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Abstract and Figures

The article presents the possibilities of using lightweight concrete - foam concrete in road construction. Principles of sustainable development create the need to develop new building materials. Foam concrete is a type of lightweight concrete that has many advantages compared to conventional building materials, for example low density and thermal insulation characteristics. With current development level, any negatively influencing material features are constantly eliminated as well. This paper deals with the substitution of hydraulically bound mixtures by cement foam concrete Poroflow 17-5. The executed assessment is according to the methodology of assessing the existing asphalt pavements in Slovak Republic. The special calculation was used to estimate the modulus of foamed concrete Poroflow 17-5 based on the results of static load tests conducted using the experimental in-situ stand.
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Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 433
1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of WMCAUS 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.585
Available online at
World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium 2016,
Foam Concrete as New Material in Road Constructions
Martin Deckýa,*, Marian Drusaa, Katarína Zgútováa, Matej Blaškoa, Matej Hájeka,
Walter Scherfelb
aFaculty of Civil Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina.
b Iwtech LTd. Trenþín, Slovakia
The article presents the possibilities of using lightweight concrete - foam concrete in road construction. Principles of sustainable
development create the need to develop new building materials. Foam concrete is a type of lightweight concrete that has many
advantages compared to conventional building materials, for example low density and thermal insulation characteristics. With
current development level, any negatively influencing material features are constantly eliminated as well. This paper deals with the
substitution of hydraulically bound mixtures by cement foam concrete Poroflow 17-5. The executed assessment is according to the
methodology of assessing the existing asphalt pavements in Slovak Republic. The special calculation was used to estimate the
modulus of foamed concrete Poroflow 17-5 based on the results of static load tests conducted using the experimental in-situ stand.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of WMCAUS 2016.
Keywords: Poroflow; subbase layer; bearing capacity; foam concrete;
1. The main advantages and examples of use of foam concrete
In this present day, lightweight concrete (foam concrete) represents a mixture of binder (usually cement), water,
admixtures, additives and technical foam what makes concrete a building material with good mechanical strength, low
thermal conductivity and with simple, yet highly technologically demanding processing.
The function of a filler in the mixture is to fulfil the air bubbles, making it appropriate to produce foam concrete
directly on the construction site using special technological equipment intended for such production. If the foam
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 41 513 5709.
E-mail address:
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of WMCAUS 2016
Martin Decký et al. / Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 – 433
concrete was mixed outside the site and transported there by mobile concrete mixers, it would cause a significant
decrease of its volume followed by increased costs. The main advantages of foam concrete structures include:
xSimple and quick pouring - with such pouring it is possible to produce and implement the installation of 400 -
600 cubic meters per day and to significantly reduce construction time and costs.
xComplete filling of cavities and pores without compaction - the advantage of foam concrete is that all cavities get
filled, which means that it is also partly self-levelling.
xGood absorption properties - foam concrete has a fine cell structure, which allows it to absorb kinetic energy
during compression or settlement of the upper construction, [1].
xLow failure rate - in contrast to some of the synthetically lightened materials, the foam concrete is not susceptible
to failure due to the presence of hydrocarbons, bacteria or funguses.
xEnvironmentally friendly - the usage and manufacturing of the foam concrete directly on the construction site
with a dosing device means less traffic disturbing and less manipulation on site. Recycling is also very easy and
energy efficient.
xWide ranges of density, [2, 3] - usually bulk density varies from 300 to 1600 kg.m-3.
Foam concrete [4], has been used in highway construction in the United Kingdom (UK) since 1970, yet it took
about 10 years for foam concrete to become competitive as well as a recognized building material. The greatest
construction suppliers using foam concrete technology in the UK are the Foam Concrete Ltd and The Pump
Engineering Ltd. These companies are behind construction of the following constructions works.
Foam concrete was used as a base material for roads in newly built Hertfordshire (UK) industrial zone. The
original subbase consisted of peat that caused numerous floods in the area in combination with high phreatic
surface. It was necessary to implement drainage before and during construction. It was not possible to use a
common structure of the road because repeating wetting and drying of individual construction layers would
subsequently damage already finished road structure [3].
Fig. 1. Views of preparation of the underlay, a poured layer of foam concrete, the pyramidal formwork
and application of the last layer of foam concrete, [5].
Another example is from Northwest Highway (Route 14) construction, were utilized over 13,000 cubic meters of
density 590 and 410 kg/m3 foam concrete. There were thickness up to 1. 20 m, were they installed to supplement
pre-existing foam concrete to across soft soils in six areas along Route 14. Filled areas varied from 1 meter to 12
meters wide for both eastbound and westbound lanes, including areas to support new storm water drains. Several
low areas were dewatered and carefully constructed to prevent floatation due to rain and groundwater. Upon
completion of foam concrete in these low bearable areas, the hardened foam concrete was quickly covered with
the designed layer of aggregate subgrade of thickness 300 mm. This layer was then covered with concrete
pavement to finishing roadway, [5].
The Central road, Schaumburg, Illinois overpass in length of 3 km, was reconstructed at full depth of a four-lane
road with drainage improvements and installation of curb and gutters. At the east end of the project, the road was
constructed over a marsh area with soft organic underlying soils (peat) located at depth of 3 m to 5 m under the
surface. This project is typical for the construction of lightweight foam concrete road fills. Soft organic underlying
soils with a low bearing capacity, can caused consolidation settlement when there is additional loading or stress
change. The general contractor proposed a combination of a 900 mm thick layer of 400 kg/m3 and 600 mm layer
430 Martin Decký et al. / Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 – 433
of 500 kg/m3 foam concrete in lieu of the EPS to construct the lightweight fill. The major benefits of the general
contractor decision were in lower unit cost, less installation time, and higher quality of the material, [3].
Fig. 2. Views of a typical “Two-stage” road fill project where steel sheeting is installed down the centreline of the roadway to support live traffic
while excavation, placement of foam concrete, and pavement construction can be performed in the first stage, [6].
At Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, a water retention reservoir project at the north airfield involved
constructing a soil berm over an existing water supply with materials from the reservoir excavation. Due to the
designed burial loading and present depth of the water level, only a minimal amount of additional loading could
be excepted. PROVOTON foam concrete was used to construct a 28' wide, 10' thick spread footing and to provide
the required load reduction over a 2900' long stretch of the water main to support a minimal amount of soil cover
placed on top of the spread footing, [8].
Richards Bay, a deep-water port was opened in 1976 primarily to export coal and by the early 1990s it was
handling almost one-half of all cargo passing through South African ports. Since South Africa has no
commercially navigable rivers, ocean shipping has long been a major feature of its transportation network. The
port's five terminals handle approximately 1650 commercial ocean going vessels annually [7].
Fig. 3. South Africa’s busiest port, foam concrete being placed in 600 mm deep fills, [7].
2. The testing in-situ stand
The testing experimental stand has been built by Faculty of Civil Engineering at University of Žilina (FCE UNIZA),
in order to provide selected research in topics of highway and railways constructions. Testing stand FCE Uniza was
built in 2012-2015 (Fig.4).
2.1. Geological conditions at place of stand
The area of experimental testing stand is a typical for major construction sites, it is composed by layer of
antropogenous soil from past excavation works of class of soil CI – clay of intermediate plasticity. At layer of subbase
soil has been provided all kinds of geotechnical testing – like static plate load test, light falling weight deflectometer
(LFWD) test, CBR in-situ tests by CLEGG device [9], CPT (cone penetration test). In situ testing was accompanied
by laboratory testing for classifications, and technological parameters obtaining - like maximum bulk density of dry
soil ȡd,max =1632 kg.m-3 and wopt = 15.8 %.
Martin Decký et al. / Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 – 433
Fig. 4. Testing experimental stand FCE UNIZA progress.
2.2. Parameters of used foam concrete
Thanks to research activities of iwtech LTd. it has been producing in certain volume homogenous and stiff foam
concrete at desirable bulk density and desirable compressive strength. Code numbers after name Poroflow 17-5 means
1.7 MPa of compressive strength and bulk density 500 kg.m-3.
2.3. In situ verification of equivalent elasticity modulus of layers with Poroflow
Laboratory testing of materials are useful for obtained material properties. In order to know interaction of new
material in real structure behaviour, real physical model at scale 1:1 is the best solution. Inappropriate scale can have
caused also inappropriate results; especially shear resistance of material is influenced by scale effect, [3, 12].
Therefore, in-situ experimental stand was used. Interesting verification was based on the results of the static plate load
test’s (PLT) measurements provided on the surface of foam concrete layer, at three places of different layer’s
composition of pavement structure and on foundation soil too, see Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Executions of series of measurements at in experimental stand FCE Uniza.
432 Martin Decký et al. / Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 – 433
For the theoretical calculations in road construction design, the modulus of elasticity of each construction layer is
necessary to be known. Based on known parameters of multi-layered system there is possibility to recalculate the
equivalent modulus of elasticity Ee of the multi-layered composition with foam concrete - Poroflow 17-5. This
recalculation was executed by using an analytical theory Sojuzdornii [11]. The calculation model was designed based
on the equal deformation of the road’s homogeneous materials (attributes are same as those of the subbase) and strain
two-layer’s system of modulus E1 (of top layer thickness of h1) and Esub (elastic modulus of surface layer of subsoil).
Two-layer system’s is loaded by the circular shape plate of diameter d. Equivalent modulus of the two-layer’s system
Ee is calculated as below,
where in addition to the already explained symbols is:
5.2 1sub
According to the fact, that it was not possible to use the results of PLT on surface of the drainage layer (crushed
stones f- 8/16 was not stable due to small height of layer and poorly graded granulometry), interesting deformation
modulus was ascertained by the empirical relations from the measurements of light falling weight deflectometer
(LFWD) device type LDD 100. Because deformation modulus was determined from the first loading cycle of PLT E1
is practically identical to the modulus from second loading cycle of PLT E2, according to [13] a difference 1.4 % was
not significant. Based on the above, this yields the equation for determination of the deformation modulus from Edef,2
values from LDD 100 equipment (Evd), can be at this case used for determination of the elastic modulus referred as E,
164.0 vd
EE (3)
It has been done also laboratory tests to ensure deformation characteristics of layer of Poroflow 17-5 material. On
the Fig. 6 there is the dependence of elasticity modulus E on bulk density of Poroflow, [2, 14, 15]. It is expected, that
the increasing bulk density of Poroflow is followed by an increase of the elasticity modulus. This characteristic is
mostly required at design of road pavements. It can be used for continuing numerical verifications of structures with
this new material and is numerically similar to equivalent modulus of certain multi-layered structures on standard
subsoil bearing capacity.
Fig. 6. Correlation dependence of elastic modulus on bulk density of Poroflow 17-5, [13].
Martin Decký et al. / Procedia Engineering 161 ( 2016 ) 428 – 433
At the final, values of equivalent modulus of elasticity of three Poroflow layers composition in certain geological
conditions is presented in Tab.1. Comparing the results of modulus can be seen influence of PVC separation foil in
composition II and tensile stiffness of geotextile at layer’s composition III, where highest modulus was derived.
Tab 1. Values of equivalent modulus of elasticity of Poroflow layers detected by reversal calculation for measured modulus of subbase Esub.
Layer’s composition I. Ee [MPa]
(Esub) Layer’s composition II. Ee [MPa]
(Esub) Layer’s composition III. Ee [MPa]
Poroflow 17-5 15 cm 1 770
Poroflow 17-5 15 cm 1 450
Poroflow 17-5 15 cm 1 950
Geotextile 250 g/m2 Separation foil Geotextile 500 g/m2
Crushed stones f-8/16 20 cm Crushed stones f-8/16 20 cm Crushed stones f-8/16 20 cm
Geotextile 250 g/m2 Geotextile 250 g/m2 Geotextile 250 g/m2
4. Conclusions
The article describes the latest research activities carried out in experimental in-situ stand of FCE UNIZA in
cooperation with iwtech LTd. It has been presented simple solution how to determined equivalent modulus of subgrade
layers’ composition with foamed concrete. Different testing method and different correlations was used in order to
receive quit realistic values of the most important design characteristic. For objectification of methodology, series of
3D FEM numerical models was created. Currently, the research activities continuing at optimization of the structure
composition, including the selection of the optimal type of geotextile and combined geosynthetics with drainage
function, in order to achieve the highest values of deformations parameters and reliability of structure during lifetime.
The research is supported by European regional development fund and Slovak state budget by the project “Research
centre of University of Žilina”, ITMS 26220220183.
This work was supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Grant
VEGA No. Grant No. 1/0926/16.
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... As a material used in contact with the ground, it is a relatively new material ( Figs. 1 and 2). In addition, the use of a structure or building element in contact with the ground, as is the case, among others, in road pavement or floors on the ground, requires specific material and strength properties related to the soil and water conditions occurring in a given area [9][10][11][12][13][14]. [16] In this purpose special test stand was created at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina (FCE Uniza) [17,18]. In order to use a foamed concrete layer in the lower subbase layer, it is necessary to meet the requirements for tensile stresses at the bottom of this layer. ...
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Foamed concrete is known as lightweight or cellular concrete. It is commonly defined as a cementitious material with a minimum of 20% (by volume) mechanically entrained foam in the mortar mix where air-pores are entrapped in the matrix by means of a suitable foaming agent. Although the foamed concrete has been patented in 1923, it is mainly used as a filling or leveling material. The use of foamed concrete has been limited e.g. for backfilling retaining walls. As a material used in contact with the ground, it is a relatively new material. In order to use foamed concrete in road construction as a replacement for hydraulically bound mixtures, the improvement of foamed concrete was considered. The article presents the two different type of polypropylene reinforced of foamed concrete. Polypropylene fibers with content of 0.3 kg/m ³ and 6.37 kg/m ³ were used. For foamed concrete samples with addition of 6.37 kg/m ³ PP fibers, the splitting tensile strength increased. In second case, the polypropylene geotextiles with weight 150 g/m ² , 200 g/m ² and 500 g/m ² were used. It can be observed that flexural strength for foamed concrete reinforced with geotextile samples was higher compared to the base (unreinforced) foamed concrete sample. On this basis, the suitability of using reinforced foamed concrete in the road pavement-subsoil system was determined.
... Based on this concept, the authors proposed a combined widening structure that uses foamed lightweight soil (FLS) as a fill material for traditional MSE retaining walls. The primary benefits of FLS include high strength at low density, adjustable capacity, pumpability through pipes, self-supporting properties, simplicity of construction, and excellent fluidity [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Shi et al. [30] proposed the utilization of lightweight foam concrete (LWFC) as a filler for the extended embankment to reduce the settlement discrepancy between the existing embankment and the widened embankment by reducing its self-weight. ...
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This paper introduces a novel retaining wall structure that integrates a traditional mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall with foamed lightweight soil (FLS) as the fill material. To evaluate the performance of the structure, a numerical approach based on the finite difference method was employed. Firstly, numerical models were developed based on a centrifuge test model designed by previous researchers, and the results were compared with the measured data. The close agreement between the experimental values and simulations demonstrates the reliability and validity of the proposed numerical models. Subsequently, a series of parametric studies were conducted to reveal the effect of key parameters on the performance of the newly proposed retaining wall. Furthermore, this paper proposes a modified harmonic search algorithm (MHSA), which is based on the original harmonic search algorithm (OHSA), to optimize the design of the proposed retaining wall structure. The results indicate that the proposed retaining wall structure can effectively reduce the differential settlement between the existing road and the newly constructed road at a relatively lower cost. The MHSA can serve as a practical design guidebook for engineers and potential users, enabling rapid and efficient design.
... With the increasing development in technology, manufacturing, and construction processes, the materials science community's most significant challenge nowadays is selecting appropriate materials and studying their responses under different loading environments. Therefore many research studies are interested in developing new materials that have superior characteristics [1][2][3][4]. Recently, numerous materials were examined in terms of their performance and composition [5][6][7][8]. ...
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In practical applications, steel single angles are often subjected to eccentric loading when connected to a gusset plate through one leg only, resulting in complex compression behaviour. This behaviour has not been as extensively studied as that of concentrically loaded members. Various international codes of practice offer differed approaches for designing these elements. The literature indicates that the Indian Standard Code IS 800–2007 accurately predicts the axial capacity of eccentrically loaded single angle columns. However, a recent amendment to IS 800 in 2024 introduced modified design provisions. This study is the first to explore the implications of these latest design provisions by comparing them with earlier provisions and experimental strengths reported in the literature. Initially, the design strengths as per the previous and latest design provisions for various Indian Standard Angles (ISA) were presented and compared accounting for varying slenderness ratio, plate slenderness ratio (b/t), and different types of end connections and restraints. The findings reveal that the latest design provisions generally result in much higher design strengths compared to the earlier provisions, with a maximum increase of 104.84%. Upon noticing the significant variation, this study is further extended to compare with the reported data available in the literature. The nominal strengths calculated using the latest provisions were often higher than the strengths reported in the literature considered in this study, indicating potential unsafe design.
... Due to its low density, excellent thermal insulation properties, and superior freezethaw resistance, it is widely recognized as a building material that promotes energy efficiency [1][2][3][4]. Commonly, foam concrete is used as the base material of pavement, as well as structural components, partitions, and fillings [5,6]. The current practice involves Portland cement as the primary binder in the production of foam concrete. ...
This study focuses on the preparation of red mud foam concrete using wet carbonized red mud as a substitute for cement and CO 2 foam bubbles. After 56 days of carbonation curing and standard curing, respectively, the carbonation rate, dry density, and compressive strength of the specimen was compared and analyzed under different foam content (20 g, 30 g, 40 g) and pre-carbonation methods. Additionally, CT scanning was employed to model images of red mud foam concrete specimens to analyze changes in air-void diameter and porosity characteristics. At last, the carbon footprint of red mud foam concrete was assessed using a "cradle to gate" approach. The results show that carbonation rate, dry density, and compressive strength of red mud foam concrete are negatively correlated with foam content. Specifically, the carbonation rate of RC20 is 31.92%, the compressive strength is 1.13 MPa, and the dry density is 525.52 kg/m 3. Carbonation curing can improve the compressive strength of the specimen, among which the compressive strength of RC30 increases from 0.28 MPa to 0.55 MPa and meets the corresponding strength grade required by relevant standards. The average porosity is positively correlated with the foam content. With the increase in foam content from 20 g to 40 g, the average porosity experiences a rise from 0.632 to 0.843. After carbonation curing, the air-void size distribution range reduces from a range of 150 ~ 1200μm to 50 ~ 600μm, air-void size ranging from 50 to 200μm exhibits the highest relative frequency and compressive strength. Furthermore, the RCC30 specimen demonstrates a CO 2 emission of 231.32 kg/m 3 and a CO 2 absorption rate of 35.31 kg/m 3 , indicating that pre-carbonation has a positive impact on mitigating carbon footprint.
... The decisive standard STN 73 6114:2021 [26] states that the roadway should be designed to withstand the loads and impacts that can be expected to occur during its use with the required level of reliability. The authors have presented their objectively observed research results contributing to the sustainability of all types of roadways described in [27][28][29][30]. ...
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Modern road construction uses a large number of polymer-based materials. Material composition depends on their roles. Among the most important functions of road body materials is to transfer all loads safely to the subgrade. A thorough understanding of material properties in various climates is crucial for this purpose. In the automotive industry, polymer residues from recycling can be used to make innovative materials, such as STERED, a hybrid polymer composite. Drawing on the porous nature of this material, this paper investigates its mechanical behavior. For road construction, the compressive properties of the material are most important. The paper presents the results of a detailed analysis and experimental research of the STERED material from in-lab tests. Successful research will lead to the inclusion of the material in road body compositions with excellent retention properties, vibration damping, and potential in circular economy.
... Studies have extensively examined its mechanical properties like compressive strength and elasticity modulus [3][4][5][6]. LCC has been successfully used as an alternative subbase to unbind granular material to solve the differential settlement on roadways in various locations in Canada and around the world [7][8][9][10][11]. LCC is proving to be an excellent alternative for pavement applications with improved bearing capacity [12,13]. ...
In this research, a foam three-dimensional (3D) printing method using digital light processing (DLP) technology was developed to fabricate 3D-printed porous structures. To address the challenges in preparing DLP precursor foam fluid, we designed a specialized foaming device. This device enables the precursor solution to be blended with air, resulting in a stable foam precursor with an adjustable air/liquid fraction and suitable fluidity, crucially enhancing the gas–liquid contact time for the printing process. By manipulation of fluid flow rates, cycle counts, and gas/liquid ratios, one can easily prepare uniform foams with precise control over the pore size and porosity. To avoid significant volume reduction during ultraviolet (UV) curing, nanoparticle fillers were introduced into the network to prevent collapse of the foam structure. Furthermore, the inclusion of an UV absorber enhanced the quality of the printing process by addressing the limitations associated with particle scattering and reflection. The DLP process can readily fabricate intricate structures, featuring a planar resolution below 30 μm and a printing accuracy of less than 1%. Several examples were also demonstrated to highlight the advantages of this technology and its ability to directly print custom foam structures, thereby saving time and material resources.
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Principles of sustainable development create the need to develop new building materials. Foam concrete is a type of lightweight concrete that has many advantages compared to conventional building materials, for example low density and thermal insulation characteristics. With current development level, any negatively influencing material features are constantly eliminated as well. This paper is dealing with substitution of hydraulically bound mixtures by cement foam concrete Poroflow 17-5. The executed assessment is according to the methodology of assessing the existing asphalt pavements in Slovak Republic. The ex post calculation was used to estimate modulus range for Poroflow 17-5 based on the results of static load tests conducted using the Testing Experiment Equipment.
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The paper presents results of numerical investigation of fracture behaviour of initially notched beams made of foamed concrete. Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was used to simulate the damage and fracture process of the beams subjected to three-point bending. Subsequently, the numerical models were validated by a series of static loading tests. Numerical models simulate correctly the fracture behaviour of beams observed during testing. XFEM method and computer simulation technologies allow for reliable approximation of load–bearing capacity and damage mechanisms of beams made of foamed concrete, which provides some foundations for realistic structural applications.
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Nowadays many problems concerning industrial floors or floors in shopping centres occurred when local geological characterization is not adequately considered by structural designers, material selection is not evaluated properly and in time for future stability, or consolidation of soft organic subsoil laid in active zone is not taken into account during design evaluation. Similar problems occur when flooding effects on subbase layers cause a new settlement of the upper floor structure. Generally speaking, majority of these symptoms of floor damage have their origin in underestimation of the geotechnical risk. At some locations, the selection of support structure and material type is not adequate due to lack of experience and in order to offer the lowest price as a contractor.
Conference Paper
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The high degree of thermal insulation makes foamed concrete a perfect material for use in a passive houses design. Application of foamed concrete as a replacement of compacted soil in a base layer for a foundation has a series of advantages. The material has the strength properties at least as good as well-compacted soil. It can be easily placed (poured) and does not settle, so no compaction is required. Its light weight, ensuring limitation of loads imposed to the subsoil along with providing uniform distribution of reactions from the supported structure, makes the solution excellent for weak soils. Paper shows the concept of a dwelling-house sandwich foundation slab with a foamed concrete base layer and a reinforced concrete structural layer.
Designing and Quality Control of Earth Structures On Transport Constructions
  • M Drusa
  • M Decky
Drusa, M., Decky, M. et al.: Designing and Quality Control of Earth Structures On Transport Constructions (In Slovak). Edis Uniza, 2013, pp. 522 ISBN 978-80-554-0823-1
Application of geotechnical models in the description of composite foamed concrete used in contact layer with the subsoil
  • M Drusa
  • L Fedorowicz
  • M Kadela
  • W Scherfel
Drusa M., Fedorowicz L., Kadela M., Scherfel W.: Application of geotechnical models in the description of composite foamed concrete used in contact layer with the subsoil. Proceedings of the 10th Slovak Geotechnical Conference "Geotechnical problems of engineering constructions"-conference proceedings, 30-31 maj 2011.
Clegg Impact Soil Tester Technical Note. Calculation of Penetration and Elastic Modulus from CIV
  • B Clegg
Clegg, B.: Clegg Impact Soil Tester Technical Note. Calculation of Penetration and Elastic Modulus from CIV. Jolimont, 1994.
Evaluation of dynamic methods for earthwork assessment
  • J Vl Ek
  • D Ureková
  • K Zgútová
Vl ek, J., ureková D. Zgútová K.: Evaluation of dynamic methods for earthwork assessment. In: Civil and environmental engineering journal. ISSN 1336-5835. -Vol. 11, no. 1 (2015), s. 38-44.
Foamed concrete used a subbase for some systems structure-subsoil
  • L Fedorowicz
  • M Kadela
Fedorowicz L., Kadela M.: Foamed concrete used a subbase for some systems structure-subsoil. Proceedings on CD of the 7th congress Engineering Geology 2012 on June 14 -15, 2012 in Nový Smokovec, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
Earth Structures of Transport Constructions
  • M Decký
  • M Drusa
  • , Pepucha
  • K Zgútová
Decký, M., Drusa, M., Pepucha,., Zgútová, K.: Earth Structures of Transport Constructions. Harlow: Pearson, 2013, p. 180, ISBN 978-1-78399-925-5.