
Experimental study on stress wave method for detecting anchorage quality of anchor cable

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The stress wave method is difficult to be applied to obtain effective stress wave signal that reflects the section change of anchorage body in the long anchor cable. Based on the actual models of anchorage body with three special types, i.e. full-length grouting anchorage body, full-length grouting anchorage body with existence of defective segment, and non full-length grouting anchorage body with existence of free segment, and using two stress wave excitation modes, i.e. stress wave signal exciting respectively on top or bottom of anchor cable, the reliability of stress wave method to detect anchorage quality was verified through comparing the theoretical vibration velocity of the stress wave with the measured ones. Then, by combining the above two stress wave excitation modes, the feasibility of stress wave signal exciting simultaneously on top and bottom of anchor cable to detect anchorage quality of anchor cable was studied. The results show that the excitation mode of stress wave signal simultaneously on top and bottom of anchor cable can effectively detect anchorage quality of anchor cable, and signal received on top of anchor cable in this mode is the stress wave signal with the shortest propagation path for reflecting change positions of anchorage body sections. Meanwhile, the two kinds of stress wave signals are suggested to adopt different frequencies to distinguish stress wave signals exciting respectively on top and bottom of anchor cable.

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... This technique uses resistance strain gauges, differential resistance strain gauges, steel strings, and hydraulic pillows. On the other hand, the non-contact methods utilize acoustic frequency stress waves, electromagnetic and infrared radiation monitoring, etc. [7,8]. The sensitive electromechanical components have been widely adopted. ...
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The anchoring quality of bolts is related to roadway safety and the surrounding rock stability. Due to the limitations of conventional monitoring methods in capturing strain, there still exists a gap in the real-time perception of the mechanical properties of bolts at the micro-scale. This paper proposes a new approach to detecting bolts’ anchoring qualities based on the fiber Bragg grating sensing principle. Moreover, it studies the strain transmission mechanism between the surface-bonded fiber Bragg grating and the bolt. A fiber-optic monitoring test platform of anchor bolt anchoring quality is built. The full-length anchor bolt’s strain evolution law and axial force distribution characteristics are studied during the pull-out test. The study results have shown that the theoretical value of the fiber strain transfer coefficient can be used to calculate the strain of the bolt. The bolt pull-out test verified the accuracy of using the fiber Bragg grating bolt axial force characterization equation to estimate the bolt stress. On the other hand, the correlation between the bolt axial force and the fiber Bragg grating monitoring value follows an exponential pattern. This study provides an important basis for improving the understanding of a bolt anchoring mechanism and the stability control of a roadway’s surrounding rock.
Nondestructive detection of stress wave in anchorage bolts is a kind of quick and effective detection method. In this paper, bolt and mortar in anchorage system are appreciatively considered as isotropic materials. Applying composite material theory, equivalent one-dimensional physical and mechanical model of bolt and mortar is founded and equivalent engineering parameters are determined. Based on one-dimensional wave theory, the propagation equation of stress wave in anchorage system is induced. The numerical simulation of flaws in anchorage system is carried out. Through adjusting the coefficients of the dominant equation, the dynamic response of defective anchorage system under impact load can be simulated. Through comparing and analyzing, it is shown that the simulated curves are in good agreement with the waveforms obtained from model test measurements. Analytical results in theory can preferably reflect the actual dynamic character in bolt. Consequently, the mode, exciting force function, the equivalent parameters and the results of numerical simulation are proved to be correct and effective. It will play an important role in increasing the accuracy of detection results.
When considering general situation such as load on slope surface, earthquake, seepage, tension cracks on top of slope and reinforcement measures, the strict and unified formula for calculating factor of safety is obtained after analyzing stress of oblique slices. And inter-forces assumption of oblique slice is established based on traditional M-P method after analyzing the relationship of interaction forces between oblique slice and vertical slice. When adopting sliding surface with specific parameters, reasonableness of inter-forces assumption of oblique slice, change and convergence of calculated factor of safety under different inclination angle of oblique slice are studied, and applicability of inter-force assumption of traditional M-P method and Sarma method is analyzed. Thereafter, in examples of homogeneous slope, slope under earthquake, slope with tension crack near river, declining layered slope and slope reinforced with anchor cable, inter-force assumption of oblique slice is verified. The results show that there is some limitation in oblique slice method when using inter-force assumption of traditional M-P method and Sarma method, while it is feasible to use this article's inter-force assumption of oblique slice in oblique slice method and calculated factor of safety that could be got quickly through iteration is stable. With the increase of inclination angle of oblique slice, inter shear force appear to change its direction on the location of slide-out point and upper it of sliding surface, which is main factor to affect appearance of deviation of inter-force assumption in traditional M-P method and Sarma method. These examples show that calculated results under this article's inter-force assumption of oblique slice are close to previous research results, so reasonableness of this article's inter-force assumption of oblique slice has been verified, and it could provide reference for oblique slice method to analyze stability of slope.
In rock dynamics, one of typical types of loading is impact loading, which can induce the strain rate up to 1 × 10 -1-1 × 10 4 s -1. Impact loading can be generated by a dynamic machine, Hopkinson bar testing equipment and blasting, and is used to investigate the dynamic behavior of rock. When rock is subjected to dynamical loading, inertial effect will become significant. Hence the objective of rock dynamics is to investigate the propagation and dissipation of stress waves in rock, the interaction between the stress waves and the joints of rocks, the reflection, diffraction and injection of the stress waves in layered materials. Initial study of rock dynamics in China could be traced back to the early sixties of last century, when the dynamic effect of blasting on the slope stability of Daye Iron Mine was investigated. Comprehensive research for such a subject started in 1965, when State Commission of Science & Technology and National Defense Commission of Science & Technology approved to establish the defense engineering research group, and launched "construction and research for protective engineering" as a key national research program. Through such events, China built up the foundation for its rock dynamics study. In 1987, the Commission of Rock Dynamics, a sub-committee of Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering was founded; and this event became the milestone of the further development of rock dynamics. Members of the commission came from universities and research institutions of water conservancy, hydropower, energy, mining, coal, petroleum, railway transportation etc. Organized by the commission, the "National Conference for Rock Dynamics" has been held every two years, making a great contribution to the advancement of rock dynamics research. This paper will introduce the development and new achievements of rock dynamics in China recent 10 years; and it can be divided into two parts, i.e. the past achievements and the future development trends.
A test method for the non-destructive determination of bolt length, anchoring length, and bolt body force is described. This addresses the problems of low accuracy, limited number of data, and untimely warning signs encountered with existing test methods. Numerical simulations of the bolt, resin, and rock system show that the length accuracy when using the velocity wave is lower than when using the acceleration wave. It is accepted practice to use the acceleration wave for length tests because of improved signal to noise ratios of the waveforms. Laboratory and in situ underground tests showed that the precision of the measurements meets field requirements. Using this method the anchor properties of each single bolt and, thus, the safety of the entire roadway support may be evaluated.
We investigated the properties of guided wave propagating in grouted rock bolts and the formation of the interface wave through theoretical analysis along with experimental and numerical simulations. Experimental and numerical simulations reveal that the wave propagating in anchorage structure is related to boundary conditions within the range of excitation wave frequencies. Waves with different frequencies have different propagation velocities and attenuation characteristics. The optimal excitation wave occurs in grouted rock bolts with minimized attenuation and maximized propagation distance, and the end reflection of grouted rock bolts can be observed clearly. Longitudinal wave propagating in rock bolts is very sensitive to anchorage strength. With the increase of anchorage strength, longitudinal wave gradually attenuates and eventually disappears. Subsequently, interface wave appears and the velocity of wave propagating in the grouted part becomes that of the interface wave. Based on these studies, ultrasonic guided wave was used to study the end reflection of embedded rock bolts with different anchorage strengths and bonding lengths. The relationships among anchorage strength, bonding length and attenuation coefficient K, as well as the means to inspect the bonding quality of the embedded rock bolts were also evaluated.
Atatürk's Monument is a steel-constructed building containing a space-truss system, and is the tenth highest monumental construction in the world. Atatürk's mask is installed on this construction. The monument was planned to be built on rocky ground in the old quarry site at Karatepe in İzmir, which has an elevation of 40m. The steel construction connected to Atatürk's mask was planned to be braced at the andesitic rock slope from three points with different heights. The goal of this study is to determine the most suitable anchor inclination angle. To achieve this goal, two different methods were utilized: (a) kinematic analyses using stereographic projection techniques and (b) numerical analyses considering the stress distribution and lateral and vertical displacements in the andesitic rock slope depending on the variation of the anchor inclination angle. The analyses were conducted in order to confirm the results of the kinematic analyses. The suitable anchor inclination angles obtained from the two different methods were compared, and the results were discussed. The optimum anchor inclination angle obtained from both methods was determined to be 25°. In this state, the anchors are not parallel to the strikes of the discontinuity sets, such as flow band structures, cooling joints and intersection-line formed by the cooling joint sets in andesites. Because the same result was obtained from both methods, it is clear that the stereographic projection methods can be used to determine the suitable anchor inclination angle in jointed rocks.
The quality of rock bolt anchoring is closely related to the stability and safety of underground engineering and slope protection. In this paper, non-destructive testing of rock bolts is proposed based on pseudo-random signal, owing to the deficiencies of the conventional detecting method of stress wave reflection. The characteristics of pseudo-random signal for non-destructive testing of rock bolts are introduced. And the rock bolts are tested in the experiment, the time of reflection wave is identified and the length of rock bolts is calculated through cross correlation analysis between the extracted wavelet signal and the test signal. It is proved that the testing results of non-destructive testing methods based on pseudo-random signal are of low deviation. The experiment has shown that non-destructive testing of rock bolts based on pseudo-random signal is feasible with high precision.
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