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Educating Teachers for the Maker Movement: Pre-service Teachers' Experiences Facilitating Maker Activities



In this paper, we describe an event where 33 pre-service elementary school teachers planned and facilitated a School Maker Faire as part of their elementary science teaching methods course. We focus on one group of four pre-service teachers who facilitated a balloon rocket station and examine the decisions they made when facilitating children's interactions at the stations and how these decisions led to constraining or creating opportunities for children to engage in engineering design.
Educating Teachers for the Maker Movement: Pre-service
Teachers’ Experiences Facilitating Maker Activities
Sean O’Brien, Alexandria K. Hansen, Danielle B. Harlow
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490
{sobrien, akillian, dharlow}
In this paper, we describe an event where 33 pre-service
elementary school teachers planned and facilitated a School
Maker Faire as part of their elementary science teaching methods
course. We focus on one group of four pre-service teachers who
facilitated a balloon rocket station and examine the decisions they
made when facilitating children’s interactions at the stations and
how these decisions led to constraining or creating opportunities
for children to engage in engineering design.
CCS Concepts
Applied Computing!Education!Interactive Learning
School Maker Faire; Maker Education; Teacher Education;
Elementary Schools; Facilitation
While the Maker Movement is more commonly associated with
informal learning spaces such as museums and afterschool clubs,
the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards [1] makes
this an ideal time to consider how maker education can enhance
existing practices in K-12 schools. Ensuring this movement is
accessible to all children is critical, particularly when considering
the underrepresentation of females and some ethnic groups among
professional scientists and engineers. In 2008, 75% of scientists
and engineers were Caucasian, 13% were Asian, 5% were
Hispanic and less than 5% were African American. Furthermore,
only 35% of the total amount of scientists and engineers were
women [2]. The excitement surrounding maker education for
learning and recent advances in technologies can be leveraged to
address the lack of diversity among professional scientists and
engineers. To do so, we must prepare K-12 teachers to introduce
making within the classroom rather than only in out-of-school
contexts that are typically limited to a subset of the population.
This year, we transformed a university science methods course for
elementary school teachers to include a focus on maker education.
The pre-service teachers planned and facilitated a School Maker
Faire with a specific focus on assessing student learning in the
context of making. This teaching context differed considerably
from their prior teaching experiences. We observed and
interviewed these teachers to understand their experiences.
Papert’s theory of constructionism paved the way for rethinking
the current state of education through including making [3]. Too
often, school is viewed as separate from students’ every day lives
and not focused on what students want to learn [4,5], requiring
many students to look outside of formal education to fulfill their
curiosities. By integrating technology in student-centered learning
environments such as maker spaces in schools, more students are
finding value in school [6]. When students create with technology
they “become more engaged, spend more time investigating
and/or constructing and take ownership for and build confidence
in their abilities to learn and understand” [7]. Moreover, making
activities appeal to a wide range of learners, with varying interests
and skills, including individuals who do not consider themselves
particularly skilled in science or mathematics.
Only recently has research begun to focus attention on making in
formal education [8,9], and research on how to prepare teachers to
facilitate maker education activities within the traditional
classroom setting is beginning to emerge. Martin et al. [10]
conducted a professional development for 30 middle and high
school teachers that focused on design-based learning and creating
with technology such as Arduinos and 3D printers. The
participating teachers were proud of their creations, but struggled
with the technology and the required programming. Wardrip and
Brahms [11] described experiences with a mobile makerspace
associated with MAKESHOP at the Children’s Museum of
Pittsburgh. They partnered with two suburban elementary schools
to integrate making into the curriculum. Educators at both schools
attended a summer “boot camp” and participated in ongoing
training from museum facilitators. The preliminary findings
identified three factors that influenced whether the teachers
implemented making in their classrooms: 1) how school
leadership selected participating teachers, 2) available space for
making, and 3) how making was (or was not) connected to
learning already occurring in the classroom. Successful teachers
wanted to incorporate making into their classrooms, found
creative ways to connect making to other content areas, and did
better when there was a designated space for making. Our study
differs from these earlier studies in that we study pre-service
teachers in an elementary teacher credential program.
This work is part of a larger study that takes a design-based
research approach. Design based research “focuses on the
messiness or real-world practices, with the context being a core
part of the story and not an extraneous variable to be trivialized”
[12]. Such an approach assumes that learning and the contexts in
which learning occurs are complex and involve the simultaneous
and mutually reinforcing tasks of designing curricula or learning
contexts and systematically observing learning. Outcomes include
changes to the local context and contributions to models of how
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learners think. Ultimately, we seek to identify the pedagogical
practices that beginning teachers need in order to facilitate
effective maker education activities in their classrooms and the
types of experiences that help teachers develop these practices.
3.1 Participants and Context
The participants were enrolled in an elementary school teacher
credential program. Of the 33 students, 29 were female. As is
typical of California teacher education programs, all entering
students had previously finished their undergraduate degree. The
13-month teacher credential program spanned an academic year,
including the summer before and after. The Elementary Science
Methods course was held during the second half of the program.
The course met 10 times for three hours each. Students began this
class having already completed two quarters (summer and fall) of
coursework and had spent five months in elementary school
classrooms. The course was taught by a member of the faculty and
a graduate student teaching assistant (both authors of this paper).
The primary goals of the class were to introduce teacher
candidates to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and
help them develop strategies and content knowledge that would
help them begin their teaching careers as well-started beginners
[13] in the area of science. In the 2015-2016 year, the course
emphasized Maker Education and design thinking. We used
research on teacher education and on informal science learning to
develop an initial set of experiences for pre-service teachers in a
teacher credential program. These experiences included
participating in the type of learning we expect them to teach, in
this case Maker Education activities, focused attention on
children’s learning through video analysis of children engaging in
engineering activities, facilitating informal science learning
activities, along with learning about the NGSS. Teachers also
received explicit instruction on design thinking and opportunities
to practice the design process, in line with Stanford’s Institute of
Design [14]. We considered design thinking as a mindset to
approach problems, and the process of design as the iterative
combination of steps involved in creating solutions to the
problems. The culminating activity was that the teacher
candidates facilitated a School Maker Faire for the local
elementary school students in their practicum courses. It is this
event (the School Maker Faire) that we focus on in this paper.
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Consistent with design-based research, we collected a variety of
types of data including student work, final reflections, class
observations, video and audio recordings of a subset of students
engaging with children at the School Maker Faire event, and
interviews with a subset of the video recorded students about their
interactions with children and decisions they made at the event
and in preparation for the event. Our goal in this paper is to
understand the events at the School Maker Faire and how the
participating teachers engaged with children.
To understand this event, a subset of pre-service teachers were
filmed during the School Maker Faire and interviewed following
the event. These interviews used stimulated recall [15]. That is,
the pre-service teachers were shown video of themselves
interacting with students and asked what they were thinking about
at the time. This allowed focusing in on specific instances where
the teacher candidates choose to interact with children or not.
School Maker Faires focus on K-12 schools and are smaller than
flagship or mini Maker Faires and the focus is inward looking
celebrating the work of individuals and groups at the particular
school. Licensed School Maker Faires (free registration on their
website) have permission to use the School Maker Faire logo, are
provided with print resources detailing best practices for hosting a
maker faire, and are introduced to a community of other School
Maker Faire producers to share resources, questions, and stories.
Our School Maker Faire was unusual in that the school was a
teacher education program and our guests were the children (and
their families) in the 33 elementary school classrooms the teacher
candidates were placed in for their student teacher placement
classrooms. We also invited all local elementary teachers and
administrators. The event was held during the pre-service
teachers’ final class on a Thursday evening and lasted two and a
half hours. Over 400 visitors attended.
Prior to the School Maker Faire event, the pre-service teachers
worked in groups of 2-4 to develop a plan for a hands-on activity
that would invite and engage children to participate in a “making”
activity that connected to the NGSS performance expectations or
specific disciplinary core ideas, practices, and cross-cutting
concepts. We also invited local organizations that worked with
children, had displays made by children, held a panel discussion
with teachers who were already integrating maker education into
their classrooms, and held workshops about coding and 3D
printing. In total, we had 24 hands-on booths or student displays
which included making circuits from conductive playdough,
building and launching stomp rockets, building bird feeders from
recycled materials, and making and racing cars from Lego and
others. Here we focus on one specific activity, balloon rockets.
This activity was filmed in its entirety at the School Maker Faire,
and all pre-service teachers in the group consented to participate
in research. Following the School Maker Faire all participated in
at least two interviews about the event and their interactions. Four
students (referred to here as Mary, Amber, Ruth, and Sally)
worked on the balloon rockets station. Children attached a balloon
(or multiple balloons) to a toilet paper roll or straw, and added
fins or other structures to the rockets. The rockets were propelled
forward along a string when air was released from the balloon.
The following subsections look at the ways the pre-service
teachers' attempted to facilitate design thinking and making while
also looking at the tensions they encountered.
5.1.1 Being Prepared
The first theme we identified was being prepared. Interviews
were coded for this when the pre-service teachers mentioned talk
about the need for or importance of preparation. The pre-service
teachers in the focus group universally described the desire and
need to be prepared for the maker faire- a logical motivation
considering that the faire ultimately received around 400 visitors
To prepare the pre-service teachers for the event, a mock Maker
Fare was held the previous week in their Methods course. Prior to
the mock Maker Faire, this group planned to make balloon
powered cars, not rockets. However, as they set up the station for
their peers, they got stuck on how to prepare the materials for the
event. They conceptualized the balloon cars activity as a station
containing specific pre-prepared parts for the cars and step-by-
step directions so that children could easily assemble the cars. For
these pre-service teachers, preparation included drilling holes in
bottle caps (wheels), cutting straws (axles), and cutting cardboard
(the car body). As they prototyped their balloon car, and tried to
propel it forward, they struggled to make it move. They concluded
that the balloon cars were both preparation-intensive and too
difficult for kids to assemble in a way that would yield positive
results (i.e., the car moving forward).
During an interview, Ruth recalled asking herself, "How can we
actually make this an activity where they could try out different
things?" One group member recalled an earlier suggestion to
make balloon rockets as an alternative to balloon cars. The group
repurposed their materials to see if they could get a balloon to
propel a rocket along a string. They taped a balloon to a section of
straw and put it on the string. When released, the rocket spun
around the string, travelling forward about a foot. This resulted in
excitement and other group members suggesting ideas for how to
get the rocket to travel further along the string. As the group
redesigned the rocket, one group member exclaimed, "This is so
fun! They [children] would love this! But we have to find a way to
make them be successful or they will be arguing.” At this point,
preparing for the School Maker Faire provided an opportunity for
the pre-service teachers to participate in design thinking. The pre-
service teachers recognized this as the type of experience that they
hoped to have kids participate in. Yet, they felt they still needed to
"find a way to make them be successful."
During their post-event interview, all four of pre-service teachers
reported feeling unprepared for the School Maker Faire before the
event. Amber recalled being concerned that they only, "had a box
of materials, but no model for [the children] to go from." For
Amber, preparation meant having an example or model rocket for
kids to refer to and "a solution for every problem that might come
up.” The pre-service teachers indicated a strong desire to feel and
be prepared, and identified that this included preparing materials,
physical models for students to imitate, and anticipating every
problem that might come up. Yet they also recognized that they
had limited time and were not able to do all they hoped.
5.1.2 Providing Structure
All group members reported that they thought part of their job as
facilitators was to provide structure. They did so by providing
instructions, by modeling thinking, asking guiding questions, and
by parallel play. One way they provided structure in the students’
design process was by (verbally) providing a framework of steps
that visitors could use when building rockets. Amber described
how she tried to organize a way for students to think about
building a rocket: “We just said, "This is what we have. Choose
your body first." I guess we did a give a little bit of direction in
that. We didn't just say, “Go,” we said, "Choose your body first.
Choose your balloon color and how you want to tape it onto the
body, and then choose a string." There was some direction, but
there was no model for them to look at to go off of.”
They also provided structure in interactions with kids when things
did not go right. For example, when a student’s rocket design did
not go as planned, Mary enthusiastically said something like,
“Whoa! Look at it spin! Why do you think it just sat there and
spun?!” She made an observation and asked the student to explain
why it might have happened. Mary described that she did so to
model how one can look at failure, and further question and refine
their design. In another example, Ruth, when working with a
young boy who was building a balloon rocket, asked the boy, “Do
you think the size of the balloon matters, for how fast it will go?”
When he agreed, she expanded “More air… it will go faster?”
Again, the boy nodded. Ruth described asking this questions to
prompt the student to consider that the air inside the balloon was
propelling the rocket; the more air in the balloon, the further or
faster the rocket might travel. Her goal was to focus his attention
on the science concepts she hoped he was learning. Similarly,
Sally was working with a boy who had just flown his first rocket
and asked him questions such as: “What do you think affects how
well a rocket flies? Do you think weight matters? How about the
size of the balloon?” In the interview, she explained that by
asking him these questions she was trying to help structure his
thinking by getting him to think, “'What can I change to make this
better, to get this closer to my goal the next time'"? In contrast to
Ruth’s questions that focused students attention on specific
science ideas, Sally’s and Mary’s questions were more open
ended and allowed the child to focus attention on considering
what factors of the rocket could be changed and guided the
children to testing their ideas.
Finally, they demonstrated the design process for children at the
event. Ruth, for example, described that she constructed her own
rocket with wings, hoping to inspire children to experiment with
wings on their rockets, “I was just interested to see because I was
wondering if the kids would put wings on it? So then I put wings
on it to see what would happen.” Ruth's actions provided structure
by engaging in parallel play to try and spark thinking and interest.
5.1.3 Assessing Learning
Assessment came in many forms, among the pre-service teachers
in the balloon rockets group. As a theme, assessment was defined
as moments where a pre-service teacher attempted to understand
how or what a child was thinking. The guiding questions in the
above section were a form of assessment. Here we discus other
ways the pre-service teachers engaged in assessment.
Children’s actions often indicated their ideas about science. Ruth,
for example, described observing a child putting a rocket on the
string for the first time: “We wanted to see just a little quick
assessment, like, do the kids understand how their rockets are
working, do they get that the reason the rocket is moving that way
is because the air is blowingout of the opposite end?” Ruth felt
that she could gauge the child’s understanding of cause and effect
by the direction he put the rocket on the string; for Ruth, his
actions were evidence of understanding. The pre-service teachers
also attempted to assess the level of students’ frustration. Mary
explained that she tried to gauge individual student emotional
states as a way to inform how much, or how little, scaffolding that
she should provide. Her strategy for this was to repeat back what
students said, as illustrated below.
STUDENT: “It [my rocket] didn’t work.”
Mary: “It didn’t work?”
STUDENT: “I can’t fix it.”
Mary: “You can’t fix it?”
STUDENT: “Well, I need to tape it.”
Mary: “Okay, so you just need to tape it.”
When looking at the video footage of this excerpt, Mary explained
that she remembered assessing that he did not seem frustrated but
more contemplative and since he was thinking about how to
modify his design, the best facilitation move for her was to step
out of the way and let him go.
5.1.4 Influence of Parents
Unlike classroom instruction, the School Maker Faire was a
family event. This meant that the pre-service teachers interacted
with children’s parents or interacted with children while being
observed by parents. Despite not anticipating parents to have a
significant impact on how the pre-service teachers facilitated the
activities, this emerged as a significant theme worth exploring.
The theme, influence of parents, refers to any moments during the
interviews where a pre-service teacher mentioned a way in which
a parent's presence influenced their thinking or actions.
Amber described, "It matters what parents think of their kids’
teachers. I wouldn't want them to view us as not having prepared
for an event that we're putting on for kids. I think that would look
very unprofessional." This is consistent with other comments.
Recall that Amber wanted to have a model for kids and a
contingency plan for every situation that might arise. This
revealed that, for Amber, teachers should appear prepared to
parents. Similarly, Ruth explained that when it came to having
parents around, "It was a lot different because it was a lot more
pressurewell what does the parent want me to say, what is he
expecting right now- is he expecting me to like give a little short
engineering lesson, you know?” Ruth's concerns about how she
was viewed by parents related to her perception that she was
expected to be a content expert.
In this study, we saw examples of the pre-service teachers framing
their role as facilitators of exploration, and encouraging design
thinking strategies as well as actions and interactions that were
influenced by their more traditional preconceptions that teachers
should provide step-by-step instructions and be content experts.
This movement back and forth between these two very different
roles appeared to create tensions at times. Below we discuss the
trends identified in the findings section.
We noted that the pre-service teachers struggled to feel prepared
in this environmentboth in terms of material preparation and
cognitive preparation for engaging children in the activity. The
first aspect of preparation is simpler to address. As maker
education researchers and developers, we can design resources
and activities that do not require complicated preparation of
materials. Teachers’ time is limited and making it easier for them
to set up spaces and activities will allow them to focus on working
with children. The second aspect is more complicated. Engaging
children in activities where they are free to make decisions means
that children may explore questions, designs, and directions
unanticipated by the teachers. Indeed, student agency is a crucial
hallmark of maker education. Yet this also means, that it is
impossible for teachers to be prepared for all possible ideas that
children might articulate if they expect that being prepared means
to always know what will happen and the answers to all possible
questions. Re-conceptualizing being prepared as knowing how to
guide students’ explorations by providing materials, asking
questions with students, and engaging in the children’s curiosity
along with them can ease this tension.
The pre-service teachers also strove to provide structure. For
some, this meant step-by-step instructions and physical models of
a final product for the students to copy. For others, it meant asking
questions to structure students’ thinking towards design and
redesign based on specific variables (e.g., mass of the rocket). It is
not surprising that they were compelled to provide structure. In
fact, structure and design constraints benefit maker activities.
Explicit consideration of what constitutes productive “structure”
in a maker activity and how this compares with more traditional
classroom structures may help teachers navigate this tension.
A third area was assessment, which was required by the course.
This is an area that challenges researchers and educators of all
levels: how do we assess learning in maker activities? The
teachers in this study did so by observing children’s interactions,
talking about their reasoning for redesign, and probing student
thinking. In this case, the pre-service teachers point to productive
methods of assessing that we can build on in future work.
Many new teachers are understandably insecure in their role as
teachers. Teacher educators should recognize that their students
(pre-service teachers) are figuring out who they are and who they
will be in the classroom, and should provide explicit instructional
activities to help new teachers understand how their role as
classroom teachers might change as they adopt maker education
activities. Our work is a beginning step in identifying the tensions
and concerns of pre-service teachers as they attempt to facilitate
maker education activities, even in a scaffolded and supportive
environment. Identifying these concerns will help inform the
design of better learning contexts for pre-service teachers that
support their abilities to facilitate productive and powerful maker
education in their classrooms.
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... Nonetheless, in formal contexts, maker education includes a fourth fundamental element: the teacher. Maker education provides vast potential for the growth of creative citizens (Halverson et al., 2016), but these opportunities can only be fully realized with facilitation from competent and innovative teachers (O'Brien et al., 2016). Although the nature of maker education is student-centered, teachers' facilitation is needed to reach the full potential of maker education and cultivate learners' capacity to meet future challenges. ...
... A study by O'Brien et al. (2016) was concerned about educating teachers in the maker movement; they stated that introducing the maker movement in K-12 will ensure that it will reach all children regardless of their gender, social level, or ethnic background since informal contexts (out-of-school) are generally limited to a specific type of people. The goal of a study by O'Brien et al. (2016) was to pinpoint the pedagogical practices that specify that pre-service and early career teachers need to implement effective maker activities in their classrooms and what kind of experiences enable teachers to promote these practices. ...
... A study by O'Brien et al. (2016) was concerned about educating teachers in the maker movement; they stated that introducing the maker movement in K-12 will ensure that it will reach all children regardless of their gender, social level, or ethnic background since informal contexts (out-of-school) are generally limited to a specific type of people. The goal of a study by O'Brien et al. (2016) was to pinpoint the pedagogical practices that specify that pre-service and early career teachers need to implement effective maker activities in their classrooms and what kind of experiences enable teachers to promote these practices. The authors identified four pedagogical practices: preparation, structure, assessed learning, and parental influence; however, the last practice is connected to the Maker Fair that they have planned and implemented with their students. ...
Full-text available
The maker mindset has been identified as one of the focal elements in maker education, and in formal education, teachers have a key role in nurturing it in their students. The maker mindset has been examined mainly theoretically and in relation to students. The present, empirical study explores teachers’ maker mindsets and investigates how teachers perceive this concept and describe its facilitation when implementing maker activities. The concept is approached with four constructs identified in previous maker mindset literature: resilience/growth mindset, creativity, collaboration orientation, and willingness to tinker. Data were collected using an adapted maker mindset instrument administered to 58 pre- and in-service teachers and via semi-structured pair interviews with experienced teachers (N=10). Both data sets were analyzed with qualitative content analysis combining theory-driven and data-driven approaches. The results revealed that the teachers emphasized all four constructs of the maker mindset. They perceived the maker mindset as a complex and multidimensional concept and highlighted the constructs willingness to tinker and resilience/growth mindset. In terms of facilitation, the teachers underlined the constructs collaboration orientation and creativity. In addition to student collaboration, the teachers emphasized collaboration among teachers as a means for the successful implementation of maker-centered activities. The findings highlight the critical role of teachers’ own awareness of maker mindset constructs when promoting students’ maker mindsets.Keywords: Maker mindset, maker education, K-12 formal education, in-service teachers, pre-service teachers
... La incorporación de alumnos que crean su propio producto digital transmedia se limita en función de la familiaridad y experiencia de los profesores con la gama de recursos TIC disponibles, y de lo cómodos que se sientan, permitiendo a sus alumnos elegir la tecnología que desean utilizar. Esta es una demanda significativa, ya que incluso proyectos comparables bajo los auspicios del Movimiento Maker tienden a no implicar el mismo grado de libertad a este respecto (O'Brien et al., 2016). Hay que asegurar que el desafío sea apropiado para los estudiantes también es un factor importante para considerar (Montanero, 2019). ...
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This mixed-methods study, employing inferential statistics and fuzzy logic, explores the perspectives of 75 Spanish Primary Education undergraduates on digital transmedia production practices aligning with children's values. It also investigates the potential in creating visual stories in English as an additional language. The students, worked in groups with a project-based methodology, collaborated on a storyboard, which they then made into a visual narrative and presented to their colleagues. The practicalities of recording, editing, adding audio and distributing the short videos were carried out with a wide range of devices, applications and software chosen by the students themselves, who demonstrated proactive attitudes in exploring the possibilities offered by the ICT resources. The progress of socio-emotional competences was also observed: negotiating agreements, finding divergent solutions, making decisions, and resolving conflicts and critically receiving feedback on their work. Likewise, when they reached the creative stage of the trial, they showed more confidence in themselves. The results showed that the undergraduates rated the visual storytelling approach highly, underlining that it was more involving and developed more competences. The study adds to the literature in favour of the following active methodologies: PBL, collaborative work, divergent models and Maker education.
... La incorporación de alumnos que crean su propio producto digital transmedia se limita en función de la familiaridad y experiencia de los profesores con la gama de recursos TIC disponibles, y de lo cómodos que se sientan, permitiendo a sus alumnos elegir la tecnología que desean utilizar. Esta es una demanda significativa, ya que incluso proyectos comparables bajo los auspicios del Movimiento Maker tienden a no implicar el mismo grado de libertad a este respecto (O'Brien et al., 2016). Hay que asegurar que el desafío sea apropiado para los estudiantes también es un factor importante para considerar (Montanero, 2019). ...
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Se pretende examinar la percepción de 75 estudiantes universitarios españoles de Educación Primaria con respecto a una práctica de producción digital transmedia para la educación en valores dirigida a niños, así como el potencial para crear historias visuales en inglés, como idioma adicional. Estos estudiantes trabajaron en grupos con una metodología basada en proyectos para elaborar un guion gráfico, que luego se convirtió en una narración visual y fue presentada a sus compañeros. Se trata de una investigación mixta, con varias pruebas inferenciales y lógica difusa. Las tareas procedimentales se llevaron a cabo con una amplia gama de artilugios elegidos por los propios alumnos, quienes manifestaron actitudes proactivas respecto a los recursos TIC. También se observó progreso en competencias socioemocionales: negociación de acuerdos, búsqueda de soluciones divergentes, toma de decisiones y resolución de conflictos, así como asimilación de la recepción crítica de su trabajo. Asimismo, en la fase creativa del ensayo, expresaron más confianza en sí mismos. Los resultados mostraron que los universitarios valoraron muy positivamente el enfoque de narración visual, subrayando que era más envolvente y desarrollaba más competencias. El estudio se suma a la literatura a favor de las prácticas transmedia y del ABP, el trabajo colaborativo, los modelos divergentes y la educación maker dirigidas a futuros maestros. Abstract. The aim is to examine the perception of 75 Spanish university students of Primary Education with regard to a transmedia digital production practice. Primary Education with respect to a transmedia digital production practice for values education aimed at children, as well as the potential for values education aimed at children, as well as the potential for creating visual stories in English, as an additional language. These students worked in groups using a project-based methodology to develop a storyboard, which was then turned into a visual narrative and presented to their peers. This was a mixed enquiry, with several inferential tests and fuzzy logic. The procedural tasks were carried out with a wide range of gadgets chosen by the students themselves. Progress was also observed in socio-emotional socio-emotional skills: negotiating agreements, finding divergent solutions, decision making and conflict resolution, as well as assimilation of critical reception of their work. Also, in the creative phase of the essay, they expressed more self-confidence. The results showed that the university students rated the the visual storytelling approach very positively, underlining that it was more involving and developed more involved and developed more competences. The study adds to the literature in favour of in favour of transmedia and PBL practices, collaborative work, divergent models, and maker divergent models and maker education for future teachers. Indicios de calidad: 2023 JCR C4, JIF 0.2 Area Studies 138/176 ; JCI 0.11 ranking 155/176. APA 7: Peña-Acuña, B. y Sánchez-Verdejo-Pérez, F.J. (2024) Investigación mixta de maestros en formación inicial participando en prácticas de transmedia digital, 21 (42), 11-54.
... The value of maker activities in ECE is evident and worthy of study. Despite the interest and recognition of many scholars in the ECE research area, limited studies have explored the incorporation of maker activities into formal ECE classrooms (O'Brien et al., 2016;Tao, 2019). To bridge this research gap, this case study attempted to investigate the implementation of maker activities in a Chinese kindergarten. ...
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STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education has become a global focus to foster learners’ Twenty first-century skills and achieve the sustainable development of society. Design challenges present children with a real-world design problem to solve, as design challenges inspire children to think creatively and apply STEM-related principles or skills to develop a solution. However, there is a lack of research on implementing STEM design challenges in the context of early childhood education. To address this knowledge gap, the in-depth case study aimed to investigate the implementation of Story-based STEM Design Challenges in a Chinese kindergarten, involving 12 teachers and 164 children. A total of six classrooms participated in the Story-based STEM Design Challenge training workshop and implementation, lasting for 3 months. Data was collected from multiple sources, including videotaped classroom observations, teacher interviews, and related pedagogical documents. The findings of the study showed that children’s emotional engagement, attentive engagement, and behavioral engagement varied during their participation. Teachers used various strategies to scaffold children’s learning throughout the preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. This study hoped to provide valuable insights into effective STEM pedagogy and offer evidence for the implementation of design challenges in early childhood STEM education.
... It should be noted that in nearly all instances of the analyzed variables, both in TAM and RIMMs, the most commonly recurring outcome has been the high category. Similar research in this field (O'Brien et al., 2016;Marsh et al., 2019;Paganelli et al., 2017) likewise confirms these optimistic attitudes towards the implementation of maker education. ...
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In recent years, Maker Education has gained popularity in formal education, but the perceptions of pre-service teachers after participating in a maker training program at a university-based makerspace remain to be explored. The purpose of this study is to analyze the acceptance level and the degree of motivation of pre-service teachers towards the maker educational approach. The research assesses attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction according to Keller's motivational model, as well as the acceptance of the maker approach using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study focuses on Early Childhood Education pre-service teachers from UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) who have been involved in designing teaching and learning plans based on Maker Education. The results show a strong motivation among the pre-service teachers in terms of attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction towards the maker approach. The study also highlights a high level of technology acceptance. These findings underline the positive impact of maker-based learning methods and suggest that greater motivation correlates with the positive attitudes towards integrating this pedagogy in the future. In light of these findings, integrating innovative maker pedagogy into teacher training appears to be beneficial, as the high levels of acceptance and motivation indicate its potential to equip students with essential twenty-first century skills.
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Nowadays, learning activities have become more interactive and collaborative than ever before. However, it remains unclear what makes the group perform differently in such a learning context. With the empowerment of multimodal data (MMD), we conducted a field study involving 12 groups of children who collaborated during two-day-long classroom activities. This paper reports on a quantitative analysis and temporal explanation concerning the relation between children’s performance and their group-level MMD measurements during a collaborative coding session in a design thinking activity. We computed each group’s performance based on the created artefacts and compared the groups with better performance than the others. The results demonstrate that high-performing groups show more joint engagement, joint visual attention, and joint emotional intensity of delight, while low-performing groups show significantly more joint emotional intensity of frustration. In addition, the evolution over the four temporal phases showed different patterns between high and low-performing groups. Finally, this paper discusses design and theoretical implications for educators, researchers and practitioners.
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Se pretende descubrir qué actitudes y creencias se plantean a favor de la lectura por parte el alumnado del Grado de Educación Primaria (curso 2020-2021) pensando en los niños. También indaga si esta muestra autopercibe que sea importante leer en beneficio propio. Además, investiga qué tipo de formatos posibles transmedia consumen (en papel o digital), a través de qué plataformas y si estos formatos digitales benefician la competencia lectora y qué razones argumentan a favor. La metodología de indagación es mixta. Se recogen datos a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Se trata de una aproximación no experimental cuantitativa analizada gracias al programa SPPS Statistics 27.0. Asimismo, se realiza un análisis cualitativo con aportación de datos significativa mediante el programa QDA Miner 2.0.8. La muestra se compone de 75 individuos de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, campus Ciudad Real, con predominio femenino y con una representación mayor de individuos de 20 años.La lectura infantil es importante puesto que aporta diversos beneficios de aprendizaje, referencias estéticas y éticas. Se concluye que aportan una estima mayoritaria por la lectura propia y el consumo prioritario del relato escrito de los cuentos y libros en papel, seguido por los relatos visuales de las series de televisión en internet a partir de páginas web. Asimismo, estos reconocen de forma mayoritaria que estos formatos analógicos y digitales que consumen están a favor tanto de la competencia lectora como alientan a la lectura analógica y digital. Indicios de calidad: Scimago SJR (2023) C1 Linguistics, C2 Education. ESCI JIF 1.3 (2022), (JCI, 2022, 0.22; 2020, 0,52, Educational & Educational Research), DIALNET METRICS C1 (2020. 45 citas, Posición Educación 49 / 230; Posición Filología 2 / 325), SELLO FECYT, Erih plus, Catálogo LATINDEX: 38 criterios, Redib C1 (29.206), Nivel CONICET (Res. 2249/14) : Grupo 1, Index Copernicus.
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Schools do not define education, and they are not the only institutions in which learning takes place. After-school programs, music lessons, Scouts, summer camps, on-the-job training, and home activities all offer out-of-school educational experiences. In Learning at Not-School, Julian Sefton-Green explores studies and scholarly research on out-of-school learning, investigating just what it is that is distinctive about the quality of learning in these “not-school” settings. Sefton-Green focuses on those organizations and institutions that have developed parallel to public schooling and have emerged as complements, supplements, or attempts to remediate the alleged failures of schools. He reviews salient principles, landmark studies, and theoretical approaches to learning in not-school environments, reporting on the latest scholarship in the field. He examines studies of creative media production and considers ideas of “learning-to learn”-that relate to analyses of language and technology. And he considers other forms of in-formal learning--in the home and in leisure activities--in terms of not-school experiences. Where possible, he compares the findings of US-based studies with those of non-US-based studies, highlighting core conceptual issues and identifying what we often take for granted. Many not-school organizations and institutions set out to be different from schools, embodying different conceptions of community and educational values. Sefton-Green’s careful consideration of these learning environments in pedagogical terms offers a crucial way to understand how they work.
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The article highlights and problematizes some challenges that are faced in carrying out design-based research. It states that the emerging field of learning sciences is one that is interdisciplinary, drawing on multiple theoretical perspectives and research paradigms so as to build understandings of the nature and conditions of learning, cognition and development. A fundamental assumption of many learning scientists is that cognition is not a thing located within the individual thinker but is a process that is distributed across the knower, the environment in which knowing occurs and the activity in which the learner participates. In other words, learning, cognition, knowing and context are irreducibly co-constituted and cannot be treated as isolated entities or processes.
Next Generation Science Standards identifies the science all K-12 students should know. These new standards are based on the National Research Council's A Framework for K-12 Science Education. The National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Achieve have partnered to create standards through a collaborative state-led process. The standards are rich in content and practice and arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The print version of Next Generation Science Standards complements the website and: Provides an authoritative offline reference to the standards when creating lesson plans. Arranged by grade level and by core discipline, making information quick and easy to find. Printed in full color with a lay-flat spiral binding. Allows for bookmarking, highlighting, and annotating.
Adolescents often pursue learning opportunities both in and outside school once they become interested in a topic. In this paper, a learning ecology framework and an associated empirical research agenda are described. This framework highlights the need to better understand how learning outside school relates to learning within schools or other formal organizations, and how learning in school can lead to learning activities outside school. Three portraits of adolescent learners are shared to illustrate different pathways to interest development. Five types of self-initiated learning processes are identified across these case portraits. These include the seeking out of text-based informational sources, the creation of new interactive activity contexts such as projects, the pursuit of structured learning opportunities such as courses, the exploration of media, and the development of mentoring or knowledge-sharing relationships. Implications for theories of human development and ideas for research are discussed. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
Situating constructionism. Constructionism
  • S Papert
  • I Harel
Papert, S., & Harel, I. 1991. Situating constructionism. Constructionism, 36, 1-11.
The maker mindset Design Make Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators (7-16). Routledge
  • D Dougherty
Dougherty, D. 2013. The maker mindset. In M. Honey & D. Kanter (Eds.), Design Make Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators (7-16). Routledge, New York, NY.
Youth conceptions of making and the maker movement
  • L Martin
  • C Dixon
  • Martin L.
Martin, L., & Dixon, C. 2013. Youth conceptions of making and the maker movement. Proceedings from IDC '13, New York, NY.
Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences
U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, (2009).