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The effect of seasonal variation on sexual behaviors in males and its correlation with hormone levels: A prospective clinical trial


Abstract and Figures

Introduction We examined the effect of seasonal variation on sexual behavior and its relationship with testosterone levels. The existence of the inhibiting effect of cold stress on sexual behavior and testosterone levels was our hypothesis. Material and methods A total of 80 cases, aged between 20 and 35 years old, were enrolled. Blood samples for testosterone, FSH, LH, and prolactin were obtained twice from each participant at the same time of day (before 10 am). The first samples were taken in January and February, the months which have the average lowest heat days (-15.9°C and -14.6°C, respectively) in our region. The second samples were taken in July and August, which has the average highest heat days (25.4°C and 26.1°C, respectively) in our region. Two times IIEFs (International Index of Erectil Function) were fulfilled at the same day of taking blood samples. The frequency of sexual thoughts and ejaculation were questioned by asking “How many times did you imagine having sex?’’ and “How many times did you ejaculate in a week?”. The body mass index of the participants in the study was calculated in the winter and in the summer. Results There were significant differences in terms of IIEF scores, frequency of sexual thoughts and ejaculations, BMI (Body mass index), and both testosterone and FSH levels between the winter and summer measurements. We did not find any significant differences with regards to prolactin and LH levels. Conclusions Although testosterone levels are within normal limits in both seasons, its level in cold months is less than in hot months. Testosterone levels can change according to the season. The impact of cold seasons in particular should be taken into account when evaluating testosterone levels and sexual status, as well as the other influences (social, cultural).
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Central European Journal of Urology
The eect of seasonal variaon on sexual behaviors
in males and its correlaon with hormone levels:
a prospecve clinical trial
Aslan Demir, Mehmet Uslu, Omer Erkam Arslan
Kaas University, Medical School, Department of Urology, Kars, Turkey
Key Words: seasonal variaon ‹› cold stress ‹› sexual behavior ‹› testosterone
Cent European J Urol. 2016; 69: 285-289 doi: 10.5173/ceju.2016.793
Sex is a fundamental part of the human life that
is expressed in countless ways of varying depth and
complexity. The reality that men and women think
about one another as potential partners, irt, tell sa-
lacious jokes, and sometimes even end up having sex
is the basis for television shows, movies, books, and
everyday ofce gossip [1]. Does frequency of such be-
havior change seasonally?
According to a special report by Lauritsen et al.
regarding seasonal patterns in criminal victimiza-
tion trends, adult rates of simple assault exhibited
relatively less seasonal uctuation but were highest
in the summer [2]. Can testosterone be a culprit in
such crimes?
Numerous experimental and clinical studies have
investigated stress factors such as immobilization,
heat, light, electrical foot shocks, cold, ether, exer-
cise, and food restriction that cause males to expe-
rience anxiety about their sexual behavior [3, 4].
There may be many factors that regulate male sexu-
al behavior, as well as the psychological mood. Males
under stress may exhibit suppression of testosterone
Citaon: Demir A, Uslu M, Arslan OE. The eect of seasonal variaon on sexual behaviors in males and its correlaon with hormone levels: a prospecve
clinical trial. Cent European J Urol. 2016; 69: 285-289.
Arcle history
Submied: Feb. 1, 2016
Accepted: May 9, 2016
Published online: Aug. 22,
Introducon We examined the eect of seasonal variaon on sexual behavior and its relaonship with
testosterone levels. The existence of the inhibing eect of cold stress on sexual behavior and testoster-
one levels was our hypothesis.
Material and methods A total of 80 cases, aged between 20 and 35 years old, were enrolled. Blood
samples for testosterone, FSH, LH, and prolacn were obtained twice from each parcipant at the same
me of day (before 10 am). The rst samples were taken in January and February, the months which have
the average lowest heat days (-15.9°C and -14.6°C, respecvely) in our region. The second samples were
taken in July and August, which has the average highest heat days (25.4°C and 26.1°C, respecvely) in our
region. Two mes IIEFs (Internaonal Index of Erecl Funcon) were fullled at the same day of taking
blood samples. The frequency of sexual thoughts and ejaculaon were quesoned by asking “How many
mes did you imagine having sex?’’ and “How many mes did you ejaculate in a week?”. The body mass
index of the parcipants in the study was calculated in the winter and in the summer.
Results There were signicant dierences in terms of IIEF scores, frequency of sexual thoughts and ejac-
ulaons, BMI (Body mass index), and both testosterone and FSH levels between the winter and summer
measurements. We did not nd any signicant dierences with regards to prolacn and LH levels.
Conclusions Although testosterone levels are within normal limits in both seasons, its level in cold
months is less than in hot months. Testosterone levels can change according to the season. The impact
of cold seasons in parcular should be taken into account when evaluang testosterone levels and
sexual status, as well as the other inuences (social, cultural).
Corresponding author
Aslan Demir
Kaas University Medical
Department of Urology
Center of the city
36100 Kars, Turkey
phone: +90 532 465 82 25
Central European Journal of Urology
cal examination such as varicocele or atrophic testis
were excluded from the study.
Blood samples were obtained twice from each par-
ticipant at the same time of day (before 10 am).
The rst samples were taken at the end of February.
The second samples were taken at the end of August.
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) forms
were fullled at the same day of taking blood sample
twice over the course of the study. The frequency
of sexual thoughts and ejaculation were questioned
by asking on a special form “How many times did
you imagine having sex?’’ and “How many times did
you ejaculate in a week, except ejaculations produced
by nocturnal imagination?”. The body mass index
of the participants in the study was calculated at the
same day of taking blood sample.
Stascal analysis
This study was designed to detect a 30% difference
in hormone levels between the groups with 90%
power, assuming a signicance level of 0.05 using
two-tailed statistical tests. Sample size was calcu-
lated based on the results of a pilot study of hor-
mone levels in consultation with a biostatistics spe-
cialist. Results are presented as mean ± standard
deviation. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0
for Windows (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Dif-
ferences between the results in terms of hormones,
body mass indices (BMI), IIEF scores, and frequen-
cy of sexual thoughts were analyzed using paired-
samples student t tests.
The mean age of the patients was 27.8 years
(min: 20, max: 35). There were signicant dif-
ferences in terms of IIEF scores (24.05 ±2.1 and
24.5 ±1.7, p = 0.006), frequency of sexual thoughts
(17.4 ±11.04 and 28.1 ±14.1, p = 0.001) and ejac-
ulations (2.31 ±1.15 and 7.16 ±2.49, p = 0.001),
BMI (25.7 ±6.1 and 26.16 ±8.15 kg/m2, p = 0.002)
and both testosterone (360.2 ±107.4 and 524.2
±130.01 ng/dL, p = 0.001) and FSH levels (3.77 ±2.47
and 4.3 ±2.8 mIU/ml, p = 0.03) (Table 1, Figure 1)
between the winter and summer measurements.
We did not nd any signicant differences with re-
gards to prolactin and LH levels (Table 1).
Ample evidence exists to support the concept of di-
urnal changes in testosterone levels, but, substan-
tiations for seasonal uctuations is rare and incon-
sistent. Since circadian disparities exist, the blood
secretion, spermatogenesis, and libido [3]. Cold has
been regarded as a stress factor in many experi-
mental studies [3, 5]. Cold stress has been dened
as acute and chronic cold stress in terms of exposure
time, according to animal studies [5]. It is dened
as expose to the cold at +4°C for 8 hours for only
once and +4°C for 4 hours daily for at least 21 days,
for acute and chronic cold stress, respectively [5].
Our region is one of the coldest areas in eastern Tur-
key. The average lowest temperatures for January
and February are -15.9°C and -14.6°C, respectively.
The average highest temperatures in July and Au-
gust are 25.4°C and 26.1°C, respectively according
to the data from Turkey Meteorology Institute.
In this study, we examined the seasonal variation
on sexual behavior and its relationship with testos-
terone levels. The existence of the inhibiting effect
of cold stress on sexual behavior and testosterone
levels was our hypothesis.
The study was designed as a non-randomized pro-
spective trial. Permission for the study was obtained
from the Regional Ethics Committee and performed
in accordance with the World Medical Association’s
Helsinki Declaration (Ethics Committee approval
number: 80576354-050-99/01). Informed consent
was received from all cases.
A total of 80 cases living in Kars over one year, aged
between 20 and 35 years old, were enrolled into the
study. All cases in this study were married. The par-
ticipants were in particular chosen from the ones
who work outdoors in their work place or who are
exposed to the cold for at least one hour, for instance
walking in the morning and evening hours to their
work place and home in their normal winter clothes.
Our participants were exposed to the cold for
at least 60 days (the two coldest months in our re-
gion) at -15.9°C and -14.6°C, respectively, which was
slightly different from the chronic cold stress deni-
tion in terms of exposure time and coldness degree.
Blood samples were obtained from the participants
at the end of February.
Exclusion criterias
The cases with erectile dysfunction (psychogenic
or organic etiology), who are single, those in whom
the ejaculations were produced by nocturnal imagi-
nation, psychological problems, drug-using history,
or libido failure, those with a low hormone prole
in terms of testosterone, prolactin, follicle-stimulat-
ing hormone (FSH), or luteinizing hormone (LH),
and the cases who have any abnormal genital physi-
Central European Journal of Urology
Testosterone has been shown to follow a seasonal
variation in many species, especially in males, that
can promote changes in human behavior and physi-
ology, such as waist-to-hip ratio, relationship sta-
tus, and sexual intercourse [8]. While the majority
of studies report that testosterone concentrations
peak in the fall for men, other have reported peaks
during other months of the year. Inconsistencies
in prior ndings may have resulted from the var-
ied nature of different studies; some used atypi-
cal populations, used participants of only one sex,
or collected samples over less than a full year.
For that reason, the nature of the seasonal variation
in humans’ testosterone concentrations remains
poorly characterized [8].
Cold is an interesting and poorly investigated fac-
tor that may signicantly affect human physiology.
A study showed that in tropical men who were accli-
matized to Antarctica cold, exposure to cold for vari-
ous durations caused increased excretion of urinary
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and salivary cortisol
levels associated with signicant autonomic changes
in heart rate and blood pressure [5]. So, in this work,
we aimed to understand the cold effect in terms
of seasonal variations on the hormone prole, in-
cluding testosterone, LH, FSH, and prolactin and
sexual behaviors.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis
has a critical role for the development and adult-
hood in four physiological processes: 1) phenotypic
gender development during embryogenesis, 2) sex-
ual maturation at puberty, 3) testis endocrine func-
tion- testosterone production, and 4) testis exocrine
function-sperm production [9]. Androgen affects
the growth and development of the male repro-
ductive system and secondary sex characteristics,
as well as the libido and sexual behavior [9].
According to the Mulligan and Schmitt’s study, tes-
tosterone enhances sexual interest and increases
the frequency of sexual acts and nocturnal erec-
tion, but has little or no effect on fantasy – induced
or visually – stimulated erections [10]. The most
important hypothalamic hormone for androgen
production is gonadotropin-releasing or luteiniz-
ing hormone-releasing hormone (GnRH or LHRH).
GnRH secretion results from an integrated input
from the effects of stress, exercise, and diet from
higher brain centers [9]. The stress response
to physical or psychological stressors can affect
the HPG axis by inhibiting it [4].
The magnitude of the stress depends on the type
and duration of the stressor [11]. According to the
model in several studies, acute stress exposure can
change from seconds to a few hours, and chronic
stress exposure usually lasts at least 20 days [3].
samples have traditionally been obtained in order
to know the testosterone levels in the early morning.
Current research suggests that while some evidence
exists to support the notion of seasonal testosterone
changes, the discussed inconsistencies preclude the
incorporation of this concept into current clinical
standards [6].
Moskovic et al. investigated seasonal uctuations
in some hormones, including testosterone, in men
by month and by season. According to their results,
no differences in testosterone or free testosterone
were established. Statistically signicant evidence
of changes in estradiol and testosterone/estrogen
ratio were identied in men included in their study.
According to their comments, although this is con-
sistent with seasonal body habitus changes, physical
activity levels, and hypothesized hormonal patterns,
the variability reported in the literature makes fur-
ther trials covering a broader geographic region im-
portant to conrm the ndings [7].
Table 1. The results with the standard deviaons of study,
signicance p <0.05
In winter In summer p
IIEF scores 24.05 ±2.1 24.5 ±1.7 0.006
Frequency/ week 17.4 ±11.04 28.1 ±14.1 0.001
Ejaculaon/week 2.31 ±1.15 7.16 ±2.49 0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 25.7 ±6.1 26.1 6 ±8.15 0.002
Testosterone (ng/dL) 360.2 ±107.4 524.2 ±130.01 0.001
FSH (mIU/ml) 3.77 ±2.47 4.3 ±2.8 0.03
LH (mIU/ml) 4.75 ±1.83 4.77 ±1.53 0.93
Prolacne (ng/ml) 7.95 ±3.6 11.2 ±4.2 0.25
Figure 1. Testosterone levels according to the season, *p <0.05.
Testosterone: ng/dL (218–906 ng/dL).
Central European Journal of Urology
as low levels of plasma testosterone both in breed-
ing and hibernating seasons. There was no signi-
cant difference in terms of results after seven days
of cold exposure [15].
According to our results, although the values
of testosterone and FSH in winter and summer fell
within normal limits, the difference between these
parameters was signicant statistically (Table 1).
There was not any statistical difference in terms
of the LH values in winter and summer. “Perhaps
for that reason, the values of testosterone were
within normal limits in both seasons”. According to
some studies, male sexual activity increased plasma
levels of both corticosterone and testosterone. This
nding has been established in rats, mice, tritons,
amphibians, and lizards. However, the physiological
mechanism of this effect is still unknown [3]. Fur-
thermore, sexual behavior and mating have bene-
cial effects on neuronal and endocrine responsive-
ness to stress and have an anxiolytic-like effect
[16, 17]. “Namely, the sexual activity in males oper-
ates as a protective effect against the cold environ-
ment as a rationalization or defensive mechanism
of nature”.
Our results revealed a statistical difference
in terms of BMI results (Table 1). This result
is consistent with the Retana-Marquez’s et al.
study [4]. In our opinion, the mechanism of the
difference with regard to BMI is associated with
the suppression of appetite and feeding behavior
in stressful conditions, for instance during expo-
sure to the cold in winter. The summer may affect
the appetite and feeding behavior positively. The
summer diet may also affect the hormone levels
and sexual behaviors. However, in contrast, there
may be the effect of the hormones on metabolism
such as testosterone with the different pathways.
But, we believe that further randomized prospec-
tive controlled studies are needed to explain these
questions and pathways.
Limitaons of study
One of the limitations of our study was the lack
of an acute group (exposing to the cold once but
for a long time, about 8 hours). Another was that
it was carried out in a single center. The third is the
age range, in which a greater range until 60 years
old was not included; it could obtain the comparative
results in terms of the ages. Also, the summer dates
chosen are usually associated with summer holidays,
a fact that could inuence sex behaviors (more free
time, etc.) and hormones (sleeping time, outdoor
activities, etc). Thus, these observations can affect
our results.
According to these models, our study is acceptable
as a chronic stress exposure because of the expo-
sure time that was about 60 days at -15.9°C and
-14.6°C degrees. In some studies, while acute stress
did not modify testosterone, decrease plasma LH
and testosterone, or increase testosterone in ham-
sters and humans, it decreased serum levels of LH
and testosterone in rabbits, macaques, and ba-
boons [3]. Rekkas et al. established that testoster-
one in the blood of three breeds of rams showed
a seasonal variation [12]. Namely, the responses
to the same stress effect can change from species
to species. On the other hand, chronic stress in rats,
hamsters, and men has been known to have an in-
hibitory effect on the HPG axis through decreasing
LH and testosterone [3].
It is well known that masculine sexual behavior
depends mainly on testosterone, whose secretion
is suppressed by stress [4, 13]. While many kinds
of acute stress have been studied, chronic ones have
been rarely studied. Moreover, responses to the
kind of stressors changed from species to species.
This situation can be explained as a rationaliza-
tion or defensive mechanism for survival in the face
of stressors that the test subjects have exposed
themselves. For instance, in Talapoin monkeys,
subordinate males (undergoing social stress) dis-
play neither an increase in aggression nor sexual
behavior, as independent from their plasma LH
and testosterone levels [3]. For this reason, the
main purpose of our study was to identify the effect
of chronic cold stress on male sexual behavior and
on testosterone, FSH, LH, and prolactin levels.
According to the ndings of Retana-Marquez et al.,
sexual behavior in male rats depends on the char-
acteristics of each stressor and on the duration
of exposure (either acute or chronic). According
to their results of the immersion cold water stress-
or, low body temperature could be partially respon-
sible for the low performance in sexual behavior
[3]. According to our results, the frequency of the
sexual thoughts and weekly ejaculations decreased
in winter (Table 1). Panesar et al. showed that low
temperatures slowed down metabolism, partly be-
cause the kinetic energy of molecules was reduced
and enzymes might be structurally impaired.
As a result, testosterone production was completely
impaired [14]. In addition to these studies, Parua
et al. investigated the effect of cold stress on plasma
testosterone levels in toads (Bufo melanostictus)
during breeding and hibernating seasons for peri-
ods of 7, 14, and 21 days. Their results revealed that
cold-exposed animals displayed a decrease in testic-
ular weight, testicular delta 5–3 beta, and 17 beta-
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities, as well
Central European Journal of Urology
in particular should be taken into account when
evaluating testosterone levels and sexual status,
as well as the other inuences (social, cultural).
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Although testosterone levels are within normal lim-
its in both seasons, its level in cold months is lower
than the hot months. Testosterone levels can change
according to the season. The impact of cold seasons
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... Meteorological conditions can lead to changes in physiology. In temperate regions, seasonal variation in day length (which typically is associated with variation in sunlight, temperature, and precipitation) is associated with many changes in neurochemical processes within the human body, including processes involving cortisol, μ-opioid reception, serotonin, and testosterone (Demir et al., 2016;Peterson & Harmon-Jones, 2009;Praschak-Rieder et al., 2008;Smals et al., 1976;Sun et al., 2021;Velo et al., 2012). These effects represent multiple neurochemical routes through which seasonal variation in the weather can produce variability in psychological phenomena-and some of these routes can potentially affect a wide range of phenomena. ...
... As with serotonin levels, testosterone levels also tend to be highest in summer months (Smals et al., 1976); and, among men, seasonal increases in testosterone are associated with increased sex drive and sexual behaviors (Demir et al., 2016). Given the wide range of psychological phenomena affected by testosterone, this effect on sexual activity is just one of many potential implications. ...
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Many animal species exhibit seasonal changes in their physiology and behavior. Yet, despite ample evidence that humans are also responsive to seasons, the impact of seasonal changes on human psychology is underappreciated relative to other sources of variation (e.g., personality, culture, development). This is unfortunate, because seasonal variation has potentially profound conceptual, empirical, methodological, and practical implications. Here, we encourage a more systematic and comprehensive collective effort to document and understand the many ways in which seasons influence human psychology. We provide an illustrative summary of empirical evidence showing that seasons impact a wide range of affective, cognitive, and behavioral phenomena. We then articulate a conceptual framework that outlines a set of causal mechanisms through which seasons can influence human psychology—mechanisms that reflect seasonal changes not only in meteorological variables but in ecological and sociocultural variables too. This framework may be useful for integrating many different seasonal effects that have already been empirically documented, and for generating new hypotheses about additional seasonal effects that have not yet received empirical attention. The article closes with a section that provides practical suggestions to facilitate greater appreciation for, and systematic study of, seasons as a fundamental source of variation in human psychology.
... Meteorological conditions can lead to changes in physiology. In temperate regions, seasonal variation in day length (which typically is associated with variation in sunlight, temperature, and precipitation) is associated with many changes in neurochemical processes within the human body, including processes involving cortisol, μ-opioid reception, serotonin and testosterone (Demir et al., 2016;Peterson & Harmon-Jones, 2009;Praschak-Rieder et al., 2008;Smals et al., 1976;Sun et al., 2021;Velo et al., 2012). These effects represent multiple neurochemical routes through which seasonal variation in the weather can produce variability in psychological phenomena-and some of these routes can potentially affect a wide range of phenomena. ...
... As with serotonin levels, testosterone levels too tend to be highest in summer months (Smals et al., 1976); and, among men, seasonal increases in testosterone are associated with increased sex drive and sexual behaviors (Demir et al., 2016). Given the wide range of psychological phenomena affected by testosterone, this effect on sexual activity is just one of many potential implications. ...
Full-text available
Many animal species exhibit seasonal changes in their physiology and behavior. Yet, despite ample evidence that humans are also responsive to seasons, the impact of seasonal changes on human psychology is underappreciated relative to other sources of variation (e.g., personality, culture, development). This is unfortunate, because seasonal variation has potentially profound conceptual, empirical, methodological, and practical implications. Here, we encourage a more systematic and comprehensive collective effort to document and understand the many ways in which seasons influence human psychology. We provide an illustrative summary of empirical evidence showing that seasons impact a wide range of affective, cognitive, and behavioral phenomena. We then articulate a conceptual framework that outlines a set of causal mechanisms through which seasons can influence human psychology—mechanisms that reflect seasonal changes not only in meteorological variables but in ecological and sociocultural variables too. This framework may be useful for integrating many different seasonal effects that have already been empirically documented, and for generating new hypotheses about additional seasonal effects that have not yet received empirical attention. The article closes with a section that provides practical suggestions to facilitate greater appreciation for, and systematic study of, seasons as a fundamental source of variation in human psychology.
... In keeping with another Tunisian study [6] and with the literature [32,33], we found that the majority of cases took place during the spring months (40%). This was not correlated with the Danish study, which showed that assaults occurred preferentially in summer [34]. ...
... Also, this increased prevalence of SA in spring may be explained by the coincidence with school holidays in Tunisia during which leisure activities and hanging out increase. Another explanation could be related to the fact that Testosterone levels can change according to the season, which can promote changes in physiology and human behavior, such as sexual intercourse [32]. ...
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Background Despite the abundance of studies reporting the prevalence of women's sexual abuse all over the world, there is a real lack of such reports in developing countries in general and Arab-Muslim societies in particular. However, due to the little number of published studies in Tunisia, and the absence of a national database, data on female sexual assaults are still underestimated, which is a gap that needs to be filled in order to make specific preventive actions. We aim to identify the pattern of female victims of sexual abuse in the governorate of Kairouan (Tunisia) in order to provide recommendations for prevention. Methods Retrospective data were collected on all-female sexual assault victims, particularly rape, presented to the Department of Forensic Medicine of the University Hospital Ibn El Jazzar of Kairouan (Tunisia), during an 8-year period, from 2009 to 2016. Results Two hundred and sixteen victims were included. Age ranged from 3 to 82 years with a mean age of 20.4 years. Victims were single in 84.3%, unmarried in 90.7% and they lived in rural areas in the majority of cases. Rape was committed by a single individual in 94.9% of cases, and the assailant was a stranger in only 26.8%. The assault occurred most frequently in the assailant's home (73.6%) or the public places (11.6%). Evidence of recent acute general body trauma was found in 41.2% of the victims, and the most common injuries were located on the thigh, upper arm, and chest. In 28.1% of the cases, injuries were seen in the face and the neck. Genital examination showed that 188 victims (87%) had a tear in the hymenal membrane and only 13% of victims had intact hymenal membrane. A complacent hymen was noted in 2.3%. A recent anal lesion was seen in 8.3% of the cases. Cytology was performed on 78 victims. In 22 cases (28.2%), sperm could be detected in vaginal swabs up to 3 days post-assault, and pregnancy was seen in 7.4% of assault victims. Conclusion Sexual abuse represents a human rights and public health problem that is thriving in a culture of silence, particularly in the Arab region. There is a particular need to create a Tunisian national database on female sexual assaults, in order to centralize data and provide holistic follow-up for specific preventive measures. Finally, efficient management of such cases will need, in addition to legislation, a partnership between the various actors involved in taking care of the victims (health care professionals, the police, social specialists, and psychologists). In addition, civil societies are key partners to break the silence, support this issue, and raise awareness.
... In a human study, Demir et al. [71] and Santi et al. [72] demonstrated seasonal variation in circulating testosterone and sexual behaviour. It was observed that the frequency of sexual activity and ejaculation was significantly reduced in winter (cold). ...
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A global decline in male fertility has been reported, and climate change is considered a major cause of this. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, and results from greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide and methane that act as a blanket wrapped around the earth, trapping heat and elevating temperatures. Sad to say, the consequences of climatic variation are beyond the dramatic elevated temperature, they include cold stress, increased malnutrition, air pollution, cardiovascular diseases respiratory tract infections, cancer, sexually transmitted infections, mental stress, and heat waves. These negative effects of climate change impair male reproductive function through multiple pathways, like ROS-sensitive signaling, suppression of steroidogenic markers, and direct damage to testicular cells. The present study aimed to describe the impact of the consequences of climate change on male reproductive health with details of the various mechanisms involved. This will provide an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiological and molecular basis of the possible climatic variation-induced decline in male fertility, which will aid in the development of preventive measures to abate the negative effects of climate change on male reproductive function.
... However, we did not see any significant change between prandial status and serum TT in an analysis of 213 men with serum sampling taking place within a 2 hour window to negate the impact of diurnal rhythm [67]. It is also important that further work be carried out to understand the effect of seasonality on the measured serum testosterone in view of some conflicting reports [68][69][70][71][72]. Further, it is essential that clinicians are made aware that serum TT values are often lower during an acute illness (negative acute phase response) [73,74]. ...
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Adult-onset testosterone deficiency (TD) in men is diagnosed by the finding of low serum testosterone levels and recognised, associated symptoms. The condition has high prevalence in men over 50 years of age, particularly those with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Accumulating data show adult-onset TD is associated with increased mortality risk. We review the literature and consider the evidence suggesting testosterone therapy (TTh) reduces mortality, especially in men with T2DM. We previously reported that in the Burntwood Lichfield Atherstone Sutton Coldfield Tamworth (BLAST) study screened cohort of men with adult-onset TD and T2DM adult-onset TD was associated with increased mortality with TTh decreasing this higher mortality. The data hinted that the effect was greater in older men. We confirmed this observation with statistical analyses to study the effect of age on the association between adult-onset TD and mortality; Cox regression analysis demonstrated that the reduced risk (hazard ratio: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.38–0.96) following TTh was restricted to men above the median age of 65.89 years. Finally, we speculate on putative mechanisms that may mediate these associations. Heterogeneity in men with adult-onset TD is expected in view of its definition of low testosterone levels together with associated clinical phenotypes that are not always directly related. Many of these classifying phenotypes are associated with increased mortality. Thus, it is perhaps possible that mechanism(s) of all-cause mortality reduction following TTh is via the impact on these associated phenotypes such as the metabolic syndrome (MetS), hyperglycaemia, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, low haematocrit, sex hormone binding levels, erectile dysfunction, etc. We propose that further research studying the effect of TTh takes heterogeneity into account.
... Additionally, the study's season could have an effect on P300 ERP [43] due to gender-specific seasonal mood differences [44] and seasonal variations in sex hormones like testosterone [45]. Both the winter and the summer have higher amplitudes for male, while the winter has shorter P300 latencies in female [46]. ...
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Background Patients with peripheral neuropathy (PN) have subtle central pathology that might contribute to cognitive impairment. P300 is a cognitive potential that is connected to both sensory and cognitive processes. Subjects with neurocognitive disorders have considerably longer P300 latency. This study aims to investigate P300's potential as a marker of early-stage cognitive deterioration in PN patients and also, the effect of gender on P300 in patients with PN. Results A study group of 60 subjects with PN of various etiologies and no other neurological conditions was included, in addition to, a control group of 40 volunteers with normal hearing sensitivity and no central or peripheral auditory neurological abnormalities. P300 response showed significant delayed latencies in study group when compared to control group. Male group had significant delayed P300 latencies in comparison to female group. As regard P300 amplitude, male group showed no statistically significant differences in comparison to female group. Conclusions Although patients with PN apparently have normal cognitive function, the results in this study revealed the possibility of subtle cognitive impairment. Cognitive functions are affected in both axonal PN and demyelinating PN, however there were no differences found between the two subgroups. Auditory evoked potentials, particularly P300 can be used easily for early detection of subclinical cognitive impairment before appearance of any neurological manifestations. P300 latencies are more important than amplitudes and may be used alone or in addition to amplitudes in cognitive function assessment.
... Young adults and male are more likely to expose themselves to dangerous water bodies at high temperature 42,43 . High temperature could also elevate the level of sex hormones 44 and increase the risk of sexual offense 35 , which may lead to female being at higher risk of assault. However, these explanations of differential effects of temperature on specific injuries by age and sex remain preliminary and non-systematic, and more in-depth causal investigations should be conducted in the future. ...
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Injury poses heavy burden on public health, accounting for nearly 8% of all deaths globally, but little evidence on the role of climate change on injury exists. We collect data during 2013-2019 in six provinces of China to examine the effects of temperature on injury mortality, and to project future mortality burden attributable to temperature change driven by climate change based on the assumption of constant injury mortality and population scenario. The results show that a 0.50% (95% confident interval (CI): 0.13%–0.88%) increase of injury mortality risk for each 1 °C rise in daily temperature, with higher risk for intentional injury (1.13%, 0.55%–1.71%) than that for unintentional injury (0.40%, 0.04%–0.77%). Compared to the 2010s, total injury deaths attributable to temperature change in China would increase 156,586 (37,654–272,316) in the 2090 s under representative concentration pathways 8.5 scenario with the highest for transport injury (64,764, 8,517–115,743). Populations living in Western China, people aged 15–69 years, and male may suffer more injury mortality burden from increased temperature caused by climate change. Our findings may be informative for public health policy development to effectively adapt to climate change. Injury poses heavy burden on public health, but little evidence on the potential role of climate change on injury exists. Here, the authors collect data during 2013-2019 in six provinces of China to estimate the associations between temperature and injury mortality, and to project future mortality burden attributable to temperature change driven by climate change.
... However, this is also observed among Muslims. The conceptions remained low since late autumn and throughout the winter, irrespective of religion, culture, domestic economy, social status or geographic location; evidence for limited sexual activities during the colder months of a year because of hormonal or other physiological reasons are discussed in the introductory section of this paper (this limitation besides humans has been found in other biological species; see Retana-Marquez et al., 2003;Demir et al., 2016). ...
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The paper studies seasonality of conceptions among five distinct population subgroups of mainland Greece for the period 1951-2002. The populations explored include those residing in Metsovo, Dion, Organi, Kehros, as well as a “General” Sample consisting of persons located in various areas of continental Greece. The populations under investigation present diverse characteristics regarding religion, cultural background, socio-economic status etc. Records of births were derived from the Vital Registration System of the respective municipalities and communities of the populations under research were constructed. The date of child conception was estimated as the recorded date of birth minus 260 days. The analysis focuses, among others, on the construction of seasonal indices, applying a variant ratio to moving averages method which reveal, in relative terms, the seasonality of the phenomenon. Subsequently, these ratios are considered as the dependent variable in regression models while months, expressed in terms of dummy variables, are introduced as predictors. Four main sub-periods are considered; 1951-64, 1965-80, 1981-92 and 1992-2002. The findings show that the extent of seasonality differs between periods as well as between the five population subgroups though the phenomenon becomes less prominent over time in all cases. There is a tendency of an increased number of conceptions among mountainous populations during summer, irrespective of religion or socio-economic status, possibly partly due to environmental factors (i.e. seasonal workload, domestic organisation of extended families, etc). Nevertheless, the mountainous populations differ regarding the intensity and duration of this phenomenon. By contrast, in Dion, a lowland Christian Orthodox population, conceptions increase after Easter and remain elevated until June.
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Background Studies assessing variability of serum testosterone levels associated with seasonal environmental factors have been contradictory. Design We assessed associations between the seasons and changes (δ) in seasonality indices and male serum total testosterone (δTT) variability. Patients and Measurements Data were collected in 144 men with paired serum TT samples (126 non-fasting/18 fasting) analysed at Walsall Manor Hospital, UK (52.3 degrees North). Seasonal factors (ambient temperature within 15 min of sampling, humidity, precipitation, duration of daylight on the day of sampling, monthly average ambient temperature, and precipitation) were obtained from local weather-station archives. Sign-rank test determined inter-sample differences between TT and seasonality indices. Linear regression analyses studied associations between δTT and δ seasonal indices in the total cohort and subgroups (stratified by medians of age, TT and men with paired non-fasting samples). Sign-rank determined whether serum TT differed between the seasons. Results Median inter-sample interval was 63 days. No significant inter-sample differences were evident regarding serum TT levels and seasonality indices. No associations were noted between δTT and δ seasonality indices in the total cohort and subgroups stratified by age and TT. Interestingly, δ ambient temperature (p = 0.012) and daylight duration (p = 0.032) were inversely associated with δTT in the 126 men in the non-fasting group (dependent variable). Only a small degree of the variability in the δTT was accounted by the above-mentioned independent variables. The seasons did not appear to influence serum TT values. Conclusions No relation was shown between seasonality and serum TT in the total cohort, thus possibly eliminating a confounding variable that could affect laboratory and clinical practice. It may be that seasonal variation in length of day is too modest at this latitude to demonstrate significant associations, hence our findings are latitude specific. We suggest that further data analysis to address this question in areas with greater seasonal variation would be appropriate.
Intergenerational relationships are one of the most frequently studied topics in the social sciences. Within the area of family, researchers find intergenerational similarity in family behaviors such as marriage, divorce, and fertility. Yet less research has examined the intergenerational aspects of a key proximate determinant of fertility: sexual frequency. We use the National Survey of Families and Households to examine the relationship between sexual frequency of parents and the sexual frequency of children when adults. We link parental sexual frequency in 1987/1988, when children were ages 5-18, to the sexual frequency of the children in 2001-2003 when these grown children were ages 18-34. We find a modest, yet significant association, between parental and adult children sexual frequency. A mechanism behind this association appears to be the higher likelihood of being in a union among children of parents with high sexual frequency.
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Organizational leaders and scholars have long regarded social sexual behavior in the workplace as deviant, harassing in nature, and something that organizations must eliminate to ensure maximal performance. Regardless of this perspective, however, social sexual behavior is an inescapable feature of human interaction that cannot be completely controlled in organizations. Moreover, there are many aspects of social sexual behavior that have not been considered or granted enough research attention to entirely warrant the broad assumption that social sexual behavior is always problematic to organizations and individuals. In the current paper, we highlight these under-researched or ignored facets of social sexual behavior. First, we consider the potential buffering effects that consensual social sexual behavior at work can offer to those involved, in terms of protecting them from the negative impact of workplace stressors. Next, we discuss the ways in which social sexual behavior is used as a tool of social influence at work. Finally, we consider the role of social sexual behavior at work as a precursor to the development of romantic relationships among employees. Throughout this discussion, we highlight both the potential benefits and drawbacks of engaging in social sexual behavior at work rather than adopting the perspective that all social sexual behavior at work is harmful. We encourage future research to consider all angles when investigating social sexual behavior at work, so as not to be completely detached from the reality that social sexual behavior can be consensual and sometimes enjoyed.
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The present work reviews the research about the relation between sexual behavior and anxiety in animals. The most relevant results suggest that sexual behavior has an anxiolytic-like effect. This phenomenon is expressed on the subject's behavior, besides the physiological and neuroendocrine levels. Also, the review includes studies about the opposite relation, it means, how the stress affects the animal's sexual behavior.
The purpose of this study was to show the effect of cold exposure on testicular activities in breeding and hibernating seasons in the toad. Adult male toads were placed in a cold chamber in both breeding and hibernating seasons for periods of 7, 14 and 21 days. At the time of sacrifice on the 15th and 22nd days, cold-exposed animals showed a decrease in testicular weight, testicular Delta(5)-3 beta and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities and low levels of plasma testosterone both in breeding and hibernating seasons. There was no significant alteration in the above mentioned steroidogenic enzymes and plasma levels of testosterone after 7 days of cold exposure, both in breeding and hibernating seasons in respect to the control animals. The results of our present experiment suggest that environmental cold is an important modulator of breeding activities in the male toad. It also indicates that the breeding and hibernating cycle in the toad (seasonal breeders) may be asynchronous to each other.
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether continuous sexual behavior could attenuate the effects of chronic stress on spermatogenesis, sexual glands, plasma testosterone and corticosterone in sexually experienced male rats. Rats were exposed to stress by immersion in cold water (ICW) daily for 20 or 50 consecutive days. Plasma testosterone and corticosterone, masculine sexual behavior, as well as the number of offspring, the epithelial area of seminiferous, prostatic and seminal glands were assessed. In stressed males, body and testicular weights decreased, male sexual behavior was disrupted, and adrenal weights increased. In males stressed for 50 days, prostate and seminal glands had lower weights compared with controls. Prostate and seminal epithelial area also decreased in these males. Seminiferous tubules in testes from rats stressed for 20 or 50 days showed several degenerative signs, such as vacuoles in the basal epithelium, with picnotic indicia; moderate to severe exfoliation of degenerative germinal cells in the tubule lumen was also observed. In males stressed for 50 days a significant decrease in seminiferous epithelial area was observed from stages I-VIII, regardless of copulation. The litters from females that copulated with males stressed for 50 days decreased significantly. Chronic stress caused increase in plasma levels of corticosterone, which were higher in males stressed for 20 days than in males stressed for 50 days. Testosterone decreased in stressed males and it was lower in males stressed for 50 days. In stressed males allowed to copulate, body and testicular weights were similar to controls. Adrenal, seminal glands, and prostate weights, as well as epithelial areas of males stressed for 50 days allowed to copulate were also similar to controls. Corticosterone was lower than in males stressed for 50 days, but still higher than in controls. Testosterone in males stressed for 50 days and allowed to copulate was higher than in stressed males not allowed to copulate and control males without copulation, but still lower than in control copulating males. These results show that chronic stress causes germ cell loss in testes and a decrease in prostate and seminal epithelium, possibly as a result of testosterone decrease, affecting fertility. Continuous copulation can attenuate the effects of stress on testosterone levels and on the epithelial area in male sexual glands, but not on the seminiferous epithelium after 50 days of stress.
Ample evidence exists to support the concept of diurnal variations in testosterone levels; however, substantiation for seasonal fluctuations is sparse and inconsistent. Since circadian disparities exist, laboratory screening for hypogonadism has traditionally been conducted using serum testosterone levels obtained in the early morning. Should circannual variability of testosterone be confirmed, it would make the monitoring of testosterone levels more difficult while forcing the development of seasonal reference standards to allow for comparison. Moreover, decisions to begin treatment and adjustment of practice patterns would likely follow. This review thoroughly explores all of the available evidence concerning seasonal variations in testosterone levels. The impacts of melatonin, vitamin D, sleep-wake cycles, light exposure, physical activity, BMI, and waist circumference are also discussed. Current research suggests that while some evidence exists to support the notion of seasonal testosterone variations, the discussed inconsistencies preclude the incorporation of this concept into current clinical standards.
INTRODUCTION: Though controversial, seasonal variations in testosterone (T) have been observed in several populations of men throughout the world. This finding might impact screening and treatment of hypogonadism. AIM: We examined the circannual patterns of sex hormones in the southwest United States. METHODS: A prospectively assembled database of almost 11,000 patients in a men's health practice was used to collect data on T, estradiol (E), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Patient age, address, and date of visit were recorded. Of note, T:E ratio and free T were calculated values. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The data were grouped by month and by season (3 month intervals beginning with June, July, and August as summer). ANOVA was used to compare hormone levels between seasonal and monthly data sets with P < 0.05 regarded as statistical significance. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences in E (P = 0.02), T:E ratio (P < 0.01), FSH (P = 0.02), and SHBG (P < 0.01) were observed between seasons. Peak-to-trough variations were as follows: 6% for E, 16.5% for T:E ratio, 11.0% for FSH, and 11.6% for SHBG. The T:E ratio peaked in the spring and was at its nadir in the fall. No differences in T (P = 0.21), LH (P = 0.25), free T (P = 0.08), and DHEA (P = 0.11) were observed. CONCLUSION: Statistically significant evidence of variation in estradiol and T:E ratio were identified in the men included in this study. While this is consistent with seasonal body habitus changes, physical activity levels, and hypothesized hormonal patterns, the variability reported in the literature makes further trials covering a broader geographic region important to confirm the findings.
Humans' endogenous testosterone concentrations vary over a number of temporal scales, with little known about variation longer than monthly cycles. Past studies of seasonal or circannual variation have principally used male participants and have produced inconsistent results. Thus, little is known about how testosterone concentrations fluctuate throughout the year, whether such variation differs between men and women, and whether there are influences of hormonal contraceptive use. The present study collected saliva samples from a large sample (N=718) of men and women, each collected at one time point within a relatively uniform distribution over a full calendar year. Both men and normally-cycling women displayed seasonal variation in salivary testosterone concentrations, such that testosterone concentrations are maximal in the fall and minimal in the summer. Notably, normally-cycling women had testosterone concentrations that were over 100% greater at their maximum in fall compared to their minimum in summer. Women using hormonal contraceptives not only had consistently lower endogenous testosterone concentrations, but also showed a flatter seasonal testosterone profile. The implications for studies of psychology and human behavioral endocrinology are discussed.