The Portfolio Selection System (PSS) software package is based on the theoretical concepts developed in Professor C. Kenneth Jones' book Portfolio Management, published by McGraw-Hill in 1992. In this theoretical text a comprehensive modeling language is developed that can be applied generally to all financial problems. In addition, the use of digital signal processing is introduced for the first time to model risk, in a more precise manner than has previously been possible. The PSS software package applies the signal processing techniques for risk management to the investment decision problem. Digital Portfolio Theory as derived in the text Portfolio Management is applied in the PSS software package. PSS is the state of the art in quantitative portfolio selection software. It brings a more powerful quantitative portfolio selection approach to the individual investor than is currently being used by multimillion dollar portfolio fund managers. Not only does PSS solve for optimal portfolios controlling for multiple calendar risk levels, but it also simultaneously controls growth in Earning per Share (EPS), change in the growth of EPS, market capitalization, Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio relative to industry P/E, dividend yield and book value relative to market value. The PSS software package is the most advanced system of security selection available on the market today.