
The dialectics of discourse

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... Teniendo en cuenta que una de las principales líneas de investigación en el campo de la geografía urbana explora nuevas formas y herramientas de democratizar la planificación de las ciudades (Michelutti, 2022;Fischer, 2009). Esta investigación exploratoria se centrará en la realidad de la ciudad de València que, en los últimos años, ha puesto en marcha multiplicidad de políticas alineadas con el marco europeo sobre la ISC como vector de la gobernanza democrática y ha reforzado el reconocimiento de proyectos ciudadanos Así, desde una estrategia definida por Fairclough (1993Fairclough ( , 2001, establecemos como objetivo general de esta investigación: conocer cómo la política y la gestión pública local valenciana están incorporando y significando el marco discursivo-institucional de la ISC como forma de avanzar en la gobernanza democrática. Como objetivos específicos nos planteamos: 1) comprender las principales percepciones y tensiones relativas al marco discursivo-institucional de la ISC y de la gobernanza democrática del personal funcionario del Ajuntament de València; 2) identificar las acciones y políticas públicas locales en materia de ISC y gobernanza democrática; 3) explorar la relación entre discurso, práctica discursiva y práctica social como elementos centrales de la teoría de Fairclough en la realidad política valenciana. ...
... Así mismo, esta perspectiva asume que comprender el discurso y la práctica social también posibilita comprender las distintas escalas y niveles discursivos, de lo global a lo local. Adoptar esta teoría implica conectar de manera dialéctica distintos niveles de análisis para poder entender el discurso en términos de cómo es generado, apropiado y recontextualizado en lugares y prácticas específicas (Fairclough, 2001). El modelo de Fairclough puede permitir así comprender el cambio social considerando los distintos niveles (Marston, 2004), lo que para este estudio resulta fundamental. ...
... Sin embargo, esta exploración del Ajuntament de València no solo refuerza lo expuesto por la literatura, sino que la enriquece. La apuesta por la perspectiva de Fairclough (2001) nos posibilita comprender la forma concreta en la que la ciudad de València significa el marco discursivo-institucional europeo. Así, respondiendo finalmente al objetivo principal de la investigación, vemos que el despliegue de políticas de gobernanza democrática, en este caso, está relacionado necesariamente con el reconocimiento y el trabajo cogestionado con entidades de ISC. ...
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El marco discusivo-institucional europeo sobre innovación social y gobernanza democrática local se caracteriza por plantear el ámbito local como espacio estratégico donde promover nuevas soluciones a los problemas sociales actuales y por promover iniciativas ciudadanas innovadoras que cogestionen bienes y servicios públicos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal conocer cómo la política y la gestión pública local están incorporando y significando el marco discursivo-institucional de la Innovación Social Ciudadana como forma de avanzar en la gobernanza democrática. A través de una metodología cualitativa, centrada en entrevistas semi-estructuradas, se realiza un análisis crítico del discurso desde las tesis de Fairclough. Las percepciones de las personas que trabajan en la gestión pública del Ajuntament de València ilustran la relación entre discurso, práctica discursiva y práctica social necesaria para responder al objetivo sobre el proceso de significación. En este sentido, la ciudad de València refleja en sus planes y estrategias más recientes tanto una incorporación de estos objetivos como una legitimación de prácticas previas sobre la base de los mismos. Finalmente, el caso ilustra las complejidades y la diversidad en la aplicación de este marco europeo a las realidades urbanas.
... This is because newspapers were actively a part of the controversy by representing a certain agenda in particular ways (Agrawal, 2020). Considering the symbolic power of the newspapers in influencing public discourse for education policy priorities (Cohen, 2010;Fairclough, 2001), I argue that newspapers are an important agent in the politics of ethnic studies curriculum development. Also, the way newspapers represent the controversy in California's ESMC should be carefully examined in terms of whose interests and perspectives they discursively legitimize. ...
... On the other hand, constitutive intertextuality has to do with the heterogeneity of texts in being constituted by combinations of diverse genres and discourses. Genres mean a relatively stable set of conventions such as an interview, a poem, or a scientific article (Fairclough, 1992), and discourses are conventional or particular ways of constructing social life which are inherently positioned (Fairclough, 2001). Similarly, based on a historical view of texts, constitutive intertextuality refers to "the configuration of discourse conventions" that go into the production of texts (Fairclough, 1992, p. 104), which requires attention to how a certain types of discourses such as risk discourse (Mohr & Frederiksen, 2020) are introduced and recontextualized in the production text (Blommaert, 2005;Fairclough, 1993). ...
... For the analysis of newspapers' stance on the curriculum controversy, I drew upon Fairclough's three-dimensional framework (Blommaert, 2005;Fairclough, 1992Fairclough, , 2001Fairclough, , 2013. The analytic focus throughout the three dimensions was to figure out whose perspectives the two newspapers discursively legitimized as valid in the construction of their stances through their news coverage concerning the curriculum issues in the development of ESMC. ...
This study analyzed how two popular newspapers, The LA Times and The Sacramento Bee, discursively constructed stances on the controversy over California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum by employing critical discourse analysis. The analysis revealed that the newspapers sought to uphold the historical status of African, Latino, Asian, and Native Americans in the new curriculum by legitimizing perspectives of the State Board of Education in California and its supporters. Additionally, the newspapers legitimized pro-Israel perspectives on the Israeli and Palestine conflict by foregrounding the voices of the Jewish Caucus despite divergent voices within the Jewish community. This study concluded that the construction of stances in the two newspapers should be perceived as discursively constituting a reality where the opinions of both the newspapers and the selected racial/ethnic groups were normalized. This indicated the newspapers’ discursive involvement in the politics of ethnic studies curriculum development and underscored their potential symbolic power over their readership.
... Le concept d'hégémonie peut être associé à l'ordre du discours (Fairclough, 2001a) et au principe de l'ACD selon lequel les relations de pouvoir sont discursives (Fairclough et al., 2011). Le champ de l'éducation est en partie constitué par un ordre du discours (Fairclough, 2012). ...
... En ACD, l'ordre du discours est un concept emprunté à Foucault. Il est transféré à l'articulation des pratiques sociales dans un champ, tel que celui de l'éducation ou celui de la politique (Fairclough, 2001a). ...
... Lorsque des pratiques sociales légitiment le sens commun et maintiennent des relations de domination, elles sont dites hégémoniques (Fairclough, 2001a). L'hégémonie, souligne Fairclough (2001a), est dans une certaine mesure perpétuellement contestée puisque l'ordre du discours n'est pas un système figé. ...
... This process involves an important principle that the discourse analysis should not be separated from social and political dimensions and other practices in which these discourses grow. The critical analysis of the media discourse is an analysis of the dialectical relations between the discourse units which include not only language but also semiotic units and the elements of social practice [13,14]. Consequently, CDA aims to explain how the media discourse reflects socio-political relations and how hegemony is maintained in a particular society. ...
... [27,28]. The critical analysis of the media discourse is an analysis of the dialectical relations between the discourse units, which include not only language but also semiotic units and the elements of social practice [14]. Consequently, CDA aims to explain how the media discourse reflects socio-political changes as well as hegemony in society. ...
... Fairclough maintains that the media discourse represents a social conflict and it is one of the tools of cultural hegemony. Therefore, it reproduces ideological identities and power relations [14]. According to his model, analyzing any particular type of discourse, including the media discourse, should focus on two integrated aspects: social analysis and text structures. ...
... Classroom teaching, television news, political speeches, and medical consultations are all examples of social practice (Fairclough, 1989). Every practice, according to Fairclough (2001), contains elements that are dialectically related such as activities, subjects, instruments, objects, time and place, forms of consciousness, values, and discourse, which are fully separate elements and are internalized but are not reducible. For example, social relations, social identities, cultural values, and consciousness are partially semiotic; they cannot be theorized and researched in the same way language is theorized and researched. ...
... CDA analysis is viewed by Fairclough (2001) as dialectical relationships that occur between language and other semiotic forms, such as body language or visual images as well as elements of social practices. The role of discourse, which may change in importance over time, can be established only through discourse. ...
... By means of CDA, they intended to expose the discursive practices of hegemony, identity, and ideology/attitude embedded in the given discourse. The conceptual framework of the study involvesFairclough's (2001) Dialectical Relationships of Discourse andHalliday's (1985) Systemic Functional Grammar, as shown in the following figure:Fairclough's (2001) Dialectical Relationships of Discourse Halliday's Functions Interrelationship of language and Identity & the Intra-national hegemonic Struggle in the Discourse of Trump on COVID Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Study ...
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The present study was an attempt to bridge the gap between political discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and COVID-19 which can be considered as the most recently contentious social event in the contemporary history of the world. It aimed to identify the relationships between language and identity and to examine the dialectics of the international hegemony in the speech of the former American President Trump which was delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 22, 2020. For achieving the objectives of this study, Fairclough’s (2001) Dialectical Ways of Social Practices and Halliday’s (1985) SFG were adopted. The study arrived at certain conclusions which could be summed up as the following: I. via ideational and interpersonal metafunctions, the American national identity was disclosed as the most prominent theme in the whole speech; II. Interpersonal metafunctions of ‘Tense’, whereby the employment of present tense appeared to be more frequent (11 times) than the past tense (7 times), helped reveal the embedded ideology of ‘Americanism’ or ‘exceptionalism’ as a social act and behavior; III. the ideology of ‘Americanism’ was also displayed by the interpersonal metafunctions of pronouns whereby the inclusive pronouns appeared to be more frequent (11 times) than the exclusive ones (1 time), IV. by-way-of the ideational and interpersonal metafunctions, the dialectical social practice of ‘Othering’ was defined; China and the WHO were identified to be the fundamental ‘Other’ for Trump, and V. the American hegemony as a dialectical social practice was revealed through the interpersonal metafunction of the modal verb ‘must .’
... Care was taken to only include headlines that were directly relevant to the research questions, without reproducing the full articles, which upholds the ethical use of this data. the selected headlines were filtered as follows: the Sunday times (14), the Sun (6), the Wall Street Journal (6), the Washington Post (15), Global times (15), China daily (11), and the Moscow times (9). the Cda framework developed by Fairclough (2001) was applied, consisting of description, interpretation, and explanation stages. the description phase involved a close linguistic analysis of lexical choices and the framing of headlines. ...
... the data analysis will use the Critical discourse analysis method based on the three dimensions proposed by Fairclough (2001). the three stages are description, interpretation, and explanation. ...
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This study employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to examine how major world powers represented and reacted to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover in August 2021, as reflected in newspaper headlines. The data corpus comprises 76 headlines from leading national newspapers in the US, the UK, China, and Russia over a one-month period. Fairclough’s three-dimensional CDA framework was applied, focusing on textual descriptions, discursive interpretations, and explanations of broader social practices. The analysis revealed contrasting representations shaped by underlying ideologies and geopolitical interests. US headlines exhibited a pragmatic approach, cautiously exploring engagement with the Taliban. UK tabloids have adopted sensationalized condemnation, reflecting the lingering narratives of moral superiority. The Chinese and Russian media portrayed the events as a strategic victory over Western hegemony, aligning with their ambitions to challenge US dominance. Linguistic strategies such as emotive lexis, modality, and transitivity constructed diverse discursive framings - the US balancing uncertainties, the UK amplifying outrage, and China/Russia asserting triumphalism. These narratives negotiated power dynamics and reinforced divergent worldviews, resonating with broader social practices such as China’s Belt and Road, Russia’s regional influence, and Britain’s post-US vacuum concerns. The findings illuminate how media discourse is shaped by, yet also shapes the shifting geopolitical landscape. Contrasting ideological forces discursively constructs pivotal events to legitimize interests and assert dominance in an increasingly multipolar world order. This analysis contributes to understanding the media’s role in representing global conflicts through the lens of competing nationalist agendas.
... CDA analysis is viewed by Fairclough (2001) as dialectical relationships that occur between language and other semiotic forms, such as body language or visual images as well as elements of social practices. ...
... The data analysis of this study is based on Fairclough's (2001) Dialectical Relationships of Discourse and Halliday's (1985) Systemic Functional Grammar. The data are mainly performed through the transitivity system. ...
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The present study was an attempt to bridge the gap between political discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), and COVID-19 which can be considered as the most recently contentious social event in the contemporary history of the world. It aimed to identify the relationships between language and identity and to examine the dialectics of the international hegemony in the speech of the former American President Trump which was delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 22, 2020. For achieving the objectives of this study, Fairclough’s (2001) Dialectical Ways of Social Practices and Halliday’s (1985) SFG were adopted. The study arrived at certain conclusions which could be summed up as the following: I. via ideational and interpersonal metafunctions, the American national identity was disclosed as the most prominent theme in the whole speech; II. Interpersonal metafunctions of ‘Tense’, whereby the employment of present tense appeared to be more frequent (11 times) than the past tense (7 times), helped reveal the embedded ideology of ‘Americanism’ or ‘exceptionalism’ as a social act and behavior; III. the ideology of ‘Americanism’ was also displayed by the interpersonal metafunctions of pronouns whereby the inclusive pronouns appeared to be more frequent (11 times) than the exclusive ones (1 time), IV. by-way-of the ideational and interpersonal metafunctions, the dialectical social practice of ‘Othering’ was defined; China and the WHO were identified to be the fundamental ‘Other’ for Trump, and V. the American hegemony as a dialectical social practice was revealed through the interpersonal metafunction of the modal verb ‘must’. Keywords: Political Discourse, National Identity, Critical Discourse Analysis, COVID-19, Intra-national Struggle
... This study will base the idea of discourse on the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) tradition. In the CDA perspective, the idea of discourse is closely related to the realization of authority and hegemony as well as how is power exercised through language (Fairclough, 2001;Wodak, 2000). ...
... Language, from the perspective of Fairclough (2001) andvan Dijk (1998), is a tool. In this case, CDA views language as a tool to legitimize power; and the fruit of the legitimacy of the power is domination (van Dijk, 2014). ...
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The idea of hegemony and authority in language practice do exist in the development of linguistics and critical discourse studies. It attracts great attention at any time, moreover during time of crisis, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study uncovers the realization of the hegemony and authority of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic by online Indonesian media. More specifically, the focus is on the representation of the hegemony and authority of the WHO and their linguistic realization in Indonesian news discourse. The study used the van Dijk’s framework of Critical Discourse Studies to examine five news reports from five Indonesian media related to the WHO stance and standards in the handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The study employed van Dijk’s macrostructure analysis to uncover the surface of the news; and Halliday’s transitivity as the microstructure analysis. Overall, the study found that the online Indonesian media coverage on COVID-19 Pandemic automatedly reinforced and maintained the power and the authority of the WHO. On the one hand, the fact is beneficial for the readers since they will receive coverage with reputable sources. On the other hand, there is a potential that the WHO’s power and authority can be misused to enhanced some parties’ interests, for instance in promoting one’s vaccine brand.
... This social linguistic analysis helps uncover the systematic links between texts, discourse practices, and sociocultural practices (Fairclough 1995: 16-17). Drawing on Williams (cited in Fairclough (2001) who argues that '[C]ritical discourse analysis is based upon a view of semiosis as an irreducible element of all material social processes.' (p. 1). ...
... Based on its origin and objectives, discourse takes different forms such as conversation, meeting, interview, policy document etc. Each genre of discourse has a particular style and objectives (Fairclough 2001: 2). ...
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It presents a critique of the Bangladeshi information society initiative called digital Bangladesh.
... He also adds that "The reason for centering the concept of 'social practice' is that it allows an oscillation between the perspective of social structure and the perspective of social action and agency" (2001b, p. 1). In addition, considering language and culture as social practices shows that the linguistic practice 'discourse' is the center of the rest of social practices (see Figure 1) (Fairclough, 2001b). According to Rogers (2003), investigating such relation between discourse and social practices is of interest to discourse analysts. ...
... Within this context, language is understood as a discursive practice which "help produce and reproduce unequal power relations between (for instance) social classes, women and men, and ethnic/cultural majorities and minorities through the ways in which they represent things and people" (Fairclough & wodak, 1997, p. 258). It is the analysis of these unequal power relations that took discourse analysis a step further towards analyzing discourse critically (Fairclough, 2001a). ...
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The purpose of the current study is to shed light on EFL classroom discourse at the Algerian secondary school level being one of the contexts where foreign ethnicity potentially hinders intercultural communication, and by consequence EFL learning. This study is based upon two main assumptions. The first states that by enhancing intercultural sensitivity, EFL learners would display an ethnorelative discourse towards ethnic other. The second assumption states that EFL learners’ ethnorelative ideology would legitimate ethnic other’s non-ideological meaning. Adopting van Dijk’s model of Ideological Discourse Analysis as well as van Leeuwen’s Model (2008) of (De) Legitimation, we have two objectives in mind: First, to check potential shift from ethnocentric to ethnorelative ideology as well as to examine how these former would be (de)legitimated. The sample of this study is a group of EFL learners at the Algerian secondary school. The experimental group is represented by the entire number of second year scientific stream classroom at Saadaoui Rachid secondary school. The analysis of learners’ written discourse reveals that the first hypothesis is confirmed with one exception. The second hypothesis is confirmed.
... For example, it is discourse that leads to consent, and it is discourse that helps to transmit ideology. As seen in chapter 2, the use of skill in policy, along with my own experiences in practice, suggest that the term has evolved and is used in different ways Fairclough's approach to CDA is commensurate with CR in that both claim 'a real world ontological intransitive physical domain of objects, events, structures and causal powers which affect discourse, knowledge and human activity in the epistemological transitive discursive domain' (Fairclough, 2002;O'Regan, 2010). However, a dialectical approach to CDA recognises that inquiry into meaning making is always also an exploration into power. ...
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Notions of skill pervade the UK further education sector's policy and practices but, despite its ubiquity, skill has been used in different ways to mean different things to different stakeholders within the sector, specifically in relation to technical and vocational education and training. Influenced by theories of human capital, policy documents and representatives have long recycled clusters of generic and transferable skill. Concurrently, qualification design incorporates a wide range of skills from technical to broader notions which creates ambiguous and incoherent notions of skill for teachers working within the sector.
... It examines discourse patterns, whether written or verbal aiming to uncover how societal and political factors like dominance, bias, inequality, and reactions to such dynamics are conveyed through language (Caldas-Coulthard & Coulthard, 1996;Van Dijk, 1993a, 2007. According to Fairclough (2001), the CDA perceives discourse as a form of social practice suggesting that societal structures and circumstances influence language. Conversely, language also plays a crucial role in moulding societal actions (Wodak, 1996). ...
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This paper explores the relationship between teachers and learners, particularly within Mathematics education, examining how language and discourse influence relationship dynamics. It acknowledges historical educational hierarchies where teachers exerted authority and students assumed passive roles. Through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the study scrutinizes a Swahili meme, ‘Wewe mwalimu wa mathe uliyesema sitofika mbali, hapa ni wapi?’ (‘You, the math teacher who said I wouldn’t go far, where is this?’), which reflects students’ doubts and potential discouragement from math teachers. Employing qualitative methods like digital ethnography and purposeful sampling, the research examines the meme’s interpretations, employing CDA to dissect linguistic features such as deixis, modifiers, modality, interrogative structures, proniminal and iron or rhetoric, and socio-cultural contexts. The analysis reveals the meme’s strategic use of these linguistic elements to challenge power dynamics, evoke reflection, and convey deeper meanings. The implied meanings of the meme expression include questioning authority, validation of student agency, a narrative of resilience, critique of the educational system, and the significance of teacher-student interactions. The study has also shown that the hapa ni wapi? ‘Where is this’ expression has impacts on Math’s teachers and teachers at large. Such impacts are focused on power dynamics, identity representation, the role of teachers, emotional impact, and pose challenge to the educational system. This study, highlights the influential role of teachers in shaping students’ lives, emphasizes the importance of language use in education, and promotes a more inclusive and growth-oriented learning environment.
... Discourses include narratives, opinions, suggestions, agendas, emotions, and so forth. Fairclough's (2001) research on discourses shows that subgroups of populations can have their own discourses, and that some discourses are more dominant and others more marginal. Also, discourses can be inconsistent and shift over time. ...
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In public discourses, we see an increasing use of mathematical modelling terminology. However, it is unclear what 'people in the street' understand about it. In this paper, I conceptualized the Public Understanding of Mathematical Modelling (PUMM) and carried out three case studies of how mathematical modelling was publicly portrayed (1) during the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) in science museums, and (3) in a quality newspaper. Mathematical modelling was portrayed as a tool for tackling serious problems in authentic situations. Also, it was described as omnipresent in society, as human and relational (e.g. modellers work for authorities, collaborate with non-mathematical professionals to improve services or products), intentional , inaccurate, incomplete, and occasionally harmful for some. The findings yield recommendations for mathematical modelling education.
... As power is part of language use, one may say that persuasion and power are complementary. (Fairclough, 2001). Levine (2006) argued that a persuasive message's content only makes up a small portion of the important persuasive process, which also includes the message's delivery, delivery channel, and location. ...
... Alone, the various forms of language use that have been attributed to the creation or challenging of stigma might be rather ineffective in these regards. Instead, it is likely that the effects of such linguistic choices are cumulative -working in concert with each other within and across texts and contexts -as well as incremental, taking effect over time (Fairclough 2001). Moreover, many of the linguistic features discussed in this review are used in ways that are too complex to be regarded as straightforwardly (and consistently) creating or challenging stigma. ...
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Linguistic choices are widely understood to have the potential to contribute to, but also to challenge, dementia stigma. This scoping review therefore aims to better understand: 1) the characteristics of language-oriented studies into representations of dementia and people with dementia, particularly regarding theoretical engagement with dementia stigma; and 2) what specific linguistic features have the potential to contribute to and/or challenge dementia stigma. Using Scopus, PubMed, PsychInfo and Google Scholar, 44 papers published between January 2000 and December 2022 were selected and thematically synthesized. We found that the number of publications addressing language and dementia stigma increased dramatically over the period covered. Most studies (75 %) did not explicitly define their use of the term stigma, and those that did drew on a range of theories and sources. Linguistic features associated with stigma included catastrophizing metaphors and the personification of dementia as a cruel enemy. Distancing and delegitimizing strategies were popularly used for people living with dementia, including homogenization, negative group labels, dehumanizing metaphors, infantilization and passivization. Humor could be used to perpetuate dementia stigma, but also to resist and reclaim stigmatizing discourses. Dementia stigma could be challenged through redefining the roles attributed to social actors, directly critiquing harmful discourses, and by providing counter-discourses. Counter-discourses used normalizing, holistic, person-centerd, rights-based, optimistic and affirmative language. Overall, a complex picture of language and dementia stigma emerges. Based on our review of the 44 papers considered, we argue that much language has the potential to perpetuate or resist stigma, and that this is shaped by and depends upon the broader discursive context within which such language use takes place.
... CDA projects that the messages in most texts are encoded beyond their grammatical representations. Thus, texts may represent disguised attempts at control and dominance (Fairclough, 2001a;van Dijk, 2008;van Leeuwen, 2008;Wodak & Meyer, 2009). Wodak (2001) states that CDA is "fundamentally concerned with analysing opaque as well as transparent structural relationships of dominance, discrimination, power and control as manifested in language" (p. ...
... Secondly, Foucault does not focus on intertextuality and linguistic studies as part of power (Daniels & Phillips 2020). On the other hand, Fairclough argues that intertextuality is intended to maintain relations of domination (Fairclough 1995(Fairclough , 2001. The intertextuality works as a reflection of ideology in discourse. ...
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This article discusses the issue of flood disaster polemics in online media using McKerrow’s critical rhetorical theory analysis, with the main aim of getting closer to discourse formations that have not been discussed in previous research on political interest contestation. This research uses Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method to reveal flood news articles from 2019-2021 on Meanwhile, the Foucauldian perspective in this study is used as a review of McKerrow’s critical rhetoric to analyze power, right and truth. Furthermore, this triangulation is explained in two criticisms, namely, criticism of domination and freedom in the online media in reporting on the flood. This study found that in terms of power, discusses criticism of power as a struggle for power in the social status of the upper and lower middle classes. Dominance tends to appear in social disparities and discrepancies in the effects of development on poor communities and the surrounding ecosystem. In terms of rights, discusses demands for ecological justice for lower middle class society. Finally, in terms of truth, the discourse about flood victims includes the lower classes as a result of land grabbing. This study concludes that criticism of domination shows that the government is not very serious about the concept of ecological justice for all groups. Criticism of freedom shows that expresses satire that floods are only suffered by poor people, not rich people.
... Da mesma maneira, no campo político há uma preferência ao uso de imagens, presente, especialmente, em memes(FRIGO, 2017;DE CARVALHO, 2018). Em época de campanhas eleitorais, é intensa a fabricação e circulação de postagens desse tipo, normalmente fabricadas com intuito de "viralizar" e, assim, firmar um discurso ideologicamente orientado(FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). ...
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This thesis analyses hate speech (MOURA, 2016) motivated by political discussion on social media, specifically on Facebook and Twitter. Data was collected through data scraping, mostly in 2018, when former President Lula was arrested, and the presidential campaign also took place. Thus, the corpus is made of hate speeches directed at the Brazilian presidential candidates during that year and their followers, active participants in these social media. This thesis is composed of six published research publications - four papers, a book chapter and an expanded abstract - and aims to investigate the establishment of discursive-evaluative patterns in a perspective that considers language within the social context (HALLIDAY,1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Based on this assumption and considering the object of study, the medium in which the discourses circulate and the language used, the following theoretical-methodological contributions were defined: the appraisal Discourse (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), in order to understand the affect and judgments of human attitudes; Multimodality (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) to understand the construction of meaning in discourses involving more than one semiosis; the process of word formation in the grammar of the Portuguese language (CUNHA; CINTRA, 2016) which, in addition to defining guidelines for understanding the language, can also be an appraisal resource, and; the Network Science (SCOTT, 2000; WATTS, 2003; BARABÁSI, 2003) through which it is possible to visualize the mechanisms of interactions on social media and, thus, observe the dissemination of discourse. Once the analysis of the dataset of all research items was completed, the results obtained were: (i) standardization of judgment of former President Lula and of supporters of the opposite group to the enunciator; (ii) vocabulary choice, including neologisms, and visual aids are also used to intensify or quantify the force of the attitudinal meanings; (iii) hybrid category of classification: if there is an expression of negative judgment, there is together a demonstration of affect with the same semantic; (iv) political tactics that have persisted throughout history have been leveraged by social media mechanisms; (v) considering virtual lynchings (MERCURI, 2016; MACEDO, 2018) as something that crosses the border of online and offline, it was observed that hate speeches motivated by political discussion on social media affected social relations and resulted in physical aggression.
... As the study's concentration lies in the information sharing and communication between FIRE advocates in online FIRE forums, and in the link between the social practices and their discourses in the forum, Critical Discourse Analysis is applied in the study. Following Norman Fairclough, the study adopts Critical Discourse Analysis as a methodology which can reflect the interconnected networks of social structure and social practices [13]. Within this analytical approach, discourses are pivotal in producing representations of other practices, thus effectively "recontextualizing" reality [14]. ...
Amid the rise of the post-Fordist economy in China, the educated younger generation grapples with issues of overeducation and underemployment. This has led to profound shifts in societal dynamics, prompting individuals to employ various coping mechanisms, thus fostering unique subjectivities within various diverse self-help communities. One of them is FIRE movement which promotes financial independence and early retirement. But there remains a gap in academic knowledge with respect to the impact of social class and structures on the practices of FIRE principles in the context of Chinese society. Based on a critical discourse analysis of online content from both middle-class and working-class communities on a Chinese social media, Douban, the study asks how individuals from different social strata differ in their practices of FIRE principles. It is found that middle-class and working-class FIRE advocates differ in their withdrawal from the labor market, financial literacy, and risk tolerance, which mirror the formation of divergent subjectivities as individuals navigate the evolving economic landscape.
... La perspectiva del aCd analiza la forma en la cual las relaciones sociales se establecen y potencian a través del uso del lenguaje, de los textos y del habla en el contexto social y político (Wodak & Meyer, 2003). Desde el aCd se habla del discurso como una práctica social (Fairclough, 2001), lo que implica una relación entre un evento discursivo particular y las situaciones, instituciones y estructuras sociales que lo enmarcan. ...
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This paper aims to analyze the discursive strategies of Mexican digital media used to portray the actions and protagonists of the feminist protests in the context of the current administration of the Mexican federal government, known as “The 4T” (“The Fourth Transformation”). It reviews the coverage of feminist protests on emblematic dates (International Women’s Day, Global Day of Action for the Legalization of Abortion, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) of five digital media during the first three years of the 4T (2019-2021) from a Critical Discourse Analysis (cda) approach. The results reveal how these strategies reconfigure the object of the protest and create two opposite hubs of significance: either to validate or to sanction women’s actions in the public space.
... Ia mengembangkan analisis sejarah wacana elemen dalam sejarah wacana adalah: wacana, teks, dan konteks. Wacana mencakup (1) unsur topik makro: untuk menentukan apa wacana, (2) perspektifitas-pluri: melibatkan aktor sosial yang memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda, (3) argumen: bagaimana sumber membangun argumen dan mendebat validitas/kebenaran suatu perspektif (Reisigl & Wodak, 2009, p. 97 Wacana berdialektika dengan relasi kekuasaan (Fairclough, 1989(Fairclough, , 2001(Fairclough, , 2013 seiring dengan perubahan ideologi kelompok dominan. Mereka memasarkan ideologi melalui wacana (Fairclough, 1993). ...
Discourse analysis is one of the methods of conducting research in social sciences, especially communication science. This paper describes approaches to conducting discourse analysis. The author collects data by conducting a literature review of publications or works of scholars in the field of discourse studies, especially Dijk, Halliday, and Fairclough. The author describes six approaches: The disposition Analysis Approach, Sociocognitive Approach, Discourse-History Approach, Dialectic-Relational Approach, Language Corpus Approach, and Social Actor Approach. Uses of Critical Discourse Analysis. The discourse analysis approach dismantles the practice of power in communication activities through the media. We illustrates that there are challenges for researchers and scholars related to the presence of new technologies, whether the presence of these new media provides an opportunity to create a counter-discourse or a small narrative or not. The new communication media provides breadth for the audience to produce many channels in producing and distributing discourse so that certain groups do not dominate the discourse. Traditional media has so far created a dominant discourse because of the accessibility of the media to the media structure so that the discourse supports the interests of the media. The presence of digital communication platforms enables small narratives, facilitating a culture of participation in media content
... This form of 52:1 Kellokumpu: The spatial politics of depoliticization critical discourse analysis views social reality as conceptually mediated, meaning that political practices of representation, abstraction, discourse, and interpretation causally affect social reality (Fairclough 2013: 178;Fairclough & Graham 2002). The relationships between the material and semiotic elements of social reality are reflexive and dialectical (Fairclough 2001), meaning that both have causal effects on one another, and that neither can be severed from one another and analyzed in isolation. CPE-inspired critical discourse analysis thus focuses on interrogating the objects of social analysis through the interactions and interrelations of material and semiotic elements. ...
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Depoliticization is a pivotal political strategy that defines the contemporary governance of core capitalist democracies. This thesis asks how depoliticization manifests itself as a political strategy in the spatial restructuring of the Finnish state space. The spatial politics of depoliticization are examined by the three thesis articles, which focus on visionary planning in urban politics, the legitimation of the forest bioeconomy in the public sphere, and Finnish forest capital’s attempt to influence the state’s strategic direction. These perspectives provide a holistic view of the various depoliticizing and politicizing tendencies, as well as the political and economic contradictions affecting spatial change in Finland. The thesis examines the societal base of depoliticization by focusing on how capitalist social relations and the capitalist mode of production condition the constitution and differentiation of societal spheres. The differentiation of the economic and the political sphere and the resulting ecological dominance of “the economy” under capitalism provides a unique setting for depoliticization to appear in the form of economization. Acts of demarcation between the political and the economic spheres are based on ontological abstraction, which then faces humanity as a real and concrete product of social activity. The thesis applies strategic-relational state theory and the theories of uneven development to examine depoliticization. Depoliticization emerges in the context of competing growth models that have a diverging conception of the spatial division of labor in Finland. Amidst urbanization, the urban growth-focused city-regionalist model posits a “winner takes all” spatial structure in which a few select urban areas compete against their global counterparts to attract capital and investment. In contrast, the bioeconomy model seeks to halt the rural decline by transforming the resource-dependent regional economies into ostensibly more sustainable production models, thereby reinvigorating a dispersed spatial structure. Article I analyzes the depoliticization of visionary planning in the case of the Oulu City Center Vision 2040 project by observing and engaging with policy documentation, research reports, planning events, and the vision itself. Article II examines the depoliticization of the bioeconomy in the context of the 2019 parliamentary elections in Finland through a collection of newspaper articles and items between July 2018 and January 2020. Article III investigates the forest conglomerate UPM’s attempt to politicize the Kaipola paper mill shutdown in August 2020 by using statistical data, the public strategies of UPM, and the online and news media around the Kaipola debate. The cultural political economy (CPE) approach developed prominently by Jessop and Sum forms the overarching methodological framework of the thesis and focuses on the dialectics of materiality and discursivity in political-economic imaginaries. The thesis applies CPE-inspired critical discourse analysis to examine the spatial politics of depoliticization. The overall contribution of the thesis reveals how the material interdependence of the political sphere with other societal spheres and the social totality of capitalist society produces a specific place for politics that conditions its operational autonomy. The spatial politics of depoliticization are unfolded through the divergent political-economic imaginaries of state spatial development to which different capital fractions, political parties, and regional and class interests are attached. Conceptual stretching and expansive uses of depoliticization are recognized as key and very vexatious problems in the literature. To retain the analytical clarity of depoliticization, the thesis argues that depoliticization should be better grounded in the material developments of each context, evading pan-politicism with more exclusive notions of politics, and even radically decentering politics and the political in the analyses of depoliticization. The normative critique of depoliticization should move from the level of critiquing politics to a critique of the social totality which produces a specific place for politics.
... Методологија подразумева на првом месту формалнолингвистички аналитички и дескриптивни приступ, а затим и интерпретативни критички. Другим речима, при проучавању политичког дискурса видео-спота, праћена су три аспекта која издваја Ферклаф: 6 дескрипција, тумачење и интерпретација (Fairclough, 1995(Fairclough, , 2001. КАД посматра језик као средство конструисањa друштвене стварности, а водећи лингвисти сматрају да је сваки дискурзивни догађај обликован ситуацијом, институцијом и друштвеном структуром, али и да је тај процес двосмеран − истовремено и сам дискурс трпи утицај ових трију обележја (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997: 258). ...
Tematski zbornik radova koji je pred vama, Jezik, književnost, moć, obeležava jubilej koji u životu jedne naučne konferencije i nije tako mali: petnaest godina održavanja multidisciplinarnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu. Svake godine u približno isto vreme okupljali smo se na fakultetu u prostorijama Departmana za anglistiku ili zaposedali čitav sprat, zavisno od broja učesnika, i razgovarali o temama koje su nam se činile važnim za dati trenutak, a sve u kontekstu jezika i književnosti. Započeli smo 2007. godine sa temom politika, 2008. je to bila globalizacija, 2009. identitet, 2010. promene, 2011. komunikacija, 2012. vrednosti, 2013. marginalizacija, 2014. diskurs, 2015. značenje, 2016. vreme, 2017. prostor, 2018. teorija, 2019. kontekst, 2021. alterantive, a 2022. moć. Poslednja dva skupa su, u uslovima pandemije, održana u onlajn formatu. Iza ovih petnaest skupova ostaju 24 publikacije, jer su zbornici radova ponekad objavljivani u dva odvojena toma, jezička i književna istraživanja. Cilj nam je od samog početka bio, pre svega, da oživimo naučnu delatnost među mlađim i nadarenim istraživačima i univerzitetskim nastavnicima, što je jedan od ciljeva Strategije za naučni i tehnološki razvoj, uvodeći ih u akademski diskurs i izdavačku delatnost. Takođe, želeli smo da okupimo kolege sa što više različitih departmana iz što šireg okruženja i omogućimo interdisciplinarnost, kao i da podupremo razvoj naučnoistraživačkog kadra i ojačamo ljudske resurse uspostavljanjem trajne i plodne međuuniverzitetske saradnje. Praksa pokazuje da se naši ciljevi veoma uspešno realizuju, što nam daje volju da nastavimo, podmlađeni i ojačani kolegama nove generacije.
... In Chapter 3, the theoretical basis for the discursive conceptualisation used in this book is developed. The chapter expands on the conceptualisation of neoliberalism as discourse used in this book, taking from and Fairclough's ( , 2001 work to form the basis of an integrated theoretical discursive framework that uses the DR approach from Fairclough's theorisation of Critical Discourse Analyais (CDA) and DT. This integrated framework uses selected aspects of DT to further develop the DR approach, particularly with reference to the notion of subjectivity, while avoiding the radical contingency that results from the primarily discursive character of DT that refrains from acknowledging the influence of structural constraints on discursive realities. ...
... As such, CDA is perhaps better referred to as an approach which draws on various theories and methods' (Flowerdew, 2008, p. 197-8). Because of this reason, when the studies of CDA scholars are examined, it can be seen that a single theoretical framework could not be developed (Meyer, 2001;Fairclough, 1995bFairclough, , 2003aFairclough, , 2003bWeiss and Wodak, 2003;Martin and Wodak, 2003). In this thesis, Fairclough's three dimentional framework and van Dijk's sociocognitive approach, which are 'similar in conception' (Fairclough, 1995b, p. 59) despite their some differences, will be used. ...
... Fairclough suggests that, "Critical Discourse Analysis... is based upon a view of semiosis as an irreducible element of all material social processes" (Fairclough, 2001). The dialogue that takes place via memes offers a bird's eye view of complex social, moral, religious, and political ideologies. ...
... 31-67 ISSN: 2530-609X texts in which discourse is engendered" (Barnes, 2014: p. 9). Fairclough (2001) explains that ideologies come to life through the practice of writing, editing, translating etc., as their agents form the discourse. A similar idea was expressed earlier by Lefevere (1992) who states that all these actions have the consequence of creating rewritings, which carry and spread ideologies. ...
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This paper addresses the translator’s role from an ideological standpoint and seeks to show that the actions of translators are not completely arbitrary and may be influenced by a wide array of factors and especially ideologies. The basic assumption is that translators can detach texts neither from the ideologies of the source nor the target culture. This study results from qualitative research, namely a critical conceptual analysis of the selected theories of translation studies (Baker, 2006; Lefevere, 1992; Venuti, 1995). The conceptual reflection implies that translations serve as an infinite source of culture and history, serving the target but not the source culture. The critical discourse analysis of English translations of two selected novels that contain the ideologies of socialist and post-socialist era, and the Nazi ideology, suggests that the tendencies in translation strategies vary depending on diffusion of the languages, and awareness of the target culture and history.
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Este artigo tem o objetivo de debater o conceito de ideologia linguística no contexto contemporâneo de superdiversidade, em que diferentes escalas organizam o uso linguístico. Adotando uma perspectiva de aproximação entre a sociolinguística crítica e a análise de discurso crítica, são analisados exemplos que incluem textos online (WhatsApp, Campanha “O Verde É Nosso”) e offline (Entrevista com a mãe de uma estudante com deficiência, Carta anônima, “Aprendendo a receber”, Sugestão à Constituinte), além da discussão de uma trajetória textual que exemplifica três diferentes gêneros discursivos da educação inclusiva. Esses gêneros formam o corpus principal a ser analisado no artigo. Optou-se por uma abordagem que considera múltiplas escalas na produção discursiva situada de práticas sociais contemporâneas, em que se podem encontrar intolerância e desigualdade social (inclusive de gênero social), mas também um alinhamento com a mudança social relacionada ao direito da população ao bem-estar ambiental, contra interesses neocapitalistas, e uma atitude de liderança política feminina. Nossa principal conclusão é que as ideologias linguísticas devem ser investigadas em contextos sociais diversificados, pois elas podem esclarecer tanto a reprodução quanto a mudança social.
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Metaphors are an essential part of how humans process and understand the world. Cognitive linguistics does not view metaphors as merely linguistic or rhetorical devices; rather, they are conceptual in nature and are central to the thought process. Therefore, the present research investigates the metaphorical depiction of the Covid-19 health emergency through the conceptual metaphor of WAR in three renowned Pakistani English Newspapers i.e. Dawn, The Express Tribune, and The News. Critical Metaphor Analysis (CMA) is specifically selected to uncover the covert and possibly unconscious intentions of language users in Newspaper discourse. Fifty (50) editorials on the subject of Covid-19 are specifically chosen and their language is meticulously observed by making a specialized Corpus PakNCovid-19. The size of the corpus is 17621 words. Moreover, Monoconc Corpus Tool is utilized to analyze the metaphorical depiction of Covid-19 as a WAR in Pakistani Newspaper discourse. The study highlights the explicit deployment of military concepts like BATTLE, ENEMY, WAR, SOLDIERS, FIGHT, and VICTORY to create the conception of WAR and to create SELF Vs OTHER distinctions between the Pakistani people and the medical illness of Covid-19. The inquiry demonstrates that to create a sense of urgency and to mobilize masses against the deadly virus, the metaphors of War have been used deliberately. The military concepts have been purposely employed to present Covid-19 as an ‘alien’, ‘outsider’, as well as an ‘enemy’ entity.
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The study aims to investigate the ideological manipulation of language within news media headlines regarding the killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. This study employs Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive model of Critical Discourse Analysis to conduct a comparative qualitative analysis of 100 Arabic and 100 English news headlines, exploring linguistic features at both microstructure and macrostructure levels. The analysis delves into identity construction for the victim and perpetrator, revealing the discursive linguistic manifestations of underlying ideologies in two distinct linguistic and cultural contexts. The microstructure analysis reveals the preference of Arabic headlines for active voice structure, rhetorical devices of numeration, emphatic language, and metaphors. On the other hand, English headlines preferred the passive voice structure and the rhetorical device of litotes. The macrostructure analysis unravels the cognitive interplay between news media outlets and their target audience, demonstrating how selective headlines significantly impact public opinion. It shapes their comprehension and interpretation, particularly within the broader context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ultimately, this research highlights the dynamic interplay between language, ideology, and power in news media, offering key recommendations for understanding their comparative impacts.
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Menulis Berbasis Wacana Kritis adalah buku yang menawarkan panduan komprehensif tentang bagaimana menulis dengan pendekatan kritis dan reflektif. Buku ini dikemas dengan strategi dan teknik menulis yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, analitis, serta keterampilan literasi yang kuat. Buku ini mencakup berbagai aspek menulis berbasis wacana kritis, termasuk pengenalan terhadap wacana kritis itu sendiri, peran dan pentingnya dalam konteks sosial dan akademis, serta bagaimana menerapkan pendekatan ini dalam berbagai bentuk tulisan.
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Wacana adalah istilah yang sering dipakai oleh masyarakat dewasa ini. Terdapat sejumlah pengertian tentang istilah wacana. Dalam bidang sosiologi, wacana menunjuk terutama dalam hubungan konteks sosial dari pemakaian bahasa. Dalam bidang linguistik, wacana adalah unit bahasa yang lebih besar daripada kalimat. Terdapat tiga hal sentral dalam kaitannya dengan pengertian wacana, yaitu teks, konteks, dan wacana. Teks adalah semua bentuk bahasa, bukan hanya kata-kata yang tercetak di lembar kertas, tetapi juga semua jenis ekspresi komunikasi, ucapan, musik gambar, efek suara, citra, dan sebagainya. Konteks memasukkan semua situasi dan hal yang berada di luar teks dan mempengaruhi pemakaian bahasa, seperti partisipan dalam bahasa, situasi dimana teks tersebut diproduksi. Wacana di sini dimaknai sebagai teks dan konteks secara bersama-sama.
This chapter examines language curricula and related education policy documents in Trinidad and Tobago using Critical Discourse Studies given that CDS can provide “the tools for addressing the complexity of movement across educational sites, practices and systems in a world where equalities are global in scope” (Rogers, Critical discourse analysis in education, 2nd edn. Routledge, p. 2, 2011). Through critical lenses, this chapter traces the development of the National English Language Arts curricula for lower secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago from conceptualization at the turn of this century, to the writing and enacting of three sets of national documents in 2002, 2008 and 2015. The analytical procedures used for this study were drawn primarily from Fairclough’s (1995) threethree-part model for analysing a communicative event or interaction (the text, the discourse practice, the sociocultural practice), and were further supported by Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics and Genette’s transtextuality model. The analysis highlights the role of education policy documents as ideological constructs, legitimising as well as challenging language education practices with each curriculum revision.
Language, nowadays, as a means of communication, is scrupulously overhauled and dealt with in all disciplines, from social sciences to politics, especially through the lens of critical discourse analysis (CDA), for deciphering encrypted power and prestige encoded by pragmatic features. This study aimed to examine vehicle writings and inscriptions as a discourse form by adopting a discourse-pragmatic analytical approach to extract the key features of language practices of Iranian drivers through the medium of writing. The inscriptions on cars and automobiles were examined for the pragmatic features built on the Gricean model to excavate the existing conversational implicatures and for the critical interpretation through the insight of CDA to unearth the subtle nexus of power, prestige, privilege, control, authority, resistance, dominance, hegemony, inequality and discrimination. The findings uncloaked the evolving turns of Iranian vehicle writings in terms of form and meaning au courant with the quotidian modus operandi. Tradition is seen to be enlaced with a la mode scripts. The traces of power practice in the discourse of the powerless were found as a means of projection on the roads. The blatant instances of flouting maxims were evidenced in all four types of the principles drawn on the criteria.
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This special issue continues the discussion of the impact of culture on identity, communication, politeness, and discourse strategies (see Russian Journal of Linguistics 22 (4) 2018, 23 (4) 2019, 24 (2) 2020). The topic has become particularly relevant in the context of two multidirectional processes, i.e., globalization resulting from current geopolitical trends and technological advancements, which have encouraged the intensification of contacts between people, languages, and cultures; and deglobalization focused on the preservation of national cultures and development of a multipolar and multicultural world. In our introductory article, we attempt to trace the impact of communication technologies, language, and culture contacts on digital, face-to-face, and public communication in different settings and discourses and outline its influence on communication, language variation, and change. In this introductory article we present a summary of the contributions of our authors to the issue, which showed that the implications of globalization and language contact are multifaceted, they can have both positive and negative effects on language use, maintenance, and change, as well as on cultural identity and diversity. Pursuing these latter factors contributes to developing trends of deglobalization. Our authors invite the reader to reflect on these processes. In conclusion, we sum up their major findings and suggest a brief avenue for further research.
Conference Paper
Language models’ growing role in natural language processing neces- sitates a deeper understanding of their linguistic knowledge. Linguistic probing tasks have become crucial for model explainability, designed to evaluate models’ understanding of vari-ous linguistic phenomena. Objective: This systematic review critically assesses the linguistic knowledge of language models via linguistic probing, providing a comprehensive overview ofthe understood linguistic phenomena and identifying future research areas. Method: We performed an extensive search of relevant academic databases and analyzed 57 articles pub- lished between October 2018 and October 2022. Results: While language models exhibit extensive linguistic knowledge, limitations persist in their comprehension of specific phe- nomena. The review also points to a need for consensus on evaluating language models’ linguistic knowledge and the linguistic terminology used. Conclusion: Our review offers an extensive look into linguistic knowledge of language models through linguistic probing tasks. This study underscores the importance of understanding these models’ linguistic capabilities for effective use in NLP applications and for fostering more explainable AI systems.
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This discourse analytical study attempts to explore the ideological strategies employed by Barack Obama in his Cairo speech. It applies Van Dijk’s (2006) model to the analysis of political discourse in that speech to uncover the ideologies hidden in it. The article is divided into five sections. The first section offers a theoretical background on critical discourse analysis. Section (2) introduces the approach that will be applied. Section (3) displays the study aim and technique. Section (4) applies the ideological framework to the chosen speech. The last section summarizes the main findings of the study. The study reveals that Obama uses a wide range of strategies and techniques in his speech to achieve his political objectives. These strategies unconsciously reflect his ideological agenda. He adopts two major ideological strategies: positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation. The study explains the discursive tactics which he employs to create that ideological polarization represented in ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them.’
The article deals with issues related to modern communication studies. Particular attention is drawn to the factors that influence the creation of a particular image (in particular, the image of China) by means of language. Taking into account the influence of the media text on public opinion and the formation of a certain vision of the image of the country, both lexical, grammatical, and syntactic language possibilities are analyzed. Based on the understanding of today's features of communication associated with the expansion of the information field due to the widespread use of Internet technologies, social networks stand out as a tool for shaping public opinion and a "sounding" response to the most significant events not only on a national scale, but also on a global scale. The COVID-19 pandemic is becoming such an event that has affected all countries without exception. In the context of this problem, the authors propose to analyze a large amount of material collected in the Russian social network VKontakte (VK). The choice of VK is substantiated due to the great popularity among Chinese users, recognition, wide distribution as the only “recognizable” Russian social network. Describes the method of discourse analysis and the relevance of its application for this study. The paper presents an overview of the works of Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the study of discourse. Based on the regularities identified from the discourse analysis, a classification of "evaluative" means is proposed, based on semantic and word-formation approaches. The conclusion is made about the dynamics of the formation of a positive image of China in the social and communicative context of the Russian-speaking community.
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The very term "refugee crisis" is a construct of the media that does not correspond to a specific scientific terminology, as we are led to believe. In an attempt to connect the media representations with their political corollaries, we will examine the news bulletins in Ara-bic, broadcast by the ERT, the Greek public television. We maintain that, despite their emancipatory potentials, the news bulletins in Arabic constitute a new mode of subordinating the refugees to policies that undermine their basic rights, while infantilizing them.
В статье описан приём дискурсивного переключения (необычного соединения разных дискурсов) в комических жанрах масс-медиа. Предмет исследования – синтактика, семантика и прагматика контекстов, попавших в сферу действия приёма. Использован метод дискурс-анализа и структурно-семиотический метод. Приём допускает как следование дискурсов друг за другом (стендап, мем), так и одновременное предъявление (пародия). Переключение дискурсов актуализирует семантику противоречия, парадокса, абсурда, создает юмористический или сатирический эффект. Востребованность приёма коррелирует с полидискурсивностью, диалогичностью, фрагментарностью современных медийных текстов.
The study aims to highlight the violence against women depicted by Pakistani Urdu Newspapers. According to a recent study, the print media described women as weak, conquered, and deeply drowned in patriarchy. However, violence against women can take many forms, including domestic violence, rape, and honor killings. The study is qualitative in nature and the type of data is primary. The samples contain articles about violence against women from two different Pakistani Urdu Newspapers. Sample contains a total of four articles showing how the newspapers tend to portray violence against women. News that highlight the plight of violence against women comes from two different Urdu Newspapers i.e. Daily Jang and Express. The sampling procedure performed in this study is critical case sample and the study design is cross-cutting. The research tool used in the current study is Lazar feminist critical discourse analysis model (FCDA) (2014). The data is analyzed at various levels. First, it is translated into English using Nida’s Theory of Translation. Then, it is analyzed using Lazar FCDA at the vocabulary, syntax, and paralanguage levels, Lazars model (2014) is applied to effectively assess how the print media portrays violence against women. The results reveal that the Pakistani Urdu Newspapers are very tabloid, trying to portray women as weak, oppressed, oppressed, immobile, and vulnerable to violence. Women are more vulnerable to male violence because of the patriarchal structure embedded in our society.
Bringing together contributions from a team of international scholars, this pioneering book applies theories and approaches from linguistics, such as discourse analysis and pragmatics, to analyse the media and online political discourses of both conflict and peace processes. By analysing case studies as globally diverse as Germany, the USA, Nigeria, Iraq, Korea and Libya, and across a range of genres such as TV news channels, online reporting and traditional newspapers, the chapters collectively show how news discourse can be powerful in mobilizing public support for war or violence, or for conflict resolution, through the linguistic representation of certain groups. It explores the consequences of this 'framing' effect, and shows how peace journalism can be achieved through a non-violent approach to reporting conflict. It will therefore serve as an essential resource for students, scholars and experts in media and communication studies, conflict and peace studies, international relations, linguistics and political science.
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The graphic novel is considered as a multimodal text — a complex of verbal and visual components. The differences between comics and graphic novels are explained. The definition of the concept of “multimodality” is given, and the main approaches to the study of a multimodal text are described. Attention is paid to the issue of identity in a multicultural aspect. On the example of a specific autobiographical graphic novel, the discursive construction of identity by visual and linguistic means is analyzed. The expediency of using critical discourse analysis to understand verbal and non-verbal connections, visual images and communications, as well as text and context is substantiated. To study the linguistic modality of the graphic novel, the methods of linguo-stylistic, lexico-semantic and contextual analysis of the literary text were used, while the iconic components were considered using the methods of observation, interpretation and comparison with the text. The sociocultural dominants of food and appearance were revealed in the novel, which contributed to the convergence of stylistic and iconic means of expressing meaning. Examples of combining linguistic, metalinguistic and visual aspects of expressing aspects of identity in the space of the American graphic novel as a multimodal text are given. The novelty of the study is seen in the demonstration of identity markers in a multimodal text.
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This research is motivated by the importance of understanding the forms of sarcasm uttered by students so that the public knows the purpose of using sarcasm. The problems discussed in this study are (1) the form of sarcasm used by Persada UAD 2019/2020 students based on grammar, (2) the form of sarcasm used by Persada UAD 2019/2020 students based on the content of the speech, and (3) the factors causing Persada UAD students to use the form of sarcasm. This study aims to describe the form of sarcasm among Persada UAD students and find out the factors causing Persada students to use sarcasm among Persada UAD students. Based on the research results regarding the form of using sarcasm by Persada UAD students in 2019/2020, the following conclusions were obtained. (1) The use of sarcasm among the students of Persada UAD in 2019/2020 based on the grammatical basis was found in three forms, namely words, phrases, and clauses. (2) The use of forms of sarcasm among Persada UAD students in 2019/2020 based on the content of the speech found seven forms of sarcasm, namely words containing bitterness, bitter reproaches, expressions of anger, swearing, words that are not pleasant to hear, ridicule, and certain social varieties. (3) The factors causing the students of Persada UAD in 2019/2020 to throw sarcasm found ten factors, namely social background, habits, reflexes, anger, inappropriate place and time, inappropriate participants, goals that did not match the speaker, tone when conveying messages, media language, and norms in interaction.
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