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Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Six Species of Pteris (Pteridaceae) from Java Island Indonesia

  • National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) - INDONESIA

Abstract and Figures

The morphology of sporophyte, the type of reproduction, and cytology of Pteris had been reported, while the gametophyte morphology of Pteris in Java island has not been studied yet. The objective of this study was to describe the gametophyte morphology and development of P. biaurita, P. ensiformis, P.exelsa, P.longipinnula, P. tripartita, and P. vittata in Java island. Spores were obtained from fertile leaves of Pteris plants originated from several locations in Java island. The number of spores per sporangium were counted from fresh fertile leaves with mature sporangia. As much as 0.002 g spores was sown in transparent box with sterile medium contain of vermiculite, spaghnum moss, and perlite with ratio 2:2:1. The gametophyte development of each species was observed under a microscope every 7 days. The spores of P. ensiformis were germinated faster, 10 days after sowing, while the spores of P.longipinnula were germinated slower, 18 days after sowing. The pattern of spore germination is Vittaria-type. The development of gametophyte is Ceratopteris-type in common, but in a few cases is the Adiantum-type. The gametophyte development of observed Pteris spesies are varied in six characters including the number of filament cell, germinated time, formation time of notch and gametangia, margin shape, and development type.
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VOL. 5, NO. 2, pp. 98-104, May, 2015
Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Six Species of
from Java Island Indonesia
Dwi Sunarti Puspitasari1, Tatik Chikmawati2*, Titien Ngatinem Praptosuwiryo3
1Plant Biology Graduate Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus, Bogor, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Bogor Agricultural University,
Darmaga Campus, Bogor, Indonesia
3Center for Plant Conservation- Bogor Botanical Gardens, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
The morphology of sporophyte, the type of reproduction, and cytology of
had been reported, while
the gametophyte morphology of
in Java island has not been studied yet. The objective of this study was to
describe the gametophyte morphology and development of
P. biaurita, P. ensiformis, P. exelsa, P. longipinnula, P.
, and
P. vittata
in Java island. Spores were obtained from fertile leaves of
plants originated from
several locations in Java island. The number of spores per sporangium was counted from fresh fertile leaves with
mature sporangia. As much as 0.002 g spores was sown in a transparent box with sterile medium contain of ver-
miculite, sphagnum moss, and perlite with ratio 2:2:1. The gametophyte development of each species was observed
under a microscope every 7 days. The spores of
P. ensiformis
were germinated faster, ten days after sowing, while
the spores of
P. longipinnula
were germinated slower, 18 days after sowing. The pattern of spore germination is
-type. The development of gametophyte is
-type in common, but in a few cases is the
-type. The gametophyte development of observed
species is varied in six characters including the
number of filament cell, germinated time, the formation time of notch and gametangia, margin shape, and devel -
opment type.
development, gametophyte, Java, morphology, Pteris
L. is a large fern genus belong to the family
Pteridaceae, that are distributed in tropical and sub-
tropical regions [1]. It is estimated about 250
species in the world [1,2] and 19 species of them dis-
tributed in Java island, Indonesia [3]. The species of
grow in warmer temperature areas, but they also
found in cold temperatures. They grow either terrestri-
ally or lithophytically on rocks in several habitats,
shaded canopy, and open areas, forests, coastal, and
xeric niches [1,4]. Some species also survive in soil
contaminated arsenic or other metals [5].
species are easily distinguished from
their sori characters. Their sori are linear and located
in marginal of leaves, but are usually not reaching the
apices of segments. A false indusium protected each
sorus [1,6].
Several studies on gametophyte morphology of
have been done. The gametophyte development
of several
species including,
P. vittata, P. finotii,
P. fauriei, P. exelsa, P. wallichiana, P. ensiformis, P.
cretica, P. multifida, P. deflexa, P. denticulata, P. tris-
ticula, P. faurirei, P. incompleta, P. berteroana, P.
P. tripartita
were reported having some
unique characters [7-13]. The similarity of these species
was on spore germination, the development gameto-
phyte, and gametangia type. Among these species are
differed in some gametophytic characters such as the
number cell of the filament, germinated time, the for-
mation time of notch, the formation time of gamet-
angia and type of gametophyte development.
is taxonomically very interesting taxon since
it is a species complex [14]. The morphology of the
sporophyte, the type of reproduction and cytology of
species in Java island such as
P. biaurita,
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 98 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
*Corresponding author:
Tatik Chikmawati
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Six Species of Pteris
P.ensiformis, P. multifida, P. vittata
, and
P. tripartita
were reported by several authors [15-19], while the ga-
metophyte morphology of
has not been studied
before. The information on gametophyte phase is im-
portant to study the evolution, phylogeny and repro-
ductive biology of ferns [20,21]. Therefore, it is neces-
sary to examine the development and morphology of
fern gametophyte, especially on the genus
The purpose of this study is to describe the gameto-
phyte morphology and development of six species of
P. biaurita, P. ensiformis, P.exelsa, P.
longipinnula, P. tripartita
, and
P. vittata
Spores were obtained from fertile leaves of
plants originated from several locations in Java island
(Table 1). Fertile leaves were put in paper envelopes
under the dry condition to release spores from spora-
ngia. After 6-7 days, the contents of the envelopes were
sifted to eliminate sporangial fragments and other de-
bris [22].
The number of spores per sporangium was counted
from fresh fertile leaves with mature sporangia, and
five to 10 sporangia were observed for it [23]. Spo-
rangium with 64 normal spores were treated as sexual
reproduction type while the sporangium with 32 spores
treated as apogamous one [14].
As much as 0.002 g spores was sown in a transpar-
ent box with sterile medium contain of vermiculite,
moss and perlite with ratio 4:4:2. Medium were
covered with paper filter [24]. Before planting, the
medium was soaked in hot water for a day. All cultures
were maintained at the temperature ranged from 27-
30°C. The gametophyte development of each species
was observed under a microscope Olympus Stemi 1000
and Nikon Eclipse E100 every 7 days. The photograph
was documented using Optilab Advance.
Data of cell growth was analysis with One-way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan
test on the α<0.05.
Reproduction type and spore morphology of Pteris
Among six
species that have been observed,
two species (
P. ensiformis
P. tripartita
) have a sex-
ual reproduction type and four others (
P. biaurita, P.
exelsa, P. longipinnula
, and
P. vittata
) have apogamous
reproduction type (Table 2).
Pteris exelsa
has 64 spores per sporangium but are
classified into apogamous type because it has various
spore shape and size (Figure 1). The number of 64
spores per sporangium with various shapes and sizes
have also been found in
P. vittata
[19]. Apogamous
type is affected by the abnormal sporogenesis and spo-
rangium that undergoes the abnormal process, thus, it
produces variation in the number of spores, the size
and shape of spores per sporangium [25].
P. biaurita
have apogamous reproduction type
than sexual types. Previous research reported that
among 90 of individuals
P. biaurita
observed, found 78
individuals have an apogamous type, and 12 individu-
als have mixture type, but the sexual type was never
found [15]. Sexual reproduction type in
P. biaurita
relatively few in Bogor and never found in Taiwan
[26,27]. The regulation the reproduction type of fern is
influenced by environmental factors such as light, alti-
tude, and temperature of the area [28]. The ethylene
gas, succinic acid, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), gib-
berellic acid, high phosphorus concentrations, particu-
lar wavelengths of light, and drought can induce
apogamous type [29].
Sexual type on
P. vittata
P. en-
were most often found in Java. Among 14 in-
dividuals of
P. ensiformis,
13 individuals were the sex-
ual type, but one individual has apogamous type [18].
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 99 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
Figure 1. Spores of two fern reproduction types. A. Normal
spores of sexual type in
P. tripartita
, B. Abnormal
spores of Apogamous type in
P. exelsa
Table 2. Spore size and reproduction type of six
Table 1. Collection site of observed
Dwi Sunarti Puspitasari et al., 2015
A previous study reported among 37 individuals of
in Java, 35 individuals have a sexual type, and 2
individuals were apogamous [19].
The spores of all species are trilete (Figure 2), ex-
cept in
P. exelsa
have various shapes from triangles,
rectangles, and ellipses.
spore is triangular to rec-
tangular [1]. Spore size, length polar and the equatorial
diameter varies among species (Table 2).
Pteris longi-
has the biggest spore sizes of the different
types. The most size variation spores found in
. Spore color is also varied,
P. biaurita, P.
, and
P. tripartita
have brown spore,
has dark brown spore,
P. exelsa
has blackish
brown spore, and
P. vittata
has whitish-brown spore.
Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Pteris
Spore germination
The observed
spores were germinated in 10
to 18 days after sowing (DAS) (Figure 3). Comparing
to other observed
spesies, the spores of
P. ensi-
were germinated faster, 10 DAS, while the
spores of
P. longipinnula
were germinated slower, 18
DAS. Spore germination type of all spesies is
type, with the first cell, emerged from the spores is per-
pendicular to the first rhizoid [20].
The filamentous stage of each
species is var-
ied in the cell number. The filament of
P. ensiformis
has the shortest filament formed of 2-4 cells while
had the longest range of filamentous sizes
(5-30 cell).
Pteris tripartita
had short filamentous size
(2-5 cells), but the filamentous stage of other observed
are consisted of 5-9 cells long (Table 3). The fila-
mentous size of Javanese
P. ensiformis, P. vit-
, and
P. exelsa
, are differed to those described by
Zhang et al. (2008) [10], which have wider size varia-
tion (Table 3). The differences of this result may be
due to Zhang et al. (2008) [10] grew spores in the
mixture of black soil and sand.
The growth rate of
gametophyte is varied
among observed species in every week (Figure 4) and
were significantly different among species based on
ANOVA and Duncan test (Table 4). The growth rate
gametophyte began to differ among species on
the second week, and then the gametophyte growth
was continuously differed by the gametophyte age.
Pteris biaurita
did not grow until the second week.
Pteris vittata
showed the fastest growth rate during the
fourth until the eighth week. On the eight-week, the
growth of
P. ensiformis
gametophyte showed the slow-
est rate while that of
P. tripartita
showed the fastest.
On the ninth week, the growth of
P. longipinnula
metophyte showed the slowest rate while that of
P. tri-
showed the fastest. On the tenth week,
P. vit-
grew the fastest while
P. ensiformis
grew the
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 100 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
Figure 3. Comparison of gametophyte development time among
spesies. Germinated time ( ), formation
time of laminar ( ), formation time of gametangia
( )
Table 3. Gametophyte development of observed
and a
previous study [10]
Table 4. Average of cell number
species for 10 week
Figure 2.
spores. A).
P. biaurita;
P. ensiformis;
P. longipinnula;
P. tripartita;
Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Six Species of Pteris
Laminar phase
The type of gametophyte development varies within
the genus
, type
, and
modifications of the two kinds (Figure 5). However,
previous studies had reported that the gametophyte de-
velopment in
genus has
-type [20].
The gametophyte development of all
is the Cerato
-type, except
P. ensiformis
P. tri-
. This pattern is similar to that of
P. deflexa, P.
tristicula, P. cretica, P. berteroana, P. fauriei, P. incom-
pleta, P. multifida, P. vittata
, and
P. wallichiana
In this type, the first cell division is in apical and
sometime in subapical, following by repeated division
(Figure 5I). Since the meristem is in lateral position,
the cell differentiation in the laminar stage is
asymmetric. By the time, the activity of meristematic
cells gives rise to form a cordate stage after 15-25 days.
P. ensiformis
has two types of gametophyte devel-
opment, the
-type in the early stage, and the
-type in the next phase of its prothallia de-
velopment. During the early phase of this type, the
oblique wall division occurs in a terminal cell of the
filament and was followed by a second oblique wall di-
vision at the right angles. A wedge-shaped then was
formed in an apical region (Figure 5G). By the time,
the activity of meristem cell in lateral position develops
a young asymmetric gametophyte. Previous studies re-
ported that the type of development gametophyte of
-type [7,10].
The gametophyte development of
P. tripartita
lows the
-type as described by Nayar and
Kaur (1971) [20]. In this type, the first division in the
terminal cell is parallel to the long axis of the filament.
The second division is oblique, then was followed by
all cell divisions in the meristematic cells (Figure 5H).
An expanded one-cell-thick of the obovate prothallia
plate is formed by repeated transverse and longitudinal
divisions. The location of the meristematic cell turned
into the notch is in the thallus apex. Among these six
species, the apical notches of
P. tripartita
were formed
earlier than that of the others. Rhizoids were usually
formed on the ventral surface of the prothallus, but
they were sometimes found on the dorsal surface of the
cushion or the wing margins. Results of this study dif-
fer from Ravi et al. (2014) [13] who reported that ga-
metophyte development of
P. tripartita
Mature Gametophytes and Sexual Expression
The shapes of the mature cordate prothalli are var-
ied among all
species (Figure 6 D-I). The mature
gametophytes of
P. biaurita, P. longipinnula, P. vittata
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 101 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
Figure 5. Germination, filamentous and laminar stages. A-C.
Germination. A.
P. ensiformis
; B.
P. tripartita
; C.
D-F. Filamentous. D-E. Filamentous of
P. ensiformis
P. tripartita
formed of 3 cell; F.
Filamenthous of
formed of 13 cell.
G. Laminar with wedge-shaped meristematic cell of
P. ensiformis
. H. Laminar with wedge-shaped meris-
tematic cell of
P. tripartita
. I. Laminar with apical
cells twice devide; J. Young laminar plate with notch
in lateral of
P. ensiformis
. K. Young laminar plate
with notch in apex of
P. tripartita
. L. Young laminar
with a meristematiz zone. W= wedge-shaped meris-
tematic cell, N= Notch pointed by an arrow.
Figure 4. The cell growth of gametophyte
P. biaurita
( ),
P. ensiformis
( ),
( ),
P. longipinnula
( ),
P. tripartita
( ),
P. vittata
( )
Dwi Sunarti Puspitasari et al., 2015
P. exelsa
are asymetric cordiform, whereas
P. tri-
P. ensiformis
are nearly symetric cordiform.
Formation time of sex organ is varied among
gametophytes began to produce an-
theridia 40–92 DAS.
Pteris vittata
produced sex organ
(antheridia) the earliest, 40 DAS, while
P. longipinnula
is the last producing sex organ, on 92 DAS (Figure 3).
The hermaphrodite gametophyte produced antheridia
earlier than archegonia. The archegonia were produced
on the ventral surface or notches of the prothalli, 74–
102 DAS. Typically, antheridia were produced on the
ventral surface of the wings, distributed over the dorsal
surface, along the wing margins, or both sides of the
gametophytes. Antheridia consist of a cap cell, a ring
cell, and a basal cell (Figure 6K).
Sex organs of
P. exelsa, P. longipinnula, P. vittata
P. biaurita
give rise to monosexual/male gameto-
P. ensiformis
spores produced 17% of hermaph-
rodite gametophyte and 83% of the male gametophyte
P. tripartita
produced 27% of hermaprodite and
73% of the male gametophyte (Figure 7).
Apogamous types of
P. exelsa, P. biaurita, P.
, and
P. vittata
produced only the func-
tional antheridium. The same evident also found in
cretica, P. pellucidifolia
, and
P. wulaensis
[30]. How-
P. wulaensis
produced only archegonium, and the
embryo appeared from the gametophyte cells indicat-
ing that it has apogamous reproduction type. Laird and
Sheffield (1986) [31] reported that apogamous
P. cret-
is hermaprodite, but the archegonia had lost func-
tion because of the failure of the neck canal to open.
Results of this study differ from the previous study
P. exelsa, P. ensiformis,
P. vittat
a that produces
100% gametophyte hermaphrodites [10]. The differ-
ences of this result may be due to physical factors such
as nutrition, density gametophyte, the influence of
light, and the interaction between the gametophyte [32,
Spore germination of
genus is the
spores were germinated in 10 to 18 DAS.
The spores of
P. ensiformis
were germinated faster, 10
DAS while the spores of
P. longipinnula
were germi-
nated slower, 18 DAS. The number of cells in each
week of gametophyte growth were significantly differ-
ent among species based on ANOVA and Duncan test.
The gametophytes among
species are differed in
the number of filament cell, germinated time, the for-
mation time of notch and gametangia, margin shape,
and the development type. Gametophyte morphologi-
cal characters can be used as a genus characteristic.
The author expresses the deepest appreciation to
Indonesian Government through the Directorate Gen-
eral of Higher Education for providing financial sup-
port for her research, Dr. Wen-Liang Chiou, Cibodas
JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 102 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
Figure 6. Development stages of the gametophyte and sex or-
gans of
. A-C Young gametophyte A.
P. ensi-
; B.
P. tripartita
; C.
. D-I Ma-
ture Gametophyte, D. Asymetric cordate of
P. ensi-
; E. Symetric cordate of
P. tripartita
; F. Asy-
metric cordate of
; G. Asymetric cor-
date of
P. biaurita
; H-I Asymetric cordate of
P. ex-
P. vittata
; J. Top view of the archegonia
; K. Side view of antheridium
P. exelsa
a cap cell (C), a ring cell (R), and a basal cell (B); L.
Top view of Antheridia. AR= Archegonium, AN=
Antheridium. B, C, R, AR are pointed by an arrow.
Figure 7. Appearance percentage of sexual expression, male ga-
metophyte ( ) and hermaphrodite gametophyte
( ).
Gametophyte Morphology and Development of Six Species of Pteris
Botanical Gargen, and Bogor Botanical Garden.
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JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 104 Volume 5 | Number 2 | May | 2015
... Gametofit Cyathea phalerata berkembang lebih cepat pada media dengan pH asam, dan menghasilkan gametofit paling banyak pada fotoperiode 6 dan 18 jam (Marcon et al. 2017). Perkecambahan spora dan perkembangan gametofit dari Asplenium nidus (Praptosuwiryo 2010), Cibotium barometz (Praptosuwiryo et al. 2015), dan Platycerum wandae (Praptosuwiryo 2017) terjadi dengan baik pada media campuran akar Cyathea contaminants arang sekam padi. ...
... Pengamatan tipe reproduksi dilakukan untuk memperoleh sampel dengan tipe reproduksi seksual. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan penghitungan jumlah spora pada satu sporangium mengikuti Puspitasari et al. (2015). Satu sporangium diletakkan di atas kaca benda yang telah ditetesi air, kemudian ditutup dengan kaca penutup. ...
... Media tumbuh yang disiapkan, terdiri dari vermiculite, gambut, dan perlite (Puspitasari et al. 2015). Sebanyak 3 komposisi perlakuan media diuji, yaitu media pertama (M1) terdiri dari vermiculite:lumut sphagnum:perlite, dengan perbandingan 2:2:1; media kedua (M2) terdiri dari vermiculite:perlite, dengan perbandingan 2:1; media ketiga (M3) terdiri dari vermiculite:lumut sphagnum, dengan perbandingan 1:1. ...
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Spore Morphology and Gametophyte Development of Davallia denticulata and Davallia trichomanoidesABSTRACTDavallia denticulata and D. trichomanoides are two attractive and decorative fern species for ornamental. Spore morphology has an important role in fern taxonomy, while media composition has important role in the growth and development of their gametophytes. Such information on the two fern species was lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the information of the spore morphology and gametophyte developmental stages of D. denticulata and D. trichomanoides on three different media. The spores were collected from Bogor, West Java. The spores were sown in three sterile media. Spore morphology and gametophyte development were observed under a stereoscopic microscope. Both gametophyte species reached their mature stage at 25 weeks after planting on the different media compositions. D. denticulata showed the best gametophyte development, and formed mature gametophytes on the media of vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and perlite, while D. trichomanoides grew best into maturity stage on the media containing vermiculite, and sphagnum moss. Thus, the presence of sphagnum moss in the media is an important material for the growth and development of Davallia gametophyte.Keywords: Davallia, development, gametophyte, growth, media ABSTRAKDavallia denticulata dan D. trichomanoides merupakan dua spesies tumbuhan paku yang menarik dan indah untuk tanaman hias. Morfologi spora memiliki arti penting dalam taksonomi tumbuhan paku, sedangkan komposisi media berperan penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gametofitnya. Informasi seputar hal ini terkait dua spesies tumbuhan paku tersebut belumlah ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap informasi mengenai ciri morfologi spora dan tahapan perkembangan gametofit D. denticulata dan D. trichomanoides pada tiga komposisi media berbeda. Pengambilan spora dilakukan di Bogor, Jawa Barat. Spora ditumbuhkan pada tiga media steril. Morfologi spora dan perkembangan gametofit diamati menggunakan mikroskop stereo. Kedua spesies memiliki waktu perkembangan terbaik untuk mencapai tahap gametofit dewasa yaitu 25 minggu pada komposisi media yang berbeda. D. denticulata berkembang dengan baik, dan membentuk gametofit dewasa pada media vermiculite, lumut sphagnum, dan perlite. D. trichomanoides berkembang hingga tahap gametofit dewasa dengan baik pada media vermiculite, dan lumut sphagnum. Dengan demikian keberadaan lumut sphagnum pada media sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gametofit Davallia.Kata Kunci: Davallia, gametofit, media, perkembangan, pertumbuhan
... Se han publicado varios estudios de la fase gametofítica del género de varias especies entre los que destacan las investigaciones de (Mehra, 1938) p. 202-210;(Crotty, 1967) p.105-117; (Cohen & Crotty, 1979) p. 179-182; (Laird & Sheffield, 1986) p. 139-143; (Gremmrich, 1988) p. 159-164; (Beri & Bir, 1993) p. 73-78; (Mendoza, Pérez-García, Reyes-Jaramillo, & Ricci, 1995) p. 51-57; (Huang, Chou, Hsieh, Wang, & Chiou, 2006) p. 261-268; (Letelier & Penailillo, 2007) p. 93-97; (Prada, Moreno, & Gabriel y Galan, 2008) p. 14-25; (Zhang, Shi, Zhang, & Jiang, 2008) p. 33-41; (Tanco, Martínez, & Bonomo, 2009) p. 10-17; (Martínez, 2010) p. 89-102; (Huang, Hsu, S-Y., Hsieh-Mei, & Chiou, 2011) p. 79-87;(Chao, Lui, Chiang, & Chiou, 2012) p. 1-7; (Martínez, Prada, Tanco, & Bonomo, 2013) p. 46-52; (Baskaran, Jeyachandran, & Meighias, 2014) p. 2350-2358; (Puspitasari, Chikmawati, & Praptosuwiryo, 2015) p. 98-104. ...
... En Pteris quadriaurita se presentaron arquegonios cuyo canal del cuello estaba vacío y otros más que no alcanzaron su desarrollo. Puspitasari (2015) cita que "no obstante que una especie tenga 64 esporas por esporangio, si éstas difieren en formas y tamaño, producen esporófitos apogámicos debido a que esta variación morfológica se explica por que se lleva a cabo una esporogénesis anormal como sucede en P. excelsa" (p. 99). ...
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Se describe el desarrollo del prótalo y del esporófito joven de Pteris quadriaurita Retz. Los especímenes fueron recolectados en un bosque mesófilo de montaña en Tototla, municipio de Xochicoatlán, estado de Hidalgo, México. Las esporas fueron sembradas en frascos de vidrio de 125 ml con cerámica (barro molido), piedra de río, tela de mosquitero y tres soportes de cultivo (tierra, maquique y musgo), todo previamente esterilizado y cerrado con plástico y alambre de cobre. El ciclo fue isospórico con desarrollo del prótalo tipo Ceratopteris. Los gametófitos fueron unisexuados masculinos, unisexuados femeninos y pocos bisexuados. Los esporófitos apogámicos se obtuvieron a los 231 días en musgo y maquique, mientras que en tierra de hoja no se formaron. Palabras clave: apogamia, gametófitos, esporófitos, sustratos naturales, Pteris.
... Spores were planted in medium containing vermiculite, Sphagnum moss and perlite with ratio 2: 2: 1. The medium was put in a plastic box, covered with a paper filter, and sterilized using boiling water and cool it down for one night, then as many as 0.003 g spores for each treatment were sown on media [19]. Growth and development of gametophytes were observed using stereo microscope once a week for and repeatedly under 10× for each treatment. ...
... The number of cells increased differently on each stage, and the cell division rate from dry area is faster than that from the humid area. This result is in accordance to the previous study [19] that showed the gametophyte cells would continue to proliferate along with the age of the gametophyte and the total number of the proliferating cell was varied among species. ...
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Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f. has been widely used in aesthetic needs and medical fields. Detail information about the life cycle of A. lunulatum is still unknown, particularly about its gametophyte generation. Present work aimed to study and compare the growth and development of the gametophytes of A. lunulatum from dry and humid areas. Research method consists of two stages: (1) Spores were collected from two locations, Pasuruan and Bogor and (2) Spores were planted and observed the growth and development of gametophyte. The result showed that natural habitat of the plant in various dry and humid areas, affecting the rate of growth and development rates of A. lunulatum gametophyte. The gametophyte from the dry area showed faster rate of growth and development than that of humid areas. The spores collected from dry area need 9 weeks for germination, growth, and development while the spores of humid area took 22 weeks.
... As the dominant phase in pteridophyte life cycles, the sporophyte has traditionally been the primary focus of studies on taxonomy and evolution in these plants (Nayar & Kaur, 1971). However, details on the gametophyte phase have also proven essential in studying the plant group's evolution and reproductive biology, and in phyletic studies (Nayar & Kaur, 1971;Chiou, & Farrar, 1997;Puspitasari et al., 2015). Analyzing gametophyte morphology including the patterns of spore germination, significant features in early development, the appearance of mature prothalli, and characteristics of sexual development, have proved crucial in defining taxonomic criteria in pteridophytes (Nayar & Kaur, 1971;Chen et al., 2008). ...
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Pleocnemia irregularis is an economically important fern, with no known literature on its developmental biology. Thus, this study was aimed to document various aspects of its developmental stages including its patterns of spore germination, the morphology of various developmental stages, type of gametophyte development and percentage of gametophyte survival using modified culture media as the substrate. Morphological observations highlighted the distinctive monolete-bilateral, ellipsoidal, and reticulated perispores, while the prominent protuberance of club-shaped unicellular hairs persisted continuously from the germ filaments to the late gametophytic stages. Spore germination follows the Vittaria-type while Aspidium-type for the prothallial development. Among the treatments, T0 (garden soil), T3 (ground adventitious roots of tree fern + ground clay pots), and T1 (pure ground adventitious roots of tree fern) demonstrated a consistently prolific performances, from spore germination until the late gametophyte stage with rapid development led by T0. Conversely, consistent delayed development was observed for spores sown in T2 (ground clay pots). Regarding gametophyte survival, T0 significantly yielded the highest percentage of gametophyte survival (94%), while T2 obtained the lowest number (48.33%). No performance variation was observed in T3 and T1. As a result, T0 served as the best culture medium for gametophyte coverage. The utilization of accessible and cost-effective growing media provides a conducive substrate for the successful developmental biological study of P. irregularis. The information provided in this paper will certainly be useful in studying the developmental biology of those often overlooked but economically important pteridophytes.
... Struktur morfologi daun tumbuhan ini dapat bervariasi, namun variasi tersebut tidak dipengaruhi oleh ketinggian tempat habitatnya (Mumpuni, 2017). Ciri khas tumbuhan ini adalah letak sorusnya, yakni tersusun linier pada bagian marginal daun (Puspitasari et al., 2015). ...
This study aims to identify the plant species and the morphological structure of the vegetative organs of plants used in offerings for Vesak Day at Maha Vihara Majapahit. The approach used in this research is descriptive. The vegetative organs whose morphological structures were identified were only the vegetative organs used as offerings. The reference used in identifying the morphological structure of vegetative organs is the book Plant Morphology by Gembong Tjitrosoepomo. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the identification showed that there were 13 plant species whose vegetative organs were utilized in the Vesak Day offerings at Maha Vihara Majapahit. The vegetative organs used are the leaves. 11 species were single leaf plants and 2 species were compound leaf plants. A total of 9 species had a pinnate leaf spine type, 2 plants were parallel type, and 1 plant was curved type.
This datasheet on Pteris multifida covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Further Information.
This datasheet on Pteris tripartita covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
This datasheet on Pteris vittata covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
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New cytotypes of Pteris ensiformis var. victoriae and one cytotype of var. ensiformis are recorded from Indonesia: var. victoriae with 2n=58 (sexual diploid) from Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, and 2n=87 (triploid) from Lombok Island and Bogor, West Java; and var. ensiformis with 2n=116 (sexual tetraploid). The diploid is smaller than the triploid in plant size. Results indicate a cytological variation in var. victoriae, like in var. ensiformis.
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The effects of sucrose, pH and plant growth hormones on spore germination percentage and gametophyte growths of Pteris tripartita were studied. Various morphological structures of gametophytes were observed namely, filamentous, spatulate and heart stages in the MS culture medium with hormones. After 15 days, the spores of P. tripartita were sprouted in MS basal medium fortified with pH, sucrose and hormones. Maximum spore germination rates (84%) were observed in 70 g/L of sucrose and 79.33% in pH 5.7. On the other hand, the maximum gametophyte sizes were observed both in 40 and 50 g/l of sucrose on half strength MS medium. The maximum growth of gametophyte lengths (484.39 and 507.72 µm) and widths (846.58 and 1270.98 µm) were observed in both pH 5.7 and 6.7. Among three different hormones, the utmost number or percentage of spores were sprouted in GA 3 . However, the in vitro cultures of spore having the capability to increase the spore germinated due to addition of adequate nutrition in the culture medium and also reduce the contamination as well as environmental factors. Keywords: Pteris tripartita , spore germination, sucrose, hormone, MS medium. African Journal of Biotechnology , Vol 13(23) 2350-2358
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The ploidy levels, morphologies of gametophytes and young sporophytes, and reproductive modes of Pteris cretica, P. pellucidifolia, and P. wulaiensis were determined in this study. Pteris cretica and P. wulaiensis were diploid while P. pellucidifolia was triploid. Sporophytes of all three species produced 32-spored sporangia. Spore sizes of the triploid P. pellucidifolia were significantly larger than those of the other two diploid species. However, the frequencies of normal spores were lower in P. pellucidifolia (73%) than those of the other two species (95%-98%). Gametophytes of P. cretica and P. pellucidifolia produced normal antheridia but no archegonium. Although P. wulaiensis produced archegonia, those archegonia had lost their function. Every antheridium of these three species produced 32 active sperms. All of these three species apogamously produced sporophytes. Young sporophytes were produced directly on the gametophytes without fertilization. The first fronds of young sporophytes predominantly possessed midribs, with only a few of them lacking midribs. This study also suggests that the best way to infer the reproductive mode of ferns is to detect whether the embryo formed from the vegetative cells of gametophytes, although those other reproduction-related traits may provide useful indicators.
The external appearance of gametophytes and gametangia of Pteris cretica closely resembled those of sexually reproducing ferns. Antheridia were fully functional but archegonia were not. Despite the formation of egg, ventral and neck canal cells, the flask-shaped archegonia failed to open and Pteris spermatozoids failed to exhibit a chemotactic response to them. Cryo SEM revealed that the topmost cells of mature archegonia had collapsed, and this is thought to account for the loss of archegonial function.
Stem long-creeping, slender to rather stout, branched, with a siphonostele indurated, densely pubescent with stiff trichomes enlarged at the base; leaves ca. 0.5–5 m long, pinnate, glabrous or pubescent, circinate in the bud, petiole without stipules; sporangia borne in marginal sori on an elongate receptacle, within a more or less urceolate indusium, with a short, ca. 6-rowed stalk, with an oblique annulus not interrupted by the stalk; homosporous, spores lacking chlorophyll. Gametophyte epigeal, with chlorophyll, obcordate or somewhat elongate, centrally thickened, with thin margins, bearing long, multicellular trichomes, the archegonia borne on the lower surface on the thickened portion, especially apically, the antheridia several- to many-celled, on the lower surface, less often on the upper surface.
Stem protostelic, or (in Phylloglossum) sometimes partly solenostelic, indurated or not, sometimes brittle, usually lacking indument, sometimes short-pubescent, bearing usually few, fleshy, dichotomously branched roots; leaves simple, ca. 2 mm to 20 mm long, with one vein; sporangia sessile to short-stalked, single on the adaxial surface of a leaf usually near the base, or on the stem near the axil; homosporous, spores without chlorophyll. Gametophyte superficial, basally tuberous and mycorrhizic, with more or less erect lobes bearing chlorophyll and nonmycorrhizic; or subterranean, without chlorophyll, mycorrhizic and either erect and radially symmetrical or prostrate-horizontal and radially or bilaterally symmetrical, the archegonia more or less sunken, the antheridia superficial, mostly borne apart from the archegonia.