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Are identified the factors which, at formal availability of conditions and mechanisms functioning in a similar way during perception of works of Christian sacred art, form peculiarity of this effect on each person. It is proved that occurrence of mutual interrelation between a person-recipient and the sense transmitted by a work of Christian sacred art provides the effect of acceptance by the person ideas of Christian Belief Study expressed in art works. This process is executed due to religious resonance. The study, based on the pattern of synergic and personality-centered approach, considers that a person, who voluntarily comes to the Temple with his problems and feelings, is free in his choice of his further life way – either civil or, on the contrary, religious. This freedom is conditioned by the fact that under certain circumstances, the person who has come to the Temple in despair or under psychological tension can himself (by his wish or on the spot, by his instinct, without realizing that) transfer from the status of the object of religious influence in the system of «a sacred art image of Christian art as the subject of religious influence – religious environment of the Temple – a person as the object of religious influence» into another status: «a person as the subject of religious self-influence – religious environment of the Temple – a symbolic art image of a work of Christian art as a means of its religious self-impact. It is identified that the transfer from the status of the subject of religious self-impact during this interaction is determined by decoding the sense of the Christian art image due to mechanisms of interiorization and extrapolation as well as self-giving this sense some sacred value. This very dynamics leads to perception of the person ideas of Christianity with appropriate further obedience of his life to their requirements as a manifestation of co-evolutionary effect. This process already takes place in another system of interrelation, namely, «sacred sense of a symbolic Christian art image as the subject of impact on a person – the person as a voluntary object of religious impact by the idealized, by him, irreally existing sacred sense». It is emphasized that this final result may not occur if the person keeps remaining in the religious environment of the Temple in the status of the object of impact on him by sacred images of works of Christian art. Thus, religious resonance has the defining role in perception of Christian sacred art, has a religious resonance; and its functions are executed in stimulatory synchronization of mechanisms of interiorization and extrapolation with follow-up acceptance of the sacred sense by the person.

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