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Curiosité: Inquiry-Based Instruction and Bilingual Learning


Abstract and Figures

The issues that prompt this study are based on current research indicating the positive effects of inquiry learning onthe cognitive development of children. The purpose of this case study was to understand the effects of inquirylearning on the academic achievement and bilingual verbal ability of 5th grade bilingual students in a French/Englishdual immersion program. The treatment group of students completed research projects through a guided inquirylearning approach, while the control group experienced the traditional problem solving research approach. Initialfindings report a significant mean increase in mathematical reasoning, bilingual verbal ability, higher motivation tolearn, and increased self-efficacy in the treatment versus the control group of students.
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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
Curiosité: Inquiry-Based Instruction and Bilingual Learning
Cheryl M. McElvain1,* & Heidi A. Smith2
1Arts and Basic Teacher Credential Programs, Department of Education, Santa Clara University, USA
2Teacher and English Curriculum Coordinator, International School of the Peninsula, USA
*Correspondence: 15860 La Porte Ct., Morgan Hill, CA 95037, USA. Tel: 1-408-828-1671. E-mail:
Received: September 1, 2016 Accepted: September 24, 2016 Online Published: October 16, 2016
doi:10.5430/jct.v5n2p63 URL:
The issues that prompt this study are based on current research indicating the positive effects of inquiry learning on
the cognitive development of children. The purpose of this case study was to understand the effects of inquiry
learning on the academic achievement and bilingual verbal ability of 5th grade bilingual students in a French/English
dual immersion program. The treatment group of students completed research projects through a guided inquiry
learning approach, while the control group experienced the traditional problem solving research approach. Initial
findings report a significant mean increase in mathematical reasoning, bilingual verbal ability, higher motivation to
learn, and increased self-efficacy in the treatment versus the control group of students.
Keywords: inquiry-based instruction; bilingual children; bilingual verbal ability; bilingual learning; self-regulated
Curiosity engages learning. Children naturally question, and form conclusions when they explore their environment.
Research on the cognitive development of children suggests that when learners are curious they develop explanations
based on observable patterns that lead to new discovery, and more effective learning (Williams & Lombrozo, 2010).
Related studies on curiosity, and memory have also found that when children are given answers to questions that are
perplexing they remember them better, indicating that learning increases with curiosity (Litman, 2005).
1. Introduction
This study investigates the effect of inquiry-based instruction on the cognitive and verbal development of bilingual
children. Although it is well documented that cognitive skills acquired in a child’s first language (L1) positively
transfer to thinking in a second language (L2) (De Groot, 2011; Laija-Rodríguez, Ochoa, & Parker, 2006; Yamashita,
2002), finding the best instructional approaches to promote the acquisition of bilingual verbal, and cognitive ability
continues to be a challenge for many bilingual teachers (Alanís, 2011). Recent studies of effective language
development approaches for English language learners have reported positive results using inquiry-based approaches
in math and science instruction (Weinburgh et al., 2014), however there is limited research exploring the effects of
inquiry-based instruction with bilingual children (Moses, Busetti-Frevert, Pritchard, 2015) in other subject areas
(Chu, 2009).
The purpose of this case study was to understand how inquiry-based instruction affects the academic achievement
and bilingual verbal ability of thirty-two 5th grade students in a French dual immersion program. Bilingual verbal
ability (BVA) is the “unique combination of cognitive and academic language abilities possessed by bilingual
individuals” (Munoz-Sandoval, et al., 1998, p. 1).
The study utilized a treatment and control group to explore the cognitive, linguistic, and psychosocial effects of
inquiry-based instruction compared to traditional problem-solving instruction. No pilot study was conducted prior to
this investigation. A mixed methods approach was utilized to examine the following questions:
1. How does inquiry-based instruction affect the academic achievement and bilingual verbal development of
French/English speaking 5th grade students compared to a control group receiving traditional problem-solving
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
2. How do the students in the treatment group perceive the effects of inquiry learning on their language and cognition
compared to the control group receiving traditional problem-solving instruction?
2. Literature Review
Inquiry-based learning utilizes a child’s natural curiosity to explore new information that is meaningful to the learner.
It is a cyclical process by which the learner selects a topic or question, explores multiple sources of information with
the intent to find and support a focused perspective, shares the discovery with others, and finally reflects on the
process as a whole. Research reveals that inquiry-based learning can heighten a child’s research skills (McNally,
2005), subject knowledge, writing (Chu, Chow, Luk, Cheung, & Sit, 2007) and motivation to read (Chu, Tse, Loh &
Chow, 2011).
Recent studies in science education exploring the effects of inquiry-based instruction on the academic achievement
in of bilingual children have been positive. Amaral, Garrison, and Klentschy, (2002) examined the effects of inquiry-
based science instruction on 4th and 6th grade English language learners (ELL) in California. Results reported an
increase in children’s science knowledge as well as their reading, writing, and mathematics achievement as
demonstrated on state standardized tests. In their investigation of effective science teaching for ELLs, Stoddart,
Bravo, Solis, Mosqueda, and Rodriguez (2011) reported that instruction for bilinguals utilizing inquiry-based
approaches provided an effective context for developing academic language and literacy skills. This finding was
supported in Westervelt’s (2007) study that explored the effects of scaffolded inquiry (Maata, Dobb, & Ostlund, 2006)
on ELL students’ life science concepts. Recognizing the developmental stages of inquiry learning the teacher
scaffolded students’ conceptual understanding through a series of outdoor walks, which developed their academic
science vocabulary. Results reported an increase in the students’ understanding of academic language in their
mainstream science classes.
2.1 Theoretical Constructs
Dewey’s (1916) foundational Democracy and Education provides key constructivist understandings utilized in the
inquiry approach. Espousing whole child learning, Dewey posited, “That education is not an affair of telling and
being told but an active and constructive process…” (p. 46). He suggested that it’s only when a parent or teacher
provides conditions that encourage children to wrestle with their own questions do they truly begin to think. Inquiry-
based learning perceives information as the working capital that motivates the learner to explore. It formulates
learning as a problem posing cycle that is guided by reflection and leads to higher-level understanding.
Recent research in neuroscience confirms Dewey’s theoretical constructs providing further support for inquiry-based
learning. Studies have shown increased connectivity and exuberance in the brain when exposed to new stimuli or
problem solving (Lee, 2011). The heightened emotional response experienced in inquiry-based learning causes
learners to investigate their environment with the enhanced receptivity needed to drive critical thinking and more
effectively facilitate the encoding of new information.
2.2 Stripling’s Model of Inquiry
The inquiry-based instructional program utilized in this study was guided by cyclical elements of inquiry found in
the Stripling (2003) Model of Inquiry. Originally intended to frame the learning of information technology the model
incorporates six phases in which the students connect, wonder, investigate, construct, express and reflect on their
learning (see Figure 1). Throughout each phase students actively process information with teacher guidance and
feedback from peers, rather than passively receiving facts through a transmission oriented model of instruction
(Castronova, 2002).
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
Figure 1. Stripling Model of Inquiry
SOURCE: Used with permission from Stripling, B. (2010). Teaching students to think in the digital environment:
Digital literacy and digital inquiry. School Library Monthly, 26(8), 16-19.
Stripling juxtaposes the processes between inquiry-based and problem-solving research processes. She notes that in
the traditional problem-solving model the learner is asked to find an answer to an already existent problem
introduced by the teacher. The process is controlled, and usually results in a written report submitted to the teacher.
The cognitive processing is minimal because learners are typically copying what others have deduced.
In contrast, the inquiry-based learning model starts with a student-posed question. This question is posed during the
wonder phase in which students also make predictions and form hypotheses. Student inquiry continues to guide a
recursive process in the investigate phase in which the student researches, evaluates, and tests new information.
When students enter the construct phase, they consider new learning in light of their previous understanding, and
begin to draw conclusions. As students apply their understandings to new contexts, and situations they are invited to
share their learning with others in the express phase.
When sharing is complete students begin to contemplate about what they have learned during the reflect phase
through student journals, small group discussions, or individual teacher conferences. During the final connect phase,
students gain a perspective on their new learning and how it relates to the world around them.
3. Method
3.1 Participants
This ten-month study observed the instructional effects of inquiry-based learning in an English/History Social
Science class taught concurrently with a more traditionally structured class from September to June. Thirty-two,
fifth-grade bilingual children volunteered to participate in the study. The convenience sample was divided into two
groups, and randomly assigned to a teacher with an attempt to equalize gender, and language representation. The
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
students assigned to be part of the treatment were placed in the inquiry-based classroom for two block periods per
day. The remaining fifth graders were assigned to a control classroom taught by a different teacher during the same
Both the treatment and control groups had an equal number of students (N=16). There were seven males and nine
females in the treatment group, and six males and ten females in the control group. Each group had nine native
English speakers, five native French speakers, and two native Arabic speakers. All of the children were performing
at grade level or above as reported on their Comprehensive Testing Program 4 (CTP4) English, and French
proficiency tests. All subjects had participated in the French dual immersion program for six years.
The majority of the students came from high socioeconomic backgrounds with college-educated bilingual parents.
When asked about language use the children reported using French and English for different purposes. All of the
children in both the treatment and control groups reported using French with their Francophone parents and friends
in school. The children in both groups reported using English with parents, siblings, friends, and in the English
portion of the school day.
Two White, female teachers participated in the study. Both were native English speakers with a basic knowledge of
conversational French, however all of their instruction was in English. The teachers co-planned and taught the same
English/History Social Science concepts used in this study and submitted their lessons to the researchers during an
initial site visit. The researchers visited two times per month throughout the year to ensure the fidelity of each
teacher’s instructional plan.
Because research instruction is an important part of the English/History Social Science curriculum, the research
instructional themes were jointly developed and taught in each classroom in tandem. Both teachers spent the same
number of hours in research instruction with their students. The research pedagogical approach was the only element
that differed between both classrooms.
3.2 Setting
The study was conducted in a private international PreK-8th grade school with 580 students located in Northern
California. The French immersion program operates on trimester model. Each trimester includes three months of
instruction that promotes bilingualism, and international perspectives of the world. The students spend approximately
80% of their instructional time in French, and 20% in English. All content areas are taught in French. The English
portion of the curriculum focuses on English-Language Arts, and History-Social Science. Each student is provided
access to a laptop and extensive resources for research activities.
3.3 Procedure
This study investigated the effects of two diverse instructional approaches offered during the English Language
Arts/Social Studies time block of two hours per day, eight hours per week. Students in both the control and treatment
classes independently worked on research projects approximately two hours per week. Although all of the students in
the study were expected to report in English, both teachers gave them the choice to investigate research sources in
either French or English.
The control group of 5th graders experienced traditional problem solving instruction for their research assignments.
The pedagogy followed the historical transmission model of learning in which students were passive recipients of
teacher knowledge (Copsey Haydey, Zakaluk, & Straw, 2010). The research lessons were teacher directed. Students
were not given the opportunity to develop their own research questions, nor did they choose their own research
topics. The teacher assigned a topic as students utilized resources from the library, took notes, wrote a report, or
orally presented their findings.
The treatment group of students experienced an interdisciplinary approach to Stripling’s (2003) inquiry learning
model. Each trimester students participated in the following inquiry-based learning activities: 1) a mini inquiry, 2) a
curricular inquiry, and 3) an open inquiry (see Figure 2).
At the beginning of first trimester the teacher modeled inquiry research through a mini-inquiry using selected news
magazine articles related to sustainability. The students were asked to research sustainability practices such as
alternative energy resources in any U.S. state of their choice. In guided inquiry circles the students formed researchable
questions, read multiple non-fiction text sources, and used post-it notes to record their thinking. They met with their
research group weekly to discuss their responses as they worked through each phase of the inquiry. Students presented
their findings to the class in an oral presentation.
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
Figure 2. Treatment Group Inquiry Learning Plan
Throughout the mini-inquiry the teacher guided the students through all six phases of Stripling’s inquiry process. She
engaged students in the connect phase by relating the topic to their preexisting knowledge of themselves, others, and
the world around them. The teacher also spent time building students’ background knowledge as they began to form
their own researchable questions. Through the wonder phase, the teacher guided, and deepened the students’
question constructions while encouraging them to hypothesize and form predictions. This phase activated the
students’ schema as they began to process, and relate new information to prior learning (Milligan, 1979). When the
students entered the investigate phase they learned research strategies that facilitated comprehension such as how to
search for information, discover answers, take notes, and read with a question in mind. Throughout the construct
phase the teacher intensified the students’ research skills by teaching them how to draw conclusions, infer, find
patterns, understand multiple points of view, evaluate sources, and clarify their thinking. The students learned how to
synthesize their thinking as they read for the gist and engaged in guided small group discussions and debates. Finally,
in the express and reflect phases, the students shared their knowledge with a real audience. They demonstrated new
learning, and understanding through an oral presentation. Students reflected on their knowledge, posed new
questions, and considered how learning affected their personal beliefs and behaviors.
In the second trimester the teacher used the theme of social justice to engage students in a curricular inquiry on civil
rights. Students continued to meet in their inquiry circles reading historical nonfiction, and a historically related
whole class novel. The teacher focused her lessons on visual literacy, various note taking strategies, understanding
features in non-fiction text, and utilized interactive read-alouds to model text annotations, inferencing, and
synthesizing. The students reported their research findings via oral presentation, Keynote slides, posters, visual
models, and student generated magazines.
* Models inquiry process
Inquiry Circles
* Read news articles
* Respond with post-it notes
* Discuss findings
Students Present
* Orally
* Develops visual literacy
* Introduces note-taking strategies
* Shares non-fiction textual features
Students Present
* Posters
* Visual models
* Keynote slides
* Student magazines
Inquiry Circles
* Form researchable questions
* Target key ideas and information
* Read with a question in mind
* Note thinking
* Develops validity, reliability constructs
* Refines synthesizing skills
* Models real work application
Inquiry Circles
* Form researchable questions
* Crosscheck source reliability
* Synthesize findings
* Reflect & apply
* Plan new learning
Students Present
* Podcasts
* Visual models
* Keynote slides
Six Phases of Inquiry
* Connect
* Wonder
* Investigate
* Construct
* Express
* Reflect
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
During the third trimester the teacher introduced an open inquiry project in which the students were asked to identify
an essential question derived from anything they had read or experienced throughout the year. Borrowing from
Wiggins and McTighe’s (1998) enduring understandings essential questions were defined as focused, authentic
queries that were researchable, and essential to new learning. Student inquiry circles were organized around essential
questions as they read non-fiction texts, and historical fiction. The essential question came from culminating
thoughts recorded in their inquiry journal. Students read a multiple text genres from a variety of sources. The
teacher’s lessons taught students how to evaluate the validity, reliability, and usefulness of the information they
encountered. At the end of the year students shared their learning via an audio recorded essay podcast, Keynote
presentation, poster, or three dimensional model that was presented to the class, and their parents.
3.4 Measures
This 10-month study used a mixed methods approach to ascertain the effects of inquiry-based learning on the
academic achievement, bilingual development, and student learning perceptions of thirty-two, 5th grade students
assigned to a treatment or control instructional environment. Triangulated data were collected from the Educational
Records Bureau’s (2002) Comprehensive Testing Program 4, (CTP4), the Bilingual Verbal Ability Test (BVAT),
and 2 student questionnaires throughout the year (see Figure 3). Although the quantitative measures of this study
focused on the academic outcomes of inquiry-based learning, the qualitative measures helped the researchers
understand the total effects of the program.
Figure 3. Instrument Administration Timeline for Treatment and Control Groups
Treatment Control
Fall CTP 4
Questionnaire #1 (pretest)
Spring CTP 4
Questionnaire #1 (posttest)
Questionnaire #2
Questionnaire #1 (pretest)
Questionnaire #1 (posttest)
Questionnaire #2
NOTE: Three additional questions were added to Questionnaire #1 (posttest) for the treatm
group to help researchers ascertain student perceptions of inquiry instruction.
For this study the CTP 4 norm-referenced achievement test helped the researchers understand how inquiry-based
learning affected the overall academic achievement of the treatment group compared to the control group in multiple
cognitive domains. Fall and spring test scores were ascertained from the treatment and control groups to determine
achievement gains. The students took multiple-choice subtests in verbal reasoning, vocabulary, reading
comprehension, writing mechanics, writing concepts and skills, quantitative reasoning, and mathematical reasoning.
The reasoning assessments in English-language arts and mathematics compared what students knew with how well
they could use higher-level thinking skills to solve problems. The researchers chose to use the CTP 4 because it was
standardized on a national sample of 38,000 public and private school students and reported an internal consistency
reliability in the range of 0.78 (Fouratt & Owen, 2004).
The researchers chose to use the Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests (BVAT) because it is the only generally accepted
bilingual instrument available to assess skills associated with bilingual intelligence (Ortíz, 2002). The three BVAT
tests have their origins from the Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (WLPB-R) (Woodcock, 1991) and
the Woodcock-Johnson-Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-R COG) (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989). The
comprehensive testing manual reports that the median BVA reliability observed in 1988 for 542 bilingual subjects
was .84 (Munoz-Sandoval, et al., 1998). Concurrent, predictive, and construct validity studies of the BVAT report a
correlation coefficient within the .7 to .9 range.
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
Native speakers of English and French administered the oral version of the English and French BVAT in the fall and
spring. The procedures called for the administration of the following three subtests in the English language first, and
French second: (a) Picture Vocabulary, (b) Oral Vocabulary, and (c) Verbal Analogies. The overall subtest score was
based on the student’s bilingual knowledge and reasoning skills.
Student participants in both the treatment and control groups were given two questionnaires administered in the fall
and spring to ascertain perceptions of their respective instructional programs. All (N=32) students in both groups
responded to both surveys in English.
The first short answer questionnaire narratively assessed students’ perceptions of learning, inquiry research, and
bilingual cognition. The students were asked the following questions: (1) What is your favorite and least favorite
way of learning? (2) What does it mean to do research? Have you researched an interesting subject? (3) What is the
biggest challenge you currently face in bilingual learning? How is research in two languages difficult? Two
additional questions were added to the spring questionnaire for the treatment group only: (1) What did you learn by
doing inquiry research? (2) What did you like best/least about inquiry learning?
A second questionnaire administered in the spring utilized a short answer response format to help the researchers
understand students’ perceptions of the research activities they had experienced in both the treatment and control
groups. The Likert-type response was based on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly
disagree). The students were asked to respond to the following statements: (1) My research activities helped me learn.
Give examples. (2) My research activities influenced my motivation to learn. Give examples.
3.5 Data Analysis
The following methods were used to analyze the data identifying the cognitive and psychosocial impact of inquiry-
based learning on the academic achievement and bilingual cognitive development of a treatment group of 5th grade
students compared to their control peer group. Academic achievement and language development data were analyzed
using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) test of within-subject contrasts for each CTP 4 subtest and
the BVAT.
Content analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze emerging themes from the student questionnaires.
The researchers examined responses collected from two questionnaires. Questionnaire #1 was initially divided into
two corpus units separating the treatment and control groups. The questions were categorized into three areas of
student perception: (a) learning, (b) research, and (c) bilingual cognition. Each answer set was coded separately into
themed meaning units and analyzed using Giorgi’s (1975) empirical phenomenological method of analysis. This
method analyzes texts by looking for natural meaning units and discovering emerging themes. The technique utilized
for generating meaning was taken from one of thirteen such strategies developed by Miles and Huberman (1994).
The researchers attempted to read each student’s answer without prejudice when thematizing their statements.
Essential nonredundant themes were synthesized into a descriptive statement in order to condense the expressed
meanings into more specific understandings of student perceptions. When substantive differences in interpretation
arose, the researchers worked them together into a dialogue leading to an intersubjective agreement of .92
(Krippendorff, 1980).
Questionnaire #2 was a Likert-type, short answer form that was distributed to both groups in the late spring. The
researchers sorted the corpus by control and sample group responses, and then tallied the Likert-type items using
descriptive and summary statistics reporting numbers, percentages, and means of student responses. The researchers
analyzed the paired short answer responses accompanying this questionnaire using a priori coding (Weber, 1990).
They coded the field notes into recording units that were sorted into the following categories: (a) student learning, (b)
student successes, (c) student challenges. When substantive differences in interpretation were found, the researchers
negotiated a constructive dialogue, and resolved differences leading to an intersubjective agreement of .86
(Krippendorff, 1980).
4. Results
The results identifying the cognitive and psychosocial impact of inquiry-based learning on the academic achievement
and bilingual verbal ability of the treatment group compared to the control group are presented as they relate to the
two research questions posed for this study.
4.1 Research Question #1
How does inquiry-based instruction affect the academic achievement and bilingual verbal development of
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
French/English speaking 5th grade students compared to a control group receiving traditional problem solving
research instruction?
Table 1 presents the pretest (T1) and posttest (T2) results of the CTP4 and BVAT scores for the treatment and
control groups. The means reported for the CTP4 Mathematics subtest indicated that the students receiving inquiry-
learning instruction made significant gains in Mathematical Reasoning (T1 M = 63.6, SD = 14.4, T2 M = 73.0, SD =
12.3), compared to the control group of students (T1 M = 68.3, SD = 14.0, T2 M = 64.4, SD = 18.1). A repeated
measures ANOVA revealed that on the tests of within-subject contrasts there was a significant interaction in favor of
the treatment group F(1,27) = 12.76, p < .05. The partial η2 indicated that the interaction accounted for 32% of the
variance in scores.
Table 1 also suggests that the bilingual verbal ability (BVA) reported on the BVAT for the treatment group increased
at a faster rate (T1 M = 82.4, SD = 16.8, T2 M = 95.2, SD = 6.7) than the control group (T1 M = 90.2, SD = 12.4, T2
M = 95.2, SD = 5.7). On tests of within-subject contrasts, the repeated measures ANOVA analysis revealed that
growth in bilingual verbal ability for the treatment group over time was statistically significant, F(1,30) = 4.22, p
< .05.
Table 1. Repeated Measures ANOVA for Mean CTP 4/BVAT Scores (with Standard Deviations in Parentheses)
Category T C df F η2 p
CTP4 Subtests T1 T2 T1 T2
1 Verbal Reasoning
2 Vocabulary
3 - Reading Comprehension
4 - Writing Mechanics
5 - Writing Concepts/Skills
6 Quantitative Reasoning
7 Mathematical Reasoning
Note: *p<.05. This study analyzed inquiry-based instruction in English Language Arts/Social Studies.
4.2 Research Question #2
How do the students in the treatment group perceive the effects of inquiry learning on their language and cognition
compared to the control group receiving problem-solving instruction?
The first question on questionnaire #1 distributed in the fall and spring asked students to describe their favorite and
least favorite way to learn. Most (30 out of 32) students in both the treatment group and control groups felt that their
favorite way to learn was to listen to interactive lectures on various topics and attend field trips. In addition, most (20
out of 32) students in both groups felt that their least favorite way to learn was to memorize math facts and grammar
rules, write irrelevant essays, and read boring textbooks. There were no response differences between the fall and
spring questionnaires on this item, supporting Dewey’s (1916) notion that learning is not merely a process of
transmitted knowledge - it is a two-way negotiation of “knowing” that is socially constructed.
The second question on questionnaire #1 asked students to define what it means to do research. In the fall all students
in both groups used typical problem-solving terms to describe research. One girl wrote, “I searched for information
on the internet.” Another wrote, “I looked up words on a computer.” A third student wrote, “I looked up information
in a book.”
On the spring questionnaire, while all of the students in the control group continued using traditional problem-
solving terms to describe their research experience, many (13 out of 16) students in the treatment group began using
terms more explicitly associated with inquiry-based instruction. One girl wrote, I chose an interesting essential
question.” A boy wrote, “I found out cool facts because I dug deeper into the topic.” Another boy wrote, “I built a
project and presented it to the whole class and I had a lot of fun.” These responses exemplified learning in Stripling’s
(2003) wonder, investigate, construct, express, reflect, and connect phases of inquiry instruction. They were also
indicative of Dewey’s (1916) belief that the mind is not developed through memorization of isolated facts. Rather, it
exercises itself through direct application and “response to present stimuli” (p. 73).
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
The third question on questionnaire #1 asked students to describe their biggest challenges in bilingual learning and
the difficulties they encountered when doing research in two languages. Most (29 out of 32) students in both groups
identified few challenges in bilingual learning and research on both the fall and spring questionnaires. Identified
challenges were associated with second language comprehension in reading and writing. One boy in the treatment
group wrote, “I felt confused when I read in French because I didn’t understand all of the vocabulary.” No students
in the control group indicated that their bilingualism affected their research ability. However 81% (13 out of 16) of
the students in the treatment group reported that it was easier to do research bilingually because multiple sources in
two languages increased their information access.
In the spring distribution of questionnaire #1, two additional questions were given to the treatment group related to
inquiry learning. The first question asked students what they learned by doing inquiry research. Most (15 out of 16)
students reported that they better understood the research process because they got to pose their own questions, and
answer them using various bilingual resources.
The second question asked students what they liked best about inquiry learning. Most (12 out of 16) students favored
activities in the wonder, construct and express phases of Stripling’s inquiry process. One student wrote, “I’m glad I
got to choose my own topic.” Other students wrote about how much they enjoyed sharing their new learning with
When asked what they liked least about inquiry learning many (6 out of 16) students expressed frustration during the
investigative phase. One student wrote, “I struggled to find information related to my question.” Another wrote, “I
had a hard time combining all of my little questions into one essential question.” A third student wrote, “It was hard
for me to read the reference books. I didn’t understand all of the words.”
More than half (14 out of 16) of the students in the treatment group stated that they enjoyed everything about inquiry
research. Their words described classic reflective thinking that embedded throughout the Stripling (2003) model.
They also embodied what Dewey (1916) describes as “the joy of intellectual constructiveness of creativeness” (p.
Questionnaire #2 was distributed in the late spring. Each question on this Likert-type questionnaire asked students to
support their response with examples. The first question examined how classroom research activities affect learning.
Descriptive analysis reported that both groups of students felt that all of the research activities helped them learn
(Treatment M=1.8, Control M=1.6). No students in the control group supported their responses with examples. Over
half (9 out of 16) of the students in the treatment group supported their responses with examples reporting that their
research activities helped them direct their own learning. Content analysis of the student examples indicated that
many (14 out of 16) experienced improved subject matter comprehension, enhanced technology skills, better
understanding of bilingual conversations with their parents, and higher confidence levels in class presentations. One
boy in the treatment group wrote, “I got to direct my learning so I felt more confident about what I learned.” Another
stated, “When I was having dinner with my dad and I told him about my inquiry research question and we had an
actual conversation that rarely happens.” A third student wrote, “Inquiry research is a fun and educational way of
learning. I would rather do inquiry research than a worksheet.”
The second question on questionnaire #2 asked students to rank how well the research activities influenced the
students’ motivation to learn. A Likert-type questionnaire provided the following choices: 1=strongly agree, 2=agree,
3=neutral, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree. Although significance was not found in the data analysis, descriptive
analysis of the questionnaire reported that 15 out of 16 students in the treatment group (compared to 10 out of 16
students in the control group) strongly agreed or agreed with the statement “My research activities positively
influenced my motivation to learn.”
Short answer responses to the second question further clarified and supported these results. Responses to the
statement “My research activities influenced my motivation to learn” tended to be very general in nature for the
control group. Content analysis revealed that most (14 out of 16) students desired to learn through research. One boy
wrote, “I liked doing research about famous people because it helped me learn more facts.” A girl wrote, “Reading
about my famous African American made me want to learn more about his life.”
In contrast most (14 out of 16) of the short answer responses from the treatment group reflected an awareness of the
differences between inquiry-based and traditional problem-solving research processes. One boy wrote,
Well, I feel more confident about doing research on my own now. When its something I like, I go home and look up
more things about it. Like when we were reading Time Magazine for Kids about animals and humans communicating
together. I liked it and I learned that dogs have lots of ways to tell you they are sad or hungry or tired. Then I went
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
home and started looking up more answers to my questions.
Another girl in the treatment group wrote, “The inquiry research project helped me learn how to read even better.
That is what affected my learning the most.”
Most (12 out of 16) students in the treatment group reported that inquiry-based research activities provided a deeper
understanding of the topic, increased reading comprehension, and improved my vocabulary in both languages. One
girl wrote, “Well, I learned things that related to what we were learning in French, so I comprehended more. I think
it’s because I learned words in my research that have some French roots.” Another boy expressed his ability to use
metalinguistic competencies across each language as they exist in what Cummins (1981) refers to as Common
Underlying Proficiency (CUP),
If I research in English, I think in English. If I research in French, I think 85% in French. I don’t think researching in
English makes you think in French or vice versa. For example when I researched for the Airpod, the website was in
French, so I had to convert it to English to use the information in my presentation, which proves that I think in each
language separately.
5. Discussion
The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of effective instruction for bilingual children. The
researchers explored how inquiry-based instruction affected the overall academic achievement of thirty-two 5th
graders in a French dual immersion program. Although there was no statistical significance to report on between
group effects on the CTP4 subtest for Mathematical Reasoning the repeated ANOVA findings reported a significant
finding on tests of within-subject effects in favor of the treatment group (see Table 1). The significant interaction
indicated that the treatment group math scores increased at a faster rate over time.
Although both groups were exposed to the same mathematics curriculum in the same class, the positive effect of
inquiry-based instruction on the mathematical reasoning of the treatment group could possibly be explained by skills
students attained through inquiry learning in their English/Social Studies class. In the inquiry learning environment
students in the treatment group may have experienced what Stripling (2003) describes is a recursive “relationship
between thinking skills and content” (p. 6). Students were not just passively constructing knowledge by searching for
answers to problems - a practice commonly found in the problem-solving approach for mathematics and science.
They were practicing what Kharkhurin (2007) describes as enhanced divergent thinking ability and cognitive control
often experienced by bilinguals exposed to such tasks.
Recent studies in mathematic achievement among elementary aged children found a significant correlation between
divergent thinking and mathematical achievement (Bahar & Maker, 2011). Through inquiry learning the treatment
group of students in this study actively engaged in subject matter study, which may have deepened their content
knowledge, and strengthened the critical thinking processes needed to solve complex problems in mathematics. The
learning that transferred between subjects potentially activated what De Corte (2007) refers to as “adaptive expertise”
(p.21), thus preparing students for new learning. Posing questions, synthesizing relevant information, and forming
plausible conclusions possibly motivated student confidence, and catalyzed essential cognitive reasoning skills.
The effects of inquiry learning also had a positive effect on the treatment group’s English/French bilingual verbal
ability (BVA), which increased at a significantly faster rate than the control group of students. The BVAT
Comprehensive Manual (Muñoz-Sandoval, Cummins, Alvarado, & Ruef, 1998) explains that bilingual verbal ability
represents the verbal, and cognitive ability that is distributed across different domains of a child’s L1 and L2.
The significant increase in bilingual verbal ability experienced by the treatment group could possibly be explained
by enhanced executive functioning, strengthened through inquiry-learning tasks, that activated students’ heightened
bilingual ability to monitor their environment. Collective evidence from a number of studies suggest that when
bilingual children are engaged in active learning environments they experience finely tuned metalinguistic
awareness and attention processes used for planning, increased cognitive flexibility, multicompetence in problem
solving, and the ability to form conclusions utilizing divergent, and convergent thinking (Kharkhurin, 2008;
Bialystok, 2006). A recent meta-analysis of multilingual research (European Commission, 2009) reported that when
multilingual children experience enhanced executive functioning, they demonstrate an increase in “abstract thinking
skills, creative hypothesis formulation, higher concept formation skills, and overall higher mental flexibility” (p. 11).
Through guided inquiry learning the students in the treatment group learned how to interpret, and process
information through student centered investigations that taught them how to discern important from unimportant
questions and facts. This process likely activated strategic bilingual problem solving competence that led to an
increase in bilingual verbal cognitive ability.
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
The data regarding student program perceptions indicated that both the control and treatment group of students
preferred active, teacher guided learning activities. Although both groups specified that research activities strongly
correlated with their learning, students in the treatment group reported a better understanding of the research process
because instruction specifically targeted the development of metacognitive processes and self-regulatory capabilities.
As the treatment group of students directed their own research inquiries they reported increased self-efficacy, and a
stronger motivation to learn, or what Dewey (1916) describes as “creativeness” (p. 88), or the ability to problem
solve using original thoughts. This could possibly be explained by the constructivist philosophy embedded in the
inquiry learning approach. Inquiry learning taught children how to regulate their behaviors. They learned such
strategies as predicting outcomes, planning ahead, time management, comprehension monitoring, and how to use
background knowledge. These metacognitive processes and self-regulatory capabilities were not developed in the
problem-solving learning experiences of the children in the control group.
6. Limitations of the Study
Several limitations found in this study preclude generalizability in its findings. The small sample size limited the
statistical power in the treatment group’s increased mathematical reasoning, and bilingual verbal development;
therefore generalizations cannot be made to broader bilingual student populations without further research.
Another limitation of the study was found in the narrow linguistic and sociocultural demographics of the participants.
All of the children in the study came from high socioeconomic backgrounds with highly educated parents. They were
all proficient bilinguals with above average competence in English. Additionally, all of the children were enrolled in
a dual immersion program that valued their bilingual competence, and increased their perceived student status.
Although the limitations found in this study were significant, the conclusions support its micro analytical design.
They provided the researchers with an in depth understanding of effective instructional differences that may not have
occurred in more varied contexts.
7. Conclusion
The inquiry-based instructional approach described in this study supports our current understanding of how people
learn. Stimulating learning environments that pique students’ natural curiosity are linked to issues that are especially
important in processes of bilingual cognition and competence. These processes seem to be positively or negatively
affected by the degree to which learning is student-centered, knowledge-centered, community-centered and
authentically assessed.
Recommendations for future research include: a) extending the study to a broader context in diverse school settings,
(b) examining the cognitive effects of inquiry learning on bilingual children enrolled in English only programs, and
(c) studying the effects of inquiry-based instruction on the academic language use of ELLs who are partial bilinguals.
This study examined the effect of inquiry learning on a very narrow pool of proficient bilinguals with high cognitive
and socioeconomic advantages. Because the results suggested a positive effect on students’ bilingual verbal ability
and mathematics reasoning skills, the researchers would like to observe the cognitive effects of inquiry learning in
bilingual students with lower socioeconomic status who struggle to succeed in public school English immersion
programs. Because of the new emphasis on the Common Core Standards, it would be also be interesting to study the
program’s effect on student reasoning and higher order thinking skills in such contexts.
Effective instruction for all students begins with acknowledging the child’s inherent need to explore the world.
Teaching to the child’s curious bent celebrates individual student interests, and levels of understanding for all
children. Creative educational experiences crafted within an authentic community context enable students to build a
body of shared knowledge that motivates future learning. Inquiry-based instruction provides an empowering
platform for all children to exercise their natural curiosity, and simultaneously increase cognitive abilities in an
increasingly globalized world.
The authors thank the subjects whose participation made this study possible. We also thank P. Boustiha for
individually administering the pre/post French BVAT subtest to each student in the study, and M. France, who
provided assistance with statistical data analysis. This research was supported through a Dean’s Grant from the
Education Department at Santa Clara University.
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Vol. 5, No. 2; 2016
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN 1927-2685
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... A noteworthy inquiry-based learning cycle approach is the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) 5E Instructional model (Bybee et al., 2006) which comprises five learning cycle stages; Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation (refer to Figure 1). Deeply rooted in cognitive psychology, constructivist-learning theory, directive inquiry and best practices in science teaching, this model has been gradually adopted into second language teaching (Herman et al., 2018;McElvain & Smith, 2016;Moses et al., 2015;van de Graaf et al., 2020;Wale & Bishaw, 2020). The cycle starts with engagement phase that promotes prior assessment of learners' knowledge and mental focus on the concept before progressing to the exploration phase that provides concrete, hands-on experiences where learners express their current conceptions and clarify puzzling elements of the prior phase. ...
... The scarcity of its transfer and application into ESL classroom is conspicuously glaring. For the past few years, research on the application of IBL into ESL teaching and learning were mostly conducted overseas such as those by Moses et al. (2015) in the United States of America, McElvain and Smith (2016) in Northern California, Herman et al. (2018) in Indonesia, van de Graaf et al., (2020) in Netherlands and Wale and Bishaw (2020) in Africa. ...
... Scrutinizing the details of these past studies reveals that although the 5E Instructional Model originates from Biological Sciences, the adoption of this model into second language based research (Herman et al., 2018;McElvain & Smith, 2016 (Bybee et al., 2006) indicates that in inquiry-based settings, content knowledge, critical thinking, language development and creativity flourish (Moses at el., 2015;Wale & Bishaw, 2020). Furthermore, the study by Herman et al., 2018 also resulted in positive outcomes in developing reading proficiency, engaging learners with challenging texts, activating background knowledge, as well as enhancing teamworks and learning process. ...
... IBA implementation can also be informed by Stripling Model of Inquiry(SMI).The model was initially proposed by Stripling (2008) and consists of six process or stages such as connect to previous knowledge &experience, wonder(question), investigate, construct, express and reflect. This stages can shape the teaching process who choose to adopt IBA in their teaching instructions [8]. ...
... The learner -centeredness associated with IBA has also been to some extent demonstrated by the observed informants regardless of varied forms in which some of them have shown to demonstrates. This concept confirm previous studies with similar perspective that sharing of information among learners or between learners and the teacher is what makes inquiry lesson meaningful [8]. Meaningful in the sense that, people in a group can identify false ideas which have been conceived by another member. ...
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The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore conceptual understanding of geography teachers of Inquiry-Based Approach (IBA) for teaching Geography subject. The researcher adopted the case study research design, and the study was conducted on eleven geography teachers from four Secondary schools at Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. The findings indicate a mixed conceptual understanding of the interviewed geography teachers on the meaning of IBA although some of them seems to experience the use IBA features in their teaching. A lesson can be drawn from this study to inform the area of teaching and teachers development in Tanzania. The study recommended that to make the most use of inquiry-based approach of teaching and learning especially in geography subject, teachers have to be updated now and then on how to effectively use it in the classroom.
... The study findings match with similar findings of other studies conducted on inquiry-based learning like (Smith, 2016) has presented that the link between IBL implementation is positive with academic achievement and literary skills. Another study by (Lee, 2014) in which discovered that IBL activities give opportunities to students to interact together and participate actively in class. ...
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With a bundle of changes in the new age that has brought considerable challenges to the doorstep of teachers and educators, novel approaches to teaching are now emerging to take on the challenges. Inquiry-based learning (IBL), thanks to its well-rooted fundamentals, can be considered a potential approach to addressing challenges in many effective ways. IBL is a learning and teaching process that focuses on using questions as an initial point in learning; learners are immersed in the process of generating and posing questions to find the truth, information, or knowledge through hands-on activities performed by learners themselves with teachers’ guidance on the side. The primary aim of the present study was to find out learners’ perceptions of IBL implementation. The study exposed 26 Iraqi EFL learners to the approach and investigated the participant’s opinions and perceptions of the approach implementation. To collect data, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire with particular reference to the effects of IBL on students’ class engagement, prior knowledge activation, student-centered environment promotion, and cultivation of 21st-century skills. Results highlight students’ positive preferences toward IBL implementation.
... According to Ting et al. [19], the five phases of the learning cycle using 5E's model have succeeded in gaining the interest of the readers by using the strategies that have been suggested in each of the specified phases. Research involving children's verbal and cognitive development has had a positive impact by planning how to activate knowledge of teaching backgrounds, monitor children's understanding as well as place learning outcomes to be achieved [20]. The results of previous studies have proven that although originally the 5E learning cycle model started from Biological Science but the application of this model in teaching and learning is impossible. ...
... The study findings match with similar findings of other studies conducted on inquirybased learning like (Smith, 2016) has presented that the link between IBL implementation is positive with academic achievement and literary skills. Also, (S. ...
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Over the last decades, foreign language preference has become a global trend. This popularity has ultimately put the spotlight on language teachers who are expected to teach languages effectively. Specifically, teaching language skills is one of the vital elements of the process. There are many methods and models that are available to improve language skills. Considering this, this study was conducted. The models that have recently emerged into language teaching is Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) claiming to fulfill the demands of education nowadays. It is defined as a process of seeking truth, information, or knowledge by posing questions and problems, consequently, the students are required to find out answers to the arisen questions or problems by themselves (Fauziati, 2014). In this research, it is predicted that IBL enhances reading and writing skills. To figure out this, an experimental study was conducted on students from a private university in Iraq, Erbil. Hence, the primary aim of this study was to find out to what extent IBL improves reading and writing skills. To carry out the study, pre-and post-tests design was followed to assess the effects of IBL on reading and writing skills. The results of the tests showed that IBL, indeed, improves reading and writing skills significantly to a great extent.
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Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of inquiry-based instruction on the 6th grade students' achievement in English class and language learning curiosity. Method: Pretest-posttest control group design was utilized for the investigation of the effect of inquiry-based instruction on the 6th grade students' achievement in English class and language learning curiosity. A focus group interview was performed with nine attendants within the experimental group in order to examine the opinions of the students about inquiry-based instruction. The experiment, control and pilot groups were assigned during the meeting with the school administrators of the application school. Before the experimental application, the inquiry-based English language activities were applied to a group of students who have similar qualifications with the target group so as to test the practicability of the activities.While the activities prepared for the implementation of the inquiry-based instruction were applied to experimental group students, the ordinary course plan was followed in the control group during two months. The English language achievement test developed by the researcher and language learning curiosity scale adapted by Demirci and Akcaalan (2022, s. 55) were applied to both experimental and control groups before and after the experimental process. The data gathered with achievement test and language learning curiosity scale were analysed by the use of non-parametric statistical tests. The data collected with the focus group interview was analysed with the use of content analysis and the results were presented in graphs. Results: First of all, the findings of qualitative and quantitative research show that the students’ achievements tests and language learning curiosity scale levels in both groups were found as similar levels before the experimental application. Secondly, the inquiry-based instruction activities applied to the experimental group improved the achievement of the students in English language lesson with a high impact value and affected the retention of learning positively. Although the English language achievement of the students in the control group did not improve significantly, the instruction in the control group had a positive and middle impact on students’ achievement. It is understood that achievement level of the attendants in the experimental group improved significantly compared to the control group attendants according to post-test mean results. Nevertheless, both instructions applied in the groups did not affect all the student’s language learning curiosity level significantly considering the data of the language learning curiosity scale. Focus group interview findings show that although the students found the activities challenging, they asserted the inquiry-based instruction oriented them to research and, contributed them significantly in terms of English language learning, language learning curiosity and communication in foreign language in daily life. Conclusion and Suggestions: As a result of the investigation, it is concluded that inquiry-based instruction improved students’ English language achievement with a high impact value and affected their retention of learning positively. However, the quantitative result of the research shows that the instructions in both groups did not affect the students’ language learning curiosity level significantly. On the other hand, qualitative result of the investigation points out that inquiry-based instruction highly improved the experimental group attendants in terms of instructional value and language learning curiosity. Some suggestions are given to the researchers and implementers for the future investigations and activities related to the inquiry-based instruction and language learning curiosity.
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The study aims to examine the implementation of an inquiry-based learning approach to improving problem-solving skills and conceptual knowledge building at university. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the impact of inquiry-based learning in problem-solving skills and conceptual knowledge building. The study found that that variance of the inquiry-based learning is different, revealing that different levels of inquiry-based learning influence problem-solving. It is also found that approximately 88.5% of the variance in problem-solving can be explained or accounted for by inquiry-based learning differences. It is confirmed that that variance of the inquiry-based learning is different, revealing that different levels of inquiry-based learning influence conceptual knowledge building. The study also found that approximately 31.5% of the variance in conceptual knowledge building can be explained or accounted for by inquiry-based learning differences.
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As teacher educators, we are tasked with preparing prospective teachers to enter a field that has undergone significant changes in student population and policy since we were K-12 teachers. With the emphasis placed on connections, mathematics integration, and communication by the New Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (Achieve in Next generation science standards, 2012), more research is needed on how teachers can accomplish this integration (Bunch in Rev Res Educ 37:298–341, 2013; Lee et al. in Educ Res 42(4):223–233, 2013). Science teacher educators, in response to the NGSS, recognize that it is necessary for pre-service and in-service teachers to know more about how instructional strategies in language and science can complement one another. Our purpose in this study was to explore a model of integration that can be used in classrooms. To do this, we examined the change in science content knowledge and academic vocabulary for English language learners (ELLs) as they engaged in inquiry-based science experience utilizing the 5R Instructional Model. Two units, erosion and wind turbines, were developed using the 5R Instructional Model and taught during two different years in a summer school program for ELLs. We analyzed data from interviews to assess change in conceptual understanding and science academic vocabulary over the 60 h of instruction. The statistics show a clear trend of growth supporting our claim that ELLs did construct more sophisticated understanding of the topics and use more language to communicate their knowledge. As science teacher educators seek ways to prepare elementary teachers to help preK-12 students to learn science and develop the language of science, the 5R Instructional Model is one pathway.
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a teaching approach that can enhance student learning outcomes and develop inquiry skills. In IBL, the use of ICT can play a vital role in searching, capturing, analysing and presenting data. In education of future STEM teachers, it is important for the students to experience ICT-supported IBL. The research focused on a course at the second Bologna cycle, in which 18 future STEM teachers developed and implemented seven ICT-supported IBL teaching units. The Spronken-Smith's et al survey instrument was used to determine students' perceptions related to the ICT-supported IBL. The survey was completed by 121 students (age 13-15 years). The results indicate that the majority of students mentioned a perception of a great deal or quite a bit of positive effects on mental processes in ICT-supported IBL. Regarding students' perceptions of the intended learning processes, they had the greatest impression in thinking about the purpose of experimental research, solving challenges and encouragement to take responsibility for learning.
This article includes discussion about a formative study in which inquiry was used as ESL instruction for second-grade emerging bilinguals. Drawing on the literature and research surrounding English learners, comprehension, informational text and inquiry, the teachers and researcher integrated comprehension strategy instruction with inquiry and research skills as an instructional approach to support the development of informational reading, writing, listening and speaking in English. The five most frequently used and instructionally essential strategies identified for facilitating the research projects during the study are reported. Each strategy and anchor lesson is explained along with the teachers’ narrative account of how they continued facilitating inquiry throughout the week with teaching tips they developed throughout the unit of inquiry. The classroom teachers share challenges, successes and reasons for using inquiry with accompanying photos of student work.
In this study we investigated the relationship between students' creative performance and achievement in the mathematical domain across grade levels. DISCOVER math assessment was used to measure originality, flexibility, and elaboration (OFE), fluency, and total mathematical creativity (TMC) as indexes of students' mathematical creativity. The participants were 78 second-to fourth-grade students, mostly Navajo Indians, from 4 schools in low-income areas in a southwestern state in the US. Students' scores on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (IT BS) or Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CT BS), taken as part of their schools' regular program of achievement testing were the measures of mathematical achievement. Using Pearson correlations, authors found significant relationships among all the measures of creativity (fluency, OFE, and TMC) and between all the indices of creativity and both the measures of mathematics achievement. Using multiple regression the authors found that OFE, fluency, and TMC explained from 41% to 60% of the variance in mathematical achievement scores across all indices of creativity and both achievement tests. Using ANOVA, authors found that both mathematical creativity and mathematical achievement increased across grade levels, but the Pearson correlations by grade level showed that these increases were not linear. Recommendations include a greater emphasis on the development of mathematical creativity in the elementary grades and research on the relationships between creativity and achievement using current instruments and theories with a special focus on domain-specific creativity and achievement across domains. The creativity of mathematicians has been accepted as the insurance of the growth of the field of mathematics (Sriraman, 2004).
Psycholinguistics–the field of science that examines the mental processes and knowledge structures involved in the acquisition, comprehension, and production of language–had a strong monolingual orientation during the first four decades following its emergence around 1950. The awareness that a large part of mankind speaks more than one language–that this may impact both on the way each individual language is used and on the thought processes of bilinguals and multilinguals, and that, consequently, our theories on human linguistic ability and its role in non-linguistic cognition are incomplete and, perhaps, false–has led to a steep growth of studies on bilingualism and multilingualism since around 1995.