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Automatic Braking Using Drowsiness Detection System


Abstract and Figures

In today's world stress has become a very common factor which is believed to be present even with the youngsters mainly caused due to inadequate sleep. Insufficient sleep will cause a person to experience fatigue and drowsiness. Driving at conditions such as this can be very harmful for the life of the driver and for the people travelling along with him in case of heavy vehicles; a negligent driver can pose life threat even for the vehicles travelling in the opposite lane as well. The main achievement of this system is that this system is cost effective and this system can be installed in goods carrier vehicles. The drowsiness detecting system detects the state of the driver and if found asleep the movement of the vehicle is put at halt automatically and emergency lights are switched on so that the other drivers can bewared, and then the driver is awakened from his drowsiness without the arousal of any panic. Incorporation of such a device can reduce the loss of life to a greater percentage.
PWM diagram of the working of servomotor Emergency lights: The emergency lights are the spark lights of the vehicle. The rear lights are used and they are made to blink at a constant rate of 3 blinks per second. This signal warns the drivers approaching from the rear end of the vehicle to be more cautious and hence the chance of collision from the rear due to the deceleration of the vehicle during the due course of driving can be averted. The emergency lights are switched on as soon as the automatic brake system starts to function. Sleep awakening system: In the sleep awakening system the main component is the vibrator motor. The main function is to awaken the driver by producing vibrations. The vibrator motor is switched on when the car is at an halt position because if the driver is awaken during the process the whole system will stop and the driver will in a difficult situation to keep up with the speed and can lead to accidents. The vibrator motor is a D.C. motor in the system. Working of the Process: The drowsiness detector is the initiator of the process. It will sense the condition of the driver and send the feedback to the microcontroller. If the eyelids of the driver are remained closed for a prolonged time than the usual the drowsiness detector will sense this and will pass on the information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will initiate the working of the other components. The emergency lights will be switched as a signal to the other drivers who are driving; the servomotor which is fitted at the brake pedal will increase its angle gradually at regular intervals, this action will promise the gradual deceleration of the vehicle at a slower pace so that the driver will not be awaken immediately which will disrupt the normal working of the system. The vibrator motor is turned on to awaken the driver form his sleep after the vehicle has reached a complete halt position. The driver is awaken comfortably and the end of the process and he can resume his driving. The process is stopped once the sleep detector senses the eyelids of the driver is opened.
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Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN: 0974-2115
JCHPS Special Issue 5: October 2016 Page 388
Automatic Braking Using Drowsiness Detection System
M. Lokesh*, T. Vignesh, K.S. Kamalesh Kumar, V. Prabhakaran, G. Anandhakumar
Department of Energy and Environemental Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai
*Corresponding author: E-Mail:
In today’s world stress has become a very common factor which is believed to be present even with the
youngsters mainly caused due to inadequate sleep. Insufficient sleep will cause a person to experience fatigue and
drowsiness. Driving at conditions such as this can be very harmful for the life of the driver and for the people
travelling along with him in case of heavy vehicles; a negligent driver can pose life threat even for the vehicles
travelling in the opposite lane as well. The main achievement of this system is that this system is cost effective and
this system can be installed in goods carrier vehicles.
The drowsiness detecting system detects the state of the driver and if found asleep the movement of the
vehicle is put at halt automatically and emergency lights are switched on so that the other drivers can bewared, and
then the driver is awakened from his drowsiness without the arousal of any panic. Incorporation of such a device
can reduce the loss of life to a greater percentage.
KEY WORDS: servomotor, automatic braking, IR sensor, microcontroller.
Accidents are the main contributors for the loss of life at present. Generally accidents are caused due to
carelessness and ignorance which not only takes away the life of the driver but also the people who are travelling
along with him, automobile accidents is very common in the modern world. According to the statistics most of the
accidents are very common during 1 am to 2 am (early in the morning). Many vehicle manufacturers focus keenly
on improvising their technologies and systems in order to provide the consumer with a safe ride to travel with, this
requires a lot of investment and thereby the cost of an automobile also increases. In case of heavy vehicle
manufacturing drivers safety measures are never a primary concern. Hence a separate module must be incorporated
into the vehicle which can assure the safety of the driver thereby ensuring the safety of the other passengers and
also the goods in case of heavy vehicle sat a promising price. The sleep detecting system is in practice in many of
the latest automobile cars which detect the drowsy state of the driver and if found drowsy the driver is warned by
an alarm system which is pre-installed in the automobile. In many countries various methods have been employed
such as constructing kerbs edgings, small humps on the sideways of the road to warn the driver if he crosses the
hazardous zone which leads to accident.
This prototype will awaken the driver from the drowsy state without the need to stop the engine of the car
and without any need to install external objects on the roadways. This system is also cost-effective. This system
will be more advantageous for heavy vehicles which are much prone to accidents due to drowsy state of the driver
since it is very much cheap in cost and the accuracy of the system varies with the amount of investment on the
Figure.1. Circuit diagram of the system
Sleep detector: Drowsy state of a person is when the person is about to enter into a stage of complete or full sleep.
It is a transition state where a person enters where he loses his consciousness but he has not yet reached that stage
so his consciousness still prevails.
ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
JCHPS Special Issue 5: October 2016 Page 389
In this system we have used an infra-red receiver and an infra-red transmitter as a sleep detecting sensor.
The infra-red rays are made to incident on the eye and the reflected rays are received by the receiver. The position
of the mounting of the sensor is important it must not hinder the view of the driver nor can there be any
compromise in detecting the drowsy state of him too. In this system the sensor is placed very closer to the eye via
mounting them upon goggles which are worn by the driver. If the driver is found to be asleep (i.e. if his eyelids are
closed for a longer period of time than normal) the infrared rays which are emitted cannot be received back due to
absorption of the rays by the eyelids of the drivers. At a state such as this the microcontroller activates the various
components of the system.
Microcontroller: The microcontroller used is ATMEL 89S52. It has a 32 pinned microcontroller with 4 major
ports. It has an 8 bit processor. The ports are P0, P1, P2, and P3. Port P1 is interfaced with the LCD display. The
microcontroller gets the input from the sleep detecting sensors and sends the output to the automatic braking
system, emergency lights and the sleep awakening system. The LCD displays the current functioning of the
Automatic braking system: The main working of the automatic brake system is to decelerate the vehicle at a
constant rate gradually. The main component of the brake system is the servomotor. The servomotor is mounted
onto the pedal of the brake. The main advantage of the servomotor to the stepper motor is that it can change the
rotate at desired angle and can also maintain a constant position without any movement unlike a stepper motor. To
produce a gradual deceleration the angle stepper motor is gradually increased, this method of working of the
stepper motor will put the vehicle in a halt position at a gradual rate of deceleration. When the servomotor reaches
an angle of 900 the vehicle is completely at a halt position. The servomotor gets the input from microcontroller.
With the required Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal the angle of the servomotor can be changed and also
varied with respect to time and situation.
Figure.2. PWM diagram of the working of servomotor
Emergency lights: The emergency lights are the spark lights of the vehicle. The rear lights are used and they are
made to blink at a constant rate of 3 blinks per second. This signal warns the drivers approaching from the rear end
of the vehicle to be more cautious and hence the chance of collision from the rear due to the deceleration of the
vehicle during the due course of driving can be averted. The emergency lights are switched on as soon as the
automatic brake system starts to function.
Sleep awakening system: In the sleep awakening system the main component is the vibrator motor. The main
function is to awaken the driver by producing vibrations. The vibrator motor is switched on when the car is at an
halt position because if the driver is awaken during the process the whole system will stop and the driver will in a
difficult situation to keep up with the speed and can lead to accidents. The vibrator motor is a D.C. motor in the
Working of the Process: The drowsiness detector is the initiator of the process. It will sense the condition of the
driver and send the feedback to the microcontroller. If the eyelids of the driver are remained closed for a prolonged
time than the usual the drowsiness detector will sense this and will pass on the information to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller will initiate the working of the other components. The emergency lights will be switched as a
signal to the other drivers who are driving; the servomotor which is fitted at the brake pedal will increase its angle
gradually at regular intervals, this action will promise the gradual deceleration of the vehicle at a slower pace so
that the driver will not be awaken immediately which will disrupt the normal working of the system. The vibrator
motor is turned on to awaken the driver form his sleep after the vehicle has reached a complete halt position. The
driver is awaken comfortably and the end of the process and he can resume his driving. The process is stopped
once the sleep detector senses the eyelids of the driver is opened.
ISSN: 0974-2115 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
JCHPS Special Issue 5: October 2016 Page 390
Figure.3. Prototype model of the system
Fig.4. Block Diagram of Drowsiness Detection System
This paper proceed a completed security to the car drivers while they are in travel especially during night
times, due to overload and hectic time schedule in work they lags their sleep and which the body does not respond
to activeness and tend to rest for a while, so all the involuntary muscles makes them to feel drowsy and sleep for a
while. This will cause a serious problem when they are in driving mode. So, this system when installed in car it
provides a complete security for the drivers and as well as for the passengers. This produces an vibration and
indication for drivers which makes to feel alert in their all-time driving.
This drowsiness detecting system has less accuracy to detect the drowsy state of the driver. To increase the
accuracy of prediction of the drowsy state of the driver, image processing sensors can be used to detect by
analyzing the facial muscles, wide range infra-red sensors can increase the horizontal width of detection if the
driver moves by meager angle. The implementation of this sophisticated drowsiness detector device will contribute
more benefits to the future and the life loss can be reduced at a larger extent.
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... This Warning or alarming system is important to incorporate along with the drowsiness detection method. When a driver's sleepiness is detected, a buzzer is fitted near the driver to warn the driver [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]17]. The LCD has also been used to display the status of detection systems. ...
Conference Paper
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One way of avoiding crashes or mitigating the consequences of a crash is to apply an autonomous braking system. Quantifying the benefit of such a system in terms of injury reduction is a challenge. At the same time it is a fundamental input into the vehicle development process. This paper describes a method to estimate the effectiveness of reducing speed prior to impact. A holistic view of quantifying the benefit is presented, based on existing real life crash data and basic dynamic theories. It involves a systematic and new way of examining accident data in order to extract information concerning pre-crash situations. One problem area when implementing collision mitigation systems is being able to achieve sufficient target discrimination. The results from the case study highlight frontal impact situations from real world accident data that have the greatest potential in terms of improving accident outcome. One of the first stages in the development of forward dectection driver support systems is a system to detect vehicles travelling in the same direction. Here, braking tends to be efficient in terms of accident mitigation; hence reducing AIS1 spinal injuries in this specific traffic incidence. The need for an increased level of object discrimination becomes obvious though, when taking all frontal impacts into account. This method forms the basis for estimating the possible benefit of autonomous braking systems as well as the basis for evaluating different settings such as sensor performance, limitation of braking time, and object classification.
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The Advanced Driver Assistance System provides attractive auxiliary equipment to improve the safety and efficiency of human driving. It has motivated active research concerned with the sensing of the driving environment. In this paper, technical issues concerning the sensing of the driving environment are discussed and a feasible sensor fusion scheme is presented. In the image processing module, an adaptive color model is proposed to detect the color features of the objects around the car by creating a color prototype as motivation. The color prototype is defined as an abstract representation of the color features in the driving environment. It constitutes a spherical influence field in color space. Color prototypes are generated from experience learning. They are able to represent the comprehensive color features of the object and their spherical influence fields can exactly bound the color region in color space. To obtain a proper description of a color feature, feature extraction is introduced to extract the representative color prototypes by dense weight estimation of the color prototypes, so that unrealistic or biased color prototypes are removed from the color model
The auto-braking system was designed by VHDL and fabricated to keep a distance. It provides pre-crash safety system for intelligent car. This module can detect the distance between front vehicle and your vehicle to keep a constant distance using a sensor and operate the brake system forcibly if the driver does not decrease the speed of car. The system displays the distance between the two vehicles and the speed of your vehicle. The performance of the system was good.
Fabrication of Auto Braking System for Pre-Crash safety, Pusan University of Foreign Studies
  • Eung Soo
Eung Soo Kim, Fabrication of Auto Braking System for Pre-Crash safety, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Busan, Korea, Internaltional Journal of Control And Automation, 2 (1), 2009.
Automatic Emergency Brking System, Technical requirements, costs and benefits
  • C Grover
  • I Knight
  • F Okoro
  • I Simmons
  • G Couper
  • P Massie
  • B Smith
Grover C, Knight I, Okoro F, Simmons I, Couper G, Massie P, Smith B, Automatic Emergency Brking System, Technical requirements, costs and benefits, Published project Report PPR 227, 2008.
Application and prospect of information technology, transport
Kim J.H, Application and prospect of information technology, transport, TTA Journal, 117, 2008, 30-31.
Research predicts warning, automatic braking system on autos will help save lives, Virginia Tech transportation Institute
  • Clay Gabler
  • Kristofer Kusano
Clay Gabler, Kristofer Kusano, Research predicts warning, automatic braking system on autos will help save lives, Virginia Tech transportation Institute, Blackburgh, 2012.
Passenger Vehicle occupant Fatalities by Day and Night-A Contrast
  • Cerian Varghese
  • Umesh Shankar
Cerian Varghese, Umesh Shankar, Passenger Vehicle occupant Fatalities by Day and Night-A Contrast, Traffic Safety Facts, Research Note, 2007.
Traffic accidents, Day versus Night
  • R Donald
  • Kenneth R Herd
  • Agent
  • Rizenbergs Rolandsl
Donald R, Herd, Kenneth R, Agent, RolandsL, Rizenbergs, Traffic accidents, Day versus Night, Research Report 545, Bureau of Highways, Department of Transportation, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Research Board, 1980.
Driver Sleep Detector and Alarming system
  • Chenyang Xu
  • Xiangyu Chen
  • Yixiao Nie
Chenyang Xu, Xiangyu Chen, Yixiao Nie, Driver Sleep Detector and Alarming system, 2013.