in adulthood once other family and childhood risk factors were taken into account. Being bullied is not a harmless rite of passage but throws a long shadow over affected people's lives. Interventions in childhood are likely to reduce long-term health and social costs.
It has been suggested that bullying behavior at school may be linked to parenting and family characteristics. Based on data from 1,147 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years in Britain, this study explored whether father involvement can protect against offspring bullying behavior. Results showed that low father involvement and low mother involvement contributed significantly and independently to bullying behavior in adolescents. Neither the association between father involvement and bullying nor the one between mother involvement and bullying was higher for sons than for daughters. There was evidence showing that the impact of the father-child relationship depended on the closeness of the mother-child relationship in that father involvement protected more when mother involvement was lower.
This article addresses Systems Theory as it applies to school-age children's bullying behavior. It focuses on the interrelationships, mutual influences, and dynamics of relationships within the family, and how these may affect children's behavior toward their peers. The theory helps to explain the ways family patterns are reflected in children's negative interactions with peers, particularly bullying behavior. As such, Systems Theory was used to guide development of the content and strategies that formed the family component of Friendly Schools Friendly Families, a whole-school bullying prevention intervention. The intervention was designed to systematically target parenting factors identified as protective of bullying behavior and other problem behaviors, including parent–child communication, parent modelling, parenting style, parent bullying attitudes and beliefs, normative standards about bullying, family management techniques, connectedness, and cohesion. This whole-school program thus actively engaged and enhanced the self-efficacy of both parents and teachers, and was found to be effective in reducing bullying behavior.
This study examined the developmental processes linking childhood bullying to criminal offending in adulthood, using data from a 30-year longitudinal study. The linkages between bullying in childhood and three criminal offending outcomes in adulthood were estimated both before and after control for a range of confounding factors. A series of protective factors that potentially mediated these linkages were also examined. The results of the study showed that while the majority of the association between childhood bullying and adult offending could be explained by confounding factors including childhood externalizing behavior, there was evidence for direct linkages from bullying to violent offending and arrest/conviction. There was little evidence to suggest mediation of the associations. The results suggest that bullying prevention requires interventions aimed specifically at bullying behavior.
This study examined the effects of a family intervention on victimization and emotional distress of children bullied by peers. The intervention, Resilience Triple P, combined facilitative parenting and teaching children social and emotional skills relevant to developing strong peer relationships and addressing problems with peers. Facilitative parenting is parenting which supports the development of children’s peer relationship skills. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 111 families who reported chronic bullying of children aged six to 12 years. Families were randomly allocated to either an immediate start to Resilience Triple P (RTP) or an assessment control (AC) condition. Assessments involving children, parents, teachers and observational measures were conducted at 0 (pre), 3 (post) and 9 months follow-up. RTP families had significantly greater improvements than AC families on measures of victimization, child distress, child peer and family relationships, including teacher reports of overt victimization (d = 0.56), child internalizing feelings (d = 0.59), depressive symptoms (d = 0.56), child overt aggression towards peers (d = 0.51), acceptance by same sex and opposite sex peers (d = 0.46/ 0.60), and child liking school (d = 0.65). Families in both conditions showed significant improvements on most variables over time including child reports of bullying in the last week reducing to a near zero and indistinguishable from the normative sample. The intervention combining facilitative parenting and social and emotional skills training for children produced better results than the comparison assessment control condition. This study demonstrated that family interventions can reduce victimization and distress and strengthen school efforts to address bullying.
Background and objective: A previous meta-analysis showed that being bullied during childhood is related to psychosomatic problems, but many other studies have been published since then, including some longitudinal studies. We performed a new meta-analysis to quantify the association between peer victimization and psychosomatic complaints in the school-aged population. Methods: We searched online databases up to April 2012, and bibliographies of retrieved studies and of narrative reviews, for studies that examined the association between being bullied and psychosomatic complaints in children and adolescents. The original search identified 119 nonduplicated studies, of which 30 satisfied the prestated inclusion criteria. Results: Two separate random effects meta-analyses were performed on 6 longitudinal studies (odds ratio = 2.39, 95% confidence interval, 1.76 to 3.24) and 24 cross-sectional studies (odds ratio = 2.17, 95% confidence interval, 1.91 to 2.46), respectively. Results showed that bullied children and adolescents have a significantly higher risk for psychosomatic problems than non-bullied agemates. In the cross-sectional studies, the magnitude of effect size significantly decreased with the increase of the proportion of female participants in the study sample. No other moderators were statistically significant. Conclusions: The association between being bullied and psychosomatic problems was confirmed. Given that school bullying is a widespread phenomenon in many countries around the world, the present results indicate that bullying should be considered a significant international public health problem.