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Epidemiological Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum – Medani Highway, Sudan



A descriptive study of road traffic accidents on Khartoum – Medani highway, Sudan was conducted to investigate epidemiological profile of the problem throughout a year. Relevant records and monthly reports of Traffic General Administration were reviewed. A total of 231 accidents occurred, which resulted in death of 91 individuals and some injuries. The study revealed that, about 72(31.2%) of accidents led to injuries while 61(26.4%) led to death and injuries. The majority of victims were males of working age (25 – 44). The main causes behind these accidents were incorrect passing of vehicle (32.3%), incorrect crossing of pedestrian (30.8%), high speed (22.6%) and driving under influence of alcohol (7.5%). Most of accidents occurred in November 29(12.55%) and on Thursday 30(22.6%). The study concluded that, road traffic accidents on Khartoum – Medani still occurred in high proportion and it is a major death-leading cause.
ISSN 2286-4822
Vol. II, Issue 7/ October 2014
Impact Factor: 3.1 (UIF)
DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)
Epidemiological Profile of Road Traffic Accidents
on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
University of Khartoum, Sudan
University of Khartoum, Sudan
Alzaiem Alazhari University, Sudan
A descriptive study of road traffic accidents on Khartoum
Medani highway, Sudan was conducted to investigate epidemiological
profile of the problem throughout a year. Relevant records and
monthly reports of Traffic General Administration were reviewed. A
total of 231 accidents occurred, which resulted in death of 91
individuals and some injuries. The study revealed that, about
72(31.2%) of accidents led to injuries while 61(26.4%) led to death and
injuries. The majority of victims were males of working age (25 44).
The main causes behind these accidents were incorrect passing of
vehicle (32.3%), incorrect crossing of pedestrian (30.8%), high speed
(22.6%) and driving under influence of alcohol (7.5%). Most of
accidents occurred in November 29(12.55%) and on Thursday
30(22.6%). The study concluded that, road traffic accidents on
Khartoum Medani still occurred in high proportion and it is a major
death-leading cause.
Key words: Epidemiological, Road, Traffic, Accidents, Highway,
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
Road traffic accidents are considered as public health problem
world-wide. Each year, nearly 1.3 million people die as a result
of a road traffic collision more than 3500 deaths each day,
moreover twenty to fifty million more people sustain non-fatal
injuries from a collision, and these injuries are an important
cause of disability worldwide (Ashish and Devang, 2011).
Recent studies have shown an increase in the rate of road
traffic accidents (RTA) in many developing and developed
countries. This is attributed in part to urbanization,
industrialization, as well as the increase in the number of
motor vehicles on the roads (Charles et al, 2007).
By 2020, road traffic accidents will move from being the
9th leading cause of disability-adjusted life years lost to the 3rd
leading cause in the world and will be 2nd leading cause in
developing countries ( Abhishek et al, 2011)). The problem is
increasing at a fast rate in developing countries due to rapid
motorization and other factors (Issam et al, 2012).
Fortunately, road traffic injuries can be prevented, and
their consequences can be alleviated. This achieved in many
countries by enforcement of traffic laws as regards to speed
limits, alcohol drink, use of seat-belts, advocacy ... etc (Khare et
al, 2012).
In Sudan, road traffic Accidents problem is one of the
major health concerns because of the high rate of population
growth, the large percentage of young drivers, large number of
vehicles, the absence of strict law enforcement and the poor
road conditions (Ahmed and Gasmelseed, 2014).
Materials and Methods
Study area
Khartoum Medani highway is oldest and important one of
national highways in Sudan. It is established in 1963 to link
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
the Khartoum city, the capital of Sudan, with Medani town, the
capital of Aljazeera state. The length of the highway is about
186 km and its width is not more than 6.5 metre. It is used in
two directions without separation between them. A lot of
villages disperse on the sides of such highway, in addition to
intensive movement of animals and pedestrians crossing the
Data collection methods
The relevant data were collected by reviewing records and
monthly reports of Traffic General Administration throughout a
The findings illustrated that, about 231 accidents occurred on
Khartoum Medani highway in a period of year. Of them,
72(31.2%) resulted in injuries and 61(26.4%) led to deaths and
injuries (table 1). In table 2, the highest percentage of death
(43.9%) occurred in age group of 25 - 44. The death was more
frequent among males (72.5%) than females (table 3). Incorrect
passing of vehicle is a major cause of accidents (32.3%) followed
by incorrect crossing of pedestrian (30.8%), high speed (22.6%)
and driving under influence of alcohol (7.5%) as shown in table
4. November and December witnessed high percentage of
accidents, 12.55%and 9.96% respectively (table 5), also high
percentage of such accidents occurred on Thursday (22.6%) in
table 6.
Table (1): Distribution of road traffic accidents on Khartoum
Medani highway according to result of accident.
Accidents resulted in injuries
Accidents resulted in deaths and injuries
Accidents resulted in no death or injuries
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
Table (2): Age distribution of people killed in road traffic accidents
on Khartoum Medani highway.
Age group
16 - 24
25 - 44
45 - 64
Table (3): Sex distribution of people killed in road traffic accidents on
Khartoum Medani highway.
Table (4): Causes of road traffic accidents resulted in injuries and/or
death on Khartoum Medani highway.
Cause of accident
Incorrect passing of vehicle
Incorrect crossing of pedestrian
High speed
Driving under influence of alcohol
Explosion of tyre
Incorrect pick-up
Table (5): Distribution of road traffic accidents resulted in injuries
and/or death on Khartoum Medani highway according to result of
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
Table (6): Distribution of road traffic accidents resulted in injuries
and/or death on Khartoum Medani highway according to the day of
Day of accident
The findings illustrated that, a considerable number of accident
led to deaths and injuries. In this study, about 43.9% of killed
people in road traffic accidents were in age group (25 44
years) whom are reproductive age leading to enormous effect on
economic status of many families.
Most of victims (72.5%) were males compared with
females, it might attribute to that in Sudan males used motor
vehicles as riders or drivers more than females. Many studies
in different countries reported similar findings e.g. in Rural
Haryana that majority of the road traffic accidents victims
(79.47%) were in the age group of 15 to 50 years ( Abhishek et
al, 2011). Also in India, almost 75% of the victims were < 40
years, with the male to female ratio of 8.3:1 (Nirmalya et al,
2012). In Ghana, road traffic accidents are responsible for a far
higher rate of death among men, by an approximate ratio of 3:1
(Christian and John, 2014).
The present study found some causes behind the road
traffic accidents such as incorrect passing of vehicle, incorrect
crossing of pedestrians, high speed and driving under influence
of alcohol. Vimala and Lavanya (2013) found that Type of
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
vehicle and use of alcohol were associated with increased
occurrence of road traffic accidents. Also in Sudan, it has been
reported that over speeding remains the main cause of
accidents resulting in severe injuries with disabilities (Ahmed
and Gasmelseed, 2014).
The high percentage of road traffic accidents were
recorded in November and December, the months witness
heavy movement on the highway as well as on Thursday which
is weekend in Sudan and most of people return back from
Khartoum to their relatives and homes in the nearest towns
and villages.
Road traffic accidents represent a major public health problem
on Khartoum Medani highway. The majority of victims were
males and working age group. Weekends witnessed highest
proportion of road traffic accidents.
The authors are grateful to Traffic General Administration in
Khartoum and Aljazeera states for their assistance and
Ashish T, Devang R. Prevalence of road traffic accidents and
driving practices among young drivers. Health Line
2011; 2(2): 72 75
Charles O. B, Olafunmilayo I. F, Afolabi E. B, Lola V. A, Ronke
A, Aderonke M. B. Risk factors for road traffic accidents
among drivers of public institutions in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Afr J Health Sci. 2007; 14:137-142
Mohammed A. Elawad, Ahmed E. Elmardi, Liga H. M. Salim- Epidemiological
Profile of Road Traffic Accidents on Khartoum Medani Highway, Sudan
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 7 / October 2014
Abhishek S, Anu B, Rambha P, Ahluwalia S. K. An
Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases at
a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural Haryana. Indian
Journal of Community Health 2011; 23(2): 53 55
Issam B, Farid M, Fawzi S. Epidemiology of Road Traffic
Injuries in Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia: Consistency of
Police and Health Data. International Journal of Health
Sciences, Qassim University 2012; 6(1): 31 41
Khare N, Gupta S. K, Varshney A, Athavale A. V.
Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases
Attending Tertiary Care Hospital, In Bhopal Madhya
Pradesh. National Journal of Community Medicine
2012; 3(3): 395 399
Ahmed A. M. O, Gasmelseed Y. A. Traffic injuries: Health care
services and clinical outcome of victims in central
hospital, Sudan Int J Res Health Sci. 2014; 2(1): 9-19.
Nirmalya M, Sarmila M, Pankaj K. M, Debadatta
Chakraborty1, Jadab Chandra Sardar3, Haldar
Pritibikash4, Samir Das Gupta. The Epidemiological
Factors of Road Traffic Accidents: A Study in a Tertiary
Care Setting. J Pak Med Stud. 2013; 3(1):48-53
Christian A. H, John B. Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents
in Ghana. European Scientific Journal March 2014;
10(9): 370 - 381
Vimala Thomas, Lavanya, Sridhar. Epidemiologic Profile Of
Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Cases Admitted in A
Tertiary Care Hospital - A Retrospective Study in
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Int J Med Pharm Sci
2013; 3(06): 30 36
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Full-text available
Background: Each year, nearly 1.3 million people die as a result of a road traffic collision— more than 3500 deaths each day, moreover twenty to fifty million more people sustain non-fatal injuries from a collision, and these injuries are an important cause of disability worldwide. Road traffic injuries are among the three leading causes of death for young people (5 to 44 years of age). If timely actions are not taken, road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death in the world, resulting in an estimated 2.4 million deaths each year. Considering the issue and concern about younger age group, this study was carried out. Objectives: To find out prevalence of major and minor Road Traffic Accidents and its relation with Driving practices among young drivers. Methodology: A Cross Sectional Study among the school students of 11th and 12th standard going to the tuition classes of Ahmedabad and Vadodara city and students of S.B.K.S. Medical College. Data was collected with the help of a Pre-designed, Pre-tested questionnaire for road traffic accidents and driving practices. Results: Majority of drivers were in 18 to 19 years of age (49.7%), Male and from Vadodara city. Total Prevalence of Accidents was 41.4%, 20.4% had major accidents and 29.2% had minor accidents. Safe Driving practices like use of Helmets and Seat Belt while driving was less followed (11.5% and 40.2% respectively) while unsafe practices like use of mobile while driving was practiced by 42.4% of drivers and it was related with high prevalence of RTAs. Fault of Pedestrian and Poor road condition are the major reason of their RTAs for young drivers. Conclusion: Prevalence RTAs are high (41.4%) among young drivers and it is related with high speed of driving, use of mobiles with driving and not following safety measures while driving. Fault of pedestrian and poor road condition are the main reason for the RTA for the young drivers
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In this paper, we shall discuss the morbidity and mortality of road traffic accidents (RTAs) and other epidemiological variables of RTAs in Ghana between 1991 and 2011. The study will show that more than two thousand people died annually during the period. The average incidence of the morbidity and mortality patterns from RTAs in the period were 61.9 and 7.6 per 100 000 population, respectively. The morbidity pattern was similar throughout the same period with a mean of 1.2 per accident and a variance of 0.0093. Mortality rate per 100 accidents between 1991 and 2011, increased from 11.0 to 20.2, during this period, representing an increase of 83.6%. Although the number of accidents increased during the period 1991 to 2011, the number of fatal and injurious accidents per 100 road traffic accidents remained almost constant, with an average of 14.8 and 62.0, respectively. The highest fatalities during the period 1991 to 2011 were in the 26 – 35 year old age group. Road traffic accidents are responsible for a far higher rate of death among men, by an approximate ratio of 3:1. The highest incidence of road traffic accidents was in the month of November, followed by the month of December. Saturday stood out as the day during which most road traffic accidents occurred. Pedestrians were more likely to be injured or killed in a road traffic accident, than all other road users.
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Background- Accidents occur not only due to ignorance but also due to carelessness, thoughtlessness and over confidence. Human, vehicular and environmental factors play role before, during and after a Road Traffic Accidents (RTA). Road traffic injuries are partially predictable and hence preventable. Objectives- To study the pattern of road traffic accidents, socio demographic profile of road traffic injury victims seeking care at Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences And Research, Mullana and to study the antecedent factors influencing the road traffic accidents. Material and Methods-The present cross-sectional study was carried out at Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (MMIMSR), Mullana (Ambala). All the victims who reported to MMIMSR emergency and various OPD clinics of the institute between September 2009 to February 2011 were included in the study. Various parameters like age and sex distribution, time of occurrence, protective gears worn, injuries sustained, receipt of First -Aid, alcohol consumption, category of road user, vehicles involved in RTA, types of RTA, road conditions, environmental conditions etc were studied and valid conclusions were drawn. Results- There was a marked male preponderance (88.77 %) with maximum involvement of younger age groups. Most of the accidents had taken place in the evening hours (6 pm -12 midnight). The vulnerable road users like motorized two wheeler, LMV and pedestrians constituted 41.52%, 19.39% and 13.41% respectively. Only 158 of 545 two-wheeler users wore a helmet at the time of injury. 16.24% of drivers did not have a valid driving license. Not using indicator lights and not following speed limits were two most common factors responsible for these RTA.
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Back ground: Worldwide, the annual number of people killed in road traffic crashes is estimated at almost 1.2 million. (MVA) in Sudan is one of the major health concern and even a nightmare in some areas of the country where single two-direction high ways cross residential areas. Method: This is a cross-sectional study in which 621 of victims alive or dead attended and/or referred to Khartoum Teaching Hospital from October 2010 to December 2010.they were interviewed and followed till they discharged. Results: Most of involved victims were males aging 25 years and above. Driver mistakes accounted 505 (91.3%) of all accidents. Near two third of patients recovered completely, 195 victims recovered with disabilities, and 29 victims died at hospital. Pedestrians had large number of accidents. Discussion: Over speeding remains the main cause of accidents resulting in severe injuries with disabilities. Most of victims had educational level of primary school or even illiterate. Victims with severe trauma were 20 times higher risk of developing disabilities compared to mild trauma cases. Conclusion: Motor vehicle accidents in Sudan result in a significantly high mortality and morbidity rates that necessitate safety protocol including public health education, enforcing strict traffic and speeding rules, giving pedestrian priority in crossing rood, improvement of pre-and post-hospital trauma care in terms of well-trained emergency care technicians and well prepared ambulance. Most of patients did not wear any type of safety measures so legislations should be enforced. Appropriate management of road casualties following accidents is a crucial.
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Background: Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is one among the top five causes of morbidity and mortality in South-East Asian countries including India. 1 Its socioeconomic repercussions are a matter of great concern. Efficient addressing of the issue requires quality information on different causative factors. Objectives- What are different epidemiological determinants of RTA in Bhopal MP and examine the factors associated with RTA. Methodology: Study Design: retrospective observational. Setting: Study was performed in a tertiary healthcare delivery institute in Bhopal MP. Participants: All RTA cases coming to Emergency of Peoples hospital. Study Periods: 2009 JAN to OCT 2011. Study Variables: Demographic, human, vehicular, environmental and time factors. Results: In studied cases most of them were males 1047 (82.5%) and 16-31 years of age 647 (51%). Most common time duration of occurrence of RTA was 6PM to 12 PM 783(62%), most common injury after RTA was head injury 808 (64%), and most common cause of RTA according to type of vehicle was motor cycle (Two wheelers) 929(73%).The RTA cases according to place of occurrence more common on Ayodhya bypass Road 463 (37%) and least common on Raisen Road 91(7%). RTA cases according to time taken to reach hospital were less than 30 minutes in more of the cases 774(61%). Overall mortality among RTA cases was 40 (3.15%). Conclusion: Most of the factors responsible for RTA and its fatal consequences are preventable. A comprehensive multiprogramme approach can mitigate most of them. Keywords: Road traffic accidents, Epidemiological factors, Out come, Bhopal MP
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In Saudi Arabia, road traffic accidents (RTA) are becoming a serious public health problem. Police reports are designed for legal purposes with very little information on the health consequences. Also, health system data include detailed health information, but not related or linked to the data obtained police reports. Examining the consistency of these sources is vital to build an accurate surveillance system that can track the risk factors and the health consequences, as well as establishing and evaluating prevention interventions. This study is intended to: ▪ Examine the consistency of health -registration data with the data gathered by the traffic police department.▪ Elucidate the magnitude, risk factors and outcome of RTI in Qassim region of Saudi Arabia,▪ Compare the pattern of accidents in Qassim with those at different regions of the Kingdom. Health care information was collected on visits of victims of road traffic accidents to emergency and outpatients' departments of the major hospitals in Qassim region during the year 2010. The information included the patients' demographics, and clinical characteristics. Traffic Police Department information was also collected on all accidents that occurred in the study region. A Questionnaire was also developed and pilot tested to collect data from a random sample of population attending hospital outpatient and Primary Health Care clinics. Data included previous involvement in road traffic accident, and information about any injury; fatality or disability due to these RTI. During the study period, road traffic death rate based on death registration data was almost twice as high as the rate reported by the police (P < 0.05). There was also a significant decline of 27% according to police-reported data during the study period, as opposed to a non-significant increase of 8% according to health registration data during the same period. Population Survey Information showed the overall age-sex-adjusted rate for non-fatal RTI was 20.7 (95% CI, 20.0 - 21.3)/100 persons/year. The rate for non-fatal RTI is higher in the 10-19 years age group (17.3%). Males had twice or more incidence rate for RTI requiring recovery period of ≤ 7 days as compared with females, however, RTI incidence for recovery period of >7 days is more than twice in females.. Also a total of 12 deaths due to RTI were reported in 5-49 years age group in the last 3 years, representing an estimated annual RTI mortality rate of 35.4/100,000 (95% CI 16.6 - 57.8). A total of 11 participants reported RTI related disability in the last 3 years representing an estimated annual RTI disability rate of 34.1/100,000 population (95% CI 11.4 - 55.7). Reports of the Traffic Police Department showed that 18623 accidents occurred throughout the year 2010. These accidents involved 23178 persons, and resulted in the injury of 2025 people and the deaths of 369. In contrast, the health system reports showed that 4232 people had been injured and 1054 had died. Comparison with local & Arab Rates showed that Qassim is among the highest 5 regions in the kingdom regarding the number of RTA Saudi Arabia is also having a very high level of road traffic accidents and fatalities compared to other Arab countries. RTI are responsible for significant loss of life, disability and injury in Qassim population and in Saudi Arabia. The inconsistency between police-reported data and health system data strongly suggests that active efforts to audit and monitor data quality are clearly necessary.
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Recent studies have shown an increase in the rate of road traffic accident (RTA). Identifying the risk factors for this problem may provide a clue to possible effective intervention. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors for self reported RTA among drivers of educational institutions and make suggestions to promote safer driving. A cross sectional population study of motor vehicle drivers from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan was undertaken between December 2003 and January 2004. The study comprised of 99 motor vehicle drivers. 67 (67.7%) were from the College of Medicine, and 32 (32.3%) from the UCH. Response rate was 97.1%. All were males, aged 38 to 60 years, mean 50.1 ± (SD= 4.8 years). The prevalence of self reported RTA was 16.2%. The cause of road traffic accidents included, mechanical fault (50%), bad road (12.5%). RTA prevalence was higher among older drivers (OR=1.7, 95%CI=0.5-5.9; P>0,05), drivers who had part time jobs (Odds ratio 2.6, 95% CI 1.1-6.3; X2 =4.5, P=0.03), and drivers with visual impairment (OR=1.6, 95% CI=0-9, X2 0.49, P > 0.05). The prevalence of RTA was lower amongst drivers who did not take alcohol, cola nut and other CNS stimulants while driving (OR 0.9, 95% CI=0.3-2.3, P >0.05). Regular maintenance of official vehicles and examination of drivers’ eyes are recommended. Drivers should be discouraged from drugs and part jobs so as to ensure that they have enough time to rest and therefore prevent fatigue related RTA.
Epidemiologic Profile Of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Cases Admitted in A Tertiary Care Hospital -A Retrospective Study in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
  • Vimala Thomas
  • Lavanya
  • Sridhar
Vimala Thomas, Lavanya, Sridhar. Epidemiologic Profile Of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Cases Admitted in A Tertiary Care Hospital -A Retrospective Study in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Int J Med Pharm Sci 2013; 3(06): 30 -36