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Using Open Source Tools to Measure Online Selective Exposure in Naturalistic Settings
Dominik Leiner
LMU Munich
Sebastian Scherr
LMU Munich
Anne Bartsch
LMU Munich
Leiner, D., Scherr, S., & Bartsch, A. (2016). Using open source tools to measure online
selective exposure in naturalistic settings. Communication Methods and Measures, 10(4), 199–216.
Measuring audiences’ selective exposure to media content in naturalistic settings constitutes a
methodological challenge that has only partly been resolved. We present a new methodological
approach that is based on the open source web analytics software Piwik. This method allows for
the tracking of selective exposure, and facilitates the integration of selective exposure data with
online survey data. To ease data handling, we created a plug-in turning Piwik into a scientific
research tool. After discussing the theoretical and methodological background of collecting data
on user selections, we provide step-by-step instructions on the integration of Piwik with online
content, survey software, and the merging of tracking and survey data. Finally, we discuss
research applications, advantages and limitations of the new research tool.
Keywords: Communication research methods, observational research methods, quantitative
methods, research methods, surveys, selective exposure, content selection
Using Open Source Tools to Measure Online Selective Exposure in Naturalistic Settings
Before media content can have effects, it first needs to reach its audience. This truism has
become all the more salient with the proliferation of media channels and content choices that
audiences have at their disposition in today’s media landscape (Bryant & Davies, 2008;
Hartmann, 2009; Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a; Zillmann & Bryant, 1985). The freedom of
choice that audiences have to select from countless sources of information and entertainment, as
well as their increasing autonomy with regard to the timing and channels of access to media
content have spawned revived interest among media effects researchers in both micro and macro
level effects of audiences’ selective exposure to media content (Garrett, 2009b; Pariser, 2011).
In particular, new forms of access provided by online and mobile media have stimulated
scholarly debate and research about the positive as well as problematic implications of
audiences’ increased autonomy and control in selecting their media diets. On the one hand, lay
audiences’ access to more diverse and previously inaccessible sources of information has been
linked to democratic outcomes such as a well-informed public (Dahlgren, 2005), and audiences’
active participation in public discourse (Bruns, 2005, 2008). On the other hand, individuals may
also use their freedom of choice to avoid content that is inconsistent with their prior attitudes and
interests. For example, selective media use may lead to greater political polarization for
audiences who are caught up in attitude consistent “echo chambers” (Jamieson & Cappella,
2008; Knobloch-Westerwick & Meng, 2011; Wallsten, 2005). Selective media use has also been
linked to a deepening of knowledge gaps between well-informed audiences, and those who
engage in an “entertainment slalom” (Feldman, 2013; Feldman, Stroud, Bimber, & Wojcieszak,
2013; Knobloch, 2002; Prior, 2007) with a focus on apolitical entertainment media.
The recent revitalization of selective exposure research has also stimulated a number of
significant methodological advancements (Clay, Barber, & Shook, 2013; Feldman et al., 2013;
Hayes, 2013; Himelboim, Smith, & Shneiderman, 2013; Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a). For
example, research based on retrospective self-reports of selective exposure (Best, Chmielewski,
& Krueger, 2005; Diab, 1979; Garrett, Carnahan, & Lynch, 2013; Sweeney & Gruber, 1984), or
reported behavioral intentions (Fischer, Jonas, Frey, & Schulz-Hardt, 2005; Fischer et al., 2011;
Garrett, 2009a) has been combined with observational methods (Bryant & Zillmann, 1984;
Dillman Carpentier, Knobloch, & Zillmann, 2003; Knobloch-Westerwick, Sharma, Hansen, &
Alter, 2005; Messing & Westwood, 2014; Zillmann, Hezel, & Medoff, 1980) as well as “big
data” approaches that analyze selective exposure at the level of aggregated user data (Gentzkow
& Shapiro, 2011; Webster & Ksiazek, 2012).
However, as Clay et al. (2013) have recently argued based on their analysis of the strengths
and weaknesses of different methodological approaches, several methodological challenges
remain that present non-trivial limitations to the validity of current selective exposure research.
Among these challenges are the specificity of measurement of audiences’ initial attitudes, and
their perceptions of the content, the continuous and repeated measurement of selective exposure
to media content, and the study of selective exposure in diverse media contexts.
As discussed below, extant approaches (Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a) have already
overcome several of the methodological shortcomings, but they either require programming
skills, or costly access to commercial data sources, and are not easy-to-implement for existing,
third-party websites. In particular, the new methodological approach to the study of online
selective exposure presented in this paper focuses on the latter aspect, that is, flexible
implementation with different types of online content including both researcher-generated and
third-party content - which is key to ensure high standards of external validity(Clay et al., 2013;
Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a). In an effort to enhance the current state of the art of selective
exposure research we developed a measurement tool that is based on open source web analytics
software and allows for a detailed and continuous observation of selective exposure to online
content in the lab, as well as in naturalistic settings, including longitudinal designs. Moreover, it
facilitates the integration of behavioral observation methods with online survey software – which
is required to merge selective exposure data with introspective data from pre- and posttest
questionnaires on participants’ attitudes, and perceptions of the content.
With these methodological desiderata in mind, we created a plug-in for the web analytics
software Piwik, establishing a convenient interface for using the open source software Piwik
(download available from as scientific research tool. In this paper we provide
step-by-step instructions for implementation by other researchers – in particular concerning the
integration of Piwik with websites, and with online survey software (including an appendix with
further helpful information for the reader). We also provide instructions for the merging of
selective exposure data with online survey data on a case-wise level. Finally, we discuss the
specific contribution of our methodological approach to solving the challenges noted above, as
well as its limitations, and implications for further research. For the convenience of the reader,
the technical expertise required to understand the general data collection approach will be pretty
low, the expertise required to follow the technical details of the software’s operation then will be
slightly higher, and the expertise required to actually deploy the solution is moderate.
Theoretical and Methodological Background
The selective exposure paradigm is concerned with the fact that individuals’ “voluntary
exposure to information is highly selective” (Olson & Zanna, 1979, p. 1). Specifically, the
concept of selective exposure refers to situations where multiple media channels and/or content
options are readily available to media users who tend to choose some of these options with
greater likelihood than others (Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a; Sears & Freedman, 1967; Zillmann
& Bryant, 1985).
From a normative democratic perspective, audiences’ freedom of choice in selecting their
media diets is generally advantageous, because a well-informed public constitutes an important
prerequisite for modern democracies (Dahlgren, 2005) and because the circulation of different
positions and arguments is vital to the functionality of political discourse (Habermas, 1989).
However, recent empirical research has also drawn attention to less than desirable consequences
of multi-optional media environments that can impair political participation (Dilliplane, 2011;
Knobloch-Westerwick & Johnson, 2014; Matthes, 2012; Mutz, 2002, 2006), increase political
polarization (Garrett, 2009a, 2009b; Knobloch-Westerwick & Meng, 2011), or deepen
knowledge gaps (Drew & Weaver, 2006; Prior, 2005). A meta-analysis of individual selective
exposure to information (Hart et al., 2009) shows a moderate overall preference for congenial
information (deffect = .36; Nstudies = 300) with slightly stronger effect sizes for political issues (d =
.46; n = 72). These selective exposure effects were observed to be strongest for beliefs (d = .53; n
= 43) and attitudes (d = .42; n = 63) as compared to behaviors (d = .29; n = 194). Beyond the
context of political information, selective exposure can also take effect in domains such as
business, legal decisions, consumer decision-making, or interpersonal relations (Clay et al.,
2013), which makes it a highly relevant paradigm not only for communication research.
Despite its undeniable merits, selective exposure research has also received methodological
criticism early on (e.g. Frey & Wicklund, 1978, p. 138), and recently (Hastall & Knobloch-
Westerwick, 2013). Nevertheless, it is widely agreed upon that even small selectivity effects can
be relevant, or that they may sum up to substantial influences (Clay et al., 2013). Therefore, it
seems important to further advance the methodological repertoire of the selective exposure
approach, and to address the limitations associated with the current state-of-the-art (Clay et al.,
2013; Hayes, 2013; Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a). Substantial technical hurdles, inherent in the
nature of selective exposure research, need to be overcome to arrive at an unobtrusive and
ecologically valid assessment of selective exposure behavior, and to integrate such behavioral
data with the introspective assessment of audiences’ underlying motivations, attitudes, and
perceptions (see Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013; Zillmann et al., 1980). The following
section provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses associated with extant
methodological approaches, with a special focus on observational measures of online selective
Methodological Approaches to the Study of Selective Exposure
Research on selective exposure has covered a variety of media channels including radio,
television, newspapers, and online media, and has produced a considerable amount of
methodological diversity (for recent reviews see Clay et al., 2013; Hastall & Knobloch-
Westerwick, 2013; Hayes, 2013). Clay et al. (2013, pp. 148-149) critically reviewed existing
techniques for measuring selective exposure, and identified four broad methodological
approaches: (1) Studies using retrospective reports of individuals’ selective media use for
measuring selective exposure, (2) measures of behavioral intention that focus on individuals’
likelihood of selecting specific media content without measuring actual exposure, (3) observation
of actual selective exposure behavior by tracking the quantity of information consumed (i.e., the
number of sources, and sometimes the time spent reading them), and (4) aggregate level studies
that use market data for describing selective exposure behavior on a population level. The
respective strengths and weaknesses of these methodological approaches have been discussed by
Clay et al. (2013) in detail and need not be reiterated here. Rather, we will focus on two key
points that directly pertain to the focus of our methodological project.
First, an important limitation of introspective measures, such as retrospective reports and
behavioral intentions, concerns their proneness to memory biases and socially desirable response
tendencies (Clay et al., 2013, pp. 149-156). Introspective measures are still indispensable,
however, when it comes to the assessment of subjective background variables such as prior
attitudes, perceptions of the content selected, or attitudinal changes that result from exposure to
the content (Clay et al., 2013, pp. 163-164). Thus, the weaknesses of purely introspective
approaches (1 and 2) can be a strength if combined with behavioral tracking approaches (3 and
4). To solve the conflicting demands associated with the assessment of different types of
variables (selective exposure behavior vs. subjective attitudes), behavioral observation needs to
be integrated with introspective measurement approaches (Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick,
A second and related point, which follows from the need for integrated assessment of
objective behavior and subjective attitudes, is that on an aggregate level, behavioral data are
difficult to interpret. Often times, studies using aggregate data to investigate selective exposure
do not assess pre-existing attitudes towards selected (or selectively avoided) issues in the media,
although this information is crucial within the selective exposure paradigm (Clay et al., 2013, p.
162). Moreover, in these studies it often remains unclear what elements of a message were de
facto perceived by the study participants and actually influenced selectivity (Clay et al., 2013,
pp. 160-163). The availability of individual-level data often is vital to the study of the
antecedents and effects of selective exposure—as opposed to the study of selective exposure
patterns per se.
Taken together, behavioral observation (i.e., tracking) of selective exposure to media
content can be characterized as a methodological core element that should optimally be
integrated at a case-wise level with the introspective assessment of subjective attitudes and
perceptions (and additional variables that might be relevant for testing complex theoretical
models such as possible mediator or moderator variables). The following section focuses on the
current state of methodological development of tracking-based approaches, and considers their
strengths and limitations.
Unobtrusive Behavioral Measurement of Selective Exposure: The Current State-of-the-Art
An early method for behavioral observation of selective exposure to television programs
was developed by Zillmann et al. (1980) who presented their research participants with a choice
of purported “TV channels” that were played back from video recorders, and from which
participants could choose using a “remote control” device that recorded exposure times to each
of the programs. This method has successfully been employed in a number of laboratory studies
(Bryant & Zillmann, 1984; Wakshlag, Reitz, & Zillmann, 1982; Zillmann & Bryant, 1985;
Zillmann et al., 1980).
With the development of the Internet into a particularly powerful, multi-optional media
environment, the focus of behavioral observation of selective exposure to media content has
shifted to online content, and computer or web-based research designs (Best et al., 2005; Garrett
et al., 2013; Knobloch-Westerwick, Johnson, & Westerwick, 2015; Knobloch-Westerwick,
Sharma, et al., 2005; Messing & Westwood, 2014). Typically, studies investigate the impact of
initial attitudes (and other individual level variables measured before and after selective
exposure) on the number of related news articles and time spent with reading them (Stroud &
Muddiman, 2013; Taber & Lodge, 2006). Other studies investigated the influence of
experimental manipulations on selection behavior as the dependent variable (Knobloch-
Westerwick & Sarge, 2015; Valentino, Banks, Hutchings, & Davis, 2009).
A particularly prolific and elegant approach to observe online selective exposure has been
developed by Hastall and Knobloch-Westerwick (2013). In a number of studies their research
group presented participants with specifically prepared websites that unobtrusively logged
selective exposure measures such as the number of selected articles, and the time spent reading
selected articles within a given time frame, after which a follow-up questionnaire was
automatically loaded (e.g. Knobloch-Westerwick, Dillman Carpentier, Blumhoff, & Nickel,
2005; Knobloch-Westerwick & Johnson, 2014; Knobloch-Westerwick et al., 2015; Knobloch-
Westerwick & Meng, 2011). These studies comprise a wide topical array of issues (including
gun control, abortion, health care, or minimum wages), and monitor participants’ website
browsing behavior (e.g., time spent with articles consistent or inconsistent with the individual’s
Clay et al. (2013, p. 159) who refer to this methodological approach as the “mock website
paradigm” (p. 159) have noted several strengths and limitations (see also Hastall & Knobloch-
Westerwick, 2013). Compared to other measures of selective exposure such as retrospective
reports or behavioral intentions, this approach has the highest external validity as it unobtrusively
captures actual selective exposure behavior. Hence, this method is less reliant on participants’
accuracy of remembering own past behavior or predicting likely future behavior, and it is less
prone to attitudinal biases and issues of social desirability, which reduces measurement error and
enhances the construct validity of selective exposure measurement. Thus, as Clay et al. (2013, p.
159) have pointed out, “measures of observed selective exposure behavior have benefitted
considerably from the advent of technology.”. These advantages include, but are not limited to
the monitoring of detailed information about the duration of exposure, the number and quality of
selected information, the order in which information was selected, and the overall diversity of
information – which can be used for studying mediators or moderators of selective exposure
effects (Clay et al., 2013, p. 159).
Clay et al.’s (2013) analysis of weaknesses associated with the “mock website paradigm”
focuses on issues of generalizability associated with the restricted choice and a-priori
categorization of content included in artificial websites created for research purposes (typically
including 6-12 articles, see Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013, p. 103). Selective exposure
effects may differ if – rather than focusing on a (forced) selectivity task within a given sample of
news articles – participants have the choice of selecting completely irrelevant content (Feldman
et al., 2013). Thus, despite its higher level of external validity compared to retrospective reports
and behavioral intentions, this approach may only partly reflect real selective exposure behavior
outside the lab. Moreover, Clay et al. (2013) argue that researchers’ pre-selection of articles
involves untested a-priori assumptions about participants’ interpretation of the content.
We think that both of Clay et al.’s (2013) criticisms can (partly) be addressed within the
mock website paradigm, for instance, by including irrelevant content in addition to the target
articles, and by careful pretesting and adding manipulation checks of how participants perceive
the stimulus materials (see Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013). In particular, selective
exposure research conducted within this methodological paradigm has differentiated between
informational and entertaining (or mixed) contexts (see Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a), and has
shown that patterns of selective exposure differ when non-political content is available
(Arceneaux & Johnson, 2013). However, as Hastall and Knobloch-Westerwick (2013) have
noted, “web server-based measurement of selective exposure to online content typically requires
a substantial technical knowledge of Internet technologies and protocols” (p. 103). They
conclude that “potential future enhancements, which we welcome, could include the
development of open-source software tools for convenient implementation in different research
contexts or the development of easy-to-use templates implemented in existing software tools”
(Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013, p. 104).
The present methodological development aims to address existing technical challenges in
an attempt to make the tracking approach free of charge, and accessible for researchers without
extensive technical background knowledge. Moreover, we aim to advance the integration of
technologies for tracking selective exposure with preexisting websites, and with online survey
Using Piwik for Unobtrusive Measurement of Selective Exposure to Online Content
Piwik is an open source web analytics software, collecting and analyzing data on the use
and users of a given website (Karg & Thomsen, 2011). Its statistics may include information
about search terms, website referrers (the website that users have seen before), time spent on a
website and on specific web pages, a website’s typical landing and exit pages, IP-address, web
browsers, etc.. Piwik is open source software (GNU Public Licence v3) programmed in PHP,
and is provided at no cost. It requires a MySQL database running on the webserver as storage
for the monitored data. Of particular interest with regard to privacy and research ethics, Piwik
can be run on a local server, i.e., as “in-house-solution” (Karg & Thomsen, 2011, p. 489), which
offers possibilities to ensure highest data security standards as data storage does not involve
external servers. Thus, handling of user data is possible without involvement of third parties,
and data need not necessarily be transferred to foreign countries. Compared to other web
analytic tools such as Google analytics, for example, a local Piwik server further allows the
researcher full access to all detail information stored in the MySQL database via database
interface or the structured query language (SQL).
Using the web analytics software Piwik, any given web content, including preexisting
online content, may be employed for selective exposure research. This and the simple use of
Piwik are important advantages and prerequisite for creating study designs with high standards of
external validity. To implement accurate user tracking, any web analytics software requires
some modification of the original web content. In case of Piwik, a piece of JavaScript code
needs to be added to the source code of the target website; if the website is based on a common
content management system (CMS) instead of static HTML, ready-made plug-ins are available
to implement the necessary JavaScript. Thus, researchers can either track selective exposure to
self-published websites, or conduct studies in cooperation with other content providers such as
news media, companies, and other organizations who are willing to implement the tracking script
on their website. This possibility of tracking research participants’ selective exposure to
preexisting online content constitutes an important complement to research using mock websites
designed for research purposes (Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013). For instance,
unobtrusive measures of selective exposure to online content could improve our understanding of
online news selectivity (see Knobloch-Westerwick & Meng, 2009; Messing & Westwood, 2014),
or could contribute to selective political news reading and sharing (e.g. Kang, Lee, You, & Lee,
A previously unresolved challenge of using web analytics software such as Piwik for
research purposes is the lack of data export functions on a case-by-case basis, which is required
for case-wise data analysis, and merging of selective exposure data with survey responses.
Highly automated merging of background survey responses that asses participants’ attitudes
before and/or after selective exposure to media content, for instance, allows large-scale online
studies that yield sufficient statistical power to work with the complexity of realistic websites.
To address the challenge of data extraction, we created a specialized plug-in for Piwik that offers
convenient data export functions including case IDs for individual research participants to merge
tracking and survey data stemming from standard survey software such as survey monkey, lime
survey, or SoSci Survey.
Technical Background and Practical Application
Exposure of study participants to online content and selection of content typically involves
an Internet browser. Every click on a hyperlink, button, or advertising while surfing a website is
an active selection of content. These are machine-readable interactions that constitute valuable
information for researchers, who may use this information to observe individuals’ choices in an
unobtrusive way. The methodological challenge is to (a) record these choices while
distinguishing different participants, and (b) extract those selections that are relevant for the
specific research design. Whenever the user clicks on a weblink to see the content behind, the
request is an action that is by default restored into a “log file” (mostly with further information
about the time and the IP address of the requesting computer). These logfiles are usually
available on the webserver that handles the requests and can generally be used for monitoring
internet behaviors. If the server is not run by the researcher, a proxy server may be employed in
laboratory settings (see for this alternative monitoring approach e.g., Menchen-Trevino & Karr,
2012). While the information provided by logfiles is useful under some conditions, it suffers two
major shortcomings. First, an IP address does not always identify one single device (computer,
tablet, cellular phone, etc.). One device may use multiple IP addresses, or several devices may
use a single IP address to access the web server. Second, browsers may store some content in
their cache (not requesting it from the server, if selected again) or automatically prefetch web
pages that the user is likely to select next.
Overcoming the first shortcoming is known as user tracking. This means to accurately tell
which device a request was sent from – based on the assumption that a device is used by only
one person at a time. The most widespread method for user tracking is a cookie, i.e., some ID
code or other data stored on the user's computer and sent along every request to the web server.
More recent methods of user tracking include fingerprinting, which becomes relevant if the
browser does not actively support the tracking by sending a cookie. To overcome the second
shortcoming, even more cooperation from the user’s Internet browser is necessary: It must
actively send information to the observer, when a page (or other content) is displayed on the
user's screen. Currently, JavaScript is the most common and widespread technique for such
active content. An appropriate script could send a notification when a page loads, when a
specific item comes into sight, when a button is pressed, or when the user switches between
browser tabs.
Using Piwik for Recording Users’ Online Activities
The software Piwik provides the functionality to track users’ activity on any website. The
tool has been developed for website monitoring. There are other browser plug-ins such as the
one developed as, or proxy server-based solutions (Menchen-Trevino &
Karr, 2012). This paper focuses on Piwik, a free tool with an active community that is widely
used around the globe. For researchers, the tool is attractive because it is free, open source, and
it works immediately with minimal customization. In the default configuration, Piwik employs
cookies, and JavaScript to track website users ensuring the distinct identification of participants
throughout a website’s pages. If cookies are blocked or unavailable for other reasons, Piwik will
fall back to fingerprinting. The JavaScript, which must be included in every web page, (see
below) signals the Piwik server whenever a new page is displayed in the participant’s browser.
This mechanism avoids issues with browser-side caching or prefetching. According to Hastall
and Knobloch-Westerwick (2013, p. 96) valid, unobtrusive monitoring of selective exposure
must ensure that (1) each accessed web content is recorded, (2) no exposure record exists for
content that has not been loaded or seen, and that (3) the time spent with each content allows an
exact reconstruction of individual online selectivity. All of these criteria are met when using
Piwik for monitoring web activity. Specifically, Piwik is able to track every browser activity,
including the (repeated) use of browser back and forward buttons, and monitors all kinds of
opening a new webpage by the participants while tracking the respective time for each action in
seconds. Hence, issues with eventually locally cached and retrieved copies of websites,
prefetching, or with ‘privacy features’ activated in browsers do not apply for Piwik. Monitoring
with Piwik is also not affected by multiple browser windows or browser tabs as Piwik records the
URLs of the visited webpages and thus allows for accurate filtering.
As mentioned above, Piwik is only one possible solution to collect data on selective
exposure. Apart from log file analyses, there are plug-ins (e.g., “webhistorian” for Google
Chrome) and other local software to collect and transmit use data. One important advantage of
Piwik is that its application does not depend on client-side software, i.e., the participant must
neither install a program/plug-in nor actively send data. Piwik also ensures adequate privacy by
not collecting data on Internet surfing aside the stimulus (see
To ensure highest standards of privacy, we recommend using a local webserver for both
Piwik and the stimulus content (the server requirements are PHP and MySQL) instead of cloud
services. Moreover, there are three steps for the researcher to use Piwik to record selections on a
website: (1) Make the stimulus material available through the Internet or the local network, so
that research participants can access the website (via HTTP or HTTPS). The stimulus material
may be located on the same webserver as Piwik or not. Most importantly, both (Piwik and the
stimulus) should be available through the same protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) in order to comply
with browser security principles. In contrast to other proxy systems for monitoring (Menchen-
Trevino & Karr, 2012), our tool allows monitoring websites with HTTPS security. (2) Set up
Piwik on the webserver and, optionally, activate our plug-in Exposure Research Tool to
conveniently download the recorded data. (3) Add a piece of JavaScript to the stimulus material.
(1) The stimulus material may have been created as static website (HTML files) or by
means of a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or Typo3. We recommend a
static website, because it requires no CMS set up, integration of JavaScript code is straight
forward (copy and paste to HTML file), and distinction of pages based on their URL is trivial.
(2) The setup of Piwik on a webserver is explained in a detailed installation manual on the
Piwik website, including a video tutorial. If different stimulus websites share the same Internet
(sub-)domain, it is not necessary to create (register) multiple websites in Piwik, as the websites
and their pages will be distinguished by their path names. Yet, if different websites are
registered, the Exposure Research Tool will create separate data files for each.1
(3) The JavaScript code required for user tracking is available from the Piwik user
interface (already displayed during the setup process; see Figure 1) within the administration
menu where the monitored websites are listed. If using static websites, simply “copy & paste”
this code into every HTML file (e.g., immediately before the closing </head> HTML tag,
which should already exist in the HTML file). If multiple websites have been defined in Piwik,
please note that the JavaScript code varies per website (but not per web page). If necessary,
upload the modified files to the webserver. If employing a CMS-based website, the Piwik
manual includes detailed information on how to add appropriate JavaScript. When the stimulus
material is viewed with an Internet browser, Piwik will now record every page view and stored
these log data (who opened, which page, at what time?) in a MySQL database.
Combining Piwik with Survey or Observational Data
After having introduced the basic principles of preparing Piwik to measure online activities
on a given website, we will now explain how to realize the redirect from a survey to the stimulus
material in a new browser tab. The examples are based on a questionnaire created with SoSci
Survey software for conducting online surveys and optimized for enhanced research designs. As
a first example of a typical study design using Piwik we describe how this tool could be
implemented to replicate and extend research conducted by Knobloch-Westerwick (Knobloch-
Westerwick, 2015a, 2015b) to test the Selective Exposure for Self- and Affect-Management
(SESAM) Model. This research design involves collection of survey data through an online
questionnaire in a pre-post-test design with selective exposure as a mediating variable. After
answering questions about predispositions or preexisting attitudes, we redirected participants to a
manipulated website containing news or entertaining content. Media selectivity is then
unobtrusively monitored using Piwik during a given timeframe, in which a new browser tab is
open. After that, attitude change and/or behavioral intentions are assessed in a post selective
exposure questionnaire to which we redirected participants automatically. This research design
allows researchers to further examine the SESAM Model (Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a,
2015b). Knobloch-Westerwick (2015a, pp. 375-381) used a comparable research design to
empirically test the model in different contexts (gender, race and self-esteem, political
communication, health communication), especially with regard to the assumed underlying
dynamics of the model (e.g., the influence of repeated selective exposure to media content),
further research using the flexibility afforded by Piwik in terms of examining exposure to
preexisting websites could make important contributions to our understanding self and affect
management in naturalistic settings.
To combine survey data with Piwik monitoring data, the stimulus's URL
(http://www.domain.tld/stim/s01.html) has to be extended by a query parameter (i.e., a GET
variable containing the participant/interview ID, such as
http://www.domain.tld/stim/s01.html?num=1). Piwik will store the complete URL of any page
visit – including the “num” variable, which identifies the participant in the Piwik records, and
can be extracted from the data, later.
To open the redirect URL in a new tab or pop-up window using a hyperlink, HTML code
is added to a questionnaire page (see Figure 2). The survey software must add the current
participant's ID to the hyperlink (SoSci Survey will automatically replace the placeholder
%caseNum%, for example). Depending on the research design, it can be helpful to use a
hyperlink or JavaScript to open a new tab (or window)—depending on whether the participants
can freely browse the media content or whether they were given a limited timeframe for
exposure to media content. For the convenience of the reader, we offer the JavaScript needed to
do so to download within a specifically developed research tool that will be described in detail
Example Study Procedure using Piwik to Full Advantage
As Piwik can be employed freely by researchers for capturing online selectivity for both
preexisting and mock websites, we think it can make an important contribution to selective
exposure research. With other applications for selective exposure research in mind, all of which
have specific strengths for answering specific research questions, we want to outline a recent
study employing a research design that specifically benefits from the capabilities of Piwik as a
research tool. The study was conducted in cooperation with a governmental department (Federal
Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, FOCPDA) and focused on the impact of risk
awareness videos on subsequent information seeking behavior on the FOCPDA website. To
implement Piwik on the third-party website of the government, their website was mirrored and
transferred to a university webserver. Study participants were then directed to the mirrored
version of the website that looked just as the de facto FOCPDA website, except for unobtrusive
changes within the URL. By doing so, study participants could be tracked without monitoring
regular visitors of the governmental website. An invitation to participate in the study including a
hyperlink to the online questionnaire was sent out via email. The starting page of the survey
included an informed consent that browsing behavior will be monitored. The online survey
included a professional stimulus video on natural disaster protection that had been created for the
FOCPDA website. After watching the stimulus video and answering questions (e.g., pre-existing
attitudes and personality traits), people were directed to the mirrored website and were told to
freely browse the website for a limited amount of time. After browsing the website, participants
were redirected to the post-questionnaire to evaluate the website, and to provide answers on topic
related attitudes, behavioral intentions, and demographics. This research design allows not only
to explore the influence of individual level variables (such as pre-existing attitudes) on browsing
behavior, but also short term influences of an audiovisual stimulus addressing a related topic on
subsequent selective information seeking. Moreover, using this kind of research design,
selectivity can be modeled as a mediator between individual-level pre- and post-exposure
attitudinal measures, and can be linked with the effects of the experimental stimulus—in sum,
the design opens new pathways for refining our knowledge about selective exposure to media
content. Piwik allows for the implementation on existing third-party websites (or mirrored
versions of it) due to an open interface and common implementation code (as described above),
which offers new opportunities for externally valid selective exposure research. As the project in
collaboration with the FOCPDA is ongoing, we cannot present data here. Nevertheless, this
exemplifies that privacy settings are high enough to conduct web tracking studies of selective
media exposure in collaboration with government authorities.
Extraction of Data Using the “Exposure Research Tool”
Finally, we describe how to obtain and prepare the data gathered with Piwik. Piwik records
all browsing activities in a MySQL database. For every website visit (a series of views of related
webpages, or in case of a study, one single participation), Piwik creates a unique entry and ID
and stores all browsing information related to this case ID. With the information it can be
reconstructed at what time (measures in seconds) a specific page was viewed, for how long, and
in what order during the visit (including back and forth movements within the web magazine).
For the convenience of researchers who use statistical software, and to simplify data
retrieval from the MySQL dataset into a ready-to-use data set, we developed a plug-in for Piwik
called Exposure Research Tool, available from the Piwik Marketplace
(, or upon request from the authors. The plug-in adds a menu item
“Research Tools → Export Visits”. This feature provides a dialogue with several options (see
Figure 3) to customize the merging and export of data from Piwik’s MySQL database into a data
file. The output format CSV (character-separated values) is compatible with SPSS, Stata, GNU
R, and other statistical and spreadsheet software. The “Export Visits” dialogue includes options
for selecting one of the websites that have been monitored, (optionally) the variable from which
to extract the participant ID, and for refining the data-preprocessing and structure. If the option
“Skip visits without subject ID” is selected, only those cases of research participants are
extracted that have been redirected from the background survey to the website. The variable
specified under “Read subject ID from GET variable” is included as “CASE” in the exported
CSV data file to facilitate the merging of tracking data recorded by Piwik with data from an
online survey. The number of activities (web page views, or clicks) per visit and the time spent
for each activity (in seconds) is included in the export data file and can be limited to avoid
exceedingly large data sets (the default limit is set to 100 activities). Usually, these default
values should be fine with most online or laboratory studies in which participants are instructed
to browse within a specified time span of four to five minutes (Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick,
2013). In addition, researchers can make several choices that influence the structure of the
exported data. Researchers may choose between aggregate data per participant (i.e., order of
visited web pages and, optionally, aggregate reading time per page) or per page view (i.e., a data
set suitable for multi-level analyses, providing one record/row per activity). By default, the tool
removes parts of the URLs that are usually irrelevant for selective exposure analyses, but a series
of “retain” options is available to keep these parts.
The dialog also includes a description of the variable labels in the exported file. We used
intuitive labels for monitored data, such as A1-An for performed activities (i.e., pages viewed
during the visit), T1-Tn indicating the time spent for each activity (i.e., T1 is the time spent for
A1 in seconds, and so on), and AT_xyz indicating the aggregate time spent per activity (i.e., the
total time spent on one particular page).
For capturing the last reading time on the website where selective exposure is measured,
there is a special option:2 We included the variable “AT” indicating the aggregate time of all
monitored actions on the website (excluding the time spent with the last page visit, which is not
recorded). The difference of the selective exposure duration and the duration stored in “AT” is a
good estimate for the time spent on the most recent page.
Handling and Merging Exported Data Using SPSS.
After exporting and downloading the CSV file from Piwik, it can be imported in SPSS or
any other statistical analysis software that automatically converts it into a dataset. The Piwik
research tool offers two different ways of data preparation: Data is either in a sequential case-
wise format that describes the sequence of visited websites per participant, which can be merged
with data from background surveys on the same individual, or data is prepared in a hierarchical
format for multilevel analysis that describes every single action on the tracked website a single
The Piwik data can be merged with survey data using the SPSS “merge files” function in
SPSS under the “data” dialogue by adding new variables (from the Piwik data file) to the survey
data file. To match cases on a key variable, the participant ID (variable name “CASE” in the
Piwik data file) needs to be matched with the variable name in the survey dataset. Thus, SPSS
will add the Piwik data as new variables to the survey dataset at the end of the variable list so that
both survey data and tracking data from Piwik refer to the same study participant’s individual
case ID.
This paper presents a new approach to capture unobtrusive measures of selective media
exposure that is fully integrable with custom online survey tools such as survey monkey, lime
survey, or SoSci Survey and that offers the possibility to model selective exposure as either
dependent or independent variable of media effects within a pre-post-test research designs.
Based on their analysis of the current status of the selective exposure paradigm, Clay et al.
(2013) concluded that “several overarching methodological issues limit the ability to draw
consistent and meaningful conclusions from prior work” (p. 163). As discussed above, these
include (1) the specificity of measurement of initial attitudes, (2) the continuous measurement of
selective exposure measures to media content, (3) the measurement of audiences’ perception of
the content, (4) the study of selective exposure in diverse media contexts, and (5) the
implementation of longitudinal designs to examine the effects of repeated exposure to specific
sources. We aimed to provide researchers with easy-to-implement solutions to overcome
challenges 1, 2, 3, and 5 based on the integration of open source web analytics software with
regular websites and online survey software. Specifically, we developed a plug-in for Piwik, a
free-to-use web analytics tool, to measure online behaviors on any given website.
With regard to challenge (2), Piwik offers flexible procedures for measuring selective
exposure to online content. Researchers can monitor and track all of the users’ online selective
behaviors and online activity, such as clicks on articles, the time spent on each website, and the
order in which the content was selected. There are other monitoring techniques that yield
similarly unobtrusive measures of exposure to relevant media content. For instance, Bakshy,
Messing, and Adamic (2015) used Facebook’s log data to explore people’s selective exposure to
cross-cutting political content posted by their friends on facebook. While most researchers
probably will not have access to such data, we have good news for all those who are interested in
the underlying mechanisms of homophily-influenced selective exposure to socially
recommended/shared cross-cutting political media content: Piwik’s strong suit (besides being
accessible to everybody) is its ability to track the time people spent with such political media
content. Using news websites programmed by researchers to present news in a context
suggesting that the news have been liked by other people sharing the same interests or political
views, Piwik would allow researchers to disentangle how long people are actually reading news
article teasers before selecting an article for more in-depth reading. The default monitoring
process provides researchers with raw data on this, and that can be differently aggregated using
our Piwik plug-in: There is an option for downloading sequential, individual case format data,
and another option for downloading data in a hierarchical format for multi-level analysis. In
addition to these raw data, the plug-in includes the option to export aggregate exposure times for
each of the web pages being tracked, which constitutes the most widely used continuous measure
of selective exposure (Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013).
In terms of challenges (1) and (3), the integration of Piwik with online survey software
allows for a case-wise matching of behavioral measures of selective exposure with a
differentiated introspective assessment of individuals’ prior attitudes, and with their perceptions
of the content using pre- and post-test surveys. In addition to these challenges noted by Clay et
al. (2013), the integration of behavioral data with survey data also allows for the assessment of
moderating variables (e.g., personality traits), or mediating variables (e.g., cognitive and
affective responses to the content selected). Thus, the implementation of study designs for
testing complex theoretical models based on both behavioral and introspective data is made
accessible to researchers without extensive technical background knowledge. The Piwik plug-in
provides a tool that helps convert data from Piwik’s MySQL database into a CSV-file that can be
conveniently handled by most statistical software packages, and that includes participant IDs for
case-wise matching of tracking and survey data.
With regard to challenge (5), i.e., the study of repeated patterns of selective exposure the
integration of Piwik with actual websites and with online survey software such as SoSci Survey
allows for longitudinal designs. Participants of an online access panel can be invited at several
points in time to visit a given website, and to report on their attitudes and perceptions of the
content. For example, such a longitudinal design could be used to test assumptions about
reinforcing spirals of political polarization – such that prior attitudes would lead participants to
select attitude-consistent content, and exposure attitude-consistent content would reinforce their
attitudes. After inviting panelist to participate in several waves of data collection on selective
exposure and reinforcement of attitudes on a given topic, researchers would be able to examine
possible reinforcing spiral effects on attitude polarization as assumed in research on the role of
echo chambers in political polarization (see Garrett, 2009a, 2009b).
Challenge (4), i.e., the study of diverse media channels is clearly beyond the scope of our
present methodological endeavor, the focus of which is on selective exposure to online media.
Nevertheless, the possible integration of Piwik with preexisting websites constitutes an important
step toward greater external validity of selective exposure research. Piwik enables researchers to
extend the scope of possible study designs from the restricted content of mock websites to the
study of more diverse content, including regular websites – which allows implementing the
selective exposure paradigm in externally valid, naturalistic settings. Note that naturalistic
settings usually involve more complex patterns of selective exposure, which often require larger
samples to ensure that a sufficient number of participants has, for example, read a specific
article. However, the method is also applicable with more strictly controlled designs using mock
websites with preselected and experimentally manipulated content (for a discussion of
advantages associated with this procedure see Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013). From an
ethical perspective, it´s important to follow the Web Analyst's Code of Ethics including the five
most relevant points that should be clearly communicated to study participants: (1) Participants
personally identifiable data will be safe, secure and private, (2) data collection practices should
be clearly disclosed to study participants, (3) participants should be explicitly empowered to opt
out from data collection, (4) participants should be educated about the types of data collected,
and (5) the accountability for collected data should be stated clearly to the participants. As Piwik
offers monitoring of a wide array of individual web browsing information (such as the IP
address), we recommend to set up Piwik in a way that IP-addresses are automatically masked or
not stored at all. Our Piwik research tool purposefully does not export individually identifying,
sensitive data beyond the page view activity. Nevertheless, to mitigate privacy concerns of the
study participants, it must be clearly stated (i.e., opt-out statement) that study participation
includes the consent that browsing behavior will be monitored.
Of course, the present approach to conducting research on selective exposure has several
limitations that need to be taken into consideration. Many websites today make use of dynamic
content techniques, e.g., scroll content visible when touched by the mouse cursor, or display
advertising within a layer above the page content. In the default configuration, Piwik will not
register any interaction with dynamic content. Also, some web pages contain very much content,
allowing users to scroll to the item they're interested in. Again, Piwik will only record that the
(large) page was loaded, not which content item was actually displayed on the screen. Such
information may be obtained by modifying the JavaScript code provided by Piwik to telling
Piwik when specific content becomes visible. It may also be a research interest, which button or
hyperlink was clicked to reach a specific page of the website. Again, modifications to the
JavaScript code (or a workaround with multiple copies of the same page) are necessary to record
this information. Such modifications are very specific and go beyond the custom use of Piwik,
we have presented in this article.
Study participants may not complete the task in a controlled laboratory environment, but
on their private devices at home. For those participants, who configured their browser to avoid
tracking, or disable JavaScript, tracking may fail. While this limitation has little effect on
samples from the general public, it may substantially affect specific target populations such as
people sensitive to Internet privacy, or visually impaired users. Researchers may include HTML
code in their stimulus to address those participants that have JavaScript disabled (see Figure 4).
Thorough pretesting troubleshooting and technical modifications of our monitoring tool yielded
in an average rate of faulty tracking of 14% (i.e., no data can be downloaded). We can explain
malfunctions of our tool by faulty survey programming that allows participants to just skip the
selective exposure part, or due to the deactivation of JavaScript in the browser settings.
Furthermore, Piwik records rely on linear use of a web site, i.e., one page is read after another.
Actually, Internet users may open multiple tabs in their browser, and switch between them.
Switching between the tabs is not recorded by Piwik by default, because no new content is
loaded/displayed. This may lead to inaccurate interpretations of individuals’ section behavior.
Again, window/tab switches may be easily tracked via JavaScript. Yet, the necessary
modifications, their uses, and the interpretation of window/tab switches regarding selective
exposure go beyond the scope of this paper and should be addresses in further research.
Despite these limitations, we think that Piwik provides a powerful and easy-to-implement
research tool that significantly extends the scope of methodological options for selective
exposure research. Specifically, Piwik can be used to unobtrusively monitor all relevant aspects
of user behavior on any given website, and it can be integrated with custom online survey
software. The plug-in Exposure Research Tool takes care of data extraction and preprocessing,
and thereby considerably reduces the effort to use Piwik for selective exposure research. We
hope that the availability of this research tool will enable and encourage researchers to move
beyond the current state of theoretical and methodological study designs of selective exposure
research. Among the multiple possibilities is the modeling of selective exposure not only as the
dependent or independent variable, but also as moderator or mediator of communication
processes (see Knobloch-Westerwick, 2015a). A typical scenario for moderating influences of
selective exposure would be mutually reinforcing influences (Slater, 2007; Slater, 2015) that can
best be studied within longitudinal designs. A good example for the mediating role of selective
exposure has been mentioned by Knobloch-Westerwick (2015a) who could not show direct
effects of exposure to health media content on subsequent behaviors, but effects from individual-
level variables on health behaviors were only observable via selective exposure. Hence,
integrating selective media exposure with broader models of media effects may not only sharpen
our notion of the effect sizes of selective exposure within different media context, but may also
elucidate how audiences’ selective media use influences other media effects. Our hope is to
further advance a recent line of methodological and technical development (see Clay et al., 2013;
Hastall & Knobloch-Westerwick, 2013), which will eventually make inclusion of selective
exposure measures a methodological standard option for media effects researchers.
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1 If working in a laboratory where multiple participants use the same device(s), we
recommend modifying one setting in the default Piwik configuration: The visit timeout. When
multiple pages are requested by the same device, Piwik usually assumes that all requests are part
of the same “visit” (i.e. viewed by the same participant). Yet, if the lag between two page
requests is longer than the visit timeout, Piwik assumes that a new visit (or experiment) has
started. The value is specified in a file of the Piwik installation (config/config.ini.php) as
visit_standard_length with a default value of 1800 (seconds), i.e., half an hour. Depending on
the experimental setting, a value of 300 (5 minutes) may be more appropriate. The value should
be chosen short enough to be exceeded by the break between two individuals who use the same
device. At the same time, the value must exceed the time that a single participant spends on a
single web page of the stimulus (time for reading a long article, for instance). In non-laboratory
settings, the default value should do fine.
2 It is important to note that Piwik monitors only “trackable” user actions on a website. By
default, opening a web page is such an action, but closing a page is not. In research practice, this
especially becomes relevant for the last page that a participant views before leaving the stimulus
website, and returning to the questionnaire. Given that closing the window creates no
measurable user action, the end point of the most recent page viewed and thus the respective
reading time would be unknown. To handle it, alternatively, JavaScript code can be included to
notify Piwik when a window or tab is closed, and JavaScript code that accurately measures the
time between opening and closing the stimulus pop-up window.
Figure 1. Example of JavaScript tracking code.
<a href="http://www.domain.tld/stim/s01.html&num=%caseNumber%"
View Website
Figure 2: Sample HTML link used to redirect participants from SoSci Survey to Piwik-enabled
stimulus website
Figure 3: Developed Piwik “Research Tools” website for downloading monitored data from the
<div style="border: 3px solid red; margin: 2em 0; padding: 0.5em;">
<strong>Warning: JavaScript is disabled
in your Internet Browser.</strong>
<p>Participating in this study requires JavaScript.</p>
<p>If necessary, please see
<a href="" target="_blank">
this manual</a> on how to enable JavaScript. Thank you.
Figure 4: HTML code to address participants visiting the experiment with disabled JavaScript
Table 1
Explanation of the most relevant technologies and related expressions
Organized collection of data, based on database software that stores, organizes, and retrieves data. SQL
databases can be imagined as a collection of spreadsheets (database tables).
database table
Organization unit in a SQL database, similar to a spreadsheet. A database table contains specific columns
(variables/fields) and rows (entries/cases).
domain name
First part of an Internet (WWW) address (e.g., The most common use of domain
names is to address an Internet server (or network) in order to retrieve a web page from. The Internet
address’s part after the domain then specifies which web page (or other resource) to retrieve.
Method to map a large set of computer and browser characteristics (operating system/version, browser
name/version, installed plugins, installed fonts, language setting ...) to a short string that, more or less
accurately, identifies a single computer/user.
Internet communication protocol (“Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”, based on HTTP) that encrypts the
communication between the user’s browser and the Internet server. Proper encryption ensures that third
parties, who are involved in transferring the data (Internet providers, system operators, hackers ...), cannot
read the contents of the communication. To prevent bypassing that encryption, current browsers usually
disallow content from secure (HTTPS) and insecure (e.g., HTTP) sources to be displayed in the same
browser window/tab.
IP address
Numeric address used by the Internet Protocol (IP) to identify a single Internet server or Internet user.
Regarding the communication in the Internet, multiple devices may share the same IP address. Typically,
one IP address is used per Internet access connection (e.g., per household or per company). The IP address
of a household may vary over time.
JavaScript is a programming language often used within web pages that runs in the Internet browser and
performs tasks while the user (participant) is viewing a web page. Such tasks include modifications to the
page content (e.g., display a menu) and transmission of data.
Open source software for SQL databases.
query parameter
An Internet address usually consists of four parts, of which the latter two are optional: The scheme (e.g.,
https), the domain name, the file/resource that is requested (e.g., index.html), and additional parameters
added after a question mark (e.g., ?num=123).
GET variable
Abbreviation for “Structured Query Language”, a programming language that serves the communication
with a SQL database. SQL databases are a widely-used type of databases that organize data in a series of
database tables.
A domain name is resolved from the last element (the top-level domain, such as com, net, or de)
backwards. An Internet domain contains at least two elements (e.g.,, but may use another
prefixed element, which is the subdomain, to distinguish between different services (e.g.,
website v. webpage
A webpage is a (single) document that is available via Internet address (URL) and suitable to be displayed
by an Internet browser. A website is a collection of related web pages, typically identified with a common
domain name.
web server,
Internet server
The computer (may also be a virtual computer, a virtual service, or a cluster of computers) that is addressed
when the Internet browser requests an Internet resource (e.g., web page). The web server (or rather the
server software) interprets the request, and delivers a response (e.g., a web page) to the requesting Internet