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Biometric Retina Identification Based on Neural Network

  • World Peace University

Abstract and Figures

In this paper the design of recognition system for retinal images using neural network is considered. Retina based recognition is perceived as the most secure method for identification of an identity used to distinguish individuals. The retina recognition stages including retina image acquisition, feature extraction and classification of the features are discussed. The structure of the neural network based retina identification is presented. Training of neural network based recognition system is performed using backpropagation algorithm. The structure of neural networks used for retina recognition and its learning algorithm are described. The implementation of recognition system has been done using MATLAB package.
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Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 33
1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICAFS 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.09.365
Available online at
12th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS
2016, 29-30 August 2016, Vienna, Austria
Biometric retina identification based on neural network
Fahreddin Sadikoglua,*, Selin Uzelaltinbulatb
aDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Near East University, P.O.Box:99138, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10 Turkey
bDepartment of Computer Engineering, Near East University, P.O.Box:99138, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10 Turkey
In this paper the design of recognition system for retinal images using neural network is considered. Retina based recognition is
perceived as the most secure method for identification of an identity used to distinguish individuals. The retina recognition stages
including retina image acquisition, feature extraction and classification of the features are discussed. The structure of the neural
network based retina identification is presented. Training of neural network based recognition system is performed using
backpropagation algorithm. The structure of neural networks used for retina recognition and its learning algorithm are described.
The implementation of recognition system has been done using MATLAB package.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility ofthe Organizing Committee of ICAFS 2016.
Keywords: Neural network; retina recognition; backpropagation algorithm.
1. Introduction
Biometric recognition, or biometrics, refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his/her
anatomical (e.g. fingerprint, iris) or behavioural (e.g. signature) characteristics or traits. This method of
identification offers several advantages over traditional methods involving ID cards (tokens) or PIN numbers
(passwords) for various reasons:
xthe person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point-of-identification,
xIdentification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token.
With the increased integration of computers and internet into our everyday life, it is necessary to protect sensitive
and personal data. By replacing PINs (or using biometrics in addition to PINs), biometric techniques can potentially
prevent unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, laptops, and computer networks. Unlike biometric traits,
PINs or passwords may be forgotten, and credentials like passports and driver's licenses may be forged, stolen, or
lost18. As a result, biometric systems are being deployed to enhance security and reduce financial fraud. Various
biometric traits are being used for real-time recognition; these are fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris
recognition, hand geometry recognition, voice recognition, keystroke recognition, signature recognition, speech
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICAFS 2016
Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
recognition and retinal recognition3. Nowadays these biometrics are becoming to be used to attain higher security
and to handle failure and enrol situations. A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system that
operates by acquiring biometric data from an individual, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and
comparing this feature set against the template set in the database. One of the biometric technologies used for
identification of the persons is the retinal identification. Retinal identification is an automatic method that provides
true identification of the person by acquiring an internal body image- the retina/choroid of a willing person who
must cooperate in a way that would be difficult to counterfeit1. The human retina is a thin tissue composed of neural
cells . Because of the complex structure of the capillaries the retina, each person's retina is unique. The network
of blood vessels in the retina is not entirely genetically determined and thus even identical twins do not share a
similar pattern. The blood vessels at the back of the eye have a unique pattern for each person. In blood vessel are
segmented and used for recognition of retina images presents various segmentation algorithms of blood vessels are
presented for identification of retinal images. Retina identification has found application in very high security
environments (nuclear research and weapons sites, communications control facilities and a very large transaction-
processing centre). In the paper the design of retina identification system using neural networks is presented. The
design of such system will allow automating the personal identification using retina7. The paper is organised as
follows. Sec.2. describes the structure of retina recognition system. Sec.3. describes the retina recognition system
using Neural Networks. Sec.4. describes experimental results obtained for retina identification system. Sec.4.
presents the conclusion of the paper.
2. Retina Identification System
Retina recognition technology captures and analyzes the patterns of blood vessels on the thin nerve on the back
of the eyeball that processes light entering through the pupil. Retinal patterns are highly distinctive traits. Every eye
has its own totally unique pattern of blood vessels; even the eyes of identical twins are distinct. Although each
pattern normally remains stable over a person's lifetime, it can be affected by disease such as glaucoma, diabetes,
high blood pressure, and autoimmune deficiency syndrome. The fact that the retina is small, internal, and difficult to
measure makes capturing its image more difficult than most biometric technologies. An individual must position the
eye very close to the lens of the retina-scan device, gaze directly into the lens, and remain perfectly still while
focusing on a revolving light while a small camera scans the retina through the pupil. Any movement can interfere
with the process and can require restarting. Enrolment can easily take more than a minute. The generated template is
only 96 bytes, one of the smallest of the biometric technologies10. One of the most accurate and most reliable of the
biometric technologies, it is used for access control in government and military environments that require very high
security, such as nuclear weapons and research sites. However, the great degree of effort and cooperation required of
users has made it one of the least deployed of all the biometric technologies. Newer, faster, better retina recognition
technologies are being developed. The overall retinal scanning process may be broken down into three sub-
i. Image acquisition,
ii. Computer based processing,
iii. Features extraction and identification.
The block diagram of the designed retina recognition system is given in Fig. 1. The retina recognition includes
three phases: Image/signal acquisition, pre-processing and image classification (recognition).The image acquisition
and processing phase are the most complicated. This sub-process may be completed largely depends on user
cooperation. For scanning, the users’ eye must be positioned very close to the lens. Moreover, glasses must be
removed to avoid signal interference. On looking into the camera, the user sees a green light against a white
background. Once the camera is activated, the green light moves in a complete circle with 360 degrees. The blood
vessel pattern of the retina is captured during this process. The three to five images are captured at this stage.
Depending on the level of user cooperation, the capturing phase can take as long as one minute. The retinal image
acquisition is presented in1. During image acquisition, the retina images must be clear and sharply1.Image/signal
acquisition and conversion (capturing an image of the retina and converting it to a digital format). Clarity of the
retina’s and its sharpness affect on the quality of the retina images. The next stage involves data extraction. As
genetic factors do not dictate the pattern of the blood vessels, the retina contains a diversity of unique features. In
pre-processing stage, the retina is extracted from an eye image and then using segmentation procedure the vascular
28 Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
representation of retinal images is obtained. This image after normalization and enhancement is represented by the
feature vector that describes converted numeric values of the retinal image. For classification neural network is used.
Feature vector becomes the training data set for the neural network. The retina classification system includes two
operation modes: training mode and online mode. At first stage, the training of recognition system is carried out
using grayscale values of retina images. After training, in online mode, neural network performs classification and
recognizes the patterns that belong to a certain retinal images.
Fig. 1. A block diagram of the retina recognition system
3. Neural Network Based Retina Recognition System
In the paper feed-forward neural network is applied for identification of retina images. The used NN include
input, hidden, and output layers. The sigmoid activation function is used in the neurons of hidden and output layers.
Once the neurons for the hidden layer are computed, their activations are then fed to the next layer until all the
activations finally reach the output layer. Each output layer neuron is associated with a specific classification
category. In a multilayer feed-forward network at Fig. 2. each neuron of previous layers is connected the neurons of
next layers by using weight coefficients. In computing the value of each neuron in the hidden and output layers one
must first take the sum of the weighted sums and the bias and then apply activation function f(sum) (the sigmoid
function) to calculate the neuron's activation. The extracted features of the anthemia diseases are inputs of neural
networks. In this structure, x1, x2, …, xm are input features that characterize the anthemia diseases. The j-th output of
two layer neural networks is determined by the formula (1).
() 1
jk jkj iji
yf vf wx
fre e
¦ ¦
Where wij are weights between the input and hidden layers of network, vjk are weights between the hidden and
output layers, f is the sigmoid activation function that is used in neurons, xi is input signal. Here k=1,..,n,j=1,..,h,
i=1,..,m,m, h and n are the numbers of neurons in input, hidden and output layers, correspondingly.
Fig. 2. Multilayer feed-forward network
After activation of neural network, the training of the parameters of neural network starts. Neural network is trained
using anthemia data set taken from UCI library. During learning the 10-fold cross validation is used for evaluation
vector Output
Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
of classification accuracy. There should be set of experiments in order to achieve required accuracy in the neural
network output. The simulation is performed using different number of neurons in hidden layer. The number of
output neurons was 8 which was equal to the number of classes. The backpropagation algorithm is applied for
training of neural network8. Neural network training consists of minimizing the usual least-squares cost function (2):
1yyE d
Where O is the number of training samples for each class, yd and y is the desired and current outputs of the p input
vector. The training of the neural network parameters has been carried out in order to generate a proper neural
networks model. The parameters jkij vw ,(i=1,...,m , j=1,...,h, k=1,…,n) of NNs are adjusted using the following
formulas (3). ()
(1) () ((1) ());
(1) () ((1) ());
ij ij ij ij
jk jk jk jk
wt wt wt wt
vt vt vt vt
w (3)
is the learning rate, i=1,...m; j=1,...h; k=1,…,n; m, h, n are the number of inputs, hidden and output
neurons of the network. The derivatives are determined as (4):
() () ()y(1)
() () ;
() (); y(1)v; y(1)w;
kkkk kj
jk k jk
ij k j ij
kk k kjk j jij
Et Et yy yy
Et Et
Et yy y y
4. Simulation
4.1. Pre-processing
The design of retina identification system is considered using neural networks. At the start stage image database
including retinal images is used for design purpose. For this reason in the paper we use DRIVE database which is
publicly available database. The RGB retina images are transformed into grayscale images. A grayscale image is
simply one in which the only colors are shades of grey. The reason for differentiating such image from any other
sort of the color image is that less information needs to be provided for each pixel. In fact a gray color is one in
which the red, green, and blue components all have equal intensity in RGB space, and it is necessary to specify a
single intensity value for each pixel, as opposed to the three intensities needed to specify each pixel in all color
images. Often, the grayscale intensity stored as an 8-bit integer giving 256 possible different shades of gray from
black to white. Fig. 3. (a) shows us colored RGB retina image that is transformed to the grayscale image of retina
(b). In the paper for identification of retinal images we are using segmentation results of these images. In the result
of segmentation the vascular representation of retinal images are obtained. (c) shows the results of segmentation of
retinal image. The obtained image is scaled Fig. 4. and used for recognition purpose. Scaling is defined as the
increase or reduction of image size by a fixed ratio. We first smooth the image by convolution with a spatially
resolution. However, in a scale down by a specific factor in the respective directions, the image width to height ratio
30 Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
of the reduced results remains equal to that of the original image width to height ratio. Scaling is applied for
decreasing of input data size.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. RGB (a) greyscale ;(b) and segmented ;(c) retina image of DRIVE database
Fig. 4. Scale down of retina image.
The input feature vectors are obtained by converting the segmented retinal image into numeric values. But the
size of such input vector will be large. Therefore the scaled image is segmented and averaged. This operation is
based on averaging pixel values within segments of a pattern, thus yielding one average pixel value per segment.
The average of each k-th segment is calculated as (5):
(, )
av NM
The output of each segment is forming feature vector and entering to the neural networks input. The averaging
operation allows to decreasing size of input feature vector substantially.
4.2. Neural network based classification
The neural network based retina recognition system is modelled in Matlab. Fig. 5. describes the network
structure of recognition system. Retina recognition system based on neural networks uses a three-layers; Input,
Hidden, and Output layers. Neural networks are trained using data set extracted from the retina images. As
mentioned above vessel representation of retina images is digitised and transformed into numeric values. The
average values of each segment are input for the neurons of input layer as shown in Fig. 5. The output of the input
neurons are input of the hidden layer, each possible answer is represented by a single output neuron. As in most
networks, the data is encoded in the links between neurons.
Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
- - -
- - -
- - -
Fig. 5. Neural network structure
The training of network is implemented using Matlab package. For experimental study DRIVE database is
taken. The network is initially trained for a maximum of 10000 epochs. The parameters of the networks are selected
as follows:
Fig. 6. Initialization the parameters of neural networks
In biometrics based system, the accuracy of implemented algorithms is very important and they must be tested
properly. The images from DRIVE7 dataset is used in order to check the validity and accuracy of proposed system.
Fig. 7. shows different images from DRIVE database. DRIVE database also include ground truth for vascular
segmentation. It includes 233 retinal images with a resolution of 768x584, from 139 different persons. The proposed
retinal recognition system is tested on total 40 images.
I1,2 I1,3 I1,10
I2,2 I2,3 I2,10
I40,2 I40,3 I40,10
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
32 Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
Fig. 7. Retina images taken from DRIVE database
Retinal image consists of a unique pattern in each individual and it is almost impossible to forget that pattern in
a false individual. However, its high cost and acquisition related drawbacks have prevented it from making a
commercial impact. A feature vector is formed using vascular segmentation results of retinal images. This feature
vector with the neural network is applied for recognition of retinal images. For training of neural network
backpropagation algorithm is applied. Training of neural network used for recognition of retinal images is shown in
Fig. 7. As shown in figure training is performed for 10000 epochs, with accuracy of 0.1. After neural network
training the recognition of images have been done. Table 1 depicts the accuracy of neural network based classifier
using different number of hidden neurons. The %97.5 recognition rate is obtained with neural network having 35
neurons. Table 2 shows the comparison of recognition rates of different methods on DRIVE databases. The
simulation results show that Neural Network based system achieves a satisfactory recognition rate for DRIVE
database and the proposed system can be used in a biometric based personal identification system.
Fig. 8. Performance of neural network training
Table 1. Simulation results of NN based retina recognition system
Table 2 depicts performance comparisons of proposed method with other existing method on DRIVE
01000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Best Training Performance is 2.0009 at epoch 9956
Sum Squared Er ror (sse)
10000 Epochs
Trai n
Number of hidden neurons RMSE Accuracy
8 0.070726 85
16 0.039545 92.5
25 0.030626 95
35 0.017694 97.5
Fahreddin Sadikoglu and Selin Uzelaltinbulat / Procedia Computer Science 102 ( 2016 ) 26 – 33
Table 2.Comparative results.
The paper is devoted to the synthesis of neural network based retina recognition system. Retina based
recognition is one of secure method for identification of an identity. The structure of recognition system of retinal
images is designed. The system includes pre-processing and classification stages. Pre-processing is applied to
transform retina images to greyscale values and extract input features from the images. These features are input
signal for Neural Network. Neural Network is applied to classify retina patterns in a recognition step. The operation
principle and learning algorithm of neural network based retina recognition system are presented. DRIVE retina
database is used in simulation. Implementation of retina recognition system is done by using MATLAB package.
The located retina images after pre-processing are represented by a data set. Using this data set as input signal, the
neural network is used to recognize the retina patterns. The recognition accuracy for image patterns was achieved as
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Techniques Total Images Recognition Rate
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... The patterns are different for the right and left eyes in the same person and the eyes of twins. Although any pattern of vessels usually remains stable throughout human life, it can change under the influence of certain diseases [7]. The retina of a person remains unique throughout a person's life and does not change over time. ...
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Article Type: Original Research Modern-era developments in authentication systems have changed from traditional methods based on passwords or signatures to new methods based on biometric patterns. Biometric patterns are unique to each person, and identifying individuals has become much more accurate. Biometric cognition uses an intelligent method to identify a person with some unique characteristics of a human being. Unlike traditional methods, these biometric methods are more reliable and safer. Diagnosing blood patterns of retinal images is one of the safest ways to authenticate taking into consideration the monopoly nature of these patterns for each individual and their non-reproducibility and alteration. In the present study, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used to identify the pattern of blood vessels in the retina. DRIVE dataset was used to evaluate results. The images of the retina of different people were stored in this dataset. After extracting the patterns within the retinal layers for each person as a model indicating the identity of these individuals, the patterns related to the training and testing datasets were compared to determine the identity of individuals. Properly tested samples increase the accuracy of the proposed method, while incorrect detection will cause an error in the proposed method. The results showed that the average accuracy of matching blood vessel patterns for retinal images in the proposed method was 94.83%, which is high and comparable to previous methods.
... Emary et al. [29] make use of an automated model based approach for vessel segmentation, introducing an Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimisation model along with Fuzzy C-Means clustering (FCM). In the work of Sadikoglu and Uzelaltinbulat [30], they used the feature vector extracted from the segmented image with a neural network trained by backpropagation. Wang et al. [31] devised a supervised hybrid method for segmenting blood vessels, which involved the use of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier to extract hierarchical features. ...
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Securing personal information and data has become an imperative challenge, especially after the introduction of legal frameworks, such as, in Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Conventional authentication methods, such as PINs and passwords, have demonstrated their vulnerabilities to various cyber threats, making it necessary the study of robust and reliable biometric authentication systems that can accurately verify an user’s identity. The human retina has demonstrated remarkable reliability as a biometric trait mainly because of its unique and stable patterns, even though the adoption of these systems gives rise to significant concerns regarding the confidentiality of biometric data. This study presents a groundbreaking approach to address these concerns by integrating homomorphic encryption into retina-based authentication. The combination of homomorphic encryption and retina biometrics within the proposed framework offers a comprehensive solution that ensures both privacy and security with no loss in accuracy. The proposed approach mitigates the risks associated with possible unauthorised access and security breaches by keeping the data encrypted throughout the entire procedure. Furthermore, it preserves the individual’s privacy by preventing the exposure of sensitive biometric information. We evaluated the proposed system through extensive experiments and simulations, demonstrating its effectiveness in terms of both security and privacy when the system operates in normal (ideal) and abnormal (under attack) conditions. Experimental results indicate that the combined approach offers robust resistance to various attacks, including replay attacks and data exposure, providing a robust and privacy-centric authentication solution.
... Determining the appropriate coefficients is based on the design of the corresponding schema using a relational database. 24 Suppose that G is a set of training graphs and T is a text graph. The master graphs given the algorithm are divided into subsets of graphs belonging to the same decision group as defined by the algorithm: G1, ..., Gn; G = S i=1..n Gi . ...
An attack graph is a visual tool used to represent potential attack paths, that a cybercriminal can use to gain access to a computer system or network. It consists of nodes and edges, where Nodes represent resources such as computers, servers, applications or data. Edges represent dependencies between nodes, such as network connections or data flows. Attack graphs are visual tools used to analyse and understand different types of attacks, including cyber-attacks, physical attacks and terrorist attacks. These visualisations help security professionals, analysts and decision makers to identify trends, assess risks and develop defence strategies. Attack graphs are a valuable tool that can help organisations identify, assess and mitigate cyber security risks. They are easy to use and can be customised to suit different needs.
... It is primarily composed of a limited number of components, as illustrated in Figure 1. Iris recognition, fingerprint recognition, face recognition [2], retina recognition [3], and hand geometry recognition are all examples of physiological biometrics. Recognition of signatures, voices, and gait are all examples of biometric approaches used in behavioural models [4]. ...
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An Iris biometrics has gained a lot of attention as of late. It happened because this quantifiable trait ensures a high level of efficiency and accuracy. Recently, iris recognition algorithms have shown outstanding identifying performance. There has been a rise in the use of iris recognition systems as an authentication method due to the fact that an individual's iris is a perfect biometric candidate due to its rich texture. This article details the methods used by the researchers at various points of the iris image recognition system. Additionally, the procedures linked to each stage were examined by the researchers. Seven phases comprise the recognition system: iris image acquisition; iris image quality improvement during the preprocessing phase; segmentation phase involving the separation of an iris region by an image background; normalisation phase involving a rectangle shaping of a segmented iris region; feature extraction phase encompassing an extraction of iris region features; and finalisation phase encompassing feature extraction. The comparative results have shown the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Gaussian filter (GF) model obtained 99.99% accuracy that is higher than other models. This research endeavours to examine and delineate the phases of existing iris recognition systems.
... Feature-based methods usually use some global or local properties, such as the optic disk in retinal fundus images, to describe the given images after some preprocessing [53,76]. With respect to retina-based biometrics, a neural network recognition system with normalized and enhanced retinal images was investigated by [77]. [37] preprocessed the images using an optical disc ring algorithm and extracted SURF and ORB features. ...
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We propose a novel and versatile computational approach, based on hierarchical COSFIRE filters, that addresses the challenge of explainable retina and palmprint recognition for automatic person identification. Unlike traditional systems that treat these biometrics separately, our method offers a unified solution, leveraging COSFIRE filters’ trainable nature for enhanced selectivity and robustness, while exhibiting explainability and resilience to decision-based black-box adversarial attack and partial matching. COSFIRE filters are trainable, in that their selectivity can be determined with a one-shot learning step. In practice, we configure a COSFIRE filter that is selective for the mutual spatial arrangement of a set of automatically selected keypoints of each retina or palmprint reference image. A query image is then processed by all COSFIRE filters and it is classified with the reference image that was used to configure the COSFIRE filter that gives the strongest similarity score. Our approach, tested on the VARIA and RIDB retina datasets and the IITD palmprint dataset, achieved state-of-the-art results, including perfect classification for retina datasets and a 97.54% accuracy for the palmprint dataset. It proved robust in partial matching tests, achieving over 94% accuracy with 80% image visibility and over 97% with 90% visibility, demonstrating effectiveness with incomplete biometric data. Furthermore, while effectively resisting a decision-based black-box adversarial attack and impervious to imperceptible adversarial images, it is only susceptible to highly perceptible adversarial images with severe noise, which pose minimal concern as they can be easily detected through histogram analysis in preprocessing. In principle, the proposed learning-free hierarchical COSFIRE filters are applicable to any application that requires the identification of certain spatial arrangements of moderately complex features, such as bifurcations and crossovers. Moreover, the selectivity of COSFIRE filters is highly intuitive; and therefore, they provide an explainable solution.
... In the absence of genetic mutations, it is still possible to "learn" how strong the connections between pairs of neurons are by employing a process known as "model training," which is a type of cognitive training. A technique known as backpropagation is used in this process [7]. ...
This research paper presents a novel approach for movie genre categorization of movie trailers by leveraging scene categorization techniques. Scene recognition has been a longstanding challenge in computer vision, and although significant progress has been made, there is still ample room for enhancing recognition outcomes. The recognition of objects and scene classification tasks have historically posed difficulties for computer vision and machine learning methods, often failing to match human performance. This discrepancy is especially pronounced in the context of recognizing movie scenes, as movie frames frequently feature foreground elements such as people or objects with blurry backgrounds. However, recent advancements in PC computing power, notably in GPU processing capabilities, along with the emergence of state-of-the-art techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and the availability of extensive databases containing labeled data, have opened up new possibilities. These developments have enabled the potential to surpass human-level performance in classification and recognition tasks. In light of these advancements, the proposed method aims to improve the accuracy of movie genre categorization in movie trailers. The approach likely involves training a CNN model on a comprehensive dataset of labeled movie scenes to effectively learn relevant patterns and features that are indicative of different genres. Consequently, the model can predict the genre of a given movie trailer based on the scenes it comprises. By exploiting the combined power of cutting-edge GPU processing, Convolutional Neural Networks, and large-scale labeled datasets, this research demonstrates that surpassing human classification and recognition abilities in the context of movie genre categorization is now within reach. The findings and methodology presented in this paper contribute to the advancement of scene recognition and its applications in the field of movie analysis and genre classification
... On the retinal picture, a multi-scale Gaussian filter is first applied. By applying scale production and a double threshold on an image that has undergone many scales of Gaussian filtering, vessels' directional maps of varied thicknesses are extracted [9]. ...
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The earlier research clearly indicated that the bimodal authentication system has more efficiency than unimodal and multimodal. This is due to the reason for the best intact biometric traits of fingerprint and retina. There is a chance to additionally improve further performance of the proposed biometric trait combination by additional or alternate algorithms or methodologies. Therefore, in this research work, the multi-kernel support vector machine (MK-SVM), a machine learning classification approach, is proposed and is used for the implementation. In addition, a hybrid algorithm of fragment Jaya optimizer-based deep convolutional neural network (FJO-DCNN) approach is also used to improve the performance value for bimodal biometric authentication and classification. The recognition systems analyze both biometrics independently, and their conclusions are combined to determine whether to give or refuse access to the user in the end. According to the findings of the implementation, this work demonstrates more dependability than the cascaded biometric system.
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The concept of matched filter is widely used in the area of retina vessel segmentation. Multiscale matched filters have superior performance over single scale filters. The proposed approach makes use of the improved noise suppression features of multiscale filters. A major performance issue here is the determination of the right parameter values of the filter. The approach employs particle swarm optimization for finding the optimal filter parameters of the multiscale Gaussian matched filter for achieving improved accuracy of retina vessel segmentation. The proposed approach is tested on DRIVE and STARE retina database and obtained better results when compared to other available retina vessel segmentation algorithms.
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Biometrics are used for personal recognition based on some physiologic or behavioral characteristics. In this era, biometric security systems are widely used which mostly include fingerprint recognition, face recognition, iris and speech recognition etc. Retinal recognition based security systems are very rare due to retina acquisition problem but still it provides the most reliable and stable mean of biometric identification. This paper presents a four stage personal identification system using vascular pattern of human retina. In first step, it acquires and preprocesses the colored retinal image. Then blood vessels are enhanced and extracted using 2-D wavelet and adaptive thresholding respectively. In third stage, it performs feature extraction and filtration followed by vascular pattern matching in forth step. The proposed method is tested on three publicly available databases i.e DRIVE, STARE and VARIA. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieved an accuracy of 0.9485 and 0.9761 for vascular pattern extraction and personal recognition respectively.
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Iris recognition is one of important biometric recognition approach in a human identification is becoming very active topic in research and practical application. Iris recog-nition system consists of localization of the iris region and generation of data set of iris ima-ges followed by iris pattern recognition. In this paper, a fast algorithm is proposed for the localization of the inner and outer boundaries of the iris region. Located iris is extracted from an eye image, and, after normalization and enhancement, it is represented by a data set. Using this data set a Neural Network (NN) is used for the classification of iris patterns. The adaptive learning strategy is applied for training of the NN. The results of simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the neural system in personal identification.
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We present a method for automated segmentation of the vasculature in retinal images. The method produces seg-mentations by classifying each image pixel as vessel or non-vessel, based on the pixel's feature vector. Feature vectors are composed of the pixel's intensity and continuous two-dimensional Morlet wavelet transform responses taken at multiple scales. The Morlet wavelet is capable of tuning to specific frequencies, thus allowing noise filtering and vessel enhancement in a single step. We use a Bayesian classifier with class-conditional probability density functions (likeli-hoods) described as gaussian mixtures, yielding a fast clas-sification, while being able to model complex decision sur-faces. The probability distributions are estimated based on a training set of labeled pixels obtained from manual segmentations. The method's performance is evaluated on publicly available DRIVE [34] and STARE [16] databases of manually labeled non-mydriatic images. On the DRIVE database, it achieves an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.9598 and an accuracy of 0.9467 versus 0.9473 for a second human observer.
This paper presents the unsupervised retinal vessels segmentation method, SEVERE (SEgmenting VEssels in REtina images), which is based on the direction map of retina scan images assigning each pixel one out of twelve discrete directions. SEVERE works on the green channel of RGB retina scan images. It does not require any pre-processing phase and all the computations are done exclusively on the direction map. SEVERE has been checked on publicly available datasets producing qualitatively satisfactory results and outperforming other existing methods in terms of quantitative performance evaluation parameters, such as accuracy and sensitivity.
This paper presents the iris recognition system for biometric personal identification using neural network. Personal identification consists of localization of the iris region and generation of a data set of iris images followed by iris pattern recognition. In this paper, a fast algorithm is proposed for the localization of the inner and outer boundaries of the iris region. Located iris is extracted from an eye image, and, after normalization and enhancement, it is represented by a data set. Using this data set a Neural Network (NN) is used for the classification of iris patterns. The adaptive learning strategy is applied for training of the NN. The results of simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the neural system in personal identification.