Let λ = (λn)n≥1be a nondecreasing sequence of positive numbers tending to infinity such that λ1 = 1 and λn+1 ≤ λn + 1 for all n, and let In = [n - λn + 1; n] for n = 1; 2; . . . . Then for any given nonzero sequence μ, we define by Δ⁺(μ) the operator that generalizes the operator of the first difference and is defined by Δ+(μ)xk = μk(xk - xk+1). In this article, for any given integer r ≥ 1, we deal with the λ+r(μ)-statistical convergence that generalizes in a certain sense the well-known λrE-statistical convergence. The main results consist in determining sets of sequences χ and χ of the form s⁰ξ satisfying χ ⊂ [V; λ]0(Δ+r(μ)) ⊂ χ' and sets κ and κ' of the form sε satisfying κ ≤ [V; λ]∞(λ+r(μ)) ⊂ χ'. This study is justified since the infinite matrix associated with the operator Δ+r(μ) cannot be explicitly calculated for all r.