
Neurology News: New Concussion Guideline from the American Academy of Neurology

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We studied the effect of transcranial electromagnetic stimulation on the acquisition of the active avoidance response with pain reinforcement in laboratory rats. We demonstrate that in male rats exposure of the brain to electromagnetic irradiation in the millimeter range with λ = 5.6 or 7.1 mm, modulated by a series of low-frequency pulses, prevented the acquisition of the conditioned avoidance response to a pain stimulus in 50% of the animals. The irradiation inhibited avoidance conditioning in an additional 25% of the animals. Similar treatment with transcranial electromagnetic stimulation after intraperitoneal injection of the antagonist of serotonergic receptors kytril did not influence avoidance conditioning. The electromagnetic brain stimulation did not affect the maintenance of the conditioned response in the animals that had developed it previously. Based on these data we hypothesize that the transcranial electromagnetic stimulation that was used in the present study promotes the synthesis of serotonin, which inhibits the formation of temporary connections during avoidance conditioning.
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