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Crosroads 8 (October 2013)
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming
Dynasty Sources
Little is known about diplomatic relations between the Qazaq Khanate and
Ming China, even though some evidence of early tribute trade relations exists.
The first extant Chinese account about the country of Asibie 阿思癿 dates to
around 1452, when accounts of diplomatic exchange between the Ming court
and the Qazaq Khanate began to appear in Ming shilu 明實錄. This date also
corresponds with the establishment of the Qazaq Khanate in Eastern Dasht-i
Qipchaq.1 Envoys sent from places in Central Asia to the Ming dynasty include
Asibie, and are recorded as follows:
The rulers (in Central Asia) all sent envoys to pay horses as tribute to (the Ming)
court. They were Zhongshun wang 忠順王 (Loyal and Submissive King) Daowa-
dashili 倒瓦答失里 (Dawadashir) and headman Tuotuo buhua 脱脱不花 (Toqto
Bugha) from Hami (Qumul); King Yexian Buhua 也先卜花 (Esen Bugha) and his
wife Hudu sudan 虎都速旦 (Qutluq sultan), and headman Shela 捨刺 from the
Ilibali dimian 亦力把里地面 (the territory of Moghulistan);2 King Emili Huzhe 也
密力虎者 (Emil Khoja) and his wife Guwa’er Sutan 古瓦兒速擅 (Gawhar sultan?),
and headman Mama mi’erza 馬麻米兒咱 et al., from Tulufan dimian 土魯番地面
(the territory of Turfan); princess Dalamen 打剌悶 et al., who is the elder sister of
Emili Huzhe 也密力虎者 (Emil Khoja), and headman Dalabie’erde 打剌癿兒的
from the Chalishi dimian 察力失地面 (the territory of Chalish); King Bulahai 卜剌
孩 (Bureke) from Tuohuma dimian 脱忽麻地面 (the territory of Togmak);3 head-
man Caolaitan 草來壇 from Sailan dimian 賽蘭地面 (the territory of Sayram);4
1 The name Dasht-i Qipchaq (Qipchaq steppe) appears in Arabic-Persian sources of the elev-
enth to fifteenth centuries, in reference to the steppes and deserts that extend from the lower
reaches of the Syr Darya and Balqash Lake to the mouth of Danube. It was usually divided into
Western and Eastern Dasht-i Qipchaq.
2 Esen Bugha (d. 1462) is the khan of Moghulistan.
3 Ming shilu (“Yingzong shilu”, j. 24) also mentions Tuohuoma 脱火麻. For a concise explana-
tion of the name Togmak, see Bretschneider 1910, II, 161.
4 Today Sayram in Southern Kazakhstan, see Bretschneider 1910, II, 94f.
headman Sulutan Maheimu 速魯壇馬黑木 (Sultan Mahmud) from Badansha 把丹
沙地面 (the territory of Badakhshan); headman Su’er Busawen 速兒卜撒温 (Sultan
Busain?) from Sulutanya dimian 速魯壇牙地面 (the territory of Sultaniya); King
Zhanibie 札尼癿 from Asibie dimian 阿思癿地面 (the territory of Özbek); King
Sutan Ali 速壇阿力 from Sheliwan naiding dimian 捨力灣乃丁地面 (the territory
of Shirwan-i Ajam?)5; Prince Adehansha 阿的罕沙, the son of King Saini Abuding
賽你阿卜丁, from Alamula dimian 阿剌母剌地面 (the territory of Varahamula );6
and headmen from 121 territories such as Keshimi’er 克失迷兒 (Kashmir), Hala
Huozhou 哈剌火州 (Qara Qoja), Tieliman 帖力蠻 (Termez?), Saolan 掃蘭
(Sawran); and so on.7
Once diplomatic relations were established, the Ming court began to keep a
record of its relationship with the Qazaqs that lasted until 1537, and which
later became part of Ming shilu.8 Researchers have not yet studied Ming shilu
for the information about the Qazaq-Ming relationship that it yields, which
could shed light on the most important interactions that took place between
the Qazaq Khanate and the Ming.
This article analyzes Ming shilu in order to understand the character of
Chinese knowledge about the Qazaq Khanate during their years of contact
between 1452 and 1537. Additional sources like geographic accounts and maps
will help define the extent of Chinese knowledge about the khanate, clarify the
kinds of information that the Chinese sought and why, and measure the influ-
ence of cross-cultural contact on Ming Chinese understanding of the Qazaq
5 Perhaps Shirwan is a historical region in the eastern Caucasus. Barthold (2003, 273) believes
that the region stretches between the western shores of the Caspian Sea and the Kura River.
The name Sheliwan’aiding sounds like Shirwan-i Ajam (which means Persian Shirwan). In
Ming shilu (“Taizong shilu”, j. 162.3) it is mentioned as Shiliwan 失里灣. In Ming shilu (“Tai-
zong shilu”, j. 103) and Mingshi (j. 326) the country of Shaliwanni 沙里灣泥 is also men-
tioned, but situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean.
6 Alamula refers to Varahamula or Baramula, a city in Baramula district of Kashmir state in
northern India. This ruler there is Zainu Abuding 宰奴阿卜丁 or Saini Abuding 賽你阿卜丁;
cf. Ming shilu, “Xuanzong shilu”, j. 94, 95; “Yingzong shilu”, j. 224. The full name of Zain-ul-
Abidin (1423–1474) is Ghiyas-ud-Din Zain-ul-Abidin, the sultan of Kashmir. Prince
Adehansha is Haji Khan shah, son of Zain-ul-Abidin, who took the title of Haidar Khan Shah;
cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 428, 433.
7 Cf. Ming shilu, “Yingzong shilu”, j. 224.
8 After 1537, Ejibie-Haxin disappearred from Ming shilu. However, the Qazaq Khanate lasted
until 1847; cf. Adle and Habib 2003, 90-100.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 133
1 The
in Turko-Persian Sources
in Ming Sources
In Turko-Persian sources, the term Özbek-Qazaq first appeared during the
middle of the sixteenth century, in the Tarikh-i-Rashidi by Mirza Muhammad
Haidar Dughlát. In this text, the author mentions the Shaybanid dynasty of
Transoxiana, more commonly known as Uzbeg-Shaibán/Özbek-Shayban (or
Özbek-Shayban Uzbeg-Shayban), which he also describes as the Qazaq Khan-
ate (also known as Uzbeg-Kazák [Özbek-Qazaq/Uzbeg-Kazakh]), and locates
it in the eastern part of Dasht-i Qipchaq. According to Tarikh-i-Rashidi, the
first indigenous Qazaq union was born in 807 by the Hijri calendar (i. e. 1465
or 1466 A. D.), and came to be known as the Qazaq Khanate. The state was
formed by nomads who settled along the border of Moghulistan, and was called
the Uzbeg-Kazák.9 Their influence grew rapidly and flourished under Qasym
(Kasim) Khan (1445–1524?), an accomplished military leader and wise politi-
The Özbek-Shayban and Özbek-Qazaq were related Turkic clans that de-
scended from the Qipchaq, and played an important role in the formation of
the nomadic Özbek people of Dasht-i Qipchaq. After they separated from the
09 Elias and Ross 1895, 82, 146; Moghulistan is the Persian name for the Eastern Chagata y Khanate.
The term Moghulistan is mostly used in Persian historiography, while Chinese historiography
mostly uses the term Yilibali [mostly used 亦力把里, 亦力巴里 or 亦力八里, sometimes used
亦力八力 or 亦力巴力]. Moghulistan includes southeastern Kazakhstan, all of Kyrgyzstan, and
Xinjiang. Aqsu, the capital of Moghulistan, was known in the fifteenth century as Ardawil. Mol-
la Shakir 1980, 322; Yudin 2001, 90-91. The “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” mentions the city of Ayidili
阿亦地里. Another map, the “Xiyu tudi renwu tu”, places Ayidili near Aqsu, and marks the city
with a special form. Meanwhile, the map “Menggu shanshui ditu” refers to Ayidili as Yideyueli
亦的約力. Therefore, Ayidili and Yideyueli both mean Ardawil. According to Ming shilu
(“Taizong shilu”, j. 197), in 1418 Waisi 歪思 (Vais Khan), ruler of Beshbaliq, moved his seat to
Ilibali. Some orientalists, have tried to derive the name of the Ilibali from that of the Ilibalyq, the
city Ilan balekh on the journey of Haithon or Ilibali of the Chinese Medieval map, meaning city
of Ili; cf. Bretschneider 1910, II: 44, 225. Ming shilu (“Shizong shilu”, j. 62) also uses the terms
Chatai 察台 to refer to Ilibali. In Ming history, Ilibali or Chatai is the same as the empire of Mo-
ghulistan or Chata (Jatah) referred to by Muslim chroniclers writing of the same period. On
Jatah, cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 148. Xianbin lu, “Xiyi zhi” 西夷志 3.80, 4.104) also mentions
Hashihali 哈失哈力 (Kashgar), also called Alimali 阿力馬力. The name Alimali is a variant of
Yilibali, which probably derived from Arbal or Irbal, one of the variants of the name Ardawil.
10 There is some doubt about the year of Qasym Khan’s death. According to Tarikh-i-Rashidi,
Qasym khan died in the year 924 H. (A. D. 1518); cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 273. Another Per-
sian author reports that he died in the year 930 H. (A. D. 1523–1524); cf. Qazaqstan Tarihy,
II, 376.
Abulkhair Khanate, they called themselves Özbek-Shayban and Özbek-Qazaq
respectively. Regarding the Özbek ethnic group, Fazlallah ibn Ruzbihan Isfa-
hani (1457–1530), the author of a historical work entitled Mikhman-name-ii-
Bukhara, reported that the Özbeks were composed of three groups of people.
The first group, the Shaybanids, were a part of the Qipchaq tribes or a lesser
division of them under Muhammad Shaybānī (fl. 1452–1509). The second
group, the Qazaqs, which Fazlullah referred to as the subjects of the first Qazaq
khans, wandered over the vast expanse that lay between the Itil (Volga) and the
Syr Darya. The third group, the Manghits, included a portion of the population
of the Noghay Horde (in Astrakhan).11
During the last quarter of the fifteenth century, two rulers competed for
control of the cities of the Syr Darya basin: Abul Khayr’s grandson Muhammad
Shaybānī, who gave his name to the Shaybanid dynasty, and Burunduk Khan
(r. 1488–1509), the third khan of the Qazaq Khanate. Their rivalry ended
temporarily when the two leaders signed a peace treaty in 1500. Soon after, the
Shaybanids subjugated the land of Transoxiana.
Some scholars suggest that the name Özbek or Uzbek derived from the
name Uzbek Khan (1282–1341, r. 1313–1341), the khan of the Aq Orda.12
This name can be found on a Chinese map entitled Yuan Jingshi dadian xibei
dili tu 元經世大典西北地理圖 (Map from the Jingshi dadian of the Yuan,
representing countries to the northwest) as Yuezubo 月祖伯, also called Yuejibie
月即別 or Yuezubo in the Yuanshi 元史 (History of the Yuan).13 According to
the Yuan chronicle, Yuezubo is the name of the horde or ulus of the Dasht-i
Qipchaq. In Tarikh-i-Rashidi this country is mentioned as Uzbeg ulus or Uz-
The Chinese name for modern Qazaqs is Hasake 哈薩克, which has been
in use since at least the eighteenth century, according to Qing dynastic sources.
Among previous researchers, Paul Pelliot (1878–1945) has already analyzed the
name in detail using these Qing court sources.15 Strangely, historians of the
Ming dynasty, who collected historical information about Central Asia and
11 Cf. Dzhalilova 1976, 35; Adle and Habib 2003, 91; Yudin 2001, 264.
12 Cf. Akhmedov 1965, 12.
13 Cf. Yuanshi, j. 114: Shuchi.
14 Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 272, 366, 374.
15 For a detailed analysis of Hasake 哈薩克 (Kazakh) in the Qing period, during the eighteenth
century, cf. Pelliot 1960.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 135
used it to compile official documents relating to the Western Regions (Xiyu 西
域), did not mention the Qazaq Khanate at all.
In fact, references to the Qazaq did exist in Ming sources, albeit under al-
ternative names. For example, Ming shilu describes a country it calls 額即癿哈
辛. Before giving the transcription and translation of this name, it is important
to mention here briefly the character 癿. Interpreting this character is difficult.
The Kangxi Dictionary (Kangxi zidian 康熙字典), first published 1716, gives
the pronunciation jia 伽 for this character.16 Additionally, the online Diction-
ary of Chinese Characters (Handian 漢典) gives the Mandarin romanization for
癿 as qie.17 Two other sources, the chapters on foreign countries of Mingshi and
the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” 西域土地人物略 of Shaanxi tongzhi 陝西通志
(Shaanxi gazetteer) – compiled in 1542 (the twenty-second year of Jiajing 嘉靖
reign) by Zhao Tingrui 趙廷瑞 (1492–1551), Ma Li 馬理 (1474–1555), and
Lü Ran 呂柟 (1479–1542) – provide some particulars about the city and coun-
try of Xiyu 西域, which include the character 癿. Emil Bretschneider, having
analyzed a number of Central Asian places names that use this word, pro-
nounced the character as kia: these names include K‘o-kia-shi 克癿計; K’o-t’o-
kia 可脱癿, Kia-shi-hu-du 癿失虎都, Ha-la-t‘ie-kia 哈刺帖癿, T‘ie kia lie sze 帖
癿列思, and Mi-kia-le 迷癿力.18 Ding Qian 丁謙 (1843–1919), a scholar of
the late Qing period, claimed that 克癿 was the city of Hazha-er 哈札爾, which
belonged to Turkey.19 It seems that Ding Qian pronounced 癿 as jia or qie,
which is closer to the standard pronunciation of the character than the ones
given by Paul Pelliot and Cen Zhongmian 岑仲勉 (1885–1961). Pelliot reads
this character as pai (bai) in his transliteration of the name 添哥癿兒的 (T’ien-
ko-pai-eul-ti).20 Cen Zhongmian declared that 癿 is a popular version of the
character po 魄, and from this interpretation concluded that the name 癿失虎
都 in the Renwu lüe refered to Bašquduq.21
In fact, the character 癿, although frequently given as qie, should be read bie
when used as the name of a country, place, or ethnic group. Few dictionaries
record this alternative reading. However, in the Middle Ages this character
appears in many non-Chinese personal names, toponyms, and ethnonyms of
16 Kangxi zidian, 785.
18 Cf. Bretschneider 1910, II: 315; (1877), 230, 231, 239, 240.
19 Cf. Ding Qian 2008, II: 772.
20 Cf. Pelliot 1948, 146.
21 Cf. Cen Zhongmian 2004, II: 649. Baš in Turkish means “head.”
the Ming period, and could be pronounced either qie or bie. When read as bie,
the character commonly indicated the Turkic morpheme bek and the Persian-
Arabic morpheme be. For example, the Wuzong shilu (Veritable records of the
Wuzong [Emperor] of the Ming) transliterated the name of the first Qazaq
khan, Janibek, as Zhanibie 札尼癿, and the name of Muhammad Shaybak (or
Shaybānī), the first ruler of the Shaybanid Khanate, as Shayibie 沙亦癿. Tarikh-
i-Rashidi refers to Muhammad Shaybak as Sháhi Beg Khán.22 Ming shilu refers
to Shaybānī as fanwang Shayibie 番王沙亦癿, the “barbarian king Shaybak” of
In the third year of the reign of Zhengde (1508), King Shayibie of Samaerhan (Sa-
marqand) sent the envoy Maheima Huozhe 馬黑麻火者 (Mahmud Khoja) and
presented camels and horses as tribute.23
Even today, the character 癿 occurs in many place names like Gansu, where it is
pronounced bie. This inlcudes the present-day town of Biezang zhen 癿藏鎮;
the Biezang 癿藏 River in the province’s Jishishan 積石山 Autonomous Prefec-
ture; the town of Bieyangkou 癿羊口 of Longxi 隴西; and Biejiali 癿家里 of
Zhangxian 漳縣. Thus, the correct reading for 癿 should be bie.
Based on the above argument, the name 額即癿 in Ming shilu must be pro-
nounced Ejibie, a Chinese transcription of “Özbek.” Meanwhile, the name
Haxin refers to Qazaq (Kazakh). Therefore, the term “Ejibie-Haxin” refers to
Regarding Ejibie-Haxin, Ming shilu reports that:
As for Ejibie-Haxin, according to a report by the Libu 禮部 (Ministry of Rites), [his
state] is a Dada huiyi 韃靼回夷 (a foreign state of Tatar Muslims).24
Yan Song 嚴嵩 (1480–1567), a prime minister of the Ming dynasty, in his
Nangong zouyi 南宫奏議 (The South Palace memorials) reported:
[In the twelfth year of the reign of Jiajing (1533),] Ejibie-Haxin, which had never
come to pay tribute before, now also sent fifty-eight envoys [to China].25
22 Janibek was the first Qazaq khan and upon Janibek’s death in 1480, Kirai’s son Burunduk (as
in Tarikh-i-Rashidi, cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 56, 82) was elected his successor. Muhammed
Shaybak’s native Turkish name was Shabaq, Shebaq, or Shah Baht, from which Shaibak de-
rived, followed by Shaybānī, a pseudo-authentication of a common Turkish name into the
more prestigious Arabic tribal name of Shayban. Cf. Ibragimov 1969, 98.
23 Cf. Ming shilu, “Wuzong shilu”, j. 44.
24 Ming shilu, “Shizong shilu”, j. 134.
25 Nangong zouyi, 29: Yichu Gansu yigong 議處甘肅夷貢.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 137
Another Ming source, Shuyu zhouzi lu 殊域周咨錄 (Informative records on
countries far away), completed by Yan Congjian 嚴從簡 in 1574, contains an
account of Ejibie-Haxin that includes the following:
The king of Haxin, formerly living in the Northern Mountains of Samarqand in
Ejibie territory, was also known as being half Dazi (half Tatar).26 Earlier, he had sent
an envoy, Tursun, to present tribute and check [information] with the archives. So,
Haxin of today is the Haxin of before, which was at that time known as a niche of
the Northern Mountains which now has the place name of Ejibie.27
Based on the above, it seems reasonable to guess that the ethnonym Özbeks
found among Central Asian writers was the name of the nomads of the Aq
Orda (White Horde).
The Ming court began to recognize the Qazaqs only when they began send-
ing tribute delegations to the court. Thereafter, the group appears in Ming shilu,
in five references to a country known alternately as Asibie, Ejibie-Haxin, Ejibie,
or Haxin. The Ming chronicle’s first reference to Asibie appears to be located in
juan 224 of the section about the Yingzong reign in Ming shilu (“Yingzong
shilu” 英宗實錄). Özbek, the ethnonym by which the historical polity is best
known, appears in Ming shilu only in the middle of the fifteenth century, where
a reference dated about 1452 first uses the term Asibie as the name of the
Özbek-Qazaq Khanate. Subsequent references to Özbek-Qazaq between 1532
to 1537 use Ejibie-Haxin, or simply either Ejibie or Haxin. Ming shilu thus
suggests that at least by the early years of the sixteenth century Ejibie-Haxin had
become an integral (and possibly the most important) element in the name that
the Ming court used for the country of the Qazaq Khanate.
The Da Ming huidian 大明會典 (Collected statutes of the Ming Dynasty), in
1587 edition, also mentions Ejibie-Haxin together with the names of other
countries in a passage reporting that, in the reign of Jiajing era (1522–1566),
Ejibie-Haxin began to presented tribute.28 Mingshi lists twenty-nine names of
dimian 地面 (territories) including Western Region (Xiyu), as well as eleven
countries, including Haxin, that used to present tribute but did not send it
through Qumul (see Table 1).29
26 Dazi 達子, the other name for Tatars (Mongols), partly survived in the popular language as
27 Shuyu zhouzi lu 15.492f.
28 Cf. Da Ming huidian, j. 107, “Chaogong san” 朝貢三 (Tribute, j. 3).
29 Cf. Mingshi, j. 332, “Xiyu”, j. 4. The twenty-nine names of these dimian given in Mingshi was
translated by Bretschneider 1910, II, 314f.
Table 1: The Eleven Countries within Xiyu
that did not send tribute through Qumul
1. Qi’erma 乞兒麻30 2. Mi’erhalan 米兒哈蘭31 3. Ketuobie 可脫癿32
4. Lazhu 蠟燭33 5. Yedegan 也的干34 6. Lazhu 剌竹35
7. Yibulayin 亦不剌因36 8. Geshimi 格失迷37 9. Qi’erjisi 乞兒吉思38
10. Yunusi 羽奴思39 11. Sihaxin 思哈辛
While this is how the Chinese state referred to this polity, the name by which
residents themselves knew their state is not so obvious.
30 In Ming shilu (“Taizong shilu”, j. 99; “Xuanzong shilu”, j. 27, 28, 29) this country is men-
tioned either as Qi’erma, or as Qilima 乞力麻, and its ruler during this period as Dalahan
Husilao 打剌罕合思老 (Tarhan Khusrau) or Husilao. According to the Xianbin lu, “Xiyi zhi”
4.103), northwest of Qilima’er 乞力麻兒 lay a sea. This name refers to the capital city of Ker-
man, of Kerman province in Iran.
31 In Ming shilu (“Taizong shilu”, j. 107) it is mentioned as Ma’erhalan 馬兒哈蘭. This is un-
doubtedly the city of Marghinan/Marghilan in Fergana.
32 In Ming shilu (“Taizong shilu”, j. 114), this country is mentioned together with Asu 阿速
(Aqsu), where the ruler is Hudayila 虎答亦剌 (Hudayar).
33 In the Chinese texts, Lapchuk, west of Qumul, is written 腊竺, 爉燭, 剌竹. Chen Cheng, in
his Xiyu xingcheng ji (p. 35), called it Lazhu 腊竺. In his poetry (ibid, 125), he called it 爉燭.
34 There can be no doubt that Yedegan is Yetikent. According to Tarikh-i-Rashidi (Elias and
Ross 1895, 180), Yatikand is a place on the confines of Andijan, whose Persian name is Haft-
deh, meaning “Seven towns”. Yetikent is the Turkish name for seven towns. According to
Ming shilu (“Wuzong shilu”, j. 60), the ruler of Yedegan is Sultan Mahmud. However, I am of
the opinion that this place is located east of Toktogul Reservoir and Karakol city in Kirghiz-
stan, now called Jetigen. Muhammad Haidar mentioned Yetigen together with Uzun Ahmad
(ibid., j. 130). Uzun Ahmad River still exists, west of Tokotgul reservoir, a right tributary of the
35 Cf. note 36.
36 The name Yibulayin is frequently mentioned in Ming shilu (“Xiaozong shilu”, j. 68) as the
name of a ruler, a neighbor of the country called Yemiekeli. Yemiekeli 野乜克力 or Yemieqili
野乜乞里 was located northeast of Hami. According to Bretschneider 1910, II, 293), in Ming-
shi, Yibulayin appears once more as the name of a country.
37 In Ming shilu (“Xuanzong shilu”, j. 94, 95; “Yingzong shilu”, j. 84, 224) Kashmir is mentioned
either as Geshimi 格失迷, or Keshimi’er 克失迷兒, Qieshimi’er 怯失迷兒, or by the city Al-
amula 阿刺母刺 (Varahmula or Baramula).
38 Ming shilu (“Taizong shilu”, j. 109) mentioned this name only once as Qi’erjisi 乞兒吉思.
This refers to the Yenisey Kirghizs, nowadays known as Khakas.
39 The ruler of Tashkent, Yunus Khan (1462–1487) of Moghulistan; in Mingshi, the name
Yunusi appears once more as the name of a country.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 139
2 The Relationships Between the Ming Dynasty
and the Qazaq Khanate
As we see from the above passage, the first ruler of Asibie dimian (the terri-
tory of Asibie) was recorded in Ming shilu as Zhanibie, on the day of jichou 己
丑 in the twelfth Chinese lunar month in the year of Jingtai 景泰 (1452). The
name Zhanibie can easily be recognized as the name the first Qazaq khan
Janibek (?–1480), son of Barakh Khan of the White Horde. Asibie, Özbek,
or Uzbek appears to represent the title “Özbek Janibek Khan.”
As for Ejibie-Haxin, Ming shilu reports that, in the eleventh year of the
reign of Jiajing (1532), the country sent envoys with tribute to the Ming court:
The envoys [from the territories outside China], totaling more than four hundred,
have paid tribute and shown gratitude [to the Ming court]. They were respectively
sent by Sutan Mansu’er 速壇滿速爾 (Sultan Mansur) of Tulufan 吐魯番 (Turfan),
Sutan Zhalading 速壇札剌丁 (Sultan Jalal ad-Din) of Tianfang 天方 (Arabia ), et
al.; Sutan Abuxieyi 速壇阿卜寫亦 (Sultan Abu Said) of Sama’erhan 撒馬爾罕
(Sarmaqand) et al.; Hami Wei xizhi dudu (哈密衛襲職都督) (hereditary tutuq of
Qumul garrison) Mi’er Maheimu 米兒馬黑木 (Mir Mahmut?) et al.; and Ejibie-
Haxin, et al. According to a report by the Libu (Ministry of Rites), [the state of]
Ejibie-Haxin is Dada huiyi 韃靼回夷 (Tatar Muslim). [Ejibie] never came to pay
tribute before, but [it] now also sent over fifty people [to China].40
Table 2: Envoys to the Ming court from the Qazaq Khanate
as recorded in Ming shilu
Year (reign year) Name of Khanate Name of Khan
1452 (Jingtai 3) Asibie dimian
King of Zhanibie “Yingzong shilu”, j. 224
1532 (Jiajing 11) Ejibie-Haxin
Envoy of Tulusun
土鲁孫 (Tursun)
“Shizong shilu”, j. 13541
1533 (Jiajing 12) Ejibie 額即癿 “Shizong shilu”, j. 154
1533 (Jiajing 12) Ejibie-Hazu
“Shizong shilu”, j. 157
1537 (Jiajing 16) Ejibie-Haxin
“Shizong shilu”, j. 196
40 Ming shilu, “Shizong shilu”, j. 134.
41 The envoy of Tursun from Ejibie is also found in Shuyu zhouzi lu 15.492f.
42 Hazu 哈卒 is undoubtedly a scribal error for the very similar form Haxin 哈辛 or Qazaq.
Another record containing the name Ejibie-Haxin appears in the same section
of Ming shilu:
The envoys, sent by the rulers of the Western Region, like King Ejibie Haxin, et al.,
carried twenty-nine official papers dedicated to China written in fanwen 番文 (for-
eign languages), asking for silk, coins, and barter. By edict the emperor gave them
cloth, silk, tea, medicines, etc.43
3 The Question of the Capital
of the Early Qazaq Khanate
During the second half of the fifteenth century, Janibek and Kerey, descendants
of Urus Khan (1361–1376), the eighth khan of Aq Orda (also the White
Horde), possessed a legitimate claim to his legacy, but lacked the strength need-
ed to oppose Abulkhair Khan (1412–1469, r. 1428–1469), so they moved with
their people to the northern border of Moghulistan and established the Qazaq
Khanate. Regarding the whereabouts of Janibek and Kerey after the assassina-
tion of Barakh Khan, Tarikh-i-Rashidi reports:
At that time, Abulkhair Khán exercised full power in Dasht-i-Kipchák. He had
been at war with the Sultánis of Juji; while Jáni Beg Khán and Karáy Khán fled be-
fore him into Moghulistán. Isán Bughá Khán received them with great honor, and
delivered over to them Kuzi Báshi, which is near Chu, on the western limit of Mo-
ghulistán, where they dwelt in peace and content. On the death of Abulkhair Khán
the Ulus of the Uzbegs fell into confusion, and constant strife arose among them.
Most of them joined the party of Karáy Khán and Jáni Beg Khán. They numbered
about 200,000 persons, and received the name of Uzbeg-Kazák. The Kazák Sultáns
began to reign in the year 870 [1465–1466] (but God knows best), and they con-
tinued to enjoy absolute power in the greater part of Uzbegistán, till the year 940
[1533–1534 A. D.].44
The official Soviet history of the Qazaq SSR and the history of Kazakhstan
considered the date of the formation of the Qazaq Khanate as 1465–1466 and
Kuzi Bashi in Zhetisu (Semirechiye) as its political center.45
The identification of Kuzi Báshi with Qozi Basy of Qorday Mountain,
which sits along the borders of modern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, has long
been established. The evidence from Tarikh-i-Rashidi is overwhelming. Ac-
43 Ibid, j. 157. Cf. Table 2.
44 Elias and Ross 1895, 82.
45 Qazaqstan Tarihy, II, 336-344.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 141
cording to Ney Elias, another reading of this name is Jud Kuzi Báshi.46 Mu-
hammad Haidar clearly indicated that Kuzi Báshi or Jud Kuzi Báshi was locat-
ed on the western edge of Moghulistan. Pointing to the territory of Mo-
ghulistan, he observed that its eastern frontier adjoins the Kálmák country –
that is to say, Báris Kul, Imál, and Irtish. The territory was bounded on the
north by Kukcha-Tangiz, Bum Lish, and Karátál; on the west by Turkistán and
Táshkant; and on the south by the provinces of Farghána, Káshghar, Aksu,
Chálish, and Turfán.47 It can be easily deduced from the directional order of the
place-names that they were recalled in a counter-clockwise direction, that is,
from the east to north, to west, and then south.
The Shuyu zhouzi lu provides another piece of evidence of the territory
Ilibali (Moghulistan in Persian sources). He reports that Ilibali is situated in a
desert, probably in the territory of Yanqi (modern Qarashahar in Xinjiang) and
Qiuci (Kusan or Kuchar), south of the mountain Baishan 白山 (mountain
north of Kuchar). The capital of Ilibali is the city of Yan-cheng 延城. Its moun-
tains, river, and lakes include Baishan, Congling (Pamir), Jinling (Bogda), and
Rehai (Issyk-köl). It is bordered on the south by Yutian (Khotan), on the north
by Wala (Oirats), on the west by Sama’erhan (Samarqand), and to the east is
contiguous to ancient Shazhou; it is distant from the Jiayuguan by 3700 li.48
After the reign of Burunduk Khan (1480–1511), Qasym Khan, Janibek
Khan’s son, became ruler of the Qazaq Khanate. He made Karatal his winter
residence. Ney Elias located Karatal on the modern Qaratal (Black) River,
south of the modern city of Taldykorgan in Kazakhstan. Other insignificant
spots called Karatal also exist, he added.49 Karatal, evidently Kara Abdal, near
Sighanaq (or Segnakh) (as Fazlallah ibn Ruzbihan Isfahani writes the name in
his Mikhman-name-ii-Bukhara), means the winter quarters of the Qazaq
Khanate.50 In my opinion, Karatal lay west or northwest of Kukcha-Tangiz
(modern Balqash Lake). In order to show this, two things need to be shown:
first, that Karatal (Qaratal) is only a misreading of Kara-Abdal (Qara Abdal);
and second, that Kara-Abdal lay north or northwest of modern Sighanaq.
Ruzbihan wrote that Shaybānī Khan marched with a great army from Samar-
46 Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 82, note 1.
47 Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 365.
48 Cf. Shuyu zhouzi lu 15.493f.
49 Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 274.
50 Cf. Dzhalilova 1976, 132. Sighanaq is located to the east of the city of Kyzylorda of Kazakh-
stan, on the east bank of Syr Darya, about Sighanaq (Segnakh), see Bretschneider 1910, I, 170.
qand to Turkestan. When he reached the border of the Qazaqs, and passed
Sighanak, he approached Kara-Abdal, which lay at the center of their winter
camps. According to the Tarikh-i-Rashidi, Baranduk (Burunduk) Khan lived
at Sarai Chuk (Saraichuk, modern Sarayshik of Western Kazakhstan). Qasym
Khan, in order to be far away from him, went to the confines of Moghulistan,
where he made Karatal his winter quarters, with the intention to return to his
return to his original capital early in the spring.
Where was the original capital of Qasym Khan? Mirza Muhammad Haidar
Dughlát explains that he traveled to Ubaira-Subaira, in order to look after his
kingdom. In commentators’ notes to the Tarikh-i-Rashidi, Ney Elias identifies
Ubaira-Subaira with the Ibir-Sibir.51 Called Yibier Shibier 亦必兒失必兒 in
the Yuanshi, Ibir-Sibir lies in modern Siberia. According to Akimushkin, Elias’
identification is a mistake copied from a nineteenth century edition of the
Tarikh-i-Rashidi. All earlier editions give Aspara.52 However, during the time
of Qasym Khan Aspara sat between the modern cities of Chu and Merke in
South Kazakhstan, and was still the main town belonging to Moghulistan.
Mirza Muhammad Haidar wrote in his Tarikh-i-Rashidi that
Kásim Khán subdued the whole of the Dasht-i-Kipchák. His army numbered more
than a million [a thousand thousand] men. Excepting Juji Khán, there had never
reigned a greater Khan than he in that country.53
In his early days, the young Qazaq Khan led the fight to all the Qazaq tribes.
With the death of Abulkhair Khan, the majority of people in Dasht-i Qipchaq
joined the Qazaq Khanate. Under Qasym Khan’s rule, significant steps were
taken to centralize state power, which and strengthened the positions of the
khanate in the western and northern regions of Kazakhstan.
Qasym probably made the city of Tura his capital. Also known as Chimgi-
Tura, it was a medieval city that belonged to the White Horde, and served as
the first capital of Abulkhair khan. According to the Tarih-i-Abulkhair Khani,
Abulkhair Khan, the founder of his self-named Abulkhair Khanate, proclaimed
himself khan in Tura in 1428–1429.54 The Asia map of Abraham Ortelius,
based on his early wall map printed in 1567, displays a city called Teron, situat-
51 Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 282.
52 Cf. Akimushkin 2010, 92.
53 Elias and Ross 1895, 82.
54 Cf. Qazaqstan Tarihy, II, 156, 162; Grousset 1965, 557; Akhmedov 1965, 46.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 143
ed southwest of the city of Sibir.55 In 1586, Russians built the fort of Tyumen
on the ruins of Chimgi-Tura.56 It can also be found in Gerard Mercator’s Atlas,
which very clearly marked a place called Tyumen, here named Weliki Tumen
(Great Tyumen), located in Hondius Tartary.57 However, some centuries later,
inhabitants of Sibir also refered to Tyumen as Chimgi-Tura. According to
Gerhard Friedrich Müller, who visited the city in 1741, the Tatars there called
the city Chimgi-Tura, not Tyumen, but Chimgi-Tura.58 On an eighteenth-
century map of the river system flowing into Lake Zaisang in the Xiyu shuidao ji
西域水道記 (Waterways of the Western Regions), completed by Xu Song 徐松
(1781–1848), the city of Tura is named as Dola 多拉.59
The most important maps of the countries west of China during the Ming
period are the “Menggu shanshui ditu” 蒙古山水地圖 (The Mongolian land-
scape map) and “Xiyu tudi renwu tu” 西域土地人物圖, which is included in
the chapter “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” 西域土地人物略 of the Shaanxi tongzhi –
gives rich geographical and historical information about the Xiyu during the
Ming dynasty.60 Both maps display the place names of regions far to China’s
west; from Jiayuguan to Lumi or Rong dimian (Rum, modern Istanbul), but
geographical information contained in the “Xiyu tudi renwu tu” richer than
that found in the “Menggu shanshui ditu”. Comparing the two maps, the
“Menggu shanshui ditu” map was made earlier than the “Xiyu tudi renwu tu”
map. This is known because the “Menggu shanshui ditu” map shows Hala
Sipan 哈剌思盼 (Qala-i Zafar), which means that the map was definitely pro-
duced after 1505. That year, according to Babur and Mirza Muhammad Hai-
dar Dughlát, Shaybānī Khan’s forces invaded Badakhshan, but were defeated by
a local chief named Mubarak Shah at his fort, which is why the fort was called
Qala-i Zafar (the Fort of Victory).61 A Chinese scholar named Huang Sheng-
zhang 黄盛璋 has pointed out that the “Xiyu tudi renwu tu” map was definitely
produced later, and suggests 1542 (the twenty-second year of the Jiajing reign),
the year that the Shaanxi tongzhi was completed, as the earliest possible date .62
55 Cf. Schüler 2010, 126f.
56 Cf. Kyzlasov 2006, 63.
57 Cf. Schüler, 2010, 130f.
58 Cf. Pokrovskij 1996, 296.
59 Cf. Xiyu shuidao ji, 376f: “Zaisang nao’er suoshoushui disan tu” 宰桑淖爾所受水第三圖
[Third map of the river system of subject to flowing around Lake Zaisan].
60 Shaanxi tongzhi, j. 30-49, 55-66; cf. Lin Meicun 2011.
61 Cf. Beveridge 1922, I, 242; Elias and Ross 1895, 220f.
62 Cf. Cao Wanru 1995, 41.
“Xiyu tudi renwu tu” (in Shaanxi tongzhi 10.15)63
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.16
63 “Xiyu tudi renwu tu” consists of 10 maps covering Shaanxi tongzhi 10.15-24.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 145
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.17
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.18
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.19
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.20
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 147
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.21
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.22
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.23
Shaanxi tongzhi 10.24
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 149
The nomadic king’s seat of government, according to the “Xiyu tudi renwu
lüe”, lay in Tula. Following a description of the city, a passage reads:
To the northwest is the city of Sailan 赛蘭, and five hundred li further west, Tula 土
剌. This city has a roundish form, with houses roundabout, and is ruled by a king.
The Muslims in that country do not wear turbans but [instead] caps made of
sheep’s wool. Nor do they till the ground. They eat fish, mutton and kumis (mare’s
milk). Seven hundred li further west is the city of Yasi 牙思. The Muslims there
wear turbans. Among the country’s products mentioned are lingyangjiao64 and
tiejiaopi 帖角皮.65 Four hundred li west of Yasi is Yeshibu 也失卜. South of the
place are Basu’er 巴速兒, and Daxiani-andesu 打下你俺的速; to the north, the city
of Tashigan 他失干.66
Many of the distances stipulated in the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” account are no-
ticeably incomplete or incorrect, indicating that the city of Tula should be
sought somewhere in the Dasht-i Qipchaq. As for the text’s other toponyms,
those that along the northern route are obvious, such as Sailan 赛蘭 (Sairam, a
town east of Chimkend in Kazakhstan), Sailan 赛蘭城兒 (Sawran, a town
northwest of the city of Turkestan),67 and Yasi (an old name for the city of
Turkestan or Hazret-e Turkestan in Kazakhstan). The map places the city of
Tula between Sawran and Sayram.
The city of Tula could be a transcription of Tura. The term tura was often
applied to a fortress in medieval times, and with a further extension meaning
stone or wood city. I presume, however, that Tula refers to Tura of Tyumen.
From the sixteenth until the seventeenth century, under the reign of Qasym
Khan, the great line of communication between the Qazaq Khanate and the
Ming dynasty lay along the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains. At the
same time, the Chinese began to hear about a country in the west that they
called Ejibie-Haxin, which they apparently thought of it as a kind of White
64 Cf. Lingyang 凌羊 refers to lingyang 羚羊, antelope horns.
65 Da Ming huidian (j. 107) mentions an envoy from Samarqand who presented Tiejiaopi 鐵角
皮 to the Ming court. According to Huihui guan yiyu, 197: 忒革 = 鐵角皮, which in Persian is
tuqah. In Gaochang guan zazi, 65, it appears as təkə: 鐵角.
66 Tashigan is Tashkent, capital of modern Uzbekistan.
67 On the “Xiyu tudi renwu tu” map, two cities named Sailan are marked, lying both east and
west of the city of Tula. To the east lies Sairam, to the west Sawran or Sabran. According to the
chapter on “The countries of the Western Region” of Zhang Yu’s 張雨 Bianzheng kao 邊政考
(8.604, “Xiyu zhuguo” 西域諸國), printed in 1547, the second Sailan is called the cheng’er (lit-
tle city) of Sailan. Ming shilu (“Xuanzong shilu”, j. 7, 8) records either Salan 撒蓝, or Sailan.
Horde. In addition to Tura, the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” mentions five other
capitals in the Xiyu where a wangzi (king) lived.
Table 3: Five countries in the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe”
Capital King’s title Account in the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” Notes
500 li further west of Tula 土剌.
This city has a roundish form
of house and is ruled by a king.
The Muslims in that country do not
wear turbans but [instead wear] caps
made of shee
’s wool.
500 li west of Zamin 雜民70 is the
city of Puha. The people of the
country are Muslims. They till the
ground, cultivate sundry fruits, and
breed silkworms. Samahanke live in
the cit
of Puha 普哈.
Puha is Buhara,
mentioned in the
Xiyu zhuguo of
Bianzheng kao as
Puhala 普哈剌.
Wangzi 1500 li west is the city of Qiemi. It is
ruled by a king. Outside the city live
four families of non-Chinese and Chi-
nese (sizu fanhan 四族番漢)72 The
Qiemi is Kishm,
the capital of
68 The kings of the Western Regions, in the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” had the title wangzi 王子.
Wangzi means “son of the king” or “the Little King”.
69 Mentioned as Samahanxiong 撒馬罕兄 in the chapter “Xiyu zhuguo” of Bianzheng kao. The
Samahan xiong, who lived in Bukhara, was the son of Mahmud Sultan (Shaybānī Khan’s
brother) and probably a relation of Ubaid Ullah Khan (1512–1539). The name Samahan re-
fers to Shaybānī Khan, while the term xiong means “brother” in Chinese; Samahan xiong,
therefore, indicates Shaybānī Khan’s brother. According to the Tarikh-i-Rashidi, during the
time of Shaybānī Khan’s reign, Ubaid Ullah Khan, who was sultan, was going to Bukhara,
which was his hereditary seat of government. At this time, the capital of the Shaybanid Khan-
ate lay in Samarqand, under the rule of the two khans Kuchum Khan and Abu-Said (1530–
1533). But Ubaid Ullah, for all intents and purposes, the sultan of the Shaybanid Khanate, for
he ruled the whole of Transoxiana, including Bukhara. As Stanley Lane-Poole (1882, xiv) re-
marks, although Samarqand was officially the capital, a powerful and sometimes autonomous
government generally operated in Bokhara. Cf. Elias and Ross 1895, 206f; Adle and Habib
2003, 41.
70 Zamin is a city between Tashkent and Samarqand, situated on the Zamin su, southeast of
Dizakh; see Barthold 2002, 216.
71 Sunao Hori (1978, 50) identifies Qiemi with Kabul.
72 Sizu fanhan 四族番漢, literally means “four tribes of non-Chinese and Chinese.” This term
most likely has a connection with the Siahposh people of Kafiristan. Siahposh Kafirs was the
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 151
Wangzi Further west is the city of Tiebieliesi.
It is ruled by a king. The people of the
wear turbans (M
Tiebieliesi is Tauriz
or Tabriz.74
Wangzi Further west is the city of Feiji 菲卽.75
It is surrounded by two walls and
ruled by a king. The inhabitants are
俱漢兒人 (Kuffar).
Feilang is Pәrәng,
Farang in the
Eastern authors.76
Wangzi Further west is the city of Lumi. It
is situated 1200 li west of Boluosa
孛羅撒 and enclosed by two walls.
It has an independent king. The
inhabitants are Muslims and
-er re
Istanbul, the capital
of the Ottoman
Empire which was
called Rum in
Middle Eastern
former designation of the major group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting Kafiristan, now
called Nuristan.
73 Yan Song (in Nangong zouyi, 29, “Yichu Gansu yigong”) acknowledged a place he called
“Qiemi”, which undoubtedly refers to Kishm. The city became the capital of Badakhshan dur-
ing the sixteenth century, according to the Turkish admiral Sidi Ali Reїs. Cf. Vambéry 1899,
74 Shah Ismail founded the Safavid dynasty in 1501, choosing Tabriz as his capital. Shah Tah-
masp I made Qazvin the capital of the Safavid dynasty in 1548, following the temporary cap-
ture of Tabriz by the Ottomans, until it was moved to Esfahan in 1598; cf. Adle and Habib
2003, 252, 255.
75 According to Bianzheng kao 8.617, the city was called Feilang 菲郞.
76 The name Folin 佛菻 has the variant Feilang, which occurs also in Xianbin lu, “Xiyi zhi” 3.82.
77 Han’er ren 漢兒人, according to Shaanxi tong zhi, j. 49, “Xiyu tudi renwu tu”, refers to Ju-
han’er ren. The “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” describes the Juhan’er as an ethnic group, rather than
Chinese as Bretschneider (1877, 240f) and other Chinese scholars (Li Zhiqin 2004, 120; Lin
Meicun 2011, 89) suggest. This term probably denotes kuffar, which is an Arabic term that,
used in an Islamic doctrinal sense, usually translates as “unbeliever” or “disbeliever,” Juhan’er
ren or kuffar refers to Europeans or Christians. In Middle Chinese the character of ju 俱 sounds
like ky
or ku. The author of “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” usually adds the suffix ‘-n’ to write many
toponyms. For example, fandian’er 飯店兒 in the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe”, means “hotel” or “lit-
tle hotel” in Chinese. But here the city of Batn Mar is a town near Mecca. The Chinese name
sounds like Juhan’er, which stands precisely for kuffar.
78 The name for the country of Rum originates as a reference to the city of Rome, however, over
time it came to refer to Constantinople and, by the late thirteenth century, to the Ottoman
Empire. Chinese sources reflect this. In Ming shilu the country of Rum appears in four differ-
ent forms: Roumi 肉迷, Lumi, Rong 戎, and Rong dimian 戎地面 (Place of the Rong).
Bretschneider first correctly identified Lumi with Rum, and recognized the existence of alter-
native names like Rong dimian, which appears in the “Menggu shanshui ditu”.
Table 3 lists five countries that the “Xiyu tudi renwu lüe” identifies in the
Western Region during the first half of the sixteenth century: the Qazaq Khan-
ate, the Shaybanid Khanate, the Safavid dynasty, the Ottoman Empire, and
“Europe” (probably Rome in Italy). The King of Tura (Tula) was probably
Qasym Khan; we cannot exclude the possibility that the Haxin had contact
with him.
Scholars have often assumed that contacts between China and the Qazaq
Khanate formed during the Qing period. However, a careful examination
of Chinese sources reveals that contact between the two countries and geo-
graphic knowledge about each other actually reached its historical peak
during the first half of the sixteenth century. The first diplomatic contact
between Ming China and the Qazaq Khanate occurred through the Chi-
nese system of tribute trade during the mid-fifteenth century. Evidence for
this appears in a reference to the arrival of the first group of people claiming
to be an embassy sent from Asibie (Özbek) to China, which was recorded
in 1452. Under the reign of Jiajing (1522–1566), the foundations for a
flourishing relationship between Ming China and the Qazaq Khanate were
established. At that time, the Chinese knew the Qazaq Khanate by the
name Ejibie-Haxin, in other words, Özbek-Qazaq. Despite the political
turmoil that erupted after the fall of the White Horde, Chinese gleaned
new information about the Qazaq Khanate from envoys who arrived from
Central Asia. From this information, Ming Chinese scholars and geogra-
phers drew new works of cartography like the “Menggu shanshui ditu” and
“Xiyu tudi renwu tu”. Both maps display fairly accurate representations of
the countries of Central and Western Asia and the Mediterranean during
the sixteenth century.
The fourth Qazaq ruler, Qasym Khan, made Karatal (Qaratal) his
winter residence. Karatal is Kara Abdal (Qara Abdal) near Sighanak. His
realm included various cities in Dasht-i Qipchaq, such as Saraichuk and
Tura. Unfortunately, Muhammad Haidar’s work does not provide much
new information about the original capital of Qasym Khan. Nonetheless,
the nomadic city of Tula is found on the Renwutu map which shows the
major cities of Central Asia using Muslim geographic knowledge about
the Qazaqs.
The Qazaq Khanate as Documented in Ming Dynasty Sources 153
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