Conference PaperPDF Available

Interacting Systems Approach to Investigation of Human Cognitive Capacity.


Abstract and Figures

Human cognitive capacity is mediated by synergistic interactions between multiple physiological variables: including genetic and epigenetic potential, nutrition status, gender, race, age, cardiovascular capacity, neural function, and physical activity type and amount. These affect attention, memory, decision-making, educational outcomes, personality/temperament, and socio-economic potential. This suggests cognitive capacity arises from our physiology interacting with exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Since cognition originates from physiology, which consists of an integrated set of systems operating at nested time scales with spatial relationships consistent across subjects, research into human cognition requires multivariate experimental designs which take this into account.
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Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 32
Berry 3
Interacting Systems Approach to Investigation of Human Cognitive Capacity
Teresa D. Hawkes (University of Oklahoma)
Trevor J. Bihl (Wright State University)
Marjorie H. Woollacott (University of Oregon)
Poster and Paper
Abstract Human cognitive capacity is mediated by synergistic interactions between multiple
physiological variables: including genetic and epigenetic potential, nutrition status, gender,
race, age, cardiovascular capacity, neural function, and physical activity type and amount.
These affect attention, memory, decision-making, educational outcomes,
personality/temperament, and socio-economic potential. This suggests cognitive capacity arises
from our physiology interacting with exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Since cognition
originates from physiology, which consists of an integrated set of systems operating at nested
time scales with spatial relationships consistent across subjects, research into human cognition
requires multivariate experimental designs which take this into account.
Keyword: Biostatistics/Biomedical
1. Introduction
Human cognitive capacity is dependent on nested, interacting physiological components
beginning at the genetic/epigenetic level. Gene transcription by allele [1] [2] and epigenetic
regulation of such instantiate neuron structure and function [3] [4] and interact with nutritive
factors (e.g. iron status) and physical activity [5] to up- or downregulate [6] brain structure and
function in humans [7] and rat [8]. At the next system level, neurons are organized into over 200
specialized groups called microcircuits [9] that assemble dynamically in response to task
demands [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] (see Figure 1). Microcircuits that participate
in transient task-specific networks include the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior and
posterior cingulated cortices, orbitofrontal cortex, insula, perirhinal cortex and hippocampus.
VO2Max (a gold standard proxy for cardiovascular capacity) [19] has been associated with better
cognitive capacity in the study described herein [20] [21] and in a recent fMRI study of brain
activation during an executive function task in older adults [22].
The study described here was specifically designed to assess differential effects of
chronic exercise-type on executive function and took into account the integrated systems
subserving cognitive output (see Figure 2). Subjects were recruited based on their exercise type
and were required to have practiced or been sedentary for five or more years: Tai Chi (TC in
charts), Meditation + Exercise (M in charts), Aerobic Fitness (A in charts), and Sedentary (S in
charts). Requirements for group membership are presented in Figure 2 and were based on three
categories: exercise exertion, attentional focus required, and complexity of motor output
required. The Aerobic Fitness (A) group served as an active control and the Sedentary (S) group
served as an overall control with the Tai Chi (TC) and Meditation + Exercise (M) regimes,
permitting isolation of attention, exertion, and motor output effects on complex executive
This paper further explains the structure of the study presented in [21] and further
analyzes the collected data. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the overall
Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 33
experimental design structure, Section 3 presents results and interpretation, Section 4 provides a
summary and conclusion.
Figure 1. Major physiological processing components instantiating cognitive output.
Arrows indicate flow of information between components .
2. The Design Structure
The three exercise groups, TC, A, and M, each required 4-8 metabolic equivalents
(METs) of exertion, with METs indexing energy expenditure relative to resting metabolic rate.
Tai Chi is a martial art which requires 1) complex gross motor coordination, 2) shifts of visual
focus, 3) control of breath relative to movement, and 4) memorization of complex movement
sequences. Aerobic Fitness subjects were those exerting 4-8 METs through various exercises
requiring only relaxed attention. The Meditation + Exercise group consisted of subjects whose
regime required 4-8 METs exertion plus sustained, exclusive mental focus on a specific
sensation, image, goal, or syllable(s).
Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 34
Figure 2. Integrated system requirements for execution of each exercise type.
This approach leveraged multivariate statistical procedures to go beyond traditional
yes/no null hypothesis tests and investigate sets of associations between system indexes (e.g.
electroencephalographic event-related potentials) and proxies (e.g. VO2Max). For this research,
the following steps were performed [21]. These steps are suggested as a template for human
studies research into cognitive capacity.
Step one: Select a key evidence-based group to compare (IV or quasi-IV). Inclusion of
one key covariate is permitted, but it must be a covariate known to explain significant
variance on any included dependent variable (DV). In the study presented, since age is
known to strongly affect VO2 Max [24] and cognitive capacity [25], age was included as
a covariate. The literature behind any cognitive hypothesis can provide enough guidance
to permit such winnowing of possible IVs and covariates. Always include an active
control. The active control in this case was the aerobics group (exercise with no
consistent focused attention requirement). The passive control was the sedentary group
(no exercise, no activities requiring exercise exertion accompanied by an attentional
Step two: Identify key physiological systems affected by group membership. The study
presented illustrates this approach [20] [21]. Each type of exercise placed different
requirements on key systems, thus based on the literature could be expected to produce
different cognitive outcomes.
Step Three: State integrated systems hypotheses. In the exercise study presented here, we
had two hypotheses: 1) All exercise groups would outperform sedentary controls on
estimated VO2 Max, and thus outperform Sedentary subjects on the complex executive
function test (including ERPs). 2) Exercise requiring attentional focus was hypothesized
to produce better cognitive outcomes compared to exercise permitting relaxed attentional
focus (active control), thus we expected the TC and M groups to outperform A and S
groups on neural and behavioral indices of complex executive capacity.
Step Four: Do the research.
Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 35
Step Five: Perform multivariate analyses to obtain p-values, effect size profiles,
correlations, and z-score profiles.
2.1 Data Collection
Besides demographic and exercise regimen data, participants were tested with the
Rockport 1-Mile Walk (a well-validated estimated VO2 Max test), body-mass index, and dense-
array EEG P300 event-related potential during a demanding task switch test of complex
executive function (see Methods in [20] [21]).
2.2 Subject Characteristics
For the study, 54 subjects completed all tests and were included in this analysis.
Descriptive statistics for subject physiological measures by group are presented in Table 1 and
Figure 3. While similar groups would be ideal, it was not possible to ensure that each group was
identical. Figure 3 presents boxplots for age based on pairs of Gender and Lifetime Exercise
Discipline, Figure 3a, Education Years versus Gender and Lifetime Education Discipline, Figure
3b, BMI (kg/m2) vs Gender and Lifetime Exercise Discipline, Figure 3c, and VO2 Max
(mL/kg/min O2) versus Gender and Lifetime Exercise Discipline, Figure 3d. Noticeably, for age,
paired groupings differ across both Gender and Lifetime Exercise Discipline types; however,
overlap is largely seen with the exception being Males who are Sedentary. The Education Years
versus Gender and Lifetime Exercise Discipline shows more homogenous groups, with the
exception of Sedentary Females and Meditation + Exercise Females. In this cross-sectional
study, the effects of different ages between groups worked to our advantage, as it allowed us to
see that the TC and M groups, though older than the A and S groups, outperformed them on our
key cognitive and physiological variables (complex executive attention and ERP neural indices
of brain activity during such, estimated VO2 Max and body-mass index).
Table 1. Subject Physiological Scores, from [21]
Age, years
VO2 Max, mL/kg/min
BMI, kg/m2
Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 36
a) Age vs Gender and Lifetime Exercise
b) Education Years vs Gender and Lifetime
Exercise Discipline
c) BMI (kg/m2) vs Gender and Lifetime Exercise
d) VO2 Max (mL/kg/min O2) versus Gender and
Lifetime Exercise Discipline
Figure 3. General Characteristics of Subjects
2.3 Key Results
Figure 4 presents the
effect size profile for
variance explained by group
and age for the significant
variables as determined in
3. Results Interpretation.
While p-values shed
light on differential
distributions associated with
IV effects on each DV, effect
size profiles can tease apart
the differential effects of IV
and covariate on systems
Figure 4. Effect size profile of group (TC, M, A, and S) and
age in years for key cognitive and physiological variables,
from [21].
Proceedings of the 2016 Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium 37
represented by each DV. Normalized system profiles, Figure 5, by DV allow quick identification
of individual performance within group performance. In the study illustrated here, we see in
Figure 5 that Group has more effect on key DVs than age, even though age is known to strongly
affect human physiological and cognitive capacity.
Figure 5. Z-score profiles for each key variable show the distribution of scores by exercise
4. Conclusions.
This simple interacting systems study showed that exercise group had more effect on key
outcome variables than age. Further, TC and M groups, though older than the S or A groups, out-
performed them. But, this study did not include key epigenetic or genetic variables that may
explain some of these effects. A more complete variable panel should include such in follow-on
studies. Additionally, this cross-sectional study could not establish causation. Future longitudinal
training studies could shed more light on the differential effects of exercise + attention on
cognitive outcomes. More importantly, this approach can tease apart the interaction between
endogenous (physiological) and exogenous (training or other types of experiences) variables on
human cognitive capacity. This should yield valuable date for use in clinical, training and
research settings.
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... A coordinated range of cognitive operations drive complex motor sequences of many different types that are necessary for physical activity. This precise coordination of frontal executive, alerting, and orienting circuits with motor memory, planning, and execution circuits (Cross 2010;Cross et al 2006) takes place in the context of central and peripheral whole body homeostatic operations governing effort expenditure in neural and working muscle tissues (Gatterer et al 2017;Okano et al, 2017;Hawkes et al., 2016b;Hawkes 2012;Meeusen et al 2006;St Clair Gibson & Noakes 2004). Thus, in any physical activity study, exercise capacity is a key physiological measure that will differentiate between subject groups, including novices and experts and explain variance. ...
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My research interest is the physiological basis of cognition. This data is multivariate, and includes cardiovascular, psychological, medical, and key demographic data that provide the context for interpreting experimental questions of interest. I believe this type of data is especially useful for informing translational experimental studies aimed at providing evidence-based practice and policy on human health and lifestyle factors affecting economic and population capacity at the community, state, and federal levels. I have explored questions related to these interests via investigating physical activity effects on cognitive behavior and its neural correlates (Hawkes et al., 2014a).
... A coordinated range of cognitive operations drive complex motor sequences of many different types. This precise coordination of frontal executive, alerting, and orienting circuits with motor memory, planning and execution circuits (Cross 2010;Cross et al 2006) takes place in the context of central and peripheral whole body homeostatic operations governing effort expenditure in neural and working muscle tissues (Gatterer et al 2017;Okano et al, 2017;Hawkes et al., 2016b;Hawkes 2012;Meeusen et al 2006;St Clair Gibson & Noakes 2004). Thus, in any sports study, exercise capacity is a key physiological measure that will differentiate between novices and experts and explain variance. ...
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The protective role of Tai Chi in coronary heart disease (CHD) has been widely reported. However, the exact molecular mechanism remains unclear. Serum levels of miR-24 and miR-155 have been found to potentially be involved with CHD risk. Thus, the effects of Tai Chi on CHD risk were explored by measuring serum levels of miR-24 and miR-155. A total of 326 CHD patients were evenly divided into the Tai Chi (TG) and control (CG) groups. The activities of daily living ability (ADL) and exercise of self-care agency (ESCA) scores were compared between the two groups. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), SF-36 life quality, self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self-rating depression scale (SDS) were used to evaluate subjects' cardiac function, quality of life, anxiety, and depression. Serum levels of miR-24 and miR-155 were measured by a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). After a 6-month Tai Chi intervention, the ESCA, ADL, LVEF, and SF-36 scores in the TG group were higher than those in the CG group (p < 0.05). The time of arrhythmia and atrioventricular block recovery and hospital stay, and the scores of SAS and SDS in the TG group were lower than in the CG group (p < 0.05). Serum levels of miR-24 and miR-155 in the TG group were also lower than in the CG group (p < 0.05). In addition, serum levels of miR-24 and miR-155 were negatively associated with the ESCA, ADL, LVEF and SF-36 scores, and had adverse effects on life quality. Altogether, these present findings demonstrate that Tai Chi improves CHD prognosis, by affecting serum levels of the miR-24 and miR-155.
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Although previous studies have suggested that conflict control can occur in the absence of consciousness, the brain mechanisms underlying unconscious and conscious conflict control remain unclear. The current study used a rapid event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging design to collect data from 24 participants while they performed a masked Stroop priming task under both conscious and unconscious conditions. The results revealed that the fronto-parietal conflict network, including medial frontal cortex (MFC), left and right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and posterior parietal cortex (PPC), was activated by both conscious and unconscious Stroop priming, even though in MFC and left DLPFC the activations elicited by unconscious Stroop priming were smaller than conscious Stroop priming. The findings provide evidence for the existence of quantitative differences between the neural substrates of conscious and unconscious conflict control.
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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Canonically, this has been ascribed to an enhancing effect on neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region. However, it is the pyramidal neurons in the subiculum that form the primary efferent pathways conveying hippocampal information to other areas of the brain, and yet the effect of BDNF on these neurons has remained unexplored. We present new data that BDNF regulates neuronal excitability and cellular plasticity in a much more complex manner than previously suggested. Subicular pyramidal neurons can be divided into two major classes, which have different electrophysiological and morphological properties, different requirements for the induction of plasticity and different extra-hippocampal projections. We found that BDNF increases excitability in one class of subicular pyramidal neurons, yet decreases excitability of the other class. Further, while endogenous BDNF was necessary for the induction of synaptic plasticity in both cell types, BDNF enhanced intrinsic plasticity in one class of pyramidal neurons, yet suppressed intrinsic plasticity in the other. Taken together, these data suggest a novel role for BDNF signaling, as it appears to dynamically and bidirectionally regulate the output of hippocampal information to different regions of the brain.
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Clinical assessments of brain function rely upon visual inspection of electroencephalographic waveform abnormalities in tandem with functional magnetic resonance imaging. However, no current technology proffers in vivo assessments of activity at synapses, receptors and ion-channels, the basis of neuronal communication. Using dynamic causal modeling we compared electrophysiological responses from two patients with distinct monogenic ion channelopathies and a large cohort of healthy controls to demonstrate the feasibility of assaying synaptic-level channel communication non-invasively. Synaptic channel abnormality was identified in both patients (100% sensitivity) with assay specificity above 89%, furnishing estimates of neurotransmitter and voltage-gated ion throughput of sodium, calcium, chloride and potassium. This performance indicates a potential novel application as an adjunct for clinical assessments in neurological and psychiatric settings. More broadly, these findings indicate that biophysical models of synaptic channels can be estimated non-invasively, having important implications for advancing human neuroimaging to the level of non-invasive ion channel assays. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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Higher cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with better cognitive performance and enhanced brain activation. Yet, the extent to which cardiorespiratory fitness-related brain activation is associated with better cognitive performance is not well understood. In this cross-sectional study, we examined whether the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and executive function was mediated by greater prefrontal cortex activation in healthy older adults. Brain activation was measured during dual-task performance with functional magnetic resonance imaging in a sample of 128 healthy older adults (59-80 years). Higher cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with greater activation during dual-task processing in several brain areas including the anterior cingulate and supplementary motor cortex (ACC/SMA), thalamus and basal ganglia, right motor/somatosensory cortex and middle frontal gyrus, and left somatosensory cortex, controlling for age, sex, education, and gray matter volume. Of these regions, greater ACC/SMA activation mediated the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and dual-task performance. We provide novel evidence that cardiorespiratory fitness may support cognitive performance by facilitating brain activation in a core region critical for executive function.
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This paper considers neuronal architectures from a computational perspective and asks what aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology can be disclosed by the nature of neuronal computations? In particular, we extend current formulations of the brain as an organ of inference-based upon hierarchical predictive coding-and consider how these inferences are orchestrated. In other words, what would the brain require to dynamically coordinate and contextualize its message passing to optimize its computational goals? The answer that emerges rests on the delicate (modulatory) gain control of neuronal populations that select and coordinate (prediction error) signals that ascend cortical hierarchies. This is important because it speaks to a hierarchical anatomy of extrinsic (between region) connections that form two distinct classes, namely a class of driving (first-order) connections that are concerned with encoding the content of neuronal representations and a class of modulatory (second-order) connections that establish context-in the form of the salience or precision ascribed to content. We explore the implications of this distinction from a formal perspective (using simulations of feature-ground segregation) and consider the neurobiological substrates of the ensuing precision-engineered dynamics, with a special focus on the pulvinar and attention.
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: We report the first controlled study of Tai Chi effects on the P300 event-related potential, a neuroelectric index of human executive function. Tai Chi is a form of exercise and moving meditation. Exercise and meditation have been associated with enhanced executive function. This cross-sectional, controlled study utilized the P300 event-related potential (ERP) to compare executive network neural function between self-selected long-term Tai Chi, meditation, aerobic fitness, and sedentary groups. We hypothesized that because Tai Chi requires moderate aerobic and mental exertion, this group would show similar or better executive neural function compared to meditation and aerobic exercise groups. We predicted all health training groups would outperform sedentary controls. : Fifty-four volunteers (Tai Chi, n=10; meditation, n=16; aerobic exercise, n=16; sedentary, n=12) were tested with the Rockport 1-mile walk (estimated VO : Only Tai Chi and meditation plus exercise groups demonstrated larger P3b ERP switch trial amplitudes compared to sedentary controls. : Our results suggest long-term Tai Chi practice, and meditation plus exercise may benefit the neural substrates of executive function.
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Dopamine is implicated in multiple functions, including motor execution, action learning for hedonically salient outcomes, maintenance, and switching of behavioral response set. Here, we used a novel within-subject psychopharmacological and combined functional neuroimaging paradigm, investigating the interaction between hedonic salience, dopamine, and response set shifting, distinct from effects on action learning or motor execution. We asked whether behavioral performance in response set shifting depends on the hedonic salience of reversal cues, by presenting these as null (neutral) or salient (monetary loss) outcomes. We observed marked effects of reversal cue salience on set-switching, with more efficient reversals following salient loss outcomes. l-Dopa degraded this discrimination, leading to inappropriate perseveration. Generic activation in thalamus, insula, and striatum preceded response set switches, with an opposite pattern in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). However, the behavioral effect of hedonic salience was reflected in differential vmPFC deactivation following salient relative to null reversal cues. l-Dopa reversed this pattern in vmPFC, suggesting that its behavioral effects are due to disruption of the stability and switching of firing patterns in prefrontal cortex. Our findings provide a potential neurobiological explanation for paradoxical phenomena, including maintenance of behavioral set despite negative outcomes, seen in impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease.
Epigenetic dysfunction is implicated in many neurological and psychiatric diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. Consequently, histone deacetylases (HDACs) are being aggressively pursued as therapeutic targets. However, a fundamental knowledge gap exists regarding the expression and distribution of HDACs in healthy individuals for comparison to disease states. Here, we report the first-in-human evaluation of neuroepigenetic regulation in vivo. Using positron emission tomography with [¹¹C]Martinostat, an imaging probe selective for class I HDACs (isoforms 1, 2, and 3), we found that HDAC expression is higher in cortical gray matter than in white matter, with conserved regional distribution patterns within and between healthy individuals. Among gray matter regions, HDAC expression was lowest in the hippocampus and amygdala. Through biochemical profiling of postmortem human brain tissue, we confirmed that [¹¹C]Martinostat selectively binds HDAC isoforms 1, 2, and 3, the HDAC subtypes most implicated in regulating neuroplasticity and cognitive function. In human stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells, pharmacologic-level doses of Martinostat induced changes in genes closely associated with synaptic plasticity, including BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and SYP (synaptophysin), as well as genes implicated in neurodegeneration, including GRN (progranulin), at the transcript level, in concert with increased acetylation at both histone H3 lysine 9 and histone H4 lysine 12. This study quantifies HDAC expression in the living human brain and provides the foundation for gaining unprecedented in vivo epigenetic information in health and disease. Copyright
Understanding the amazingly complex human cerebral cortex requires a map (or parcellation) of its major subdivisions, known as cortical areas. Making an accurate areal map has been a century-old objective in neuroscience. Using multi-modal magnetic resonance images from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and an objective semi-automated neuroanatomical approach, we delineated 180 areas per hemisphere bounded by sharp changes in cortical architecture, function, connectivity, and/or topography in a precisely aligned group average of 210 healthy young adults. We characterized 97 new areas and 83 areas previously reported using post-mortem microscopy or other specialized study-specific approaches. To enable automated delineation and identification of these areas in new HCP subjects and in future studies, we trained a machine-learning classifier to recognize the multi-modal 'fingerprint' of each cortical area. This classifier detected the presence of 96.6% of the cortical areas in new subjects, replicated the group parcellation, and could correctly locate areas in individuals with atypical parcellations. The freely available parcellation and classifier will enable substantially improved neuroanatomical precision for studies of the structural and functional organization of human cerebral cortex and its variation across individuals and in development, aging, and disease.