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Vibrantly Entangled in Sri Lanka: Food
as the Polyrhythmic and Polyphonic Assemblage of Life
Wim Van Daele
Published online: 10 November 2016
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract Creatively operationalizing Claude Le
´vi-Strauss’ predicament that food is good
to think with, I initiate a methodological conceptualization of food by exploring the ways
in which it is apt to study Sri Lankan domestic and collective village life. Food is
approached as an assemblage that is an emergent resultant of heterogeneous aspects with
which it is deeply entangled and by way of which it turns into a potent agent shaping life.
More specifically, I explore the vibrancy of these different components that co-create the
overall soundscape of food that as such becomes the conductor of Sri Lankan life. Food
shapes domestic life by way of its preparation and consumption, and through its cultivation
also conducts the collective rhythms at the village level. The conceptualization of food as
an assemblage seeks to develop it as a methodology that opens up for a holistic integration
and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Keywords Food Sri Lanka Assemblages Rhythmanalysis
Stating that food is central to human life and organization is saying the obvious. Yet, apart
from statements that food can be used as a lens or prism to study a myriad of other topics
(e.g. Counihan 1999: 6; Counihan and Van Esterik 2008: 2) the theoretical and conceptual
implications of this centrality have hardly been taken seriously. In this paper, I will initiate
an embryonic conceptualization of food that takes its central role in shaping life seriously
and that aims at developing food holistically as both a topic of study as well as a
methodological approach, inspired by the famous Le
´vi-Straussian predicament that food is
something good to think with. Food then helps to explore seemingly disparate and
heterogeneous phenomena whereby their interrelations get teased out in novel ways.
&Wim Van Daele
Wimvandaele.x@gmail.com; w.v.daele@sai.uio.no
Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, PO Box 1091, Blindern, 0317 Oslo,
Found Sci (2018) 23:85–102
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