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Food as Medicine: The New Concept of “Medical Rice”

  • Life Science Promoting Association, Japan


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Open Journal
Adv Food Technol Nutr Sci Open J
ISSN 2377-8350
Food as Medicine: The New Concept of
Medical Rice
Shaw Watanabe, MD, PhD1*; Azusa Hirakawa, BS1; Chiharu Nishijima, BS2; Ken'ichi
Ohtsubo, PhD3; Kozo Nakamura, PhD4; Shigeru Beppu, PhD5; Patcharee Tungtrakul,
PhD6; Sun Jian Quin, MD7; E-Siong Tee, MD8; Takuo Tsuno, PhD9; Hajime Ohigashi, PhD10
1Lifescience Promoting Association, Tokyo, Japan
2Kagawa Nutrition University, Sakado, Japan
3Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
4Department of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan
5Forica Foods Co. Ltd., Niigata, Japan
6Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University, Bangkok,
7Clinical Nutrition Center, Huadong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
8Nutrition Society of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
9Tsuno Rice Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Wakayama, Japan
10Kyoto University and Human Health Foundation, Kyoto, Japan
*Corresponding author
Shaw Watanabe, MD, PhD
Life Science Promoting Association
25-3-1004, Daikyo-cho, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160-0015, Japan
Article History
Received: July 14th, 2016
Accepted: July 20th, 2016
Published: July 22nd, 2016
Watanabe S, Hirakawa A, Nishijima
C, et al. Food as medicine: The new
concept of medical rice. Adv Food
Technol Nutr Sci Open J. 2016; 2(2):
38-50. doi: 10.17140/AFTNSOJ-2-129
©2016 Watanabe S. This is an
open access article distributed un-
der the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the origi-
nal work is properly cited.
Volume 2 : Issue 2
Article Ref. #: 1000AFTNSOJ2129
Page 38
In many countries, rice contributes to health by supplying dietary energy, proteins and fat.
Many different species of rice have been developed in Japan and other rice producing countries.
Some varieties are expected to prevent various diseases, or to be used for dietary therapy. The
health effects of brown rice are empirically well known, and accumulating evidence about the
physiological and pharmacological activity of rice bran strongly supports the use of brown
rice in the dietary therapy. These could be categorized in the new concept, “medical rice”. For
example: medical rice for diabetes (glycemic index<55), medical rice for chronic kidney dis-
ease (CKD) (protein<1/20), medical rice for mental health (high gamma-aminobutylic acid or
γ-aminobutylic acid (GABA), gamma oryzanol (γ-oryzanol) and/or ferulic acid), and medical
rice for cancer prevention (high antioxidant capacity). Organic cultivation is necessary to avoid
toxic substances from fertilizers and insecticides. In response to the enormous increase of med-
ical costs in many countries, encouragement of healthy longevity by changes of dietary habits
is mandatory. Functional food labeling has started in 2015 in Japan, so the proper food labeling
of medical rice could help people who want to control and/or improve their health status.
KEYWORDS: Brown rice; Rice bran; Rice ingredients; Glycemic index; Low protein rice;
Gamma-aminobutylic acid or γ-aminobutylic acid (GABA); γ-oryzanol; Ferulic acid; Phytate.
ABBREVIATIONS: CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease; GABA: Gamma-aminobutylic acid or
γ-aminobutylic acid; γ-oryzanol: Gamma Oryzanol; LDL: Low-density lipoprotein; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; BMI: Body Mass Index; DRI: Dietary Reference Intake; MHLW: Min-
istry of Health, Labour and Welfare; EPA: Eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA: Docosahexaenoic
acid; FTLD: Frontotemporal lobar degeneration; RCT: Randomized Clinical Trials; HDL:
High-density lipoproteins; HPLC-UV: High-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet;
TD2: Type-2 diabetes; BRAVO: Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion; MDRD: Modication of Diet
in Renal Disease; WHO: World Health Organization; IGF-1: Insulin Like Growth Factor 1;
POMS: Prole of Mood States; TMD: Total Mood Disorders.
Rice is the main staple food for approximately 70 percent of the world’s population, principally
living in ten areas of the Asia-Pacic region.1 In many countries, rice contributes to health
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Adv Food Technol Nutr Sci Open J
ISSN 2377-8350
Page 39
by supplying dietary energy, proteins and fat. It accounts for
more than 50% of the diet in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Lao PDR,
VietNam and Indonesia.2 In this regards, the nutritional aspects
of rice should be re-evaluated, especially the integrated compo-
sition of functional ingredients.
Until the late 19th century, Japanese traditional meals were com-
posed of unpolished brown rice and barley as staple food, miso
(fermented soy) soup and side dishes cooked with vegetables,
soybean products, and various varieties of roots.3 In the Meiji
era (1868-1905), polished rice became popular, and beri-beri in-
creased to epidemic proportions until vitamin B1 was found in
rice bran. After the World War II, polished rice, meat, eggs, and
dairy products became the major food items composing main
and side dishes. Consequently, new dietary habits largely ac-
count for the high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and
other lifestyle related chronic diseases.4
On the other hand, there is a traditional way of eating in
Japan. Macrobiotic is one of the school of dietary therapy found-
ed by Sagen Ishizaka, Kenzo Futaki, and Yukikazu Sakurazawa
(George Ohsawa).3 Whole grains and whole foods have been
emphasized as central to macrobiotic diet.5-7 Locally-produced
and organically grown, and minimally processed foods are also
recommended. Macrobiotic meals are practically plant-based:
seasonal vegetables, beans, and sea vegetables with brown rice
as staple food.8 Recently a variety of rice species have been har-
vested, and they are expected to contain various ingredients, in
addition to the ordinary nutrients.8,9
According to our research, macrobiotic practitioners consume
more magnesium, iron, vitamin E, vitamins B and dietary bers,
although their energy intake is less than that for average Japa-
nese. Their body mass index (BMI), blood pressure and low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels are often found to
be low, while glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) remained within
normal levels. Even when analyzed in comparison with other
vegetarian dietary data, daily nutritional values were higher
in those who ate rice more frequently than noodles, and even
higher in brown rice than white rice.10 The macrobiotic dietary
habit of eating brown rice seemed to contribute to their healthy
state. The consumption of small sh, in the shape of whole food,
for macrobiotic practitioners supplemented vitamin B12, eicosa-
pentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Using sample meals, we investigated whether or not
macrobiotic meals (we say genmai-shoku) could fulll nutrition-
al requirement.11 In the radar charts displayed in Figure 1, central
circle (in blue) represent the dose of Dietary Reference Intake
(DRI) 2010 recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare, (MHLW) Japan. The outer green lines represent
the relative intake doses from genmai-shoku (Figure 1). Sample
meals of genmai-shoku provided enough energy, fat and protein,
and several times more minerals and vitamins than required.
In addition to the functional effects of ingredients in
brown rice, the frequency of mastication inuences the brain
function. In Japan, fast foods with soft texture have recently be-
come popular for younger generation. The mastication frequen-
cy has been decreasing in proportion. The brown rice increases
the chewing number of times than a meat or sh dishes.12 Na-
tional Health and Nutrition Survey, Labour and Welfare (2010)
showed it was only 800 times per American meal compared to
the 30,000 times by genmai meal. Longer eating time acts to
prevent fast eating, which would be lead to obesity, and relaxes
So, brown rice could be called the “medical rice for
Figure 1: Kenji-shoku: Japanese traditional meal with brown rice and miso soup.
The macrobiotic meals (genmai-shoku in Japanese) could fulll the nutritional requirement by
making the sample meal. Center blue circle is a recommended dose of DRI 2010 by the Ministry
of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). Outer green line is a relative intake dose by genmai-
shoku. The meal fullls the energy and protein, and several times more minerals and vitamins
than required.
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Adv Food Technol Nutr Sci Open J
ISSN 2377-8350
Page 40
health”. The effects of eating brown rice have been gaining at-
tention for preventing and treating not only beri-beri and consti-
pation, but also other chronic diseases. Organic rice can remove
arsenic and other toxic chemicals ingested from fertilizers and/
or insecticides.8
Compared with white rice, whole brown rice, is rich in vitamins,
minerals, dietary bers and various functional chemicals (Tables
1A, 1B and 1C).9,13 About 8.52 million metric tons of brown rice
are produced every year in Japan. Rice bran makes about 10% of
unprocessed rice by weight, and contains 18-22% oil, of which
up to 5% of unsaponiable dark oil (Figure 2). Rice bran can be
used in a variety of applications such as food, animal feed and
fertilizer, but most of the rice bran is discarded at present.
Recently, much attention has been paid to rice bran, be-
cause of various pharmacological properties of its ingredients,
like anti-oxidation. A current study further claried the proper-
ties of many functional ingredients in rice bran.13,15 A current
study has further claried the properties of many functional in-
gredients in rice bran15 It is separated to gum, wax, dark oil and
scum by different boiling temperature for further extraction of a
number of chemicals (Figure 2). The biological activities of each
factor have been claried by many in vivo and in vitro experi-
ments. Human data by randomized clinical trials (RCT) are also
(1) Lipophilic Ingredients
The nutritional benets of rice bran oil are well known.15-17
γ-oryzanol and tocotrienol are considered to be the active ingre-
dients in the oil.18 The pharmacological effects are: a decrease in
total and LDL cholesterol, an increase in high-density lipopro-
teins (HDL) cholesterol, a decrease in triacylglycerol and ApoB,
and the inhibition of platelet aggregation. γ-oryzanol is con-
tained in the non-saponiable fraction of rice bran. γ-oyzanol is
Table 1A: Nutrient composition of brown rice, milled rice and rice bran at
14% moisture content.14
Table 1B: Typical minor components found in Thai rice bran oil.
Thai Edible Oil Co. Ltd’s Lab, 2010-2011.
Figure 2: Ingredients in rice bran.
Brown rice is produced in amounts of about 8.52 million metric tons (MT) a year in Japan. This
means that 0.8 million MT of rice bran are produced annually, because rice bran makes 8 to 10% of
the brown rice. Rice bran is used in a variety of applications such as food, animal feed and fertilizer,
but most of the rice bran is discarded at present. Recently much attention has been paid to rice bran,
because it has been reported that the ingredients of rice bran show various interesting properties,
such as anti-oxidation and lowering of serum lipid levels.
Rice part
Energy content (J)
Energy content (kcal)
363-385 349-373
Crude protein (g)
7.1-8.3 6.3-7.1
Crude fat (g)
Available carbohydrate (g)
Total dietary ber (g)
2.9-4.0 0.9-2.3
Water-insoluble ber (g)
2.0 0.5
Sugar (g)
0.2-0.5 0.8-5.5
Phytic acid (g)
0.4-0.9 0.1-0.2 3.0-7.4
Phenolic (g catechin)
0.01-0.02 0.01-0.02 0.01-0.02
Minor components Crude rice bran oil (%)
Rened rice bran oil (%)
Free fatty acids
2.9 1.8
1.6-1.8 0.2-0.8
Total tochopherol
tocopherols 0.021 (27.3% of tocols)
0.020 (32.4% of tocols)
tocotrienols 0.057 (72.6% of tocols)
0.042 (67.6% of tocols)
Rice bran wax 2-3
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Table 1C: Various nutrients and ingredients in rice per 100 g.
protein amino
Protein (g)
5.7-6.8 2.8-3.7 1.8-2.4 2.4-2.6
Arg mg
445-534 201-285 149-194 185-208
228-253 100-137
139-164 92-137
269-329 130-175 95-124 111-125
164-196 87-111
325-383 144-213 105-136 134-146
274-316 121-176 86-111 111-121
233-284 107-158 80-105 99-116
922-1130 413-603 321-423 400-443
297-354 137-198 104-135 129-141
220-240 100-148 171-219
518-611 236-335 171-219 213-233
53-75 19-38 17-20
54-85 50-55
Phytic acid
GABA 3-7 4-6
Phytic acid
1.3-2.0 0.8-1.3 0.4-0.5
Cooked rice
Major nutrients Whole brown rice Brown rice
Major nutrients
Water (g)
14-15 60-64 61-64
Energy (kcal)
353-357 150-204 145-154 156-160
Protein (g)
5.7-6.8 2.8-3.7 1.8-2.4 2.4-2.6
Fat (g)
3.2-3.3 1,2-1,7 0.2-0.3 0.8-1.0
FFA (g)
2.26-2.81 0.72-1.21 0.23-0.29
SFA (g)
0.09-0.11 0.16-0.17
UFA (g)
1.68-2.1 0.52-0.9 0.14-0.2 0.35-0.4
Carbohydrate (g)
74-76 32-35 34-35
maltose (g)
0.05 0.05 0.05
glucose (g)
0.05 0.05 0.05
Dietary ber (g)
2.2-3.1 2.1-2.5 0.3-0.6
Ash (g) Ash (g)
1.1-1.3 0.5-0.7 0.1-0.2
Ca mg 8-9
3-4 4-5
P mg
290-300 120-150
Fe mg
K mg
220-250 100-140
Mg mg
Zn mg
1.9-2.2 0.8-1.3 0.6-0.7 0.8-0.9
Cu mg
0.04-0.08 0.11-0.14
Mn mg
2.0-2.5 1.0-1.5
Se mg
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
vitamin B1 mg
0.32-0.46 0.11-0.22
vitamin B2 mg
0.005 0.005
vitamin B6 mg
0.36-0.41 0.17-0.32
0.007-0.008 0.054-0.094
niacin mg
5.3-5.9 2.1-3.4
αtocopherol mg
1.3-1.5 0.6-0.8
βtocopherol mg
0 0 0
γtocopherol mg
0 0 0
θtocopherol mg
0 0 0 0
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bound to ferulic acid, and thus belongs to the family of ferulated
sterols. γ-oryzanol exists in 4 chemical forms with similar func-
tional activities: two are triterpene alcohol esters and the other
two are sterol esters (Figure 3).19,20 The solubility of γ-oryzanol
is only 0.06% in water, and 0.2% in 20% ethanol. The absorption
of γ-oryzanol may not be optimal after oral intake of brown rice.
The proportion of γ-oryzanol is 0.1% in rice bran, but it is pos-
sible to take 300 mg of γ-oryzanol by oral intake of brown rice.
Phenolic compounds are major antioxidant and radical
scavenging ingredients in rice. Nakamura et al19,20 developed a
method for the simultaneous determination of phenolic com-
pounds in rice by high-performance liquid chromatography-
ultraviolet (HPLC-UV). Eleven kinds of phenolic compounds
were identied in rice: ferulic acid, caffeic acid, sinapinic acid,
p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic
acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, 6’-O-feruloylsu-
crose and 6’-O-sinapoylsucrose (Table 2). In unpolished rice,
the three most abundant ones are: 6’-O-feruloylsucrose, 6’-O-
sinapoylsucrose, and ferulic acid.20 With their representative
concentrations of 1.09, 0.42 and 0.33 mg/100 g rice our, they
represent 84.0% by weight of the total amount of soluble pheno-
lic compounds (2.19 mg/100 g brown rice our). Polished rice
contains only 0.28 mg of phenolic compounds/100 g rice our.
Tocotrienol and tocopherol are lipid-soluble anti-
oxidants, which prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.21
Squalene, an isoprenoid compound structurally similar to beta-
carotene, is an intermediate metabolite in the synthesis of cho-
lesterol. In humans, about 60 percent of dietary squalene is ab-
(2) Water-Soluble Ingredients
Inositol and phytic acid are water-soluble ingredients like
GABA.22-28 Magnesium, calcium and other trace elements are
Figure 3: Gamma-oryzanol in unsaponiable fraction of rice bran: γ-Oryzanol: Anti-stress effects,
palliation of menopausal disorders and dysautonomia.
Gamma-Oryzanol being bound to a molecule known as Ferulic Acid; so it is essentially a term used
to refer to a collection of ferulated sterols. Major g-oryzanol has 4 types; two are triterpene alcohol
ester and the other two are sterol esters. The functional activity is not different.
Table 2: Contents of soluble phenolic compounds in rice (mg/100 g).
Unpolished Polished
ferulic acid
0.33 0.07
caffeic acid
sinapinic acid
p-coumaric acid
0.098 0.02
vanillic acid
protocatechuic acid
syringic acid
0.03 0.01
hydroxybenzoic acid
chlorogenic acid
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also included in this fraction.
In 2008, Maeba et al26 reported an interesting clinical
observation about the preventive effect of inositol on metabolic
syndrome. Seventeen subjects with metabolic syndrome were
given inositol per os for 2 weeks (5 g a day for one week and 10
g a day thereafter). The authors observed a signicant decrease
in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, small dense LDL choles-
terol and apolipoprotein B (a marker of post-prandial hyperlip-
idemia). Waist circumference, high-sensitivity CRP and fasting
blood glucose level also improved. Interestingly, a signicant
decrease in blood glucose level was only observed among sub-
jects with metabolic syndrome. This may reect higher con-
centrations of serum plasminogen, which is a protective factor
against oxidative stress. The nding suggests that plasmalogen
is a key factor mediating the benecial effect of inositol on the
metabolic syndrome.
Myoinositol is a ring-shaped polyalcohol (Figure 4). It
has half the sweetness of sucrose. It is an element of the vita-
min B complex, although it is not a real vitamin. It is present
in human colostrum, and considered to be essential for babies’
growth. It is also effective for the prevention of metabolic syn-
drome. It has shown anti-fatty liver effect, anti-diabetic effect,
improvement of metabolic syndrome, effectiveness against pan-
ic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders, and inhibitory
effect on lung cancer in animal experiment.27 The intake of large
amounts of inositol (more than 10 g a day) could improve the
panic syndrome.28
Phytic acid is a phosphatized inositol, and has a strong
chelating effect, pH adjustment effect, and antioxidant action. It
is used for the prevention of discoloration and as a deodorant.
In vivo, it is expected to have various effects, for example: de-
toxication, anti-fatty liver effect, immuno-stimulatory action,
and anti-cancer effect by inhibition of the phosphoinositide (PI)
3-kinase system.
Many different kinds of rice have been developed in Japan and
other rice producing countries.9,29 Some varieties are expected
to prevent various diseases, or to be used for dietary therapy.30
For example, ‘super-hard’ high-amylose rice could be used for
diabetic patients,31 low-protein or low-gluterin rice for patients
with renal failure,32,33 GABA-rich large germ rice is expected to
improve mental health,34 and rice with high antioxidant proper-
ties would be effective for the prevention of cancer and other
diseases.35,36 Human data are accumulating, so we believe it is
time to introduce the concept of medical rice for disease preven-
tion and treatment (Table 3).
(1) Medical Rice for Diabetes
In 2012, a meta-analysis reported an association between white
rice intake and increased risk of type-2 diabetes (T2D), suggest-
ing the need to replace white rice by brown rice in the Japa-
nese diet.37 The effects of brown rice on visceral obesity and
endothelial function were shown in the Okinawa branch retinal
Table 3: Candidates of medical rice.
Figure 4: Inositol and phytic acid.
Inositol and phytic acid are water soluble ingredients like GABA. for mental health. Magnesium,
calcium and other trace elements are also present in the same fraction. Inositol is a member of
vitamin B complex, although it is not a real vitamin. It is rich in human colostrum, and considered
to be essential for baby’s growth. It has anti-fatty liver effect, anti-diabetic effect, improvement of
metabolic syndrome, effectiveness for panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intake
of large amount of inositol, more than 10 g a day, could improve the panic syndrome.
Medical rice for health Organic brown rice containing nutrients and functional ingredients
Medical rice for diabetes Superhard rice or rice powder with low GI, mostly less than 50
Medical rice for kidney disease Low protein rice containing less than 1/25 protein
Medical rice for mental health High GABA, and/or γ-oryzanol/ferulic acids
Medical rice for cancer prevention Brown rice with high antioxidant activity with functional ingredients
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vein occlusion (BRAVO) study.38 Participants were between 30
and 60-years-old males with metabolic syndrome. Brown rice
reduced their post-prandial blood glucose level and insulin lev-
el. A decrease in body weight and an improvement of various
biochemical abnormalities were also observed. The benet of
brown rice and brown rice with legumes for glycemic and insu-
linemic control were also shown by Mulan et al.30
Recently, Ohtsubo et al39-41 succeeded in harvesting
special super-hard rice, which contained a high concentration of
resistant starch, due to long amylopectin chains. It showed good
effect on postprandial glucose level and insulin secretion (Figure
5). However, the taste is different from ordinary Japonica rice.
So, they next developed super-hard-rice powder after boiling.
Now, the powder of super-hard rice is available for a number of
new food items. For example, medical “Tomato Bread” is made
of super-hard rice powder, containing resistant starch, GABA
rich pre-germinated brown rice, tomato as a source of lycopene,
and gelatinized rice our for durable palatability. The size and
taste is comparable to wheat bread. Tasty rice noodle is also
made from this powder.31,40
(2) Medical Rice for Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) and Renal
One of the benets of a low-protein diet is the preservation of the
kidney function.42 Distinct mechanisms could be identied: (1)
improvement of hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia, (2) de-
crease in urinary protein, (3) improvement of subjective symp-
toms, (4) prevention of complication, (5) good control even after
indication of hemodialysis for better survival.43
The protein in rice is stored in two different types of
compartment.44 The major proteins are prolamin and gluterin.
Prolamin is the alcohol soluble protein fraction remaining after
salt extraction of globulin. Glutelin is the dilute-acid or dilute-
alkaline soluble protein fraction after prolamin extraction. Most
of the prolamin was present at the periphery in whole rice grains,
implying that prolamin is removed by enzymatic digestion on
polished white rice.33
Low-protein rice is available in Japan in ve different
packages, depending on their different amount of protein. The
rice content varies between 150 g and 180 g to reach a total con-
tent of 160 kcal (2 E-unit).45 The lowest protein concentration is
0.1 g/pack, which is 1/25 of normal rice (Figures 6A and 6B).
The palatability period is usually 7 months, but some packages
have an extended storage period of 3.5 years for disaster situa-
Ideura46 conrmed the effects of a low-protein diet on
patients with chronic kidney diseases. At the threshold of renal
failure of 6 mg serum creatinine/dl, low protein diet had started.
With a content of 0.4-0.5 g/kg body weight, the median survival
Figure 5: Postprandial blood glucose and insulin level.
Super hard rice showed suppression of postprandial glucose level and insulin
secretion. Super hard rice or purple rice, and new technology, such as co-extru-
sion with red onion germination, make it possible to fortify bio-active rice bread.
Figure 6: (a) Aseptic Package of low protein rice and (b) nutritional components of low protein rice.
A: Low protein rice.
Low protein rice is available in packed state in Japan. There are ve different amount of protein rice. The rice content is 150 g to 180 g to fulll 160 kcal (2
serving unit of Diabetic Society). Lowest protein concentration is 0.1 g, which is 1/25 of normal rice. Palatability period is usually 7 months, but some has 3.5
year best-before period as storage pack for a disaster.
B: Low protein rice.
Nutritional aspect of low protein rice is characteristic. Energy source is preserved and protein concentration is well controlled. Low potassium and phosphate
concentration are additional benets for CKD patients. If the patients continue to eat meat, the control of K and P is very difcult.
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was 4 years.
With a content of 0.6 and 0.7 g/kg, no benecial effect
was observed compared with a control group (>0.8 g/kg body
weight). The optimal low-protein content was 0.3 g/kg body
weight. Low potasium and phosphate concentrations are addi-
tional benets for CKD patients.
Sun et al47 performed a preliminary study in Huadong
Hospital (Shanghai, China), examining the effect of 12-weeks
of low-protein rice as dietary therapy (0.6 g/kg body weight) for
CKD patients. Cooked rice was provided 3 packs/day contain-
ing 1.35 g proteins and 900 kcal energy.33 The meal plan was
checked by trained research dietitians, and dietary intake and
compliance were monitored through diet diaries.
Compared with baseline levels, the total dietary ener-
gy increased from 1606 kcal/d (27.9 kcal/kg bwt) to 1748 kcal
(30.8 kcal/kg bwt). Dietary daily vitamin B1 intake increased
from 0.34 mg to 0.78 mg, and vitamin B2 intake from 0.42 mg
to 1.08 mg. Serum albumin slightly increased from 44 g/L to
46 g/L. The total serum protein concentration increased from
74 g/L to 77 g/L. Meanwhile, changes in body weight, BMI,
and hemoglobin were not signicant. After 12 weeks, urinary
protein levels decreased from 0.4 g/d to 0.1 g/d. Urine albumin
decreased from 130.8 mg/24 h to 60.8 mg/day. Twenty-four uri-
nary protein, albumin excretion, and urinary albumin/creatinine
ratio decreased by 63.7%, 55.0% and 52.0%, respectively.
Low-protein rice was well accepted by Chinese CKD
patients. It is an important tool for CKD dietary therapy as it
increases energy and micronutrients intake and improves the nu-
tritional status. A long-term and large sample size RCT study
is planned in Thailand to conrm the protective effects of low-
protein rice on CKD progression.
The average Japanese citizen consumes 60 g protein a
day, and half comes from rice. By using low-protein rice, we can
reduce the protein intake by half. The amount of sh or chicken
on side dishes does not need to be strictly restricted. However, if
the main dish contains a large portion of beef like in the Ameri-
can diet, meat is the source of both protein and energy. In the
well-designed multicenter Modication of Diet in Renal Disease
(MDRD) study,48 the benet of a very low protein diet could
not been shown. We analyzed their data and found the reason
why MDRD study was failed.49 The energy intake was less than
70% of the protocol, probably due to the cut of meat from main
dish. So, energy deciency could plausibly have worsened the
Medical rice for CKD should contain enough energy
source and low protein, as well as low potasium and phosphate.
(3) Medical Rice for Mental Health
As the society is aging, the number of people with impaired cog-
nitive function becomes serious problem in the world. In Japan
the number of people with dementia is estimated to be 2 mil-
lion, and World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 47.5
million people have dementia, with 7.7 million new cases every
year worldwide.50
Large-germ brown rice and pre-germinated brown
rice contain functional ingredients to prevent dementia, such as
GABA, γ-oryzanol, in addition to nutritional elements such as
vitamins, minerals, and dietary bers.51,52 GABA and γ-oryzanol
are involved in the metabolism of hypothalamic catecholamines.
γ-Oryzanol is known to have anti-stress effects, to pal-
liate menopausal disorders and dysautonomia. Other effects
have recently been reported , for example: improvement of hy-
pertension, curative effect of Alzheimer’s disease, amelioration
in muscular fatigue.53,54 Antioxidant effect, radical eliminating
action, ultraviolet absorptive action, anti-inammatory effect,
antidiabetic effect, anti-allergic effect, increase of insulin like
growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and antibacterial action are also report-
ed, but the main hope is an improvement of cognitive function.52
GABA is also a candidate for mental health. Large-
germ rice and pre-germinated brown rice (GBR) contain a high
amount of GABA.54 Pre-germinated brown rice was developed
for easy cooking, keeping the many nutritional and functional
ingredients, such as dietary ber, vitamins and minerals, GABA,
γ-oryzanol, acyl-sterol glycoside, etc. GBR contained not only
GABA, but also ferulic acid.
The effect of ferulic acid mixed with Angelica archan-
gelica extract on cognitive functions and behavioral and psycho-
logical symptoms of dementia have been examined by Kimura
et al52 (Figure 7) and many symptoms were shown to improve
(Table 4).
Pregnant women often become unstable in mood. In an
intervention study, 41 pregnant women were randomized to take
germinated rice or white rice for 14 days.54 A psychological test
prole of mood states (POMS) was done before and after the
study, and salivary amylase was measured as a stress marker.
POMS test measures 6 dimensions of mood, and depression,
Figure 7: Mental health: Control of behavioral and psychological symptoms
of dementia (BPSD).
Treatment with ferulic acid extract led to reduced NPI scores in 19 (95.0%)
out of 20 patients and to signicantly decreased NPI scoresoverall
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anger-hostility, fatigue score signicantly improved by brown
rice eating, and total mood disorders (TMD) was nearly half of
that of white rice (Figure 8).
Mothers who in took pre-germinated rice is shown by
black column and those who ate white rice is shown by white
column. Depression, anger-hostility, fatigure score signicantly
improved by brown rice eating, and TMD was nearly half of that
of white rice.
In addition to their mental effects, the giant-germ rice
and GBR are also useful for diabetic and hypertensive patients.
In a randomized-controlled trial comparing two packs of GBR
rice with white rice, 24 healthy volunteers (10 males and 14 fe-
males, aged from 27 to 47) were studied for the effect on blood
pressure. The GBR group displayed a signicant reduction in
systolic blood pressure after 12 h of GBR intake, particularly
marked after 6 minutes of physical load with an ergometer. It
was also shown that the blood glucose levels and the incremental
area under the curve (IAUC) were lower after taking GBR. The
IAUC was 1448 mg/min/dl in GABA rich group, whereas it was
1601 mg.min/dl in white rice group.
These results demonstrate that this special pre-germi-
nated brown rice (GABA+ferulic acid) may be effective in sub-
jects with mild hypertension and diabetes mellitus, in addition to
the mental health.
Other components of rice bran (steryl glucosides [PSG]
for example) were found to be effective for coping against stress.
So, medical rice for mental health is at least dened to contain
high GABA and γ-Oryzanol or ferulic acid.57
(4) Medical Rice for Cancer Prevention
In various animal experiments, Muto et al58-60 showed that fer-
mented rice bran (FBRA) strongly prevented the incidence of
colon, breast, head and neck, esophageal, and pancreatic cancers
almost half. The antioxidant activity of rice bran could be con-
sidered to be a major factor.
The effects of many phytonutrients are expected to
work well beyond free radical protection. Of late, an antioxidant
test known as Oxidation Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC)
has become popular61-63 Other similar assays, such as DPPH,
TRAP, TEAC etc. are available to specify the antioxidant capac-
ity of food ingredients.
This is why consumers are often confused by different
values as there is no readily available comparison method among
the values obtained by different assay systems. It is proposed
that the antioxidant capacity of complex supplements should
be expressed in terms of standardized antioxidant units (AOU),
pondering the antioxidant values obtained in aforementioned as-
say system.64 Japanese intake of AOU per day is estimated more
than 10000 AOU unit throughout a year.65
Beyond the standard antioxidant vitamins, such as vita-
min C and E, we should consider antioxidants found in brightly
pigmented whole fruits and vegetables, mostly due to anthocya-
nins and proanthocyanins.64 We measured antioxidant activities
Table 4: Changes in neuropsychiatric inventory score.
Figure 8: Mother’s stress measured by POMS: Changes in POMS scores before and after
dietary intervention by GABA rich rice.
Pregnant women often becomes unstable in mood. Is this intervention study, 41 pregnant
women were randomized to take germinated rice or white rice for 14 days. As the psyco-
logical test, POMS test was done before and after the study, and salivary amylase was
measured as a stress marker. POMS test measures the 6 axises of mood, such as tension-
anxiety, depression, anger-hostility, vigor, fatigue, and confusion. High score of all six, except
for vigor, suggests the unfavorable mood, and high score of vigor suggests favorable mood.
Higher TMD score (Total Mood Disturbance) suggests in bad mood.56
Baseline Follow-up p value*
NPI total score 28.3±9.6 17.7±9.7 <0.001
Delusions 2.2±2.7 1.3±2.1 <0.05
Hallucinations 2.8±3.4 1.1±2.1 <0.02
Agitation/aggression 4.6±3.2 2.5±1.9 <0.001
Depression/dysphoria 1.7±2.9 1.2±2.0 NS
Anxiety 1.9±2.3 1.5±2.0 <0.04
Euphoria 0.2±0.9 0.2±0.9 NS
Apathy/indifference 5.9±2.4 3.3±1.9 <0.001
Disinhibition 1.9±3.1 1.8±2.9 NS
Irritability/lability 4.0±3.2 2.3±2.0 <0.005
Aberrant behavior 3.4 2.6 <0.05
4 weeks after Feru-guard® treatment in 20 patients with frontotemporal lobar degen-
eration or dementia with Lewy bodies.
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Adv Food Technol Nutr Sci Open J
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Page 47
of various rice varieties, and found that only brown rice showed
antioxidant activity (Table 5). Black rice showed the highest
anti-oxidant activity. Both brown rice and black rice retained the
high anti-oxidant activity even after cooking.66 Polished rice did
not show antioxidant activity at all. The presence of antioxidant
activity in daily meals should prevent carcinogenesis and dis-
eases caused by free radicals.
The health effects of brown rice are empirically well known,
and accumulating evidence about the physiological and phar-
macological activity of rice bran strongly supports the use of
brown rice in meals, although this is not popular in Japan and
other countries. However, in response to the enormous increase
of medical costs, the Japanese government starts to encourage
healthy longevity measures by changes of dietary habits. Func-
tional food labeling has started in 2015, so the proper food label-
ing of medical rice could help people who want to control and/
or improve their health status.44 An example of food label for
Medical Rice for Health’ is shown in the gure (Figure 9).
A word in the lower part of the mark could be changed according
to the purpose.
The authors deeply appreciate the participants in the East Asia
Conference of Standardization of Rice Function, which was held
in Kyoto from December 10 to 12, 2014. All authors attended
the conference and contributed to make the entity of medical
rice, providing their original data.
Figure 9: Food labeling of medical rice and licensed medical rice for health.
This rice is organic brown rice, containing enough vitamins and minerals with high antioxidant ability, without any
detectable herbicide or toxic heavy metals.
Table 5: Antioxidantactivity of various rice and cooked rice.
These rice with high antioxidant activity could be categorized in the medical rice for cancer prevention.
Raw brown rice
13 4 17
Raw brown rice
15 4 19
Raw brown rice
11 5 15
Cooked brown rice by pressure pan
5 3
Cooked brown rice by pressure pan
6 1
Cooked brown rice by pressure pan
6 1
Cooked brown rice without pressure
6 1
Cooked brown rice without pressure
5 1
Cooked brown rice without pressure
7 2
Pregerminated rice
Pregerminated rice
Cooked polished rice “kinme”
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Cooked polished rice “kinme”
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Cooked polished rice “kinme”
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
cooked polished white rice
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
cooked polished white rice
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
cooked polished white rice
<0.5 <0.5 <0.5
AOU-F: Antioxidant unit by avonoids; AOU-C: Antioxidant unit like carotenoids.
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The authors also thank the nancial support of Human Health
Foundation, Toyo Rice Cooperation, Tsuno Rice Fine Chemicals
Co, Ltd. Fancl Cooperation, Genmai-koso Co. Ltd, and Forica
Food Co. Ltd. to open this conference. A part of this work was
presented at the 9th Asia Pacic Conference on Clinical Nutri-
tion, which was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015. They
also thank to Dr. Philippe Calain for his contribution to complete
this manuscript.
The authors do not have any conicts of interest regarding this
paper to any company.
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... These by-products, lost during the milling process, have high amounts of macro-and micronutrients, such as protein, lipids, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (e.g., phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanin, tocopherols, γ-oryzanol, and phytic acid), which are all health-promoting components [14][15][16][17]. Current cohort studies and systematic reviews have revealed that a higher intake of whole grain rice is associated with a lower risk of NCDs, such as T2D, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and cancers [15,[18][19][20][21][22][23]. This effect is partly due to the high amount of bioactive compounds in rice bran and germ, which have remarkable biological activities, such as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, cholesterollowering, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory activities [15,[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. ...
... Current cohort studies and systematic reviews have revealed that a higher intake of whole grain rice is associated with a lower risk of NCDs, such as T2D, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and cancers [15,[18][19][20][21][22][23]. This effect is partly due to the high amount of bioactive compounds in rice bran and germ, which have remarkable biological activities, such as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, cholesterollowering, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory activities [15,[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. ...
... Higher intake of whole grain rice is associated with a lower risk of NCDs [13,18,[21][22][23][24][25], the reason being the high concentration of bioactive compounds in bran and germ fraction, e.g., phytochemicals and dietary fibre. They play various roles in biological activities, such as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity and cholesterol-lowering, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory activities [15,[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. ...
Full-text available
Consumers’ general preference for white rice over whole grain rice stems from the hardness and low palatability of cooked whole grain rice; however, strong links have been found between consuming a large amount of white rice, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and acquiring type 2 diabetes. This led us to formulate a new breeding goal to improve the softness and palatability of whole grain rice while promoting its nutritional value. In this study, the association between dietary fibre profiles (using an enzymatic method combined with high-performance liquid chromatography) and textural properties of whole grain rice (using a texture analyser) was observed. The results showed that a variation in the ratio of soluble dietary fibre (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) influenced the textural characteristics of cooked whole grain rice; found a strong association between SDF to IDF ratio and hardness (r = −0.74, p < 0.01) or gumminess (r = −0.69, p < 0.01) of cooked whole grain rice, and demonstrated that the SDF to IDF ratio was also moderately correlated with cohesiveness (r = −0.45, p < 0.05), chewiness (r = −0.55, p < 0.01), and adhesiveness (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) of cooked whole grain rice. It is suggested that the SDF to IDF ratio can be used as a biomarker for breeding soft and highly palatable whole grain rice of cultivated tropical indica rice to achieve consumer well-being. Lastly, a simple modified method from the alkaline disintegration test was developed for high-throughput screening of dietary fibre profiles in the whole grain indica rice samples.
... Tus, black rice results in controlling and preventing chronic diseases, such as coronary infarction, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, allergies, and Alzheimer's disease [9,10]. Many ready-to-serve (RTS) and RTE foods use white rice as the main ingredient; however, it can be replaced with black rice to develop a new food product with increased nutritional status [11]. Among legumes, lentils have the highest content of functional components, such as total phenolic content, than other common legumes [12], which have potential health benefts as complementary medicinal foods, that exert antioxidant, hypolipidemic, cardioprotective, anti-infammatory, and anticancerous effects [13]. ...
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Most of the beverages have a high glycemic index, which is attributed to a sudden rise in blood sugar. The beneficial role of functional foods combination provided the tool to perform and design our study to develop an instant beverage mix (IBM) that might be revealed as the favorable therapeutic potential for the treatment of hyperglycemia and act as a functional beverage. Therefore, resistant fibre-rich ingredients/raw materials were used to formulate the cereal-based instant beverage (CIB). CIB was formulated using black rice flour (40–70%), germinated lentil flour (10–20%), sweet potato flour (10–20%), and mulberry powder (10–20%). The product formulation was optimized with respect to the following responses such as color and appearance, texture, flavor, taste, and overall acceptability using a D-optimal mixture design. The results revealed that the variation in raw ingredients significantly affected the organoleptic properties of trials. The ratio 40 : 20 : 20 : 20 of black rice: germinated lentil: sweet potato: mulberry was found to be optimum for the development of CIB. Optimized CIB had 9.71 ± 0.10 g/100 g of crude protein, 4.73 ± 0.09 g/100 g of fat, and 4.48 ± 0.06 g/100 g of crude fibre. Moreover, the total mineral content and carbohydrate content were found to be 1.08 ± 0.07 g/100 g and 72.45 ± 0.44 g/100 g, respectively, whereas, the energy value was 371.21 ± 4.23 kcal. In vivo glycemic index was also performed for the optimized CIB. The findings showed a lower glycemic response (37.70) than the diabetic control group, and blood glucose was found to be lowered (279.67 ± 20.06 to 227.17 ± 13.44 mg/dL) via the hypoglycemic mechanism. Thus, the optimized CIB exhibited a therapeutic effect against diabetic conditions and might be a healthy instant beverage for human consumption.
... We have studied the health benefits of genmai for many years [3][4][5][6][7][8]. It is a multifactorial, complex system, with starch as an energy source, plus about 8% protein, several percent fat, abundant vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber to stabilize intestinal bacteria, and g-oryzanol to lose weight and even control addiction [9,10]. ...
... In Japan, there is a saying called "Ishoku Dogen." According to this concept, medicine and foods are derived from the same sources; they work on the body to keep it healthy [8]. The "low-protein processed brown rice package" (JAS0027) can address two significant social challenges: reducing medical expenses and revitalizing paddy field agriculture by fair trade. ...
... In Japan, there is a saying called "Ishoku Dogen." According to this concept, medicine and foods are derived from the same sources; they work on the body to keep it healthy [8]. The "low-protein processed brown rice package" (JAS0027) can address two significant social challenges: reducing medical expenses and revitalizing paddy field agriculture by fair trade. ...
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The Medical Rice Association organized the International Workshop on Dietary Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on March 4-5, 2023, in Tokyo. The conference focused on the gut-kidney linkage and low protein genmai (brown rice), which received approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries meeting the Japanese Agricultural Standard’s JAS 0027 product and process certification criteria. . Restricting protein intake is essential for patients with renal insufficiency, but compliance is complex. A meal that only substitutes white rice by the LPFG package without strict limitations on side dishes is easy to maintain good adherence to protein and mineral controls. Comparing pre-and post-assessment is a straightforward and practical method under the solution-oriented strategy. Tokyo declaration at the workshop was as follows: A: Pathophysiology of CKD and ESRD 1. Excessive protein intake burdens the kidneys, and a protein-rich diet and uremic state lead to dysbiosis in the intestinal flora. 2. Uremic toxins produced in the intestinal tract leak (the leaky gut), reach the liver and are metabolized into highly toxic uremic poisons. 3. Inflammatory stimulation by toxins causes the liver to release cytokines such as IL6 and CRP, causing mild inflammation throughout the body and causing cardiotoxicity. 4. As this gut-liver-kidney toxicity increases, it forms a negative spiral of the gut-kidney linkage. 5. Unless this negative spiral is improved, we cannot control CKD with antidiabetic drugs, hypertensive drugs, diuretics, etc., that target the kidney. B: Low protein genmai, JAS0027 1. Low protein genmai (brown rice) package is the only food that improves intestinal dysbiosis and leaky gut and is also effective for the kidneys. 2. The energy content in low-protein genmai is almost the same as brown rice and white rice. It features brown rice components such as dietary fiber, γ-oryzanol, antioxidant activity, and characteristic low protein, low potassium, low phosphate, and no NaCl. The JAS guarantees internationally credible functional ingredients (JAS0027). C: Clinical practice 1. Patients can reduce protein intake by 10g by replacing three staple meals with this low-protein genmai pack. If the amount of protein in the side dishes is around 10g per meal (50 g of meat or fish), it will make a low-protein meal of about 0.5g/kg body weight without imposing a stressful burden to the patient. Plant protein is more recommended than meat. 2. Dietary therapy requires voluntary efforts by patients, but integrated support by society is also necessary. D: Public Health and Epidemiology 1. Randomized Clinical Trials to obtain evidence of diet therapy tend to fail, particularly when patients increase protein or have deficient energy intake during the trials. It is difficult to control individual subjects and their diets over time. 2. Voluntary low-protein diets, which are less burdensome, improve patients' QOL and help reduce medical expenses. 3. Evaluating historical evidence and developing new epidemiological methods like pro- and post-comparison is necessary to build evidence of dietary therapy.
... Increased public awareness of health and the slogan "Food as medicine", will increase the need for functional food, including for groups with special needs [1] [2]. One group that requires special food is people with celiac disease who cannot consume gluten and casein [3] [4]. ...
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The development of gluten-free cookies can be done using fiber-rich konjac flour. The addition of protein sources will reduce the GI of the ingredients so that the addition jack bean flour which is a local food is expected to increase its functional properties. To improve its appearance and functional properties, dragon fruit which is rich in anthocyanins is added as a functional component. The aim of the study was to determine the right formulation to produce gluten-free food from konjac tubers, jack bean and dragon fruit with good nutritional and sensory values and favored by panelists. The study used a factorial Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors. The first factor is the proportion of konjac flour: jack bean flour consists of 3 levels, namely 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40. The second factor was the proportion of dragon fruit consisting of 3 levels, namely 10, 20 and 30%. The variables studied at this stage are nutritional values including levels of total protein, fat, minerals, water, ash, yield, and carbohydrates as well as sensory properties including aroma, texture, taste, colour, aftertaste, flavour, and overall acceptability. The conclusion from this study is that the ratio of the use of konjac tuber flour and jack bean flour, as well as the proportion factor of the use of dragon fruit concentrate have an effect on moisture content, ash content, fat content, total protein content, carbohydrate content, and yield of the resulting cookies. In addition to the results of sensory analysis, the results showed a significant effect of the use of the ratio of flour and dragon fruit concentrate, on the attributes of color, aroma, taste, texture, flavour, aftertaste, and overall acceptance of cookies.
Japan adopted German medicine during the Meiji era and ousted traditional Chinese medicine [1]. The study of physiology and biochemistry, such as energy metabolism, protein amino acid metabolism, and digestion, greatly advanced at the end of the nineteenth century. Tadasu Saeki, who studied at Yale University, proposed the concept of “nutrition science” based on his experiences upon returning to Japan, and in 1920, he established the National Institute of Nutrition. The term Nutrition originates from the Greek word meaning “to nourish,” sharing the same root as the word nurse. Saeki’s nutrition science made significant contributions to improving the nutrition of the Japanese people, but it was not recognized as a discipline and was taught in home economics departments as a subject for women. Even now, there is no nutrition science in medical education, and the training of dietitians is based in home economics departments. On the other hand, Japan has had the concept of dietary health since the Heian period. The “Yojokun” written by Ekiken Kaibara during the Edo period became a long-read classic. In the Meiji era, Sagyen Ishizuka, who became the army’s pharmaceutical supervisor, advocated brown rice vegetarianism and the concept of “Shindo-Fuji,” and formed the Shoku-Yo-Kai. This trend was passed on to Kenzo Futaki and Joichi Sakurazawa and is active as the Japan Comprehensive Medical Association and Macrobiotics. Brown rice vegetarianism became a national movement before the war. With the longevity of the population in the 2000s, the limitations of Western medicine have become apparent. Home medical care has become important in the medical system, and individualized medicine and integrated medicine that emphasize dietary habits to maintain high patient QOL are increasing within the Anti-Aging Medical Society [2].
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Anaerobic germination and enzymatic saccharification significantly affected the chemical compositions of riceberry rice-based functional drink. Anaerobic germination significantly affected the moisture and carbohydrate contents in germinated riceberry rice (GRR), whereas the contents of crude protein, crude fat, ash and crude fiber were not changed significantly. During anaerobic germination, production of ATP was limited; therefore, the enzyme activity in the seed could be delayed in order to conserve the nutrients. With increasing germination time, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) increased, reaching a maximum percentage of 58.6% in 96-hour GRR but total phenolics and total anthocyanins significantly decreased with a loss percentage of 26.5% and 44.4%, respectively. Enzymatic saccharification using a-amylase and a-glucoamylase significantly increased sugar (total sugar, reducing sugar and glucose) contents in GRR extract, depending on incubation duration of both enzymes. The 0.5 hour-incubation with a-amylase in combination with the 12 hours-incubation with a-glucoamylase was the condition under which the extract contained the highest amount of reducing sugar (22.5 g/L), glucose (11.1 g/L) and total phenolics (22.5 g gallic acid equivalent/L). As the result, anaerobic germination in combination with enzymatic saccharification might be applied as a green process for the production of a functional drink from riceberry rice.
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In many countries, rice contributes to better health by supplying dietary energy, proteins, fat, and various micronutrients. Many different rice species are cultivated in Japan and other rice-producing countries, in which we expect some varieties to prevent many diseases. In particular, the health effects of brown rice are apparent. In particular, rice bran ingredients accumulated evidence about their physiological and pharmacological activity. The Japanese diet has become a world heritage and famous worldwide, but knowledge about the benefits of rice eating is limited. Here, we would like to focus on the benefits of eating brown rice and recently developed low-protein fermented brown rice (LPFG) to improve the gut-kidney axis’s negative spiral in kidney disease patients. Other potential benefits of brown rice are the suppression of dementia and celiac disease. The category of “medical rice” represents the health effects of rice eating.
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Background/objectives: This cross-sectional study aimed to estimate total antioxidant capacity (TAC) intake from food and beverages in a Japanese population from 7-day seasonal dietary records. Subjects/methods: The 7-day weighed dietary records of 390 subjects over four seasons between 1996 and 1998 were used. The TAC values (μmol trolox equivalents (μmol TE)/g) of various foods and beverages were defined, as reported in previous studies for weighed dietary records, using several different methods. TAC values of foods were estimated in 242 food and beverage items: 86.5% of vegetables, 99.1% of fruits, 71.5% of potatoes, 96.7% of beans, and 100% of chocolates. Differences in TAC intake per day and intake (g) per day among seasons in each of the food and beverage group were compared using a general linear model for repeated measures. The TAC intake/day were calculated for each food and beverage item in the four seasons. Results: TAC intake/day (μmol TE/day) varied from 10 189 (summer) to 12 292 (winter). TAC intake/day from fruits (2696) and potatoes (395) was highest in autumn, from vegetables (2827) it was highest in summer and from beans (4151) and tea (2331) it was highest in winter. Conclusions: The dietary habits of the studied Japanese population showed the highest antioxidant capacity in winter and the lowest in summer.
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Background: Improving the carbohydrate quality of the diet by replacing the common cereal staple white rice (WR) with brown rice (BR) could have beneficial effects on reducing the risk for diabetes and related complications. Hence we aimed to compare the effects of BR, WR, and BR with legumes (BRL) diets on 24-h glycemic and insulinemic responses among overweight Asian Indians. Subjects and methods: Fifteen overweight (body mass index, ≥23 kg/m(2)) Asian Indians without diabetes who were 25-45 years old participated in a randomized crossover study. Test meals (nonisocaloric, ad libitum) were identical except for the type of rice and the addition of legumes (50 g/day) and were provided for 5 consecutive days. Glucose profiles were assessed using the Medtronic MiniMed (Northridge, CA) iPro™2 continuous glucose monitoring device. The mean positive change from baseline glucose concentration was calculated as the daily incremental area under the curve (IAUC) on each test day for 5 days and averaged. Fasting serum insulin was measured prior to and at the end of each test diet. Results: The percentage difference in 5-day average IAUC was 19.8% lower in the BR group than in the WR group (P=0.004). BRL further decreased the glycemic response (22.9% lower compared with WR (P=0.02). The 5-day percentage change in fasting insulin was 57% lower (P=0.0001) for the BR group and 54% lower for the BRL group compared with the 5-day percentage change observed in the WR group. The glycemic and insulinemic responses to the BR and BRL diets were not significantly different. Conclusions: Consumption of BR in place of WR can help reduce 24-h glucose and fasting insulin responses among overweight Asian Indians.
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Brown rice (BR) and white rice (WR) produce different glycaemic responses and their consumption may affect the dietary management of obesity. In the present study, the effects of BR and WR on abdominal fat distribution, metabolic parameters and endothelial function were evaluated in subjects with the metabolic syndrome in a randomised cross-over fashion. In study 1, acute postprandial metabolic parameters and flow- and nitroglycerine-mediated dilation (FMD and NMD) of the brachial artery were determined in male volunteers with or without the metabolic syndrome after ingestion of either BR or WR. The increases in glucose and insulin AUC were lower after ingestion of BR than after ingestion of WR (P= 0·041 and P= 0·045, respectively). FMD values were decreased 60 min after ingestion of WR (P= 0·037 v. baseline), but the decrease was protected after ingestion of BR. In study 2, a separate cohort of male volunteers (n 27) with the metabolic syndrome was randomised into two groups with different BR and WR consumption patterns. The values of weight-based parameters were decreased after consumption of BR for 8 weeks, but returned to baseline values after a WR consumption period. Insulin resistance and total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were reduced after consumption of BR. In conclusion, consumption of BR may be beneficial, partly owing to the lowering of glycaemic response, and may protect postprandial endothelial function in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. Long-term beneficial effects of BR on metabolic parameters and endothelial function were also observed.
This translational text offers in-depth reviews of the metabolic and nutritional disorders that are prevalent in patients with renal disease. Chapter topics address the growing epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Each chapter integrates basic and clinical approaches, from cell biology and genetics to diagnosis, patient management and treatment. Chapters in sections 4-7 include new illustrative case reports, and all chapters emphasize key concepts with chapter-ending summaries. New features also include the latest National Kidney Foundation Clinical Practice Guidelines on Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure, the most recent scientific discoveries and the latest techniques for assessing nutritional status in renal disease, and literature reviews on patients who receive continuous veno-venous hemofiltration with or without dialysis. Provides a common language for nephrologists, nutritionists, endocrinologists, and other interested physicians to discuss the underlying research and translation of best practices for the nutritional management and prevention of renal disease Saves clinicians and researchers time in quickly accessing the very latest details on nutritional practice as opposed to searching through thousands of journal articles. Correct diagnosis (and therefore correct treatment) of renal, metabolic, and nutritional disorders depends on a strong understanding of the molecular basis for the disease - both nephrologists and nutritionists will benefit Nephrologists and nutritionists will gain insight into which treatments, medications, and diets to use based on the history, progression, and genetic make-up of a patient Case Reports will offer an added resource for fellows, nutritionists, and dieticians who need a refresher course.
“Crude” glutelin was prepared from milled rice (Oryza sativa) flour by sequential extraction of the albumin-globulin fraction with 0.5 M NaCl and prolamin with 70% ethanol-0.6% β-mercaptoethanol. The solvent, 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-0.6% β-mercaptoethanol, extracted 91% of the endosperm glutelin without gelatinizing starch granules, whereas chaotropic solvents such as urea and guanidine caused extensive gelatinization. The S-cyanoethyl glutelin (Ce-glutelin) prepared by SDS extraction of the “crude” glutelin (9.5% protein) of IR480-5-9 rice gave three major subunits with MW 38000, 25000 and 16000 in the ratio 2:1:1 as determined by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A similar preparation from “crude” glutelin of a lower protein containing rice had the corresponding subunits in the ratio of 16:3:1. The MW 38000 subunit was unique to glutelin and was not present in C3-albumin-globulin or prolamin; the subunits were only partially purified by SDS Sephadex G-150 gel-filtration. The C3-glutelin was also prepared from a crude glutelin-prolamin preparation from IR480-5-9 by NaOH extractions followed by precipitation at pH 10 and ethanol extraction of the precipitate (C3-glutelin). This preparation had the same three major subunits and in the same ratio as C3-glutelin prepared by the SDS method. The subunits of the former preparation were separated by carboxymethyl Sephadex C-50 chromatography; the MW 38000 subunit eluted between pH 6.2–8.5, the MW 25000 in an impure state at pH values above 9, and the MW 16000 subunit was eluted at pH 8.6—9.2. Amino acid composition of the Ce-glutelin preparations were similar to each other. The MW 38000 and 16000 subunits had lower lysine contents than whole C3-glutelin, whereas the MW 25000 subunit had a higher lysine content.
We have reported that newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in Vietnam have a low body mass index (BMI) of around 23 and that the major factor for this is high white rice (WR) intake. Brown rice (BR) is known to be beneficial in the control of blood glucose levels; however, it has the property of unpleasant palatability. Pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) is slightly germinated by soaking BR in water as this reduces the hardness of BR and makes it easier to eat. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of a 4-mo PGBR administration on various parameters in Vietnamese women aged 45-65 y with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Sixty subjects were divided into a WR or PGBR group. For the first 2 wk, WR was replaced by 50% PGBR, then for 2 wk by 75% PGBR and from the second month 100%. Before the beginning of the study and at the end of the study, 1) anthropometric measurements, 2) a nutrition survey for 3 nonconsecutive days by the 24 h recall method and 3) blood biochemical examinations were conducted. Fasting plasma concentrations of glucose and lipids and the obesity-related measurements and blood pressure were favorably improved only in the PGBR diet group. The present results suggest that replacing WR with PGBR for 4 mo may be useful in controlling body weight as well as blood glucose and lipid levels in Vietnamese women with IGT.