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Much of this book is concerned with the way in which you collect data to answer your
research question(s). Most people plan their research in relation to a question that needs to be
answered or a problem that needs to be solved. They then think about what data they need
and the techniques they use to collect them. You are not therefore unusual if early on in your
research you consider whether you should, for example, use a questionnaire or undertake
interviews. However, how you collect your data belongs in the centre of the research ‘onion’,
the diagram we use to depict the issues underlying the choice of data collection techniques
and analysis procedures in Figure 4.1. In coming to this central point you need to explain why
you made the choice you did so that others can see that your research should be taken seri-
ously (Crotty 1998). Consequently there are important outer layers of the onion that you need
to understand and explain rather than just peel and throw away!
Understanding research philosophy
and approaches to theory development
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
• define ontology, epistemology and axiology, and explain their relevance
to business research;
• reflect on your own epistemological, ontological and axiological stance;
• understand the main research paradigms that are significant for
business research;
• explain the relevance for business research of philosophical positions
such as positivism, critical realism, interpretivism, postmodernism and
• reflect on and articulate your own philosophical position in relation to
your research;
• distinguish between deductive, inductive, and abductive approaches to
theory development.
Chapter 4
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This chapter is concerned principally with the outer two of the onion’s layers: philoso-
phy ( Sections 4.2 and 4.3 ) and approach to theory development ( Section 4.4 ). In Chapter 5
we examine the layers we call methodological choice, strategy and time horizon. The sixth
layer (data collection and analysis) is dealt with in Chapters 7 – 13 .
Our own beliefs and assumptions
about what is important affected
all of us in the decisions we made
about what we wished to study and
at which university, and the research
we undertook in order to make that
decision. Like us, every year hun-
dreds of thousands of people each
make the personal decision about
what and where to study. Not only
is the variety of possible under-
graduate and master’s programmes
extremely diverse, ranging from the
natural sciences to the arts and hu-
manities, as well as including voca-
tional subjects such as business and
management, but there are also, po-
tentially, thousands of universities to
choose from.
Each individual applicant’s personal decision
about the programme they wish to study and at
which university is based, at least in part, on what
motivates them to study, the information they find
useful in making decisions, alongside a wide variety
of other influencing factors. Recent research under-
taken for the Higher Education Funding Council
England (Dye 2013; Mellors-Bourne et al. 2014) on
the decisions made about taught master’s degree
programmes acknowledges that applicants are a
diverse and complex group. Not surprisingly, the
researchers conclude that these people approach
their decision making in different ways. Drawing
on their findings, they offer clear recommendations
about the nature of information prospective stu-
dents require. They highlight how prospective stu-
dents’ information needs upon which they can base
their decisions differ markedly across a variety of
dimensions. These include whether or not prospec-
tive applicants are students continuing directly from
an undergraduate degree or returning to study after
a period in employment, and whether or not they
are overseas or UK-based applicants.
Just as our beliefs and assumptions affected our
decisions about what to study and at which univer-
sity, they can also have an important impact on the
research we decide to pursue and the methodology
and methods we use.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
The philosophical underpinnings
of business and management
What is research philosophy?
The term research philosophy refers to a system of beliefs and assumptions about the
development of knowledge. Although this sounds rather profound, it is precisely what
you are doing when embarking on research: developing knowledge in a particular field.
The knowledge development you are embarking upon may not be as dramatic as a new
theory of human motivation, but even answering a specific problem in a particular
organisation you are, nonetheless, developing new knowledge.
Whether you are consciously aware of them or not, at every stage in your research
you will make a number of types of assumption (Burrell and Morgan 1979). These
include assumptions about human knowledge (epistemological assumptions), about the
realities you encounter in your research (ontological assumptions) and the extent and
ways your own values influence your research process (axiological assumptions). These
assumptions inevitably shape how you understand your research questions, the meth-
ods you use and how you interpret your findings (Crotty 1998). A well-thought-out and
consistent set of assumptions will constitute a credible research philosophy, which will
and data
Mixed method
inquiry Grounded
Mono method
Mono method
Mixed method
Approach to
theory development
Techniques and
Case study
Figure 4.1 The research ‘onion’
Source: © 2015 Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill
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The philosophical underpinnings of business and management
underpin your methodological choice, research strategy and data collection techniques
and analysis procedures. This will allow you to design a coherent research project, in
which all elements of research fit together. Johnson and Clark (2006) note that, as busi-
ness and management researchers, we need to be aware of the philosophical commit-
ments we make through our choice of research strategy, since this will have a significant
impact on what we do and how we understand what it is we are investigating.
Prior to undertaking a research methods module, few of our students have thought
about their own beliefs about the nature of the world around them, what constitutes
acceptable and desirable knowledge, or the extent to which they believe it necessary
to remain detached from their research data. The process of exploring and understand-
ing your own research philosophy requires you to hone the skill of reflexivity, that is,
to question your own thinking and actions, and learn to examine your own beliefs with
the same scrutiny as you would apply to the beliefs of others (Gouldner 1970). This
may sound daunting, but we all do this in our day-to-day lives when we learn from our
mistakes. As a researcher, you need to develop your reflexivity, to become aware of and
actively shape the relationship between your philosophical position and how you under-
take your research (Alvesson and Sköldberg 2000).
You may be wondering about the best way to start this reflexive process. In part,
your exploration of your philosophical position and how to translate it into a coher-
ent research practice will be influenced by practical considerations, such as the time
and finances available for your research project, and the access you can negotiate to
data. However, there are two things that you can do to start making a more active and
informed philosophical choice:
• begin asking yourself questions about your research beliefs and assumptions;
• familiarise yourself with major research philosophies within business and
This section introduces you to the philosophical underpinnings of business and man-
agement, and Section 4.3 to the five research philosophies most commonly adopted by
its researchers. We will encourage you to reflect on your own beliefs and assumptions
in relation to these five philosophies and the research design you will use to undertake
your research (Figure 4.2). The chapter will also help you to outline your philosophical
choices and justify them in relation to the alternatives you could have adopted (Johnson
and Clark 2006). Through this you will be better equipped to explain and justify your
methodological choice, research strategy and data collection procedures and analysis
At the end of the chapter in the section ‘Progressing your research project’, you will
find a reflexive tool (HARP) designed by Bristow and Saunders to help you think about
your values and beliefs in relation to research. This will help you to make your values
and assumptions more explicit, explain them using the language of research philosophy,
and consider the potential fit between your own beliefs and those of the five major phi-
losophies used in business and management research.
Is there a best philosophy for business and
management research?
You may be wondering at this stage whether you could take a shortcut, and simply
adopt ‘the best’ philosophy for business and management research. One problem with
such a shortcut would be the possibility of discovering a clash between ‘the best’
philosophy and your own beliefs and assumptions. Another problem would be that
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
business and management researchers do not agree about one best philosophy (Tsoukas
and Knudsen 2003). In terms of developing your own philosophy and designing your
research project, it is important to recognise that philosophical disagreements are an
intrinsic part of business and management research. When business and management
emerged as an academic discipline in the twentieth century, it drew its theoretical base
from a mixture of disciplines in the social sciences (e.g. sociology, psychology, econom-
ics), natural sciences (e.g. chemistry, biology), applied sciences (e.g. engineering, statis-
tics), humanities (e.g. literary theory, linguistics, history, philosophy) and the domain
of organisational practice (Starbuck 2003). In drawing on these disciplines it absorbed
the various associated philosophies dividing and defining them, resulting in the coexist-
ence of multiple research philosophies, paradigms and approaches and methodologies
we see today.
Business and management scholars have spent long decades debating whether this
multiplicity of research philosophies, paradigms and methodologies is desirable, and
have reached no agreement. Instead, two opposing perspectives have emerged: plural-
ism and unificationism. Unificationists see business and management as fragmented, and
argue that this fragmentation prevents it from becoming more like a true scientific disci-
pline. They advocate unification of management research under one strong research phi-
losophy, paradigm and methodology. Pluralists see the diversity of the field as helpful,
arguing it enriches business and management (Knudsen 2003).
In this chapter, we take a pluralist approach and suggest that each research philoso-
phy and paradigm contributes something unique and valuable to business and man-
agement research, representing a different and distinctive ‘way of seeing’ organisational
realities (Morgan 1986). However, we believe that you need to be aware of the depth
of difference and disagreements between these distinct philosophies. This will help you
to both outline and justify your own philosophical choices in relation to your chosen
research method.
Beliefs and
Figure 4.2 Developing your research philosophy: a reflexive process
Source: © Alexandra Bristow and Mark Saunders 2015
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The philosophical underpinnings of business and management
Ontological, epistemological and axiological
Before we discuss individual research philosophies in Section 4.3, we need to be able to
distinguish between them. We do this by considering the differences in the assumptions
each makes. We look at three types of research assumptions to distinguish research phi-
losophies: ontology, epistemology and axiology.
Ontology refers to assumptions about the nature of reality. Although this may seem
abstract and far removed from your intended research project, your ontological assump-
tions shape the way in which you see and study your research objects. In business and
management these objects include organisations, management, individuals’ working
lives and organisational events and artefacts. Your ontology therefore determines how
you see the world of business and management and, therefore, your choice of what to
research for your research project.
Imagine you wanted to research resistance to organisational change. For a long time,
business and management scholars made the ontological assumption that resistance to
change was highly damaging to organisations. They argued it was a kind of organisational
misbehaviour, and happened when change programmes went wrong. Consequently they
focused their research on how this phenomenon could be eliminated, looking for types of
employee that were most likely to resist change and the management actions that could
prevent or stop resistance. More recently, some researchers have started to view the
concept of resistance to change differently, resulting in a new strand of research. These
researchers see resistance as a phenomenon that happens all the time whenever organi-
sational change takes place, and that benefits organisations by addressing problematic
aspects of change programmes. Their different ontological assumptions mean that they
focus on how resistance to change can best be harnessed to benefit organisations, rather
than looking for ways to eliminate resistance (Thomas and Hardy 2011).
Epistemology concerns assumptions about knowledge, what constitutes acceptable,
valid and legitimate knowledge, and how we can communicate knowledge to others
(Burrell and Morgan 1979). Whereas ontology may initially seem rather abstract, the
relevance of epistemology is more obvious. The multidisciplinary context of business
and management means that different types of knowledge – ranging from numerical data
to textual and visual data, from facts to interpretations, and including narratives, stories
and even fictional accounts – can all be considered legitimate. Consequently different
business and management researchers adopt different epistemologies in their research,
including projects based on archival research and autobiographical accounts (Martí and
Fernández 2013), narratives (Gabriel et al. 2013) and fictional literature (De Cock and
Land 2006).
This variety of acceptable epistemologies gives you a much greater choice of meth-
ods than you would have in many other academic disciplines. However, it is important
to understand the implications of different epistemological assumptions in relation to
your choice of method(s) and the strengths and limitations of subsequent research find-
ings. For example, the (positivist) assumption that objective facts offer the best scientific
evidence is likely to result in the choice of quantitative research methods. Within this
the subsequent research findings are likely to be considered objective and generalisable.
However, they will also be less likely to offer a rich and complex view of organisational
realities, account for the differences in individual contexts and experiences or, perhaps,
propose a radically new understanding of the world than if you based your research on a
different view of knowledge. In other words, despite this diversity, it is your own episte-
mological assumptions that will govern what you consider legitimate for your research.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Axiology refers to the role of values and ethics within the research process. This
incorporates questions about how we, as researchers, deal with both our own values and
those of our research participants. As we saw in the opening vignette, the role that your
own values play in all stages of the research process is of great importance if research
results are to be credible. Heron (1996) argues that our values are the guiding reason
for all human action. He further argues that researchers demonstrate axiological skill
by being able to articulate their values as a basis for making judgements about what
research they are conducting and how they go about doing it. Choosing one topic rather
than another suggests that you think one of the topics is more important. Your choice of
philosophy is a reflection of your values, as is your choice of data collection techniques.
For example, conducting a study where you place great importance on data collected
through interview work suggests that you value personal interaction with your respond-
ents more highly than their views expressed through an anonymous questionnaire.
Some of our students have found it helpful to write their own statement of personal
values in relation to the topic they are studying. For example, for the topic of career
development, your personal values may dictate that you believe developing their career
is an individual’s responsibility. In finance, a researcher may believe (hold the value)
that as much information as possible should be available to as many stakeholders as pos-
sible. Writing a statement of personal values can help heighten your awareness of value
judgements you are making in drawing conclusions from your data. Being clear about
your own value position can also help you in deciding what is appropriate ethically and
explaining this in the event of queries about decisions you have made (Sections 6.5–6.7).
Objectivism and subjectivism
Now you are familiar with the types of assumptions that research philosophies make,
you need to be able to distinguish between them. Earlier in this chapter we discussed
the emergence of business and management as a discipline and how it absorbed a range
of philosophies from natural sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. Although
this offers philosophical and methodological choice, it also means that business and
management research philosophies are scattered along a multidimensional set of con-
tinua (Niglas 2010) between two opposing extremes. Table 4.1 summarises the continua
and their objectivist and subjectivist extremes in relation to the three types of philosophi-
cal assumption that we have just discussed.
Objectivism incorporates the assumptions of the natural sciences, arguing that the
social reality that we research is external to us and others (referred to as social actors)
(Table 4.1). This means that, ontologically, objectivism embraces realism, which, in its
most extreme form, considers social entities to be like physical entities of the natural
world, in so far as they exist independently of how we think of them, label them, or even
of our awareness of them. Because the interpretations and experiences of social actors do
not influence the existence of the social world, an objectivist in the most extreme form
believes that there is only one true social reality experienced by all social actors. This
social world is made up of solid, granular and relatively unchanging ‘things’, including
major social structures into which individuals are born (Burrell and Morgan 1979).
From an objectivist view point, social and physical phenomena exist independently,
being universal and enduring in character. Consequently, it makes sense to study them
in the same way as a natural scientist would study nature. Epistemologically, objectiv-
ists seek to discover the truth about the social world, through the medium of observable,
measurable facts, from which law-like generalisations can be drawn about the universal
social reality. Axiologically, since the social entities and social actors exist independently
of each other, objectivists seek to keep their research free of values, which they believe
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The philosophical underpinnings of business and management
Table 4.1 Philosophical assumptions as a multidimensional set of continua
Assumption type Questions Continua with two sets of extremes
Objectivism ⇔Subjectivism
Ontology • What is the nature of
• What is the world like?
• For example:
– What are
organisations like?
– What is it like being in
– What is it like being
a manager or being
One true reality
Granular (things)
Nominal/decided by
Socially constructed
Multiple realities
Flowing (processes)
Epistemology • How can we know what
we know?
• What is considered
acceptable knowledge?
• What constitutes
good-quality data?
• What kinds of
contribution to
knowledge can be
Adopt assumptions
of the natural
Adopt the assumptions
of the arts and
Attributed meanings
Individuals and contexts,
Axiology • What is the role of
values in research? How
should we treat our
own values when we do
• How should we deal
with the values of
research participants?
Integral and reflexive
could bias their findings. They therefore also try to remain detached from their own val-
ues and beliefs throughout the research process.
The social phenomenon of management can be researched in an objectivist way
(Box4.1). You may argue that management is an objective entity and decide to adopt an
objectivist stance to the study of particular aspects of management in a specific organisa-
tion. In order to justify this you would say that the managers in your organisation have
job descriptions which prescribe their duties, there are operating procedures to which
they are supposed to adhere, they are part of a formal structure which locates them in a
hierarchy with people reporting to them and they in turn report to more senior manag-
ers. This view emphasises the structural aspects of management and assumes that man-
agement is similar in all organisations. Aspects of the structure in which management
operates may differ but the essence of the function is very much the same in all organisa-
tions. If you took this ontological stance, the aim of your research would be to discover
the laws that govern management behaviour to predict how management would act in
the future. You would also attempt to lay aside any beliefs you may have developed from
interacting with individual managers in the past, in order to avoid these experiences col-
ouring your conclusions about management in general.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Box 4.1
Focus on student
A management exodus at ChemCo
As part of a major organisational change, all the man-
agers in the marketing department of the chemical
manufacturer ChemCo left the organisation. They
were replaced by new managers who were thought
to be more in tune with the more commercially
aggressive new culture that the organisation was try-
ing to create. The new managers entering the organi-
sation filled the roles of the managers who had left
and had essentially the same job duties and proce-
dures as their predecessors.
John wanted to study the role of management in
ChemCo and in particular the way in which managers
liaised with external stakeholders. He decided to use
the new managers in the marketing department as
his research ‘subjects’.
In his research proposal he outlined briefly his
research philosophy. He defined his ontological po-
sition as that of the objectivist. His reasoning was
that management in ChemCo had a reality that was
separate from the managers who inhabit that reality.
He pointed to the fact that the formal management
structure at ChemCo was largely unchanged from
that which was practised by the managers who had
left the organisation. The process of management
would continue in largely the same way in spite of
the change in personnel.
Alternatively, you may prefer to consider the objective aspects of management as less
important than the way in which managers attach their own individual meanings to their
jobs and the way they think that those jobs should be performed. This approach would
be very much more akin to the subjectivist view.
Subjectivism incorporates assumptions of the arts and humanities ( Table 4.1 ), assert-
ing that social reality is made from the perceptions and consequent actions of social actors
(people). Ontologically, subjectivism embraces nominalism (also sometimes called conven-
tionalism). Nominalism , in its most extreme form, considers that the order and structures of
social phenomena we study (and the phenomena themselves) are created by us as research-
ers and by other social actors through use of language, conceptual categories, perceptions
and consequent actions. For nominalists, there is no underlying reality to the social world
beyond what people (social actors) attribute to it, and, because each person experiences and
perceives reality differently, it makes more sense to talk about multiple realities rather than
a single reality that is the same for everyone (Burrell and Morgan 1979). A less extreme ver-
sion of this is social constructionism , which puts forward that reality is constructed through
social interaction in which social actors create partially shared meanings and realities.
As social interactions between actors are a continual process, social phenomena are in
a constant state of flux and revision. This means it is necessary as a researcher to study a
situation in detail, including historical, geographical and socio-cultural contexts in order
to understand what is happening or how realities are being experienced. Unlike an objec-
tivist researcher who seeks to discover universal facts and laws governing social behav-
iour, the subjectivist researcher is interested in different opinions and narratives that can
help to account for different social realities of different social actors. Subjectivists believe
that as they actively use these data they cannot detach themselves from their own values.
They therefore openly acknowledge and actively reflect on and question their own values
(Cunliffe (2003) calls this ‘radical reflexivity’) and incorporate these within their research.
Let us suppose that you have decided to research customer motives and behaviour.
Customers, like other social actors, may interpret the situations in which they find themselves
differently as a consequence of their own view of the world. Their different interpretations
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The philosophical underpinnings of business and management
are likely to affect their actions and the nature of their social interaction with others. From a
subjectivist view, the customers you are studying both interact with their environment and
seek to make sense of it through their interpretation of events and the meanings that they
draw from these events. Consequently their actions may be seen by others as being mean-
ingful in the context of these socially constructed interpretations and meanings.
As a subjectivist researcher, it is your role to seek to understand the different reali-
ties of the customers in order to be able to make sense of and understand their motives,
actions and intentions in a way that is meaningful ( Box 4.2 ). All this is some way from
the objectivist position that customer service in an organisation has a reality that is
separate from the customers who perceive that reality. The subjectivist view is that
customer service is produced through the social interactions between service providers
and customers and is continually being revised as a result of this. In other words, at no
Box 4.2 Focus on research in the news
Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm,
Somerset – review
By Ludovic Hunter-Tilney
“Welcome to Glaston-mud,” announced the bus driver
on the way from the train station to the festival. “A
few days ago we were getting sunburnt.” At least the
humour is always dry in the West Country. But in the
event the rain that swept over Glastonbury when its
stages opened on Friday turned out not to be too bad.
The mud was bearable. Passages of sunshine provided
respite. The real threat of a damp squib lay elsewhere.
On paper the three-day line up didn’t lack star power.
In Lana Del Rey and Ed Sheeran it had the current
holders of the number one album in the US and the
UK respectively.
Elsewhere was the usual amazing profusion of acts,
hundreds of them. On the main Pyramid Stage, Rob-
ert Plant looked over the tens of thousands of people
in front of him and recalled how, many riffs ago, Led
Zeppelin played the 1970 Bath Festival of Blues and
Progressive Music, Glastonbury’s forerunner. “Quite
a trip,” the relic sighed.
The variety was immense, from queen of country
Dolly Parton to fratboy favourite DJ Skrillex. Yet a
crucial element was missing: the “wow” factor, as pro-
vided by the Rolling Stones last year and Beyoncé in
2011. Prince would have fitted the bill, but the festival
fumbled negotiations with him to appear: according
to festival organiser Michael Eavis, the publicity shy
singer pulled out when news of the possible booking
leaked. So instead we got two headliners drawn from
Glastonbury’s indie-rock comfort zone – Arcade Fire
on the first night, Kasabian on the last – flanking an
oddity: Metallica, the first heavy metal headliner in
the festival’s history. That was a curveball, true – but
more “really?” than “wow!”.
The stage was thus set for Saturday’s headliners,
Metallica. An introductory film showed the thrash metal
veterans shooting fox hunters, a comic peace offering to
critics who felt that singer James Hetfield’s enthusiasm
for slaughtering big game was somehow contrary to the
Glastonbury spirit. Their set was equally eager to please,
a powerful and focused tour through their biggest hits.
A conceptual leap was required to link Hetfield in
Glasto hippy mode (“Hands up all those who want
to make the world a better place”) with the bulging-
veined roarer of songs such as “Cyanide” and “Creep-
ing Death”, but the band’s bulldozing force won out,
sending revellers off into the night chanting the pul-
verising riff from “Seek & Destroy”. Only the absence
of new material led one to suspect that Glastonbury’s
first heavy metal headliner would have been even more
remarkable 30 years ago when they were in their pomp.
Source : Abridged from ‘Glastonbury festival, Worthy Farm, Somerset. Review’, Ludovic Hunter-Tilney
(2014) , 29 June. Copyright © 2014 The Financial Times Ltd
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
time is there a definitive entity called ‘customer service’. Different versions of customer
service are experienced by different individuals, and as an aggregate it is constantly
Research paradigms
Another dimension that can help you to differentiate between research philosophies relates
to the political or ideological orientation of researchers towards the social world they inves-
tigate. Like the objectivism–subjectivism dimension, this ideological dimension has two
opposing poles or extremes. Burrell and Morgan (1979) call these extremes ‘sociology of
regulation’ (for short, regulation) and ‘sociology of radical change’ (simply, radical change).
Researchers working within the regulation perspective are concerned primarily with
the need for the regulation of societies and human behaviour. They assume an underly-
ing unity and cohesiveness of societal systems and structures. Much of business and
management research can be classed as regulation research that seeks to suggest how
organisational affairs may be improved within the framework of how things are done at
present rather than radically challenging the current position. However, you may wish
to do research precisely because you want to fundamentally question the way things
are done in organisations, and, through your research, offer insights that would help
to change the organisational and social worlds. In this case, you would be researching
within the radical change perspective. Radical change research approaches organisa-
tional problems from the viewpoint of overturning the existing state of affairs (Box4.3).
Such research is often visionary and utopian, being concerned with what is possible and
alternatives to the accepted current position (Burrell and Morgan 1979). Table 4.2 sum-
marises the differences between the regulation and radical change perspectives.
In their book Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis (1979) Burrell and
Morgan combine the objectivist–subjectivist continuum with a regulation–radical change
continuum to create a 2 * 2 matrix of four distinct and rival ‘paradigms’ of organisational
analysis (Figure 4.3). In their interpretation (and also as we use the term here) a paradigm
is a set of basic and taken-for-granted assumptions which underwrite the frame of refer-
ence, mode of theorising and ways of working in which a group operates. The matrix’s four
paradigms represent four different ways of viewing the social and organisational world.
In the bottom right corner of the matrix is the functionalist paradigm. This is located on
the objectivist and regulation dimensions, and is the paradigm within which most business
and management research operates. Research in this paradigm is concerned with rational
explanations and developing sets of recommendations within the current structures.
Functionalist theories and models of management, such as business process re-engineering,
Table 4.2 The regulation–radical change dimension
The regulation perspective . . . ⇔The radical change perspective . . .
. . . advocates the status quo ⇔. . . advocates radical change
. . . looks for order ⇔. . . looks for conflict
. . . looks for consensus ⇔. . . questions domination
. . . looks for integration and cohesion ⇔. . . looks for contradiction
. . . seeks solidarity ⇔. . . seeks emancipation
. . . sees the satisfaction of needs ⇔. . . sees deprivation
. . . sees the actual ⇔. . . sees the potential
Source: developed from Burrell and Morgan (1979)
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The philosophical underpinnings of business and management
Box 4.3
Focus on
Critical Management Studies:
questioning management
Much of business and management research under-
taken from within the radical change perspective
would fall within the area of management known as
Critical Management Studies (CMS). CMS researchers
question not only the behaviour of individual manag-
ers but also the very societal systems within which that
behaviour is situated. CMS research aims to challenge
their taken-for-granted acceptance as ‘the best’ or ‘the
only available’ ways of organising societies (Fournier
and Grey 2000). It therefore attempts to expose the
problems and weaknesses, as well as the damaging
effects, of these dominant ideas and practices.
CMS researchers also challenge dominant organi-
sational ideas and practices, including ‘management’
itself. In his book Against Management: Organization
in the Age of Managerialism , Martin Parker (2002:
1–2) challenges the acceptance of management.
Parker starts by acknowledging just how difficult
and almost unthinkable is it to be against something
like management, which shapes so completely our
everyday lives in today’s world. It is one thing, he
writes, to question some aspects of management, or
some of its effects, so that we can learn how to do
management better. It is a completely different and
much harder thing to be against management itself,
as a whole and categorically – it is a bit like opposing
buildings, society or air. Nevertheless, Parker insists, it
is the latter, radical questioning of management that
is the purpose of his book. Just because management
is everywhere, he writes, does not mean that man-
agement is necessary or good, or that it is not worth-
while being against it.
Parker builds his radical critique by question-
ing three key assumptions typically made about
• Management is part of scientific thought that
allows human beings increasing control over their
• Management increases control over people;
• Management is the best way to control
Questioning these assumptions might suggest that
management is damaging to organisations and socie-
ties. For example, does the environment benefit from
being controlled by people? Alternatively, is control-
ling employees necessarily good for organisations?
Figure 4.3 Four paradigms for organisational analysis
Source: Developed from Burrell and Morgan (1982) Social Paradigms and Organisational Analysis.
Reproduced with permission of Ashgate Publishing Company
Radical change
Subjectivist Objectivist
Interpretive Functionalist
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
are often generalised to other contexts, the idea being that they can be used universally
providing they are correctly implemented and monitored (Kelemen and Rumens 2008). A
key assumption you would be making here as a researcher is that organisations are rational
entities, in which rational explanations offer solutions to rational problems. Research pro-
jects could include an evaluation study of a communication strategy to assess its effec-
tiveness and to make recommendations for improvement. Research carried out within the
functionalist paradigm is most likely to be underpinned by the positivist research philoso-
phy ( Section 4.3 ), this type of research often being referred to as ‘positivist-functionalist’.
The bottom left corner of the matrix represents the interpretive paradigm . As with
the research philosophy of the same name (interpretivism, Section 4.3 ), the primary
focus of research undertaken within this paradigm is the way we as humans attempt
to make sense of the world around us ( Box 4.4 ). The concern you would have working
within this paradigm would be to understand the fundamental meanings attached to
organisational life. Far from emphasising rationality, it may be that the principal focus
you have here is discovering irrationalities. Concern with studying an organisation’s
communication strategy may focus on understanding the ways in which it fails due to
unseen reasons, maybe reasons which are not apparent even to those involved with
the strategy. This is likely to take you into the realm of the organisation’s politics and
the way in which power is used. Your concern here would be to become involved in the
organisation’s everyday activities in order to understand and explain what is going on,
rather than change things (Kelemen and Rumens 2008).
Box 4.4
Focus on student
Researching the emotional effect of
psychological contract violation
Working within an interpretive paradigm, Robyn
believed that reality is socially constructed, subjective
and could be perceived in different ways by different
people. While reading for her master’s programme
she had been surprised by how many of the research
papers she read on the psychological contract, an
individual’s belief regarding the terms and conditions
of a reciprocal agreement between themselves and
another, focused on aggregate findings rather than
the details of situations. She considered that these
researchers often ignored the individualistic and sub-
jective aspects of contracts as well as individuals’ emo-
tional responses. Robyn therefore decided her research
would be concerned with the emotional effect that
employers’ psychological contract violation had on
employees, and how these emotions impacted upon
their attitudes and behaviours. Based on a thorough
review of the literature she developed three objectives:
• to establish how individuals decided
their psychological contracts were being
violated and their emotions in response to this
• to ascertain the extent to which individuals’
attitudes towards their employer changed as a
result of these emotions;
• to explore attitudinal and behavioural
consequences of this violation.
Robyn argued in her methodology chapter that,
as a subjectivist, she was concerned with understand-
ing what her research participants perceived to be
the reality of their psychological contract violation as
they constructed it. She stated her assumption that
every action and reaction was based in a context that
was interpreted by the participant as she or he made
sense of what had happened. It was her participants’
perceptions and their emotional reactions to these
perceptions that would then inform their actions. Ro-
byn also made clear in the methodology chapter that
her research was concerned primarily with finding the
meaning and emotions that each participant attached
to their psychological contract violation and their reac-
tions rather than changing what happened in organisa-
tions. This she equated with the regulatory perspective.
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Five major philosophies
In the top right corner of the matrix, combining objectivist and radical change, is the
radical structuralist paradigm. Here your concern would be to approach your research
with a view to achieving fundamental change based upon an analysis of organisational
phenomena such as structural power relationships and patterns of conflict. You would
be involved in understanding structural patterns within work organisations such as hier-
archies and reporting relationships and the extent to which these may produce structural
domination and oppression. You would adopt an objectivist perspective due to your con-
cern with objective entities. Research undertaken within the radical structuralist para-
digm is often underpinned by a critical realist philosophy (Section 4.3), although such
researchers differentiate themselves from extreme objectivists.
Finally, the radical humanist paradigm is located within the subjectivist and radical
change dimensions. As we noted earlier, the radical change dimension adopts a critical
perspective on organisational life. It emphasises both its political nature and the con-
sequences that one’s words and deeds have upon others (Kelemen and Rumens 2008).
Working within this paradigm you would be concerned with changing the status quo.
As with the radical structuralist paradigm, your primary focus would concern the issues
of power and politics, domination and oppression. However, you would approach these
concerns from within a subjectivist ontology, which would lead you to emphasise the
importance of social construction, language, processes, and instability of structures and
meanings in organisational realities.
Burrell and Morgan’s (1979) book, although contentious, has been highly influential
in terms of how organisational scholarship is seen. One of the most strongly disputed
aspects of their work is the idea of incommensurability: the assertion that the four
paradigms contain mutually incompatible assumptions and therefore cannot be com-
bined. This debate is often referred to as ‘paradigm wars’. Whether or not you think
that different research paradigms can be combined will depend to some extent on your
own research philosophy and, going back to our discussion of philosophies as a set of
assumptions, the extremity of your views on these continua (Table 4.1) and within para-
digms (Figure 4.3). You will see later (Section 4.3) that pragmatists seek to overcome
dichotomies such as objectivism–subjectivism in their research, and as such are quite
likely to engage in multi-paradigmatic research. Critical realists, who are less objectivist
than positivists, embrace ‘epistemological relativism’, which may include more subjec-
tivist as well as objectivist research, ranging from radical structuralism to radical human-
ism. The connections between paradigms and research philosophies therefore need to
be seen in terms of philosophical affinity rather than equivocality, and should be treated
with some caution and reflexivity. You will find such reflexivity easier as you become
familiar with individual research philosophies.
Five major philosophies
In this section, we discuss five major philosophies in business and management: positiv-
ism, critical realism, interpretivism, postmodernism and pragmatism (Figure 4.1).
We introduced the research philosophy of positivism briefly in the discussion of objec-
tivism and functionalism earlier in this chapter. Positivism relates to the philosophical
stance of the natural scientist and entails working with an observable social reality to
produce law-like generalisations. It promises unambiguous and accurate knowledge and
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
originates in the works of Francis Bacon, Auguste Comte and the early twentieth-century
group of philosophers and scientists known as the Vienna Circle. The label positivism
refers to the importance of what is ‘posited’ – i.e. ‘given’. This emphasises the positivist
focus on strictly scientific empiricist method designed to yield pure data and facts unin-
fluenced by human interpretation or bias (Table 4.3). Today there is a ‘bewildering array
of positivisms’, some counting as many as 12 varieties (Crotty 1998).
If you were to adopt an extreme positivist position, you would see organisations and
other social entities as real in the same way as physical objects and natural phenomena
are real. Epistemologically you would focus on discovering observable and measurable
facts and regularities, and only phenomena that you can observe and measure would
lead to the production of credible and meaningful data (Crotty 1998). You would look for
causal relationships in your data to create law-like generalisations like those produced by
scientists (Gill and Johnson 2010). You would use these universal rules and laws to help
you to explain and predict behaviour and events in organisations.
Table 4.3 Comparison of five research philosophies in business and management research
(nature of reality or
(what constitutes
acceptable knowledge)
(role of values)
Typical methods
Real, external,
One true reality
Granular (things)
Scientific method
Observable and
measurable facts
Law-like generalisations
Causal explanation
and prediction as
Value-free research
Researcher is detached,
neutral and independent
of what is researched
Researcher maintains
objective stance
Typically deductive,
highly structured, large
samples, measurement,
typically quantitative
methods of analysis, but
a range of data can be
Critical realism
Stratified/layered (the
empirical, the actual
and the real)
External, independent
Objective structures
Causal mechanisms
Knowledge historically
situated and transient
Facts are social
Historical causal
explanation as
Value-laden research
Researcher acknowledges
bias by world views,
cultural experience and
Researcher tries to
minimise bias and errors
Researcher is as objective
as possible
Retroductive, in-depth
historically situated
analysis of pre-existing
structures and emerging
agency. Range of
methods and data types
to fit subject matter
Complex, rich
Socially constructed
through culture and
Multiple meanings,
interpretations, realities
Flux of processes,
experiences, practices
Theories and concepts
too simplistic
Focus on narratives,
stories, perceptions and
New understandings
and worldviews as
Value-bound research
Researchers are part
of what is researched,
interpretations key to
Researcher reflexive
Typically inductive.
Small samples, in-
depth investigations,
qualitative methods of
analysis, but a range of
data can be interpreted
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Five major philosophies
(nature of reality or
(what constitutes
acceptable knowledge)
(role of values)
Typical methods
Complex, rich
Socially constructed
through power relations
Some meanings,
interpretations, realities
are dominated and
silenced by others
Flux of processes,
experiences, practices
What counts as ‘truth’
and ‘knowledge’ is
decided by dominant
Focus on absences,
silences and oppressed/
repressed meanings,
interpretations and voices
Exposure of power
relations and challenge
of dominant views as
Researcher and research
embedded in power
Some research narratives
are repressed and
silenced at the expense
of others
Researcher radically
Typically deconstructive –
reading texts and
realities against
In-depth investigations
of anomalies, silences
and absences
Range of data types,
typically qualitative
methods of analysis
Complex, rich,
‘Reality’ is the practical
consequences of ideas
Flux of processes,
experiences and
Practical meaning of
knowledge in specific
‘True’ theories and
knowledge are those
that enable successful
Focus on problems,
practices and relevance
Problem solving and
informed future practice
as contribution
Value-driven research
Research initiated and
sustained by researcher’s
doubts and beliefs
Researcher reflexive
Following research
problem and research
Range of methods:
mixed, multiple,
qualitative, quantitative,
action research
Emphasis on practical
solutions and outcomes
As a positivist researcher you might use existing theory to develop hypotheses. These
hypotheses would be tested and confirmed, in whole or part, or refuted, leading to the
further development of theory which then may be tested by further research. However,
this does not mean that, as a positivist, you necessarily have to start with existing theory.
All natural sciences have developed from an engagement with the world in which data
were collected and observations made prior to hypotheses being formulated and tested.
The hypotheses developed, as in Box4.5, would lead to the gathering of facts (rather
than impressions) that would provide the basis for subsequent hypothesis testing.
As a positivist you would also try to remain neutral and detached from your research
and data in order to avoid influencing your findings (Crotty 1998). This means that you
would undertake research, as far as possible, in a value-free way. For positivists, this
is a plausible position, because of the measurable, quantifiable data that they collect.
They claim to be external to the process of data collection as there is little that can
be done to alter the substance of the data collected. Consider, for example, the differ-
ences between data collected using an Internet questionnaire (Chapter 11) in which the
respondent self-selects from responses predetermined by the researcher, and in-depth
interviews (Chapter 10). In the Internet questionnaire, the researcher determines the
list of possible responses as part of the design process. Subsequent to this she or he
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
can claim that her or his values do not influence the answers given by the respondent.
In contrast, an in-depth interview necessitates the researcher framing the questions in
relation to each participant and interpreting their answers. Unlike in a questionnaire,
these questions are unlikely to be asked in exactly the same way. Rather the inter-
viewer exercises her or his judgement in what to ask to collect participant-led accounts
that are as rich as possible.
You may believe that excluding our own values as researchers is impossible. Even a
researcher adopting a positivist stance exercises choice in the issue to study, the research
objectives to pursue and the data to collect. Indeed, it could be argued that the decision
to try to adopt a value-free perspective suggests the existence of a certain value position!
Positivist researchers are likely to use a highly structured methodology in order to
facilitate replication (Gill and Johnson 2010). Furthermore, the emphasis will be on
quantifiable observations that lend themselves to statistical analysis ( Box 4.5 ). However,
as you will read in later chapters, sometimes positivist research extends itself to other
data collection methods and seeks to quantify qualitative data, for example by applying
hypothesis testing to data originally collected in in-depth interviews.
Critical realism
It is important not to confuse the philosophy of critical realism with the more extreme
form of realism underpinning the positivist philosophy. The latter, sometimes known
as direct realism (or naïve empirical scientific realism), says that what you see is what
you get: what we experience through our senses portrays the world accurately. By con-
trast, the philosophy of critical realism focuses on explaining what we see and experi-
ence, in terms of the underlying structures of reality that shape the observable events.
Box 4.5
Focus on student
The development of hypotheses
Brett was conducting a piece of research for his pro-
ject on the economic benefits of working from home
for software developers. He studied the literature on
home working and read two dissertations in his uni-
versity’s library that dealt with the same phenomenon,
albeit that they did not relate specifically to software
developers. As a result of his reading, Brett developed
a number of theoretical propositions, each of which
contained specific hypotheses. One of his propositions
related to the potential increased costs associated with
home working.
negate the productivity gains from home working.
From this he developed four SPECIFIC HYPOTHESES:
1 Increased costs for computer hardware, software
and telecommunications equipment will negate
the productivity gains from home working.
2 Home workers will require additional support
from on-site employees, for example technicians,
which will negate the productivity gains from
home working.
3 Work displaced to other employees and/or
increased supervisory requirements will negate the
productivity gains from home working.
4 Reduced face-to-face access by home workers
to colleagues will result in lost opportunities
to increase efficiencies, which will negate the
productivity gains from home working.
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Five major philosophies
Critical realism originated in the late twentieth century in the work of Roy Bhaskar, as
a response to both positivist direct realism and postmodernist nominalism (discussed
later), and occupies a middle ground between these two positions (Reed 2005).
For critical realists, reality is the most important philosophical consideration, a struc-
tured and layered ontology being crucial (Fleetwood 2005). Critical realists see reality
as external and independent, but not directly accessible through our observation and
knowledge of it (Table 4.3). Rather, what we experience is ‘the empirical’, in other
words sensations, which are some of the manifestations of the things in the real world,
rather than the actual things. Critical realists highlight how often our senses deceive us.
When you next watch a cricket or rugby match on television you are likely to see an
advertisement for the sponsor on the actual playing surface. This advertisement appears
to be standing upright on the pitch. However, this is an illusion. It is, in fact, painted on
the grass. So what we see are sensations, which are representations of what is real.
Critical realism claims there are two steps to understanding the world. First, there are
the sensations and events we experience. Second, there is the mental processing that
goes on sometime after the experience, when we ‘reason backwards’ from our experi-
ences to the underlying reality that might have caused them (this reasoning backwards
is known as ‘retroduction’) (Reed 2005). Direct realism says that the first step is enough.
To pursue our cricket (or rugby) example, the umpire who is a direct realist would say
about her or his umpiring decisions: ‘I give them as they are!’ The umpire who is a criti-
cal realist would say: ‘I give them as I see them!’ Critical realists would point out that
what the umpire has observed (the ‘Empirical’) is only a small part of everything that he
or she could have seen; a small fraction of the sum total of the ‘Actual’ events that are
occurring at any one point in time (Figure 4.4). A player may, perhaps, have obscured
the umpire’s view of another player committing a foul. Critical realists would emphasise
that what the umpire has not seen are the underlying causes (the ‘Real’) of a situation
(Figure 4.4). For example, was a head-butt a real, intentional foul, or an accident? The
umpire cannot experience the real significance of the situation directly. Rather, she or
he has to use his/her sensory data of the ‘Empirical’ as observed and use reasoning to
work it out.
Figure 4.4 Critical realist stratified ontology
Source: Developed from Bhaskar (1978)
The Empirical: Events that are
actually observed or experienced
The Actual: Events and non-events generated
by the Real; may or may not be
The Real: Causal structures and mechanisms
with enduring properties
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
If you believe that, as researchers, we need to look for the bigger picture of which we
see only a small part, you may be leaning towards the critical realist philosophy. Bhaskar
(1989) argues that we will only be able to understand what is going on in the social
world if we understand the social structures that have given rise to the phenomena that
we are trying to understand. He writes that we can identify what we do not see through
the practical and theoretical processes of the social sciences. Critical realist research
therefore focuses on providing an explanation for observable organisational events by
looking for the underlying causes and mechanisms through which deep social structures
shape everyday organisational life. Due to this focus, much of critical realist research
takes the form of in-depth historical analysis of social and organisational structures, and
how they have changed over time (Reed 2005).
Within their focus on the historical analysis of structures, critical realists embrace
epistemological relativism (Reed 2005), a (mildly) subjectivist approach to knowledge.
Epistemological relativism recognises that knowledge is historically situated (in other
words, it is a product of its time and is specific to it), and that social facts are social con-
structions agreed on by people rather than existing independently (Bhaskar 1989). This
implies that critical realist notions of causality cannot be reduced to statistical correla-
tions and quantitative methods, and that a range of methods is acceptable (Reed 2005).
A critical realist’s axiological position follows from the recognition that our knowledge
of reality is a result of social conditioning (e.g. we know that if the rugby player runs
into an advertisement that is actually standing up he or she will fall over!) and cannot
be understood independently of the social actors involved. This means that, as a critical
realist researcher, you would strive to be aware of the ways in which your socio-cultural
background and experiences might influence your research, and would seek to minimise
such biases and be as objective as possible.
Interpretivism, like critical realism, developed as a critique of positivism but from
a subjectivist perspective. Interpretivism emphasises that humans are different from
physical phenomena because they create meanings. Interpretivists study these mean-
ings. Interpretivism emerged in early- and mid-twentieth-century Europe, in the work
of German, French and occasionally English thinkers, and is formed of several strands,
most notably hermeneutics, phenomenology and symbolic interactionism (Crotty 1998).
Interpretivism argues that human beings and their social worlds cannot be studied in
the same way as physical phenomena, and that therefore social sciences research needs
to be different from natural sciences research rather than trying to emulate the latter
(Table 4.3). As different people of different cultural backgrounds, under different cir-
cumstances and at different times make different meanings, and so create and expe-
rience different social realities, interpretivists are critical of the positivist attempts to
discover definite, universal ‘laws’ that apply to everybody. Rather they believe that rich
insights into humanity are lost if such complexity is reduced entirely to a series of law-
like generalisations.
The purpose of interpretivist research is to create new, richer understandings and
interpretations of social worlds and contexts. For business and management researchers,
this means looking at organisations from the perspectives of different groups of people.
They would argue, for example, that the ways in which the CEO, board directors, man-
agers, shop assistants, cleaners and customers see and experience a large retail company
are different, so much so that they could arguably be seen as experiencing different
workplace realities. If research focuses on the experiences that are common to all at all
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Five major philosophies
times, much of the richness of the differences between them and their individual circum-
stances will be lost, and the understanding of the organisation that the research deliv-
ers will reflect this. Furthermore, differences that make organisations complex are not
simply contained to different organisational roles. Male or female employees or custom-
ers, or those from different ethnic/cultural backgrounds, may experience workplaces,
services or events in different ways. Interpretations of what on the surface appears to be
the same thing (such as a luxury product) can differ between historical or geographical
Interpretivist researchers try to take account of this complexity by collecting what is
meaningful to their research participants. Different strands of interpretivism place slightly
different emphasis on how to do this in practice, so phenomenologists, who study exist-
ence, focus on participants’ lived experience; that is, the participants’ recollections and
interpretations of those experiences. Hermeneuticists focus on the study of cultural arte-
facts such as texts, symbols, stories, images. Symbolic interactionists, whose tradition
derives from pragmatist thinking (discussed later in this section) and who see meaning
as something that emerges out of interactions between people, focus on the observation
and analysis of social interaction such as conversations, meetings, teamwork. In general,
interpretivists emphasise the importance of language, culture and history (Crotty 1998)
in the shaping of our interpretations and experiences of organisational and social worlds.
With its focus on complexity, richness, multiple interpretations and meaning-making,
interpretivism is explicitly subjectivist. An axiological implication of this is that interpre-
tivists recognise that their interpretation of research materials and data, and thus their
own values and beliefs, play an important role in the research process. Crucial to the
interpretivist philosophy is that the researcher has to adopt an empathetic stance. The
challenge for the interpretivist is to enter the social world of the research participants
and understand that world from their point of view. Some would argue the interpretivist
perspective is highly appropriate in the case of business and management research. Not
only are business situations complex, they are often unique, at least in terms of context.
They reflect a particular set of circumstances and interactions involving individuals com-
ing together at a specific time.
Postmodernism emphasises the role of language and of power relations, seeking to
question accepted ways of thinking and give voice to alternative marginalised views
(Table 4.3). It emerged in the late twentieth century and has been most closely asso-
ciated with the work of French philosophers Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida,
Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Jean Baudrillard. Postmodernism is
historically entangled with the intellectual movement of poststructuralism. As the dif-
ferences in focus between postmodernism and poststructuralism are subtle and have
become less discernible over time, in this chapter for the sake of simplicity we will focus
on one label, postmodernism.
Postmodernists go even further than interpretivists in their critique of positivism and
objectivism, attributing even more importance to the role of language (Table 4.3). They
reject the modern objectivist, realist ontology of things, and instead emphasise the cha-
otic primacy of flux, movement, fluidity and change. They believe that any sense of
order is provisional and foundationless, and can only be brought about through our lan-
guage with its categories and classifications (Chia 2003). At the same time they recognise
that language is always partial and inadequate. In particular, it always marginalises,
suppresses and excludes aspects of what it claims to describe, while privileging and
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
emphasising other aspects. As there is no order to the social world beyond that which
we give to it through language, there is no abstract way of determining the ‘right’ or the
‘true’ way to describe the world. Instead, what is generally considered to be ‘right’ and
‘true’ is decided collectively. These collective ‘choices’, in turn, are shaped by the power
relations and by the ideologies that dominate particular contexts (Foucault 1991). This
does not mean that the dominant ways of thinking are necessarily the ‘best’ – only that
they are seen as such at a particular point in time by particular groups of people. Other
perspectives that are suppressed are potentially just as valuable and have the power to
create alternative worlds and truths.
Postmodernist researchers seek to expose and question the power relations that
sustain dominant realities (Calás and Smircich 1997). This takes the form of ‘decon-
structing’ (taking apart) these realities, as if they were texts, to search for instabilities
within their widely accepted truths, and for what has not been discussed – absences
and silences created in the shadow of such truths (Derrida 1976). Postmodernists strive
to make what has been left out or excluded more visible by the deconstruction of what
counts as ‘reality’ into ideologies and power relations that underpin it, as you would
dismantle an old building into the bricks and mortar that make it up. The goal of post-
modern research is therefore to radically challenge the established ways of thinking and
knowing (Kilduff and Mehra 1997) and to give voice and legitimacy to the suppressed
and marginalised ways of seeing and knowing that have been previously excluded
(Chia 2003).
As a postmodernist researcher, you would, instead of approaching the organisational
world as constituted by things and entities such as ‘management’, ‘performance’ and
‘resources’, focus on the ongoing processes of organising, managing and ordering that
constitute such entities. You would challenge organisational concepts and theories, and
seek to demonstrate what perspectives and realities they exclude and leave silent and
whose interests they serve. For example, you might wish to follow the work of Barbara
Townley (1994), and explore the ways in which the label ‘human resources’ (HR) privi-
leges particular ways of seeing and dealing with human beings in organisations and
show what other alternatives it suppresses. You might explore how the HR label makes
acceptable and legitimate a whole range of ideas and practices that we know as ‘human
resource management’, thus serving the interests of managers rather than those of their
subordinates (Townley 1994).
As a postmodernist, you would be open to the deconstruction of any forms of data –
texts, images, conversations, voices and numbers. Like interpretivists, you would be under-
taking in-depth investigations of phenomena. Fundamental to postmodernist research is the
recognition that power relations between the researcher and research subjects shape the
knowledge created as part of the research process. As power relations cannot be avoided,
it is crucial for researchers to be open about their moral and ethical positions (Calás and
Smircich 1997), and thus you would strive to be radically reflexive about your own think-
ing and writing (Cunliffe 2003).
By now you may be thinking: do these differences in assumptions really matter? The pro-
ponents of the philosophies discussed above would say that they do, as they delineate
fundamentally different ways of seeing the world and carrying out research. However,
you may be feeling differently. If you are becoming impatient with the battle of onto-
logical, epistemological and axiological assumptions between the different philosophies,
if you are questioning their relevance, and if you would rather get on with research
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Five major philosophies
that would focus on making a difference to organisational practice, you may be lean-
ing towards the philosophy of pragmatism. However, you need to be sure that you are
not treating pragmatism as an escape route from the challenge of understanding other
Pragmatism asserts that concepts are only relevant where they support action
(Kelemen and Rumens 2008). Pragmatism originated in the late-nineteenth–early-
twentieth-century USA in the work of philosophers Charles Pierce, William James and
John Dewey. It strives to reconcile both objectivism and subjectivism, facts and values,
accurate and rigorous knowledge and different contextualised experiences ( Table 4.3 ).
It does this by considering theories, concepts, ideas, hypotheses and research findings
not in an abstract form, but in terms of the roles they play as instruments of thought
and action, and in terms of their practical consequences in specific contexts ( Table 4.3 ;
Box 4.6 ). Reality matters to pragmatists as practical effects of ideas, and knowledge is
valued for enabling actions to be carried out successfully.
For a pragmatist, research starts with a problem, and aims to contribute practical
solutions that inform future practice. Researcher values drive the reflexive process of
inquiry, which is initiated by doubt and a sense that something is wrong or out of place,
and which re-creates belief when the problem has been resolved (Elkjaer and Simpson
2011). As pragmatists are more interested in practical outcomes than abstract distinc-
tions, their research may have considerable variation in terms of how ‘objectivist’ or
‘subjectivist’ it turns out to be. If you were to undertake pragmatist research, this would
mean that the most important determinant for your research design and strategy would
be the research problem that you would try to address, and your research question. Your
research question, in turn, would be likely to incorporate the pragmatist emphasis of
practical outcomes.
If a research problem does not suggest unambiguously that one particular type of
knowledge or method should be adopted, this only confirms the pragmatist’s view
that it is perfectly possible to work with different types of knowledge and meth-
ods. Thisreflects a theme which recurs in this book – that multiple methods are
Box 4.6
Focus on
Investigating the realities of how
things work in organisations
In an article in the Journal of Management Studies,
Watson (2011) discusses the rationale for undertak-
ing good ethnographic research when investigating
the realities of how things work in organisations.
Within this he argues that pragmatist realist principles
of truth, reality and relevance to practice provide a
powerful rationale for focusing on investigating the
realities of how things work in organisations using
In his article Watson highlights how he has always
believed that it is not possible to learn a great deal
about what actually happens or how things work in
organisations without undertaking intensive research
that involves observation or the researcher participat-
ing, both of which are essential to ethnography. In
developing this argument, Watson (2011: 204) em-
phasises the importance of the ‘relevance to practice’
principle of pragmatism, stating: ‘I felt that there was
no real alternative to this if I wanted to contribute in a
worthwhile way to the social scientific understanding
of how managers manage, how organisational change
comes about, how micro politics operate, and how
employment relationships are shaped and maintained.’
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
often possible, and possibly highly appropriate, within one study (see Section 5.3).
Pragmatists recognise that there are many different ways of interpreting the world and
undertaking research, that no single point of view can ever give the entire picture and
that there may be multiple realities. This does not mean that pragmatists always use
multiple methods; rather they use the method or methods that enable credible, well-
founded, reliable and relevant data to be collected that advance the research (Kelemen
and Rumens 2008).
Approaches to theory development
We emphasised that your research project will involve the use of theory (Chapter 2).
That theory may or may not be made explicit in the design of the research (Chapter 5),
although it will usually be made explicit in your presentation of the findings and con-
clusions. The extent to which you are clear about the theory at the beginning of your
research raises an important question concerning the design of your research project.
This is often portrayed as two contrasting approaches to the reasoning you adopt: deduc-
tive or inductive. Deductive reasoning occurs when the conclusion is derived logically
from a set of premises, the conclusion being true when all the premises are true (Ketokivi
and Mantere 2010). For example, our research may concern likely online retail sales of a
soon-to-be-launched new games console. We form three premises:
• that online retailers have been allocated limited stock of the new games consoles by
the manufacturer;
• that customers’ demand for the consoles exceeds supply;
• that online retailers allow customers to pre-order the consoles.
If these premises are true we can deduce that the conclusion that online retailers will
have ‘sold’ their entire allocation of the new games consoles by the release day will also
be true.
In contrast, in inductive reasoning there is a gap in the logic argument between
the conclusion and the premises observed, the conclusion being ‘judged’ to be sup-
ported by the observations made (Ketokivi and Mantere 2010). Returning to our exam-
ple of the likely online retail sales of a soon-to-be-launched new games console, we
would start with observations about the forthcoming launch. Our observed premises
would be:
• that news media are reporting that online retailers are complaining about only being
allocated limited stock of the new games consoles by manufacturers;
• that news media are reporting that demand for the consoles will exceed supply;
• that online retailers are allowing customers to pre-order the consoles.
Based on these observations, we have good reason to believe online retailers will have
‘sold’ their entire allocation of the new games consoles by the release day. However,
although our conclusion is supported by our observations, it is not guaranteed. In the
past, manufacturers have launched new games consoles which have been commercial
failures (Zigterman 2013).
There is also a third approach to theory development that is just as common in
research, abductive reasoning, which begins with a ‘surprising fact’ being observed
(Ketokivi and Mantere 2010). This surprising fact is the conclusion rather than a premise.
Based on this conclusion, a set of possible premises is determined that is considered
sufficient or nearly sufficient to explain the conclusion. It is reasoned that, if this set of
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Approaches to theory development
premises was true, then the conclusion would be true as a matter of course. Because
the set of premises is sufficient (or nearly sufficient) to generate the conclusion, this
provides reason to believe that it is also true. Returning once again to our example of the
likely online retail sales of a soon-to-be-launched new games console, a surprising fact
(conclusion) might be that online retailers are reported in the news media as stating they
will have no remaining stock of the new games console for sale on the day of its release.
However, if the online retailers are allowing customers to pre-order the console prior to
its release then it would not be surprising if these retailers had already sold their alloca-
tion of consoles. Therefore, using abductive reasoning, the possibility that online retail-
ers have no remaining stock on the day of release is reasonable.
Building on these three approaches to theory development (Figure 4.1), if your
research starts with theory, often developed from your reading of the academic literature,
and you design a research strategy to test the theory, you are using a deductive approach
(Table 4.4). Conversely, if your research starts by collecting data to explore a phenom-
enon and you generate or build theory (often in the form of a conceptual framework),
then you are using an inductive approach (Table 4.4). Where you are collecting data
to explore a phenomenon, identify themes and explain patterns, to generate a new or
modify an existing theory which you subsequently test through additional data collec-
tion, you are using an abductive approach (Table 4.4).
The next three sub-sections explore the differences and similarities between these
three approaches and their implications for your research.
Table 4.4 Deduction, induction and abduction: from reason to research
Deduction Induction Abduction
Logic In a deductive inference,
when the premises are
true, the conclusion must
also be true
In an inductive inference,
known premises are used
to generate untested
In an abductive inference,
known premises are used
to generate testable
Generalisability Generalising from the
general to the specific
Generalising from the
specific to the general
Generalising from the
interactions between the
specific and the general
Use of data Data collection is used to
evaluate propositions or
hypotheses related to an
existing theory
Data collection is used to
explore a phenomenon,
identify themes and
patterns and create a
conceptual framework
Data collection is used to
explore a phenomenon,
identify themes and
patterns, locate these in
a conceptual framework
and test this through
subsequent data
collection and so forth
Theory Theory falsification or
Theory generation and
Theory generation
or modification;
existing theory where
appropriate, to build new
theory or modify existing
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
As noted earlier, deduction owes much to what we would think of as scientific research.
It involves the development of a theory that is then subjected to a rigorous test through
a series of propositions. As such, it is the dominant research approach in the natural
sciences, where laws present the basis of explanation, allow the anticipation of phenom-
ena, predict their occurrence and therefore permit them to be controlled.
Blaikie (2010) lists six sequential steps through which a deductive approach will
1 Put forward a tentative idea, a premise, a hypothesis (a testable proposition about the
relationship between two or more concepts or variables) or set of hypotheses to form
a theory.
2 By using existing literature, or by specifying the conditions under which the theory is
expected to hold, deduce a testable proposition or number of propositions.
3 Examine the premises and the logic of the argument that produced them, comparing
this argument with existing theories to see if it offers an advance in understanding. If
it does, then continue.
4 Test the premises by collecting appropriate data to measure the concepts or variables
and analysing them.
5 If the results of the analysis are not consistent with the premises (the tests fail!), the
theory is false and must either be rejected or modified and the process restarted.
6 If the results of the analysis are consistent with the premises then the theory is
Deduction possesses several important characteristics. First, there is the search
to explain causal relationships between concepts and variables. It may be that you
wish to establish the reasons for high employee absenteeism in a retail store. After
reading about absence patterns in the academic literature you develop a theory that
there is a relationship between absence, the age of workers and length of service.
Consequently, you develop a number of hypotheses, including one which states that
absenteeism is significantly more likely to be prevalent among younger workers and
another which states that absenteeism is significantly more likely to be prevalent
among workers who have been employed by the organisation for a relatively short
period of time. To test this proposition you collect quantitative data. (This is not to
say that a deductive approach may not use qualitative data.) It may be that there are
important differences in the way work is arranged in different stores: therefore you
would need to specify precisely the conditions under which your theory is likely to
hold and collect appropriate data within these conditions. By doing this you would
help to ensure that any change in absenteeism was a function of worker age and
length of service rather than any other aspect of the store, for example the way in
which people were managed. Your research would use a highly structured meth-
odology to facilitate replication, an important issue to ensure reliability, as we shall
emphasise in Section 5.8.
An additional important characteristic of deduction is that concepts need to be
operationalised in a way that enables facts to be measured, often quantitatively. In
our example, one variable that needs to be measured is absenteeism. Just what con-
stitutes absenteeism would have to be strictly defined: an absence for a complete
day would probably count, but what about absence for two hours? In addition, what
would constitute a ‘short period of employment’ and ‘younger’ employees? What is
happening here is that the principle of reductionism is being followed. This holds
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Approaches to theory development
that problems as a whole are better understood if they are reduced to the simplest
possible elements.
The final characteristic of deduction is generalisation. In order to be able to general-
ise it is necessary to select our sample carefully and for it to be of sufficient size (Sections
7.2 and 7.3). In our example above, research at a particular store would allow us only
to make inferences about that store; it would be dangerous to predict that worker youth
and short length of service lead to absenteeism in all cases. This is discussed in more
detail in Section 5.8.
An alternative approach to developing theory on retail store employee absenteeism
would be to start by interviewing a sample of the employees and their supervisors about
the experience of working at the store. The purpose here would be to get a feel of what
was going on, so as to understand better the nature of the problem. Your task then
would be to make sense of the interview data you collected through your analysis. The
result of this analysis would be the formulation of a theory, often expressed as a concep-
tual framework. This may be that there is a relationship between absence and the length
of time a person has worked for the retail store. Alternatively, you may discover that
there are other competing reasons for absence that may or may not be related to worker
age or length of service. You may end up with the same theory, but your reasoning to
produce that theory is using an inductive approach: theory follows data rather than vice
versa, as with deduction.
We noted earlier that deduction has its origins in research in the natural sciences.
However, the emergence of the social sciences in the twentieth century led social sci-
ence researchers to be wary of deduction. They were critical of a reasoning approach
that enabled a cause–effect link to be made between particular variables without an
understanding of the way in which humans interpreted their social world. Developing
such an understanding is, of course, the strength of an inductive approach. In our
absenteeism example, if you were adopting an inductive approach you would argue
that it is more realistic to treat workers as humans whose attendance behaviour is a
consequence of the way in which they perceive their work experience, rather than as
if they were unthinking research objects who respond in a mechanistic way to certain
Followers of induction would also criticise deduction because of its tendency to
construct a rigid methodology that does not permit alternative explanations of what is
going on. In that sense, there is an air of finality about the choice of theory and defini-
tion of the hypothesis. Alternative theories may be suggested by deduction. However,
these would be within the limits set by the highly structured research design. In this
respect, a significant characteristic of the absenteeism research design noted above is
that of the operationalisation of concepts. As we saw in the absenteeism example, age
was precisely defined. However, a less structured approach might reveal alternative
explanations of the absenteeism–age relationship denied by a stricter definition of age.
Research using an inductive approach to reasoning is likely to be particularly con-
cerned with the context in which such events take place (Box4.7). Therefore, the study
of a small sample of subjects might be more appropriate than a large number as with the
deductive approach. Researchers in this tradition are more likely to work with qualitative
data and to use a variety of methods to collect these data in order to establish different
views of phenomena (as will be seen in Chapter 10).
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Instead of moving from theory to data (as in deduction) or data to theory (as in
induction), an abductive approach moves back and forth, in effect combining deduc-
tion and induction (Suddaby 2006). This, as we have noted earlier, matches what
many business and management researchers actually do. Abduction begins with the
observation of a ‘surprising fact’; it then works out a plausible theory of how this
could have occurred. Van Maanen et al. (2007) note that some plausible theories can
account for what is observed better than others and it is these theories that will help
uncover more ‘surprising facts’. These surprises, they argue, can occur at any stage in
the research process, including when writing your project report! Van Maanen et al.
also stress that deduction and induction complement abduction as logics for testing
plausible theories.
Applying an abductive approach to our research on the reasons for high employee
absenteeism in a retail store would mean obtaining data that were sufficiently detailed
and rich to allow us to explore the phenomenon and identify and explain themes and
patterns regarding employee absenteeism. We would then try to integrate these expla-
nations in an overall conceptual framework, thereby building up a theory of employee
absenteeism in a retail store. This we would test using evidence provided by existing
data and new data and revise as necessary.
At this stage you may be asking yourself: So what? Why is the choice that I make
about my approach to theory development so important? Easterby-Smith et al. (2012)
suggest three reasons. First, it enables you to take a more informed decision about your
research design ( Chapter 5 ), which is more than just the techniques by which data are
collected and procedures by which they are analysed. It is the overall configuration of a
Box 4.7
Focus on
Developing theory inductively
In their paper titled ‘Sustainable entrepreneurship,
is entrepreneurial will enough?’ Spence et al.
(2011) analyse 44 cases from Canada, Tunisia
and Cameroon to determine the fundamentals of
sustainable entrepreneurship in small- and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs). The overall objective of
their research was to analyse and explain SMEs’
practices by comparing and contrasting levels of
sustainable entrepreneurship in these three countries.
They argue that, because the concept of sustainable
entrepreneurship was not well defined among SMEs
in emerging and developing countries, an inductive
approach would be most appropriate.
Data were collected using interviews, organisa-
tional documents provided by the owner-manager
and by examining the SMEs’ websites where avail-
able. Interviews lasted between one and two hours
and were undertaken using a guide comprising of
open questions designed to enable an understanding
of each SME’s level of sustainable entrepreneurship,
as well as their business objectives. The questions al-
lowed the interviewer to pursue topics such as the
owner-manager’s knowledge of sustainability issues,
their personal beliefs and a detailed account of their
firm’s involvement in sustainability.
These data were used subsequently to induce
qualitative indicators and develop a typology of sus-
tainable development.
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Approaches to theory development
piece of research involving questions about what kind of evidence is gathered and from
where, and how such evidence is interpreted in order to provide good answers to your
initial research question.
Second, it will help you to think about those research strategies and methodologi-
cal choice that will work for you and, crucially, those that will not. For example, if you
are particularly interested in understanding why something is happening, rather than
being able to describe what is happening, it may be more appropriate to undertake your
research inductively rather than deductively.
Third, Easterby-Smith et al. (2012) argue that knowledge of the different research
traditions enables you to adapt your research design to cater for constraints. These may
be practical, involving, say, limited access to data, or they may arise from a lack of prior
knowledge of the subject. You simply may not be in a position to frame a hypothesis
because you have insufficient understanding of the topic to do this.
Using approaches in combination
So far, when discussing induction and deduction we have conveyed the impression that
there are rigid divisions between deduction and induction. This would be misleading.
As we have seen in our discussion of abduction, is it possible to combine deduction and
induction within the same piece of research. It is also, in our experience, often advanta-
geous to do so, although often one approach or another is dominant.
At this point you may be wondering whether your reasoning will be predominantly
deductive, inductive or abductive. The honest answer is, ‘it depends’. In particular, it
depends on the emphasis of the research (Box4.8) and the nature of the research topic.
A topic on which there is a wealth of literature from which you can define a theoretical
framework and a hypothesis lends itself more readily to deduction. With research into a
topic that is new, is exciting much debate and on which there is little existing literature,
it may be more appropriate to work inductively by generating data and analysing and
reflecting upon what theoretical themes the data are suggesting. Alternatively, a topic
about which there is a wealth of information in one context but far less in the context
in which you are researching may lend itself to an abductive approach enabling you to
modify an existing theory.
The time you have available will be an issue. Deductive research can be quicker to
complete, albeit that time must be devoted to setting up the study prior to data collec-
tion and analysis. Data collection is often based on ‘one take’. It is normally possible
to predict the time schedules accurately. On the other hand, abductive and, particu-
larly, inductive research can be much more protracted. Often the ideas, based on a much
longer period of data collection and analysis, have to emerge gradually. This leads to
another important consideration, the extent to which you are prepared to indulge in risk.
Deduction can be a lower-risk strategy, although there are risks, such as the non-return
of questionnaires. With induction and abduction you have to live with the fear that no
useful data patterns and theory will emerge. Finally, there is the question of audience. In
our experience, most managers are familiar with deduction and much more likely to put
faith in the conclusions emanating from this approach. You may also wish to consider
the preferences of the person marking your research report. We all have our preferences
about the approach to adopt.
This last point suggests that not all your decisions about the approach to reason-
ing should always be practically based. Hakim (2000) uses an architectural metaphor
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
to illustrate this. She introduces the notion of the researcher’s preferred style, which,
rather like the architect’s, may reflect ‘the architect’s own preferences and ideas . . .
and the stylistic preferences of those who pay for the work and have to live with the
final result’ (Hakim 2000: 1). This echoes the feelings of Buchanan et al. (2013: 59),
who argue that ‘needs, interests and preferences (of the researcher) . . . are typically
overlooked but are central to the progress of fieldwork’. However, a note of caution:
it is important that your preferences do not lead to you changing the essence of the
research question, particularly if it has been given to you by an organisation as a
consultancy project.
• The term ‘research philosophies’ refers to systems of beliefs and assumptions about the devel-
opment of knowledge. This means that your research philosophy contains important assump-
tions about the way in which you view the world. These assumptions shape all aspects of
your research projects.
Box 4.8
Focus on student
Deductive, inductive and abductive
Sadie decided to conduct a research project on vio-
lence at work and its effects on the stress levels of
staff. She considered the different ways she would
approach the work were she to adopt:
• the deductive approach;
• the inductive approach;
• the abductive approach.
If she adopted a deductive approach to her rea-
soning, she would have to:
1 start with the hypothesis that staff working
directly with the public are more likely to
experience the threat or reality of violence and
resultant stress;
2 decide to research a population in which she
would have expected to find evidence of
violence, for example, a sizeable social
security office;
3 administer a questionnaire to a large sample of
staff in order to establish the extent of violence
(either actually experienced or threatened) and
the levels of stress experienced by them;
4 be particularly careful about how she defined
5 standardise the stress responses of the staff, for
example, days off sick or sessions with a counsellor.
If she adopted an inductive approach then she
might have decided to interview some staff who had
been subjected to violence at work. She might have
been interested in their feelings about the events that
they had experienced, how they coped with the prob-
lems they experienced and their views about the pos-
sible causes of the violence.
If she adopted an abductive approach, she might
have developed a conceptual model on the basis of
her interview. She might then have used this model
to develop a series of hypotheses and designed a
questionnaire to collect data with which to test these
hypotheses. Based on analyses of these data she
might then have refined her conceptual model.
All approaches would have yielded valuable data
about this problem (indeed, within this abductive
approach, both inductive and deductive approaches
were used at different stages). No approach should
be thought of as better than the others. They are bet-
ter at different things. It depends where her research
emphasis lies.
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• To understand your research philosophy, you need to develop the skill of reflexivity, which
means asking yourself questions about your beliefs and assumptions, and treating these with
the same scrutiny as you would apply to the beliefs of others.
• There is no single ‘best’ business and management research philosophy. Each philosophy
contributes a unique and valuable way of seeing the organisational world.
• All research philosophies make three major types of assumption: ontological, epistemological
and axiological. We can distinguish different philosophies by the differences and similarities
in their ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions.
• Ontology concerns researchers’ assumptions about the nature of the world and reality.
Ontological assumptions you make determine what research objects and phenomena you
focus on, and how you see and approach them.
• Epistemology concerns assumptions about knowledge – how we know what we say we
know, what constitutes acceptable, valid and legitimate knowledge, and how we can
communicate knowledge to fellow human beings. Epistemological assumptions you make
determines what sort of contribution to knowledge you can make as a result of your
• Axiology refers to the role of values and ethics within the research process, which incor-
porates questions about how we, as researchers, deal with our own values and also with
those of our research participants.
• Research philosophies can be differentiated in terms of where their assumptions fall on the
objectivism–subjectivism continua.
• Objectivism incorporates assumptions of the natural sciences. It entails realist ontology
(which holds that social entities exist in reality external to and independent from social
actors), epistemology focused on the discovery of truth by means of observable, measur-
able facts, and claims to have a value-free, detached axiology.
• Subjectivism incorporates assumptions of the arts and humanities. It entails nominalist
ontology (which holds that social phenomena are created through the language, percep-
tions and consequent actions of social actors), epistemology focused on the social actors’
opinions, narratives, interpretations, perceptions that convey these social realities, and
claims to have a value-bound, reflexive axiology.
• Management and business research can be understood in terms of four social research para-
digms: functionalist, interpretive, radical structuralist and radical humanist. These paradigms
add the dimension of the political rationale for research to the objectivism–subjectivism
• Management and business research comprises five main philosophies: positivism, critical real-
ism, interpretivism, postmodernism and pragmatism.
• Positivism relates to the philosophical stance of the natural scientist. This entails work-
ing with an observable social reality and the end product can be law-like generalisations
similar to those in the physical and natural sciences.
• Critical realism focuses on explaining what we see and experience in terms of the underly-
ing structures of reality that shape the observable events. Critical realists tend to under-
take historical analyses of changing or enduring societal and organisational structures,
using a variety of methods.
• Interpretivism is a subjectivist philosophy, which emphasises that human beings
are different from physical phenomena because they create meanings. Interpretiv-
ists study meanings to create new, richer understandings of organisational realities.
Empirically, interpretivists focus on individuals’ lived experiences and cultural arte-
facts, and seek to include their participants’ as well as their own interpretations into
their research.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
• Postmodernism emphasises the world-making role of language and power relations.
Postmodernists seek to question the accepted ways of thinking and give voice to alter-
native worldviews that have been marginalised and silenced by dominant perspectives.
Postmodernists deconstruct data to expose the instabilities and absences within them.
Postmodernist axiology is radically reflexive.
• Pragmatist ontology, epistemology and axiology are focused on improving practice. Prag-
matists adopt a wide range of research strategies, the choice of which is driven by the
specific nature of their research problems.
• There are three main approaches to theory development: deduction, induction and abduction.
• With deduction, a theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) are developed and a research
strategy designed to test the hypothesis.
• With induction, data are collected and a theory developed as a result of the data analysis.
• With abduction, data are used to explore a phenomenon, identify themes and explain pat-
terns, to generate a new or modify an existing theory which is subsequently tested, often
through additional data collection.
Self-check questions
Help with these questions is available at the end of the chapter.
4.1 You have decided to undertake a project and have defined the main research question as
‘What are the opinions of consumers on a 10 per cent reduction in weight, with the price
remaining the same, of “Snackers” chocolate bars?’ Write a hypothesis that you could
test in your project.
4.2 Why may it be argued that the concept of the manager is socially constructed rather
than ‘real’?
4.3 Why are the radical paradigms relevant in business and management research given that
most managers would say that the purpose of organisational investigation is to develop
recommendations for action to solve problems without radical change?
4.4 You have chosen to undertake your research project following a deductive approach.
What factors may cause you to work inductively, although working deductively is your
preferred choice?
Review and discussion questions
4.5 Visit an online database or your university library and obtain a copy of a research-based
refereed journal article that you think will be of use to an assignment you are currently
working on. Read this article carefully. From which philosophical perspective do you think
this article is written? Use Section 4.2 to help you develop a clear justification for your
4.6 Think about the last assignment you undertook for your course. In undertaking this
assignment, were you predominantly inductive or deductive? Discuss your thoughts with
a friend who also undertook this assignment.
4.7 Agree with a friend to watch the same television documentary.
a To what extent is the documentary inductive, deductive or abductive in its use of data?
b Is the documentary based on positivist, critical realist, interpretivist or pragmatist
c Do not forget to make notes regarding your reasons for your answers to each of these
questions and to discuss your answers with your friend.
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Review and discussion questions
Progressing your
research project
Heightening your Awareness of
your Research Philosophy (HARP)
HARP is a reflexive tool that has been designed
by Bristow and Saunders to help you explore your
research philosophy. It is just a starting point for
enabling you to ask yourself more refined questions
about how you see research. It will not provide you
with a definitive answer to the question ‘What is
my research philosophy?’ Rather it will give you an
indication as to where your views are similar to and
different from those of five major philosophical tradi-
tions discussed in this chapter. Do not be surprised
if your views are similar to more than one tradition.
Such potential tensions are an ideal opportunity to
inquire into and examine your beliefs further.
HARP consists of six sections each comprising five
statements (a total of 30 statements). Each section
considers one aspect of philosophical beliefs (ontol-
ogy, epistemology, axiology, purpose of research,
meaningfulness of data and structure/agency). Each
statement epitomises a particular research philoso-
phy’s position in relation to that particular aspect.
By indicating your agreement or disagreement with
each statement you can discover your similarities and
differences with different aspects of each research
philosophy. Following the completion of HARP, refer
to the scoring key to calculate your score and inter-
pret your answer.
HARP Statements
Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the statements
below. There are no wrong answers.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Your views on the nature of reality (ontology)
1 Organisations are real, just like physical objects. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2 Events in organisations are caused by deeper, underlying
mechanisms. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3 The social world we inhabit is a world of multiple meanings,
interpretations and realities. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
4 ‘Organisation’ is not a solid and static thing but a flux of collective
processes and practices. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
5 ‘Real’ aspects of organisations are those that impact on
organisational practices. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Your views on knowledge and what constitutes acceptable knowledge (epistemology)
6 Organisational research should provide scientific, objective,
accurate and valid explanations of how the organisational world
really works.
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
7 Theories and concepts never offer completely certain knowledge,
but researchers can use rational thought to decide which theories
and concepts are better than others.
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
8 Concepts and theories are too simplistic to capture the full richness
of the world. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
* HARP and all materials relating to HARP are copyright © 2014 A. Bristow and M.N.K. Saunders.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
HARP Statements
Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the statements
below. There are no wrong answers.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
9 What generally counts as ‘real’, ‘true’ and ‘valid’ is determined by
politically dominant points of view. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
10 Acceptable knowledge is that which enables things to be done
successfully. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Your views on the role of values in research (axiology)
11 Researchers’ values and beliefs must be excluded from the research. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
12 Researchers must try to be as objective and realistic as they can. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
13 Researchers’ values and beliefs are key to their interpretations of
the social world. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
14 Researchers should openly and critically discuss their own values
and beliefs. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
15 Research shapes and is shaped by what the researcher believes and
doubts. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Your views on the purpose of research
16 The purpose of research is to discover facts and regularities, and
predict future events. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
17 The purpose of organisational research is to offer an explanation of
how and why organisations and societies are structured. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
18 The purpose of research is to create new understandings that allow
people to see the world in new ways. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
19 The purpose of research is to examine and question the power
relations that sustain conventional thinking and practices. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
20 The purpose of research is to solve problems and improve future
practice. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Your views on what constitutes meaningful data
21 Things that cannot be measured have no meaning for the purposes
of research. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
22 Organisational theories and findings should be evaluated in
terms of their explanatory power of the causes of organisational
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Progressing your research project (continued)
Heightening your Awareness of your Research Philosophy (HARP)
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Review and discussion questions
HARP Statements
Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the statements
below. There are no wrong answers.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Slightly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
23 To be meaningful, research must include participants’ own
interpretations of their experiences, as well as researchers’
24 Absences and silences in the world around us are at least as
important as what is prominent and obvious.
25 Meaning emerges out of our practical, experimental and critical
engagement with the world.
Your views on the nature of structure and agency
26 Human behaviour is determined by natural forces. ❑❑❑❑❑❑
27 People’s choices and actions are always limited by the social norms,
rules and traditions in which they are located.
28 Individuals’ meaning-making is always specific to their experiences,
culture and history.
29 Structure, order and form are human constructions. ❑❑❑❑❑❑
30 People can use routines and customs creatively to instigate
innovation and change.
Now please complete the scoring key below.
Your answer scores
Give yourself the points as indicated above for each
answer within each philosophical tradition. The
different philosophies are represented by specific
questions in the HARP as indicated below. Fill each
philosophy table with your answer scores, then
total up the numbers for each philosophy. (For your
reference, in the tables below the letters in brackets
indicate whether the question tests your agreement
with the ontological, epistemological, axiological,
purpose of research, meaningfulness of data and
structure and agency aspects of research philosophy.)
Each answer you gave is given a number of points
as shown in the table below:
3 2 1 −1 −2 −3
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Positivism : Questions 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26
1 (ontology)
6 (epistemology)
11 (axiology)
16 (purpose)
21 (data)
26 (structure/agency)
Critical Realism : Questions 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27
2 (ontology)
7 (epistemology)
12 (axiology)
17 (purpose)
22 (data)
27 (structure/
Interpretivism : Questions 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28
3 (ontology)
8 (epistemology)
13 (axiology)
18 (purpose)
23 (data)
28 (structure/
Poststructuralism/postmodernism :
Questions 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29
4 (ontology)
9 (epistemology)
14 (axiology)
19 (purpose)
24 (data)
29 (structure/
Pragmatism : Questions 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
5 (ontology)
10 (epistemology)
15 (axiology)
20 (purpose)
25 (data)
30 (structure/
Now, for the first of what will almost certainly be
many philosophical reflections, consider the following
questions regarding how you scored yourself.
1 Do you have an outright philosophical winner? Or
do you have a close contention between two or
more philosophies?
2 Why do you think this is?
3 Which philosophy do you disagree with the most?
4 Why do you think this is?
Progressing your research project (continued)
Heightening your Awareness of your Research Philosophy (HARP)
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Alvesson, M. and Sköldberg, K. (2000) Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research.
London: Sage.
Bhaskar, R. (1978) A Realist Theory of Science. Hassocks: Harvester Press.
Bhaskar, R. (1989) Reclaiming Reality: A Critical Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy. London: Verso.
Blaikie, N. (2010) Designing Social Research (2nd edn). Cambridge: Polity.
Buchanan, D., Boddy, D. and McAlman, J. (2013) ‘Getting in, getting on, getting out and getting
back’, in A. Bryman (ed.) Doing Research in Organisations. London: Routledge, pp. 53–67.
Burrell, G. and Morgan, G. (1979) Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis. London:
Calás, M. and Smircich, L. (1997) Postmodern Management Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate/Dartmouth.
Chia, R. (2003) ‘Organization theory as a postmodern science’, in H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen (eds)
The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-Theoretical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, pp. 113–40.
Crotty, M. (1998) The Foundations of Social Research. London: Sage.
Cunliffe. A.L. (2003) ‘Reflexive inquiry in organizational research: Questions and possibilities’, Human
Relations, Vol. 56, pp. 983–1003.
De Cock, C. and Land, C. (2006) ‘Organization/Literature: Exploring the seam’, Organization Studies,
Vol. 27, pp. 517–35.
Derrida J. (1976) Of Grammatology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Dye, J. (2013) Understanding the Information Needs of Postgraduate Taught Students and How These
Can Be Met. London: HEFCE.
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., Jackson, P. and Lowe, A. (2012) Management Research (4th edn).
London: Sage.
Elkjaer, B. and Simpson, B. (2011) ‘Pragmatism: A lived and living philosophy. What can it offer to
contemporary organization theory?’ in H. Tsoukas and R. Chia (eds) Philosophy and Organization
Theory. Bradford: Emerald Publishing, pp. 55–84.
Fleetwood, S. (2005) ‘Ontology in organization and management studies: A critical realist
perspective’, Organization, Vol. 12, pp. 197–222.
Foucault, M. (1991) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of Prison. London: Penguin Books.
Fournier, V. and Grey, C. (2000) ‘At the critical moment: Conditions and prospects for critical
management studies’, Human Relations, Vol. 53, pp. 7–32.
Gabriel, Y., Gray, D.E. and Goregaokar, H. (2013) ‘Job loss and its aftermath among managers and
professionals: Wounded, fragmented and flexible’, Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 27, pp. 56–72.
Gill, J. and Johnson, P. (2010) Research Methods for Managers (4th edn). London: Sage.
Gouldner, A.W. (1970) The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology. New York: Basic Books.
Hakim, C. (2000) Research Design: Successful Designs for Social and Economic Research (2nd edn).
London: Routledge.
Heron, J. (1996) Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition. London: Sage.
Johnson, P. and Clark, M. (2006) ‘Editors’ introduction: Mapping the terrain: An overview of business
and management research methodologies’, in P. Johnson and M. Clark (eds) Business and
Management Research Methodologies. London: Sage, pp. xxv–lv.
Kelemen, M. and Rumens, N. (2008) An Introduction to Critical Management Research. London: Sage.
Ketokivi, M. and Mantere, S. (2010) ‘Two strategies for inductive reasoning in organizational
research’, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 315–33.
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Kilduff, M. and Mehra, A. (1997) ‘Postmodernism and organizational research’, The Academy of
Management Review, Vol. 22, pp. 453–81.
Knudsen, C. (2003) ‘Pluralism, scientific progress, and the structure of organization theory’, in
H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-Theoretical
Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 262–86.
Martí, I. and Fernández, P. (2013) ‘The institutional work of oppression and resistance: Learning from
the Holocaust’, Organization Studies, Vol. 34, pp. 1195–223.
Mellors-Bourne, R., Hooley, T. and Marriott, J. (2014) Understanding How People Choose to Pursue
Taught Postgraduate Study. London: HEFCE.
Morgan, G. (1986) Images of Organization. London: Sage.
Niglas, K. (2010) ‘The multidimensional model of research methodology: An integrated set of
continua’, in A. Tashakkori and C. Teddlie (eds) The Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social
and Behavioural Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 215–36.
Parker, M. (2002) Against Management. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Reed, M. (2005) ‘Reflections on the ‘realist turn’ in organization and management studies’, Journal of
Management Studies, Vol. 42, pp. 1621–44.
Spence, M., Gherib, J.B.B. and Biwolé, V.O. (2011) ‘Sustainable development: Is entrepreneurial will
enough? A north–south comparison’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 3, pp. 335–67.
Starbuck, W. (2003) ‘The origins of organization theory’, in H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen (eds) The
Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-Theoretical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Suddaby, R. (2006) ‘What grounded theory is not’, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 49, No. 4,
pp. 633–43.
Thomas, R. and Hardy, C. (2011) ‘Reframing resistance to organizational change’, Scandinavian
Journal of Management, Vol. 27, pp. 322–31.
Townley, B. (1994) Reframing Human Resource Management: Power, Ethics and the Subject at Work.
London: Sage.
Van Maanen, J., Sørensen, J.B. and Mitchell, T.R. (2007) ‘The interplay between theory and method’,
Academy of Management Review, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1145–54.
Watson, T. (2011) ‘Ethnography, reality and truth: The vital need for studies of “how things work” in
organizations and management’, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 202–17.
Zigterman, B (2013) The 10 worst video game consoles of all time. Available at:
2013/12/16/video-game-consoles-the-top-10-worst/ [Accessed 20 July 2014].
Further reading
Brinkmann, S. and Kvale, S. (2015) InterViews (3rd edn). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Chapter 3 provides
an accessible discussion of the epistemological issues associated with interviewing.
Burrell, G. and Morgan, G. (1979) Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis. London:
Heinemann. This is an excellent book on paradigms which goes into far more detail than space
has allowed in this chapter.
Hatch, M.J. and Yanow, D. (2008) ‘Methodology by metaphor: Ways of seeing in painting and research’,
Organization Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 23–44. A really enjoyable paper which uses the metaphor
of paintings by Rembrandt and Pollock to explain differences between realism and interpretivism.
Kelemen, M. and Rumens, N. (2008) An Introduction to Critical Management Research. London:
Sage. This contains an excellent chapter on pragmatism as well as going into considerable detail
on other theoretical perspectives not covered in this chapter, including postmodernism, feminism
and queer theory.
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Case 4: Chinese tourists and their duty-free shopping in Guam
Tsoukas, H. and Chia, R. (2011) Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 32: Philosophy
and Organization Theory. Bradford: Emerald Publishing. This book offers excellent in-depth
reading about the role of philosophy in management research, and about individual philosophies,
including pragmatism, interpretivism (hermeneutics and phenomenology) and postmodernism.
There is also a chapter about combining (triangulating) philosophies.
Tsoukas, H. and Knudsen, C. (2003) The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-Theoretical
Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. This book has in-depth chapters on positivism,
interpretivism and postmodernism. It also has a chapter about pluralism in the field of management.
Case 4
Chinese tourists and their duty-free
shopping in Guam
It was a Saturday night and Francisca was sitting at
her desk. The house was quiet, and all her house-
mates were out. Francisca decided to stay in, as she
told herself that she really needed to get this done.
What has been troubling her is quite a common
issue for any student: her research philosophy.
Francisca knew the idea of her research project
all along, thanks to her friends back home in Guam
– a United States of America (USA)-owned island
located in the western Pacific Ocean with a popula-
tion of approximately 160,000; and where tourism
is the largest contributor to the local economy.
One of Francisca’s friends worked for a duty-free
shopping retailer, operating in a number of airports
across the world. During one conversation, Francisca’s friend had mentioned that, although
most tourists in Guam are from Japan and South Korea, this duty-free retailer had decided to
target Chinese tourists as one of its main customer segments. She had commented that new
flight routes between China and Guam were believed to bring about 14,000 Chinese tourists to
the island in 2014 (Guam Visitors’ Bureau 2014, cited in Brown 2014).
Based on her initial research, Francisca had already decided that Chinese tourists and their
spending power would be an interesting and topical area for her project. China was the
fastest-growing tourism source market in the world, and Chinese expenditure on travel abroad
had reached US$ 102 billion in 2012, a 40 per cent increase compared with the year 2011
(World Tourism Organization 2013). Moreover, according to a recent report produced by Global
Blue, Chinese tourists had been the top spenders in tax-free shopping over the last fewyears,
spending on average more than 800 euros per transaction (Global Blue 2014). Understanding
the buying behaviour of these highly valuable shoppers seemed an important topic for any
global retailer, including those involved in duty-free shopping. Francisca considered this was a
very promising and practical idea for her research project.
Francisca had initially stated that the aim of her project would be to understand Chinese tourists’
buying behaviours and motivations in duty-free shopping stores. She had discussed this with her
project tutor, who had commented that she still needed to refine her research aim further. He had
also emphasised that she needed to be clear about her own research philosophy as this would
underpin her research design. Her friend had introduced the duty-free retail manager in Guam to
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Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Chapter 4 Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development
Francisca, and the manager had given permission for Francisca to conduct her project in the store.
The manager emphasised that, since the Chinese tourists are new customers for Guam, it would be
really helpful for the store to know what kinds of consumers they were and what motivated them to
shop at the duty-free. Based on this Francisca had revised her aim: to establish the characteristics of
Chinese tourists, and how these characteristics affect their shopping motivations in duty-free stores.
Francisca believed that a data collection technique like interviewing would not enable her
to address this research aim. She felt that interviewing a small number of tourists would not
provide enough data to reveal the observed behavioural patterns of the majority of Chinese
tourists in Guam. She wanted her findings to be representative of the actual behaviour of
Chinese tourists in Guam; she wanted to collect quantitative data using a questionnaire which
she could analyse statistically.
Francisca’s thoughts turned to her research philosophy. This she considered was more in
line with positivism than other philosophies such as interpretivism. She was going to design
a questionnaire asking Chinese tourists about their motives for shopping at duty-free stores
in Guam. However, she had a dilemma. From her research methods lectures, Francisca knew
that, as a positivist, she should maintain an independent and objective stance, not allowing
her values or opinions to influence her research. However, when she was thinking about her
research, she found herself constantly recalling her own shopping experiences in duty-free
stores. She felt she could identify with tourists’ motives to shop, such as buying a gift for
family or friends. Her friend who worked at the duty-free store had also given her some ideas
about Chinese tourists’ motives for shopping. If she used such sources, her research design
would be considered subjective. This, she felt, did not seem to fit with positivism.
Francisca reminded herself she needed to be objective. Even though she had some prior
experiences of shopping in duty-free stores, she recognised that these were her views rather
than those of other consumers. She also noted that she was interested in the patterns of the
consumers’ behaviours, rather than an individual’s opinion. After further searching, she found
a paper that might serve as her theoretical foundation, as the reported study investigated the
possible reasons why consumers shop at airports. Crawford and Melewar (2003) provided
several explanations for buying behaviour at airports, such as gift giving, killing time and dis-
posal of foreign currency. Francisca decided she could use the reasons identified in this study
to design a questionnaire. She commented to herself, ‘by doing this the reasons identified will
be derived from scientific research, not my own subjective experiences. My research idea is
more aligned to positivism as I am observing the behavioural pattern of Chinese tourists, and
looking to discover law-like generalisations, rather than just their perception as individuals.’
Francisca had made up her mind. As air travel and Chinese tourists’ spending continued to
follow an upward trend, she believed that her research would be interesting and practical for
the field of global retailers. Now it was time to enjoy the rest of Saturday night.
Brown, B. (2014) ‘Dynamic Air bringing 800 visitors from China to Guam for Chinese New Year’,
Pacific News Center, 31 Jan. 2014. Available at:
to-guam-for-chinese-new-year&catid=45:guam-news&Itemid=156 [Accessed 6 April 2014].
Crawford, G. and Melewar, T.C. (2003) ‘The importance of impulse purchasing behaviour in the
international airport environment’, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 3, pp. 85–98.
Global Blue (2014) Chinese Tourists continue to dominate tax free shopping. Available at: http://
[Accessed 6 April 2014].
World Tourism Organization (2013) ‘China – the new number one tourism source market in the
world’, Press Release 13020. Available at:–04–04/
china-new-number-one-tourism-source-market-world [Accessed 6 April 2014].
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Self-check answers
1 Why do you think Francisca considered her research idea unsuitable for interpretivism?
2 How did Francisca solve her dilemma? Is there any other way to solve it?
3 How might Francisca’s positivist philosophy and approach impact her research process?
Additional case studies relating to material covered in this chapter are available
via this book’s companion website:
They are:
• Marketing music products alongside emerging digital music channels.
• Consultancy research for a not-for-profit organisation.
• Organisational learning in an English regional theatre.
Self-check answers
4.1 Probably the most realistic hypothesis here would be ‘consumers of “Snackers” chocolate
bars did not notice the difference between the current bar and its reduced weight succes-
sor’. Doubtless that is what the Snackers’ manufacturer would want confirmed!
4.2 Although you can see and touch a manager, you are only seeing and touching another
human being. The point is that the role of the manager is a socially constructed concept.
What a manager is will differ between different national and organisational cultures and
will differ over time. Indeed, the concept of the manager as we generally understand it is
a relatively recent human invention, arriving at the same time as the formal organisation
in the past couple of hundred years.
4.3 The researcher working in the radical humanist or structuralist paradigms may argue that
it is predictable that managers would say that the purpose of organisational investigation
is to develop recommendations for action to solve problems without radical change be-
cause radical change may involve changing managers! Radicalism implies root-and-branch
investigation and possible change, and most of us prefer ‘fine-tuning’ within the frame-
work of what exists already, particularly if change threatens our vested interests.
4.4 The question implies an either/or choice. But as you work through this chapter (and, in
particular, the next on deciding your research design), you will see that life is rarely so
clear-cut! Perhaps the main factor that would cause you to review the appropriateness of
the deductive approach would be that the data you collected might suggest an important
hypothesis, which you did not envisage when you framed your research objectives and
hypotheses. This may entail going further with the data collection, perhaps by engaging in
some qualitative work, which would yield further data to answer the new hypothesis.
Get ahead using resources on the companion website at:www.pearsoned
• Improve your IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo research analysis with
practice tutorials.
• Save time researching on the Internet with the Smarter Online Searching Guide.
• Test your progress using self-assessment questions.
• Follow live links to useful websites.
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