... Beards may enhance perceived male formidability by exaggerating underlying masculine facial structure, especially jaw size (Dixson, Little, Dixson, & Brooks, 2017;Sherlock et al., 2017;Mefodeva et al., 2020), which could explain why beards facilitate recognition of male faces posing angry facial expressions (Craig, Nelson, & Dixson, 2019;Dixson, Barkhuizen, & Craig, 2021), but not happy faces . Yet like facial masculinity, beardedness has variable effects on judgments of social traits related to trustworthiness, such that bearded faces are judged as more attractive than clean-shaven faces in some studies , Dixson, Lee, Blake, Jasienska, & Marcinkowska, 2018Stower et al., 2020), but not others (Dixson & Brooks, 2013;Dixson, Tam, & Awasthy, 2013;Gray et al., 2020;Muscarella & Cunningham, 1996;Neave & Shields, 2008;Valentova, Varella, Bártová,Štěrbová, & Dixson, 2017), while facial hair increases perceptions of trustworthiness in several studies (Bakmazian, 2014;Guido, Peluso, & Moffa, 2011;Mittal & Silvera, 2021;but see Fetscherin, Tantleff-Dunn, & Klumb, 2020). ...