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A New Multilevel Input Layer Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Flight Delays at JFK Airport


Abstract and Figures

One of the biggest problems for major airline is predicting flight delay. Airlines try to reduce delays to gain the loyalty of their customers. Hence, a prediction model that airliners can use to forecast possible delays is of significant importance. In this regards, artificial neural network (ANN) techniques can be beneficial for this application. One of the main challenges of using ANNs is handling nominal variables. 1-of-N encoding is widely used to deal with this problem, however, this method is known to reduce the performance of ANN's by introducing multicollinearity. In this paper, we introduce a new type of multilevel input layer ANN that can handle nominal variables and is interpretable in a sense that one can easily see the relationships between different input variables and output variables. As a case study, the proposed method was applied to predict the delay of incoming flights at JFK airport, where the neurons of each sublayer of the input layer symbolize the delay sources at different levels of the system, and the activation of each neuron represents the possibility of being the source of overall delay. Finally, we compared the proposed approach with the traditional gradient descent back propagation ANN model and the proposed model was able to outperform the traditional backpropagation method in terms of the prediction error (root mean squared error) and time required to train the ANN model.
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Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 244
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1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of Missouri University of Science and Technology
doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.09.321
Complex Adaptive Systems, Publication 6
Cihan H. Dagli, Editor in Chief
Conference Organized by Missouri University of Science and Technology
2016 - Los Angeles, CA
A New Multilevel Input Layer Artificial Neural Network for
Predicting Flight Delays at JFK Airport
Sina Khanmohammadia,*, Salih Tutuna,c, Yunus Kucukb,c
aDepartment of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, 13850, USA
bDepartment of Computer Science, State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, 13850, USA
cDefense Sciences Institute, Turkish Military Academy, Ankara, 06420, Turkey
One of the biggest problems for major airline is predicting flight delay. Airlines try to reduce delays to gain the loyalty of their
customers. Hence, a prediction model that airliners can use to forecast possible delays is of significant importance. In this
regards, artificial neural network (ANN) techniques can be beneficial for this application. One of the main challenges of using
ANNs is handling nominal variables. 1-of-N encoding is widely used to deal with this problem, however, this method is known
to reduce the performance of ANN’s by introducing multicollinearity. In this paper, we introduce a new type of multilevel input
layer ANN that can handle nominal variables and is interpretable in a sense that one can easily see the relationships between
different input variables and output variables. As a case study, the proposed method was applied to predict the delay of incoming
flights at JFK airport, where the neurons of each sublayer of the input layer symbolize the delay sources at different levels of the
system, and the activation of each neuron represents the possibility of being the source of overall delay. Finally, we compared the
proposed approach with the traditional gradient descent back propagation ANN model and the proposed model was able to
outperform the traditional backpropagation method in terms of the prediction error (root mean squared error) and time required to
train the ANN model.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Keywords:Artificial Neural Networks; Defect of Modules Prediction; Systems Modeling; Flight Delay; Scheduling
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of Missouri University of Science and Technology
238 Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
1. Introduction
Air transportation has become one of the fundamental methods of transport [1-3]. One of the biggest problems for
major airline is predicting flight delay. Nearly 30% of the jet operator flights for US airlines were delayed in 2000,
and almost 3.5% of these flights were cancelled [2]. Airlines try to reduce the delays in order to gain the loyalty of
their customers. However, reducing delay time is not always possible; hence, a prediction model which airliners can
use to inform their clients about possible delays is important. Another application of delay prediction is the Air
Traffic Management systems (ATM). Each year many new flights are introduced to the air traffic system. However,
few airports are built to cope with this increasing traffic. Hence, the increase in demand for empty runways is much
higher than the growth of the capacity. Therefore, to optimize the performance of current airports, predicting the
probable delay of a given flight can be very useful as the unused airspace and airport capacity can be assigned to a
different flight [4, 5].
Several models have been developed to solve this problem based on probability, statistics, and operations
research [4-7]. For example, Dou Long and his colleagues developed an air traffic management system based on the
Queuing Network Model for two National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) programs [4], and James
V. Hansen has analyzed genetic search algorithms to solve certain complexities associated with air traffic control
[6]. However, considering the nature of this problem using the artificial neural network (ANN) techniques can be
beneficial as artificial neural networks are very practical in solving nonlinear problems. Also, due to their supervised
learning capability they can easily adapt to the dynamics of air traffic capacity and demand [12].
One of the main challenges of using artificial neural networks is handling nominal variables. Converting nominal
variables to numeric variables introduces order to the variable which is not desired. Hence, one of the main methods
used to deal with nominal variables in artificial neural networks is 1-of-N encoding. However this method deters the
performance of ANN models by introducing multicollinearity that could potentially lead to ill-conditioning.
Furthermore, this method increases the complexity of input datasets, which makes it more difficult to interpret the
resulted neural network model that already suffers from lack of interpretability due to being a black box model. In
this paper, we introduce a new type of multilevel input layer ANN that can handle nominal variables and is
interpretable in a sense that one can easily see the relationships between different input variables and output
variables. As a case study, the proposed method was applied to predict the delay of incoming flights at JFK airport,
where the neurons of each sublayer of the input layer symbolize the delay sources at different levels of the system,
and the activation of each neuron represents the possibility of being the source of overall delay. The neurons of each
input sublayer are connected to the neurons of the terminal layer, where the neurons of the terminal layer represent
different types of delays.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the new proposed approach called Multi-Level Input
Layer Neural Networks is explained in detail. Section 3 shows how the proposed method can be applied to
transportation problems. In Section 4, the results of applying the proposed method to a sample dataset from JFK
airport is provided followed by its comparison with traditional gradient descent based back propagations approach.
Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 5.
2. Multi-Level Input Layer Neural Network
Artificial neural networks comprise a combination of neurons each capable of certain functions, and this gives
neural networks their outstanding parallel computation capabilities [7, 12-15]. In traditional feed-forward networks
such as Back Propagation, the output of j’th neuron in q’th layer is calculated by
jijj net
net w a a e
¦, (1)
where netj is the net value of neuron j, is the output of neuron i in layer (q-1), is the weight of i’th neuron
from the layer (q-1) (source layer) to j’th neuron of layer q(target layer), is the threshold value, is the output
Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
value of j’th neuron in layer q, and is the shape factor of the sigmoid function [12-15]. Fig. 1 shows the
architecture of a typical Back Propagation ANN.
Fig. 1. A typical BP Neural Network.
In a multi-level input layer artificial neural network designed for defect of modules prediction (DMP), the
neurons of each input sublayer are connected to all neurons in the output layer. The neurons of the DMP represent
different subsystems or modules, categorized in different stages that are symbolized using the network’s input sub-
layers. The output of j’th neuron of q layer indicates the cause of defect or malfunctioning of terminal modules of the
overall integrated system [14]. The output of j’th neuron in q’th layer is calculated by:
(, )
(), ()
jjj ij j
afnet net wpi
¦¦ , (2)
where is the weight from i’th neuron of layer s (source layer) to j’th neuron of layer t (target layer), and
theneuron i o
er s is active
f(.) can be any typical activation function; here we consider it to be linear )( j
jneta considering the nature of
the applied DMP network. The advantage of multi-level input layer DMP neural networks is their ability to identify
faults and problems in a complex system that consists of several subsystems. Fig. 2 shows the architecture of a
multi-level input layer artificial neural network designed for defect of modules prediction (DMP).
Fig. 2. A multi-level input layer DMP Neural Network.
240 Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
3. Modelling Transportation Problems using DMP-ANN
For real world applications such as transportation problems, the input of artificial neural networks need to be
preprocessed, and the output needs to be post-processed in order to obtain useful information from the model. Fig. 3
shows a block diagram of an ANN model for a transportation problem. In certain problems such as the transportation
problem, we have some nominal variables that could not be easily processed in the traditional ANN models. For
example, we cannot say that the 25th day of the month is more significant than the 3rd day. In these cases, binary
neurons (active 1 or inactive 0) may be useful [15]. In the problems that include nominal variables, the proposed
multi-level input layer DMP-ANN model can be very helpful. Day of month 1 to 31, day of week 1 to 7, five digit
ID code of origin airport, scheduled departure time from origin airport, actual departure time from origin airport,
delay at departure from origin airport, scheduled arrival time to destination airport (JFK), actual arrival time to
destination airport (JFK) as inputs and delay at arrival in destination airport (JFK) as output are used to predict flight
delay in the airport. Fig. 4 represents the structure of the DMB-ANN model for a flight-delay prediction problem.
Fig. 3. Block diagram of modeling transportation problems using ANN.
Fig. 4. Multi-level input layer ANN model for flight delay prediction problem.
Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
Now, suppose that after the learning process is complete the weights of connections in Fig.4 are:
0.8147 0.9058 0.1270 0.9134 0.6324
0.0975 0.2785 0.5469 0.9575 0.9649
0.1576 0.9706 0.9572 0.4854 0.8003
0.1419 0.4218 0.9157 0.7922 0.9595 W2:
0.6557 0.0357 0.8491 0.9340 0.6787
0.7577 0.7431 0.3922 0.6555 0.1712
0.7060 0.0318 0.2769 0.0462 0.0971
0.8235 0.6948 0.3171 0.9502 0.0344
0.4387 0.3816 0.7655 0.7952 0.1869
0.4898 0.4456 0.6463 0.7094 0.7547
0.2760 0.6797 0.6551 0.1626 0.1190
0.4984 0.9597 0.3404 0.5853 0.2238
0.7513 0.2551 0.5060 0.6991 0.8909 W4:
0.9593 0.5472 0.1386 0.1493 0.2575
0.8407 0.2543 0.8143 0.2435 0.9293
0.3500 0.1966 0.2511 0.6160 0.4733
0.3517 0.8308 0.5853 0.5497 0.9172
0.2858 0.7572 0.7537 0.3804 0.5678
Where wi (see in Table 2) represents the connection weights from sublayer i of input layer to neurons of the target
layer. Now suppose that on Wednesday four cargos arrive at thedestination. Table 1 represents the sample data for
these cargos.
Table 1. Cargos from different sources.
Cargo No Type Sch. Arr. Origin Delay Causes
1 2 15:30 1 2,4,5
2 1 18:20 3 2,4
3 3 10:45 4 1,3
4 3 12:18 2 1,3,4
The model of the input layer of these cargos is represented in Table 2 where each column in each cargo type
represents the four input sub-layers of the proposed ANN model (Cargo Type, Day of the week, Origin and Delay
Table 2.Input neurons for different input layers.
Cargos Cargo 1 Cargo 2 Cargo 3 Cargo 4
Input sub layer 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Input sub layer 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Input sub layer 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Input sub layer 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Input sub layer 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The estimated possible delays are predicted by DMB-ANN model as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Predicted delays considering initial random weights of connections.
Cargos Delay Cause 1 Delay Cause 2 Delay Cause 3 Delay Cause 4 Delay Cause 5 Total Delay
Cargo 1 2.7716 2.5982 3.6234 2.8867 4.2310 16.1109
Cargo 2 3.2115 2.9825 2.1438 2.3381 2.7998 13.4757
Cargo 3 2.9085 1.4525 2.0883 2.3028 2.6783 11.4304
Cargo 4 2.8006 3.2568 2.8642 2.0092 2.6644 13.5952
Note that even if there is no delay of Type 1 in the testing set, there is a predicted possible delay of Cause 1 in the
results. This is because of interrelations between different causes denoted by weights of connections that are learned
from the training set. The priority of cargoes by a first in first out (FIFO) strategy based on scheduled arrival times in
242 Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
Table 1 will be 3>4>1>2..However, if we take into account the five estimated delays as criteria with weights equal to
[-0.7590 0.0540 0.5308 0.7792 0.9340 0.1299], the priority will be 1>4>3>2 based on the following multi-
criteria decision-making analysis:
0.8455 0.8630 0.7978 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0540
1.0000 1.0000 0.9158 0.5917 0.8099 0.6617 0.5308
0.5864 0.9056 0.4460 0.5763 0.7977 0.6330 0.7792
0.6709 0.8721 1.0000 0.7905 0.6960 0.6297 0.9340
4. Results
The inbound flights of JFK airport in January 2012 are considered as our case study. The small size of the dataset
is for easier interpretation and representation of the results. The flight info is retrieved from The Bureau of
Transportation Statistics (BTS) [16]. There were 1099 flights from 53 airports to JFK in January 2012. The
following variables were used to train the proposed ANN model.
1: Day of month 1 to 31
2: Day of week 1 to 7
3: Five digit ID code of origin airport
4: Scheduled departure time from origin airport
5: Actual departure time from origin airport
6: Delay at departure from origin airport
7: Scheduled arrival time at destination airport (JFK)
8: Actual arrivaltime at destination airport (JFK)
9: Delay of arrival at destination airport (JFK)
10: Reason 1 for arrival delay - CARRIER DELAY
11: Reason 2 for arrival delay - WEATHER DELAY
12: Reason 3 for arrival delay - NAS DELAY
13: Reason 4 for arrival delay - SECURITY DELAY
14: Reason 5 for arrival delay - LATE AIRCRAFT DELAY
These data are normalized using the following procedure: Variable 3 (ID code of origin airport) is converted to a
value between 1 and 53 (the total number of origin airports in the data set). Variables 10-14 (Delay times) are
normalized by dividing them by the maximum value of each variable. For example, for Delay Type 1 (CARRIER
DELAY), each item of data is normalized by dividing it to 546 (the maximum number of CARRIER DELAY).
Finally, the DMP-ANN model is trained for 10000 epochs. Fig. 5 shows the convergence of the DMB-ANN model
(i.e. the mean squared error versus the number of epochs).
Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
Fig. 5. Mean square errors of actual and predicted errors by DMP-ANN model for 10000 iterations.
After the network had been trained, the model was used for predicting the delays at time 18:30 on Day 21 of
January. Five flights were presented for landing with scheduled arrival times from 18:15 to 18:45. The estimated
possible normalized values of delays of these flights based on the previously mentioned five cases are presented in
Table 4 where dif represents the difference between scheduled arrival time and current time 18:30.
Table 4. Flights with estimated possible delays.
Flights Origin
No. Origin value Sch.
Arr. Dif.
(minutes) Delay 1 Delay 2 Delay 3 Delay 4 Delay 5
Flight 1 2 0.8284 18:30 0 0.1201 0.1536 0.1659 0.1568 0.1811
Flight 2 14 0.5962 18:30 0 0.0844 0.0830 0.0856 0.0768 0.0944
Flight 3 4 0.7822 18:00 0 0.0911 0.0844 0.1027 0.0848 0.0919
Flight 4 2 0.8284 18:40 10 0.1201 0.1536 0.1659 0.1568 0.1811
Flight 5 6 0.5572 18:32 2 0.0540 0.0486 0.0512 0.0436 0.0663
The landing priority (ordering of landing) of flights based on scheduled arrival times is 3>1>2>5>4. Considering
origin values (weighting of departure airport), Dif, and Delays 1 to 5 as different criteria with typical weightings (it
depending on airport management strategies) [0.3990 -0.2839 0.3139 0.7183 0.0878 0.9446 0.2795], the new
priority (4>1>3>2>5) is calculated as follows:
1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
0.7197 0.0000 0.7028 0.5400 0.5158 0.4895 0.5211
0.9442 0.0000 0.7589 0.5497 0.6188 0.5406 0.5075
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
0.6726 0.20000 0.4494 0.3165 0.27
0.2839 1.9451
0.3193 0.9972
0.7183 1.0302
0.0878 2.2290
80 0.2780 0.3659 0.9446 0.5748
Table 5. Comparison of the proposed approach and gradient descent backpropagation with RMSE error, memory usage and
run time.
ANN Approaches / Evaluation Metrics RMSE Prediction
Error: Memory Usage
(MegaBytes): Run Time
DMP (the proposed approach) 0.1366 0.8699 2.7121
Gradient Descent Backpropagation 0.1603 0.7156 4.3862
244 Sina Khanmohammadi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 95 ( 2016 ) 237 – 244
According to the comparison between the approaches, as seen in Table 5, the DMP approach predicts with less
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) error, and has a better run time than the gradient descent backpropagation
approach. Hence, the proposed approach predicts the delay of incoming flights at JFK airport better results in short
5. Conclusions
A new ANN structure (DMP-ANN) is introduced which is suitable for prediction of defects such as delays in
operations. This structure is appropriate for problems with nominal variables, where traditional ANN models have
difficulties. For example, the types of cargo or ID number of origin of departure are variables that cannot be directly
used in a traditional ANN. The input layer in proposed DMP-ANN consists of several sublayers in which one or
more neurons are active (output=1) and others where they are inactive (output=0). Hence, the learning process
involves updating the weights of active neurons. The introduced ANN model is applied to a system of airport traffic
control where the arriving flights are prioritized for landing based on the expected possible delays. The results
suggest that the proposed method can be effective for specific problems that include many nominal variables, such
as the transportation problem. One of the limitations of this study that needs to be addressed in our future work is the
complexity of the proposed method (as the number of variables increases the number of connections also
significantly increase). Furthermore, we will consider the integration of the proposed method with fuzzy logic to
expand the real-world applications of the proposed method.
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... Khanmohammadi et al. [15] exploit an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict TXOT at the airport, using independent variables such as weather conditions, runway configuration, and passenger numbers. The main challenge of this approach is managing nominal variables [15]. Zhang and Wang descript of predicting TXOT method based on unimpeded TXOT variable calculating, and then simulating the data using supervised learning methods [16], [17]. ...
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Pada penerbangan komersial salah satu masalahyang tidak dapat dihindari adalah keterlambatan penerbangan. Keterlambatan penerbangan (flight delay) adalah terjadinya perbedaan waktu antara waktu keberangkatan atau kedatangan yang dijadwalkan dengan realisasi waktu keberangkatan atau kedatangan. Dengan terjadinya keterlambatan penerbangan, maka secara langsung akan menyebabkan banyak kerugian. Pada penelitian ini dibangun sebuah model untuk memprediksi keterlambatan penerbangan yang akan terjadi kedepannya dengan menggunakan metode pengenalan pola yaitu neural network. Neural network atau biasa disebut juga jaringan syaraf tiruan adalah suatu metode komputasi yang meniru sistem jaringan syaraf biologi. Metode ini menggunakan elemen perhitungan non-linear dasar yang disebut neuran yang diorganisasikan sebagai jaringan yang saling berhubungan, sehingga mirip dengan jaringan saraf manusia. Dengan menerapkan model neural network pada data latih sebanyak 20 epichs dalam waktu 11 menit. Akurasi akhir dari data latih yaitu 81,89%, sementara akurasi pada data tes yaitu 81,59%.
Flight delays are unavoidable, and they substantially affect the carriers’ profits and losses. Flight delays have a big impact on airline operations and airport on-time performance, both of which have a significant association with customer happiness. For airlines, estimating flight delays correctly is essential since the data may be used to boost client happiness and revenue for airline agencies. Many of the current methods for predicting flight delays are difficult to comprehend, rely on small samples of outdated data, and/or have limited or no scope for machine learning deployment. By analyzing the existing statistics for domestic flights within the United States of America (USA) for the years 2022–2023, this study creates a prediction model. Balancing imbalanced data using SMOTE is utilized to increase predictive performance while maintaining accuracy in class prediction for the minority class. To predict the flight delay, five ensemble classification models, namely AdaBoost classifier, bagging classifier, random forest classifier, extra trees classifier, and categorical boosting (CatBoost) classifier were employed. Exploratory data analysis is incorporated in the proposed model to shed light on the variables responsible for aircraft arrival delays and its causes. The CatBoost classifier outperformed other ensemble algorithms with an F1-score and AUC of 0.99 and 0.99, respectively.
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The time structure is the equilibrium outcome resulting from the interaction between market demand and the availability of time resources, with time parameters reflecting the operational support capability of the aviation system.The construction of time parameters and time structure should not only reflect changes in market demand, but also meet the constraints of operational efficiency.Constructing a reasonable 18–24 hour timetable profile for busy airports that meets normal expectations for declared capacity and seasonal scheduling is a challenge in civil aviation slot management.This study utilizes historical data on airport flights and weather conditions to establish a regression prediction model for the time structure using K-means clustering and Partial Least Squares Regression. Additionally, Ensemble learning is employed to forecast flight delay levels. The findings demonstrate that Random Forest yields favorable results in regression and prediction tasks, allowing for the integration of upper(good weather) and lower(severse weather) limits of the time profile with delay predictions as time parameter intervals. Consequently, the flights falling within these intervals achieve an average delay level of less than 15 minutes.That is, it meets the expectations of flight normality.
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We describe an analytical queuing and network decomposition model developed to study the complex phenomenon of the propagation of delays within a large network of major airports. The Approximate Network Delays (AND) model computes the delays due to local congestion at individual airports and captures the "ripple effect" that leads to the propagation of these delays. The model operates by iterating between its two main components: a queuing engine (QE) that computes delays at individual airports and a delay propagation algorithm (DPA) that updates flight schedules and demand rates at all the airports in the model in response to the local delays computed by the QE. The QE is a stochastic and dynamic queuing model that treats each airport in the network as a M(t)/E-k(t)/1 queuing system. The AND model is very fast computationally, thus making possible the exploration at a macroscopic level of the impacts of a large number of scenarios and policy alternatives on system-wide delays. It has been applied to a network consisting of the 34 busiest airports in the continental United States and provides insights into the interactions through which delays propagate through the network and the often-counterintuitive consequences. Delay propagation tends to "smoothen" daily airport demand profiles and push more demands into late evening hours. Such phenomena are especially evident at hub airports, where some flights may benefit considerably (by experiencing reduced delays) from the changes that occur in the scheduled demand profile as a result of delays and delay propagation.
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Of primary importance to the efficient operation and profitability of an airline is adherence to its flight schedule. This paper examines that segment of air traffic control, termed traffic management adviser (TMA), which is charged with the complex task of scheduling arriving aircraft to available runways in a manner that minimizes delays and satisfies safety constraints. In particular, we investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of using genetic search methods to support the scheduling decisions made by TMA.Four different genetic search methods are tested on TMA problems suggested by recent work at the NASA Ames Research Center. For problems of realistic size, optimal or near-optimal assignments of aircraft to runways are achieved in real time.Scope and purposeThis paper reports on the application of genetic search algorithms to solve certain complexities associated with air traffic control. Air traffic control is an important practical problem that is difficult to solve by other methods because of non-convex, non-linear, or non-analytic characteristics.Four genetic search algorithms are applied, with consistent advantage being demonstrated by an algorithm based on genetic programming functions. Good results are achieved, with evidence that solutions can be achieved in real time.
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This paper presents a new integer programming (IP) model for large-scale instances of the air traffic flow management (ATFM) problem. The model covers all the phases of each flight—i.e., takeoff, en route cruising, and landing—and solves for an optimal combination of flow management actions, including ground-holding, rerouting, speed control, and airborne holding on a flight-by-flight basis. A distinguishing feature of the model is that it allows for rerouting decisions. This is achieved through the imposition of sets of “local” conditions that make it possible to represent rerouting options in a compact way by only introducing some new constraints. Moreover, three classes of valid inequalities are incorporated into the model to strengthen the polyhedral structure of the underlying relaxation. Computational times are short and reasonable for practical application on problem instances of size comparable to that of the entire U.S. air traffic management system. Thus, the proposed model has the potential of serving as the main engine for the preliminary identification, on a daily basis, of promising air traffic flow management interventions on a national scale in the United States or on a continental scale in Europe.
Conference Paper
It is a generally accepted fact that the Airport is the focal point of the country which creates a lasting impression of its people. The challenge faced by airports today is the complexity of players and processes, and the inability of multiple systems to share and analyze data. In order to face this challenge, many airports have implemented isolated solutions. While these solutions may improve specific processes or functions they are not holistic enough. The airport ecosystem must become more ‘intelligent’ to optimize its supply chain, share real-time information, predict certain outcomes and track, manage and locate all of its assets. So the need of the hour is to create a unified, integrated, resourceful and ready to use platform to make intelligent decisions and assist airports to reach its next level. The aim of this paper is to review selected data mining techniques that can be integrated in to such system. Entities such as airlines, airport retails sector and the airport itself is considered for this cause and the data mining techniques that can be applied to these entities to improve the current airport systems such as flight delay prediction, passenger profiling, segmentation, association rule mining are discussed to find better approaches for an intelligent airport system.
For the best use of communication networks, some mathematical problems that can be formulated as NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems should be solved efficiently by algorithms. Neural networks provide their elegant solutions as a highly-parallel, hardware-friendly approach. Particularly, binary neural networks that are composed of binary neurons with discrete internal states are much suitable for the current digital technology. This chapter first reviews the framework of binary neural networks for combinatorial optimization problems. Then, it scans through three studies on binary neural networks for typical combinatorial optimization problems in communication networks.
With artificial neural network research being one of the new directions for new generation computers, current research suggests that open-box artificial higher order neural networks (HONNs) play an important role in this new direction. Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Modeling and Simulation introduces artificial Higher Order Neural Networks (HONNs) to professionals working in the fields of modeling and simulation, and explains that HONN is an open-box artificial neural network tool as compared to traditional artificial neural networks. Including details of the most popular HONN models, this book provides an opportunity for practitioners in the field of modeling and simulations to understand and know how to use HONNS in their area of expertise.
Providing detailed examples of simple applications, this new book introduces the use of neural networks. It covers simple neural nets for pattern classification; pattern association; neural networks based on competition; adaptive-resonance theory; and more. For professionals working with neural networks.
This paper presents a new class of models for predicting air traffic delays. The proposed models consider both temporal and spatial (that is, network) delay states as explanatory variables, and use Random Forest algorithms to predict departure delays 2–24 h in the future. In addition to local delay variables that describe the arrival or departure delay states of the most influential airports and links (origin–destination pairs) in the network, new network delay variables that characterize the global delay state of the entire National Airspace System at the time of prediction are proposed. The paper analyzes the performance of the proposed prediction models in both classifying delays as above or below a certain threshold, as well as predicting delay values. The models are trained and validated on operational data from 2007 and 2008, and are evaluated using the 100 most-delayed links in the system. The results show that for a 2-h forecast horizon, the average test error over these 100 links is 19% when classifying delays as above or below 60 min. Similarly, the average over these 100 links of the median test error is found to be 21 min when predicting departure delays for a 2-h forecast horizon. The effects of changes in the classification threshold and forecast horizon on prediction performance are studied.