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Inflammatory cues enhance TGFβ activation by distinct subsets of human intestinal dendritic cells via integrin vβ8

  • MedImmune, Cambridge, UK

Abstract and Figures

Regulation of intestinal T-cell responses is crucial for immune homeostasis and prevention of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A vital cytokine in regulating intestinal T cells is transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ), which is secreted by cells as a latent complex that requires activation to function. However, how TGFβ activation is regulated in the human intestine, and how such pathways are altered in IBD is completely unknown. Here we show that a key activator of TGFβ, integrin αvβ8, is highly expressed on human intestinal dendritic cells (DCs), specifically on the CD1c(+) but not the CD141(+) intestinal DC subset. Expression was significantly upregulated on intestinal DC from IBD patients, indicating that inflammatory signals may upregulate expression of this key TGFβ-activating molecule. Indeed, we found that the Toll-like receptor 4 ligand lipopolysaccharide upregulates integrin αvβ8 expression and TGFβ activation by human DC. We also show that DC expression of integrin αvβ8 enhanced induction of FOXP3 in CD4(+) T cells, suggesting functional importance of integrin αvβ8 expression by human DC. These results show that microbial signals enhance the TGFβ-activating ability of human DC via regulation of integrin αvβ8 expression, and that intestinal inflammation may drive this pathway in patients with IBD.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 26 October 2016; doi:10.1038/mi.2016.94.
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Inflammatory cues enhance TGFbactivation by
distinct subsets of human intestinal dendritic cells
via integrin avb8
TM Fenton
, A Kelly
, EE Shuttleworth
, C Smedley
, A Atakilit
, F Powrie
, S Campbell
SL Nishimura
, D Sheppard
, S Levison
, JJ Worthington
, MJ Lehtinen
and MA Travis
Regulation of intestinal T-cell responses is crucial for immune homeostasis and prevention of inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD). A vital cytokine in regulating intestinal Tcells is transforming growth factor-b(TGFb), which is secreted by
cells as a latent complex that requires activation to function. However, how TGFbactivation is regulated in the human
intestine, and how such pathways are altered in IBD is completely unknown. Here we show that a key activator of TGFb,
integrin avb8, is highly expressed on human intestinal dendritic cells (DCs), specifically on the CD1c
but not the
intestinal DC subset. Expression was significantly upregulated on intestinal DC from IBD patients, indicating
that inflammatory signals may upregulate expression of this key TGFb-activating molecule. Indeed, we found that the
Toll-like receptor 4 ligand lipopolysaccharide upregulates integrin avb8 expression and TGFbactivation by human DC.
We also show that DC expression of integrin avb8 enhanced induction of FOXP3 in CD4
Tcells, suggesting functional
importance of integrin avb8 expression by human DC. These results show that microbial signals enhance the TGFb-
activating ability of human DC via regulation of integrin avb8 expression, and that intestinal inflammation may drive this
pathway in patients with IBD.
The intestine is a challenging environment for the immune
system, which must induce protective responses against food-
borne pathogens, but promote tolerance against the trillions of
microorganisms that compose the microbiota. It is proposed
that specialized regulatory mechanisms are in place to balance
protective and tolerogenic immunity in the gut, with failure of
these mechanisms resulting in inflammatory bowel disease
A crucial mechanism by which gut immune responses are
controlled is via the cytokine transforming growth factor-b
(TGFb). TGFbis especially important in the regulation of
T-cell responses, promoting differentiation of both Foxp3
regulatory T cells (Tregs) and T helper type 17 cells, and
suppressing the differentiation of T helper type 1 and T helper
type 2 cells.
Indeed, recent evidence suggests that targeting the
TGFbpathway in IBD may have beneficial effects in some
Many different cells in the gut produce TGFb, but
always as a latent complex, which has to be activated to
function. Thus, regulation of TGFbfunction is critically
controlled at the level of its activation.
Previous work from our lab and others has highlighted that
intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) can act as crucial activators of
TGFbin mice.
There are two major subsets of DCs in the
mouse intestine, both expressing the cell surface markers
CD11c and CD103, but characterized by differential expression
of transcription factors required for their development and by
expression of the cell surface protein CD11b.
Thus, one subset
Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Manchester Immunology Group, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Lung Biology Center, Department of
Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal
Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
TranslationalGastroenterology Unit, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Gastroenterology Unit,
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Central Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK.
Department of Pathology, University of California, San
Francisco, CA, USA and
DuPont Nutrition & Health, Global Health and Nutrition Science, Kantvik, Finland. Correspondence: MA Travis (
Current address: Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Received 15 June 2016; accepted 26 August 2016; advance online publication 26 October 2016. doi:10.1038/mi.2016.94
MucosalImmunology 1
of intestinal DC requires expression of the transcription factors
IRF8, Batf3, and Id2, and is CD11b-negative, whereas the other
depends on expression of the transcription factor IRF4 and is
Specifically, murine CD103
intestinal DCs express high levels of integrin avb8, which
enables them to activate TGFband induce Foxp3
Tregs, Th17
cells, and intraepithelial lymphocyte populations.
ever, whether a similar pathway exists in the human system
remains unknown.
Human conventional DC can be divided into two devel-
opmentally distinct populations, marked by expression of
either CD1c or CD141. These subsets show homology to
murine subsets, as human CD1c
DCs express IRF4 and show
similarities to murine CD103
DC, whereas
DCs are more akin to murine CD103
Recently, it has been suggested that human intestinal
DC can also be divided into functionally distinct subsets, using
the markers CD103 and SIRPa, which appear transcriptionally
homologous to the murine CD103/CD11b subsets.
whether intestinal DCs regulate T-cell responses via TGFb
activation in the human system, and how such pathways are
potentially altered in IBD, is completely unknown.
Here we show that the TGFb-activating integrin avb8is
expressed by human intestinal DC, with expression seen
preferentially on the CD1c
DC subset, in contrast to
expression patterns in mice. Expression of integrin avb8is
significantly upregulated in CD1c
DC from patients with
Crohn’s disease (CD), suggesting that inflammatory signals
may be important in enhancing the TGFb-activating ability of
DC. Indeed, we show mechanistically that integrin avb8
expression by DC is increased by treatment with the Toll-like
receptor (TLR)4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which
enhanced their ability to activate TGFb. Finally, DC-expressed
integrin avb8 was important for the induction of FOXP3
expression in CD4
T cells, suggesting an important functional
role for the integrin in inducing human Treg. Thus, our data
suggest that expression of integrin avb8 on human intestinal
DC subsets, driven by inflammation, might promote Treg
induction via activation of TGFb.
Human intestinal DCs express the TGFb-activating integrin
Integrin avb8 is highly expressed on murine intestinal DC and
this expression is required to prevent spontaneous gut
inflammation via activation of TGFb.
However, whether
a similar pathway is important in the regulation of intestinal
immunity in humans is completely unknown. To address this
question, we examined expression of integrin avb8 by flow
cytometry on human intestinal DC, using an antibody we
generated that specifically binds to human integrin b8 (see
Methods and Supplementary Figure S1 online). Human
intestinal DCs were obtained from intestinal resection and
biopsy samples, and mononuclear phagocytes were gated as
viable CD45
cells. DCs were distin-
guished from monocytes/macrophages in this mononuclear
phagocyte population by low expression of CD14 and CD64
(Figure 1a). Viable CD45
cells, which were either Lineage
were placed into a ‘dump’ gate and used as a control
cell population. We found that integrin avb8 was expressed on
a significant proportion of DC, whereas expression on total
cells was minimal (Figure 1b,c). Given
that expression of integrin avb8 is enhanced on intestinal DC in
mice compared with non-intestinal sites,
we next analyzed
integrin avb8 expression on DC from human peripheral blood.
Interestingly, we found that expression of integrin avb8
on human peripheral blood DC (Lineage
cells) was similar to that seen in
intestinal DC (Figure 1d,e), suggesting an important difference
between the mouse and human DC systems. Thus, integrin
avb8 is expressed by human intestinal DC, although expression
is not restricted to the intestine as in mice.
Integrin avb8 is expressed on human intestinal CD1c
not on CD141
DC subsets
As different intestinal DC types have distinct functional
we next analyzed which human intestinal DC
subsets express integrin avb8. We recently found that integrin
avb8 is exclusively expressed on murine intestinal IRF8-
dependent CD103
DC, which are specialized to
cross-present antigen, with minimal expression observed in
and CD103
intestinal DC sub-
To determine whether similar expression patterns were
observed in human intestinal DC, cells were categorized by
expression of CD1c vs. CD141, which are analogous to murine
and CD103
DC, respec-
In contrast to results in mice, expression of integrin
avb8 was found on human intestinal CD1c
DC but not on
DC (Figure 2a,b). Furthermore, when DC subsets
were further gated according to CD103 and SIRPaexpression
(Figure 2c), which are proposed to identify equivalent cells
to murine CD103/CD11b DC subsets,
integrin avb8
was preferentially expressed on both CD103
DC compared with CD103
(Figure 2d,e), in contrast to expression patterns in mice.
Thus, these results suggest that integrin avb8 is expressed on
different subsets of human intestinal DC compared with the
murine homologs.
Human integrin avb8 levels are increased on CD1c
from IBD patients
Given that integrin avb8 expression by DC is crucial in
preventing development of IBD in mice,
we next analyzed
expression of integrin avb8 on intestinal DC from patients with
IBD, specifically with CD. Non-IBD control tissue was obtained
from patients with bowel cancer undergoing surgery or
screening endoscopy, with non-cancerous tissue analyzed.
Tissue from CD patients (Table 1) was obtained during
endoscopy or resection surgery, and integrin avb8 expression
was analyzed by flow cytometry. Expression of integrin avb8
was not different on total DC from non-IBD vs. CD patients
(Figure 3a,b). However, when expression on the different
subsets of intestinal DC was analyzed, we found that integrin
050K 100K 150K 200K 250K
bDump gate DC
Dump gate DC
0 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K
Figure 1 Integrin avb8 is expressed by human intestinal dendritic cells (DCs). (a) Representative gating of human intestinal resected and biopsy lamina
propria cells digested and analyzed by flow cytometry. CD45
cells were first gated by forward and side scatter, then DC gated as viable lineage (CD3,
CD15, CD19, CD20, and CD56)
cells. ‘Dump gate’ control cells were gated as CD45
cells that were negative for
HLA-DR and/or positive for lineage markers. (b,c) Analysis of integrin b8 expression on human intestinal DC by flow cytometry, showing representative
histograms (shaded plot, isotype control; non-shaded plot, anti-integrin b8 antibody) (b) and pooled data (c). (d,e) Integrin avb8 expression analysis by
flow cytometry on human peripheral blood DC (Lineage (CD3, CD15, CD19, CD20, CD56)
cells), showing
representative histograms (d) and pooled data (e). Error bars represent mean±s.e.m., nX6 for all experiments, statistical significance analyzed by
paired Student’s t-tests (*Po0.05, **Po0.01).
MucosalImmunology 3
P1: CD103+
100 CD141+
100 CD1c+
P2: CD103+
P3: CD103–
P4: CD103–
P1 P2
Figure 2 Specific subsets of human intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) express the transforming growth factor-b(TGFb)-activating integrin avb8. (a) Viable
human colonic lamina propria CD45
DCs were gated by CD141 vs. CD1c expression, and expression of integrin avb8
was analyzed on each subset (shaded plot, isotype control; non-shaded plot, anti-integrin b8 antibody). (b) Pooled data from a, error bars represent
mean±s.e.m., nX8, statistical significance analyzed by paired one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test
(*Po0.05). (c) Human viable CD45
DCs were gated by CD103 and SIRPaexpression, and (d) integrin avb8 expression
analyzed on each subset. Representative histograms show shaded plot ¼isotype control, non-shaded plot ¼anti-integrin b8 antibody, representative of
four donors, with pooled data depicted in (e). Error bars represent mean±s.e.m., n¼4, statistical significance analyzed by paired one-way ANOVA with
Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (*Po0.05).
avb8 expression was significantly higher on CD1c
DC from
CD patients compared with non-IBD controls (Figur e 3c,d). As
in control patients, CD141
intestinal DC from CD patients
did not express significant integrin avb8 levels (Figure 3c,d).
These data therefore show that patients with intestinal
inflammation have enhanced expression of the TGFb-
activating integrin avb8 on intestinal DC, specifically on
the CD1c
DC subset.
Integrin avb8 expression by human DC is enhanced by
inflammatory signals
Next, we aimed to determine molecular mechanisms driving
the enhanced expression of integrin avb8 on intestinal DC in
CD patients, with the hypothesis that gut-derived inflamma-
tory signals may be important in such induction. To test this
possibility, we utilized human DC-like cells, derived from blood
monocytes (moDC), to test the ability of gut-associated
molecules to regulate integrin avb8 expression. As the
expression levels of latent TGFband the vitamin A metabolite
retinoic acid (RA) are increased in the intestine of patients with
and provide signals to regulate T-cell function and
we hypothesized that these molecules could have a
role in integrin avb8 induction on DC. However, we found that
neither blockade of TGFband RA nor addition of the two
molecules had any significant effect on the expression of
integrin avb8 by moDC (Figure 4a).
We next tested the potential for pathogen-associated
molecular patterns, which are associated with inflammation,
to modulate integrin avb8 expression on DC. We found that
the TLR4 ligand LPS caused significant upregulation of integrin
avb8 expression on moDC, which was not apparent with
agonists for TLR1/2 (Pam3CSK4), TLR3 (Poly I:C), TLR5
(flagellin), or TLR7 (Imiquimod) (Figure 4b). The TLR8 ligand
ssRNA40 also upregulated expression of integrin avb8, but to a
significantly lower extent than LPS (Figure 4b). Thus, specific
pathogen-associated molecular patterns appear to upregulate
the expression of human integrin avb8.
We next tested the ability of LPS to regulate expression of
integrin avb8 by primary human intestinal DC. LPS had no
effect on integrin avb8 expression by CD141
DC, but
significantly elevated expression on the intestinal CD1c
subset (Figure 4c), mirroring expression changes seen in the
intestine of CD patients. Thus, our results show that LPS can
enhance integrin avb8 expression on intestinal CD1c
suggesting that microbe-associated signals may contribute to
the higher levels of integrin avb8 expression seen on DC in
patients with CD.
Human integrin avb8 activates TGFband regulates FOXP3
induction in T cells
Next, we addressed the potential functional importance of
integrin avb8 expression by human DC. We first tested
whether LPS-induced expression of integrin avb8 enhanced the
ability of human DC to activate TGFb, using an active TGFb
reporter cell assay.
Indeed, treatment of moDC with LPS
resulted in enhanced TGFbactivation, which was blocked by an
anti-integrin avb8-blocking antibody (Figure 4d). Thus,
stimulation of human DC by LPS enhances their ability to
activate TGFbin an integrin avb8-dependent manner.
We next tested whether integrin avb8 expression by DC
affects their ability to regulate T-cell responses. Specifically,
previous work in mouse has shown that DC expression of
integrin avb8 is important in the TGFb-mediated upregulation
of Foxp3 in CD4
T cells, inducing a regulatory phenotype.
To test for a similar role in humans, LPS-treated moDC were
co-cultured with allogenic naive CD4
human T cells,
which showed o1% FOXP3 expression (Figure 4e). After 5
days in culture, DC induced a proportion of prolife rating T cells
to express FOXP3 (Figure 4f), which was significantly reduced
in the presence of an anti-TGFb-blocking antibody, indicating
an important role for TGFbin induction of FOXP3 (Figure 4f).
Conversely, addition of active TGFbenhanced FOXP3
expression (Figure 4f). Importantly, an anti-integrin avb8-
blocking antibody reduced induction of FOXP3 in T cells to a
similar extent as blockade of TGFb(Figure 4f). Induced
CD4 þFOXP3 þcells in all conditions expressed equivalent
levels of FOXP3 (Figure 4g), suggesting differences observed
are at the levels of cell numbers induced to express FOXP3
rather than at the level of FOXP3 expression. Together, these
results suggest an important functional role for integrin avb8
in induction of FOXP3
T cells by human DC, via activation
of TGFb.
Table 1 Summary of patient information for intestinal
Patients with
Crohn’s disease
Total 6 8
Male 6 3
Female 0 5
Age (years) (mean±s.d.) 40±9.6 67±12
Sample site
Unspecified colon 1 7
Transverse colon 1 0
Ileo-sigmoidal junction 1 0
Rectum and sigmoid colon 0 1
Rectum and transverse colon 1 0
Transverse and sigmoid colon 2 0
Colon cancer 0 7
Normal (genetic cancer screening) 0 1
Quiescent Crohn’s disease 1 0
Active Crohn’s disease 5 0
Abbreviation: IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.
Demographic information, along with site of sampling and patient diagnosis at time of
MucosalImmunology 5
Dump gate CD141+CD1c+
TGFbhas a crucial role in regulating intestinal immune
responses, but needs to be activated to function. How TGFbis
activated in the human intestine to control immunity is
completely unknown. Here we find that the TGFb-activating
integrin, avb8, is expressed on human intestinal CD1c
and that expression is increased on this DC subset in patients
with CD. Integrin avb8 expression was also increased on DC
after ex vivo treatment with LPS, which enhanced their ability to
activate TGFb, and avb8 expression promoted induction of
FOXP3 expression in naive human T cells. Taken together, our
study uncovers a new pathway in which the TGFb-activating
integrin avb8 is expressed on human intestinal DC, and which
is upregulated in patients with CD.
We and others have previously shown that integrin avb8is
an important activator of TGFbby murine intestinal DC, with
lack of expression in mice resulting in colitis.
We now
show that the pathway is present in humans; however,
important distinctions between the human and murine
pathways exist. Specifically, whereas expression of integrin
avb8 is enriched on murine intestinal DC vs. non-intestinal DC
from the spleen
and other peripheral lymph nodes (unpub-
lished data), this is not the case in humans, where similar
expression is observed on DC from peripheral blood and the
intestine. The underlying reasons for such differences are
currently unknown. However, a recent report has found that
mice kept in specific pathogen-free conditions show an altered
immune system compared with wild mice, with wild mice
showing immune traits more similar to humans.
As our data
show that LPS drives expression of integrin avb8 by DC, a
potential explanation for enhanced peripheral expression of
integrin avb8 on human DC may be that the less-sterile
environment inhabited by humans drives expression, which is
not apparent in specific-pathogen-free mice.
In addition, whereas in mice integrin avb8 is almost
exclusively expressed by intestinal DC expressing CD103
but lacking CD11b,
minimal expression is observed on
human CD141
DC, which are analogous to the murine
DC subset.
Instead, human CD1c
which are analogous to CD103
murine intestinal
are the major DC population expressing integrin avb8.
Why there is a contrast in integrin avb8 expression patterns
between seemingly analogous DC subsets in mice and humans
is unknown. A potential explanation is provided by data from
human IRF8-deficient patients. IRF8 drives expression of
integrin avb8 in murine CD103
DC via binding to
the ITGB8 promoter region.
Whereas mice lacking IRF8
expression globally, or specifically in DC, have a selective defect
in integrin avb8-expressing CD103
DC subset
human patients with IRF8 mutations lack either
all DC subsets, or the CD1c
subset specifically.
therefore appears to be differentially expressed by mouse and
human DC, and thus may explain the differential integrin avb8
Having shown that integrin avb8 is highly expressed on
human intestinal DC, we next investigated expression on DC
from CD patients. Integrin avb8 expression was higher on
DC, but not on CD141
DC, from CD patients
compared with non-IBD controls, strongly indicating that
DC from patients with CD have an enhanced capacity
to activate TGFb. Functionally, TGFbcan drive the differ-
entiation of both pro-inflammatory T helper type 17 cells and
anti-inflammatory Foxp3
Tregs, depending on the cytokine
Thus, enhanced integrin avb8 expression in CD
patients may be involved in promoting inflammation, or in a
prolonged and unsuccessful anti-inflammatory feedback loop.
In support of the latter possibility, activated T cells have been
shown to be refractive to TGFbsignaling in CD patients, due to
enhanced expression of the TGFbsignaling inhibitor Smad7,
with knockdown of Smad7 causing remission in some patients.
In such a scenario, enhanced integrin avb8 expression by DC
would result in increased TGFbactivation, but without causing
a protective response in TGFb-refractory colitic T cells.
We next addressed potential mechanisms responsible for
enhanced expression of integrin avb8 on DC in CD patients.
Despite a recent report that RA can enhance expression of
integrin avb8 on Peyer’s Patch DCs in mice,
RA and the
immunomodulatory cytokine TGFbdid not enhance expres-
sion of integrin avb8 on human DC, again highlighting
differences between the murine and human systems. Instead,
we found that the bacterial danger signal LPS increased DC
expression of integrin avb8 and this promoted TGFbactivation
by DC. Interestingly, LPS induced expression of integrin avb8
specifically on CD1c
and not on CD141
intestinal DC, thus
mirroring expression patterns seen in patients with CD.
Impaired barrier function of the intestine is apparent in many
patients with CD, which can lead to enhanced translocation of
bacteria from the intestinal microbiota. Thus, one possibility is
that enhanced expression of integrin avb8 by CD1c
DC in
CD is linked to the enhanced exposure of gut DC to higher
levels of LPS, due to enhanced bacterial translocation. Indeed,
the integrin b8 gene promoter region is known to contain
binding sites for the LPS-activated transcription factors p38
and AP-1,
which supports a mechanism by which LPS can
specifically enhance integrin avb8 expression by DC. Although
further work with larger patient cohorts is required to
Figure 3 Integrin avb8 expression is elevated on CD1c
intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) from patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). Single-cell
suspensions of intestinal resection and biopsy samples from non-inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and CD patients were analyzed by flow cytometry for
expression of integrin avb8 on DC subsets. (a,b) Expression of integrin avb8 on CD45
total DCs from non-IBD and CD
patients. (a) Representative histograms (shaded plot, isotype control; non-shaded plot, anti-integrin b8 antibody), (b) pooled data. (c,d) Expression of
integrin avb8 on CD141
DC and CD1c
DC subsets from non-IBD and CD patients. (c) Representative histograms, (d) pooled data. Error bars
represent mean±s.e.m., nX6, statistical significance analyzed by two-way analysis of variance with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (*Po0.05).
MucosalImmunology 7
determine whether integrin avb8 expression is specifically
upregulated in CD patients vs. those with ulcerative colitis and
other intestinal diseases, and whether severity of disease
correlates with the expression of the integrin, our data suggest
an important cellular and molecular mechanism by which
TGFbactivation can be regulated in the intestine in CD. Also,
given the complex inflammatory environment in the intestines
of IBD patients, it will be important to determine whether other
signals in addition to LPS regulate the integrin avb8–TGFb
pathway on intestinal DC during disease.
Finally, we investigated the functional role of human integrin
avb8 expression by human DC, focusing on the potential role in
induction of human FOXP3
Treg. Our data showed that
blocking integrin avb8 function caused a significant reduction of
FOXP3 induction in T cells, to the same extent as blocking TGFb.
Although some studies have indicated that human T cells can
induce FOXP3 expression transiently upon activation without
gaining suppressive function,
further data show that even
transient FOXP3 expression can promote suppressive function
in CD4
T cells.
Paradoxically, patients with IBD show
elevated numbers of Treg in the intestinal mucosa that can
suppress proliferation of CD4
T cells in vitro.
Thus, as
integrin avb8 expression by DC can promote FOXP3
expression in human T cells, and DC from patients with
CD have elevated expression of integrin avb8, it is tempting to
speculate that DC expression of integrin avb8 may be an
important factor in driving the enhanced Treg numbers
observed in IBD. Despite enhanced Treg numbers, intestinal
T cells from IBD patients are resistant to Treg-mediated
perhaps due to these cells being refractory to
which is an important mechanism by which
Treg suppress T-cell responses.
Thus, given recent evidence
that enhancing the ability of intestinal T cells to sense active
TGFbis effective in inducing remission in certain CD patients,
enhancement of the integrin avb8–TGFbpathway may be an
attractive complementary therapeutic approach to promote the
suppression of colitic T cells.
Taken together, our study uncovers a novel pathway by
which the TGFb-activating integrin avb8 is expressed in the
human intestine on DC subsets, which is upregulated in
patients with CD, and which may be an attractive therapeutic
target to drive TGFb-mediated suppression of inflammation in
the intestine.
Obtaining and processing of human intestinal tissue and blood.
Human samples were obtained according to the principles expressed in
the Declaration of Helsinki and under local ethical guidelines, and
approved by the North West National Research Ethics Service
(reference number 15/NW/0007). All patients provided written
informed consent for the collection of tissue samples and subsequent
analysis, with patients under 18 and over 80 excluded from the study.
Control (non-IBD) tissue samples were obtained from patients
undergoing screening or surgery for bowel cancer, with non-cancerous
tissue used for studies. For IBD samples, tissue was obtained from
patients diagnosed with CD undergoing resection or endoscopic
surveillance, with diagnosis made by clinical history and/or histo-
logical findings at the time of procedure (see Table 1 for patient
information). For patients with CD, intestinal samples were taken
from inflamed areas, apart from one patient who had quiescent disease
at time of sampling. Intestinal lamina propria samples were incubated
in Hanks buffered saline solution containing 1% penicillin/
streptomycin, 40 mgml
G418 and 1 mMdithiothreitol to remove
mucus, then in Hanks buffered saline solution containing 1%
penicillin/streptomycin, 40 mgml
G418 and 1 mMEDTA to
remove the epithelial cell layer. Tissue was then incubated
overnight in RPMI medium containing 10% fetal calf serum, 1%
penicillin–streptomycin, 40 mgml
G418 antibiotic and 0.2 U ml
Liberase DL (Roche, Burgess Hill, UK).
Human blood was obtained from healthy donors recruited locally
(according to the University of Manchester ethics/guidelines) or from
the local blood bank (National Blood Service, Manchester, UK) and
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated by density
centrifugation using Ficoll-Paque PLUS (GE Healthcare Life Sciences,
Buckinghamshire, UK) according to the manufacturers’ guidelines.
The resulting single-cell suspensions of intestinal cells or PBMCs were
analyzed by flow cytometry as described.
Flow cytometry. Cells were first stained with fixable viability dye
(ThermoFisher Scientific, Paisley, UK), followed by staining with
specific antibodies. Extracellular staining was performed in phos-
phate-buffered saline plus 0.1% bovine serum albumin and 0.05%
sodium azide; intracellular staining was performed using fix/perm
solution and permeabilization buffer (eBioscience, Hatfield, UK) as per
the manufacturer’s protocol. Two percent mouse serum was added to
cells to block nonspecific staining before addition of antibodies. The
following antibodies were used in this study: anti-CD1c (clone L161);
anti-CD3 (clone OKT3 and clone UCHT1); anti-CD4 (clone RPA-T4);
anti-CD11c (clone 3.9); anti-CD14 (clone M5E2); anti-CD15 (clone
W6D3); anti-CD16 (clone 3G8); anti-CD19 (clone HIB19); anti-CD20
(clone 2H7); anti-CD25 (clone BC96); anti-CD45 (clone Hl30); anti-
CD45RA (clone HI100); anti-CD56 (clone MEM-188); anti-CD86
(clone IT2.2); anti-FOXP3 (clone 259D); anti-HLA-DR (clone L243);
anti-SIRPa(clone SE5A5) (all from Biolegend, London, UK); anti-
CD141 (clone 1A4, BD and clone M80, R&D Systems, Minneapolis,
MN, USA); and anti-CD103 (clone B-Ly7, eBioscience). Production of
the anti-integrin b8 (clone ADWA16) is described below.
Figure 4 Integrin b8 expression is upregulated on human dendritic cells (DCs) by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which activates transformin g growth factor-
b(TGFb) and induces CD4
T cells. (a) Human monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) were treated with either medium alone, with 5 ng ml
and 100 nMretinoic acid (RA), or with 100 mgml
anti-TGFbantibody (a-TGFb) plus 1 mMRA receptor antagonist (a-RA), and integrin avb8 expression
was analyzed by flow cytometry. NS, not significant. (b) Human moDCs were treated for 48 h with ligands for TLR1/2 (Pam3CSK), TLR3 (Poly I:C), TLR4
(LPS), TLR5 (Flagellin), TLR7 (Imiquimod), or TLR8 (ssRNA40), and integrin avb8 expression was analyzed by flow cytometry. nX3, statistical
significance analyzed by unmatched one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Holm–Sidak’s multiple comparisons test, compared with the medium
control (***Po0.001, **Po0.01). (c) Human colon resections were digested and treated overnight with medium or with 100 ng ml
LPS. Expression of
integrin avb8 was analyzed on CD1c
and CD141
intestinal DC. Error bars represent mean±s.e.m., n¼4, statistical significance analyzed by paired
Student’s t-tests (*Po0.05). (d) Human moDC treated with either control medium or 100 ng ml
LPS were cultured with active TGFbreporter cells
the presence of either control IgG or anti-integrin avb8 antibody. n¼6, statistical significance analyzed by repeated measures two-way ANOVA with
Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (*Po0.05, **Po0.01). (e,f) Allogenic carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CSFE)-stained naive CD4
T cells were
sorted by flow cytometry and co-cultured with LPS-treated moDC in the presence of 200 ng ml
anti-CD3 antibody and 10 ng ml
interleukin-2 in the
presence of either control IgG antibody, anti-TGFbantibody, anti-integrin avb8 antibody, or active TGFbfor 5 days. Representative CD25 and intracellular
FOXP3 staining of naive sorted CD4
T cells before and after 5 days co-culture (e), and expression of FOXP3 in T cells after 5 days co-culture
after different treatments (f) are shown. (g) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of induced CD4 þFoxp3 þcells from the different conditions. Error bars
represent mean±s.e.m., n¼11, statistical significance analyzed by paired one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test (*Po0.05,
MucosalImmunology 9
Cells were analyzed using an LSR Fortessa or LSRII (BD, Oxford,
UK), and data were analyzed using Flowjo software (Flowjo, OR,
Production of anti-integrin b8 antibody clone ADWA16. Mice
lacking the integrin b8 gene crossed to the outbred CD1 background
(which permits postnatal survival
) were immunized at 46 weeks of
age with purified ectodomains of human integrin avb8 (R&D Systems)
at 2-week intervals. Serum was screened by solid phase binding assay
for reaction with purified integrin avb8, and effectively immunized
mice were killed, spleens collected, and splenocytes fused with SP 2/0
fusion partners to generate hybridomas. Clone specificity for human
integrin b8 was screened by flow cytometry using untransfected
SW480 colon carcinoma cells (that do not express integrin avb8, to
exclude antibodies that bound to integrin av or other surface proteins),
to SW480 cells transfected to express integrin avb3oravb6 (as a
further negative control) and to cells transfected with integrin b8
cDNA (Supplementary Figure S1A). The ability of ADWA16 to block
ligand binding and function of integrin avb8 was demonstrated by
inhibition of adhesion of the human glioblastoma integrin avb8-
expressing cell line U251 to plates coated with 1 mgml
recombinant TGFb1 latency associated peptide (Supplementary
Figure S1B) and inhibition of TGFbactivation by U251 cells,
measured by an active TGFbreporter cell assay (Supplementary
Figure S1C).
Human moDC culture. Leukocyte apheresis cones were collected from
healthy donors at the National Blood Service (Manchester, UK).
PBMCs were separated by centrifugation using Ficoll-Paque (GE
Healthcare, Amersham, UK). Monocytes were separated from PBMCs
using anti-human-CD14 magnetic beads (Miltenyi Biotec, Cologne,
Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using an
LS MACS separation column. Monocyte purity was consistently
over 95%.
Monocytes were cultured in StemXvivo serum-free DC base
medium (Bio-techne, Minneapolis, MN, USA) containing 25 ng ml
GM-CSF and 25 ng ml
interleukin-4 (Biolegend, San Diego, CA) for
6 days at a concentration of 0.5 10
cells per ml in 24-well tissue
culture-treated plates. Half of the medium was removed on day 3
and replaced with fresh medium and cytokines. After 6 days of
differentiation, cells were treated for 48 h with different combinations
of compounds: 5 ng ml
active TGFb(Peprotech, Rocky Hill,
NJ), 100 mgml
anti-TGFbantibody (clone 1D11, West Lebanon,
BioXcell, NH), 1 mMpan-RA receptor antagonist (LE540, a kind gift
from Hiroyuki Kagechika, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,
Tokyo, Japan), 100 nMRA (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA),
Pam3CSK4, 10 mgml
Poly(I:C), 1 mgml
Imiquimod, 5 mgml
ssRNA40, or 100 ng ml
LPS (all
from Invivogen, San Diego, CA).
Active TGFbreporter cell assay. Transformed mink lung epithelial
cells stably expressing a luciferase construct under the control of a
TGFb-responsive promoter
(a kind gift from Prof. Dan Rifkin, NYU,
New York, NY, USA) were co-cultured with moDC plus either
200 mgml
avb8-blocking ADWA16 antibody or 200 mgml
mouse IgG isotype control (BioXcell). Cells were incubated overnight
at 37 1C, and luciferase levels measured using the Luciferase assay
system kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA). An active TGFbstandard curve was used to
calculate levels of active TGFbfrom luminescence intensity observed.
T-cell FOXP3 induction assay. Human PBMCs were obtained
as above, and CD4
T cells enriched using anti-human-CD4 micro-
beads (Miltenyi Biotec) before sorting naive CD4
T cells by flow cytometry using an Influx II cell sorter (BD Bioscience,
San Diego, CA, USA). Naive T cells were co-cultured with allogenic
moDC in StemXvivo (R&D Systems) serum-free medium in round-
bottom plates containing interleukin-2 (10 ng ml
, Biolegend) and
anti-CD3 antibody (clone OKT3, 0.2 mgml
, Biolegend). In all,
DCs were plated per 1 10
T cells in the presence of either
100 mgml
anti-TGFb(1D11), 20 mgml
anti-integrin b8 (clone
100 mgml
isotype control IgG (MOPC-21), or 5 ng ml
active TGFb(Peprotech).
Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed with Prism Software
(GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA). Statistical differences
between means were tested as described in figure legends. All data are
expressed as mean±s.e.m.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL is linked to the online version of the paper
We thank the Faculty of Life Sciences Flow Cytometry Core facility;
specifically Mr Mike Jackson and Dr Gareth Howell, for help with cell sorting
and analysis, Prof. Richard Grencis for helpful comments on the manu-
script, and all patients who volunteered to provide tissue and blood
samples for these studies. T.M.F. was supported by a Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences (BBSRC) CASE PhD studentship (awarded to
F.P., M.J.L. and M.A.T.) (representing DuPont Nutrition & Health), and
J.J.W. was supported by a Wellcome Trust Stepping Stones Fellowship
(097820/Z/11/B). Work was supported by a BBSRC Diet and Research
Industry Club grant (awarded to F.P., M.J.L. and M.A.T), core funding from
the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (awarded
to M.A.T.) and HL113032 to S.L.N. The Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-
Matrix Research, University of Manchester, is supported by core funding
from the Wellcome Trust (088785/Z/09/Z).
T.M.F., F.P., J.J.W., M.J.L., and M.A.T. designed the studies; T.M.F., A.K.,
E.E.S, C.S., and A.A. performed experiments and analyzed data; A.A.,
S.L.N., and D.S. produced and provided novel antibody reagents for
experiments; S.C. and S.L. performed clinical tissue sampling and patient
analysis; T.M.F, J.J.W., A.K., and M.A.T. wrote the manuscript; F.P., M.J.L.,
and M.A.T. obtained funding for the study.
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Official journal of the Society for Mucosal Immunology
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... Rnf43 mutant mice, we computed a Kendall's ߬ correlation matrix between DEGs and dASVs ( Figures 4B and 4G) in Rnf43 mutant versus WT mice ( Figure 6J), and identified a highly correlating subset that suggested intricate relationships between the top differentially abundant ASVs and a gene set comprising Itgb8, Cdx2 and Ffar2 ( Figure 6K). ITGB8 + dendritic cells (DCs) increase in IBD patients upon inflammatory signals (28), and are important for Th17 differentiation (29). Increased abundances of ITGB8 + antigen presenting cells (MHCII + CD45 + ) and particularly of ITGB8 + DCs were present in WT mice co-housed with Rnf43 mutant mice ( Figures 6L and S5C), providing a mechanism by which Rnf43shaped microbiota can influence the adaptive immune cell compartment. ...
... ITGB8 activates latent TGF-β, and ITGB8 + DCs are central regulators of adaptive immunity by creating a TGF-β-rich milieu(58). ITGB8 + DCs increase in inflamed tissues of IBD patients(28), and were induced in WT mice upon co-housing, suggesting that the microbiota of Rnf43 mutant mice may affect intestinal immunity through the ITGB8-TGF-β-axis. Numerous studies highlight the importance of dysregulated TGF-β signaling in IBD pathogenesis, when TGF-β turns from an immunosuppressive and protective into a harmful cytokine by promoting Th17 priming (59) and ECM-remodeling(60). ...
Somatic mutations in the tumor suppressor Ring finger protein 43 (RNF43) were frequently found in colitis-associated cancer (CAC) and related to the duration of chronic inflammation, but their significance in inflammation and inflammation-associated carcinogenesis remained elusive. We assessed the onset of RNF43 mutations at different stages of human CAC development by exome sequencing, and comprehensively characterized RNF43 loss-of-function-driven malignant transformation in mice by RNA sequencing, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, computational transcriptome-microbiome associations, and determined the underlying mechanisms by performing functional stem-cell derived organoid studies and fecal microbiota transfers. Mutations in RNF43 were frequent (12.9 %) in precancerous lesions of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and eventually detectable in 24.4 % of CAC patients. In a bacterial-induced colitis mouse model, Rnf43 mutations caused invasive colorectal carcinomas by aggravating and perpetuating inflammation due to impaired epithelial barrier integrity and pathogen control. We could demonstrate that Rnf43 loss-of-function-mutations were even sufficient to cause spontaneous intestinal inflammation, resulting in UC-typical pathological features and subsequent invasive carcinoma development. In detail, mutant Rnf43 impaired intestinal epithelial and particularly goblet cell homeostasis in a cell-intrinsic manner, and caused dysbiosis. The altered microbiota composition induced epithelial DNA damage and spontaneous mucosal inflammation characterized by TGF-b-activating dendritic cells and pro-inflammatory (IL-17+, IL-22+, TNFa+) T cells. Over time, the continuous epithelial and goblet cell dysfunction, combined with pro-tumorigenic and pro-inflammatory microbiota, resulted in accumulated epithelial damage with transformation into inflammation-associated cancer in the presence of constitutive WNT signaling activation. We identified mutant RNF43 as susceptibility gene for UC and bona fide driver of CAC.
... The systematic dissection of the complex tumor and normal ecosystems identified a myriad of cell states or co-regulated genes that are strongly consistent with previously reported signatures and those that have not been yet identified in the previous pan-cancer analyses 5 ( Fig. 3A and Supplementary Fig. S3, 4). For myeloid cell states, we noted CTSK + macrophage (SLC9B2 and CTSK), CXCL9 + macrophage (CXCL9 and ENPP2), Langerhans cell (CD1A and CD207), mononuclear phagocyte (DLEU2 and FMN1), and PRR-induced activation state marked by chemokines (CXCL1 and CXCL5), migratory (SLAMF1) and immunoregulatory markers (ITGB8 upregulated during TLR-induced DC maturation [25][26][27][28] , thus named PRRinduced activation. We also identified various B cell states, including the germinal center B cell (GCB; SUGCT and RGS13) and plasma cell precursor (FNDC3B and FNDC3A) states ( Supplementary Fig. S3F). ...
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The complexity of the tumor microenvironment poses significant challenges in cancer therapy. Here, to comprehensively investigate the tumor-normal ecosystems, we perform an integrative analysis of 4.9 million single-cell transcriptomes from 1070 tumor and 493 normal samples in combination with pan-cancer 137 spatial transcriptomics, 8887 TCGA, and 1261 checkpoint inhibitor-treated bulk tumors. We define a myriad of cell states constituting the tumor-normal ecosystems and also identify hallmark gene signatures across different cell types and organs. Our atlas characterizes distinctions between inflammatory fibroblasts marked by AKR1C1 or WNT5A in terms of cellular interactions and spatial co-localization patterns. Co-occurrence analysis reveals interferon-enriched community states including tertiary lymphoid structure (TLS) components, which exhibit differential rewiring between tumor, adjacent normal, and healthy normal tissues. The favorable response of interferon-enriched community states to immunotherapy is validated using immunotherapy-treated cancers (n = 1261) including our lung cancer cohort (n = 497). Deconvolution of spatial transcriptomes discriminates TLS-enriched from non-enriched cell types among immunotherapy-favorable components. Our systematic dissection of tumor-normal ecosystems provides a deeper understanding of inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity.
... LPS translocation from the gut is higher in obesity and contributes to metabolic diseases (Troseid et al. 2013). LPS was shown to induce TGFb activity in cell media of dendritic cells and to enhance TGFb induced Ccn2 production of fibroblasts (Burke et al. 2010;Fenton et al. 2017). LPS also upregulated Ccn2 protein in epithelial cells (Nishioka et al. 2010). ...
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Transforming growth factor beta (Tgfb) is a well-studied pro-fibrotic cytokine, which upregulates cellular communication network factor 2 ( Ccn2 ), collagen , and actin alpha 2, smooth muscle ( Acta2 ) expression. Obesity induces adipose tissue fibrosis, which contributes to metabolic diseases. This work aimed to analyze the expression of Tgfb , Ccn2 , collagen1a1 ( Col1a1 ), Acta2 and BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor ( Bambi ), which is a negative regulator of Tgfb signaling, in different adipose tissue depots of mice fed a standard chow, mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) and ob/ob mice. Principally, these genes were low expressed in brown adipose tissues and this difference was less evident for the ob/ob mice. Ccn2 and Bambi protein as well as mRNA expression, and collagen1a1 mRNA were not induced in the adipose tissues upon HFD feeding whereas Tgfb and Acta2 mRNA increased in the white fat depots. Immunoblot analysis showed that Acta2 protein was higher in subcutaneous and perirenal fat of these mice. In the ob/ob mice, Ccn2 mRNA and Ccn2 protein were upregulated in the fat depots. Here, Tgfb , Acta2 and Col1a1 mRNA levels and serum Tgfb protein were increased. Acta2 protein was, however, not higher in subcutaneous and perirenal fat of these mice. Col6a1 mRNA was shown before to be higher in obese fat tissues. Current analysis proved the Col6a1 protein was induced in subcutaneous fat of HFD fed mice. Notably, Col6a1 was reduced in perirenal fat of ob/ob mice in comparison to the respective controls. 3T3-L1 cells express Ccn2 and Bambi protein, whose levels were not changed by fatty acids, leptin, lipopolysaccharide, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6. All of these factors led to higher Tgfb in 3T3-L1 adipocyte media but did not increase its mRNA levels. Free fatty acids induced necrosis whereas apoptosis did not occur in any of the in vitro incubations excluding cell death as a main reason for higher Tgfb in cell media. In summary, Tgfb mRNA is consistently induced in white fat tissues in obesity but this is not paralleled by a clear increase of its target genes. Moreover, discrepancies between mRNA and protein expression of Acta2 were observed. Adipocytes seemingly do not contribute to higher Tgfb mRNA levels in obesity. These cells release more Tgfb protein when challenged with obesity-related metabolites connecting metabolic dysfunction and fibrosis.
... Several studies demonstrated an increased risk of HIV acquisition and other STIs such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in MSM engaging in condomless anal intercourse (59,60). Both NHP and human studies have linked this increased risk to the specific mucosal CD4 + T cells subsets highly susceptible to HIV infection, such as CD4 + CCR5 + T cells and a4b7 high memory CD4 + T cells and their activation status (61)(62)(63). In the current study, frequency and absolute cell count of CD4 + CCR5 + T cells in the gut mucosa of TGW were significantly increased compared to MSM. ...
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Transgender women (TGW) are disproportionally affected by HIV infection, with a global estimated prevalence of 19.9%, often attributed to behavioral risk factors, with less known about biological factors. We evaluated potential biological risk factors for HIV acquisition in TGW at the sites of viral entry by assessing immune parameters of neovaginal surface and gut mucosa. The neovagina in TGW, compared to the vagina in CW, shows distinct cell composition and may pose a more inflammatory environment, evidenced by increased CD4+ T cell activation and higher levels of soluble markers of inflammation (CRP, sCD30). Increased inflammation may be driven by microbiome composition, showing a greater abundance of Prevotella and a higher Shannon diversity. In addition, we have observed higher frequency of CD4+CCR5+ target cells and decreased DNA methylation of the CCR5 gene in the gut mucosa of TGW compared to CW and MSM which was inversely correlated with testosterone levels. The rectal microbiome composition in TGW appears to favor a proinflammatory milieu as well as mucosal barrier disruption. Thus, it is possible that increased inflammation and higher frequencies of CCR5-expressing target cells at sites of mucosal viral entry may contribute to increased risk of HIV acquisition in TGW, with further validation in larger studies warranted.
Oral tolerance is the process by which feeding of soluble proteins induces antigen-specific systemic immune unresponsiveness. Oral tolerance is thought to have a central role in suppressing immune responses to 'harmless' food antigens, and its failure can lead to development of pathologies such as food allergies or coeliac disease. However, on the basis of long-standing experimental observations, the relevance of oral tolerance in human health has achieved new prominence recently following the discovery that oral administration of peanut proteins prevents the development of peanut allergy in at-risk human infants. In this Review, we summarize the new mechanistic insights into three key processes necessary for the induction of tolerance to oral antigens: antigen uptake and transport across the small intestinal epithelial barrier to the underlying immune cells; the processing, transport and presentation of fed antigen by different populations of antigen-presenting cells; and the development of immunosuppressive T cell populations that mediate antigen-specific tolerance. In addition, we consider how related but distinct processes maintain tolerance to bacterial antigens in the large intestine. Finally, we outline the molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of failure of oral tolerance and how these may be modulated to enhance clinical outcomes and prevent disease.
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Post-transplantation, T helper 1 (Th1)-mediated immune rejection is the predominant cause of graft failure. Th1 cell sensitization occurs through complex and context-dependent interaction among antigen-presenting cell subsets, particularly CD11b+ dendritic cells (DC2) and CD103+ dendritic cells (DC1). This interaction necessitates further investigation in context of transplant immunity. We use a well-established pre-clinical models of corneal transplantation and identified distinct roles of migratory CD103+ DC1 in influencing the outcomes of the grafted tissue. In recipients with uninflamed corneal beds, migratory CD103+DC1 demonstrate a tolerogenic phenotype that modulate the immunogenic capacity of CD11b+DC2 primarily mediated by IL-10, suppressing alloreactive CD4+Th1 cells via the PD-L1/PD-1 pathway, and enhancing Treg-mediated tolerance via αvβ8 integrin-activated TGFβ1, thus facilitating graft survival. Conversely, in recipients with inflamed and vascularized corneal beds, IFN-γ produced by CD4+Th1 cells induces migratory CD103+DC1 to adopt an immunostimulatory phenotype, characterized by the downregulation of regulatory markers including αvβ8 integrin and IL-10 and the upregulation of IL-12 and costimulatory molecules CD80/86, resulting in graft failure. The adoptive transfer of ex-vivo induced tolerogenic CD103+DC1(iDC1) effectively inhibits Th1 polarization and preserves the tolerogenic phenotype of their physiological counterparts. Collectively, our findings underscore the essential role played by CD103+DC1 in modulating host alloimmune responses.
Objective: Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling via SMAD2/3 is crucial to control cartilage homeostasis. However, TGF-β can also have detrimental effects by signaling via SMAD1/5/9 and thereby contribute to diseases like osteoarthritis (OA). In this study we aimed to block TGF-β-induced SMAD1/5/9 signaling in primary human OA chondrocytes, while maintaining functional SMAD2/3 signaling. Design: Human OA chondrocytes were pre-incubated with different concentrations of ALK4/5/7 kinase inhibitor SB-505124 before stimulation with TGF-β. Changes in SMAD C-terminal phosphorylation were analyzed using Western blot and response genes were measured with qPCR. To further explore the consequences of our ability to separate pathways, we investigated TGF-β-induced chondrocyte hypertrophy. Results: Pre-incubation with 0.5 µM SB-505124, maintained ±50% of C-terminal SMAD2/3 phosphorylation and induction of JUNB and SERPINE1, but blocked SMAD1/5/9-C phosphorylation and expression of ID1 and ID3. Furthermore, TGF-β, in levels comparable to those in the synovial fluid of OA patients, resulted in regulation of hypertrophic and dedifferentiation markers in OA chondrocytes; i.e. an increase in COL10, RUNX2, COL1A1 and VEGF and a decrease in ACAN expression. Interestingly, in a subgroup of OA chondrocyte donors, blocking only SMAD1/5/9 caused stronger inhibition on TGF-β-induced RUNX2 than blocking both SMAD pathways. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that using low dose of SB-505124 we maintained functional SMAD2/3 signaling that blocks RUNX2 expression in a subgroup of OA patients. We are the first to show that SMAD2/3 and SMAD1/5/9 pathways can be separately modulated using low and high dose of SB-505124 and thereby split TGF-β's detrimental from protective function in chondrocytes.
Dendritic cells (DCs) enable the immune system to mount and modulate precisely targeted responses to various threats across the organism by bridging innate and adaptive immunity. Historically, DCs have been classified as conventional (cDC) and plasmacytoid (pDC). More recently, cDCs were acknowledged as a heterogenous population composed of several subsets. Examining the functional diversity of cDCs in healthy homeostasis and pathology requires a robust experimental pipeline, beginning with an efficient enrichment protocol in preparation for cell sorting. Unfortunately, several commercial DC enrichment kits were developed before the discovery of the more recently described DC populations. Here, we detail two approaches to enrich human blood DCs or certain DC subsets and an in vitro protocol to examine DC stimulation of naïve T cells. The methods employed here overcome many hurdles encountered while enriching human DC subsets. Basic Protocol 1 describes a method that will enrich pDC, Axl Siglec6‐DC (AS‐DC), cDC1, DC2, DC3, monocytes, and human HLA ⁺ cells by crosslinking unwanted cells to erythrocytes. Basic Protocol 2 describes the enrichment of pDC, AS‐DC, cDC1, and DC2 but not DC3 via a highly efficient negative magnetic selection that is valuable in circumstances where DC3 is not required. Finally, Basic Protocol 3 describes a conventional protocol to perform a Mixed leucocyte Reaction (MLR) following the isolation of these DC subsets. These methods detail the advantages and pitfalls when isolating a heterogeneous population of cells. © 2023 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1 : Human peripheral mononuclear phagocyte enrichment Basic Protocol 2 : DC enrichment of pDC, cDC1, AS‐DC, and DC2 but not DC3 Basic Protocol 3 : Basic mixed lymphocyte reaction protocol with sorted human DC subsets
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Recent advances in understanding how the microbiome can influence both the physiology and the pathogenesis of disease in humans have highlighted the importance of gaining a deeper insight into the complexities of the host‐microbial dialogue. In tandem with this progress, has been a greater understanding of the biological pathways which regulate both homeostasis and inflammation at barrier tissue sites, such as the skin and the gut. In this regard, the Interleukin‐1 family of cytokines, which can be segregated into IL‐1, IL‐18 and IL‐36 subfamilies, have emerged as important custodians of barrier health and immunity. With established roles as orchestrators of various inflammatory diseases in both the skin and intestine, it is now becoming clear that IL‐1 family cytokine activity is not only directly influenced by external microbes, but can also play important roles in shaping the composition of the microbiome at barrier sites. This review explores the current knowledge surrounding the evidence that places these cytokines as key mediators at the interface between the microbiome and human health and disease at the skin and intestinal barrier tissues.
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Intestinal mononuclear phagocytes find themselves in a unique environment, most prominently characterized by its constant exposure to commensal microbiota and food antigens. This anatomic setting has resulted in a number of specializations of the intestinal mononuclear phagocyte compartment that collectively contribute the unique steady state immune landscape of the healthy gut, including homeostatic innate lymphoid cells, B, and T cell compartments. As in other organs, macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) orchestrate in addition the immune defense against pathogens, both in lymph nodes and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Here, we will discuss origins and functions of intestinal DCs and macrophages and their respective subsets, focusing largely on the mouse and cells residing in the lamina propria.
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Crohn's disease-related inflammation is characterized by reduced activity of the immunosuppressive cytokine transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) due to high levels of SMAD7, an inhibitor of TGF-β1 signaling. Preclinical studies and a phase 1 study have shown that an oral SMAD7 antisense oligonucleotide, mongersen, targets ileal and colonic SMAD7. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial, we evaluated the efficacy of mongersen for the treatment of persons with active Crohn's disease. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 10, 40, or 160 mg of mongersen or placebo per day for 2 weeks. The primary outcomes were clinical remission at day 15, defined as a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of less than 150, with maintenance of remission for at least 2 weeks, and the safety of mongersen treatment. A secondary outcome was clinical response (defined as a reduction of 100 points or more in the CDAI score) at day 28. The proportions of patients who reached the primary end point were 55% and 65% for the 40-mg and 160-mg mongersen groups, respectively, as compared with 10% for the placebo group (P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the percentage of participants reaching clinical remission between the 10-mg group (12%) and the placebo group. The rate of clinical response was significantly greater among patients receiving 10 mg (37%), 40 mg (58%), or 160 mg (72%) of mongersen than among those receiving placebo (17%) (P=0.04, P<0.001, and P<0.001, respectively). Most adverse events were related to complications and symptoms of Crohn's disease. We found that study participants with Crohn's disease who received mongersen had significantly higher rates of remission and clinical response than those who received placebo. (Funded by Giuliani; EudraCT number, 2011-002640-27.).
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Airway remodeling, caused by inflammation and fibrosis, is a major component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and currently has no effective treatment. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has been widely implicated in the pathogenesis of airway remodeling in COPD. TGF-β is expressed in a latent form that requires activation. The integrin αvβ8 (encoded by the itgb8 gene) is a receptor for latent TGF-β and is essential for its activation. Expression of integrin αvβ8 is increased in airway fibroblasts in COPD and thus is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of airway remodeling in COPD. We demonstrate that an engineered optimized antibody to human αvβ8 (B5) inhibited TGF-β activation in transgenic mice expressing only human and not mouse ITGB8. The B5 engineered antibody blocked fibroinflammatory responses induced by tobacco smoke, cytokines, and allergens by inhibiting TGF-β activation. To clarify the mechanism of action of B5, we used hydrodynamic, mutational, and electron microscopic methods to demonstrate that αvβ8 predominantly adopts a constitutively active, extended-closed headpiece conformation. Epitope mapping and functional characterization of B5 revealed an allosteric mechanism of action due to locking-in of a low-affinity αvβ8 conformation. Collectively, these data demonstrate a new model for integrin function and present a strategy to selectively target the TGF-β pathway to treat fibroinflammatory airway diseases.
A recipe for intestinal lgA Our guts are teeming with microbes, some friendly and others not. Plasma cells in the gut secrete immunoglobulin A (IgA), which helps to keep the peace with resident commensal bacteria and fights pathogens. B cell isotype switching to IgA occurs in lymphoid tissues called Peyer's patches. Reboldi et al. studied the cellular processes that guide B cells toward making IgA in mice. B cells took an unexpected journey from Peyer's patches follicles to the intestinal mucosa to interact with specialized IgA-triggering dendritic cells. The B cells then migrated back to the follicles to become IgA-producing B cells. Science , this issue p. 10.1126/science.aaf4822
Our current understanding of immunology was largely defined in laboratory mice, partly because they are inbred and genetically homogeneous, can be genetically manipulated, allow kinetic tissue analyses to be carried out from the onset of disease, and permit the use of tractable disease models. Comparably reductionist experiments are neither technically nor ethically possible in humans. However, there is growing concern that laboratory mice do not reflect relevant aspects of the human immune system, which may account for failures to translate disease treatments from bench to bedside. Laboratory mice live in abnormally hygienic specific pathogen free (SPF) barrier facilities. Here we show that standard laboratory mouse husbandry has profound effects on the immune system and that environmental changes produce mice with immune systems closer to those of adult humans. Laboratory mice-like newborn, but not adult, humans-lack effector-differentiated and mucosally distributed memory T cells. These cell populations were present in free-living barn populations of feral mice and pet store mice with diverse microbial experience, and were induced in laboratory mice after co-housing with pet store mice, suggesting that the environment is involved in the induction of these cells. Altering the living conditions of mice profoundly affected the cellular composition of the innate and adaptive immune systems, resulted in global changes in blood cell gene expression to patterns that more closely reflected the immune signatures of adult humans rather than neonates, altered resistance to infection, and influenced T-cell differentiation in response to a de novo viral infection. These data highlight the effects of environment on the basal immune state and response to infection and suggest that restoring physiological microbial exposure in laboratory mice could provide a relevant tool for modelling immunological events in free-living organisms, including humans.
The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in intestinal immune homeostasis remains incompletely defined. Here we show that mice lacking IRF8 transcription-factor-dependent DCs had reduced numbers of T cells in the small intestine (SI), but not large intestine (LI), including an almost complete absence of SI CD8αβ(+) and CD4(+)CD8αα(+) T cells; the latter requiring β8 integrin expression by migratory IRF8 dependent CD103(+)CD11b(-) DCs. SI homing receptor induction was impaired during T cell priming in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), which correlated with a reduction in aldehyde dehydrogenase activity by SI-derived MLN DCs, and inefficient T cell localization to the SI. These mice also lacked intestinal T helper 1 (Th1) cells, and failed to support Th1 cell differentiation in MLN and mount Th1 cell responses to Trichuris muris infection. Collectively these results highlight multiple non-redundant roles for IRF8 dependent DCs in the maintenance of intestinal T cell homeostasis.
The function of the gastrointestinal tract relies on a monolayer of epithelial cells, which are essential for the uptake of nutrients. The fragile lining requires protection against insults by a diverse array of antigens. This is accomplished by the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, which constitute a highly organized immune organ. In this Review, we discuss several recent findings that provide a compelling link between dietary compounds and the organization and maintenance of immune tissues and lymphocytes in the intestine. We highlight some of the molecular players involved, in particular ligand-activated nuclear receptors in lymphoid cells.
The intestine presents a huge surface area to the outside environment, a property that is of critical importance for its key functions in nutrient digestion, absorption, and waste disposal. As such, the intestine is constantly exposed to dietary and microbial-derived foreign antigens, to which immune cells within the mucosa must suitably respond to maintain intestinal integrity, while also providing the ability to mount effective immune responses to potential pathogens. Dendritic cells (DCs) are sentinel immune cells that play a central role in the initiation and differentiation of adaptive immune responses. In the intestinal mucosa, DCs are located diffusely throughout the intestinal lamina propria, within gut-associated lymphoid tissues, including Peyer's patches and smaller lymphoid aggregates, as well as in intestinal-draining lymph nodes, including mesenteric lymph nodes. The recognition that dietary nutrients and microbial communities in the intestine influence both mucosal and systemic immune cell development and function as well as immune-mediated disease has led to an explosion of literature in mucosal immunology in recent years and a growing interest in the functionality of intestinal DCs. In the current review, we discuss recent findings from our group and others that have provided important insights regarding murine and human intestinal lamina propria DCs and highlighted marked developmental and functional heterogeneity within this compartment. A thorough understanding of the role these subsets play in the regulation of intestinal immune homeostasis and inflammation will help to define novel strategies for the treatment of intestinal pathologies and contribute to improved rational design of mucosal vaccines.
Background & aims: Reduced generation of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) by CD103(+) intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) is linked to intestinal inflammation in mice. However, the role of RA in intestinal inflammation in humans is unclear. We investigated which antigen-presenting cells (APCs) produce RA in the human intestine and whether generation of RA is reduced in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Methods: Ileal and colonic tissues were collected from patients with CD during endoscopy or surgery, and healthy tissues were collected from subjects who were undergoing follow-up because of rectal bleeding, altered bowel habits, or cancer (controls). Cells were isolated from the tissue samples, and APCs were isolated by flow cytometry. Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) activity was assessed by Aldefluor assay, and ALDH1A expression was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Macrophages were derived by incubation of human blood monocytes with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Results: CD103(+) and CD103(-) DCs and CD14(+) macrophages from healthy human intestine had RALDH activity. Although ALDH1A1 was not expressed by DCs, it was the predominant RALDH enzyme isoform expressed by intestinal CD14(+) macrophages and their putative precursors, CD14(+) monocytes. RALDH activity was up-regulated in all 3 populations of APCs from patients with CD; in CD14(+) macrophages, it was associated with local induction of ALDH1A1 expression. Blocking of RA receptor signaling during GM-CSF-mediated differentiation of monocytes into macrophages down-regulated CD14 and HLA-DR expression and reduced the development of tumor necrosis factor α-producing inflammatory macrophages. Conclusions: RA receptor signaling promotes differentiation of human tumor necrosis factor α-producing inflammatory macrophages in vitro. In vivo, more CD14(+) macrophages from the intestinal mucosa of patients with CD than from controls are capable of generating RA, which might increase the inflammatory phenotype of these cells. Strategies to reduce the generation of RA by CD14(+) macrophages could provide new therapeutic options for patients with CD.