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A High Protein Diet Has No Harmful Effects: A One-Year Crossover Study in Resistance-Trained Males

Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism

Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of a high protein diet over a one-year period. Fourteen healthy resistance-trained men completed the study (mean ± SD; age 26.3±3.9 yr; height 178.5±8.4 cm; and average years of training 8.9±3.4 yr). In a randomized crossover design, subjects consumed their habitual or normal diet for 2 months and 4 months and alternated that with a higher protein diet (>3 g/kg/d) for 2 months and 4 months. Thus, on average, each subject was on their normal diet for 6 months and a higher protein diet for 6 months. Body composition was assessed via the Bod Pod ® . Each subject provided approximately 100–168 daily dietary self-reports. During the subjects’ normal eating phase, they consumed (mean ± SD) 29.94±5.65 kcals/kg/day and 2.51±0.69 g/kg/day of protein. This significantly increased ( p<0.05 ) during the high protein phase to 34.37±5.88 kcals/kg/day and 3.32±0.87 g/kg/day of protein. Our investigation discovered that, in resistance-trained men that consumed a high protein diet (~2.51–3.32 g/kg/d) for one year, there were no harmful effects on measures of blood lipids as well as liver and kidney function. In addition, despite the total increase in energy intake during the high protein phase, subjects did not experience an increase in fat mass.
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Research Article
A High Protein Diet Has No Harmful Effects: A One-Year
Crossover Study in Resistance-Trained Males
Jose Antonio, Anya Ellerbroek, Tobin Silver, Leonel Vargas, Armando Tamayo,
Richard Buehn, and Corey A. Peacock
Exercise and Sport Science Laboratory, Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Jose Antonio; ja
Received  July ; Accepted  September 
Academic Editor: Michael B. Zemel
Copyright ©  Jose Antonio et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
e purpose of this investigation was to determine the eects of a high protein diet over a one-year period. Fourteen healthy
resistance-trained men completed the study (mean ±SD; age 26.3 ± 3.9yr; height 178.5 ± 8.4 cm; and average years of training
8.9 ± 3.4 yr). In a randomized crossover design, subjects consumed their habitual or normal diet for  months and  months and
alternated that with a higher protein diet (> g/kg/d) for  months and  months. us, on average, each subject was on their
normal diet for  months and a higher protein diet for  months. Body composition was assessed via the Bod Pod.Eachsubject
provided approximately – daily dietary self-reports. During the subjects’ normal eating phase, they consumed (mean ±SD)
29.94 ± 5.65 kcals/kg/day and 2.51 ± 0.69 g/kg/day of protein. is signicantly increased (𝑝 < 0.05) during the high protein phase
to 34.37 ± 5.88 kcals/kg/day and 3.32 ± 0.87g/kg/day of protein. Our investigation discovered that, in resistance-trained men that
consumed a high protein diet (.–. g/kg/d) for one year, there were no harmfuleectsonmeasuresofbloodlipidsaswellas
liver and kidney function. In addition, despite the total increase in energy intake during the high protein phase, subjects did not
experience an increase in fat mass.
1. Introduction
It has been postulated that the consumption of a high protein
diet may cause harmful eects, particularly in the kidneys.
Approximately a century ago, investigators found “at least
some or very severe” renal damage in a small group of rats on
a high protein diet in which one kidney had been removed [].
Other work on rodents found no evidence of renal damage;
however, they did nd that rats receiving a high protein diet
experienced renal hypertrophy []. Notwithstanding, a more
recent rat study reported that  days of very high whey pro-
tein supplemented diet (i.e.,  human-equivalent  g doses
per day) did not adversely aect blood and/or histological
markers of liver or kidney health and instead may improve
liver health when compared to rats not receiving protein [].
e challenge with determining the eects of high protein
diets on measures of health is the lack of agreement with
what constitutes a “high” intake of protein. At least in athletic
populations, the International Society of Sports Nutrition’s
position stand on protein states that “protein intakes of
.–. g/kg/day for physically active individuals is not only
safe, but may improve the training adaptations to exercise
training” []. Furthermore, scientists have used dierent
denitions of “high” protein intakes. For instance, protein
intakes greater than -% of total energy, as high as %
of total calories, or intakes that exceed the RDA have been
postulated as reaching the threshold of what constitutes a
“high protein” diet []. We would posit that basing a diet on
percentages is misleading. at is, if one were to consume a
hypoenergetic diet of  kcal in which % of the calories
were derived from protein, then that would amount to a
paltry . grams of protein. Instead, high protein diets should
always be dened as the amount of protein consumed per
unit body weight. It is our contention that high protein diets
should necessarily exceed . g/kg/d. Previous work from our
laboratory discovered that an eight-week period of heavy
resistance training coupled with high protein consumption
(>. g/kg/d) results in improvements in body composition
[]. Furthermore, at least in the short term, high protein
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
Volume 2016, Article ID 9104792, 5 pages
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
intakes had no harmful side eects [, ]. However, long-term
longitudinal data are lacking in terms of the eects of high
protein diets. us, the purpose of this investigation was to
examine the eects of high protein consumption in a group
of resistance-trained young males over a -year period.
2. Methods and Materials
2.1. Participants. Fourteen resistance-trained male subjects
volunteered for this investigation (racial/ethnic background:
 white males,  black males, and  Pacic Islander). Subjects
took part in a randomized crossover trial in which they
consumed their habitual (i.e., normal protein) or high protein
diet for two months and four months, respectively. e order
in which they consumed their normal or high protein intakes
was randomized. Subjects followed their normal and high
protein intake phases for a total of  months, respectively.
Subjects came to the laboratory on ve occasions. ey
month periods and two -month periods of following the
respective diet. e extra protein consumed by each subject
was obtained primarily from whey protein powder, which was
provided to each subject at no cost (DymatizeISO- with
 grams of protein,  gram of carbohydrate, and zero grams
of fat per serving of one scoop). However, subjects did not
have to consume the extra protein as powder; instead, they
could consume whatever extra protein source they preferred.
Nova Southeastern University’s Human Subjects Institutional
Review Board in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration
approved this study and written informed consent was
obtained prior to participation.
2.2. Food Diary. Subjects kept a diary (i.e., three days per
app (MyFitnessPal) equaling  daily food logs over the
treatment period. e use of mobile apps for dietary self-
reporting has been previously used [–]. Every subject had
previous experience with this mobile app. e MyFitnessPal
app is a database comprised of over  million foods that
have been provided by users via entering data manually
or by scanning the bar code on packaged goods. us,
the data themselves are primarily derived from food labels
(i.e., nutrition facts panel) derived from the USDA National
Nutrient database.
2.3. Body Composition. Height was measured using standard
anthropometry and total body weight was measured using
a calibrated scale. Body composition was assessed by whole
body densitometry using air displacement via the Bod Pod
(COSMED USA, Concord, CA). All testing was performed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Subjects
were instructed to come into the lab aer a -hour fast and no
exercise  hours prior to assessment. ey voided prior to
testing. Subjects were tested while wearing only tight tting
clothing (swimsuit or undergarments) and an acrylic swim
cap. Subjects were instructed to wear the same clothing for
all testing. oracic gas volume was estimated for all subjects
using a predictive equation integral to the Bod Pod soware.
T : Body composition and training volume.
Baseline Normal High
Weight kg . ±. . ±. . ±.
Fat mass kg . ±. . ±. . ±.
FFM kg . ±. . ±. . ±.
% body fat . ±. . ±. . ±.
Volu m e l o a d ,  ±, , ±, , ±
Data are mean ±SD. ere were no signicant dierences between groups.
Volume load is equal to the mean total amount of weight lied (kg) each
Each subject was tested at least twice per visit. Data from
the Bod Pod include body weight, percent body fat, fat-free
mass, and fat mass. All testing was done with each subject
at approximately the same time of day for each of the ve
testing sessions. Although hydration status was not assessed,
investigation. e Bod Pod was calibrated the morning of the
testing session as well as between each subject.
2.4. Blood Analysis: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel and Blood
Lipids. Subjects presented in a fasted state at a local Quest
lipid and comprehensive metabolic panel was done. is
includes the following measures: glucose, blood urea nitrogen
(BUN), creatinine, glomerular ltration rate, BUN/creatinine
ratio, sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, calcium,
total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin/globulin ratio, total
bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase, aspar-
tate transaminase, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
and the total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein choles-
terol ratio. Quest Diagnostics performed each test according
to the standard operating procedure of the company.
2.5. Training Program. Each subject followed their own
strength and conditioning program. e investigators were in
regular contact with each subject to ensure that each subject
completed a training log. e volume load (i.e., total weight
lied per week) was determined for each treatment period.
2.6. Statistics. A -way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
used to analyze the data with 𝑝 < 0.05 considered as
signicant. e data that were compared were baseline and
the mean of the normal treatment period [combined -
month and -month treatment] as well as the mean of the
high protein treatment period [combined -month and -
month treatment]. Data are expressed as the mean ±SD. e
statistical analysis was completed using Prism  GraphPad
Soware (La Jolla, California).
3. Results
e data for body composition are shown in Table . e
data for nutritional intake are shown in Table . Subjects
consumed more absolute and relative calories and protein
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
T : Dietary intake.
Baseline Normal High
Kcal  ±  ±  ±
CHO g  ±  ±  ±
PRO g  ±  ±  ±
Fat g  ±  ±  ±
Kcal/kg/d . ±.     .   ±. . ±.
CHO g/kg/d . ±. . ±. . ±.
PRO g/kg/d . ±. . ±. . ±.
Fat g/kg/d .±. . ±. . ±.
Cholesterol mg  ±  ±  ±
Sodium mg  ±  ±  ±
Sugars g  ±  ±  ±
Fiber g  ±  ±  ±
Data aremean ±SD. Signicant dierence (baseline versus hi gh and normal
versus high; 𝑝 < 0.05).
CHO: carbohydrate, d: day, g: gram, kcal: calorie, kg: kilogram, and PRO:
during the high protein phase (𝑝 < 0.05). ere were no
signicant dierences between the normal and high groups
in any measure of health or body composition (Tables  and
on the high protein phase and only  months on the normal
normal protein phase due to geographic relocation. us, for
this particular subject, we compared the mean of his normal
( months of data) and high protein phases ( months of
4. Discussion
ined the eects of a high protein diet in resistance-trained
subjects over a -year treatment period. In brief, we found
no deleterious eects of a high protein diet (.–. g/kg/d)
over a -year period. Prior work from our lab has shown
that consuming a high protein diet in the short term has no
harmful eects on any clinical measure (i.e., blood lipids and
comprehensive metabolic panel) [, ].
e subjects in the current investigation alternated
between their normal or habitual protein intake and a high
protein intake. It should be noted however that even their
normal protein intake would be considered high by other
investigators [, , ]. us, our study does not support the
notion that protein intakes - times greater than the current
RDA cause any harmful eects.
Moreover, the amount of dietary ber consumed by our
subjects was gramsperday.isisincontrastwiththe
average ber intake in the United States of  grams per
day []. us, it is a falsehood to promote the idea that high
protein diets are mutually exclusive with a diet that is also
high in ber. Our subjects showed no harmful eects of a
hyperenergetic, high protein diet and this (i.e., blood lipids,
renal and hepatic function, etc.) may have been due partially
are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease,
cancer, and all-cause mortality [–]. On the other hand,
the cholesterol intake of our subjects was twice as high as the
typical recommendation of mg per day []. e notion
that high cholesterol intakes have a deleterious eect on blood
lipid markers of cardiovascular disease is not supported by
our data.
Prior work from our laboratory has shown that consum-
ing protein (.–.g/kg/d) in amounts that are - times
greater than the RDA results in a similar FFM increase
the high protein group lost more fat mass compared to the
normal protein group in spite of the fact that they consumed
on average  kcals more per day over the treatment
period. is is in contrast with the current study that showed
no change in body composition. e primary dierence
between the current study and the aforementioned one is
that subjects in the current study did not purposely alter
their training program. On the other hand, subjects in our
previous study were subjected to a dierent training stimulus
(i.e., periodized resistance-training program) than they had
been accustomed to. Inasmuch as the focus on our current
work was on the markers of health, subjects in the current
study were instructed to not alter their training regimen. An
examination of their volume load shows indeed that they did
not make any signicant alterations in training volume. us,
one would speculate that, without signicant changes in the
training stimulus, the mere provision of extra protein would
likely not lead to changes in body composition. Conversely,
the mere addition of extra protein calories also will not lead
to gains in fat mass.
4.1. Limitations. One might speculate that a limitation of
this investigation is that the subjects were young males who
had several years of resistance-training experience and were
regularly consuming a high protein diet at baseline. However,
the fact that they increased their protein intake by %
and still had no deleterious side eects is further evidence
that a high protein diet in exercise-trained individuals is
indeed safe. e small sample size may also preclude one
from applying the results from this study to other populations
(i.e., sedentary men or women). Nonetheless, we would posit
that the only populations that would consume a high protein
diet are athletes (e.g., highly trained endurance and strength-
power athletes). us, the need to apply our data to other
populations may be a moot point.
5. Conclusions
In male subjects with several years of experience with
resistance training, chronic consumption of a diet high in
protein had no harmful eects on any measures of health.
Furthermore, there was no change in body weight, fat mass,
or lean body mass despite eating more total calories and
protein. Contrary to popular belief, the consumption of a
high protein diet is not mutually exclusive with a diet high
in ber nor does the consumption of cholesterol above the
standard recommendations result in any untoward eects on
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
T : Blood lipids.
Baseline Normal High Reference range
Total cho l e s t e r o l mg/d L ±  ±  ± –
HDL-C mg/dL  ±  ±  ± >or = 
TG mg/dL  ±  ±  ± <
LDL-C mg/dL  ± ±  ± <
Cholesterol/HDL-C ratio . ±. . ±. . ±. <or = .
Data are mean ±SD. ere were no signicant dierences between groups. C: cholesterol, dL: deciliter, HDL: high-density lipoprotein, LDL: low-density
lipoprotein, mg: milligram, and TG: triglycerides.
T : Comprehensive metabolic panel.
Baseline Normal High Reference range
Glucose mg/dL   ±  ±  ±
BUN mg/dL  ±±±
Creatinine mg/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
eGFR  ±  ±  ± 
BUN/creatinine ratio  ±±±
Sodium mmol/L  ±±±
Potassium mmol/L . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Chloride mmol/L  ±.  ±.  ±. –
CO2mmol/L  ±±±
Calcium mg/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Total protein g/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Albumin g/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Globulin g/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Alb/Glob ratio . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Total Bili mg/dL . ±. . ±. . ±. .–.
Alkaline phosphatase U/L  ±  ±  ± –
AST U/L  ±±± –
ALT U/L  ±  ±± –
Data are mean ±SD. ere were no signicant dierences between groups. Alb: albumin, ALT: alanine transaminase, AST: aspartate transaminase, Bili:
bilirubin, BUN: blood urea nitrogen, eGFR: estimated glomerular ltration rate, g: grams, Glob: globulin, mmol: millimoles, L: liter, and mg: milligrams. 
indicates a value >or =  mL/min/. m2.
blood lipids. is is the rst -year longitudinal investigation
in resistance-trained males that demonstrates the lack of
harm caused by a high protein diet.
Competing Interests
Jose Antonio Ph.D. is the CEO of the International Society of
Sports Nutrition (ISSN). Dymatize is a sponsor of the ISSN.
All other authors declare that they have no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
e authors would like to thank Dymatize for providing
protein powder.
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... Potential side effects are often discussed concerning an HPD [18]. However, initial studies in young strength athletes show that a super HPD over one year has no negative effects on liver and kidney function [19]. On the other hand, it is also known that liver and kidney function decline with age [20][21][22][23], so side effects could potentially also be caused by HPD. ...
... This block is similar to block one, with a 5-10% target of increased weights. Block three increased the intensity of a peak week (training sessions 7,8,9,19,20,21,31,32,33). Six sets were performed including the warm-up sets 1-3 with a repetition target of 10, 6 and 6 repetitions and a decreasing RIR of 8, 7 and 4. The last sets four and five aimed an intensity of 1-2 RIR and three repetitions. ...
... No pathological changes in liver and kidney function were detected. This is consistent with previous studies of super HPD over one year in young healthy men [19]. However, a significant increase was observed in the ALT concentration after 12 weeks of HPD. ...
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Background: Menopause has a significant impact on the endocrine system of middle-aged women, resulting in a loss of skeletal muscle mass (SMM), changes in fat mass (FM) and a reduction in strength capacity. Resistance training (RT) and a high-protein diet (HPD) are effective methods for maintaining or increasing SMM. This study aims to determine the effects of HPD and RT on body composition, muscle thickness and strength capacity in postmenopausal women. Methods: In total 55 healthy postmenopausal women (age: 58.2 ± 5.6 years, weight 69.1 ± 9.6 kg, height 166.5 ± 6.5 cm) successfully participated in the study. The women were randomly assigned to either group: training+protein (2.5g/kg fat-free mass (FFM)) (n=15; TP); only training (n=12; T); only protein (2.5g/kg FFM) (n=14; CP) or control (n=14; C). TP and T performed RT for 12 weeks with three training sessions and five exercises each. CP and C were prohibited from training during the period. The main parameters analysed for body composition were FFM, SMM, FM, muscle thickness of the M. rectus femoris, M. biceps femoris, M. triceps brachii and M. biceps brachii muscles. Strength was tested using a dynamometer for grip strength and 1-RM in the squat (BBS) and deadlift (DL). Results: The SMM significantly increased by RT (TP: (∆+1.4 ± 0.9kg; p<0.05; d=0.4; T: ∆+1.2 ± 1.3kg; p<0.05; d=0.3) and FM could be reduced only in T: (∆-2.4 ± 2.9kg; p<0.05; d=0.3). In muscle thickness a significant increase in the M. biceps brachii in both training groups (TP: (∆+0.4 ± 0.3cm; p<0.05; d=1.6; T: (∆+0.3 ± 0.3cm; p<0.05; d=0.9) and in M. biceps femoris only in TP (∆+0.3 ± 0.4cm; p<0.05; d=0.9; were observed. HPD without training does not affect body composition, A significant increase in grip strength (TP: ∆+4.7 ± 2.4kg; (p<0.05; d=1.5; T: (∆+3.6 ± 3.0kg; p<0.05; d=0.8), in BBS (TP: (∆+30.0 ± 14.2kg p<0.05; d=1.5; T: (∆+34.0 ± 12.0kg; p<0.05; d=2.4) and in DL (TP: (∆+20.8 ± 10.3kg p<0.05; d=1.6; T: (∆+22.1 ± 7.6kg; p<0.05; d=2.0) was observed in both training groups. The CP also recorded a significant increase in the BBS (∆+7.5 ± 5.4kg; p<0.05; d=0.4) and in DL (∆+5.5 ± 7.7kg; p<0.05; d=0.5). No significant differences were detected for PT and T for any of the parameters. Conclusion: The results indicate that RT enhances body composition and strength capacity in postmenopausal women and is a preventive strategy against muscle atrophy. Besides HPD without training has a trivial significant effect on BBS and DL. HPD with RT has no clear additive effect on body composition and strength capacity. Further studies are needed to confirm these observations.
... Sports and fitness studies, including those from the ISSN [14,[92][93][94][95][96], stated that HPD, even over 3.0 g/kg/day, has no adverse effects on healthy kidneys. A series of studies in resistance-trained athletes consuming HPDs aimed to evaluate body composition changes and was not designed to assess safety or kidney outcomes. ...
... m 2 . Another randomized crossover study by this group followed 14 resistance-trained men for 1 year, and a case study of five of the participants reported outcomes for an additional year [92]. For the first year, participants alternated their usual PI with 6 months of HPD (> 3.0 g/protein/kg/day). ...
... The authors concluded that PI under 2.8 gr/kg/day did not impair kidney function in well-trained athletes [96]. Studies in athletes or bodybuilders [92][93][94][95][96] are listed in Table 3. ...
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Several observational and experimental studies in humans have suggested that high protein intake (PI) causes intraglomerular hypertension leading to hyperfiltration. This phenomenon results in progressive loss of renal function with long-term exposure to high-protein diets (HPDs), even in healthy people. The recommended daily allowance for PI is 0.83 g/kg per day, which meets the protein requirement for approximately 98% of the population. A HPD is defined as a protein consumption > 1.5 g/kg per day. Athletes and bodybuilders are encouraged to follow HPDs to optimize muscle protein balance, increase lean body mass, and enhance performance. A series of studies in resistance-trained athletes looking at HPD has been published concluding that there are no harmful effects of HPD on renal health. However, the aim of these studies was to evaluate body composition changes and they were not designed to assess safety or kidney outcomes. Here we review the effects of HPD on kidney health in athletes and healthy individuals with normal kidney function.
... Original research studies have been completed that administered daily intakes of dietary protein greater than the current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) while examining changes in health, glycemic control, body composition, and fat loss [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]. Antonio and colleagues [27][28][29][30] conducted a series of studies to examine the effect of increased protein intake on health and body composition changes in exercise-trained men and women. ...
... Original research studies have been completed that administered daily intakes of dietary protein greater than the current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) while examining changes in health, glycemic control, body composition, and fat loss [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]. Antonio and colleagues [27][28][29][30] conducted a series of studies to examine the effect of increased protein intake on health and body composition changes in exercise-trained men and women. Data from these investigations suggest that protein intakes ranging from 3.2-4.4 ...
... greater than the current RDA of 0.8 g/kg/day) are well tolerated with no significant changes in clinical safety markers. For example, one year of a high protein diet (~2.5-3.3 g/kg daily) in resistance-trained males had no effect on blood lipids (i.e. total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides) [29]. ...
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Protein supplementation often refers to increasing the intake of this particular macronutrient through dietary supplements in the form of powders, ready-to-drink shakes, and bars. The primary purpose of protein supplementation is to augment dietary protein intake, aiding individuals in meeting their protein requirements, especially when it may be challenging to do so through regular food (i.e. chicken, beef, fish, pork, etc.) sources alone. A large body of evidence shows that protein has an important role in exercising and sedentary individuals. A PubMed search of "protein and exercise performance" reveals thousands of publications. Despite the considerable volume of evidence, it is somewhat surprising that several persistent questions and misconceptions about protein exist. The following are addressed: 1) Is protein harmful to your kidneys? 2) Does consuming "excess" protein increase fat mass? 3) Can dietary protein have a harmful effect on bone health? 4) Can vegans and vegetarians consume enough protein to support training adaptations? 5) Is cheese or peanut butter a good protein source? 6) Does consuming meat (i.e., animal protein) cause unfavorable health outcomes? 7) Do you need protein if you are not physically active? 8) Do you need to consume protein ≤ 1 hour following resistance training sessions to create an anabolic environment in skeletal muscle? 9) Do endurance athletes need additional protein? 10) Does one need protein supplements to meet the daily requirements of exercise-trained individuals? 11) Is there a limit to how much protein one can consume in a single meal? To address these questions, we have conducted a thorough scientific assessment of the literature concerning protein supplementation.
... g/kg BW/day reported in a previous study, which demonstrated that a 40 % energy surplus combined with adequate protein intake successfully increased fatfree mass [9]. Although this amount of protein intake far exceeds the habitual intake for many populations, no adverse health outcomes have been reported in resistance-trained athletes consuming 2.5e3.3 g/kg/day for up to a year [18]. The protein supplement was formulated using whey protein (SAVAS® Clear Whey Protein 100, Meiji Co., Ltd., Tokyo). ...
... Tracy et al., [24] found that people who consumed WP had higher urine calcium and lower urine pH and Antonio et al., [25] discovered that 12% of APES users who were also receiving chronic interferon therapy concurrently had higher serum creatinine levels. In a study involving sedentary rats, Vatani et al., [26] found that high protein intake enhanced kidney volume and calcium excretion; however, these benefits were less noticeable during endurance activity. ...
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This narrative review evaluates the most recent studies on the health effects of whey protein (WP) supplements, with a focus on potential risks and negative consequences. WP, which is frequently taken by bodybuilders to gain muscle and lose weight, has been linked to a number of health problems. Twenty-four preclinical and human studies that provide a complete overview of the health effects of WP were included in our comprehensive review after a comprehensive search of various databases. The review provides important findings, including a possible link between WP and kidney and liver damage, changes in bowel activity, acne, effects on bone metabolism, and pancreatic beta cell activity. The above findings highlight the complex nature of the impact of weightlifting on human health, revealing both positive and negative consequences in relation to different situations in diverse contexts. Research suggests that individuals with impaired liver and kidney function, as well as those prone to acne, should be cautious when consuming protein, and polycystic ovary syndrome. However, there may be positive effects on gut activity, bone and muscle metabolism, and pancreatic activity in humans and experimental animals, emphasizing the importance of consuming WP in a balanced manner and calling for more comprehensive research to understand its long-term health consequences.
... kg -1. d −1 ) to exert no harmful effects on liver and kidney function markers (43). The participants engaged in regular consultations with a certified dietitian every fortnight. ...
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Background We assessed the relationship of changes in upper and lower body lean mass with muscle strength, endurance and power responses following two high protein diets (1.6 or 3.2⁻¹) during 16 weeks of either concurrent training (CT) or resistance training (RT) in resistance-trained young males. Methods Forty-eight resistance-trained young males (age: 26 ± 6 yr., body mass index: 25.6 ± 2.9 kg.m⁻²) performed 16 weeks (four sessions·wk.⁻¹) of CT or RT with either 1.6⁻¹ protein (CT + 1.6; n = 12; RT + 1.6; n = 12) or 3.2⁻¹ protein (CT + 3.2; n = 12; RT + 3.2; n = 12). Relationships between upper (left arm + right arm + trunk lean mass) and lower body (left leg + right leg lean mass) lean mass changes with changes in muscle performance were assessed using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Results For upper body, non-significant weak positive relationships were observed between change in upper body lean mass and change in pull-up (r = 0.183, p = 0.234), absolute chest press strength (r = 0.159, p = 0.302), chest press endurance (r = 0.041, p = 0.792), and relative chest press strength (r = 0.097, p = 0.529) while non-significant weak negative relationships were observed for changes in absolute upper body power (r = −0.236, p = 0.123) and relative upper body power (r = −0.203, p = 0.185). For lower body, non-significant weak positive relationships were observed between the change in lower body lean mass with change in vertical jump (r = 0.145, p = 0.346), absolute lower body power (r = 0.109, p = 0.480), absolute leg press strength (r = 0.073, p = 0.638), leg press endurance (r < 0.001, p = 0.998), relative leg press strength (r = 0.089, p = 0.564), and relative lower body power (r = 0.150, p = 0.332). Conclusion Changes in muscle strength, endurance and power adaptation responses following 16 weeks of either CT or RT with different high protein intakes were not associated with changes in lean mass in resistance-trained young males. These findings indicate that muscle hypertrophy has a small, or negligible, contributory role in promoting functional adaptations with RT or CT, at least over a 16-week period.
... Supplementation beyond the intervention was not recorded. There have been some studies with extremely high protein intakes (3.0-4.4 g/kg BW) in healthy, trained individuals showing no adverse effects [42][43][44][45], but no change in body composition with a mean protein intake of 2.9 g/kg BW over 16 weeks of intervention [44]. Therefore, it is important to record actual oral protein intake, rather than simply setting a protein intake target. ...
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Introduction: Nutritional status is an important determinant of survival in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. However, the effects of protein intake on nutritional status are largely unknown. This analysis examined the influence of guideline-consistent protein intake over 13 weeks on clinical outcomes (survival, adverse events, modification of chemotherapy regimes) and nutritional status (body weight, phase angle, handgrip strength, prealbumin, albumin, and C-reactive protein) in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: 15 patients in the PANUSCO study received nutritional counselling and some received additional parenteral nutrition. Patients were retrospectively divided into two groups: high protein (n=7) (≥ 1.5 g/kg body weight (including parenteral nutrition)) and normal protein (n=8) (< 1.5 g/kg body weight (including parenteral nutrition)) over time. Results: There were no differences in clinical outcomes and no differences or changes in nutritional status between groups. Only C-reactive protein showed a decrease in normal protein group (p=0.031) and mGPS an improvement in high protein group (p=0.048) over time. There was a correlation between a lower mean protein intake and an increase in the modification of chemotherapy regimes (p=0.002). Conclusion: Although, protein intake above the guideline recommendations may not have further beneficial effects on clinical outcomes and nutritional status, we could stabilize nutritional outcome parameters in both groups.
... Antonio and his colleagues have previously shown that this quantity (~2.51-3.32 g kg −1 d −1 ) does not have any detrimental impact on indicators of liver and renal function [37]. ...
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Background: The effects of combining resistance training (RT) and concurrent training (CT; resistance + endurance training) with varied protein doses on bone measures remain poorly understood. Hence, we conducted a comparison of the impacts of two high-protein diets (1.6 or 3.2 g kg−1 d−1) over 16 weeks in resistance-trained males, either with CT or RT alone. Methods: A total of forty-eight males, all of whom were resistance-trained, had the following demographics: 26.6 ± 6 years, body mass index: 25.6 ± 2.9 kg m−2 administered either 3.2 g kg−1 d−1 protein (CT2; n = 12; RT2; n = 12) or 1.6 g kg−1 d−1 protein (CT1; n = 12; RT1; n = 12) during 16 weeks (four sessions·w−1). Bone parameters were assessed pre- and post-intervention. Results: There was no significant interaction between the intervention group and time for the legs, arms, ribs, or pelvis area BMC and BMD (p > 0.05). For the BMD of the pelvis and the BMC of the right ribs, however, there were significant time effects noted (p < 0.05). Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between the intervention group and time in the lumbar and thoracic spines, with a particular time effect noted for the thoracic spine region (p < 0.05). The regional differences in skeletal responses to the intervention are highlighted by these data. Conclusion: Our findings show that the intake of two high-protein diets combined with RT and CT during 16 weeks had no adverse effects on bone tissue parameters. While these findings indicate that protein intake between 2 and 3 times the current RDI does not promote bone demineralization when consumed in conjunction with exercise, future studies investigating the long-term effects of chronic high protein intake on bone tissue health are warranted.
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, vücut geliştirme amacıyla kuvvet egzersizi yapan genç erkek bireylere verilen yüksek ve önerilen miktarda proteinli diyetin, vücut bileşimi ve performans üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Sekiz hafta boyunca kuvvet egzersizleri yapan, 18-35 yaş arası, Beden Kütle İndeksi (BKİ) 30 kg/m²’den az olan, 26 gönüllü erkek birey çalışmaya alınmış ve katılımcıların 11’i önerilen miktarda proteinli diyet, 15’i yüksek proteinli diyet tüketmiştir.Bulgular: Önerilen miktarda protein içeren diyet grubu 1. hafta 1,97 g/kg/gün, 8. hafta 1,98 g/kg/gün, yüksek proteinli diyet grubu ise 1. hafta 2,63 g/kg/gün, 8. hafta 2,58 g/kg/gün protein tüketmiştir. Çalışmada katılımcılardan performanslarının değerlendirilmesi için; 900 Çömelme, mekik (sit-ups), şınav (push-ups), barfiks (pull-ups) ve bench press testini (1-RM) çalışmanın başında ve sonunda tekrarlaması istenmiştir. Bireylerin protein alımlarına bağlı olarak kas kütlelerindeki, çalışma başlangıç ve sonundaki farklar önerilen miktarda proteinli diyet ve yüksek proteinli diyet grubunda sırayla; 1,08±0,71 kg ve 1,35±0,60 kg, yağ kütlelerindeki farklar; -1,26±1,92 kg ve -2,66±1,75 kg, vücut yağ yüzdelerindeki farklar -1,07±1,78 ve -3,01±1,90’dir. Yüksek proteinli diyet grubunda vücut yağ yüzdesi düşüşü istatistiksel olarak önemli (p=0,006; p<0,05), kas kütlesinde artış olmasına karşın bu artış istatistiksel olarak önemsiz, 900 çömelme testi (p=0,032; p<0,05) ile şınav (push up) (p=0,024; p<0,05) testlerinde görülen fark ise istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Kuvvet egzersizi ile birlikte diyete kaliteli protein kaynaklarının eklenmesi ile vücut kas kütlesinin korunduğu ve yağ kütlesinin azalmasına yardımcı olduğu belirlenmiştir.
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Background: Eight weeks of a high protein diet (>3 g/kg/day) coupled with a periodized heavy resistance training program has been shown to positively affect body composition with no deleterious effects on health. Using a randomized, crossover design, resistance-trained male subjects underwent a 16-week intervention (i.e., two 8-week periods) in which they consumed either their normal (i.e., habitual) or a higher protein diet (>3 g/kg/day). Thus, the purpose of this study was to ascertain if significantly increasing protein intake would affect clinical markers of health (i.e., lipids, kidney function, etc.) as well as performance and body composition in young males with extensive resistance training experience. Methods: Twelve healthy resistance-trained men volunteered for this study (mean ± SD: age 25.9 ± 3.7 years; height 178.0 ± 8.5 cm; years of resistance training experience 7.6 ± 3.6) with 11 subjects completing most of the assessments. In a randomized crossover trial, subjects were tested at baseline and after two 8-week treatment periods (i.e., habitual [normal] diet and high protein diet) for body composition, measures of health (i.e., blood lipids, comprehensive metabolic panel) and performance. Each subject maintained a food diary for the 16-week treatment period (i.e., 8 weeks on their normal or habitual diet and 8 weeks on a high protein diet). Each subject provided a food diary of two weekdays and one weekend day per week. In addition, subjects kept a diary of their training regimen that was used to calculate total work performed. Results: During the normal and high protein phase of the treatment period, subjects consumed 2.6 ± 0.8 and 3.3 ± 0.8 g/kg/day of dietary protein, respectively. The mean protein intake over the 4-month period was 2.9 ± 0.9 g/kg/day. The high protein group consumed significantly more calories and protein (p < 0.05) than the normal protein group. There were no differences in dietary intake between the groups for any other measure. Moreover, there were no significant changes in body composition or markers of health in either group. There were no side effects (i.e., blood lipids, glucose, renal, kidney function etc.) regarding high protein consumption. Conclusion: In resistance-trained young men who do not significantly alter their training regimen, consuming a high protein diet (2.6 to 3.3 g/kg/day) over a 4-month period has no effect on blood lipids or markers of renal and hepatic function. Nor were there any changes in performance or body composition. This is the first crossover trial using resistance-trained subjects in which the elevation of protein intake to over four times the recommended dietary allowance has shown no harmful effects.
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Background: The consumption of a high protein diet (>4 g/kg/d) in trained men and women who did not alter their exercise program has been previously shown to have no significant effect on body composition. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to determine if a high protein diet in conjunction with a periodized heavy resistance training program would affect indices of body composition, performance and health. Methods: Forty-eight healthy resistance-trained men and women completed this study (mean ± SD; Normal Protein group [NP n = 17, four female and 13 male]: 24.8 ± 6.9 yr; 174.0 ± 9.5 cm height; 74.7 ± 9.6 kg body weight; 2.4 ± 1.7 yr of training; High Protein group [HP n = 31, seven female and 24 male]: 22.9 ± 3.1 yr; 172.3 ± 7.7 cm; 74.3 ± 12.4 kg; 4.9 ± 4.1 yr of training). Moreover, all subjects participated in a split-routine, periodized heavy resistance-training program. Training and daily diet logs were kept by each subject. Subjects in the NP and HP groups were instructed to consume their baseline (~2 g/kg/d) and >3 g/kg/d of dietary protein, respectively. Results: Subjects in the NP and HP groups consumed 2.3 and 3.4 g/kg/day of dietary protein during the treatment period. The NP group consumed significantly (p < 0.05) more protein during the treatment period compared to their baseline intake. The HP group consumed more (p < 0.05) total energy and protein during the treatment period compared to their baseline intake. Furthermore, the HP group consumed significantly more (p < 0.05) total calories and protein compared to the NP group. There were significant time by group (p ≤ 0.05) changes in body weight (change: +1.3 ± 1.3 kg NP, -0.1 ± 2.5 HP), fat mass (change: -0.3 ± 2.2 kg NP, -1.7 ± 2.3 HP), and % body fat (change: -0.7 ± 2.8 NP, -2.4 ± 2.9 HP). The NP group gained significantly more body weight than the HP group; however, the HP group experienced a greater decrease in fat mass and % body fat. There was a significant time effect for FFM; however, there was a non-significant time by group effect for FFM (change: +1.5 ± 1.8 NP, +1.5 ± 2.2 HP). Furthermore, a significant time effect (p ≤ 0.05) was seen in both groups vis a vis improvements in maximal strength (i.e., 1-RM squat and bench) vertical jump and pull-ups; however, there were no significant time by group effects (p ≥ 0.05) for all exercise performance measures. Additionally, there were no changes in any of the blood parameters (i.e., basic metabolic panel). Conclusion: Consuming a high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) in conjunction with a heavy resistance-training program may confer benefits with regards to body composition. Furthermore, there is no evidence that consuming a high protein diet has any deleterious effects.
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The consumption of dietary protein is important for resistance-trained individuals. It has been posited that intakes of 1.4 to 2.0 g/kg/day are needed for physically active individuals. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of a very high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained men and women. Thirty healthy resistance-trained individuals participated in this study (mean ± SD; age: 24.1 ± 5.6 yr; height: 171.4 ± 8.8 cm; weight: 73.3 ± 11.5 kg). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: Control (CON) or high protein (HP). The CON group was instructed to maintain the same training and dietary habits over the course of the 8 week study. The HP group was instructed to consume 4.4 grams of protein per kg body weight daily. They were also instructed to maintain the same training and dietary habits (e.g. maintain the same fat and carbohydrate intake). Body composition (Bod Pod®), training volume (i.e. volume load), and food intake were determined at baseline and over the 8 week treatment period. The HP group consumed significantly more protein and calories pre vs post (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the HP group consumed significantly more protein and calories than the CON (p < 0.05). The HP group consumed on average 307 ± 69 grams of protein compared to 138 ± 42 in the CON. When expressed per unit body weight, the HP group consumed 4.4 ± 0.8 g/kg/d of protein versus 1.8 ± 0.4 g/kg/d in the CON. There were no changes in training volume for either group. Moreover, there were no significant changes over time or between groups for body weight, fat mass, fat free mass, or percent body fat. Consuming 5.5 times the recommended daily allowance of protein has no effect on body composition in resistance-trained individuals who otherwise maintain the same training regimen. This is the first interventional study to demonstrate that consuming a hypercaloric high protein diet does not result in an increase in body fat.
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Objective Self-monitoring of physical activity (PA) and diet are key components of behavioral weight loss programs. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between diet (mobile app, website, or paper journal) and PA (mobile app vs no mobile app) self-monitoring and dietary and PA behaviors. Materials and methods This study is a post hoc analysis of a 6-month randomized weight loss trial among 96 overweight men and women (body mass index (BMI) 25–45 kg/m2) conducted from 2010 to 2011. Participants in both randomized groups were collapsed and categorized by their chosen self-monitoring method for diet and PA. All participants received a behavioral weight loss intervention delivered via podcast and were encouraged to self-monitor dietary intake and PA. Results Adjusting for randomized group and demographics, PA app users self-monitored exercise more frequently over the 6-month study (2.6±0.5 days/week) and reported greater intentional PA (196.4±45.9 kcal/day) than non-app users (1.2±0.5 days/week PA self-monitoring, p<0.01; 100.9±45.1 kcal/day intentional PA, p=0.02). PA app users also had a significantly lower BMI at 6 months (31.5±0.5 kg/m2) than non-users (32.5±0.5 kg/m2; p=0.02). Frequency of self-monitoring did not differ by diet self-monitoring method (p=0.63); however, app users consumed less energy (1437±188 kcal/day) than paper journal users (2049±175 kcal/day; p=0.01) at 6 months. BMI did not differ among the three diet monitoring methods (p=0.20). Conclusions These findings point to potential benefits of mobile monitoring methods during behavioral weight loss trials. Future studies should examine ways to predict which self-monitoring method works best for an individual to increase adherence.
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The purpose of this study was: aim 1) compare insulin and leucine serum responses after feeding a novel hydrolyzed whey protein (WPH)-based supplement versus a whey protein isolate (WPI) in rats during the post-absorptive state, and aim 2) to perform a thorough toxicological analysis on rats that consume different doses of the novel WPH-based supplement over a 30-day period. In male Wistar rats (~250 g, n = 40), serum insulin and leucine concentrations were quantified up to 120 min after one human equivalent dose of a WPI or the WPH-based supplement. In a second cohort of rats (~250 g, n = 20), we examined serum/blood and liver/kidney histopathological markers after 30 days of feeding low (1human equivalent dose), medium (3 doses) and high (6 doses) amounts of the WPH-based supplement. In aim 1, higher leucine levels existed at 15 min after WPH vs. WPI ingestion (p = 0.04) followed by higher insulin concentrations at 60 min (p = 0.002). In aim 2, liver and kidney histopathology/toxicology markers were not different 30 days after feeding with low, medium, high dose WPH-based supplementation or water only. There were no between-condition differences in body fat or lean mass or circulating clinical chemistry markers following the 30-day feeding intervention in aim 2. In comparison to WPI, acute ingestion of a novel WPH-based supplement resulted in a higher transient leucine response with a sequential increase in insulin. Furthermore, chronic ingestion of the tested whey protein hydrolysate supplement appears safe.
Background: Ad libitum, low-carbohydrate diets decrease caloric intake and cause weight loss. It is unclear whether these effects are due to the reduced carbohydrate content of such diets or to their associated increase in protein intake. Objective: We tested the hypothesis that increasing the protein content while maintaining the carbohydrate content of the diet lowers body weight by decreasing appetite and spontaneous caloric intake. Design: Appetite, caloric intake, body weight, and fat mass were measured in 19 subjects placed sequentially on the following diets: a weight-maintaining diet (15% protein, 35% fat, and 50% carbohydrate) for 2 wk, an isocaloric diet (30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate) for 2 wk, and an ad libitum diet (30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate) for 12 wk. Blood was sampled frequently at the end of each diet phase to measure the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) for insulin, leptin, and ghrelin. Results: Satiety was markedly increased with the isocaloric high-protein diet despite an unchanged leptin AUC. Mean (±SE) spontaneous energy intake decreased by 441 ± 63 kcal/d, body weight decreased by 4.9 ± 0.5 kg, and fat mass decreased by 3.7 ± 0.4 kg with the ad libitum, high-protein diet, despite a significantly decreased leptin AUC and increased ghrelin AUC. Conclusions: An increase in dietary protein from 15% to 30% of energy at a constant carbohydrate intake produces a sustained decrease in ad libitum caloric intake that may be mediated by increased central nervous system leptin sensitivity and results in significant weight loss. This anorexic effect of protein may contribute to the weight loss produced by low-carbohydrate diets.
Dietary fiber has been associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. However, it remains unclear at which stage in the carcinogenic pathway fiber may act or which food sources of dietary fiber may be most beneficial against colorectal cancer development. The objective was to prospectively evaluate the association between dietary fiber intake and the risk of incident and recurrent colorectal adenoma and incident colorectal cancer. Study participants were identified from the intervention arm of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Participants received flexible sigmoidoscopy at baseline and 3 or 5 y after. Dietary fiber intake was measured by using a self-reported dietary questionnaire. The colorectal cancer, incident adenoma, and recurrent adenoma analyses were based on 57,774, 16,980, and 1667 participants, respectively. Unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the risk of incident and recurrent adenoma, and Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess the risk of colorectal cancer across categories of dietary fiber intake, with adjustment for potential confounders. Elevated total dietary fiber intake was associated with a significantly reduced risk of incident distal colorectal adenoma (ORhighest vs. lowest tertile of intake: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.63, 0.91; P-trend = 0.003) but not recurrent adenoma (P-trend = 0.67). Although the association was not statistically significant for colorectal cancer overall (HR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.70, 1.03; P-trend = 0.10), a reduced risk of distal colon cancer was observed with increased total fiber intake (HR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.41, 0.94; P-trend = 0.03). Protective associations were most notable for fiber originating from cereals or fruit. This large, prospective study within a population-based screening trial suggests that individuals consuming the highest intakes of dietary fiber have reduced risks of incident colorectal adenoma and distal colon cancer and that this effect of dietary fiber, particularly from cereals and fruit, may begin early in colorectal carcinogenesis. This trial was registered at as NCT01696981. © 2015 American Society for Nutrition.
Aims: The present meta-analysis aimed to investigate fiber consumption and all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality.Methods: Medline and web of science database were searched for cohort studies published from inception to August 2014.Studies were included if they provided a hazard ratio (HR) and corresponding 95% CI for mortality in relation to fiber consumption.Results: Compared with those who consumed lowest fiber, for individuals who ate highest fiber, mortality rate was lower by 23% (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.72-0.81) for CVD, by 17% (HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.74- 0.91) for cancer, by 23% (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.73-0.81) for all-cause mortality. For each 10 gram/day increase in fiber intake, the pooled HR was estimated to be 0.89 (95% CI, 0.86-0.93) for all-cause mortality, 0.80 (95% CI, 0.72-0.88) for CHD mortality, and 0.66 (95% CI, 0.40-0.92) for IHD mortality, 0.91 (95% CI, 0.88-0.94) for cancer. Dietary fiber and CVD mortality showed a strong dose-response relation.Conclusions: Fiber consumption is inversely associated with all-cause mortality and CVD, IHD, cancer mortality.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Dietary fiber may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors. We examined trends in dietary fiber intake among diverse US adults between 1999 and 2010, and investigated associations between dietary fiber intake and cardiometabolic risks including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular inflammation, and obesity. Our cross-sectional analysis included 23,168 men and nonpregnant women aged 20+ years from the 1999-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. We used weighted multivariable logistic regression models to estimate predicted marginal risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the risks of having the metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and obesity associated with quintiles of dietary fiber intake. Consistently, dietary fiber intake remained below recommended adequate intake levels for total fiber defined by the Institute of Medicine. Mean dietary fiber intake averaged 15.7-17.0 g. Mexican Americans (18.8 g) consumed more fiber than non-Hispanic whites (16.3 g) and non-Hispanic blacks (13.1 g). Comparing the highest with the lowest quintiles of dietary fiber intake, adjusted predicted marginal risk ratios (95% confidence interval) for the metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and obesity were 0.78 (0.69-0.88), 0.66 (0.61-0.72), and 0.77 (0.71-0.84), respectively. Dietary fiber was associated with lower levels of inflammation within each racial and ethnic group, although statistically significant associations between dietary fiber and either obesity or metabolic syndrome were seen only among whites. Low dietary fiber intake from 1999-2010 in the US, and associations between higher dietary fiber and a lower prevalence of cardiometabolic risks suggest the need to develop new strategies and policies to increase dietary fiber intake.
The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of a high protein (HP) and a normal protein (NP) diet on patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and body mass index-matched controls in a sample of southern Brazilian women. This 8-week randomized trial was carried out at a university gynecological endocrinology clinic and included 18 patients with PCOS and 22 controls. Changes in weight, body composition, hormone, and metabolic profile were analyzed in women randomized to receive HP (30% protein, 40% carbohydrate, and 30% lipid) or NP (15% protein, 55% carbohydrate, and 30% lipid). The energy content was estimated for each participant at 20-25 kcal/kg current weight/day. Physical activity, blood pressure, homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index, and fasting and 2-h glucose and insulin remained stable during the intervention in PCOS and controls, even in the presence of weight loss. There were no changes in lipid profile in either group. In contrast, body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, percent of body fat, and sum of trunk skinfolds decreased significantly after both diets in both groups. Total testosterone also decreased in PCOS and controls regardless of diet. In conclusion, calorie reduction, rather than protein content, seemed to affect body composition and hormonal profile in this short-term study. These findings emphasize the role of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce weight and ameliorate the anthropometric and clinical phenotype in PCOS.