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Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak on Nov 09, 2016
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ISSN 1644-0692
Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 15(5) 2016, 225-241
ACTIVITY OF LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)
Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak, Grażyna Zawiślak
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Abstract. Biochemical assessment was performed of leaves, flower buds and flowers of
lavender. High positive correlation was demonstrated between the essential oil contents
and antioxidant activity (AA) (R = 0.9688), total phenolic acids and AA (R = 0.9303), as
well as high negative correlation between flavonoid contents and AA (R = -0.9760). Re-
sults of the foregoing studies also suggest that AA of lavender (77.5–86.3%) is more cor-
related with the essential oil and phenolic compound contents than with the contents of
flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins. The predominant compounds in the oil obtained
from leaves were epi-α-cadinol (17.8%), cryptone (10.4%), 1,8-cineole (7.3%) and caryo-
phyllene oxide (7.2%), and of the oil distilled from flowers: linalyl acetate (22.3–32.1%)
and linalool (23.9–29.9%).
Key words: total phenolic acids, DPPH radical scavenging activity, essential oil constituents
Medicinal oil plants are popular throughout the world, both on natural stands and as
cultivated plants. Biosynthesis of volatile oils can take place in different plant organs
and its course is determined by ontogenetic and environmental factors [Najfian et al.
2012, Zheljazkov et al. 2012]. Similarly, the synthesis and accumulation of other active
substances, such as flavonoids, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins or tannins, so it is
modified through the course of plant development [Shafaghat et al. 2012] and depends
upon climatic factors. Medicinal lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) is an appreci-
ated curative plant, used also in cosmetic industry, perfumery, food and for decorative
purposes. The main active substance of lavender raw material is essential oil, accumu-
Corresponding author: Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak, Department of Vegetable Crops and Medici-
nal Plants, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, University of Life Sciences in
Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin, Poland, e-mail:
© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie, Lublin 2016
226 R. Nurzyńska-Wierdak, G. Zawiślak
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lated in the amounts ranging from 1.13 to 9.25% [Jianu et al. 2013, Kara and Baydar
2013]. The lavender essential oil (LEO) composition depends on cultivar and growing
conditions. Medicinal lavender from north eastern Iran accumulated in its inflorescences
and leaves respectively: 6.25 and 0.64% of volatile oils [Hassanpouraghdam et al.
2011]. As predominant components of LEO the following are mentioned: linalool, li-
nalool acetate and linalyl acetate [Stanojević et al. 2011, Najafian et al. 2012,],
1,8-cineole, borneol, fenchon and camphor [Afsharypuor and Azarbayejany 2006,
Torabbegi and Aberoomand Azar 2013], as well as menthol and α-pinene [Rostami et
al. 2012]. The share of above-mentioned components undergoes is subject to, among
others, ontogenetic variability. Concentrations of 1,8-cineole, borneol and terpinen-4-ol
in LEO was higher before blooming than in full blooming, quite contrary to the contents
of linalool and linalool acetate [Najafian et al. 2012] It was also demonstrated that the
manner of distillation may affect the chemical profile of EO [Zheljazkov et al. 2012,
Torabbegi and Aberoomand Azar 2013].
The therapeutic properties of lavender mainly result from the activity of volatile
substances. The LEO demonstrates antibacterial [Hussain et al. 2011a, Rostami et al.
2012, Danh et al. 2013], anti-fungal [Canvanagh and Wilkinson 2005], antiviral [Orhan
et al. 2012], antioxidant [Hussain et al. 2011b, Hamad et al. 2013] and sedative activi-
ties [Huang et al. 2008]. Antimicrobial activity of LEO is quite difficult to assign the
presence of a particular component [Shafaghat et al. 2012, Jianu et al. 2013]. However,
antiviral activity of linalool, linalool oxide, linalool ester, borneol and eugenol against
Herpes simplex was confirmed [Orhan et al. 2012]. The antioxidant activity of LEO, in
turn, probably results from high concentration of linalool [Hamad et al. 2013]. Except
the essential oil in lavender flowers there also contain other active substances, such as
flavonoids, including anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, tannins, coumarins, phytos-
terols and mineral compounds. The most important feature of plant flavonoids and phe-
nolic compounds is their antioxidative activity that brings about many pharmacological
applications [Brunetti et al. 2013, Szwajgier et al. 2013]. There are reports confirming
the effectiveness of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in preventing neoplasms
[Roy et al. 2002, Soobrattee et al. 2006]. The antioxidant activity of plant extracts can
be explained both by the mechanism of phenolic compound activity and by the effect of
synergic activity of the above-mentioned compounds, as well as flavonoids [Eghdami
and Sadeghi 2010, Nuñez et al. 2012, Saeed et al. 2012]. Considering the above rela-
tionships, the essential oil and phenolics content and their corresponding antioxidant
potential of diverse organs (leaves, flower buds and flowers) were assayed.
Plant material. Leaves, flower buds and flowers of medicinal lavender (Lavandula
angustifolia Mill.) were collected from 2-year old plants grown in an experimental farm
of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in South-Eastern Poland (51°23'N,
22°56''E). In this area there is fawn soil, formed on loess sediment, with the contents of
organic matter in the amount of 1.6%. The sowing material came from seed producing
company PNOS Ożarów Mazowiecki. Lavender was grown in the spacing of 60 × 40 cm.
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During vegetation period the indispensable cultivation procedures were performed (re-
moval of dried sprouts, several procedures of hand-weeding) and feeding the plants
twice with nitrogen in the form of ammonium saltpeter having 34% N (single dose of
about 7 kg N ha
). Lavender leaves were collected before blooming (2.06.2013), flower
buds and flowers – in the initial phase of their development (respectively: 14.06 and
15.07.2013). The collected plant material was dried in the temperature of 35°C.
After drying, the leaves were characterized by light green hue and strong aroma, whereas
buds and flowers had the characteristic blue-violet colour and a specific aroma.
Total flavonoids content. Flavonoids content were spectrophotometrically deter-
mined. 10 g of medium powdered raw material was weighed out (sieve 0.315 mm) into
a round bottomed flask 20 ml acetone was added, as well as 2 ml of HCl (281 g l
1 ml of metenamine solution (5 g l
) and it was retained for 30 min in boiling state on
water bath under a reflux condenser. The hydrolysate was filtered through cotton-wool
into a 100 ml measuring flask, the precipitate with cotton wool was put in the flask and
20 ml of acetone was added and then it was kept in boiling state again for 10 minutes.
Etching was repeated once again. The extracts were filtered into the same measuring
flask and acetone was added to it. 20 ml of the solution was measured out into the dis-
tributor, 20 ml of water was added and extracted with ethyl acetate, by 15 ml portions
and 3 times 10 ml. The connected organic layers were washed twice with 40 ml of wa-
ter, filtered into a 50 ml measuring flask and topped up with ethyl acetate. Two samples
were prepared for determination: to 10 ml of basic solution 2 ml of aluminum chloride
solution (20 g l
) and it was topped up with a mixture (1:19) of acetic acid (1.02 kg l
with methanol up to 25 ml. To prepare a comparative solution, 10 ml of basic solution
was topped up with a mixture (1:19) of acetic acid (1.02 kg l
) with methanol up to
25 ml. After 45 min absorbance of the solutions was measured at 425 nm, applying the
comparative solution as a reference. The total flavonoid content (%) was expressed
according to the formula: X =
, where: A means study solution absorbance,
k – conversion factor for quercetin k = 0.875 (a
l%= 714), m – raw material weighed
sample in g.
Total phenolic acids content
. To a 10 ml measuring test-tube 1.0 ml of water ex-
tract was weighed out, as well as 1 ml of hydrochloric acid (18 g l-1), 1 ml of Arnov’s
reagent, 1 ml of sodium hydroxide (40 g l-1) and that was topped up with water to 10 ml
(solution A). Then the solution absorbance was measured at 490 nm, applying a mixture
of reagents without the extract as reference. The contents of phenolic acids (%) was
determined in conversion to coffee acid (C9H2O4), assuming absorbability a
= 285,
according to the formula: X =
, where A means absorbance of solution A,
m – a weighted sample of raw material in g.
Anthocyanins content
. 1 g of dried, previously comminuted and averaged raw ma-
terial was weighed out. The weighed sample was quantitatively transferred to a measur-
ing cylinder of the capacity of 250 cm3, containing a mixture of HCl in methanol
(850 ml of methanol and 150 ml of hydrochloric acid were poured into a 1000 ml meas-
228 R. Nurzyńska-Wierdak, G. Zawiślak
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uring flask, and the combined reagents were left there for 24 hours). The prepared
maceral was left under the hood, tightly covered, for 24 hours. Then absorbance of the
filtrate was measured at wave length λ = 535 nm.
Tannins content. Tannins were spectrophotometrically determined after they had
been extracted from dried raw material. The determination was performed with protec-
tion against direct effect of light, applying water deprived of CO
. 5 g of finely pulver-
ized raw material (sieve diameter: 0.16 mm) was weighed out into a 250 ml measuring
flask, 150 ml of water was added and it was kept for 30 min in a bath with boiling wa-
ter. Then the mixture was cooled down with a stream of running water, quantitatively
transferred into a 250 ml measuring flask, topped up with water and left for complete
sedimentation of the raw material. The liquid from above the sediment through filter
paper, first 50 ml were rejected, the remaining filtrate was used for determinations.
To determine the total polyphenols content, 5.0 ml of filtrate was topped up with water,
to 25.0 ml of that solution 1.0 ml of phosphoro-molybdenic-wolframic reagent was
added, then 10.0 ml of water and that was topped up with a solution of sodium carbon-
ate (290 g l
) to 25.0 ml. After 30 min absorbance was measured at 760 nm, applying
water as a reference (A
). To determine the contents of polyphenols not bounding with
powder, to 10.0 ml of filtrate 0.10 g of hide powder was added, which had been fiercely
shaken for 1 hour and then it was filtered. 5.0 ml of filtrate was topped up with water up
to 25.0 ml, and then to 2.0 ml of that solution 1.0 ml of phosphoro-molybdenic-
volframic reagent was added, then 10.0 ml of water and it was topped up with a sodium
carbonate solution (290 g l
) to 25.0 ml. After 30 min absorbance was measured at
760 nm, applying water as a reference (A
). A comparative solution was prepared: im-
mediately before determination 50.0 mg pyrogalol was dissolved in water and topped up
with water to 100.0 ml. 5 ml of the obtained solution was topped up with water to
100.0 ml, to 2.0 ml of that solution 1.0 ml of phosphoro-molybdenic-volframic reagent
was added, as well as 10.0 ml of water and that was topped up with a sodium carbonate
solution (290 g l
) to 25.0 ml. After 30 min absorbance was measured at 760 nm, apply-
ing water as a reference (A
). The content of tannins (%) was calculated in conversion
to pyrogalol (C
), according to the formula: X =
, where A
means absorbance of polyphenols in the studied solution, A
– absorbance of polyphe-
nols not binding with hide powder in the studied solution, A
– absorbance of the
comparative solution of pyrogalol, m
– a weighed sample of raw material in g,
– a weighed sample of pyrogalol in g.
DPPH radical scavenging activity assay. DPPH radical scavenging activity was ex-
pressed as % of DPPH inhibition. The determination was performed according to the
method given by Yen and Chen [1995], and the calculation of DPPH inhibition accord-
ing to the formula given by Rossi et al. [2003]: % DPPH =
⋅− 100
A. To prepare
a reagent containing a solution of radicals 0.012 g DPPH (2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrasyl)
was weighed out, transferred to a measuring flask of the capacity of 100 ml, filled up
with methanol (100%), then it was dissolved in an ultrasound washer for 15 min.
The blind assay (A
) was prepared as follows: 1 ml of distilled water was measured out
into a test tube (pH > 5), as well as 3 ml of methanol (100%) and 1 ml of DPPH solu-
tion. Having stirred it, after 10 minutes it was read on a spectrophotometer at 517 nm,
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)... 229
Hortorum Cultus 15(5) 2016
against methanol (100%). To perform the examined assay (A
) 1 ml of a sample was
diluted in methanol and 3 ml of methanol (100%) was added, as well as 1 ml of DPPH
solution. The sample was stirred and after 10 min it was read on a spectrophotometer at
517 nm, against methanol (100%).
Essential oil distillation. The dried plant material, after samples had been weighed
out (20 g each) was placed in glass flasks of the capacity of 1 dm
, poured over with 400 ml
of water and designed for distillation conducted in Clevenger-type apparatuses for 3 hours,
counting from the moment when the contents of flask started to boil and the first drop was
distilled. The intensity of heating was regulated in such a way as to 3–4 ml of liquid flew
into the receiver per one minute. After distillation had finished, cooling was switched on,
the oil was led to micro-scale and after 30 min the result was read.
Essential oil composition. The quantitative and qualitative composition of lavender
oil obtained from leaves, flower buds and developed flowers was determined with the
use of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry methods (GC-MS) Varian
4000 MS/MS. For our studies we used the apparatus Varian 4000 MS/MS with VF-5 m
column (an equivalent of DB-5), the registered range 40–1000 m/z, scanning speed
0.8 sec/scan. The carrier gas was helium, the steady flow; 0.5 ml min
. The temperature
of batcher was 250°C, the temperature gradient of 50°C was applied for 1 min, then the
increase to 250°C with the speed of 4°C min
and 250°C for 10 min. Split 1:1000 m/z,
1 µl of solution was dosed (10 µl of assay in 1000 µl of hexane). Non-isothermal
Kovacs’ retention indexes were determined on the basis of a range of alkanes C
The qualitative analysis was carried out on the basis of MS Spectral Library [2008].
The identity of the compounds was confirmed by their retention indices taken from the
literature [Adams 2004] and our own data.
Statistical analysis. All the chemical analyses were performed in three repetitions.
Significance of differences was assessed using Tukey’s confidence intervals at the sig-
nificance level alpha = 0.05. Correlation coefficients were calculated using the formulas
given by Oktaba [1986], at the level of 0.05 and 0.01.
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender leaves and flowers.
The chemical composition of examined lavender leaves and flowers was differentiated
and dependent upon the plant organ and stage of its development (tab. 1). Concentration
of essential oil was on average 2.2 ml 100 g
and increased as lavender developed, from
0.6 ml 100 g
(leaves) through 2.7 ml 100 g
(flower buds) to 3.2 ml 100 g
loped flowers). Similarly, as plant development progressed in the examined organs the
contents of anthocyanins increased and in leaves it equaled 3.1 mg 100 g
, while in
flowers it ranged from 4.3 to 9.9 mg 100 g
(respectively: flowers in the phase of buds
and full development). The examined lavender flowers accumulated the oil on average
in the amount of 2.2 ml 100 g
, which was mostly consistent with the results achieved
by other authors [Hussain et al. 2011b, Stanojević et al. 2011, Najafian et al. 2012, Jianu
et al. 2013]. It should be added that if a certain content of volatile oil in lavender leaves
was comparable in the works of other authors [Hassanpouraghdam et al. 2011],
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the flowers of lavender may be distinguished by a much higher oil concentration:
6.25–7.57% [Hassanpouraghdam et al. 2011, Danh et al. 2013, Kara and Baydar 2013,],
which, most probably, results from ontogenetic and environmental variability, as well as
from the manner of extraction.
The quantity of flavonoids in turn, significantly the highest in leaves (0.4%), re-
mained on the same level in undeveloped and developed flowers (0.2%). The smallest
changes in concentration concerned phenolic compounds, the amount of which was
slightly bigger in flowers (0.5%) than in lavender leaves (0.4%). The examined plant
material was characterized by average contents of tannins in the amount of 0.6%, which
was significantly bigger (0.8%) in flower buds than in developed flowers (0.4%). Lav-
ender leaves turned out to be an especially valuable source of flavonoids, phenolic com-
pounds and tannins, equaling the biological value of flowers and even exceeding it
(content of flavonoids). The studies of Shafaghat et al. [2012] indicated that lavender
leaves contain, besides flavonoids, tannins and essential oil, also coumarins and they
suggest the potential anti-microbial activity of essential oil and extracts from lavender
leaves. While analyzing the chemical composition of examined lavender flowers, it was
found that as they develop, the contents of essential oil and anthocyanins significantly
increase, the share of tannins decreases, and the concentrations of flavonoids and pheno-
lic compounds remains on the same level. The results of studies by Najafian et al.
[2012] demonstrate the reverse pattern concerning the contents of lavender essential oil
in lavender flowers before and in full blooming, the authors suggest, however, that the
raw material should be harvested in the phase of full blooming due to increased share of
linalool in the oil.
Table 1. Chemical constituents of lavender raw material and its antioxidant activity (AA)
Samples Essential oil
ml 100 g
Total phenolic
mg 100 g
Leaves 0.6 0.4 0.4 3.1 0.7 77.5
Buds 2.7 0.2 0.5 4.3 0.8 85.9
Flowers 3.2 0.2 0.5 9.9 0.4 86.3
Mean 2.2 0.3 0.5 5.8 0.6 83.2
0.44 0.09 0.89 0.84 0.19 7.81
The antioxidant activity (AA) of examined material was on average 83.2% and was
significantly the highest for lavender leaves (77.5%) (tab. 1). It was demonstrated that
AA of lavender flower buds and flowers was comparable (respectively: 85.9 and
86.3%). High positive correlation was demonstrated between essential oil contents and
antioxidant activity (R = 0.9688), total contents of phenols and AA (R = 0.9303), as
well as high negative correlation between flavonoid contents and AA (R = -0.9760)
(tab. 2). Antioxidant activity (AA) of plant extracts may result both from the presence of
phenolic compounds, cooperation of various phytocomponents, including flavonoids
[Eghdami and Sadeghi 2010, Stankevičius et al. 2010, Nuñez et al. 2012, Saeed et al.
2012, Stancheva et al. 2014], as well as the manner of extraction [Eghdami and Sadeghi
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)... 231
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2010, Ahmed and Shakeel 2012]. Moreover, flavonoids containing hydroxyl group (s)
in their structure were found more powerful antioxidants in comparison to the others
[Proteggente et al. 2002]. While analyzing the chemical composition of plant extracts it
is difficult to find out which of the components play the crucial role in the antioxidant
system. The ability of DPPH to neutralize a free radical is frequently consistent with the
high level of the total phenols and anthocyanins [Leja et al. 2007, Szwajgier et al.
2013]. On the other hand, however, the quantitative and qualitative differentiation of
phenolic components have not always reflected their antioxidant abilities [Świeca et al.
2013]. Besides, the ability to form chelate rings of the metal ions and the ability to in-
hibit lipid peroxidation is greatest at the lowest level of condensed tannins and flavon-
oids, as well as at relatively constant total content of phenolic compound [Fidrianny et
al. 2013]. The demonstrated high differentiation of the chemical composition of the
examined leaves, flower buds and flowers resulted from ontogenetic variability and
most probably was related to the complicated transformations of these compounds.
What seem to be most stable, the contents of phenolic compounds in the examined or-
gans of lavender, less dependent upon developmental factors. Interesting dependencies
also result from the performed analysis of correlation coefficients between the contents
of bioactive substances and antioxidant activity (AA) determined by DPPH, method,
indicating the significant share of phenolic compounds and essential oil in the antioxi-
dant potential of lavender. High negative correlation between flavonoid compounds and
AA in turn, most probably results from the specific structure of these compounds, and
mainly the position of OH radicles [Bunea et al. 2011]. To determine the antioxidant
potential the DPPH method seems to be the most appropriate, consistent with the con-
centration of polyphenols [Anasini et al. 2008, Szwajgier et al. 2013]. Most scientific
studies prove that AA is more correlated with the contents of phenolic compounds than
with that of anthocyanins or flavonoids [Jakobek et al. 2007, Anasini et al. 2008, Li et
al. 2009], which remains in consistence with the obtained results. However, there are
reports about the existence of a correlation between AA measured with the use of DPPH
method and total phenols and anthocyanins contents, and the coefficient of correlation
between the contents of anthocyanins and AA is lower than compared with phenols
contents [Saadatian et al. 2013]. Essential oils of some plants from Lamiaceae family,
rich in oxygenated terpenoids mainly monoterpenes, demonstrate a significant ability to
neutralize free radicals and anti-oxidant activity [Hussain et al. 2011b]. Studies on
chemical composition, as well as antioxidant activity of lavender oil demonstrated
a differentiated level of its activity, dependent upon the concentration and composition
of examined substance [Stanojević et al. 2011, Danh et al. 2013, Hamad et al. 2013].
The antioxidant activity of examined raw material (lavender leaves and flowers) may
result from high share of linalool in the oil [Hamad et al. 2013]. For the oil, besides
phenolic compounds, was the main “co-author” of antioxidant potential, expressed as
the ability to neutralize DPPH, and higher ability to neutralize the free radical DPPH
was demonstrated for flowers containing more linalool in oil than for leaves. Besides,
the process of increased accumulation of linalool in the oil in particular phases of plant
development (1.9 < 23.9 < 29.9%) was convergent with the increasing level of AA
(77.5 < 85.9 < 86.3%).
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Table 2. Simple correlation coefficients between lavender compounds and antioxidant activity
(AA) of raw material
Compounds AA by DPPH Inhibition %
Anthocyanins 0.6483
Total flavonoids -0.9760*
Total phenolic acids 0.9303*
Tannins -0.2855
Essential oil 0.9688*
* – significant at the 0.01 level of probability
Table 3. Composition of lavender essential oil (%)
No Compound RI* Leaves Buds Flowers
Butyl butanoate
dehydro-cis-Linalool oxide
Hexyl acetate
1, 8-Cineole
trans-Linalool oxide
cis-Linalool oxide
1-Octen-3-y-yl acetate
Octanol acetate
trans-Limonene oxide
1.0 ±0.0
0.5 ±0.0
1.4 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.9 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
1.5 ±0.0
3.8 ±0.2
7.3 ±0.1
0.1 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
1.9 ±0.1
0.2 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
2.0 ±0.0
1.0 ±0.1
11.7 ±0.3
0.9 ±0.0
10.4 ±0.5
0.8 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.8 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
1.4 ±0.0
3.3 ±0.0
2.3 ±0.0
2.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
23.9 ±0.2
1.0 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.2
0.8 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
4.3 ±0.1
1.7 ±0.0
3.6 ±0.0
5.0 ±0.1
0.1 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.5 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.5 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
3.4 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
1.2 ±0.0
1.1 ±0.0
0.9 ±0.0
29.9 ±0.2
1.7 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.1
1.7 ±0.1
5.1 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
2.4 ±0.0
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)... 233
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Linalyl acetate
Lavandulyl acetate
Bornyl acetate
Neryl acetate
ɑ-26,33 Farnesene
Germacrene D
Caryophyllene oxide
0.7 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
5.9 ±0.1
0.4 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
1.2 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
1.5 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
3.4 ±0.1
0.3 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
7.2 ±0.2
0.2 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
1.7 ±0.0
17.8 ±0.5
0.2 ±0.0
0.8 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
2.1 ±0.1
0.5 ±0.0
1.6 ±0.1
0.2 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.8 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
22.3 ±0.3
0.1 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
3.4 ±0.1
0.6 ±0.0
0.6 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.8 ±0.0
1.1 ±0.0
2.4 ±0.1
0.7 ±0.0
1.0 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
4.5 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
2.3 ±0.1
0.2 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
32.1 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
5.9 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.7 ±0.0
0.4 ±0.0
3.8 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
0.5 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
0.3 ±0.0
0.2 ±0.0
1.6 ±0.0
0.1 ±0.0
Total (%) 99.91 99.78 99.49
*RI – non-isothermal Kovats retention indices (from temperature-programming, using the definition of Van
den Dool and Kratz [1963]) for a series of n-alkanes (C
); **Tr – traces, contents below 0.05%;
***Ni – unidentified compound
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Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)... 235
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Fig. 1. GC-MS chromatogram of the lavender essential oil (respectively from the: leaves – A,
flower buds – B and flowers – C)
The essential oil obtained from lavender flowers to a significant degree differed in
its chemical composition from the essential oil distilled from lavender leaves. In the oil
obtained from lavender flower buds the presence of 66 compounds was determined
(tab. 3, fig. 1). The predominant compound was linalool (23.9%) and linalyl acetate
(22.3%). Comparing the composition of oil obtained from flower buds to the remaining
oil samples, one can notice the highest concentrations of trans-linalool oxide (2.3%)
and cis-linalool oxide (2.1%), neryl acetate (1.1%), nerol (0.8%) and bornyl acetate
(0.6%), similarly to γ-terpinene (3.3%) and terpinen-4-ol (5.0%). Analyzing the compo-
sition of essential oil obtained from developed lavender flowers the presence of
64 compounds was found, among which linalool acetate predominated (32.1%) together
with linalool (29.9%). Besides, in the oil from lavender flowers the highest shares of
lavandulyl acetate (5.9%), terpinen-4-ol (5.1%), E-caryophyllene (3.8%), 1-octen-3-y-yl
acetate (1.7%) and (E)-β-ocimene (1.2%) were found, compared to the remaining ones.
The chemical composition of LEO undergoes different kinds of variability: ontogenetic
[Hassanpouraghdam et al. 2011, Najfian et al. 2012], genetic and environmental [Hamad
et al. 2013, Jianu et al. 2013]. Besides, high variability of EOL chemical composition and
of its bioactivity results from different extraction methods [Jakobek et al. 2007, Stanojević
236 R. Nurzyńska-Wierdak, G. Zawiślak
Acta Sci. Pol.
et al. 2011, Danh et al. 2013, Stancheva et al. 2014]. The obtained shares of 1,8-cineole,
caryophyllene oxide and linalool acetate were partly refers to the results achieved by other
authors [Hassanpouraghdam et al. 2011, Shafaghat et al. 2012]. Linalyl acetate and li-
nalool belong to the most frequently determined tents of these components are espe-
cially important due to their antiviral activity [Orhan et al. 2012], as well as the anti-
microbial and antioxidant activity of oils rich in these components [Danh et al. 2013].
The studies by Jianu et al. [2013] suggest that anti-microbial activity of lavender oils
results from antibacterial properties of main and secondary components of the oil. In the
group of main LEO components there are also: borneol [Afsharypuor and Azarbaye-
jany 2006], 1,8-cineole [Jianu et al. 2013], menthol [Rostami et al. 2012], camphor
[Kara and Baydar 2013], β-phelandrene and caryophyllene [Jianu et al. 2013]. The share
of above-mentioned components most probably results from environmental change-
ability, though it can also be related to the term of raw material harvest and the manner
of oil distillation. From among the components of the examined lavender oil occurring
in larger quantities and/or with significant biological activities, attention should be paid
to the increased share of linalool (1.9 < 23.9 < 9.9%), linalyl acetate (5.9 < 22.3 < 32.1%),
lavandulyl acetate (0.7 < 3.4 < 5.9%), E-caryophyllene (0.3 < 1.0 < 3.8%) and the de-
creasing contents of limonene (3.8 > 0.7 > 0.3%), camphor (2.0 > 0.8 > 0.4%), borneol
(11.7 > 4.3 > 1.7%), thymol (0.4% > tr > tr), caryophyllene oxide (7.2 > 4.5 > 1.6%),
epi-α-cadinol (17.8 > 2.3 > 0%) in the oil, as plant development (leaves – flower buds –
flowers). Similarly Najafian et al. [2012] found higher share of linalool in the oil and
lower share of borneol and caryophyllene oxide in full blooming period than before
lavender blooming period. One of the components of examined lavender oil was
1,8-cineole, a compound with anti-microbial and anti-cancer potential [Hendry et al.
2009, Wang et al. 2012], acting as a protection for blood vessels [Lahlou et al. 2002].
The concentration of 1,8-cineole in the examined lavender oil was the highest in the
samples distilled from leaves (7.3%), then it was decreasing in the oil from flower buds
(1.4%), and next it increased in the further stage of flowers development (3.4%). Other
dependencies were demonstrated by Najafian et al. [2012], examining lavender oil in
Iran, determining the highest share of 1,8-cineole before blooming. It should be noticed
that the oil distilled from lavender leaves from Iraq was characterized by significantly
higher share of 1,8-cineole: 17.6–31.9% [Hassanpouraghdam et al. 2011, Shafaghat et
al. 2012], which can indicate the effect of temperature during plant growth period upon
the accumulation of that component. Besides, the quantitative and qualitative changes in
certain components of lavender oil, demonstrated in the foregoing studies and in those
of other authors, most probably result from transformations of particular compounds
produced in separate metabolic routes. The composition of monoterpenes and level of
aliphatic alcohols seem to be more dependent upon the phenological phase of the cycle
than on sessquiterpenes [Schwob et al. 2004].
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)... 237
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Fig. 2. Spectrum of unidentified compounds (respectively from the left: RI 1380 and RI 1757)
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The demonstrated rich chemical composition of leaves, flower buds and flowers of
medicinal lavender, as well as their antioxidant activity, indicate the possibility of
broader application of these raw materials in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food indus-
try. Positive high correlation between the essential oil and phenolic acids contents and
the ability to reduce DPPH indicate that the volatile oil and phenolic compounds are
main co-authors of the antioxidant activity of medicinal lavender leaves and flowers.
The results of the foregoing studies also suggest that the antioxidant activity of lavender
(77.5–86.3%) is more correlated with the contents of essential oil and phenolic com-
pounds than antocyanins, flavonoids and tannins. Lavender flowers, regardless of the
phase of their development had greater concentrations of essential oil and linalool, as
well as linalyl acetate in the oil, as well as phenolic compounds and antocyanins, to-
gether with greater antioxidant potential compared to leaves, which were, in turn, richer
in flavonoids and tannins (only regarding fully developed flowers). Lavender oil has
rich chemical composition, which is quantitatively and qualitatively variable in the plant
development process. The predominant components in the oil distilled from leaves
were: epi-α-cadinol (17.8%), cryptone (10.4%), 1,8-cineole (7.3%) and caryophyllene
oxide (7.2%). The oil obtained from lavender flowers was, in turn, characterized by
high share of linalyl acetate (22.3–32.1%) and linalool (23.9–29.9%).
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CZĘŚCI NADZIEMNYCH LAWENDY (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)
Badania biochemiczne obejmowały liście, pąki kwiatowe i kwiaty lawendy.
Wykazano pozytywną korelację pomiędzy zawartością olejku eterycznego i aktywnością
antyoksydacyjną (AA) (R = 0.9688), kwasów fenolowych i AA (R = 0.9303),wysoką oraz
negatywną korelację pomiędzy zawartością flawonoidów a AA (R = -0.9760). Wyniki
badań wskazują ponadto, że AA lawendy (77.5–86.3%) jest bardziej skorelowana
z zawartością olejku eterycznego i kwasów fenolowych, niż flawonoidów, antocyjanów
i garbników. Głównymi składnikami olejku otrzymanego z liści był
(17.8%), krypton (10.4%), 1,8-cyneol (7.3%) i tlenek kariofilenu (7.2%), natomiast
w olejku destylowanym z kwiatów dominował octan linalylu (22.3–32.1%) i linalol
Słowa kluczowe:
kwasy fenolowe ogółem, aktywność redukcji rodnika DPPH składniki
olejku eterycznego
Accepted for print: 27.06.2016
For citation: Nurzyńska-Wierdak, R. Zawiślak, G. (2016). Chemical composition and antioxidant
activity of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) aboveground parts. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum
Cultus, 15(5), 225–241.