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Identification of medicinal plants for the treatment of kidney and urinary stones



Introduction: Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract problems after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with medications that may cause a number of side-effects. Medicinal herbs are used in different cultures as a reliable source of natural remedies. Objectives: This study aimed to determine native medicinal plants used by traditional healers of Shiraz for the treatment of kidney stones. Materials and Methods: The ethno-medicinal data were collected between July and September 2012 through face-to-face interview with local herbalist. Results: A total of 18 species belonging to 19 botanical families were recorded in study area. Species with the highest frequency of mentions were Alhagi maurorum (51.58%), Tribulus terrestris (51.58%), and Nigella sativa (48.14). The most frequently used plant parts were aerial parts (38%), leaf (33%) and fruits (17%). Decoction (68%) was the most frequently prescribed method of preparation. Most of the medicinal plants recommended by Shirazian herbalists have not been investigated in animal and humane models of renal stone which provides a new area of research. Conclusion: In the case of safety and effectiveness, they can be refined and processed to produce natural drugs.
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention
J Renal Inj Prev. 2016; 5(3): 129-133.
Identification of medicinal plants for the treatment of
kidney and urinary stones
*Corresponding author: Nasrollah Naghdi; Email; DOI: 10.15171/jrip.2016.27
Mahmoud Bahmani1, Babak Baharvand-Ahmadi2, Pegah Tajeddini3, Mahmoud Rafieian-Kopaei3, Nasrollah
1Razi Herbal Medicines Research Center, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
2Madani Heart Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular, Faculty of Medicine, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
3Medical Plants Research Center, Shahrekord University of Medical sciences, Shahrekord, Iran
4Clinical Microbiology Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran
Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
Kidney stones known as a renal calculus which it is a solid piece of material which is formed in the kidneys from minerals in
urine. Kidney stones typically leave the body in the urine stream, and a sma ll stone may pass without causing symptoms. The use
of herbs in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones is a useful strategy. In this study, we have reported 18 species in Shiraz
which were used for the treatment of renal calculus which could have the potential to produce natural remedies for removed
kidney stone.
Please cite this paper as: Bahmani M, Baharvand-Ahmadi B, Tajeddini P, Rafieian-Kopaei M, Naghdi N. Identification of
medicinal plants for the treatment of kidney and urinary stones. J Renal Inj Prev. 2016 ;5(3):129-133. DOI: 10.15171/jrip.2016.27
Introduction: Kidney stones are t he third most common urinar y tract problems after urina ry
tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage
of urine f low. They are usually treated with medications that may cause a number of side-
effects. Medicinal herbs are used in different cultures as a reliable source of natural remedies.
Objectives: This study aimed to determine native medicinal plants used by traditional healers
of Shiraz for the treatment of kidney stones.
Materials and Methods: The ethno-medicinal data were collected between July and
September 2012 through face-to-face interview with local herbalist.
Results: A total of 18 species belonging to 19 botanical families were recorded in study area.
Species with the highest frequency of mentions were Alhagi maurorum (51.58%), Tribulus
terrestris (51.58%), and Nigella sativa (48.14). The most frequently used plant parts were aerial
parts (38%), leaf (33%) and fruits (17%). Decoction (68%) was the most frequently prescribed
method of preparation. Most of the medicinal plants recommended by Shirazian herbalists
have not been investigated in animal and humane models of renal stone which provides a new
area of research.
Conclusion: In the case of safety and effectiveness, they can be refined and processed to
produce natural drugs.
Kidney stones
Medicinal plants
Article History:
Received: 29 May 2016
Accepted: 13 July 2016
Published online: 27 July 2 016
Article Type:
Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract
problems, after urinary tract infections and prostate dis-
eases. Most people with kidney stones suffer from severe
colic pains that are not relieved by conventional pain kill-
ers and may require narcotic analgesics. In addition to
pain, urinary tract obstruction, urinary tract infection,
hydronephrosis and severe bleeding may occur and in
some cases, surgery is required to remove or break stones
(1). The introduction of ESWL in the 1980s revolutionized
the treatment of urinary stones. Today, more than 90% of
patients with upper urinary tract stones are treated based
on the size, type and location of the stone, with a treat-
ment success rate of 68%-86% (2). It is has been reported
that increased dietary protein intake may elevate the rates
of developing kidney stones. Kidney stones are common
clinical disorders and have both high incidence and high
prevalence in the world. The prevalence of kidney stones is
influenced by geographic location, lifestyle, race/ethnicity
and other factors. In different studies, its world prevalence
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2016
Bahmani M et al
has been reported to be about 1%-15%. Iran has a high in-
cidence of kidney stones prevalence. Approximately 75%
of all kidney stones are calcium stone which composed of
calcium oxalate and/or calcium phosphate (3).
It has been estimated that 80% of the world’s population
relies on traditional medicine to treat their diseases (4).
Medicinal plants have a long history of use and are global-
ly safer than synthetic drugs (5). They are a reliable source
for drug discovery (6). Today, researchers have focused on
the drug discovery from medicinal plants (7). It has been
estimated that at least one third of all medicinal product
have plant origin (8). Medicinal plants are regarded as an
acceptable, cheap, easily available and safe source of ac-
tive compounds for pharmaceutical (9). The therapeutic
effects of medicinal plants on kidney and urinary tract
disorders have been variously studied and their efficacy
has been demonstrated (10).
A wide variety of medicinal plants are used in Iranian
traditional medicine to treat kidney disorders (11). This
study aimed to determine the native medicinal plants used
by traditional healers of Shiraz for the treatment of kidney
Materials and Methods
The study area
This study was conducted in Shiraz which is located in the
southwest of Iran. Shiraz is one of the largest cities in Iran
and is the capital of Fars province. The city has a length
of 40 km, a width of 15-30 km and a total area of 1268
km2. The population of this city was 1 460 665 in 2009. It
has a moderate climate and lies in the Zagros mountain
range at an altitude of 1468 m. It is surrounded by Kuh-e
Sabz Pushan, Kuh-e Bamu, Kuh-e Chel Magham in the
north and Kuh-e Drak in the west. The coldest month of
the year is January, with an average temperature of 5 and
the warmest month is July with an average temperature of
30. The average annual temperature is about 18 and
the average annual rainfall is 3378 mm (12).
The methodology of ethno-medicinal data collection
The ethno-medicinal data were collected between July
and September 2012 through face-to-face interview with
local herbalist and herbal healers. Herbalists were inter-
viewed in their herbal stores with the aid of semi-struc-
tured questionnaires. Questionnaires were included herb-
alist personal information, plant local name, plant growth
season, plant parts used, preparation methods, and tradi-
tional therapies. Questionnaires data were transferred to
Microsoft Excel.
Ethical issues
The research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Hel-
sinki. The research was approved by the ethical committee
of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences.
Statistical analysis
Data collected from local herbalist was analyzed using Mi-
crosoft Excel 2007.
Ethno-medicinal information of plants used in the man-
agement of kidney stone in Shiraz are shown in Tab l e 1.
A total of 18 species belonging to 19 botanical families
are used to treat kidney stone in Shiraz. The number of
mentions of each plant spices for the treatment of kidney
stone is shown in Tabl e 2. Species with the highest fre-
quency of mentions in the interview were Alhagi mau-
rorum (51.58%), Tribulus terrestris (51.58%), Nigella Sa-
tiva (48.14%), Mangifera indica (44.44%), Prunus cerasus
(37.03%), Prangos acaulis (DC.) Bornm (33.33%). Botani-
Table 1. Medicinal plant recommended for the treatment of kidney stone; scientic name, common name, family name, plant parts used and
preparation methods
Scienc name Family Persian names Usable part of plant How to use Tradional therapeuc
eect in Shiraz
Alhagi maurorum Fabaceae Kharshotor Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Tribulus terrestris Zygophyllaceae Kharkhasak Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Nigella Sava Caryophyllaceae Siahdaneh Seed Decocon Kidney stone
Althea aucheri Boiss. Malvaceae Khatmi-armanestani Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Lactuca sava L Compositae Kahoo Leave Fresh Kidney stone
Prunus cerasus Rosaceae Albaloo Fruit Fresh Kidney stone
Alhagi camelorum Papilionaceae Taranjebin Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Anbeh Fruit Fresh Kidney stone
Prangos acaulis (DC.) Bornm Apiaceae Jashi-kotoleh Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Urca dioica L Urcaceae Gazaneh Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Fumaria ocinalis Fumariaceae Shah-tareh Leave Decocon and fresh Kidney stone
Plantago psyllium Plantaginaceae Esfarzeh Leave Decocon Kidney stone
Medicago sava Leguminosae Yonjeh Decocon Decocon Kidney stone
Apium graveolens Umbelliferae Karafs Decocon Decocon Kidney stone
Rheum ribes Polygonaceae Rivas Fruit Fresh Kidney stone
Arcum lappa Compositae Baba-adam Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Pimpinella anisum Apiaceae Anison Aerial parts Decocon Kidney stone
Gundelia tournefori Asteraceae Kangar Leave Fresh Kidney stone
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2016 131
Medicinal plants for urinary stones
cal families recommended by Shirazian herbalist for the
treatment of kidney stone are shown in Figure 1. Apia-
ceae was the most commonly recommended family. As
shown in Figure 2 the most frequently used plant parts
were aerial parts (38%), leaf (33%) and fruits (17%). De-
coction (68%) was the most frequently prescribed method
of preparation (Figure 3).
We collected local knowledge of Shirazian herbal healers
on medicinal plants used in the treatment of kidney stone.
A total of 18 species belonging to 19 botanical families are
used to treat kidney stone in Shiraz. The most frequen-
cy used plant Species were Alhagi maurorum (51.58%),
Tribulus terrestris (51.58%), Nigella sativa (48.14%), Man-
gifera indica (44.44%), Prunus cerasus (37.03%) and Pran-
gos acaulis (DC.).
A wide variety of medicinal plants are used to treat renal
stones in different parts of Iran. In ethno-botany of Kaze-
roon Nasturtium officinale (L.) R. Br., Alhaji camelorum,
and Tribulus terrestris L. are used to treat kidney stone
(13). Alhagi persarum Boiss & Buhse and Rubia tinctorum
Table 2. The number of mentions of each plant spices for the treatment of kidney stone
Scienc name The number of herbalists
menoned the plant
The total number of
Frequency of citaon (FC)
percentage (%)
Alhagi maurorum 14 27 51.58
Tribulus terrestris 14 27 51.58
Nigella Sava 13 27 48.14
Althea aucheri Boiss. 7 27 25.92
Lactuca sava L 5 27 18.51
Prunus cerasus 10 27 37.03
Alhagi camelorum 12 27 44.44
Mangifera indica 9 27 33.33
Prangos acaulis (DC.) Bornm 2 27 7.40
Urca dioica L 3 27 11.11
Fumaria ocinalis 5 27 18.51
Plantago psyllium 4 27 14.81
Medicago sava 5 27 18.51
Apium graveolens 4 27 14.81
Rheum ribes 2 27 7.40
Arcum lappa 4 27 14.81
Pimpinella anisum 2 27 7.40
Gundelia tournefori 5 27 18.51
Figure 1. Botanical family recommended by Shirazian herbalist
for the treatment of kidney stone.
Figure 2. The percentage of different plant parts used to cure
kidney stone in Shiraz
Figure 3. The percentage of different preparation methods of
medicinal plant for the treatment of kidney stone in Shiraz.
Areal parts
Fresh edible
are used in Sistan and Baluchestan Province (southeastern
Iran), to treat kidney stone (14). In Kashan ethnobotany,
Cousinia alexeenkoana Bornm is used for this purpose
(15). Kerman people believed that Petroselinum hortense
can break up kidney stones (16). Achillea santolina, Mat-
ricaria recutita L., Cuminum cyminum L., Nigella sativa
L., Raphanus sativus L, Zea mays L., Plantago psyllium L.,
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2016
Bahmani M et al
Linum usitatissimum L., Tribulus terrestris L., Prunus cera-
sus L and Foeniculum vulgare Mill are used by Kurd tribe
in Dehloran and Abdanan district, Ilam province for the
treatment of kidney stones (17). Adiantum capillus-vener-
is, Alhagi persarum Boiss, Allium akaka Gmelin, Cerasus
mahaleb (L.) Miller, Gundelia tournefortii L., and Noaea
mucronata (Forssk.) are traditionally used in Ilam Prov-
ince as a means of breaking up kidney stones (18). Celery
is widely used to treat kidney stone (19). Its essential oil
contains chrysoeriol 7-O-diglucoside, Luteolin, 7-O-apio-
sylglucoside and Luteolin7-O (20).
A comparison of medicinal plants used in different parts
of Iran shows that Nigella sativa, Prunus cerasus, Tribu-
lus terrestris, and Alhagi camelorum are commonly used
in different parts and cities for the treatment of kidney
stones. The efficacy of some of these plants in treating kid-
ney stone and other kidney diseases has been investigated
in different studies (21,22). The effects of Nigella sativa L
extract on ethylene glycol-induced kidney calculi in rats
was investigated. Ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa sig-
nificantly reduced the number of calcium oxalate deposits
in rat kidney (23). In the study conducted by Shafaeifar et
al, the effect of hydrophilic extract of Alhagi maurorum
was investigated on ethylene glycol-induced renal stone
formation in rats. Their results showed that the hydro-
philic extract of Alhagi maurorum can reduce urinary
oxalate concentration and urinary calcium oxalate stones
formation (24). The effect of Tribulus terrestris extract on
calcium oxalate crystallization in NRK 52E renal epithelial
cells was investigated in the Aggarwal et al study. Tribulu s
terrestris extract significantly inhibited nucleation and the
growth of the CaOx crystals (25).
Most of the medicinal plants recommended by Shirazian
herbalist have not been investigated in animal and hu-
mane models of renal stone which provides a new area of
research. In the case of safety and effectiveness, they can
be refined and processed to produce natural drugs.
In the case of safety and effectiveness, they can be refined
and processed to produce natural drugs.
Limitations of the study
This study limited to a Shiraz city. The same study in vari-
ous parts of Iran suggests.
The authors accomplish this research by the support of
Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord,
Iran (Grant# 1842/5).
Authors’ contribution
All the authors wrote the first draft of the manuscript
equally. MRK revised and edited the last version.
Conflicts of interest
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
tion of this article.
Ethical considerations
Ethical issues (including plagiarism, data fabrication,
double publication) have been completely observed by
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
of this article: This article was prepared by support of
Research Deputy of Shahrekord University of Medical
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Copyright © 2016 The Author(s); Published by Nickan Research Institute. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
... Species within the genus Tribulus have long been used in traditional medicine for treating infections and reducing the risk of kidney stone formation. These plants are effective in reducing blood urea levels (Bahmani et al. 2016). Phytochemical studies of Tribulus species, including Tribulus terrestris and Tribulus arabicus, have revealed the presence of bioactive compounds such as triterpenes and alkaloids, which are associated with their medicinal properties. ...
Full-text available
Gout is a prevalent metabolic disorder characterized by increased uric acid (UA) synthesis or decreased UA clearance from the bloodstream, leading to the formation of urate crystals in joints and surrounding tissues. Hyperuricemia (HUA), the underlying cause of gout, poses a growing challenge for healthcare systems in developed and developing countries. Currently, the most common therapeutic approaches for gouty HUA primarily involve the use of allopathic or modern medicine. However, these treatments are often accompanied by adverse effects and may not be universally effective for all patients. Therefore, this systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive outline of phytochemical compounds that have emerged as alternative treatments for HUA associated with gout and to examine their specific mechanisms of action. A systematic search was conducted to identify phytochemicals that have previously been evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing HUA. From a review of > 800 published articles, 100 studies reporting on 50 phytochemicals associated with the management of HUA and gout were selected for analysis. Experimental models were used to investigate the effects of these phytochemicals, many of which exhibited multiple mechanisms beneficial for managing HUA. This review offers valuable insights for identifying and developing novel compounds that are safer and more effective for treating HUA associated with gout.
Ononis natrix is one of the wild plants from the Fabaceae family. The infusion of the plant is traditionally used for the therapy of urinary tract disorders. Urolithiasis is a deposit of stone components (oxalate, calcium, uric acid, magnesium, cysteine) in the kidneys. The formulation of stones occurs in consecutive stages. Nephrolithiasis is consecration as one of the most common Kidney diseases. Numerous phytomolecules have several functions in the management of urolithiasis. The aim was to investigate the possible litholytic effect of O. natrix extracts against calcium oxalate urinary stones. Stones were collected from urolithiasis patients after surgical procedures. The type of the stones was determined by FTIR spectroscopy, selected of calcium oxalate type, and the experiment was performed by incubating three concentrations (0.5, 1, 2) g/L of aerial parts and root extracts (ethanolic 70% and aqueous) in-vitro with physiological saline (NaCl 9 g/L) for 6 weeks. The results were presented as dissolution rate % compared to positive control (sodium citrate 3 mmol/L) and negative control (physiological saline 9 g/L). The ethanolic 70% extract of the aerial parts in the concentration of 2 g/L showed the highest litholytic activity (47.73% ± 0.66%) at the end of the experiment (week 6) followed by the concentration of 1 g/L (34.81 %± 1.25%) with statistically significant difference (P <0.0001) in comparison with sodium citrate (4.18% ± 2.13%) and physiological saline (1.37% ± 0.22%). The results exhibit that the litholytic activity of O. natrix extracts was higher in the aerial parts than the roots, it was also higher in the ethanolic extracts than the aqueous extracts, which is related to their flavonoid content.
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Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones.
Full-text available
Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones.
Full-text available
Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones.
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Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones.
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Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones. KEYWORDS: Tribulus Terrestris, Extract, Capsules, Kidney stones, lithotriptic, Phytotherapy
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Urolithiasis is a common problem and affects a considerable number of people worldwide. Globally, 12% of population suffers from kidney stone at a stage of life. Kidney stones are the third most common urinary tract disorders after urinary tract infections and prostate pathology. Kidney stones may cause extreme pain and blockage of urine flow. They are usually treated with drugs that may cause a number of side effects. Medicinal herbs may be useful in treatment of kidney stones. Tribulus Terrestris is medicinal herb widely distributed in Yemen. It is medicinal herbs have been used in the treatment of kidney stones, diabetes, diuretic, antibacterial, liver disease, heart disease, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-infertility, aphrodisiac activity, antiurolithiatic activity, anti-stress, hepatoprotective activity, analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. In the present study the Tribulus Terrestris extract was formulated and evaluated as capsules. It was concluded that among the all formulations of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules the F5 was found to be as an optimized capsules according to drug release percentage 94% within 60minutes in buffer medium, so the F5 was the best formulation of Tribulus Terrestris extract capsules delivery system as an advanced phytotherapy approach for kidney stones. KEYWORDS: Tribulus Terrestris, Extract, Capsules, Kidney stones, lithotriptic, Phytotherapy
Objective The present study evaluated the effect of Prunus cerasus (sour cherry) on children with nephrolithiasis. Methods We conducted a randomized noninferiority controlled trial to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of P. cerasus among children with nephrolithiasis. Subjects in the intervention group received 1.25 mL/kg of cherry concentrate once daily for 2 months, while the control group received 1 mL/kg Polycitra-K, which consists of 220 g citrate potassium and 68 g citric acid in 1000 mL sterile water. The major outcome was sonographically determined number and sizes of kidney stones, which were assessed before and after the trial. Results Sixty-eight children completed the study. At trial onset, both groups were similar in baseline characteristics (P > .05). In within-group analysis, the number of stones significantly decreased in both groups (P < .05). After 2 months, the number of nephrolithiasis was 1.55 ± 0.49 and 1.47 ± 0.67 in the control and intervention groups, respectively (P value = .56). The percentage of change in calculi number was 44.11 ± 11.12 and 38.14 ± 14.08 in the control and intervention groups, respectively (P value = .08). At the end of the study, the urine pH was 6.46 ± 0.99 and 6.14 ± 0.83 in the control and intervention groups, respectively (P value = .19). Urine calcium and uric acid concentrations were 32.00 ± 12.32 and 28.95 ± 10.96 mg/mm (P value = .68) and 24.11 ± 10.58 and 30.03 ± 11.39 mg/mm (P value = .012) in control and intervention groups, respectively. Conclusion Our clinical data supported the efficacy of sour cherry in the treatment of nephrolithiasis compared to Polycitra-K. Future randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm the present observation.
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Background & objectives: Dengue virus infection is endemic in India with all the four serotypes of dengue virus in circulation. This study was aimed to determine the geographic distribution of the primary and secondary dengue cases in India. Methods: A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted at Department of Health Research / Indian Council of Medical Research (DHR)/(ICMR) viral research and diagnostic laboratories (VRDLs) and selected ICMR institutes located in India. Only laboratory-confirmed dengue cases with date of onset. of illness less than or equal to seven days were included between September and October 2017. Dengue NS1 antigen ELISA and anti-dengue IgM capture ELISA were used to diagnose dengue cases while antidengue IgG capture ELISA was used for identifying the secondary dengue cases. Results: Of the 1372 dengue cases, 897 (65%) were classified as primary dengue and 475 (35%) as secondary dengue cases. However, the proportion varied widely geographically, with Theni, Tamil Nadu;Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh and Udupi-Manipal, Karnataka reporting more than 65 per cent secondary dengue cases while Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir reporting as low as 10 per cent of the same. The median age of primary dengue cases was 25 yr [interquartile range (IQR 17-35] while that of secondary dengue cases was 23 yr (IQR 13.5-34). Secondary dengue was around 50 per cent among the children belonging to the age group 6-10 yr while it ranged between 20-43 per cent among other age groups. Interpretation & conclusions: Our findings showed a wide geographical variation in the distribution of primary and secondary dengue cases in India. It would prove beneficial to include primary and secondary dengue differentiation protocol in the national dengue surveillance programme. Interpretation & conclusions: Our findings showed a wide geographical variation in the distribution of primary and secondary dengue cases in India. It would prove beneficial to include primary and secondary dengue differentiation protocol in the national dengue surveillance programme.
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Introduction: Medicinal plants have been used to treat various immunological diseases. Nitric oxide (NO) including proliferation and CD14 monocyte surface marker has played an important regulatory role in various types of inflammatory processes. This study was aimed to evaluate or scrutinize the effect of flavonoid extracted from the leaves of Santalum album, Butea frondosa and Emblica officinalis for determining their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using hepatitis B vaccine antigen (20 μg/mL; 10 μl). Methods: Flavonoids extracted from these medicinal plants were prepared (0.5-10 mg/mL; 50 μl) and their effects on human PBMC proliferation were examined using HBsAg. The NO production including CD14 monocyte surface marker was also estimated. Results: All these flavonoids at higher doses demonstrated a significant decrease in proliferation, NO production and CD14 surface marker. This inhibitory effect was seen after 48 hours of treatment. Conclusion: These results may indicate the presence of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity in these medicinal plants.
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Objective: The incidence and prevalence of kidney stone is increasing worldwide. After the first recurrence the risk of subsequent relapses is higher and the time period between relapses is shortened. Urinary stones can be severely painful and make a huge economic burden. The stone disease may increase the vulnerability of patients to other diseases such as renal failure. Medicinal herbs are rich sources of antioxidants which are increasingly consumed globally for their safety, efficacy and low price. Nigella sativa is a spice plant that is widely used for prevention and treatment of many ailments in Muslim countries and worldwide. This review aims at investigation of the effects of Nigella sativa on renal injury and stone formation. Materials and methods: The scientific resources including PubMed, Scopus, and Google scholar were searched using key words such as: nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis, kidney/renal stone, renal injury, renal failure, urinary retention and black seed, black cumin, Nigella sativa and thymoquinone. Results: N. sativa and its main component, thymoquinone showed positive effects in prevention or curing kidney stones and renal failure through various mechanism such as antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-eicosanoid and immunomodulatory effects. The putative candidate in many cases has been claimed to be thymoquinone but it seems that at least in part, particularly in kidney stones, the herbal melanin plays a role which requires further investigation to prove. Conclusion: N. sativa and its components are beneficial in prevention and curing of renal diseases including nephrolithiasis and renal damages.
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Cough is referred to the strong explosive exhalation which causes removal of secretions and foreign bodies from tracheobronchial tract. Given the prevalence of children's and adults' involvement with and acquisition of cough, this review article was aimed to report the plants used to treat and relieve cough in traditional culture and ethnobotany of Iran's different regions. To select the articles, the key words such as ethnobotany, ethnopharmacoligy, ethnomedicine, phytopharmacology, phytomedicine, traditional medicine, and Iran in combination with the words cough, upper respiratory tract, and children were used to search in Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, International Science Citation Center, and Magiran.The findings indicated that 51 medicinal plants are used in Iran traditional medicine to specifically treat cough. Most of the plants identified in this study were antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, which can affect the upper respiratory tract because of containing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds, and relieve and treat cough. The anti-cough property of some of these plants has been studied in clinical trials but not confirmed, which could be a basis for clinical trials in future.
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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder due to dopamine deficit in substatia nigra. PD is mainly a sporadic disease with unestablished etiology. However, exposure to environmental toxins, head trauma, inflammation, and free radicals are potential reasons. Recently, the role of oxidative stress in neurological abnormalities, including PD, has been particularly addressed. Antioxidant remedies, particularly herbal antioxidants, have revealed new perspectives of research and therapy as possible preventive and therapeutic approaches for PD. In this paper, we reviewed the recently published papers on the effects of herbal medicines on PD alongside the pathogenesis of PD with regard to oxidative stress.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder due to dopamine deficit in substatia nigra. PD is mainly a sporadic disease with unestablished etiology. However, exposure to environmental toxins, head trauma, inflammation, and free radicals are potential reasons. Recently, the role of oxidative stress in neurological abnormalities, including PD, has been particularly addressed. Antioxidant remedies, particularly herbal antioxidants, have revealed new perspectives of research and therapy as possible preventive and therapeutic approaches for PD. In this paper, we reviewed the recently published papers on the effects of herbal medicines on PD alongside the pathogenesis of PD with regard to oxidative stress.